Something of great magical power has been found in Equestria. Unfortunately no one knows what it is or why it's here. Celestia trusts this object to a pony she's sure can figure the mystery out, but what happens when things don't go as planned?
Of course, knowing the ending to the game does kinda spoil the experience a bit, but it's unfortunately necessary to the plot.
I understand that, but I really don't like spoilers, and since I don't know when I'll be playing TPS I'm thinking of putting this on hold. Or I could watch a let's play of it, I suppose. Hmm.
The guy in question is just a no-name bandit marauder.
Oh, okay. I'm really bad at building a mental picture from a written description, so I had no idea what he looked(s?) like.
As for Zer0, I'm more drawing off his mysterious inhuman-like nature. His backstory is pretty much unknown, which gives me a lot of freedom when writing his character. I'm not sure how much I want to dig into his backstory though, and I'll likely keep a lot of things about him a mystery. Such is the way of a ninja.
I'm quite fond of Zer0, having played as him through my first playthrough. As such, I'm interested in seeing what you'll do with him.
Felyt for Spike. While it wouldn't have been the best idea, wouldn't have minded him telling Luna to shut the buck up too. Ah well. Until next time.
I understand that, but I really don't like spoilers, and since I don't know when I'll be playing TPS I'm thinking of putting this on hold. Or I could watch a let's play of it, I suppose. Hmm.
Oh, okay. I'm really bad at building a mental picture from a written description, so I had no idea what he looked(s?) like.
I'm quite fond of Zer0, having played as him through my first playthrough. As such, I'm interested in seeing what you'll do with him.
6805959 i'm also interested in seeing where this goes