• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 8,997 Views, 333 Comments

Beyond the Skies - FrostTheWolf

It all started with obtaining a Crystalline necklace that looked like a Traptanium Crystal. Now, for one boy, he can turn into a Skylander. But he still needs to get a hold of his powers first. [Skylanders Crossover][Displaced]

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Scroll 1- Through the clouds

Beyond the Skies- Through the Clouds


It was quite a calm day in the world of Equestria as Night drew closer. Clouds of an evening storm were beginning to form over the setting sun thanks to the weather ponies that were working at the weather factory. One pony in particular being Rainbow Dash. The self proclaimed “Fastest Flyer in Equestria” that also spent the vast majority of her days sleeping as she did flying. Today, she was asked to assist in preparing for the coming of Spring for Ponyville and she was super excited for it. Mostly because her pet tortoise named Tank would be coming out of Hibernation after two long months. Both she and Scootaloo would be happy to see him again and have him flying by her side.

The thought of flying made Rainbow look up as she saw some other pegasi talking while moving and some couples cuddling on top of clouds. However, there was one thing that she noticed that was out of the blue. Somepony or…… something was falling out of the sky.

And towards her house.

At that same moment…

As time flew past him, a young twelve year old boy named Calvin was trying to make sense of what was going on. Earlier that day at the neighborhood Toy’s R Us, he won a promotional item for being the 1,000,000th customer of the store when he came to buy a gift for his friends. The item itself was a necklace that had a crystal in the center. It glowed a Rainbow-ish color when held up to sunlight, but when he found that out though was when he started to realize that he wasn’t on solid ground anymore. And instead falling head first.

It was like flying through the sky. Except… he was going straight down. Calvin began to panic a bit, thinking that this was somehow a dream as he curled himself up into a ball. Taking hold of his pendant, he whispered to himself something that would try and calm him. A phrase he remembered.

Back home, he liked to play Skylanders with his friends. Calvin had quite a few favorites and remembered the catchphrases for each one. So, he thought of the first one that came to mind and said one of its phrase.

Light’s out

As he closed his eyes though, he didn’t realize two things. One, the pendant glowing and it’s light beginning to cover him. Second, the house that was on a cloud that he was going to crash into.


“MY HOUSE!!!” came the screams of someone as Calvin reopened his eyes. He felt himself on a solid floor, unaware of where he was. Was he home? Was he in heaven? No matter how many questions he had, none of them prepared him for the surprise that he was going to get in front of him.

“Who the hay are you!?” Asked Rainbow Dash, taking an offensive stance to the creature that crashed landed into her home. “You got a lot of nerve if you thought it would be funny to crash into my house!?”

For Calvin right now, his vision was foggy. All he was getting was in and out blurs of what appeared to be a pegasus. One that could speak no less. “I-i…… wh-who…… are you?” Before he could adjust himself anymore, he tried to move his arm, only to realize that his arm was now a dragon’s foreleg. His eyes widened as he began to panic. “W-WHAT-!? What is happening to me!?”

“A dragon huh? Well don’t think you can come into my home and get away with it.”

“N-no please!! Don’t hurt me!!” He pleaded, but was forced to move when the Pony tried to kick him with her hoof.

“Hold still, you little pest!”

“Please… just STOP!!” Calvin’s final plea ended in a roar that caused his newfound wings to move and block the hoof before pushing the Pegasus back across the room. ‘D-did I just… do that?!’ He asked himself. Now, he was beginning to realize what happened. He looked at a mirror on the wall and realized it for himself.

He just turned into Blackout. The Dragon Skylander of the Dark Element.

But Rainbow Dash didn’t care what he was. Because she was MAD. “Oh, I am so gonna pound your face in just for doing that twerp!!”

“Nononono, not my face!!” Calvin said, trying to scramble to his feet and get use to his new four legged body. But unknowingly, the dark dragon used one of his abilities that was able to teleport himself out of the way of Rainbow’s charging attack through a black hole on the floor. It also kept Rainbow in the center of the hole and preventing her from trying to go at her. That was… until the hole was gone and she was free once more.

“Looks like somepony lost all their magic.” Rainbow Dash said, walking towards the dragon with a devilish smile on her face. “Now it’s my turn twerp.” Calvin gulped. This was not going well for him. He wished that this pony could just calm down for a moment and just help him. That was when he felt a warm light surround him again and when it faded, he was back in his human form, shocking both the pony and himself. Personally, Rainbow was shocked because she didn’t realize that what she was attacking was a child! “W-Wait, you’re just a kid!?”

“Y-yeah… W-who are you?...... What happened to me?” He asked, looking back at his necklace that just hung from his neck. The boy had only a simple sleeveless shirt and jeans with some sandals to match his shaggy black hair.

“The heck if I know kid. You were the one that crashed into my home after all, so you should know what you did.”

“I did what?” Calvin said, now realizing the hole in the roof. “Oh my……”

“Yeah, so care to explain why you crash and wreck my home, kid?”

“I don’t know!” Calvin told the pony, a little stressed out. “All I know was that I was coming out of a toy store from where I was, passed out, saw myself falling, closed my eyes and next thing I know, I wake up as Blackout.”

“Yeah right, how do I know you not a changeling in disguise? Or a spy sent here to spy on how awesome I am?”

Calvin himself began to question that himself, even though he didn’t know what a Changeling was. That was when he felt something painful around his shoulders and putting a hand there, his eyes widened at the sight of his own blood and the pain that ran through his body. “AGH!! M-my arm!”

“Whoa, hey kid you okay?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Blood began to drip a little as he slowly removed his hand from his arm. “I-it hurts……”

“Oh man, hold on kid.” Rainbow Dash picked the boy up and placed him onto her back. “I know a pony that might be able to help.”

“Urrrgh!!” Calvin groaned in pain. Rainbow soon realized that due to his weight, she couldn’t go as fast as she would have wanted to. Now, the pegasus had to refer to plan b. Bring that pony to him instead.

“Okay bad idea. You stay here while I go get my friend to help you. Be back in a flash.”

“H-hurry…” He moaned, trying to bear the pain. Before Rainbow left, she went over and gave the boy a clean cloth to cover the wound and try to stop the bleeding while she was gone. Of course, given Rainbow Dash and how dire the situation was, this only lasted like two minutes.

“Told you kid I would return with help in a flash.” Said Rainbow Dash, busting the door open. The sound startled the hurt human, almost causing him to lose his grip on the cloth on his shoulder. He was panting now, a sign that he was beginning to tire out. The Pegasus had to hurry. Motioning both Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle, she kicked the door back into place “Alright everypony, get inside!!”

“Oh my goodness! What did you do this poor creature, Rainbow Dash?” Asked Fluttershy, as she rushed towards Calvin with medical kit in hoof.

“Me!? He was the one that crashed into my house!!”

“How can somepony like him could do something like that?”

“I don’t know, what am I? Miss ‘know it all’ pony or something? Anyways, why don’t you ask the kid when you’re done patching him up-.”

“Girls please! Stop your arguing!” Yelled Twilight. “Can we please focus on what’s important here?”

“R-Right, the kid! So Fluttershy, how’s he doing?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“Well the wound isn’t that deep, but he won’t be using his arm for quite a while. But other than the blood loss, the creature’s going to be fine.” The Yellow Pegasus said as she finished her examination. Fluttershy was familiar with the upper anatomy of the subject since her encounter with the Minotaur named Iron Will and the Centaur named Lord Tirek, who was back in Tartarus. She noticed that the boy was recovering a little bit more and has now lying back against the sofa he was on. It would be about an hour or so before he would be awake again. But in that time, Calvin received a very special visitor.

When he opened his eyes again, the young human named Calvin found himself in what looked like an ever expanding sky with himself being on a floating island. He didn’t know if this place was real or not, but soon though, another voice caught his attention.

“Greetings, youngling.”

The boy turned around, only to be surprised by what he saw. A glowing white silhouette of Eon, the Elder portal master of skylands. He was beginning to think that this was all a dream. A trick. But, as it turns out, it wasn’t. The Elderly man was truly real and in front of him.

“You seem to have many questions… Please… take your time.”

“I-i… don’t know where to begin…” He finally said after a few seconds. “W-what happened to me?”

“You were somehow brought from your home into the world underneath the skylands. The history books refer to it as Equus, yet it has been laid as undiscovered for over thousands of years.” The Portal Master told him, scratching his chin. “Tell me though, may I see that pendant around your neck? It feels like I’ve seen it somewhere before.”

Calvin nodded his head, taking it off of his neck and handing it to the elder portal master. Eon carefully inspected the materials of the crystal, even summoning a book from thin air for him to refer to something that he had seen previously before. “Remarkable… I never knew something like this would show up in your world no less.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t follow.”

“This, young boy, is a very rare crystal. It was referred to by the ancients as Elementanium or “The Mineral of Elements” by the Molekin. A magical crystal that can harness all the elements that the Skylanders represent. However, it seems that it has been bound to you specifically and with it, comes newfound gifts.”


“Earlier, you closed your eyes and recited something that Blackout would say, did you not?”

He was right. Calvin did remember that happening. But what exactly did that mean? “Y-yeah I remember. But what does that have to do with me?”

“Young lad, with this crystal of yours, you can become the Skylanders that you know and cherish back where you are from. However, it does not mean that you can be one forever. Through observing your encounter with the Cyan Equine, you can only stay in a transformed state for no more than five minutes at a time. This goes for all Skylanders, including Swap Force, Trap team and even the Giants.”

Calvin’s eyes widened. He could…… turn into a Skylander? Was that right? Boy, did he feel like jumping for joy right now. However, Eon wasn’t quite done with him yet.

“Before you go though, you may need to take care of something first.”

“What’s that, Master Eon?” The Boy asked, politely. He learned from others that it was polite to treat others with respect.

“You will need something for other to call you by if in trouble and need your help. A token that represents you. And I think I know just the thing that’ll work.”

“Umm… I’m sorry for interrupting you Eon, but I just found out about these powers recently.” Calvin had to remind him. “Do you think we could hold off on that until I’m a bit… familiar with where I am and what I can do.”

The Elder Portal Master sighed. “If you insist. Remember though, I’ll always be here if you need my guidance, young SkyShifter.” Before Calvin could say anything else, everything around him began to blur and turn to a bright light. Only to be greeted by the sound of the Cyan Equine he encountered before.

“Hey, you awake kid?”

That was the first few words that Calvin heard as he began to open his eyes again. Seeing the Cyan Equine again. “Y-yeah. I’m sorry about your roof miss……”

“The names Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in all of Equestria. As for my roof, well I guess I’ll let it slide seeing how you’re just a kid and all.”

“Thanks. I’m still sorry for earlier. You know…… after I crashed in here. My name is Calvin. Nice to meet you.”

“Huh, that’s a weird name for…...whatever you are?”

“I’m a human.” Calvin replied, trying to straighten himself up on the couch slowly.

“Human huh? Do all you guys look like hairless apes or something or is it just you?”

“Well, not really. I’m only twelve years old. Though, I’m not really sure if I can answer a lot of question you might have. There are some things I’m still confused about myself. Like earlier…… who were your friends? Like the Pegasus that bandaged my arm?”

“Oh them? That would be Fluttershy and Twilight. I got them to patch you up.”

Calvin smiled a little, not feeling any pain in his arm when he tried to move it. “Hey, next time you see them, can you give them my thanks?”

“By all means, tell them yourself.”

“Wait, wha-?” Before Calvin could say anything else, the two ponies from before re-entered the room, surprising him. “Well… This is awkward.”

“Just wait until Twilight ask you some questions about yourself. Then it will be awkward.” Upon saying that. Twilight jolted up in front of Calvin with a quill and scroll in hoof.

“How did you end up here in Equestria? Do all humans have the ability to fly? Do you like books? How many of you species is there? Do you eat meat, fruits, or vegetables?” Before Twilight was able to ask anymore questions regarding any subject, Calvin coughed a little and interjected.

“I don’t know. I wasn’t Flying, I was falling. Depends on the book. Billions back home, but I’m now there, and all of the above.” Looking at Rainbow now, he watched her jaw hang loose and her eye pupils shrink. “What? Was it something I said?”

“T-There’s h-how many of you humans?”

“It honestly depends on what country you’re talking about. I don’t know exact numbers.”

“B-but how can a species population grow so fast?”

“Miss, I don’t even know myself to be honest with you. I honestly don’t even know how I got here.” Calvin replied. “I’m only twelve years old. I’m not Albert Einstein.”

“So I won’t get that much from you huh?”

“Sorry If I’m not that helpful.” The boy replied back. “I’ve only graduated Elementary school recently.”

“Oh so you’re just a kid then? Then I’ll have to send a letter to Celestia about this-.”

“Hang on, Twi.” Rainbow interjected for a second. “Aren’t you going to ask him about what I told you earlier? You know? Turning into a dragon and what not?”

“Yes well. I think we should wait until tomorrow for-.”

“No need.” Calvin interjected. “I’ve kind of got an understanding of it, so why not demonstrate it to you.” With his good arm, Calvin held the crystal and began to think of Blackout again, then muttered “Lights out” in a soft tone. The light covered him for just a moment, like a blanket. But when the blanket was removed, the dragon Rainbow saw earlier had taken form again. “Please though, let’s keep this between ourselves for now.”

“But Celestia has to know about this-.”

“She can know once I know more about it. This is all new to me as well.” He spoke in Blackout’s voice. “But I have gotten a bit comfortable on knowing how to do this.”

“Then how does it work than?”

“Where I’m from, there are a collection of heroes in a game that are called Skylanders. Using the Necklace that was around my neck, I think of one of them, say a phrase they would say and then turn into them. Just now, I turned into one of the ten different skylander types called Blackout. A dark Skylander who uses his wings to fight. However, these transformations can’t last forever.” Just when he said that, Calvin returned to his normal human form. “Transformations only last for a limited amount of time. Five minutes at most I believe. Given how long Rainbow thought that I was some Changeling or whatever she called it.”

“That’s quite amazing. You said that there were ten types right?” Calvin nodded his head briefly before Twilight spoke again. “What are they?”

“Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Life, Undead, Tech, Magic, Light, and Dark. Blackout is only a Dark type, but he’s very quick and mobile in combat.” Calvin explained. “While on the other hand, another one might me more focused on blasting monsters with spells than going at them head on.”

“Hold on, they’re Undead and Dark Skylanders? Aren’t those like… villains?” Twilight had to ask. After remembering her encounter with Sombra in the Crystal Empire and knowing that raising the dead was straight out forbidden in Equestria, she had some growing concerns about what the boy had just said.

“Not really. Despite the sounds of their sinister origins, Dark and Undead Skylanders use their powers for good and are sometimes the ones who are recognized the most for their courage and bravery despite their appearance. Never judge a book by it’s cover.”

“Pfft… Eggheads.” Rainbow groaned. She personally not liked having to fight from afar when she could just swoop in and deal a good ol’ hoof of justice! “Hey, maybe there's a way to help you train you to make the most out of your transformations!”

“Rainbow, you’re forgetting that he still is hurt.”

“I was saying for after he’s healed. Now right now, bookworm.” The pegasus retorted back, getting a chuckle out of Calvin.

“But... but what about my plans, and the others?”

“Calvin should be well before he should meet everypony,” Fluttershy softly spoke. “If you think it’s okay, I can have him stay with me and the animals tomorrow.”

“Wait, you raise animals?” Calvin asked, surprised. “What kinds?”

“I have a Rabbit named Angel and a bear named Henry-.”

“SOLD!!!” Calvin shot upward. “Lead the way. I like all animals, but especially bears!!”

“Fine, but I still have some more questions for Calvin once he feels better.” Twilight said. “Oh and how are we going to get him down there-?”

“Not to worry, I got something I think can work.” Calvin said as he stepped outside, holding onto the Crystal again. “Full Scream Ahead”. A few moments later, Calvin took the form of the Griffon Air Skylander named Sonic Boom. Mostly since she was able to fly on her own as one of her upgrades in the games. With that, Fluttershy and Calvin left Rainbow’s home, smiling a little as they ascended into the sky. But for Twilight, the shock of what just happened was making her eyes twitch.

“Uhh… Twilight? Are you okay?” The nearby element of loyalty asked out of concern. Only to watch her friend pass out.

“Oh great. I think Calvin broke Egghead.”

End Scroll 1

Author's Note:

I made this to try some more PG related writing and because I wanted to test some new character ideas. I'm not revealing any villains off the bat, but I will add more over time. Oh and this takes place some time after Tanks for the Memories...


Sonic Boom:

Simple Facts on Calvin
Height: 4ft 9in
Weight: 120lbs
Noticeable feature: Tan skin, Blue eyes, Black shaggy hair.

And to leave you off, this as found on the Skylanders Wiki page for Blackout
◾Blackout resembles creatures of the Changeling species from the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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