• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 4,120 Views, 230 Comments

Artemis - gcsmith

The story of Artemis, an average young adult and his adventures of Equestria.

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Chapter 21 - Ghosts of Rainbow's Past

Rainbow was sitting on the train back to Ponyville, her feelings of rage at Artemis had subsided over the last hour, replaced with embarrassment and self loathing. She had come to realize, as she trundled through the countryside, that she had acted in the same way she had under Discord's spell. Selfish and against the loyalty she represented. A small part wanted to chuck herself under the train, she had resisted Nightmare Moon's corruption and yet failed when no temptation was placed in front of her.

The larger part of her wanted to return to Canterlot, but Artemis would despise her wouldn't he? She had abandoned him in the city, and forced him to see Trixie on his own. He had begged her to go and see it with him, and she had accepted, and like a little girl ran away the moment she got annoyed. "It was hardly his fault, how was he supposed to know about her family stance?" She began to think to herself.

She raised a hoof to steady herself against the carriage, with the mental barrier around her memories blow open, she began to remember. Her parents, both pegasi had been a loving couple. Her father, a librarian, worked at the Cloudsdale Library. He was an intelligent man, who could always astound Rainbow with his wisdom and knowledge. Her mother was a weather pony, she worked at the main weather station, primarily in the rainbow factory. It was always funny seeing her come home covered in remnants of her work, the colorful stains on her coat practically glowing in the darkened streets in the late hours of early evening. In fact, it was often said by the other parents, it was something to do with working with the Rainbows while pregnant that had given her daughter the rainbow mane and tail.

Despite his bookish nature, it was her father that originally piqued her interest with the Wonderbolts, insisting even from an early age in taking her to the various derby's. She didn't know if he actually thought she would get into it, or just wanted the company, but soon she became a dedicated fan. Often waking up far too early on event days. Her mum sometimes came too, but despite her rather more exciting job - at least in her daughters opinion - she didn't have much of an appetite for speed. She preferred the dedication and attention to detail that came from creating weather.

It was this passion for weather that also rubbed off on her as well, after all she loved both of her parents dearly, and so wanted to please them both. Because of this, when she wasn't at flight school, or with her father at a derby, or even with Fluttershy, she was out with her mum learning the finer point of weather control. Something that would come to benefit her greatly in future, and times she would cherish forever.

Unfortunately, it wasn't to last. All good things come to an end, some quicker than others, and by the age of 9 Rainbow was at a funeral in the wind and rain looking at a tombstone, the name Sky Dancer engraved into it's surface, her mothers name. She had died two days prior in a freak accident at work, the apprentice that her mother had been teaching had put nitroglycerine into the rainbow vat instead of nitrogen, when her mother wasn't looking. This led to a violent reaction, and a rather large explosion. Luckily only two ponies had been caught in the blast, her mother and the apprentice, who survived with minor burns. He was reprimanded of course, but it didn't bring back Sky Dancer, who had died valiantly trying to save the apprentice from his own mistake. At least she would of died instantly, or at least that's what the medics said. Rainbow was glad her mother didn't suffer.

After that her father was never the same, his behavior becoming erratic and far from the man she knew. He banned Rainbow from continuing her learning at the weather center under her mother's colleague and even stopped going to Wonderbolts events, forcing her to read about them in newspapers.

If that was the worst of it, she probably would of chalked it up to grief, but it didn't end there. Her father began to view strangers with suspicion, often hiding when post arrived and soon began to stop leaving the house all together. His paranoia didn't stop with that, and before long he was trying to remove Rainbow from flight school and banned her from seeing any of her friends. Even Fluttershy.

This was the last straw, she could understand some differences, she was after all acting different herself. Colder to other ponies, often ignoring them all together, except Fluttershy of course. In fact, it was this time in her life that many began to question her behavior, labeling her a filly fooler as she shot down a string of colts who vied for her affections. It wasn't that she wasn't interested, it was just with all that was going on, she was far to busy to deal with romance issues as well.

Her father had now gone too far, and so she started secretly rebelling, continuing going to school and meeting with Fluttershy. Often this involved sneaking out at night, going off for midnight misadventures with her friend. Unfortunately, these acts of defiance didn't go unnoticed by her father, and it only fueled his weird behavior. Soon, he even stopped leaving his room, insisting Rainbow bring him his food and leave it outside the door before retreating. She began to hear hushed conversations from the room, and weird smells came from it all times of day.

Then one day, it stopped. Where before she was woken up by the whispering from her fathers room, there was silence, and the house smelt almost fresh. She was excited, could it mean her father was well again, or at least had come to his senses. She looked around for him, but that morning he wasn't around the house, and his room was locked. Still, the feeling of unease that had been clinging to her for weeks was lifted, and she felt wonderful. For the first time in months she enjoyed school, and actually began to talk openly to the other ponies.

School went well, she managed to regain contact with some of the friends she grew apart from after her mothers death, and laughed for the first time in what seemed like forever. Her coach even commented on her new attitude, praising her for finally getting to grips with everything. It seemed like life was starting to improve. Sadly, that was not the case.

She approached her house in high spirits, talking excitedly with Fluttershy. However, they both fell into silent confusion as they turned into Rainbow's street. It was busy, which was uncharacteristic for this time of day. The other residents were mostly elderly, so weren't out all that much, and the ponies that filled the street were definitely not elderly.

As they pushed through the crowds, Rainbow recognized some of the types of pony. There were police and medical teams, as well as news reporters, some of the same ones who had covered her mothers death. But what could be so important that they were down this street. On the way back to her house, they passed a wagon, its rear gate open and a stretcher being loaded into it. The stretcher hid a form under a black cloth, by the looks of it a pony, a rather large pony.

At least that explained the commotion, a dead pony, but not why the press was here. Pony deaths were a fact of life, and no celebrity lived around here. She pushed through the crowd, hoping to ask her dad who the dead person was, giving a silent prayer to the ponies family as she went.

She began to walk towards her house with its familiar garden, pathway and door, when a police stallion emerged from the building closing the door behind him. Gears whirred inside her head, piecing the jigsaw together and before she knew what she was doing, she was tearing back towards the wagon. As she ran, her wings began to beat, knocking her off balance and causing her to fly into a medic at the back of the cart. Fluttershy could only shiver, and hide behind her mane as a police pony approached her stunned friend.

"What's all this then?" he asked through his bushy mustache and the young filly. "We don't have time for trouble makers right now, this is a serious operation and the area is out of bounds to non residents for the present moment."

Rainbow spat out her tail, which had somehow got caught in her mouth in the collision. "I am a resident, that's my house you just came out of."

"Your house? Then you must be..." he paused for a second before continuing. "I think you better come with me." With that he picked Rainbow up, and carried her to a waiting cart, located near to the wagon. He deposited her in the back seat, and said a few words to the driver, who took off after the wagon as it started to move. She could only sit and watch as she left Fluttershy behind.

Around an hour later, Rainbow was sitting in a hospital, and for a the second time in her life, receiving the news of one of her parents death. "I'm sorry for your loss," the doctor finished before sitting on the bench beside her in silence and watching her intently. She felt strangely empty, when her mother had died she had been terrified and tremendously upset. But now, hearing he news of her father's death, she felt nothing more than an empty numbness.

The doctor put a hoof around her, "It will be alright, Rainbow Dash." She didn't respond, just continued to look into empty space. "It will be alright."

A door into that section of the hospital opened up, a very nervous looking police pony entered. Where the ponies that dealt with before were large and gruff, this one was timid, probably a new recruit. He beckoned over the doctor, who stood up and cantered over to him. Rainbow sat and listened to them whisper to each other, even though she couldn't hear what they were saying.

Finishing their discussion, the doctor left the wing and left the timid pony to do his task, whatever it was. He walked over to Rainbow and knelt down in front of her. "I guess you must be Rainbow Dash. You sure are one tough cookie."

She looked up at him surprised, all day ponies had been talking to her but their tone had been condescending, treating her like a little filly. Yet this one, this pony talked to her as normal, as if she hadn't lost her parents, it wasn't mean and she preferred it.

"What do you mean?"

The pony chuckled, "I mean I'm surprised how well you're holding up." He raised her face with a hoof and gave it a quick inspection, "See not even a single tear."

"Huh?" She looked at him perplexed.

"Normally, the ponies I deal with are too busy to cry to talk to for days, and here you are as if you've seen it all. Then again, I guess you have, compared to most of us anyway."

"Who are you? Why are you here?" she asked aggressively.

He looked at her understandingly, "I'm inspector Gentle Hoof, and I've been asked to discuss a difficult subject with you. I know it's soon, but we need to talk about housing you. Do you have any family nearby?"

She just gave a small shake of the head.

"I see, then that leaves foster families." She recoiled from his grip at the mention of that alternative.

"I ain't going with some strangers."

Gentle Hoof just smiled her, "I thought you might act like that, but I think you will like the family that we've assigned you to. In fact, the moment they heard about the situation, they offered their services."

Silently, she contemplated what the Inspector had said, who would be that eager to look after her. Almost as if he read her mind, he answered the question for her. He went over to the door of the corridor and stuck his head out "You can come in now!" he called.

As she heard the ponies walking down the hall towards the door, she awaited her fate. Her heart was beating our a samba as she contemplated flying out of a nearby window. Hoof gave her a smile as the sound of the ponies got closer and closer, Rainbow's breathing increasing with each step, causing her to almost hyperventilate. Soon the hoof steps stopped, and time seemed to stop as the door slowly opened to reveal the ponies on the other side.

Rainbow almost fainted with joy, standing on the other side was Fluttershy and her parents, Gentle Whisper and Careful Gaze. As soon as the door opened fully, her filly friend rushed towards her.

"Oh Rainbow, I hope you're ok, as soon as I saw what had happened I rushed home to tell my parents. Can you believe it though? We're going to be roommates." Fluttershy finished her speech by embracing her in a large hug.

The next few years were hard for the adult Rainbow to remember, apart from a few key points, the gaining of Fluttershy's and her own Cutie Marks for one. What she could recall was that it was a happy period of her life, which despite her great loss previous, was a time of great gain. She gained many great friends, and her new foster parents supported her throughout, even when she flunked flight school.

Coming back to reality, the vision of her memories giving way to the seats and passengers of the train, she realised there were tears on her face. Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy, despite her pain. Her family or families had provided the care and support she had needed, she had never been alone in her life.

Guilt filled her, how selfish had she been? She had punished Artemis for simply being interested in her past, and she had to admit, the question had helped her to understand that her family past wasn't something to be ashamed of or to hide from, but something to embrace. She had always had people for her, and she made a silent Pinkie Promise right there and then. While he may be stuck in a strange land, Artemis will never be really alone, despite his lack of family, she would make sure she was there for him. It was the least she could do after how he had been treated.

First however, there was a matter to deal with. She stood up, and despite protests from the conductor. launched herself into the sky. She gave a call as she zoomed through the sky, "Don't you worry Artemis, I'm coming."


In Ponyvile, Twilight was taking advantage of the peace and quiet from both Rainbow and Artemis' absence to do some reorganizing in the library. It was hard work, but she and Spike were assisted by the less than overwhelming efforts from Pinkie Pie.

Spike was in the middle of placing some books into the bookcase while Pinkie held the ladder when she began to shake up and down violently. He cascaded to the floor with a loud crash that stunned him and garnered the attention of Twilight.

"What was that?" she asked, annoyed to be disturbed from her own organizing task, then she noticed Pinkie's rapid bouncing. "Pinkie, what's up?"
"I-I-I-I D-d-u-n-n-o T-t-w-i-i-l-i-g-g-h-t" she struggled to speak. "B-b-b-u-t i-t-t s-e-e-e-e-m-s-s-s t-o b-e-e a d-o-o-o-z-y-y."

Placing a hoof to her head, Twilight sighed, "Not another one." She thought to herself. Gripping Pinkie in a field so she could talk normally, she asked, "Where?"

"Canterlot, I think."

"Oh my goodness," exclaimed Spike, pulling himself up from his heap on the floor. "I hope Artemis is ok."

Twilight gave a worried expression. "I'm sure he's ok, he's got Rainbow with him," she said unconvincingly. Turning her attention to the window, she gazed into the distance where she thought she could just make out Canterlot's outer walls. 'Please Celestia, may he be ok,' she prayed silently to herself.