• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,438 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

  • ...

Thirst for blood

Rainbow Dash looked at herself in the mirror as she started shaping her mane with her hooves, she looked into her own eyes, almost as if she was looking at someone else, adjusting every loose hair and wiping off and dry flakes of dried dirt and blood. When she was finished Rainbow Dash looked at her injured wing, seeing the bandages were all wet, despite her careful attempts at trying to keep them dry. She reached down with her teeth before she pulled the material off, when the bandages revealed the wound Rainbow Dash slowly began to spread her wings.

Her right wing was fully extended, no pain, she could feel the farmiliar burning in her left growing stronger and stronger with every inch. She pushed through the pain until it was fully extended, she stood there, staring at herself in the as she posed to herself, looking strong and proud. She grinned as she retracted her wing. She repeated this a few times until it was slowly getting easier.

She eventually stopped, knowing it was going to take some time before she could even think about flying again. Saddened, she walked out of the shower before closing the door, looking at the mess she had made before she smiled. She stood in the middle of the room before she smelt herself, she still wasn't as fresh as daisies but at least she didn't smell half as bad as she did ten minutes ago.

Rainbow Dash stretched her legs before briefly jogging on the spot, she then heard footsteps coming from the corridor. The Pegasus happily jogged outside of the room to then walk into the corridor, she looked to her left, seeing the sun was risi-


Rainbow Dash bounced off the cushioned surface before she luckily fell on her good wing. After apologizing she stood up before turning to what she ran into. She looked up starting with the black boots, then the dark green trousers, Rainbow's heart stopped as she looked up and saw the unmistakable Nazi symbol on the soldiers arm.

"Was zum Teufel?"

Rainbow Dash looked into the soldiers eyes before realizing he wasn't alone. Four more soldiers walked around him looking at the cyan creature in front of them. Rainbow Dash stayed quiet, unsure what they we're going to do next. They began to walk closer to her, holding their weapons steadily, Rainbow Dash quickly found herself being cornered. She was afraid to call for help, her protectors were out numbered and by the looks of the weapons they were holding, they were most certainly out gunned.

Rainbow Dash backed against the shower room door, one of the soldiers in front of her kneeled down, she closed her eyes. Rainbow Dash held her breath, petrified, she felt the urge to scream but she withheld it in the desperate hope that they weren't going to hurt her.

The soldier then touched Rainbow Dash on the chin. She snapped. Her instinct took over as she snapped, biting down hard on the dirty finger, making the soldier shout in pain before ripping it out of her mouth.

"Scheisse! ... das kleine Miststück hat mich gebissen!"

Rainbow Dash froze in horror, the taste of blood lingered in her mouth, her eyes widened as she realized the mistake she just made. The soldier then pulled out a bayonet from his jacket, leaning forward before growling at the cyan Pegasus. Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, ready to scream as loud as she could.


The soldiers turned to the noise behind them, what they saw next made them feel sick to their stomach. On of them was stood behind the commotion, his body was facing the soldiers but his head had been yanked to face in the opposite direction. The other soldiers watched in horror as their comrade fell to the ground, showing Dixon, who was stood behind the soldier and was now staring at them, holding a bloody knife, with a lust for blood clear in his eyes.

Rainbow Dash looked at Dixon, he had a psychotic smile on his face as he started to laugh, sending a cold shiver down everyone spine. One of the soldiers quickly lifted his gun to shoot, but with one firm swing Dixon swung his knife, the blade slicing through the soldiers neck, almost completely decapitating him, blood and gore spraying across the room as Dixon growled through the baring teeth of his wild grin.

The enraged sergeant then swung for the next soldier in his sight, the German was quick to move out of the way, inches from certain death. As another soldier lifted his gun, Dixon threw his knife into the soldiers neck, the blade piercing through flesh and artery as even more blood spurted across the corridor. Rainbow watched in fear as Dixon then grabbed the next two soldiers by the neck before body slamming them to the ground, sending another ungodly crunch through the corridor.

Both the Nazi soldiers began to wail in agony as Dixon straddled the soldier on the right before grabbing the terrified soldier by the neck and roaring in his face. Both men were incapable of moving or fighting back as Dixon threw punch after punch, screaming almost as if he was in indescribable agony. Every punch became stronger and more rapid as he continued to beat the helpless soldier, as the wails of agony turned into weak and blood filled gurgles. Rainbow Dash couldn't take it, the sight was almost too much for her to watch.

"Stop it!!" She screamed. "STOP IT!!

Dixon didn't listen, and as he drew his arm back for one last time Rainbow Dash closed her eyes before covering her head.


Rainbow Dash refused to open her eyes, she knew what had just happened, now the only thing she could hear was, the remaining soldier on the floor and Dixon wheezing in exhaustion. The infuriated sergeant then caught his breath before moving to his next victim. Rainbow Dash then heard approaching footsteps in the distance, she peeked through her hooves, it was Sergeant, Bishop, Andy and Cole running to Dixon's aid.


Dixon looked over his shoulder but just like before, he refused to acknowledge their existence. The drunken sergeant then stood up before grabbing the last soldier by his helmet before lifting him off the ground and onto his knees. Dixon then dragged the helpless soldier across the floor as Bishop ran up behind him, grabbing the enraged sergeant by his arms.

"GET OFF!! .... GET OFF ME!!"

"Dixon!! .... Stop it!! Let him go!!"

Without warning Dixon threw his arm back, hitting the sergeant in the nose. Bishop fell to the ground covering his face, cursing in pain, Rainbow Dash shrieked before running to the wounded sergeant as blood poured from his mangled nose. Sergeant Cole then ran to his aid before Andy sprinted for Dixon.

"Bish! You alright?!" Cole shouted trying to look at Bishop's face.

"URGH!! No!! .... ARGH!! Motherfucker just broke my nose!!"

Rainbow Dash turned to look at Andy, he was now stood between Dixon and the enemy soldier, trying to subdue him. The German soldier was shouting, pleading for mercy as he held his hands up. Andy tried to loosen the deathly grip but it just got tighter and tighter.

"Dixon no!! He's w- STOP!!"

Dixon then grabbed his sidearm before pointing it at Andy's face. The private froze as he saw the bullet in the chamber, despite his drunken state, Dixon was still holding the pistol steady, like the perfect marksman he was.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!" He growled through his teeth.

Andy quickly backed away, he knew better then to take on a drunk soldier holding a gun to his face. Dixon then slammed the German soldier against the wall again, still not breaking eye contact with Andy.


Before he could finish his sentence, the injured soldier tackled Dixon, both men ran across the corridor and through a glass window, both men screamed as they fell down the side of the building for two stories before landing on a heap of garbage. Andy ran to the window, looking down before running past sergeant Bishop as Cole tried to stop the bleeding.

Rainbow Dash then quickly ran from Bishop towards the window before looking down at the German soldier, who was crawling on the ground. The injured Nazi was dragging his broken legs as he tried desperately to flee. But his break for freedom was cut short as Dixon grabbed on of his broken legs, making the soldier wince as he was dragged back to look into Dixon's eyes. The enraged soldiers face was covered in his own blood, dripping from the deep laceration on his forehead.

"P-p-please. .... No kill! No kill!"


Dixon spat in the soldiers face before he threw him across the floor before he picked his gun off the ground. If wasn't infuriated before, he sure as fuck was now. Dixon paused before slowly walking to the Nazi soldier, pointing the gun at his head before saying:

"Auf die Knie. .... AUF DIE KNIE!! .... ON YOU'RE FUCKING KNEES!!"

The soldier couldn't do anything, the pain in his legs was just too excruciating. He screamed in agony with every attempt to right himself until Dixon walked up and pistol whipped the helpless soldier to the ground. The drunken sergeant then pulled# the soldiers helmet off before grabbing his hair, pushing his face down tot the pavement.

"Put you're teeth on the fucking curb. .... Beiß in den Bordstein!"

The soldier looked at Dixon before pleading for him to stop, Rainbow Dash watched as Dixon continued to beat the soldier to the ground before forcing his head onto the pavement.

"DO IT!!"

Dixon pressed the gun into the soldiers temple before stepping on his broken leg, he watched as the the Nazi soldier grunted in pain before he slowly opened his mouth before biting into the solid concrete. Dixon then heard private Clarkson in the distance, running towards him.

"DIXON!! .... STOP!!"

"Say goodnight motherfucker!!"

Rainbow Dash and private Clarkson could do nothing but watch as Dixon stomped on the soldiers head, making a hollow crunch echo through the streets of Norden. Rainbow Dash couldn't believe her eyes as she watched the soldiers blood mix with the rain water before spreading across the concrete. Rainbow Dash couldn't turn away from the horrific sight, she looked from her window at the German soldier sprawled onto the floor, lifeless his skull mangled, blood and gore covering what was left of his face. Rainbow Dash turned pale, she slowly walked away from the window, feeling dizzy, physically sick and disorientated.

She stumbled, towards Bishop and Cole, her mind trying to prossess what she just saw. The mad look in Dixons eyes, the helplessness of the soldier at his mercy and that chilling crunch. She couldn't take it anymore, the final tether in her mind, keeping her from completely loosing her mind had finally snapped.