• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 2,312 Views, 298 Comments

Cutiemark Crusaders 10k: The fourth deity - The Psychopath

In this dark future of Equestria, the CMC have become the guardians of the remaining ponies against the chaos demons, Nightmare Luna, and the crystal ponies of the formless King Sombra. Three deities, but an unknown fourth comes for conquest

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Three-way battle

Aside from the little event with the walkers, the chrysanthemium was slowly making its way towards Vanhoover with the five on its back. Blue and Rose were extremely bored. They started to sigh louder and louder to the point of them sounding like foghorns. Concrete couldn't take it anymore and shouted:

"What is WRONG with you two?!"

"We're booooooooooooooooooooo--" Rose started.

"-Ooooooooooooooooooooooored!!" Blue finished.

"Then do something to entertain yourselves! I don't know...Do the 'I spy' game?" Concrete complained.

The two shrugged and looked around emotionlessly until Rose bounced in excitement and said:

"Hey, Blue. I spy with my little eye, something huge."

"Are we next to it at this moment?"


"Are you calling me huge?!" Concrete growled.

"Of course not!" the two young ponies replied in unison.

The stallion was becoming redder than usual. Had he fists, they would be clenching into singularities at this very moment. Instead, he started to grind his teeth while Amber just watched with amusement.

"Combat in the distance," Abstract said.

"What? Where?" Amber asked.

The crystallion pointed towards the horizon where the city of Vanhoover was currently being besieged by some strange, giant pink thing fighting alongside what appeared to be a yellow dragon with a long, pink mane. There were several tinier creatures at their feet fighting more tiny things. Abstract was too far to see clearly. However, while he remained emotionless to the whole endeavor, his sla-er...his 'willing followers' were shaking. This didn't go unnoticed.

"Why do you tremble so, servants?" he asked.

"Th-th-those are two demon lords of chaos," Rosy stuttered as she held herself tightly to her brother.

"Pinkamena Pie: The chaos demon of Hatred; And Fluttershy: The chaos demon of Anger," her brother added.

"Chaos? Hmmm. Not possible. Interesting," Abstract noted. "I have grown bored of this travel. Not much has crossed our paths other than the slaves of the pseudo crystal magic user. I shall teleport us forward to a degree and assess the situation as we move forward."

"Do we have to go there?" Amber asked with a begging tone.

Her begging went unnoticed, and the chrysanthemium was engulfed in a bubble of waving darkness that quickly shrunk to the size of a pea before disappearing.

Vanhoover was a mighty city indeed, and its walls were high and impregnable. Not only were they reinforced with materials previously unknown to ponykind, but they were also covered by a magical spell that kept all the 'monsters' outside. It was also interesting to note that there were many fire weapons placed within and atop the walls to provide maximum firepower so long as somepony was controlling them. Large mortars were kept atop the walls where concerned soldiers fired off into the unsuspecting demons below.

"Don't let up, ponies. They will break eventually," Apple Bloom assured.

The young filly had become a fully grown mare, although she did not pass her foalhood unscathed. Her left foreleg was now a mechanical appendage that could become a wide variety of instruments for construction and repair as well as a lethal weapon. Like her foalhood friends, she wore an armor that allowed her to stand upright. Her's was red with two large, circular white lights surrounding her flanks. Atop this, the mare wore a black coat that sat, itself, below a golden armor spanning the mare's shoulders and main body. Another loss that Apple Bloom had to face was her left now which had now been replaced by an optical machine, giving her a sort of 'robotic', red eye.

The soldiers next to her were all wearing gray, leather armor with brown leather beneath. The gray leather was reinforced with a coat of very thin, iron particles, enhancing their durability, but also their maintenance.

"But, Kommissar. We cannot hold against two demon lords!"

"We have done so before, haven't we?!" Apple Bloom scolded. "Look below you, coward! The grand inquisitor fights directly against the Dragon of Hatred and the swarms of demon kind that support it. They are even fighting...Pinkie Pie," Bloom grinned.

The pink giant stopped all of her stomping and smashing to turn at Apple Bloom and glare at her.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" she bellowed.

Pinkie Pie had been warped by the hand of chaos. No longer was she the jovial pink pony. She was now a demon lord. She stood on two, back-kneed legs ending in three toes that possessed a dark pink, sharp claw. Her lower body was completely exposed and stretched into a very large tail behind her. The upper body was covered by a black armor with a red center covered by a lighter colored plate of armor with an appearance to the a flattened, top portion of a griffin's head. Two black plates of armor covered her flanks, and two shoulder guards with red centers gave off the appearance of a face forming on the demon lord's armor. Of course, the shoulder guards looked like eyebrows with a second 'brush' rising upwards at their middle. To keep to her form, Pinkie now used a white war hammer with similar designs to her armor in conjunction with her four-fingered hands. Finally, her neck was protected by a collar. The pink demon's face was always angry and dark. Even the puffy mane now drooped limply over the demon's left eye, and growths protruded backwards from her jaw and forehead. The jaw growths in a downward facing 'sword' shape, while the head growths looked like the blade of a crescent-shape war axe.

The demon raised her war hammer high above her head and struck it down upon the wall, making the new soldiers scream in terror. Apple Bloom just smirked when the weapon bounced off a barrier made by the Inquisitor and made the demon fly off a short distance before landing on her back. Pinkie had a short fit before jumping up and getting blasted in the head by explosives launched from flyers still making their rounds.

"Raaaagh!" Pinkie shouted.

While Kommissar Bloom enjoyed the scene, a scout came to her from her left and gave a letter to the pony before immediately galloping off. Apple Bloom's eyes widened with every line she finished, her horror being fully realized. She immediately crumpled the paper and shouted:

"Everypony! Ah need our reserves ta get to the left side of the walls. Sombra is attackin' us with an unknown walker and creature."

Soon, slits within the walls opened up as cannons and heavy automatic weaponry slid out to face the incoming, giant walker. Everypony on the left waited patiently while the walker's steps became louder and louder with every passing moment. It was already surprising enough that it could heard with everything currently being done against the demons of chaos. When the walker finally came in range, it disappeared in a black bubble, shocking and surprising everypony. They started to look around frantically to spot, but, instead, saw Pinkamena rising and baring her sharp teeth at them.

She swiped her hammer across the ground, tossing both demons and armored soldiers into the air. Then she yelled:

"This time, your inquisitor won't stop me from destroying you!"

Before she could execute her threat, something grabbed her by the throat and squeezed hard enough that it shattered the metal collar and squeezed the throat of the demon tightly. Pinkamena dropped her hammer, crushing several demons and ponies in the process. She tried her best to pull the grip off of her, but was thrown over head like a rock.

"Lowly demons, surrender to Abstract the Dark or be torn apart, molecule by molecule," a voice shouted.

Everypony stopped fighting, although the small, yellow dragon still picked up a few demons and soldiers and began to eat them. Naturally, the demons protested with a loud roar that was soon muffled by a black object falling from the sky and colliding into the ground, blast a pitch black wave of energy everywhere. It quite literally tore many of the demons and ponies to pieces, spreading them everywhere, although the trees and bushes comprising the landscape were not affected. The next thing the impacting object did was bolt out of the cloud of dust and meet hoof with claws when the yellow dragon saw the attack coming. The sudden impact created a sound wave, disturbing the trees nearby.

"What is that thing?" one of the guards atop the walls wondered aloud.

"It matters not. Let it and that thing fight the demons. By the time they are done, they will be weakened enough to be destroyed come their turn," Apple Bloom spoke coldly.

Back on the field of battle, the four ponies were hiding behind a tree, bringing the ire of Concrete.

"Why are we hiding like some sort of 'comedic value' characters in some poorly written story?"

"I don't see what you mean by 'we'?" Rose asked innocently.

"Yeah. You're clearly all the comedy we need. We get a good laugh just looking at your facial expressions," Blue added.