• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 4,387 Views, 1,265 Comments

The Velveteen Mask - Crystal Wishes

Everypony knows her as a cute, bubbly mare with a penchant for playful mischief, but is that just a mask she wears? Who really is Velvet Step?

  • ...

The Look on Her Face

Every light in the condo was turned off to reflect Velvet's feigned despair. She lounged on the sofa, her back facing the front door, waiting for Crystal to come home.

After an hour had passed according to the clock on the wall, Velvet's resolve was starting to wane. Maybe it would be better to just leave her a note and head out to party with Nightingale and some of the other Canterlot Ballet corps dancers. They were more Nightingale's friends than hers, but that didn't mean karaoke night wouldn't be a blast.

Soloist. Velvet pawed at the back cushion. No more faceless, nameless corps positions for her! In the much larger company of the Royal Ballet, she wouldn't have to fight the others for roles like the Evil Stepsisters. Those would be her bread and butter!

Of course, while she had a better chance of standing out as a soloist than a corps dancer—or, as the Royal Ballet called them, artists and first artists—there were more ponies overall. The company was four times bigger than the Canterlot Ballet, in fact.

The lock clicked and the door swung open. Light poured in as Crystal announced, "I'm home!"

It was showtime.

"How was dinner?" Velvet kept her back to Crystal, but one ear swiveled back, hoping to catch every distinct intonation to paint the picture that she couldn't see.

"As could be expected, I suppose." Her tone was cautious, with a hint of worried. The feeling carried to her hoofsteps that slowly approached. "How was your day?"

Velvet had practiced the lines to ensure her wording was precise, so her focus was instead on her voice. She had to sound bitter, but not too bitter or Crystal might pick up on the lie. She had to sound like she was bitter but trying not to be bitter. It was a delicate balance, but if anypony could do it, Velvet was certain it was her.

"I didn't even remotely make the cut for a principal dancer."

Crystal's voice wavered a little with uncertainty. "Well, ah, that's all right, isn't it? There are so many other ranks—"

Bitter interruption! "Or a first artist. Or even an artist."

"Ah, I see." Crystal paused, likely puzzling through the difference in rank names. "Those are the corps, are they not?"

Velvet grinned. She could read Crystal like a book without even looking at her.

"Would you really have been happy continuing in the background?"

It was endearing how hard Crystal was trying. It almost—almost—made Velvet feel bad about this little game. "At least it would have been better than remaining stagnant." Her tail lashed as she choked back the amusement in her voice. "You're really bad at this comforting thing tonight."

"I'm sorry! I really am, I just, Velvet, I'm sorry. You tried and I'm so proud that you did. You've worked so hard to prepare for today and I'm proud of you even if you—"

A pause. Velvet's ear flicked. Was Crystal catching on?

"Velvet, you're not messing with me, are you?"

Velvet snorted as she tried not to laugh. She wasn't ready to give up on frustrating Crystal just yet. She pushed herself up and turned to glare in Crystal's direction. "Are you saying I'm lying just to lull you into some kind of trap?" Yup! "About something as important as this?!"

"I'm sorry!" Crystal's ears flicked back and she lowered her gaze. "I'm sorry, that was such a stupid thing to say, I—"

Another round of bitter interruption, but this time with a little flare of anger thrown in! "Because I can tell you right now, if you'd even believe me or whatever, that I'm not lying! I didn't make principal or first artist or artist!" The most glorious part of all was that she was, in fact, not lying.


As her ears folded back, Velvet realized her mane was down. She tried to quickly push that thought from her mind as she delivered the final, killing blow. "Believe it or not, all I got was an offer to be a soloist!"

Crystal gave a panicked shake of her head. "I'm really sorry! I do believe you! I just—I just—"

Velvet grinned as she saw the gears click into place as Crystal's brow furrowed. Oh, yes, the look on her face was totally worth it.

Realization crashed in all at once as Crystal bolted upright and glared. "Velvet, you tramp!" She stomped a hoof. "This is exactly why I have these doubts when you give me bad news!" She hopped onto the coffee table to get the higher ground before pouncing on Velvet and exclaiming, "I'll never trust you again but I'm so thrilled you made it in!"

Velvet burst into the laughter she had been holding in, wrapping her forelegs around Crystal and hugging her. "I'm sorry!" She gasped for air and managed, "I just can't help it. You're so much fun to mess with!" She grinned so wide that it hurt. "I made it. I did it. I'm in the Royal Ballet!"

Crystal trembled with excitement as she squealed and hugged Velvet back, almost squeezing the life out of her. "That's so wonderful!"

It was starting to feel real. Seeing the excitement on Crystal's face, hearing it in her voice, and feeling it in her tight embrace was the most real it had felt since the ballet master had announced the names.

She had really done it. It wasn't a dream. And now, it was time to celebrate.


The Fillyharmonic was a great karaoke bar. The selection of songs was amazing, the food was great, and a gaggle of mares dressed up to party could easily earn free drinks if they made eye contact with a lone pony long enough. Lazuli had brought a couple vials of Crystal Empire coat glitter for them all, so it was hard for them to go unnoticed.

"Is it all right to keep getting drinks like this?" Dawn asked in a voice that was just barely above a whisper. She had her mane tied up in pigtails rather than braided down and a pink ribbon around the dock of her tail.

Ocean Starlight laughed and clapped the little mare on the back. "Of course it is! None of us are asking them to bring drinks."

Velvet, sitting on the other side of Dawn, offered a grin. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

Dawn smiled and gave a small nod. "Mmhm."

"Then let the drinks pour in! Come on!" Nightingale clapped her hooves. "We'd get even more if one of you sexy fillies got on that stage and put on a little show, too!"

Ocean pointed at Velvet. "This is your celebration, girl! Get up there and act like it!"

Velvet tossed her head back, laughing. "All right, all right!" She rose from her seat. "Who wants to join me?"

"No thanks." Lazuli waved a hoof. "I'm a light director, not a singer!"

Dawn squeaked in a tiny voice, "I'll go."

Velvet hesitated. The main reason she had invited Dawn in the first place was out of hope that she and Ocean might hit it off. But then again, maybe if Dawn sang and danced a little, that might spark something. It was worth a shot!

"All right, then, let's do this!" Velvet grabbed Dawn's hoof and the two started toward the stage. "Let's see, let's see..." She grinned at the song list. "Oh! Perfect!"

Dawn swallowed. "U-Um, actually, maybe this was a bad—"

The music started up, wholesome and bubbly. Velvet just flashed her a grin, bumped their shoulders together, and sang as the lyrics appeared on the screen, "Mrs. Sandmare, bring me a dream!"

Dawn's voice trembled a little as she chimed in, "Make—Make him the cutest, that I've ever seen."

"Give him two lips, like roses and clover." Velvet put a hoof to her lips and blew a kiss to the crowd, earning a few whistles and hollers their way. "Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over!"

The smiles and general approval from the crowd seemed to loosen Dawn up. She stood a little taller and by the end of the song, she had even started to wiggle a little bit with the upbeat music.

Velvet tossed her mane and she pressed her cheek to Dawn's. Dawn giggled and together they finished, "Please, please, please, Mrs. Sandmare, won't you bring us a dream!"

"Oh my gosh," Dawn whispered as they were showered with hoof stomps and whistles. "That was kind of fun!"

"You bet your cute rump it was!" Velvet grinned and they trotted back to their table.

As they approached, the look in Nightingale's eyes caught Velvet off guard. There was a smile on her face, but it was halfhearted at best. Velvet returned it with a frown and mouthed, "What?"

Nightingale glanced between Velvet and Dawn, then gave a meaningful flick of one ear. She had been against Velvet's idea of trying to hook Dawn up with Ocean, and she had been even more against bringing Dawn in the first place. A mistake, she called it. Might give Dawn the wrong idea, she said.

Velvet rolled her eyes and just sat down. Well, what was she supposed to do? Dawn had been so lonely while Velvet was training with Perennial. This was a great opportunity to knock out two birds with one stone, and Velvet wasn't going to pass it up!

"So," Velvet started, glancing between the mares at the table, "anypony else going to take a shot at singing?"

Dawn's ears wiggled. "I'll go again!"

Nightingale shot another frown Velvet's way, but quickly relented with a begrudging smile as she turned her gaze toward Ocean. "Pretty sure it's your turn!"

Ocean shrugged and stood. "Okay, okay, I'll go! Come on, Dawn, let's show Velvet what a real song is!"

While the two started toward the stage, Lazuli leaned forward. "So, Velvet, you'll have to get us backstage passes to a Royal Ballet show as soon as you can." She steepled her hooves. "I want to see what the equipment looks like at a company with a bigger, better budget."

Velvet laughed. "It might be a while before I have that clout, you know."

"You'll figure it out." Lazuli grinned. "You managed to get in, so everything else will be as easy as rock candy!"

Velvet choked, her ears shooting straight up. "What?"

Lazuli's grin fell. "Oh, sorry. It's a phrase in the Crystal Empire. Every crystal pony went through a phase of making rock candy as foals since, well, it's somewhat our thing. Crystal Empire, crystal ponies, crystallized sugar..."

"Oh." Velvet cleared her throat. "Right." She quickly looked away and spotted the cutest stallion she could find by himself. "I think I see another potential drink! Look cute, ladies!"


Velvet tripped over her own hoof and wobbled, Dawn and Nightingale walking on either side of her to keep her upright.

"I'm fine!" she yelled.

Dawn giggled. "I'm not too sure about that." She lifted her head to look over Velvet at Nightingale. "Um, I don't live too far from here. She can sleep off the alcohol on my couch."

Nightingale shook her head. "Probably best if we take her to my place. I live close to the ballet studio, so she can go straight there after she inevitably wakes up late from a hangover."

"Oh." Dawn blinked. "But she usually gets up so early, even when she's drunk."

"Usually, huh?" Nightingale jabbed an elbow into Velvet's side, frowning.

Dawn just flushed and averted her gaze. Velvet glared at the both of them and loudly announced, "We shall do no such thing! Neither! Nada!" She came to a halt and glared up at Nightingale. "Where does Perennial live?"

"What?" Nightingale's brow furrowed. "Uh, why?"

"I gots words for her." Velvet tilted her head back to try to peer down her nose at Nightingale despite their difference in height. "You like to tell ponies where other ponies live." She waved a hoof. "You will take me to Perennial's!"

Nightingale stared. Velvet stared back. Finally, Nightingale shrugged, hooked her foreleg around Velvet's, and started walking. "Come on, Dawn, I want to see where this is going."

Dawn blinked and hurried to stay at Velvet's side. "Is—Is this a good idea? She's pretty drunk..."

Nightingale shrugged. "She's an adult. Adults can make mistakes. Especially when I'm around to watch them!"

"Yeah!" Velvet chimed, grinning at Dawn. "I'm an adult!"

Dawn bit her lip, but nodded and didn't say anything else as they made their way through the streets of Canterlot.

The buildings started to stand a little taller and their faces looked a little nicer the further the mares ventured. Velvet's lips curled into an 'o' shape when she saw the sign for the district they were entering: Canterlot Heights.

"Damn, Perry lives good," Velvet commented as she looked around. "This neighborhood fancy."

"Well, she and Beryl do both make pretty good money," Nightingale said with a shrug. "Perennial sometimes works as a principal guest artist for the Royal Ballet."

Velvet frowned. "Really?"

Nightingale nodded. "Yup! And we're here!" She gestured at a tall condominium complex. "Still sure you wanna do this?"

"You bet your cinnamon buns I do." Velvet started forward. "Don't stop me now! I'm going to just thank her for helping me out and then we'll be on our way."

"Oh, is that all?" Nightingale sighed. "I was hoping for something kinda more dramatic than that." She tugged Velvet back when they approached a stallion standing outside the main door. "Hi, Porter!"

The stallion tipped his hat. "Hello, Miss Nightingale. Been a while."

Nightingale smiled, fluttering her eyelashes. "Aww, you remember me?"

Porter winked at her. He was a charming older stallion with a jet black mane and sparkling blue eyes. "I never forget a pretty face. What are you doing out and about at this hour of the night?"

"Well, my girls and I were out at the Fillyharmonic when we remembered that Perennial said she had wanted to come with us, so we're here to pick her up!"

"That so? Miss Perennial, the Fillyharmonic? Are we talking about the same mare?" He grinned.

"Oh, you!" Nightingale giggled and flicked out a wing to playfully slap Porter's shoulder.

Porter chuckled as he stepped to the side and his magic pulled the door open. "Well, maybe a fun night out might do her some good."

"Thanks!" Nightingale led the two mares inside. Velvet just stumbled and wobbled while Nightingale held onto her foreleg, and Dawn glanced around nervously.

"What if he finds out you lied?" Dawn asked in a whisper.

Nightingale shrugged. "Oh, he won't mind. Worst case, I'll just take him out on a date and explain the whole thing. He'll understand."

"Oh." Dawn fell into step beside Velvet, a confused frown crossing her face.

They walked in silence as Nightingale brought them to the second floor. Velvet idly noted that there were only six doors total in the hallway: one at each end, two along the left wall, and two along the right. She clicked her tongue, trying to gauge just how big they were on the inside.

Her thoughts were cut off, however, when Nightingale stopped and announced, "Here we are!"

"Perry!" Velvet yelled, slamming her hoof on the door in front of her. "Wakey wakey! Open up!"

Dawn and Nightingale giggled behind her and a few moments later, the door opened up to reveal a frowning Perennial. Velvet squealed as she tumbled forward to lie sprawled at Perennial's hooves.

"What in Celestia's name are you doing at this unspeakable hour?" Perennial asked, glaring down at her. "And why are you on the floor?"

"I'm fine!" Velvet jumped back up and squinted at her. She swayed some but otherwise remained upright. "I'm here to thank you."

Perennial blinked. "At two in the morning?"

Velvet just nodded.

Perennial released a low groan, one hoof raising to her forehead. "How did you convince the stallion to let you in? Oh, I will most definitely have a talk with him in the morning." The hoof lowered and she waggled it. "All right, then. Your thanks has been received. Kindly leave now, and please don't ever do this again."

Velvet remained where she was, continuing to squint. "Mmm, nope."

"'Nope'?" Perennial sighed. "What now?"

"I have always wanted to do this." Velvet stepped forward, slapped her hoof to the back of Perennial's neck, and jerked the mare down into a hard kiss. It didn't last very long at all, as Perennial was quick to jump away and Velvet wasn't nearly sober enough to hold on.

"Go to Tartarus!" Perennial shrieked, slamming the door shut.

Velvet grinned and turned toward her companions. Dawn stared with wide eyes while Nightingale had a hoof slapped over her mouth to keep from laughing. "Totally worth it. 'Kay, ready to go home now." And with that, she fell forward, hit the ground, and was out like a light.


Velvet thought she was ready for her first day of practice at the Royal Ballet.

She had been wrong.

There were at least four times as many dancers in the company as there had been at the Canterlot Ballet. That alone was a fact that was much more surprising in pony. Faces were everywhere: principal dancers, first soloists, soloists, first artists, and artists were all mingling and getting to know one another.

Velvet swallowed and looked around. It was like the first day of school all over again. Except she was a strong, confident mare now, so what was there to be nervous about? She puffed out her chest and started toward the first pony she saw that caught her eye: a stallion, of all things.

"Hi there!" Velvet flashed a smile. "I'm Velvet Step!"

The stallion's wings twitched as he looked down at her, blinking a few times before smiling. He had a coat that was a muted greyish-blue color and a dark purple mane with shocks of silver strands like shooting stars across the night sky.

"Hi," he replied, bobbing his head. "Ephemeral Moon."

Velvet's smile curled into a grin. "I'm gonna call you Moony."

"Uh." His brow furrowed. "Most ponies call me Eph, actually."

"Well, I'm not most ponies, Moony!" She tossed her head to look around the room. So many ponies. "Oh, hey, look! Another stallion! This is crazy. Back at the Canterlot Ballet, it was all mares."

Ephemeral chuckled and shrugged. "That's how it tends to go, so, you know. Mares rule the world, and all that."

Velvet waved a dismissive hoof, then pointed at a sky blue stallion standing a few paces away. "Yeah, yeah. Look, he's a pegasus, too! Do you know him?"

"Do you know her?" Ephemeral pointed at a nearby earth pony mare.

Velvet rolled her eyes. "No, but I'm also not a stallion in the world of ballet. You should get to know him. I'm sure it'll come in handy to stick together, you know?" Her ear flicked as a hoof clicked against the floor, drawing all attention to the stage.

A stallion and a mare stood with a three rows of ponies lined up behind them. Were they the staff? Velvet blinked a few times. There were more staff members here than there had been dancers in the Canterlot Ballet!

"Hello, fillies and colts," the mare said, her voice carrying across the room. "We're very happy to see some new faces out there. For those of you who have stayed with us, please be sure to get to know your new fellow dancers. Let's ensure there are no odd ponies out. We are a team, not elementary school."

The stallion continued, "Now, let's take a moment to introduce our staff so the new ponies know who is who. I am Firebird and this is Raine. We are your ballet master and mistress here at the Royal Ballet."

Raine stepped to the side and gestured to the ponies behind her that stepped forward when their name was called. "This is Snapshot, your resident choreographer. Musical Dreams, your music director. Spotlight, your lighting director..."

Velvet's head started to spin as too many titles went by for directors of this and resident that, assistant to this pony and manager for those ponies. There were physiotherapists, fillates instructors, occupational psychologists... They even had masseurs on hoof! Sure, the Canterlot Ballet would have regularly scheduled wellness days where they would get physical health checkups and whatnot, but to have masseurs just hanging around?

It was overwhelming, and she hadn't even started dancing yet. Velvet swallowed, glanced up at Ephemeral, and asked, "Are you new, or, uh, what?"

He shook his head. "Nope. This is my second year."

"Oh." Her ears folded back.

"But," he continued, offering her a small smile, "I was shocked when I had this orientation meeting, too. They really, really take great care of the dancers here."

Velvet tried to return the smile. "How long does it take before ponies become spoiled divas?"

Ephemeral laughed softly and shrugged. "I'm not a spoiled diva yet, so longer than two years, I'd say."

With a growing grin, Velvet returned her attention to the introductions and rest of the orientation speech. Once it was over, they were invited to a buffet—of only healthy foods, of course—to continue a self-guided meet and greet for the rest of the day.

This was already the greatest job ever.