• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 2,313 Views, 298 Comments

Cutiemark Crusaders 10k: The fourth deity - The Psychopath

In this dark future of Equestria, the CMC have become the guardians of the remaining ponies against the chaos demons, Nightmare Luna, and the crystal ponies of the formless King Sombra. Three deities, but an unknown fourth comes for conquest

  • ...

Murky Depths

Author's Note:

Boy. I'm having lots of trouble continuing this. I fear I'm disappointing you readers who waited so long for me to resume this.

Don't worry, Hellfire. I already have the encounters with those four well in my head.

Any thoughts on what you want to see later on? It'll be a way of letting me get back on track with this thing by using your suggestions, provided they don't conflict with the premise of the story.

Abstract and his chrysanthemium stood in front of a massive expanse of black leaves and pale, white bark. The humidity and heat that rustled between the wooden bodies, accompanied by a foul, sour odor, brought about images of a murky swamp to mind.

"Interesting," the crystallion though aloud. "There's so much of this primitive darkness that it's warping the landscape." He turned to face Spike. "Unless this was already a swamp."

"N-no. It wasn't."

Spike had trailed Abstract to the forest, intent on making sure the creature healed his arm and didn't simply shy away from his duties, but...

"I don't like this place. My arm. It's...tingling the closer we get." Spike grabbed his shaking arm and looked on towards the darkness seemingly stretching out to envelop him.

"Well, let's get going, then. I have interest in these shadows."


"You come or you stay. It's irrelevant to my interests."

Spike stomped the ground lightly several times as he fought against the need for survival and the need to keep his own mind without the corrupting darkness. Survival won, and he barreled in after the crystal giant. Much to his surprise, the inside of the forest was more neon colored than he thought. Much like the books on sea creatures of the lowest depths of the ocean, there was a multitude of bioluminescence of varying colors of yellow, purple, and green. Much of them slithered away when Abstract approached while others remained, their hosts training their eyes upon the crystal construct.

"This is a veritable plethora of darkness. It reminds me of the days of old," Abstract said. "Yet, it leaves me wanting more."

"Maybe b-because it's not really like your old home?" Spike wondered. He kept his back arched forward like a hunchback or a cautious feline.


One of the eyes moved in front of Abstract's path, although its shape was camoflauged. Higher, higher did the eyes go, but less and less did the crystallion care. Unfortunately, the creature was obscuring the crystallion's patience, so he emitted his own darkness, one that engulfed even the bioluminescence around. Spike shielded his face from the wave of black, and it felt like he was in a sand storm.

"What are you doing?" he shouted.

"Getting rid of some blockades."

Abstract contracted the cloud within him and noticed that the vast majority of darkness around him had dissipated, giving the forest a more 'nightly' aspect. Spike looked in awe.

"That was...amazing. How did you get rid of the darkness?"

"I didn't," he answered cautiously.

"Who enters my domain of darkness? Is it a creation of the corpseless Sombra?" The shadows shook around the trees and their leaves as they coursed with rage. "Tell your master to leave this place. His crystals have no belonging."

Abstract snorted. "Abstract has no master but himself. I have no interest in a weakling that uses a bastardized version of my people's magic." The voice remained silent. "Nor do I have interest in darkness painted blue."


"I can sense the corruption of this darkness by your own fear." He looked at his own hoof to watch the darkness slide off like sloppy mud, then his 'eyes' glowed. "You cannot control this darkness," he spoke in sudden realization. "You corrupt this darkness with your tears." He turned to face the dragon, and Spike could swear that the cloud brightened up to form a smile under the crystals. Such a sight paralyzed him. "You have my full attention now, dragon. This type of darkness." He looked on and nodded. "Yes. It could feed me greatly and let my powers reawaken from their long slumber almost all at once, but I need this battery myself."

"You mean Princess Luna?"

"Is that the name?"

"I am not Princess Luna! I am NIGHTMARE Luna!" the voice bellowed

"Your name doesn't interest me. The important thing is to capture you and drain you like fruit."

Nightmare Luna's voice became low-toned, clearly a sign of her suppressing her anger. "You come into my home, insult me, then threaten to cage me up like some sort of animal?!"

Abstract replied calmly. "I do not 'threaten'. I assure. You WILL be coming with me and give me the darkness that seeps from your soul. You yourself are nothing to me."

Spike started grunting and grabbed his arm.

"I may not be able to influence you, but I can influence the darkness in that small drake behind you. He will kill you on my behalf."

Spike's arm started to bulk up and grow, just as did the rest of his body as the darkness expanded, but Abstract bolted next to the dragon and pierced his right pectoral with his two horns, causing the dragon to freeze in pain and the spasming of his body to cease. His arm returned to normal but retained the dark color and outline as it always had.

"You think I didn't conceive that such a thing would occur?"

Spike tapped his chest and noticed nothing was there. "No wound? Did you drain it?"


"But...Why is my arm still dark?"

"Because I replaced it with my own."

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Spike shouted angrily.

"Don't you want to know what the darkness fused to your body is capable of?"

"No! It's a curse!"

"And, in time, curses become a gift."

Spike was about to yell at him, but a swirling vortex of darkness smacked him in the head, making him stumble forward. It reformed in front of Abstract as the snarling head, torso, and forelegs of Nightmare Luna. She wasn't too separated from Nightmare Moon's look, save for her flowing mane of blue being reminiscent of Luna's, and the black edge of her mane oozing out mists of darkness. Her white fangs seemingly dripped with venom for the crystallion standing before her.

"So YOU'RE the one who insults me, then damages my darkness?" She eyed him hoof to horns. "What in Equestria even are you?"

There was a long silence where the two stared at each other, then Abstract spoke. "Ahhhh. Yes. Darkness filled with so much negativity."


"I taste sadness and fury mixed within it. It is most divine to have such a meal, but I find it can marinate a little more."

"What are you talking about?"

"The only reason you wouldn't be able to control this expansion," Abstract pointed to the floor. "Is because your transformation was both a hasty one and you were filled with multiple negative emotions. Fear, anger, sadness, frustration. These all swirl in the darkness like a soup, and this soup needs to be placed over the fireplace a little longer."

"I...I don't have--"

"Be silent, pony. Your people tire me with your denial of the truth."

Nightmare Luna's eyes glowed a bright, sky-blue as her anger was rekindled. "And what about you, then?" she started. "Are you 'perfect'," she emphasized. "No emotions for the walking mineral deposit? Am I to assume as much?"

"No. I have troubles, but unlike you ponies, I don't suppress them. I embrace them. I use them. They fuel my desires and my action whereas yours roots your minds into place an prevents rationality." He stomped the ground, absorbing a massive portion of the darkness created by the pony before him. Luna was surprised at what she had just witnessed. For a split second, she stopped creating darkness. How unfortunate that she did not notice. "Had you only been upsetted by the sudden transformation, then your darkness would have subsided by now."

He turned his tail and walked away, confusing Spike. "What, you aren't going to have a fight?" he shouted. "Really? Everypony kept saying you were so strong and stuff." He hurried back to Abstract and patted him on the shoulder. "So we came here to see if you would like the darkness, and then you stopped the disease in my arm?"

"It was no more a disease than a parasite to control you. It layed dormant for quite some time."

"Then you removed it?"

"Yes and no."

Spike tilted his head. "What do you mean."

"I removed one and placed another, as I said earlier, but this one should be more under your control."

"But why--" Spike sighed and slid his hand down his face. If he was going to get answer out of him, it wasn't now that would happen. At best, Sweetie Belle would know if this new 'gift' was less or more dangerous than what he already had. He had another question gnawing at the back of his skull first, however. "And what of this passiveness? Weren't you aggressive?"

"I came here to delect in the ionizings of darkness. I did not come here to fight moreso than I came here to scout this other threat that your leaders mentioned to me."

"So you came here for..."

"Several reasons. I delight in performing multiple things at a time rather than finishing one task and going to the next. It is quicker and much more efficient in this manner."

Spike tapped his claws together and looked at his traveling companions multiple times with hesitation. "So then, what--"

"I will return here regularly to absorb the excess darkness that seeps from this place. Both to feed me and protect my eventual subjects. Now continue to the city. I have better things to do than continue talking with you."