• Published 11th Dec 2014
  • 1,594 Views, 35 Comments

Destiny: The Five - THOSEideas

Six went down into the Dark Below...only one returned. Eris is the last survivor, or so she thinks.

  • ...

Descent: Shin Malphur

Shin Malphur saw the Beast charge towards them and knew that he had to end this fight, now. Shin pulled out his rocket launcher and shot the roof of the tunnel above him causing a blinding white flash to explode from the barrel of the launcher. Shin's last thought was that he hadn't said a proper good-bye to Eris, oh well, this will be one.

Shin watched as the rocket hit the roof and exploded, sending rock and shrapnel flying everywhere. Shin closed his eyes as the shock-wave hit him and knocked him backwards, he knew the rocks would soon kill him. Shin fell backwards and waited for either the rocks to hit him first, or for him to hit the ground.


Shin opened his eyes to see the stars above him and the moon shining down at him...the moon? he was just inside of it! Shin was also vaguely aware that he was falling, fast, but to where? Shin struggled to turn his body around in mid-air but managed eventually. As Shin faces the planet he was falling towards, he saw a massive cloud coverage approaching him and obscuring his view of the surface.

"Um, Ghost? The fuck just happened?"

"I'm...not sure. We seem to have been teleported to another realm entirely. But first lets work on getting you out of this free fall."

"Take your time..."

"Ok, well we don't have a link to your Jump ship, or your Sparrow. So we are going to have to resort to your jump jets...which will probably kill you from the whiplash anyway."

"You are not helping, can I breathe here?"

"Yes, It also appears that we are above a large body of water, promises of life."

"Yipee, if we live through this I will personally help you get samples of alien life forms. So when should I use my fist boost? and then my second? Why didn't I get a parachute?"

"You should use your first boost at three hundred feet and your second at one hundred feet, If we land in water then you have a thirty percent chance of survival...not bad from a near orbital drop."

Shin just grimly stared at the cloud coverage as he spread himself out as much as he could so he could slow himself down. Shin entered the clouds and came soaking wet out on the other side. Shin gasped as he saw a vast wast land of sand stretch out in front of him, but thankfully right below him was an even bigger expanse of water. As Shin fell he observed a cluster of beings look up at him from their position on the beach, hopefully they were friendly, and didn't dissect him.

"Use boost one at a forty-five degree angle in 3...2...1...now!"

Shin pivoted his body and launched his jump jets in perfect time, but he almost blacked out as his chin slammed into his chest.

"Almost there...this time at a perpendicular angle in 3...2...1...now!" Shin launched his second jet and had much less of a jolt from the opposing force, but he still had to stick a landing. shin didn't need to here his Ghosts advice as he straightened his body out and prepared to pencil dive into the ocean, this was seriously going to screw with the natives. They were either going to treat him as a god or as an alien. Either one was not good, oh well. shin pointed his boots downwards and pierced the water with the force of a drop from five hundred feet. Shin felt his right leg ram up into his hip bone and break, he also felt his right arm dislocate as it whipped upwards and was nearly torn from its socket. Shin's pain only intensified as he hit the bottom of the ocean and sprained his left ankle.

Shin had almost six hours of air in his suit, but his helmet had cracked as he slammed his face into the rocky ocean floor. Shin wasted no time with his pain but instead popped his arm back into it's socket and started clawing his way across the ocean floor towards the beach. Thank goodness that he had taken the time to train his body to hold up to fifteen minutes of air, he was going to need every last second he could get.

"You have about a tenth of a mile to go, it is possible to make it."

Shin struggled to stay conscience as he almost blacked out from the pain and from lack of oxygen. Damn, he was going to die from lack of air after all the battles he had been through and an orbital drop without a parachute. Shin's vision started turning black as his last dregs of oxygen were used up to keep his arms moving, Shin saw the light of the sun shine through the water and give him one last push. Shin used every bit of strength he could muster as he pushed himself through the water towards the surface, towards air. Shin's head broke the surface of the water and he took the biggest breath he could before he started to sink back down from the weight of his armor. He had air now so he redoubled his efforts by using his left knee to push himself along the ocean floor faster. Shin was maybe ten feet from the shore when he saw splashes approaching him through the water and saw four-legged creatures dive down towards him and lift him towards the surface. If only they hadn't touched his left leg then he may have maintained consciousness as he blacked-out from the pain that they caused him.

Shin felt pain travel throughout his body as he was jolted awake. Shin took a second to remember what had happened to him, he still couldn't believe it. He had been on the moon...now he was on an uncharted planet? Was he teleported? Shin opened his eyes to see white fluffy clouds traveling through a soft blue sky, he definitely wasn't on earth any more. Shin tried to move his head so that he could observe his surroundings but found that his head was secured in place.

"Ghost? Are you there?" Shin whispered as quietly as he could, he had a feeling that acting as if still unconscious was a good idea. He waited for his Ghost's reply but none ever came, that could mean two things. One, it was dead or taken away from him, two, it was hiding so that it wouldn't be killed or taken away.

Shin resorted to listening to his surroundings, thankfully his helmet enhancer still worked, even from the water logging. Shin heard a sort of muffled stepping sound, and lots of them. If he was being carried by the natives of this planet that meant that they had four legs. So judging by the sound of the foot steps there had to be...five of them, maybe more. He really hoped that he wasn't being carried away to be eaten, he would take a couple with him before they cooked him alive.

Hey daddy? Can I see it now?"

How was any of this possible? He was on an uncharted planet, that had breathable air, earth-like features, sentient beings, that spoke fucking ENGLISH!! What the FUCK was happening to him?! Shin acknowledged that he might be going insane, but it didn't feel like it. How would he know? He's only been revived after being dead for maybe a millennium, thats not something you just accept.

"Shush! You don't want to wake it, plus, we don't know if its hostile, or how it got here..."

"That makes two of us." Shin couldn't resist the urge to say that, at this point he didn't care if he died. He would probably make it out alive like he did two times before.

"Yes it doe-...wait, who said that?" The sound of steps stopped as the beings halted their advance and stood looking at each other. At least he assumed they were looking at each other, he couldn't really see any of them.

"...It wasn't me."

"Or me."

"I didn't say anything"

"It was Daisy mellow!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Alright you two, knock it off! Daisy? Was it you?"


"Alright, then who was it?" Shin could feel the air tense up as all the beings came to the same conclusion at the same time.

"It was Chocolate cake!" Well...almost everybody.

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Oh give it a break will you?! Alright? You caught me, just make those two SHUT UP!!" Man I hate kids, especially alien kids who speak the same language.

All the beings poked their heads into Shin's view as they stared down at his helmet. Shin stared up at the faces of the aliens, they were horses! Horses that could talk! But horses were extinct, and they were native to Earth...how...

"We all heard it speak right? I'm not the only one?"

"Yes you heard me speak now would you please untie me?" Shin was starting to get annoyed that he was strapped down and unable to defend himself, he felt exposed.

Speaking, apparently, made things go in the wrong direction of quick encounters, Shin had forgotten that because he had a helmet on they couldn't see his mouth move. So all of the...horses...stared down at Shin in wonder, they couldn't figure out how he had made sound.

"Look. If you let me go I will show you what I really look like, I have a helmet on and you can't see my face. I promise I don't bite." Shin watched as the horses looked at each other skeptically, then they walked off and whispered to each other at what they thought was a safe distance.

"What should we do? It didn't seem hostile when we pulled it out of the water."

"True, but it is an alien and we don't know why it fell out of the sky. It could be here to kill us all!"

Oh for peets sake! Shin reached his hand as far down his leg that he could and felt the hilt of his knife still secured in its sheath, bingo. Shin pulled it out and in one quick motion cut the straps holding his wrists down and then proceeded to cut himself free.

"Daddy! It's escaping!" Oh shit...

Shin cut the last binding from his leg and slid off the make shift wagon he had been on. As soon as Shin dropped the inch or so onto the ground he immediately regretted it. The impact was an unforgiving reminder that he had a broken leg and sprained ankle. Shin hobbled unsteadily away from the horses and reached up to take his helmet off.

"Hey! Come back!"

Shin didn't stop his retreat as he finnaly got the last clasp off his helmet and took it off. Shin turned around to see the horse slide to a stop as it saw his real face. As He took his helmet off his vision cleared a little, now that it wasn't obstructed. Shin's long white hair fell down to his shoulders and he sighed after taking a deep breath of the nice crisp air that filled this planet, much better than Earth's.

"Are, are you...ok?" The stallion (now that Shin could pick out details better) asked him with a slight hint of fear in his voice.

"Never better...except I have been, being dead definetly has its perks."


"Yeah, you know, when someone passes on, no longer lives." Shin stared at the horse as it looked at him with confusion, not surprising, he had just told him that he had been dead once.

"Name's Shin Malphur, but you can call me Shin for short." Shin limped back towards the stallion with his hand out for a handshake, only for the stallion to scurry back.

"W-What do you want? Why are you here?" The stallion had retreated to the other horses and tried its best to look big and cover the others.

"To be honest...I have no idea how I got here, I was on the moon fighting whe-"


Sleeping spell? Shin oloked at one of the bigger horses and saw a horn sprouting from its forehead, a Unicorn? Wow that's wei-

Marshmellow cream saw her spell hit the creature in the chest and it fell asleep immediately, dropping it's...helmet, and crumbling to the ground. They needed to get it to Princess Celestia as soon as possible.

Author's Note:

And so begins my crossover of Destiny and MLP. Tell me what you think about it.