• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 22,779 Views, 697 Comments

That Strange Stallion - Gunther the Green

There's a new pony in Ponyville but they just can't figure him out. He answers questions but that only crops up more questions.

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The Strange Idea

That Strange Stallion

The Strange Idea

While most ponies found themselves busy preparing for the celebration. A certain rainbow maned pegasus found her time used for relaxing and napping. Her responsibility was to keep the skies clear for the sunrise but with her unmatched speed and awesome skill, she could do that whenever she wanted. Right now she was doing a pre-workout nap on a nice and fluffy cloud, building up energy for when she really cuts loose for her practice performance. She could practically see the captain of the Wonderbolts in awe of her skill, mouth agape in shock. No wait, that's just her dreaming, which was rudely interrupted by some annoying poking! Seriously, she would try to ignore it but it just wouldn't stop.

She finally had enough of the aggravating poking and flipped over away from the perpetrator. She looked at it and it appeared to be a stick going through the cloud. With a frown on her face, she leaned over the edge of the cloud and glared down at the one responsible. Which apparently was a green stallion she'd never seen before. "Hey what's the big idea, buster?! I'm trying to nap here!" she yelled at him angered that she wasn't even woken up by somepony she knew.

"I call it, the Poker," the light green stallion said while holding up a long pole made of tied together sticks. An uncomfortable silence soon followed with the pegasus's glare not easing up after the failed joke. As if to emphasize the silence, a gust of wind blew by and took the tower of sticks away. The stallion sighed in defeat, "It sounded a lot better in my head."

"I can't imagine an echo sounding that good" she joked at his expense, her face finally easing out of a glare.

He didn't mind and smiled up at her, "Ha! Good one. I'm Martin, who are you?"

Not one to pass up introducing themselves, the pegasus flew down to him, "The one and only Rainbow Dash. THE fastest flyer in Equestria and future Wonderbolt." Any day now it was going to happen.

"Cool!" He initially said excitedly but his smile dropped a little, "What's a Wonderbolt?" No way, did he really just ask that?

"What?! How can you not know who the Wonderbolts are? They're the most famous flight team in Equestria. You haven't lived until you've seen their stunts," the pegasus gushed about her favorite flight team, pointing out one of their posters. And how could she not? They were amazing, awesome, and downright the coolest group ever. And this stallion hadn't heard of them? "What kind of rock did you crawl out from under?" she asked him.

He didn't answer and just gave her a shrug. "You're going to be one of them, right? You got any cool stunts you can do?" he questioned her awesomeness. Ha, she'd show him.

"Stick around, buddy," for some reason that made him smile. "Cause I'm about to show you what this flying daredevil can do." Some warm up maneuvers should satisfy this lightweight.

But he had ideas of his own, "Can you do a two meter upward spiral that breaks off into a high speed divebomb and then finishes into an upside down parallel glide over the ground?" His eyes sparkled at the concept.

But Rainbow was left flabbergasted. "What the hay kind of stunt is that? That doesn't even sound like a real maneuver," he had to have made that up.

"I dunno, I just thought it up," which apparently he did. "Can you not do it?" he questioned her awesomeness again.

"What? Psh, of course I can, it's just I know so many stunts that hearing about a completely made up one surprised me," she fibbed. She had no idea if she could pull off something that bizarre but there was no way she was going to admit it to him. "Sit tight, pal and watch a pro at work." She began doing tight circles in the air, a rainbow trail following after her. She then flew out into a dive bomb speeding towards the ground. She attempted to pull up while upside down but couldn't get it right and accidentally crashed into Martin's head.

"Whoops sorry there buddy. I, uh, something caught in my eye and I didn't see you there," she got up and shook herself off. She looked over to the dazed stallion and waved a hoof in front of his eyes. "You ok? Yoo-hoo, wakey wakey," she gave him a little shake. "Hey come on, I didn't hit you that hard," she hoped. She didn't want to take time out of practice to drag this guy to a doc. She'd do it but she wouldn't like it.

"Ugh, sorry Mr. Leprichan, no gold at the end of this rainbow" he mumbled with unfocused eyes.

What kind of nonsense was this guy babbling? "You finally up?" she asked while stepping away. She was worried she'd actually hurt the stallion, but he seemed to bounce back easily enough after shaking his head.

"I dunno about that last part but the first bit was amazing! I've never seen flying like that!" He jumped to his hooves and gushed, clearly impressed with her. As he should be. "Though, to be fair, the only other flyer I know is Sven and he can only fly really fast in a straight line. No stunts or nothing," she raised an eyebrow at that. He already knew a flyer but they could only go in a straight line?

"What kind of wings only let's a pony fly in a straight line? That's ridiculous," he had to have made that up too. She couldn't imagine anything with a strong pair of wings being so lazy.

"The big stiff metal kind," he said matter-of-factly while miming his forelegs like he was gliding with them.

A cold feeling settled in her stomach, simply uttering an 'oh'. That's really a bummer, having prosthetic wings. She couldn't imagine a hunk of metal being a good replacement for a solid pair of wings. "I'm sorry about your friend," she apologized, which seemed to only give him a confused look on his face. "I'll tell you what, swing on by some time and I'll show you some top notch maneuvers. Then you can tell your friend about it. Give him something he can try out himself even with those metal wings of his. If he's even 10% as cool as me, I know he could do it," ya that seemed like a totally legit motivation. No pegasus or other flyer should be denied the chance to soar.

Martin just blinked confused at her before responding, "Uh, cool, I'll be sure to do that when I get home. I guess?" Clearly he was awed by her generosity.

"Well I'm going to go practice some more, catch ya later Martin!" She said before zooming off. Ya she totally did a good deed today, no doubts about that.

Author's Note:

Ya, I think I'm pushing it, kinda, twice in a day. I know this one definitely doesn't have that much quality. But hey, I felt inspired and decided put it up. I will occasionally come back and edit things into a better quality, but for now, it's still all in good fun.