• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 22,779 Views, 697 Comments

That Strange Stallion - Gunther the Green

There's a new pony in Ponyville but they just can't figure him out. He answers questions but that only crops up more questions.

  • ...

The Strange Accident

That Strange Stallion

The Strange Accident

While some would be satisfied with a prank or two, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, however, wouldn't until she had successfully gotten all of her friends. They had scared Spike into a fit of hiccups, slipped Rarity some sneezing powder, painted all of Applejack's apples into a variety of colors, and switched Twilight's regular ink for invisible ink. They had planned on pranking Fluttershy, but reconsidered because they felt she couldn't handle it emotionally. Even Pinkie's partner in crime wasn't safe when Rainbow came out of looking through a telescope like she had a black eye. And they weren't even done yet!

"So who's next on the list?" Rainbow asked while using a wet cloth to wipe off the markings.

Pinkie giggled mischievously, "Our next target is going to be Martin."

Rainbow had a grin hearing that, "Oh this is going to be good. I've wanted to mess with that guy for a good while," she said while rubbing her hooves together, "So how are we doing this? Honey and chicken feathers? Drawing on him while he sleeps?"

But Pinkie shook her head, "Nope, all we need is this!" she said while pulling a bucket out from behind her. Rainbow gave her a curious glance before looking inside of the bucket to some dark brown substance. "He gave me the idea to use chocolate sauce for his prank. So I thought this would get a bigger laugh out of him," she told Rainbow while pushing it closer to her.

"Is this some kind of inside joke I'm not getting?" Rainbow asked.

"Yep!" Pinkie quickly admitted, "It was when we first met. He said he wanted an orbital laser that shot chocolate sauce. So we're going to do that, on him." A little weird but she could dig it.

"Alright, so how we doing this?" she asked.

Pinkie watched as Martin walked up the path towards the marker. His eyes were closed and his head bounced to an unheard beat. Above the marker was Rainbow looking over the edge of a cloud, the bucket of chocolate sauce, waiting.

As Martin stepped onto the marker, Pinkie shouted, "Target lock!"

Martin jumped a little at the sudden yell and looked over towards the loud mare. "Pinkie? What are you doing? And did you say 'target lock'?" he asked her curious.

"Orbital laser fully charged, prepare for impact!" she then dove for the ground and covered her head. She started giggling in anticipation.

Martin stared at her weirdly and looked up. He was rewarded with a face full of chocolate sauce. He closed his eyes tightly as he became covered in it. After the drizzle stopped, he opened them back up and blinked dumbfounded for a few seconds. He then promptly rolled onto his back laughing hysterically. His laugh was joined soon by Pinkie and Rainbow as they dashed away from the scene of the crime.

When they got far enough away, they collapsed together into a fit of giggles. "Aw that was fun, thanks Pinkie. But, I think we should call it a day" said Rainbow.

"No problem, Dashie. Oh! And don't forget, it's your turn to question Martin," Pinkie reminded her. That made Rainbow pause in her exit and instead crossed her forelegs in irritation.

"Ugh, don't remind me. Can't we just skip my turn or something? We already found out about his weirdo entrance and friend," Rainbow said. She could be napping instead of wasting her time.

"Well ya, but Applejack found out from Nurse Redheart that he's got a super strong friend who's nice and mean and hates being called a hero even though he likes to save ponies," Pinkie told her.

"Oh great, right when he seems cool, he makes up something even worse," Rainbow grumbled. That kind of pony was way too contradictory to be real.

"I dunno, I can imagine somepony kinda like that, like an underdog vigilante," Pinkie imagined. She pictured a grizzled old stallion with scars that kicked butt and pat good ponies on the head.

"Whatever, I'll get it out of him tomorrow. Good night Pinkie," she waved to the pink mare.

"Night Dashie!" Pinkie waved back and they went their separate ways. One of them greatly anticipating tomorrow.

As the spa began to wind down near closing time, Lotus Blossom couldn't help but stare at the stallion that just stepped into the building. His entire body was not brushed, he was covered in dirt, and his whole head was encased in some brown substance. "Can I help you sir?" she asked politely. Even if he was frightening looking, he may very well be a customer.

"Yes, one of my friends recommended this was a place I should visit before I have to leave town. And I thought this may be the best time for it. As you can probably see," he gestured towards himself.

"I'm sorry sir, but we're starting to close the building and we cannot give any full treatments," she told him.

"Well I'm not here for any hoofcare or mud masks. Just a cleaning. Although I would like to try the massage, it was said to be divine," he admitted.

Lotus gave a glance towards the clock and then another to her sister Aloe. Aloe gave her a nod in approval. She turned back to the stallion, "Very well, if you are able to bathe quickly, we can give you a massage before we close."

He smiled at her, his teeth seeming to be the only part of him actually clean, "Thank you. I'm Martin by the way."

"It's good to meet you, I'm Lotus Blossom and this is my sister Aloe," Lotus gestured towards the other mare who greeted with a 'hello'. "If you'll pay the required bits, we'll lead you to the bathing area."

Martin wasted no time in handing over the bits from the brown bag around his neck. The two masseurs led Martin where he can quickly bathe, not bothering to use any herbs or other additives to the tub. They left him to his privacy and went to get the massage table ready. They had taken most things down to get ready for closing time. Without warning, the room they left Martin in began to glow a white light. Aloe and Lotus looked between each other in confusion before walking back towards the room. But before they could peer into it, the light disappeared. They looked around the room but could only spot Martin out of the tub and clean, although he was rubbing a towel on his mane to dry it.

He looked up and saw them staring at him, "Is something wrong?"

The twins looked at each other unsure. Not only had there been a mysterious light, but the stallion had finished cleaning himself in record time. They had no doubt the two scenarios were related but they shouldn't inquire, it would be unprofessional and an invasion of privacy. "It's nothing," Aloe finally said, "Please step into this room when you are ready."

Martin set the towel off to the side and followed the two mares into the room and was guided onto the prepared table. He laid down on it and relaxed his whole body. Lotus needed no further prompt and began his massage. She started simple, some rubbing over his back to see if there was anywhere that needed extra attention. When finding nothing, she started to use earth pony magic to enhance the experience. However, she jumped in surprise when her magic rebounded off his own magic.

Aloe quickly went to her side, "Lotus, what happened, are you alright?" She asked worried.

"I'm alright," she reassured her sister. She turned to Martin, "Sir, if you want the full experience of this massage you must not resist it."

He looked back at her with confusion, "Huh?"

"Is his magic pushing away yours?" Aloe asked and got a nod in response. But why would he resist something he asked for?

"Oh, I get it," he nodded in understanding, "I'm really sorry about that. You see, I have absolutely no control over my magic. Each time I use it, it fails." He sagged a little in defeat, not liking his magic is inconveniencing others. But he quickly perked up, "We're working on it though, so I have high hopes that we can fix it."

"So you cannot stop it?" Lotus asked. Martin shook his head, leaving the pair with a problem to resolve. "Well," she began, "I suppose I will have to simply use a classic massage, no earth pony magic. Aloe, can you please fetch the massage oil, I'll have to go with the alternative."

They began the massage anew and they could tell immediately he was enjoying it, if all the pleased groaning was anything to go by. "Oh that feels so good," he told them, "I don't even mind the smell of the oil."

Aloe decided to answer for her sister, so she could focus, "We are sorry about that, but with your 'condition', we had to."

"It's no problem," he easily forgave, "But I'm the one who should be sorry, forcing you into this. Me and Theo have been trying but we just can't get my magic to work like it's supposed to. I mean, I can manifest my power every other way, but actual magic? I'm just not able to." So he had the normal capabilities of an earth pony but couldn't use it for anything, such as tending to plants.

"Well, everypony has their limits," Aloe tried to reassure him, "We just need to learn to accept them or strive to push past them."

That seemed to get a chuckle out of him, "I already know two guys who pushed past them. Director and the Voodoo Man already pushed past what's possible and continue on through the impossible."

"Well there you go," she wasn't entirely sure about that second pony or what they could have done that made it past limits. But if it gave him confidence, then that's all that counts.

With no further interruption, Martin got his massage and left them with his thanks and a tip.

Today was a great day for Rainbow Dash. Her good friend Gilda the gryphon had stopped by and they've just been having fun all day. Racing, jokes, telling old stories, she even got to introduce her old friend to one of her new friends. Nothing could ruin this day. Well, almost nothing.

During the latest race between Rainbow and Gilda, Dash had spotted Martin laying by the lakeside and she remembered what she promised to do. With one last race down into town, Rainbow turned to Gilda after landing, "That was great Gilda but I gotta split. You know, some projects that need getting done. You understand right?"

"Totally," Gilda agreed, "Don't worry about me, I'll just take a quick look around town. See if there's anything cool."

"Awesome. I'll be back soon, this won't take long," with that, Rainbow flew off back towards where she saw Martin. He was still there, just staring into the lake, flicking his ears and tail occasionally. He looked deep in thought. Rainbow smiled, this would be the perfect chance to spook him. She landed as light as she could and crept up on him. She took a deep breath and prepared to yell but her breath caught in her throat as Martin turned around and smiled at her.

"Hi Rainbow," she sagged at his words and blew out the air she collected noisily. "What brings you here?" he continued.

"Hold it there buster," she glared at him, "How the hay did you know I was here? I was super quiet."

He pointed towards the lake, "I saw your reflection as you flew over here. That and you weren't quiet when you took in that breath." Great, they hadn't even started the interrogation and he was already making her mad. His smile dropped as she continued to glare but it came back full force. "Hey Rainbow Dash, knock knock," she raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was doing.

She gave a mental shrug and decided to humor him, "Who's there?"

"Princess Celestia," preemptively he started chuckling at his own joke.

Rainbow's eyes intensified, if he was going to make fun of the Princess, she would flatten him right here. "Princess Celestia who?" she continued the joke preparing for the worst.

He gave an exaggerated gasp, "Don't you know me?" and then rolled over laughing. Rainbow gave a look of surprise, but he continued, "Knock Knock."

Another one? "Who's there?" she asked.

"Princess Luna," was he going to use the same joke twice?

"Princess Luna who?"

"Was Princess Celestia just here?" He fell into another fit of laughs and was joined this time by Rainbow Dash. Their combined laughter helped alleviate the tension she had. "A stallion with a block of stone on his back walks into a bar and says to the barkeeper 'A cider please, and one for the road.'" They laughed again at the joke. "I'm glad you're feeling better," he suddenly said.

She raised an eyebrow at him, "What are you talking about? I'm always in top form," she said while flexing her wings.

But he shook his head, "I'm talking about in here," he said while pointing to his head, "You looked like someone told you that you had to do something you didn't want to do."

"Ya well that's not why I'm here," she denied, but then she remembered something, "I'm actually here to show you those moves I promised."

Martin's face brightened with excitement, "Really!?" She couldn't help but chuckle at his excitement.

"Of course I don't leave my," she hesitated a moment, "friends hanging." Did she still consider him a friend? He was fun and nice but he told the most ridiculous stories as if they were true. He could very well be lying to them just to get this kind of attention. Pinkie and Twilight were convinced he was telling the truth, while Applejack and herself believed he was spewing tall tales even if he explained some of them. Fluttershy and Rarity were neutral but were leaning towards believing him due to recent events.

Martin didn't seem to notice her pause and smiled brightly at her, "Thank you, so what are you planning on doing? A vertical nose dive?" Ok seriously, what was with his flight ideas?

"No, of course not, it's gotta be something your friend can do," she explained, "Now watch me." She sprung into the air and began doing stunts while calling them out. "Start it off with a zig zag, one to the left one to the right, a somersault, a leap, a landing, and a double loop to finish it off," she finished landing next to Martin. "You catch all that?" she asked.

He blinked at her weirdly, "Why did you land twice during a flying maneuver?" She frowned at his insinuation.

"I did that so it'd be easier on your friend," she explained which he nodded in agreement.

"Ya I can see that, but do you really think he could pull off stuff like this?" he asked. Quite honestly she didn't think he could with prosthetic wings, but even if he couldn't, he should still have something to strive for.

"Hey, come on, if he's got the dedication, he could totally ace this. If you don't believe in his flying skills, then at least believe that I recommended him the right moves," she told him.

"I'll do better then that and believe in the both of you," he gave his usual smile. She smiled back but lost it as soon as she remembered the actual interrogation she needed to do. She looked back towards the lake. Small talk first, grilling after.

"So why are you out here by yourself?" she asked.

"Just contemplating why I'm a pony," oh great, he was being philosophical right now, with the whole 'why are we here' deal.

"Honestly, I don't think 'why' matters, we're here in the now, so we better live it the way we want," she told him hoping to cut him off before he gets too deep into it.

"I was actually thinking it had something to do with the magic of this world," he better not be going on a philosophy spree, "But I like your answer better." Good. "You know, what you said, I think some of my friends would agree with you too."

"Oh really? Like who?" she asked him hoping he'll call out this Jordan pony.

"Well, Jordan," that was fast, "Triple B and Tria would definitely agree." Swell, another new name, at least this Triple B pony was mentioned before, but who the hay was Tria!? Ugh, it's going to be a long conversation.

"Can you describe them?" she regretted asking.

"Well Jordan is the local delinquent who likes to help and hurt things. Triple B is the psychotic criminal who likes to have fun in his own weird way. And Tria is a former goddess who is burdened by guilt," he listed off.

Rainbow Dash slowly put a hoof on her face and covered her eyes. "Martin, I want to help you here. I really do. But I can't if you tell me such obvious lies like this." He was purposefully making it more difficult then it needed to be.

He looked at her in surprise, "Rainbow, I'm not lying to you." He sounded so sincere but what he was asking her to believe was too much.

She glared at him, "So you know somepony who hurts just as much as he helps."

"Only when the situation calls for it," Martin interrupted.

"And you're friends with a criminal with a weird name, who happens to be bonkers," she continued.

"That's his street name, we don't know what his real name is," Martin explained.

"And a freaking goddess?!" she yelled at him.

"Former," he corrected.

"Why should I believe any of that?" she asked of him.

He looked at her with large and sincere eyes, "Because it's the truth. Please believe me." His eyes were firm with hope and determination, but... But.

"I don't. I'm sorry," with that she flew off without looking back. He called after her but she didn't listen. He was a fun guy, he told good jokes, was interesting to talk to, and just generally nice. But friends don't just blatantly lie to each other and insist on passing it off as the truth when they need the actual truth at that moment. She guessed they weren't friends after all.

Pinkie Pie had thrown her latest bash for the town's newest visitor, Gilda. It was meant to help improve her attitude by letting her have fun and meet with other nice ponies. While the guest of honor hadn't arrived yet, they had gotten the party started anyway. But the party didn't quite feel right, Dashie had been looking glum and the party only helped a little. She would have gone to her, but she needed to stay at the front until Gilda arrived so she could get a proper welcome.

"Pinkie!" somepony called to her. She looked back outside and watched Martin come through the doorway. She smiled at him and he returned it immediately, "Glad I could make it on time. I wouldn't want to miss one of your parties. But before that, is Rainbow here? I need to talk to her."

"Oh, she's over there," Pinkie pointed towards said mare, "She's feeling a little down though."

He rubbed the back of his neck and gave a nervous smile, "Ya, that's my fault. She flew off earlier upset about something I said. I'm hoping I can fix that, or at least have her enjoy the party a bit more." That made Pinkie blink in surprise, Martin of all ponies made Rainbow upset? Did she find out something troubling? She shook her head. No, it's probably just some misunderstanding. He'll be able to fix it right up in no time. But for now, she had a gryphon to look out for.

Martin walked over to Rainbow immediately, "Hey, Rainbow?"

Dash looked him in shock before settling on a nervous smile, "Oh, hey Martin. Sorry about ditching you like that. Totally not cool of me."

"Look Rainbow, about that conversation," he started but a hoof covered his mouth.

"Can we just pretend that never happened? Please? I want to go back to before. When I thought you were a cool guy," she pleaded with him.

He gave her a kind smile, "Alright, I'll take back everything I said. We never talked about my friends. We just chatted about your awesome flying skills that I need to describe to Sven."

She gave a sigh of relief and nodded, "Thanks," the weight seemed to lift off her shoulders and she smiled brightly, "I can't wait for everypony to meet Gilda."

"Looks like you won't have to wait long," he said while nodding towards the electrified gryphon.

They all laughed as Rainbow trotted up to her friends, "Oh Pinkie Pie, the old hoof shake buzzer. You are a scream."

Gilda gave a strained chuckle and smile, "Ya, good one Pinkie Pie." Before anything else happened, Martin squeezed in between them with a 'Hi there'. Gilda took a step back in surprise at the sudden entrance.

"Here, let me introduce you, Gilda, this is Martin. Martin, this is Gilda. Me and her go way back," Rainbow introduced.

"It's nice to meet you," he said while holding his hoof out. A giant smile on his face. Gilda looked at the hoof suspiciously before carefully grasping it and giving a firm shake.

"Likewise," she said sternly. This stallion reminded her of the pink mare with all his smiling and hyperactive nature. She'll keep an eye on him.

"Come on, Gee," Rainbow started trotting over into the crowd, "I'll introduce you to some of my other friends." Having been already introduced to Gilda, Martin walked off to enjoy the rest of the party and left the gryphon in peace.

"Right behind you Dash," Gilda called to her but stayed to give a hard stare at Pinkie, "I know what you're planning."

Pinkie gave a giggle snort, "Well I would hope so, this wasn't supposed to be a surprise party."

"I mean, I've got my eye on you," she said with a glare. But Pinkie was unfazed and got up in her face, staring deep in to her eyes.

"And I got my eye on you," she trotted into the center of the room, "Everypony, I'd like you all to meet Gilda. A long time dear friend of Rainbow Dash." Pinkie zipped back and hugged the gryphon. For some reason that got a stare out of Martin. "Let's honor her and welcome her to Ponyville," Pinkie zipped off again as the crowd cheered for Gilda. Gilda gave a nervous smile at the attention but Rainbow came up and put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. "Please help yourself," Pinkie said gesturing to the snacks on the table.

Martin appearing behind said table, "Ya, a lot of these things are delicious," he looked down at the bowl of yellow confections, "Oh, vanilla lemon drops." He took one out and popped it into his mouth. He had a satisfied look on his face before it contorted, his green coat taking a shade of red. He opened his mouth and let out a breath of fire, which Pinkie seemed prepared for and took out a marshmallow on a stick to roast.

"Martin, the punch," Rainbow said pointing towards the glasses. She smiled as he ran past and lifted one of the cups to his mouth. But the liquid never made it to his mouth as it dribbled onto his chest. He set the glass down and stuck his whole head inside the punch bowl as everypony and Gilda laughed at him.

"Well what do ya know," Pinkie said pointing at him, "Pepper in the vanilla lemon drops and the punch served a dribble glass."

Rainbow kept chuckling, "Priceless, am I right Gee?" she said elbowing the gryphon.

"Totally, hilarious," Gilda continued to chuckle at his misery.

Martin finally got his head out of the bowl, his mane dripping wet and covering his eyes. "I'm ok!" he told the crowd as he stumbled around blind. It didn't take him long to crash into the table of presents knocking several of them and himself down. "I'm still ok!" he said raising a hoof in the air to reassure the crowd but the one he raised had got caught in the ribbon of one of the presents. He used his other hoof to move his mane out of his face and used his teeth to try and get the present off. He pulled the ribbon loose and the present exploded into fake snakes. The explosion caused Martin's mane to stand straight up and then frizz out into an afro with toy snakes in it. Everypony laughed again at the prank, even Martin joined in this time.

"Spittin' snakes," Applejack laughed, "Somepony pulled that prank on me last month." Gilda gave a suspicious glance at Pinkie as she helped Martin get the snakes out of his mane. That prank had come out of her present. She knew somepony was out to get her.

"I'm a little surprised at you, Martin," Roseluck said walking up to the stallion as he flattened his mane, "Most anypony would be a little upset at being at this end of so many pranks."

He smiled brightly at her, "Nah, it's all in good fun, and I'm not hurt. Besides I just love to laugh."

Pinkie giggled, "Oh ya? How much do you love to laugh?" she asked as music started to play. He smiled at her and sang.

I love to laugh, Ha ha ha

Loud and long and clear

I love to laugh, ha ha ha

It's getting worse every year

The more I laugh, ha ha ha

The more I fill with glee

And the more the glee, ha ha ha

The more I'm a merrier me

It's embarrassing!

The more I'm a merrier me! Ha ha ha!

Martin went into a fit of chuckles which Pinkie agreed with. However, Rarity had her own opinion on laughing, "I can't say I enjoy every type of laugh."

Martin tilted his head at her, "Really?"

She nodded and decided to add in her own verse.

Some ponies laugh through their noses

Sounding something like this "Mmm..."

Dreadful, I must say

Some ponies laugh through their teeth goodness sake

Hissing and fizzing like snakes, "Hssss..."

"Not at all attractive in my opinion," Rarity said. Pinkie decided to step in and point out some of her favorite laughs.

Some laugh too fast, "heheheheheheh"

Some only blast, "Ha!"

Others, they twitter like birds, "he he he ho he"

"You know, you're as bad as he is," Rarity said nodding towards the green stallion. However, she was ignored.

Then there's some kind

What can't make up their mind, "Hm hm, ha ha, he he, ho ho, heh he ha oh!"

When things strike me as funny

I can't hide it inside

And squeak, "Heh" as the squeakelers do

I've got to let go with a ho-ho-ho

And a ha-ha-ha... too!

We love to laugh We love to laugh

Loud and long and clear Loud and long and clear

We love to laugh We love to laugh

So everybody can hear So everypony can hear

The more you laugh The more you laugh

The more you fill with glee The more you fill with glee

And the more the glee And the more the glee

The more we're a merrier we! The more we're a merrier we!

As the song ended, everypony except Gilda fell into a fit of giggles. She had just found the song annoying. The party continued without any more mischief. Everypony enjoying themselves, except Gilda who only hung around Rainbow, completely ignoring all the others.

"Alright ya'll," Applejack announced, "It's time for pin the tail on the pony." Several ponies walking over to that section, each wanting a turn.

"Can I go first?" Martin asked. Nopony moved to stop him as he grabbed the purple tail with his teeth and accepted the blindfold. Gilda was going to go first, to show them up, but that stallion was bad luck central and she didn't want to be near any of that.

Martin was spun around to make him dizzy and he slowly made his way towards the poster. However he missed it entirely and crashed face first into the closed door beside it. The tail stuck to his upper lip as he stepped back. "I recognize that feeling anywhere," he twirled the fake mustache as he spoke with an exaggerated accent, "So we meet again, door!" he pointed dramatically. However, he was facing the wrong direction and simply pointed at nothing. The others found this hilarious and laughed with the strange stallion.

"Ya'll alright there, Martin?" Applejack asked him, taking the tail off his face. She was about to take the blind fold off but he started walking.

"Don't worry, I feel perfectly fine," he said while making exaggerated steps in a random direction.

Unfortunately he was heading directly for the cake that just rolled in. "Watch out for that," but it was too late and the cake splattered everywhere as the two collided. The ponies gasped at the ruined cake. Martin emerged out of the cake with a crown of candles on his head, which he quickly shook off. "Aw, Martin, you ruined the cake," Pinkie pointed out. Martin himself gave an embarrassed smile and a quick 'sorry'. Pinkie giggled, "It's ok, it was just an accident. But you do have a little something on your face," she said while pointing to her nose.

Martin looked between his eyes and spotted a lone candle on his nose still lit. He blew a puff of air onto his nose and the candle went out. However, it only went out briefly before relighting.

Spike went into a fit of chuckles immediately recognizing the trick, "Relighting birthday candles, I love that prank." The other ponies laughed along with him but Gilda glared at the stallion. She immediately changed face when Rainbow started talking to her.

"You're not mad because Martin ruined your cake are you?" she asked her friend. Was she upset? Yes, but she knew the perfect way to get back at him.

"Am I mad? Nah, but you know what?" she lowered her voice to a whisper, "I know the perfect prank to get back at him."

"Oh ya?" Rainbow asked curious, "What kind?"

"Just watch and learn, Dash, I'll show you what a REAL prank is," she said while grabbing a candle and sneaking behind Martin. Martin himself was being cleaned up by Rarity while he talked with Applejack and Pinkie.

"Ya'll should have waited for me to take that darn blindfold off," Applejack lectured Martin, "Then none of this would have happened."

"I have to agree with Applejack," Rarity said while rinsing out a wash cloth and using magic to give it to him, "If you just took more care then you probably wouldn't crash into so many things, such as doors or cakes."

Martin wiped himself down as far as his foreleg could let him, "Those doors are out to get me, I swear." Both Applejack and Rarity rolled their eyes at the accusation, but Pinkie just giggled. None of them seemed to notice the smoke rising behind Martin. He took a sniff of the air, "Hey Pinkie? Did you put something in the oven?"

"Yep! It wouldn't be a party without cake, so I worked super fast to get another one ready. I wasn't prepared at all for it to get smashed like that. I mean, what kind of pony could prepare for that kind of thing? Maybe a psychic pony. But I don't know anypony who's psychic so I had to make the cake from scratch and now it's in the oven being baked," her friends watched her going on her spiel. Applejack and Rarity both had half-lidded stares while Martin just scratched his chin. The smoke behind him turned into a rising flame. "Why do you ask?" Pinkie asked him.

"Well something smells like it's burning," he said with a shrug.

Finally somepony noticed the rising fire and gave a shriek of terror. The four ponies looked behind Martin and noticed his tail was rabidly catching fire. Said pony immediately panicked and began running in circles trying to shake the fire off.

Many more ponies began to panic but Applejack quickly took charge of the situation, "Martin! Stop, drop, and roll," she instructed. He listened and immediately dropped to the ground, but before he could start rolling, the bucket of water Rarity was using was dumped all over him, extinguishing the flame.

There was a collective sigh of relief but a howling laughter drowned it out. Everypony looked towards the source and saw it was Gilda. Rainbow stared at her friend in shock, "Gilda, you did this? Why?!" she demanded an answer.

"Aw come on Dash," she said playfully, "Lighten up. It was just a prank."

Rainbow's mouth dropped in horror, "A prank? A prank?! Pranks are supposed to be funny. Somepony could have gotten seriously hurt. That's going too far!"

Gilda's eyes widened in surprise at her friend yelling at her, "That was funny though, it was a lot better then the rest of the weak sauce pranks that happened to him."

Rainbow stared at her with a hurt look mixed with anger, "Those pranks were mine," Gilda was once again surprised. "You know, I had hoped that old friends would get along with my new friends. But if you can't do that, then I think you should go."

"What?" Gilda glared at her, "You'd rather stick with these dweebs?"

"I stick by my friends," Rainbow answered.

"Well what about me?!" she asked. But she was only met with silence. "So that's it then," Gilda had her own hurt look, "Fine! You stick around with these losers. See if I care!" she said before opening the door and flying away.

Rainbow sighed in defeat and turned around to apologize to her friends, but she noticed that Martin had gone missing. A trail of water lead out the door.

Gilda finally landed in an empty street of Ponyville, huffing and puffing. She took a deep breath and let out a loud yell of frustration. With all of her anger screamed out, she was only left with sadness. Her eyes brimmed with tears but she quickly brushed them away as she heard somepony galloping towards her.

"Gilda!" the pony called for her. She turned around and saw that weird stallion from before running at her.

"Go away!" she yelled back at him, "Don't you see I want to be alone?!" But he didn't stop and continued forwards. "If you're here for revenge, then you got another thing coming, bucko," she said while bracing herself. He still didn't stop. "I'm warning you, back-oof" however she couldn't finish as he bumped into her and held her in a hug. "What are you doing? Let go of me!" she tried to wiggle out of his grasp but he held her too tight.

"I'm hugging a gryphon who just lost her best friend," he answered her.

She struggled again, "I don't need your pity, I don't need Dash, and I... I," she tried to be angry, but she only found herself sighing in defeat and just accepting it. He held onto her for a few more seconds before releasing her.

"It doesn't have to end like this, you two can still be friends if you try," he told her.

But she looked away, unwilling to meet his eyes, "Maybe we could, but it won't happen any time soon. If we looked at each other, we'd just get mad all over again. We need some time."

"Alright, but just promise me you won't forget about the good times you had with her," he asked of her.

She looked back at him for a second, "Hey, about that fire prank, I just want to say, I'm sorry, I didn't think it would go that far."

He smiled, "See, I knew you weren't bad. I know Rainbow wouldn't be friends with a mean gryphon. She's a better judge of character then that."

She blinked at his easy forgiveness, "Thanks," she looked up and noticed a rainbow object flying towards them, "I gotta split, later loser." She took off leaving the smiling stallion.

As he waved at her, Rainbow Dash landed next to him, "Martin, what happened with Gilda?" she looked him over for any sign of injury.

He didn't answer immediately, "Rainbow, even if you think you've lost a friend, you need to reach out and believe in them," he looked back at her, "And hope they reach back and believe in you."

She looked at him and then at the shrinking dot in the sky, "Do you really think that?"

"I really do," she looked back at him and saw the same look at she'd seen before. This time.

"I believe you," she said, "You're my friend Martin. And if you say that you know a criminal and a goddess. Well, then I'll just have to accept that. You can tell me all about them later." He gave a huge smile at that, which she returned. "But enough sappy stuff, let's head back to the party. You know any good jokes?" she asked as they walked back.

He chuckled, "I thought of this one while I was visiting Heavy Weight at the clinic. What do you call a pony with a sore throat? A little hoarse." The both of them laughed, feeling a lot better. One had regained a friend and the other hoped she would regain another.

Author's Note:

Ok, I'm saying it now, that scene with Rainbow's interrogation was supposed to be WAY happier. But for some reason it turned out like this. I guess it worked out cause of that scene after Gilda. Who knows. I found Gryphon Brush Off really sad, as I do with any show that has good friends break apart because of things that changed. I guess that translated into this chapter.
I tried a different format for the songs so you can clearly know who's singing what part. But the bit where Martin and Pinkie are singing together, that one I'm not so sure about. What do you all think?
Ps. Another 'find the reference', this one I'm going to give hints for because of how obscure it is. It's from an animated movie released in a America in 1991 and it's about a dog. If you've actually seen this movie already then you are amazing. Post in the comments if you'd like another hint.