• Published 6th Jun 2015
  • 11,513 Views, 239 Comments

Our Blessing - MysteriousStranger

After three years of marriage, Rarity decides that it's time to bring more joy to Carousel Boutique. How will Trixie take the idea?

  • ...


Nine years later…

The tweets of birds welcomed another morning. Rarity slowly woke up. She first saw the night table next to her side of her bed. She turned her head to see Trixie from the corner of her eyes. She was still sleeping peacefully, holding Rarity from her waist and her face buried in Rarity’s back. The fashionista couldn’t help but to smile. Her wife always looked so innocent in the mornings. Rarity got off the bed carefully, placing Trixie’s hoof on the mattress. She then headed downstairs to prepare breakfast. Minutes later, when she was placing the plates, a young colt walked in the kitchen, levitating a piece of parchment and a feather with ink in front of him. He still hadn't earned his cutie mark yet.

“Good morning, Clementine.”

“Good morning, mother.” The colt in question replied with formality.

“Oh, son, please tell me that you weren’t up all night again working on your composition.”

“No, I woke up earlier. I must be ready for the concert today. I don’t want to fail.”

“Dear, you have been practicing for weeks with your mom. You’re more than ready for today."

"But mother Trixie says that the audience of Manetown is not easy to captivate.” Clementine's ears fell.

“And she’s right. But I believe that you’re ready. Please, take a break and have your breakfast. You’ll have time to practice some more after filling your stomach.” Trixie walked in just as Rarity finished speaking, holding a foal covered with a blanket. “Good morning.”

Trixie yawned. “Good morning…” She tiredly said.

“You slept ten hours, how can you be tired?” Rarity joked.

Trixie chuckled and gave her wife a peck on her lips. “I worked all day yesterday and I helped Clementine to get ready for his concert, not to mention that our little filly didn’t want to fall asleep.” The blue Unicorn looked over at the colt. “Are you ready for today, big boy?”

“Certainly, but I will practice some more before going to Manetown.” Clementine said before eating some of his breakfast.

“We can go visit aunt Pinkie Pie, she always enjoys hearing you play.” Trixie said while she gave her daughter to Rarity. The filly shared all of Rarity’s traits, her coat was white and her mane was purple. When she opened her eyes, she revealed them to be light blue.

“Yes, good idea.” The colt smiled at Trixie while the later sat to eat her own breakfast.

After they had their breakfast, the family walked to the living room where Rarity put the filly on the floor. She removed the blanket and the filly’s wings came to light. Rarity smiled when she saw the filly head directly to where her older brother was.

“She’s so cute… she always seeks for Clementine’s affection." Trixie watched the scene. She was smiling but she wasn’t experiencing joy, she felt guilt. If only she and her family treated Night Wing better, maybe he wouldn’t have done what he did. Everything would have been different. Her parents and brother would be alive and she wouldn’t carry a permanent mark of his doing with her. The magician pony felt pain on her left eye and had to take a hoof to it. “Trixie-Boo?”

“It’s fine, sweetheart.” Trixie looked at her wife before removing her hoof from her eye. “It has passed.”

Rarity nuzzled Trixie’s neck to comfort her. She knew what was Trixie feeling. The feeling of guilt was frequent on Trixie, ever since their daughter was born.

Trixie put a leg around Rarity. “I’ll be fine. Clementine Jr. will do what I should have done.” She smiled. They watched their children play. Clementine trotted to the opposites sides of the room and his sister would always follow him.
An hour later, Trixie put on her cape and her son was right beside her, wearing a bag to carry his composition and instrument. They were ready to go.

“Sweetheart, we’re leaving!”

“Wait!” Rarity exclaimed as she approached to her wife and son, carrying her foal. “Aren’t you two forgetting something?”

“Oh, of course…” Trixie smiled and both her and Clementine walked towards Rarity. Trixie kissed Rarity’s left cheek and Clementine’s the right one. “We’ll be back by lunch.”

Clementine patted his sister’s head. “See you later.”

“Take care, you two!” Rarity walked them to the door to wave at them until they left. She changed the sign to ‘Open’ and closed the door.
Clementine sighed after they were far enough. “Finally, I can speak like a normal pony. Using fancy words is hard…”

“I know, Clementine, but you don't have to do it to please your mother.”

“Yes, I know. But she usually speaks fancy and I thought that I would please her.” Clementine smiled. “I don’t mind speaking formally once in a while, but doing it every day? No, thank you.” The colt chuckled. "I still can't believe that she sometimes asks you to do it. Why do you always agree?"

“Umm…” Trixie blushed. “Y-You know, she loves me… and I’m nice to her…”

“You do it for love? I don't understand, you allow her you manipulate you just because of love? Why?”

“Well, son, there’s a special bond which two ponies who truly love each other share. It's not manipulation, it's called 'being nice'. You do it for pleasure, not preassure. You’ll find your own way, big boy.” Trixie winked at her son. “Oh, well, what do we have here?” The magician pony said when she looked in front of her again. “It’s Twilight and your best friend, Sunny Shores.”

Clementine looked at the direction his mother was looking. “Oh, yes they are.” He smiled.

Twilight and Sunny Shores spotted them. “Oh, hey there, guys!” The lavender Unicorn waved as Trixie and Clementine approached. “Where are you two going?”

“We’re going to Pinkie Pie’s. Clementine wants to practice some more before the concert and Pinkie wanted to hear him play again.”

“Oh, I see. Sunny and I are going to the market. We want to surprise Fluttershy with her favorite food when she returns.” Twilight said, patting Sunny Shores’ head.

“Aww, that’s a nice gesture!” Trixie smiled. “Is everything ready for today?”

“Yes, don’t worry, Trixie. We’re ready for the concert. We all have the tickets to Manetown and are ready to go.”

“Good, good…” Trixie smiled, but Twilight knew that she was just keeping the kids happy. Manetown was her least favorite town, and she was hoping that the crowd wouldn’t hate her son’s performance, like they hated hers.

“I see that you’re still wearing the flower we found the other day.” Clementine commented to her best friend.

“Y-Yeah, I like it.” Sunny Shores smiled and hid her face with her hair so Clementine couldn’t see her blush. “So, um, I’m excited to see you play today…” Sunny Shores, like Clementine, she had no Cutie mark yet.

“You have heard me play before, Sunny.” Clementine smiled, oblivious.

“Y-Yes, but, you’re the star of a real performance, it’s not the school band. How can you be so calm?”

“I’m used to the spotlight. I enjoy being the center of attention.” Clementine joked.

Sunny Shores giggled. “You always need to show off.”

“Alright, Sunny, we need to hurry or else we won’t prepare lunch on time.”

“Oh, right…” The filly’s blush became more noticeable, but Clementine was looking at Trixie.

“I think we should hurry too, mother.”

“Yes.” Trixie smiled at Twilight. “We’ll see you in Manetown.”

“Have a nice practice!”


In the afternoon, everyone was at Manetown and they were sitting on their respective seats. Trixie, Rarity and their friends had seats on the front row. Sunny Shores was sitting between her parents and the fashionista was holding her daughter. Rarity couldn’t help but to squeal.


“I can’t help it, Trixie-Boo, our son is going to be a star!”

“I think you might be exaggerating a little…”

“He’s fabulous! He hypnotizes with his music, just like you!”

“Rarity, what if Clementine Jr. doesn’t wants to be famous? Don’t pressure him.”

“I’m not going to pressure him, what makes you think that I would do that?”

“Well, for starts, you bought all kind of instruments to him as soon as he started to talk and you didn’t stop until you got him the one he liked the most.”

“I wanted him to be an amazing musician like you almost did... You have talent with your bagpipes and he has inherited it.” Rarity blushed.

“You made him practice four days a week, three hours minimum each day.”

“But it was worth it, look at him now!”

“Rarity, he had to cancel his plans with Sunny Shores more than once because he had to practice. Please, let him choose his own path, don’t make him follow the one I couldn’t. Promise me that, starting tomorrow, you’ll give him more free will.”

Rarity sighed. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I’ll talk to him after the concert.” She tried to smile to her wife but she wasn't looking at her. She was looking behind her, and she wasn't exactly happy. "Trixie?"

“What is that mare doing here…?”

“What mare?” Rarity followed Trixie’s look and her heart immediately sank. At the last row, they found Beau Monde. She still carried her expression of superiority, despite wearing old fashioned clothes and little to no makeup. Her hair wasn’t properly kept.

“Of course she’s here… The most unfriendly town in Equestria, she just had to be here…” Trixie’s left eye began to burn again, causing the mare to put a hoof on it.

“Trixie, don’t you worry about her.” Rarity said as she put a hoof on Trixie’s back. “She can’t do anything now. She lost everything she had.”

“Still, I hate her…” Trixie said between her teeth.

Rarity was about to say something else, but a stallion walked to the microphone and cleared his throat. Both mares put their attention on the stage.

“Fillies and gentercolts, thank you for coming! You’re about to witness the first concert of Clementine umm..." The stallion coughed, after noticing that someone had spilled ink over the surnames. The stallion decided to skip that part, hoping no pony would notice. "Anyway, this concert is both performed and directed by him! I must say, this colt has a bright future. Give the orchestra a warm welcome!” Everypony stomped the floor and cheered as the curtains moved to reveal a group of grown stallions and mares in formal attires and Clementine sitting on the front, watching the audience and with a tuxedo. He was holding a flute.

“Oh my gosh, there he is and he looks so handsome! Clementine, over here!” Rarity waved at her son while Trixie tried to calm her wife down. Many eyes focused on them, including those of their friends.

Clementine waved at them, smiling, before speaking. “Thank you… mother. I’ll dedicate my first composition to my parents.” Everypony stomped the floor again as Clementine put the flute on his mouth and the conductor got ready. Clementine played alone for a few seconds, slowly, violins accompanied him. They kept playing and a wind instrument soon joined. They played until drums began to sound and Clementine stood up when two crash cymbals clashed. Despite many instruments being played at the same time, the colt’s flute could still be heard. Clementine walked to the edge of the stage, still playing and his eyes closed, focusing on what he was doing.

When the music got at its highest, his flank began to shine. He didn’t notice it, he thought that the audience was amazed by the music, which they were. Finally, when the music as coming to an end and he remained playing alone with the violins, he opened his eyes and looked at his parents. Rarity and Trixie were holding each other’s hooves and crying of joy. When the orchestra stopped playing, he received more cheers.

“Clementine, you got your Cutie Mark!” Apple Bloom yelled.

“I did?” The colt looked at his flank. His Cutie Mark consisted of a piece of parchment, with a treble clef and lines, along with a feather with ink. “Well, look at that.” He smiled.

“That’s not fair! He got it at his first try!” Sweetie Belle said, slightly annoyed.

“Nice way to congratulate your nephew, Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo said.

The colt looked over at Sunny Shores, receiving a smile from her. Clementine, then, looked over at his parents, who were still smiling and tears of joy became to appear from their eyes.

“Well done, son.” Trixie managed to say while Rarity cleaned her own eyes with a napkin. “We’re proud of you.”

“Thank you, mom…”

“Yes, yes, magnificent. But the concert has just started.” The stallion who started the concert spoke. “Clementine, if you will…”

“Certainly.” The colt put his flute on his bag and walked to where the conductor was. “Sir.” The director gave him the baton and walked out, receiving cheers in the process. Clementine looked at the audience. “My next piece is for my little sister over there.” He smiled at the filly, who was between Rarity’s hooves. Clementine turned to face the orchestra and got ready to direct. This composition had a different style from the one he performed with the orchestra. It was more child friendly. He focused solely on directing until he reached a part where violins were almost the only instruments playing. He looked back at his sister and he smiled when he saw her moving her head at compass of the music like everyone else. He focused on the orchestra again when the violins were no longer the only instruments playing.

When he finished, the crowd cheered and stomped the floor in approval again. Clementine smiled awkwardly and bowed. “Thank you, thank you.” He stood properly again. “But if you’re going to cheer me like this after every composition, we’re going to be here all night.” He joked and everyone laughed. “Now, get ready because the concert has just started.”


Two hours later, the concert was over and a big success. Everyone was heading back to the train station when suddenly Clementine gasped.

“Oh, no!” He was looking for something inside his bag.

“What is it, dear?” Rarity asked.

“I’m missing a page. I must have left it back at the stage. I have to get it back!” Without saying another word, the colt galloped back to the stage.


“Yeah, I know, sweetheart.” Trixie smiled before trotting, following her son’s path.

Clementine Jr. made his way back to the stage and walked to the music stand. “Where is it? It should be here…”

“Are you looking for this?” Clementine turned his head to where the voice came from to find a mare holding Clementine’s music sheet. Her coat was a light shad of pink and her mane and hair brown. “I was hoping you would come back for it.”

“You want to talk to me, miss…” The colt spoke with signs of confusion as he approached to the mare.

“Monde. Beau Monde. Yes. I wanted to congratulate you personally.”

“Thank you Miss Monde.” Clementine said as he took his music sheet back. “Your compliment is much appreciated.”

“You truly are talented. Fame and fortune is awaiting for you in your future.” The mare paced around the colt. “You’re lucky for having come to my hometown. You see, I have a few contacts in the music industry. I can arrange a meeting for you.”

“Uhh, thank you, but I’m good for now.” Clementine felt awkward around this mare. He didn’t know why, but something was odd about her.

“Oh, don’t be shy. You don’t want to waste your talent, do you?” Her tone was very persuasive.

“Well, umm…”

“Beau Monde!” Both Clementine and Beau Monde turned their heads to find a furious Trixie standing by the stage. “Step away from my son in this instant!” Her left eye was twitching.

“Your son?” Beau Monde was confused.

“Mother!” Clementine trotted to Trixie’s side.

“Yes, my son. I don’t want him to hang out with the likes of you!”

“Oh, I see. You finally left that mare? How was it… Rarity?” Beau Monde's eyes widened in surprise. Just in that moment, Rarity arrived alongside her friends.

“I didn’t.” Trixie simply said.

“It’s Mrs. Lulamoon to you, Monde!” Rarity’s anger was also noticeable.

“Monde? Beau Monde?” Twilight inquired out loud. “As in the Beau Monde who tried to ruin Rarity’s career nine years ago?”

“The one and only.” Trixie said seriously.

“You!” Rainbow Dash said before flying in front of Beau Monde. “Don’t you dare lay a hoof on Clementine or I won’t be responsible for my actions! Leave my friends alone!”

“Alright, sugarcube, that’s enough!” Applejack called. The cyan Pegasus blew from her nose like a bull on Beau Monde’s face and returned to where she was.

The former fashionista looked at all the ponies before her, but what most frightened was the young dragon glaring at her. “I don’t have to stand for this, you pretty much destroyed my life already. Farewell! And I hope we never meet again!” Beau Monde walked away.

“We destroyed your life?! You did it by yourself! How dare you to blame us? You had it coming, you…!” Trixie was cut short by Rarity’s hoof being placed on one of her withers.

“She’s not listening to you, Trixie, let it go.”

“Mother…” Clementine looked at Trixie. “Your eye, it’s twitching… are you okay?”

Trixie smiled and hugged her son. “Yes, Clementine, I’m fine. Don’t worry.” She moved her head to look at the colt. “I’m sorry you had to see that.” She said before looking at Sunny Shores. “You too.”

“Who was that?” The colt asked.

“Somepony I wish you never met.” Trixie said as she put her son on her back. “Come on, let’s go home.”

On the train back to Ponyville, both Rarity and Clementine were sleeping while leaning on Trixie. The magician pony had her hoof on Rarity’s head and was looking between her son and daughter. The filly was being held by her brother. She then looked at Rainbow Dash. As usual, she was napping while Applejack looked out the window. Trixie’s eyes slowly moved to focus on Twilight. Fluttershy was sleeping on Twilight’s lap while a sleeping Sunny Shores was being held by the Pegasus. Twilight looked around and her gaze met with Trixie’s. They shared a smile. Trixie couldn’t wish for more. She had a family, friends who would stand up for her, a home and a successful career. This time, nothing nor nopony could take her happiness away.

Author's Note:

And this concludes this arc. Thank you all for reading and for leaving your comments!:twilightsmile:
I’m really thankful to all of you, my faithful readers, thank you for putting up with me. I had fun writing this, and I will always regret not being able to make it longer. Anyhow, keep watching me. I hope I can return one day :pinkiesmile:
Have another artwork :rainbowkiss:

I want to thank Wonder for revising this chapter before its release! :pinkiehappy:


There’s a super secret fake dark ending pending!!!! :rainbowderp:
Hint: “In my restless dreams, I see that town…”

I do not own any of the soundtracks used not the clip used.