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Hmm. Interesting premise, but why does it have no ratings? Still, the characterization is good, and the directions you could take this intrigues me.
I like! The magic sensing was well thought out and believable. I can see Rainbow being bothered by her inability to perform the Sonic Rainboom at will. The story is, so far, well written. I will be tracking.
When is the next chapter coming out?
Updates will likely be sporadic. I have no intention in setting myself up with a schedule only to disappoint by missing it. You likely won't have to wait too long though.
Mm.... Is Twi-Dash = I Hope No.
I am a massive fan of Borderlands, so I am quite eager to so how this plays out!
So, wait, Celestia. You ask for Twilight to bring Spike so that he doesn't feel left out...and then you have him escorted from the room because something is too sensitive for him to listen to? Okay, I'm sorry, as immature as Spike can be, he also sometimes appears to be the most mature of the entire cast. People seem to forget that he's just a few years younger than Twilight by about, what, five years? Six, tops. Tell them all, Spike included, that this is a very sensitive subject and not to tell anybody about it. Seriously, that's all you need to do here.
Perhaps that's something I could have handled better in the writing. I'm still relatively new to this after all. But, if I had to defend myself for not wanting Spike to be in the meeting, part of it is the slight need for Spike not to know anything for the next few chapters. In fact, without spoiling anything, your comment will likely be addressed in future chapters.
6787220 Eh, fair enough. It's just a personal peeve that everybody seems to forget that Spike isn't really that much younger than Twilight. I mean, if they want to exclude him from something, don't treat him like a baby, just let him know WHY he's not needed/wanted at that time. Granted, a lot of it has to do with how the MLP writers have written him, but it just irks me.
And don't worry about the writing thing, I've been out of it for about 5 years so I'm nowhere near as good as I once was myself. You're doing fine, mate.
Interesting... Curious to know how Rainbow was able to see those images by touching it. More so, would it have happened had any of the others done it at that moment, as well? Or just her? Can't wait for the next chapter.
Very interesting. Are we gonna see Twilight and/or the others meet up with Rys and Yvette?
I don't want to give away any too many spoilers, but I will say that the story does take place after Tales from the Borderlands, as well as after the intro/ending of Borderlands: The Pre Sequel ;)
I'm not going to swear to it, but it sounds like the one area in the Dust. What was it called, I can't-GOOSE'S ROOST, that was it! That was the name of the place, I remember because my friend was over visiting when I got to that place and we both got the reference about it!
Right on the money :)
Hmm, missed this update somehow. No matter.
When I read this, it doesn't feel rushed, or forced in any way, except Luna feels rather cold, and we don't see any of the awkwardness she displayed in season two.
I have to wonder though, how did the key get here? The way you portrayed its magic tasting was very appropriate for Borderlands, but isn't its magic alien? So would it taste of the Borderlands we know? Just a thought.
The flashback/vision Rainbow got was primarily Borderlands 2. Is there a particular reason for that?
Regardless, I am enjoying this story quite a lot, and I even have another chapter to read straight away. So, onwards!
Ooh, so this is going to be in Borderlands, not Equestria. Poor ponies. The trauma is real. I mean, honestly, some of those creatures...
I wonder what was up with that dream. I don't believe it was just any nightmare. Perhaps a premonition?
Anyway, did the key go with them? If so, Celestia and Luna should have felt the disturbance, no? I do hope you won't just ignore the equestrian side now.
>Luna feels rather cold, and we don't see any of the awkwardness she displayed in season two.
I find Luna to be a bit of a tough character for me to write. I admit, I'm still trying to a grasp on her character. It's hard to write for someone who gets so little screen time. Note that I haven't seen much of season 5, so I don't know how much characterization the writers have given her. That's also why I set the story after Season 4.
>The way you portrayed its magic tasting was very appropriate for Borderlands, but isn't its magic alien? So would it taste of the Borderlands we know? Just a thought.
I'll admit, that's a bit of an oversight on my part. Perhaps I'm trying so hard to allude to Borderlands that I'm beginning to ignore some of the lore of Borderlands itself. Ah well, it's a small detail. I won't bother with changing it since it's not terribly important.
As for
You'll just have to wait and find out ;)
Fair enough. I'm almost nitpicking anyway, because I feel I need to give constructive criticism, but it's done well enough that there's not a lot to improve, so I have to find smaller details? In part, anyway.
Looking forward to it.
Ooh, possible theory, perhaps its time on Borderlands, being handled by those characters, and spending time buried in rubble allowed some of that taste seep into its magic? Just a thought.
well here's hoping they don't run into krieg or sally first, maya seems the most level headed, I wouldn't trust Lilith (she's been losing it lately)
Oh now the fun starts! And Lilith has PTSD or something? Never played The Pre-Sequel, so I'm kinda 'meh' on what happened in that. Granted, I wouldn't blame her considering what Jack put her through in BL2, but yeah.
Hmm this story has piped my interest. I love borderlands and I await for more chapters of this story.And CLAPTRAP
Ellie's garage in The Dust.
You might at the very least want to read a plot synopsis from Borderlands: TPS. Only the game's intro and ending truly matter though. I have a feeling future chapters will confuse anyone who did not play Borderlands: TPS or Tales from the Borderlands. It's not too important to the fic's plot, but it'll definitely help you understand some of what is going on. Just a fair warning for the future.
Never played Borderlands, but I'm interested in this story. Be interesting to see how Dash and Twilight adapt to this world. Really good look into how they're dealing with it so far... As, in not very good, which is understandable. Until next time.
Looks good, can't waitfor the next chapter. I hope Gaige makes an appearance.
6795226 just what i was thinking
Very interesting. I'd completely forgotten about those stalkers. They kept sneaking up on me when I wasn't looking and made me nearly have heart attacks. Just so long as no threshers got involved I could take them no problem, though.
I'm torn. On the one hand, I want to keep reading this story. On the other, I want to play The Pre-Sequel with a minimum amount of spoilers when I eventually buy it.
Who is this guy? I don't remember him. Is he from Tales From The Borderlands?
Also, why can Zer0 sense magic? Are you drawing off his Decepti0n as being similar to a Siren's ability?
Just so you know, the only events from TPS I'll likely be referring to are the intro and the ending. None of the story stuff in between will be referenced to in a detailed manner. Of course, knowing the ending to the game does kinda spoil the experience a bit, but it's unfortunately necessary to the plot.
EDIT: However, do keep in mind that there will be a chapter that references one key moment in TPS. I'll be sure to make a spoiler warning in an author's note at the top of that chapter when the time comes.
The guy in question is just a no-name bandit marauder. Their clan have taken over the old Hyperion facility that is built above Overlook.
As for Zer0, I'm more drawing off his mysterious inhuman-like nature. His backstory is pretty much unknown, which gives me a lot of freedom when writing his character. I'm not sure how much I want to dig into his backstory though, and I'll likely keep a lot of things about him a mystery. Such is the way of a ninja.
Felyt for Spike. While it wouldn't have been the best idea, wouldn't have minded him telling Luna to shut the buck up too. Ah well. Until next time.
I understand that, but I really don't like spoilers, and since I don't know when I'll be playing TPS I'm thinking of putting this on hold. Or I could watch a let's play of it, I suppose. Hmm.
Oh, okay. I'm really bad at building a mental picture from a written description, so I had no idea what he looked(s?) like.
I'm quite fond of Zer0, having played as him through my first playthrough. As such, I'm interested in seeing what you'll do with him.
You got me interested. Let's see where this goes...
6805959 i'm also interested in seeing where this goes
I like this story, and want to see more of it.
Also, it inspired me to do my own take on it with my co-author.
We'll see how each does
you still left out gaige krieg Salvador and *forgets commandos name*
Don't worry, I didn't forget about anybody. They're just not around at the moment. Partly because I didn't want to introduce too many characters at once. Otherwise, the chapter would have probably felt bloated.
Just keep in mind that not everyone will become main characters. Most of your favorites will likely make an appearance, but don't expect all of them to play a huge role in the story.
I think it'd be impossible to write a Borderlands story and leave out a character such as NIPPLE SALADS! :)
6834373 ok, just wondering cause you know gaige has mlp refrences in her skill tree, if she meets ponies, well pinkie could probably pick up that level of inception.
Interesting chapter. Enjoying the interactions between Twilight/Rainbow and the others so far, intrigued to see more. Until next time.
So far so good, but then again, nothing much has happend so far. This story reminds me of Dark Wanderings by ed2481, just with a different game. But I did like that a great deal, so whats not to love?
Cant wait for more.
Never read that one so any similarities are purely coincidential, though I'll probably give it a read once I finish this fic. Sounds interesting!
You're right, not much has happened so far. Of course, we're not even close to the halfway point of this story and I'm still introducing characters and concepts. However, we're getting close to the main conflict of the story though so keep your eyes open. :)
she forgot to mention some of the vaults are prisons.
So it's a Borderlands 2, type crossover?
Wait, when did Scooter die?
In Tales from the Borderlands. Sorry if you're upset that it got spoiled for you, but I did imply there would be spoilers for all the Borderlands games. If you don't want anything else from Tales from the Borderlands (or Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, though there likely won't be too many major plot spoilers from TPS) I suggest either playing those games or at least watching a lets play of Tales from the Borderlands before continuing reading the story. Like I've said before, I'm going to be referencing a lot of scenes from Tales from the Borderlands in future chapters so do keep that in mind. It's not 100% required to continue reading the story, but it may help you understand what's going on and why.
And just a general statement about the progress of the next chapter for those who have been waiting. It's coming very soon. Just a few more pages to write. Unfortunately, I have to go to work today and I don't think I have enough time to finish and re-read the chapter before I have to go. Hopefully I'll be able to get it posted later tonight.
oh someponys going to develop a drinking problem
also rainbow dash just tell twilight already
God damn first shot is a neck shot. Twi may just be a natural.
I love this.
I found a single typo, but since I'm on a phone I don't want to go through that pain.
Also, nice work.
Second shot, actually. We weren't told where the first landed, just that there was 'a second hole, just below the neck' of the target.
6864258 First was Mordecai twas a head shot and Just below the neck would still be collar bone which in most people's opinion is good enough to call a neck shot.