• Published 18th Apr 2015
  • 1,493 Views, 78 Comments

The People's Republic of Twilightlicious - GeodesicDragon

Twilight Sparkle has been given control of her very own nation, and now she has to learn how to lead it — while at the same time trying to prevent one of her new neighbours from invading Equestria.

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Twilightlicious Plagued By STD Epidemic!

"The VODAIS epidemic is out of control, Princess, and it falls to you to decide what we must do about it." Raymond indicated the three people sitting in front of the desk. "This is Doctor Samuel du Pont, religious leader Heather de Castro and Marlon Janssen, the Health Minister for Twilightlicious. Each of them has an idea for curbing the problem that they would like to present to you."

Twilight nodded. "You first, Doctor du Pont."

Samuel stood up. "The situation is about to explode. At this rate, this epidemic could severely impact our economy, our way of life, and even our government," he said. "We must supply powerful drugs to all infected people, even if we have to produce and distribute it ourselves. We must also educate people on the dangers of VODAIS and supply condoms to all sexually active males. We'll need to divert money from the military to fund all of this — but what good is a military if the soldiers are too sick to fight?"

He sat down and then Heather stood up, shaking her head. "If you supply condoms, you'll increase sexual promiscuity," she scoffed. "And if you supply drugs, you'll risk creating an aura of invincibility which in turn increases sexual promiscuity. Sexual abstinence is one-hundred percent effective in preventing VODAIS infection. This knowledge must be taught at all schools and workplaces, and all other choices must be ridiculed. Make celibacy the only option!"

"Supplying drugs and condoms will not stop VODAIS infections and forcing everyone to become celibate will ultimately cause the slow death of this country," Marlon argued. "If you ask me, and you did, segregating the infected people is the most effective method. Everybody in Twilightlicious must be tested for VODAIS, and anyone who tests positive must then be sent off to live in gated communities away from the rest of us. If they need to mingle with uninfected people, then they must wear a distinguishing badge which features a Grim Reaper holding a skeletal timber wolf."

Twilight looked at him, appalled. "That is the most sickening idea I have ever heard!" she shouted. "I will do no such thing, Marlon, and I'm amazed you could even come up with such an idea." She pointed at the door. "Get out of my sight; you're fired!"

Everyone watched as Marlon stood up and left the room, slamming the door behind him. A moment later, he opened it again and poked his head into the room, opening his mouth to speak. But upon noticing the stern looks he was getting, he quickly left again.

"He did make one good point, though," Twilight said. "Forcing celibacy on the population wouldn't do much good for our birth rates. So I am going to take Doctor du Pont's advice, and order the creation and supply of additional drugs and condoms."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Samuel said. He and Heather both stood up and bowed. "And, if I may say so, thank you for getting rid of that idiot Marlon. He only got his job because his father ruled the country before you took over."

"That explains a lot," Geo said. "Mind you, I only got my job after I assassinated the previous ruler of the Apocalypse."

Twilight ignored him. "Thank you, Samuel and Heather, you may both take your leave." Raymond held the door open for them, and then returned to the desk with his folder in his arms.

"Okay, Princess, the next issue is..." he looked through the stacks of paper. "Ah, here we go. Several animal rights groups have protested the continuing use of fur as a material for clothing."

"I will hear what the people have to say, but I already have some idea as to what action I will take," Twilight replied. "Arrange the meeting for as soon as you possibly can."

Raymond nodded and left the room, dialling a number on his phone, while Geo stood up and walked over to join Twilight.

"Well, Princess," he said. "This has been fun and all, but I'm afraid that I cannot stick around for much longer."

"You're leaving?" Twilight asked, a little too hopefully.

Geo nodded. "I am indeed," he said. "The self-proclaimed emperor of a small, nameless, nation within my sphere of influence has gone on a genocidal rampage within his own borders, purging the country of what he calls 'those pesky Bigtopians.'"

Twilight looked at him in surprise. "And you're going to help these people flee the horror they find themselves facing?" she asked.

"Hell, no." Geo cackled. "I'm going home to finalise the Apocalypse's invasion plans so that we can go in, kick this guy out of power, and take all of his land and resources for ourselves!"

Twilight sighed. "Figures," she muttered.

"Yes," Geo replied. "Anyway, Princess, thank you for your time." He stood at attention and saluted. "I've learned a lot from you during my time here... but I don't think I will be introducing my people to the concept of 'diplomacy' any time soon."

Twilight reluctantly returned Geo's salute. "And thank you for... well... saving my life, and those of my friends."

Geo smiled. "You're welcome." he grinned. "Just remember that you still owe me a favour, which I will be asking for soon."

Twilight sighed. "Yes, I know," she grumbled. "You'd better get going before you miss your flight, or something."

Geo laughed and left the room, allowing Twilight – as well as her friends – to all let out large sighs of pure relief.

But Twilight's relief soon turned to trepidation, as the favour she owed Geo once again forced itself to the front of her mind.