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Chapter 36: Catching Up

Author’s note: After listening to ‘Dash’s Empty Sky’ and having myself a good man-cry, I found the will to write another chapter.

P.S. Sorry for delay on this chapter but summer hasn’t been kind to me. I will try and write as frequently as I can, but I make no promises.


Alex lay in the middle of the road as I slowly approached him. He was definitely out cold and was breathing heavily from what I could tell. I stepped over to his side and slung my rifle over my shoulder before kneeling down next to him. He wore a… gillie suit? I think that was what it was called. I knew he was in some sort of military outfit but I didn’t know much about it. Not that I wanted to anyway. I placed my hand on Alex’s shoulder and rolled him over. He had a diagonal set of three scars going down his face like an eagle had struck him.

I tried to stop both my fear and joy as I patted him down and removed his gear. I didn’t know how he was going to react when he woke up and I’d rather not have more bloodshed. I pulled an old M9, his SVD, a black military knife, and various pouches of empty pistol and rifle magazines off of him. I was confused for a moment before I realized that he had probably used most of it getting here. I set his gear in a pile before checking his weapons. I pulled the M9 first and pulled the slide back. It was completely empty. I released the slide and lowered the hammer before grabbing his SVD and hoisting it onto my knee. The gun was heavier than I remembered but maybe it was just my exhaustion. I pulled back the clunky bolt and saw that only two pristine, non-magical bullets sat in the mag and chamber.

I let the bolt close and I tossed the weapons back onto the pile. I felt the guards walked up to me and begin to surround me and Alex. They were all speechless and so was I. The small squad of guards created a circle around me and stared down at Alex.

“I think we found our ‘dangerous creature’.” I said to the guards in an unsure tone “I want this to stay quiet. No one is to know until I say so.” I commanded before pointing to one of the guards “Inform the Princess that another human is here and that I have him under control. Tell her that I request her presence immediately.”

The guard nodded and spread his wings before taking to the skies.

“The rest of you are dismissed.” I said in a darker tone.

The guards backed up before retiring to the tent and fire. Only me and Atlanta still stood near Alex.

“This is going to kick up a shitstorm.” I said as I looked over to Atlanta.

“I haven’t got words for this.” He replied.

I just returned my gaze to Alex and tried to formulate a game plan. After a few moments, I grabbed Alex’s arm and lifted him up and onto my shoulders in a firefighter style carry. He was a fuck-load heavier than Dash but I could handle it. I trudged over to the H2 that sat about 75ft away. I grunted and mumbled obscenities as I reached the H2 and pulled the passenger door open. I dumped Alex into the seat and adjusted him before closing the door. I leaned against the door for a moment as I tried to collect my thoughts. I had no idea where to take him. Twilight would open her mouth and rat him out, practically turning him into a zoo exhibit. I think that Applejack and Rarity still don’t like me very much, much less a stranger. Fluttershy would probably have a heart attack or something and Pinkie seemed to me like the type that would probably make Alex want to kill himself. That only left Dash’s place.

I shuddered at the thought of what she was going to say when I brought Alex back. I wasn’t sure if she was going to be angry or what. I walked back to Alex’s gear before Atlanta flew over to me.

“Something wrong?” He asked in a genuine tone of worry.

“Yeah, a bit. I thought that son of a bitch was dead.” I pointed out as I gathered up Alex’s gear and started to walk back to the H2.


“When I last went back to Youngstown, I received an obituary of sorts.”

“How did he die?”

“I don’t really know other than he was on deployment at the time.” I said as I opened the trunk and tossed the gear inside.

“Deployment?” Atlanta asked as I slammed the H2’s trunk shut and looked over to him.

“He was in some sort of military shindig. I don’t really know much other than that.” I said as I walked around to the driver’s side door.

“Well then, I guess we’ve got a problem then.”

“You don’t say?” I said as I pulled my door open and climbed inside.

“I do.”

“Touché.” I said as I closed the door with a thud.

I looked over to Alex as he grumbled something and rolled to his side in the seat. I really had no clue on how to proceed with the situation. I sat back in my seat and threw my hands over my face. Back in Youngstown I didn’t have to deal with this shit. I gave an aggravated exhale and placed my hands on the steering wheel. The engine gave a rumble before starting up. I shifted into drive and pulled off the road. The guards were beginning to break down their camp as I drove back in the direction of town. I cut the wheel back towards home and headed out with all due haste.


I drove for about ten minutes before Alex stirred in his seat and slowly sat up. He had his eyes locked out the window on the dirt road before he seemed to snap back to reality and look over at me. I looked almost as if he had seen a ghost. I gave a halfhearted smile as I continued down the road. He looked like he was now in a state of shock. I removed my hat and placed it in my lap before trying to come up with some sort of way to talk to a ghost of my past.

“Mornin’ sunshine. Hope the ride didn’t jostle your brain too much.” I said as Alex seemed to warm up me.

Alex reached over the console and punched me in the arm with a sense of both anger and joy.

“What the hell was that for?!” I asked as I used my free hand to cover where he had hit me.

“That’s for being in the weirdest fucking dream I ever had.” He said as he took a relieved breath and slumped in his seat.

“I hate to inform you, but that wasn’t a dream.” I said in a sure tone.

“How the hell would you know?” He asked as he looked out the window.

“Trust me on this.” I said as Alex looked over to me and noticed my hands.

His eyes locked onto them in wonder and traced the tire marks. His eyes almost bulged out of his skull as he stared at them with the power of a thousand suns.

“What the-“ he said as he snaked a hand over to my side of the cabin and pushed my shoulder forward.

I leaned forward for him and let him look at the design on the back of my trench coat.

“No fucking way.” He said as he sat back in his seat and threw his hand in his face.

“Oh, it gets better.” I said as I pulled off the road and over towards Dash’s home.

I pointed out the window towards where I was living and watch Alex stare in amazement.

“You have got to be shitting me.” He said as smacked himself and looked between me and the house.

“Does it look like I am?” I asked as I pulled up towards the house and came to a stop.

Alex suddenly jerked in his seat and instinctively reached for his weapons. After finding nothing, he looked over to me with an aggravated expression.

“I couldn’t risk you shooting up the place.” I said as I shifted into park.

“You have no faith!” He said in an almost pouting fashion.

“You caught me.” I said as I looked over at the house and saw a familiar set of rainbow colored hair duck from view “Let me guess; your next question is going to be involving where you are.”

“How’d you know?”

“Lucky guess?”

Alex ran his hands through his hair while exhaling in an overwhelmed tone. He sank back in his seat before looking over at me.

Where the fuck am I and what the fuck is going on?” He asked in the calmest manner he could muster.

“The locals call this land ‘Equestria’,” I said making exaggerated air quotes “and I have been stuck here for the better part of three weeks.”

Alex nodded at me with wide eyes like he was either in disbelief or that he thought I was a crazy person. I looked out at the house and saw Dash open the door and step out. I watched Alex as he stared at her through the tinted glass. Dash unfurled her wings and gave a few good thrusts before taking to the air and gliding over to the H2. She landed hood of the truck and looked into the windshield glass. She saw me first and gave a quick smile before looking over to Alex. Dash shot back a few inches and confusion ran over her face. I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

The door swung open and I stepped out as Alex followed suit. I slung my rifle over my shoulder and slammed the door behind me. The grey skies hung overhead as I walked around the hood of the H2. Dash and Alex had their eyes locked on one another like they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Dash took on an aggressive stance and stepped up towards Alex.

“Who the hay are you?!” She said as tried to stare him down.

“Try me chew toy.” He said back in a snappy manner.

I stepped in-between the two and placed a hand on Dash’s shoulder. My touch seemed to calm her down as her stance lowered and she took a step back.

I rubbed my hands together and breathed into them. A soft white mist enveloped my hands before I let them fall at my side and looked over at Alex.

“I believe a nice meet n’ greet is in order.” I pointed out as I offered a sarcastic smile “Who wants to go first?”

Alex to a step forward with a smirk on his face before Dash stepped forward on the hood of the H2 and spoke up.

“I’m Rainbow Dash. Best flier in Equestria.” She said with bravado in her usual manner.

Alex let out a small grunt that resembled a laugh and said “Alex Litivnova at your service.”

“Wait…” Dash muttered as memories came back to her.

“Yes,” I confirmed “This is the famous Alex I talked about. Apparently he isn’t dead.”

“I’m right here.” Alex pointed out with a hand over his head.

I let out a small laugh as I leaned against the H2 and rested my rifle on my shoulder. Dash stepped over behind me and cocked her head at Alex like she was studying him.

“How the hell did you get here?” I asked trying to keep an awkward silence from arising and to satisfy my own curiosity.

“I could ask you the same question.” He shot back defensively as he crossed his arms.

His gillie suit ruffled like autumn leaves as he crossed his arms and took a step back. He raised an eyebrow at me as his dead gaze met mine.

“Answer the fuckin’ question.” I said in a smartass tone with a halfcocked smirk.

“Fine, cupcake.” Alex said as he reached into one of his many vest pockets and retrieved a lighter and a cigarette “My last one.” He said before lighting up with a flick of his lighter “I really have no idea.” He said as he took a drag.

I looked up at Dash who was standing over my head and search for some semblance of backup. She nodded at me a smiled.

“What do you mean by that?” Dash asked.

Alex locked his eyes onto Dash as a small bit of anger began to grow in them “Cork it, chew toy. I’m talking to Ryan here.” Alex said before lowering his eyes to me “Or is it Twelve-Gauge now?”

“How the hell did you hear ‘bout that?” I asked.

“You’re apparently very popular, General.” He said with a smirk before letting out a big puff of smoke “How’d you land that gig? You know nothing about the military.”

“That hurts.” I said as I placed my free hand over my chest “I thought we were friends.”

“Nope.” He said before taking a drag of his cig.

“That’s cold man.” I said before Dash flew off of the H2 and landed next to me.

Dash took a step forward before I held a hand out to stop her. She looked up at me in annoyance before backing off.

“You still didn’t answer my question.” Alex pointed out before exhaling another plume of smoke.

“That is an answer that will have to wait. We’re expecting royalty soon.” I said in an assured tone.

“You answer to a monarch now?!” Alex let out in a flabbergasted tone “I never thought I’d see the day.” He said before seeing the flag waving about the H2 “And you’re still waving the flag too?”

“I don’t answer to anyone.” I said in an angry tone before taking a few steps forward and shoving a finger into Alex’s chest “And especially not a fuckin’ monarch.”

“Big talk, Mr. Patriot.” He said with his hands up in the air like I was holding him at gunpoint.

Snow began to fall in droves as the wind picked up. Dash tugged at my coat and motioned for the house. I ignored her for the time being and locked my focus on Alex.

“Damn straight commie.” I said with laugh before removing my finger from his chest.

“That’s racist!” Alex exclaimed while taking a step back.

“I could make an arms-dealer joke too.” I suggested.

“Don’t you dare.”

“Don’t tempt me then.” I said as I stepped forward.

I snapped my fingers and the H2 locked behind me with an audible clunk. Alex gave me a puzzled look before noticing my hands again.

“I know what you’re going to ask and I’ll tell you later.” I pointed out.

Alex raised a single eyebrow and nodded at me in a condescending manner. I motioned with my hand for him to follow me as I walked towards the cloud house. Dash flew overhead as I stepped on the cloud and took a few steps forward. I turned around to see Alex stare at me like I was some sort of mythological creature.

“How exactly-“

I cut Alex off in midsentence “Just wing it.”

Alex shrugged his shoulder and attempted to step up onto the cloud. He planted a foot on the white fluff and tried to step up, only to have his foot fly through it and onto the ground again.

“I believe that this is an allegory for something.” He said while he took a step back.

I rubbed my chin for a moment before remembering my recruits’ tent. I hopped down from the cloud and looked up at Dash.

“You can head inside for now if you want. I’m gonna chat with Alex for the time being.” I said.

“Like I’m going to miss this.” Dash said before dropping to the ground beside me.

I looked over to Alex and saw that was giving me a funny look. He shrugged it off as I led the way towards the tent.


I introduced Alex to Shining Armor and it was just as awkward as I thought it would be. Shining was overly cautious around Alex. Alex couldn’t help but be a smartass to him and make a few ‘noble steed’ jokes that went right over Shining’s head. I had also explained my situation to Alex which included everything from my arrival to my… err… powers. The only thing I had left out was my… ‘attempt’. Alex seemed to eat up my story and was silent for the majority of it.

“Soooo… let me get this straight,” Alex said as he held up his hand to signal me to stop “You basically have infinite ammo and a super Hummer? How the fuck does that work?”

“I have no clue.” I said as I sat down on a nearby cot.

Shining sat on the opposite side of the tent, watching our conversation from afar. Dash stepped into the middle of the tent and looked over at Alex.

“I heard a lot of stories about you.” She said with a laugh “I really like the ‘Chris’ one.”

Alex finished his cig and tossed it to the ground before crushing it with a boot. He turned his head to me.

“Thanks for spreading my immeasurable glory.”

“If your ego gets any bigger, you head will pop like a shaken soda can.”

“Anyway-” Alex said before pulling another cig from his pocket.

“I thought that was your last one.” Dash pointed out breakneck speed.

“I lied.” He said before lighting up “Anyway, when is this ‘royalty’ supposed to arrive?”

Almost as if she was on cue, Celestia stepped into the tent. A set of two guards in golden armor followed in her wake as well like trained dogs. I leaned forwards and rested my rifle on my lap and my elbows on top of that. I gave a half-assed wave to her and Alex just stared as if in awe. Dash stepped over towards me and Shining ran up to the center of the tent and bowed for Celestia. Suck up.

“Hey boss lady.” I said with a jovial tone to lighten the awkward mood that hung in the tent like a bad smell.

Celestia stepped forward towards Alex with an official-like smile. It almost seemed forced in a way. Alex got to his feet and shifted his cig to the corner of his mouth. He held out his hand and Celestia seemed to get the gesture.

“Alex Litivnova.” He greeted in an informal manner as they shook.

“I am Princess Celestia.” Celestia greeted back “I’m sure that Ryan told you about me.”

“More than enough.” He replied.

Alex let go of Celestia’s hoof and sat back down on the cot. I leaned forward a bit more and adjusted my hat. Alex shot a look over at me as if saying ‘What the fuck man?’. All I could do was shoot another back with the context of ‘Just roll with it.’. Dash seemed to catch on to us and walked over to me. She leaned in towards me and whispered.

“What are you doing?” She said in a hushed tone.

“I have no idea.” I replied.

Dash retracted her head and rolled her eyes at me before sitting down on the cot next to me. Celestia seemed to be in the middle of a conversation with Alex but I didn’t care to listen. I just watched as Alex gave the occasional ‘yes’ and nod. Dash leaned into my side and looked up at me.

“What are you going to do with him?” She asked “He doesn’t seem… stable.”

“And I am?” I replied with a strong coat of sarcasm.

“You realize that as soon as Twilight hears, the whole town will.”

“I know but I’m not sure how long I can keep everyone in the dark. Only you, a few guards, Shining, and Celestia know. It is only a matter of time.” I replied in an assured tone.

“Well, you could try and talk Applejack into letting him stay with her.” Dash said as Alex let out a labored laugh.

“That wouldn’t fly too well, I think. I believe it might be better to just let everyone know and get it over with.”

“Works for me.” Dash replied as Celestia turned to me.

“And what do you think we should do?” She asked me about some unknown question.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“The Griffon Kingdom is after Alex for some reason. What do you think we should do about it?” Celestia asked in a calm yet worried manner.

“Shoot at ‘em till they leave?” I asked in with a smirk.

Dash elbowed me in the side before Celestia said “Can you please refrain from violence?”

“I promise nothing.” I said as Alex gave me a thumbs up from the opposite side of the tent.

“I only ask you to try. I’m sure you will make the right choice.” Celestia said.

“You can spend hours in a diplomacy talk but it all goes out the window once the brass starts flyin’.” I said.

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