• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,438 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

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It was a beautiful morning which dawned over the still sleeping town of Ponyville. Twilight was the first to wake up in the library, noticing she was asleep on the floor. As she stumbled onto her feet she looked around to see Pinkie was snuggled up in a blanket on the couch and the library completely trashed, covered in plastic cups, confetti, props and punch.

Sighing at the mess, she turns to go up the stairs where she sees Fluttershy sleeping in her bed.

“Fluttershy?!” She said, startling the Pegasus.

Fluttershy clumsily fell out of the bed, hitting the wooden floor with a loud crash.

“Oooh.” She groaned, lifting herself off the ground. “W-what’s wrong? …. Oh my. Was I in your bed? …. Uh. This is embarrassing.”

“…. Don’t worry about it. …. You haven’t seen Rainbow Dash have you?”

“Umm. …. I think she left when we was playing pin the tail on the Pegasus. …. Ow. My head hurts.”

“Hmm. …. Probably wanted to sleep in the comfort of her own home. …. Can’t blame her.”


Twilight flinched as the noise was shortly followed by another large crash, causing Twilight’s ears to ring. Shortly after, Pinkie Pie was sprinting up the stairs, Twilight turned to face her oncoming friend.

“Pinkie” What are y-

Before she could finish her sentence she was tackled to the ground by the crazed pony, they rolled on the ground before they came to a stop with Pinkie Pie looming over her.


Twilight shoved a hoof into Pinkie’s mouth as she continued to blabber on.

“PINKIE!!” Twilight screeched, silencing her pink friend. “What is it?”

Pinkie swiped Twilight’s hoof away before staring into her eyes, inches from her face.

“We have to panic! She’s going. She’s leaving!”

“What?! Whose leaving? What are you talking about?!”

“Rainbow Dash!! … My right ear was flopping! That means I have to say goodbye to somepony! Last time that happened Rainbow Dash disappeared and we nearly never saw her again we need to find her before she goes away again!!”

Twilight paused before she pushed Pinkie off, standing up she look at Pinkie.

“Just because it’s happened before doesn’t mean it’s going to happen again. Maybe it’s some other pony you need to say goodbye to. Maybe it’s me or Fluttershy.”

Pinkie began to jog on the spot, panic in her face, Twilight rolled her eyes before she began to walk down the stairs.

“If it makes you feel better we’ll go see her now. …. I bet she’s already flying around Ponyville, enjoying herself.”


“Ohnonononononononono! This is bad, this is really really bad.”

Twilight was pacing around Rainbow Dash’s house, picking up random objects with her magic while the other ponies search around the different rooms of the house.

“Fluttershy, did you ask the Pegasi at Cloudsdale?”

Fluttershy’s head poked around the corner before she walked into view.

“Yes I did, no pony’s seen her since the party.”

“Pinkie did you ask EVERYPONY in Ponyville?”

Pinkies head popped around the corner, her mane was deflated and her fur had lost some of it’s colour.

“Of course! I even asked all the little bugs and animals at Fluttershy’s cottage, I even spoke to Tank but he wasn’t saying anything, then I started getting some weird looks so I came back here!”

Before Twilight could talk back Pinkie darted around the corner, she sighed in frustration before going back to picking up random items in the house, realising that her house looked at little more bare then usual.

“Sound somin!” Applejacks voice shouted in the lounge.

Twilight’s ears perked up as she ran into the room, Applejack was holding a piece of paper in her mouth, as Twilight picked it up with her magic she turned it to see that it was a letter, written in the same sloppy mouth writing as Rainbow Dash’s.

Dear Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie.

I’m sorry I had to leave unexpectedly, but if you knew what I was going to do you’d probably send me to the nut house. I’m not going to lie about what I’m doing, I going back to the other world. I’m not sure how long I’m going to be gone for but you don’t have to worry about me, I know what I’m doing.

Fluttershy, please take care of Tank whilst I’m gone, Pinkie, thanks for the awesome party, I had so much fun last night, Rarity, I can’t thank you enough for the dress, Applejack thank you for giving me support when I was in hospital and Twilight.

Thank you for bringing me back but I can’t stay in Equestria knowing one of my friends are in danger, don’t follow me, I need to do this, for my sake and Bish’s.

I’ll see you soon girls.

Rainbow Dash.

No pony said anything once the letter was read, after a short time however Applejack was first to break the silence.

“N-no. …. She can’t be serious. She can’t go back there! Twilight we need to stop her. …. Twilight?”

“That name again. Bish.”

“Twilight!” Applejack said frantically grabbing the purple mare by the shoulders. “We’ve gotta do something! We can’t just let her leave! She’ll get herself killed!”

Twilight paused to think.

“T-the Doctor! …. She’ll be looking for The Doctor! We need to find him before she does!”

“But where do we start?” Fluttershy said. “He could be anywhere.”


Rainbow Dash felt cools breeze brush across her wings as she ascended higher towards the city of Canterlot.

“He must be there.”

Before long she landed on the ground just as she walked up to a toll booth, opening her saddlebag she pulls out a small bag full of bits, she takes out two before giving them to the mare behind the glass, to which the large gate opened in front of her.

“Welcome to Canterlot.” The mare said in a chirpy tone as Dash entered the large city.

Rainbow Dash looked around, seeing the crowded streets, all the different Pegasus ponies flying through the sky, all the unicorns and earthponys walking down the street. Rainbow sighed, realising the large task which laid ahead.

“Don’t give up Rainbow. You’ve come th-“


Dash turned to the source of the sound to see the light brown stallion walking towards her with a large grin on his face. The blue eyes, that crazy hair, it was unmistakably him. ‘How convenient.’ Dash thought as he got closer.

“Oh my it only seems like it was an hour ago when I was pulling you through time and s- URK!!”

The colt was pulled by his tie into a small alley between the building. Rainbow Dash held the brown pony against the wall as he was still stunned.

“Uh. …. Hello? Did I start off wrong? What was it? Oh I should be concerned, that-“

He was interrupted as a hoof covered his mouth, he furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the multi-coloured pony in front of him.

“We, need to talk. NOW.”