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Chapter 23: Never Drink Alone

Author’s notes: <Insert clever saying here>


I awoke to the evening sun shining through a nearby window, blinding me like a kid teasing his friend with a flashlight. I grimaced and tried to move out of the path of the laser-like beam. I rolled over on the couch and rubbed the side of my head. I felt like I had a hangover but I knew that I hadn’t drank since the Gala. There was no getting back to sleep at this point. I clambered to an upright position on the couch and buried my head in my hands.

“It’s like high school all over again.” I grumbled as I massaged my temples.

I lifted my head to survey my surroundings. I found that I still sat in the middle of Dash’s cloud home. The room was mostly dark except for the single beam of light coming through the large window. I rubbed my eyes and climbed to my feet. I cautiously balanced myself on the new terrain. It felt like I was walking on an air mattress. I stumbled over to the window and peered out. The sun was being covered with clouds as I tried to understand what was happening. It looked like the pegasi were creating a rainstorm for later today. I felt a little aggravated for some reason as I walked over to the front door and walked out.

I had an idea of how I wanted to spend the rest of my day. My grey H2 still sat in the middle of the field as I stumbled over to it. I finally stepped down from the cloud and was relieved to be standing on solid ground again. Fuck clouds, honestly. I mozied on over to the driver’s door and placed my hand on the door. My mark still sat on the side of the door, predominantly displaying my mark on the side along with the tire track decals tracing the sides. I pulled open the door and climbed in.

The clouds had completely encompassed the sun and the world took on a shade of grey. I shook my head and noticed a note on the seat next to me. I leaned back in my seat and picked up the note.

Left for weather duty.


Whatever. I reached into the console and retrieved a ball-point pen and wrote on the back of the note.

I left for Canterlot. I will be back later tonight.


I jumped out of the H2 and ran up to the door. I placed the note on the door handle and returned to the H2. A drop of rain landed dead center of my head as I climbed into the H2 and slammed the door behind me. I placed my hands on the steering wheel and let the engine roar to life. The engine rumbled as I ran my hands across the leather bound wheel. The leather reminded me of my jacket that I had left in my apartment. Something about the memory comforted me slightly as I loved that jacket. I hoped that one day I could have Rarity make something like it. That switched my mind over to another topic: Armor.

I knew that to improve my situation, it would probably be in my best interest to commission some armor. Nothing major, just something to cover my chest, forearms, shins and shoulders. Hopefully something I could wear under my suit. I shook the thought from my head as I shifted into gear and pulled away from Dash’s place. I spun the car around and made my way back to the road.

As soon as my tires connected with the road, a torrent of rain hit the ground. I flicked on the wipers and fog lights as I sped down the road at 55mph. I needed to keep myself within a respectable speed or I would risk running myself off the road. I passed Applejack’s farm and saw that Applebloom and what I suspected where her friends, run into the farmhouse to avoid the rain. I looked away as I thought of Ulik and pressed on. My fog lights pierced through the nearly impenetrable rain sheet. The rain was coming down so hard at this point that I could not see farther that 50ft from the window. The windshield wipers worked furiously to cope with the rain as I barreled down the road.

Suddenly, I noticed a familiar figure walking down the road. The figure had its eyes locked on the ground before it and didn’t seem to notice me. I’d recognize that brown cowboy hat anywhere. It was Applejack. I slowed my approach with a stomp on the brakes and listened as they squealed. Applejack shot to attention as I pulled up next to her. I placed my foot on the brake and rolled down the window. The mist from the rain hit my face as a muggy burst of air entered the truck’s cabin. I peered down at Applejack and offered a small smile.

“You need a ride?” I asked, trying to pay it forward a bit.

She looked up at me as rain poured over the brim of her hat. It looked like she was soaked to the bone. She shivered a bit as she looked up at me and nodded. With that notion, I opened the door and jumped out. The rain pounded on me as the world around me was a dark grey from the cloud cover. I pulled the door to the backseat open and let her jump in. I closed the door behind her and climbed back into my seat. I rolled up my window and placed my hands back on the wheel. I was damp but not nearly as soaked as Applejack was. I looked up in my rearview and saw he shiver her seat.

“What are you doing outside? I thought the pegasi would warn you before they would conjure a storm.”

“The storm came from the Everfree outta nowhere. The pegasi are tryin’ to deal with it now.” She explained.

I felt a pang of something and took off my suit coat. I retrieved my rifle from it and placed the rifle on the passenger seat.

“Here, cover yourself up.” I said as I tossed the coat back to her.

I watched her in the rearview as she stared at the back of my seat for a moment, confused.

“Thanks.” She said as she covered herself up.

I adjusted my tie and cut the wheel. I shifted into reverse and spun the H2 around before driving towards the farm.

“What’cha doin’ out? Ah thought Dash would of warned you.” She said as she dried herself off with my jacket.

“I wanted to get a drink and the only place I know of is in Canterlot.” I pointed out.

“Ah thought you quit.” She said.

“Who said that?”

“Dash did.”

“I never stopped; I just stopped drinkin’ in sorrow. Big difference.” I said as I pulled into the farm through the gate.

“How about Ah come with you?” She asked.

“Why would you want to do that?”

“Ah never let a friend drink alone.” She pointed out.

“Are you sure? I’m not comin’ back here till late tonight. Can you make that kind of time commitment?” I asked as I placed my hand on the gear shift.

“What else am Ah gonna do in this weather?” she said as she climbed into the passenger seat.

As she stepped onto the console, I grabbed my rifle and snaked it over to me. As the gun passed Applejack, she locked eyes with the feather still attached to the stock. She seemed to give herself a little nod and climbed into the seat. I place the rifle between the console and my seat before switching on the AC. The windows had become completely fogged up and the cabin was uncomfortable muggy. I shifted into reverse and release my foot from the brake. I spun the car around and shifted back into drive. I slammed my foot onto the gas and listened as the tires kicked patches of dirt into the air before I shot forward. This SUV definitely beat the shit-box I was driving back in Youngstown.

As I reached the gate, I cut the wheel to the left and drove towards town. I needed to head through town and then take another road that led straight to Canterlot. The tires buzzed as they rolled along the road. It was clear that off-road tires were not quiet but in a world like this, I preferred them over normal tires tenfold. I kept a straight face as I pulled into town and passed Twilight’s. I could see a light on but I wasn’t about to stop and say hello. I needed to let whiskey heal my mental wounds first.

I passed the familiar tree house and barreled down the road towards Canterlot.


I drove for about twenty minutes before I came to the familiar fork in the road and turned to the left. I wondered what was down the other end but I didn’t really care. I had places to be. I felt the tires begin to slip due to the muddy conditions of the road before I corrected the problem with a tug of the wheel. Applejack still had my jacket on as I concentrated on the road. I wasn’t much for conversation, much less pleasant conversation.

The rain finally cleared out but the clouds still covered much of the sky. I cut off the wipers and switched from fog lights to my headlights. The road finally cleared out as I neared the familiar gates to the city. I pulled up and stopped just shy of the gate. I rolled down the window as a Pegasus guard flew over to me. The guard saluted me before opening the gate. I gave him my little two finger salute and pulled on through. It was nice to have connections.

“Ah like this fancy contraption of yours. Cuts a lot of travel time off.” Applejack said, trying to start up small talk.

“Save your small talk for the bar.” I said as I turned down a street.

I had no idea where Fizzy worked but I remember he said that he worked in the city. From his demeanor, I figured it would be some hole in the wall. A place that didn’t get to many visitors so that he could chat up the customers. I turned down another street and saw that the long city roads were still empty. I guess they were still tucked inside due to the rain. The roads were paved with stones and the buildings seemed to hang around two to five stories but a few reached up to seven. The castle still seemed to take the cake in height though.

I pulled around another street before I saw a small sign stick out from the nearby building. It was in the shape of a beer bottle that was hung horizontally and had the words ‘The Empty Tap’ written on it. It seemed to be the place. I pulled up in front of the bar and let the engine cut off. I leaned back in my seat and adjusted my tie and holster. My handgun jutted out from under my shoulder and I felt a little better as I looked at it. I liked how the laws of this world seemed to mimic the old west, minus all the death. I was free to do as I pleased as long as I didn’t hurt anyone.

I looked over at Applejack and saw that she had removed my jacket and laid it over the seat to dry.

“I think we made it.” I said as I opened the door.

“Glad to hear it.” She said before turning to the door “Could ya let me out of here?”

I closed my door and walked over to Applejack’s. I pulled the latch and the door flowed. A newly dried Applejack jumped out and shook herself free from any remaining moisture. I closed the H2’s door and walked over to the bar’s window. The air was muggy and warm. I was never fond of this type of weather since I always preferred the winter. Growing up in the northern United States built a natural resistance and love of the cold. I always thought you could dress up for the cold but you couldn’t do anything but use the AC if it was hot.

I looked in the window and saw that Fizzy was wiping the counter down with a rag and his magic. I stepped over to the door and pushed it in. There was the clang of a bell as I held the door for Applejack. She casually stepped in and took a seat at the bar.

“How’s it goin’ my man?” I ask Fizzy from across the room.

There didn’t seem to be anyone else in the bar but me and Applejack.

“Just waiting for the day to end.” He responded.

I walked over to the bar and took a seat of a small bar stool. It obviously wasn’t built for something of my weight class as it groaned from beneath me. I adjusted myself on the chair before leaning forward towards the bar and placing my forearms on it.

“Give me you biggest, strongest, cheapest drink.” I said as I hung my head in sheer exhaustion.

Fizzy nodded and didn’t say a word as he grabbed a bottle and poured some into the glass for me. It was obvious that he had played this game many times over.

“May I ask who your lady friend is?” Fizzy asked as he handed me the glass.

I lifted my head and grabbed the glass out of mid-air.

“A… friend of mine. Nothing serious.” I said before downing the drink.

“He’s mah ‘bodyguard’.” Applejack said making air quotes.

“Hey,” I shot back “I was offered a do-nothing job and I took it. Besides, I get to work with my guns.”

Applejack rolled her eyes before saying “Ah’ll take a hard cider.”

Fizzy nodded and grabbed a bottle from under the counter. She slid it over to her and she caught it with a hoof.

“What brings you here today, Ryan?” Fizzy ask, retrieving his rag.

“A shitty few days is what.” I said before finishing my drink.

Fizzy poured me another drink as Applejack was barely started on her first.

“Can’t be that bad.” He said nonchalantly.

“I had to shoot my child. It was that fucking bad.” I pointed out as I downed another drink.

“I stand corrected.” He retorted before returning the rag to its place under the counter.

“I heard about what happened Ryan, ah’m sorry.” Applejack said, shooting me a sympathetic look.

“Be sorry all you like, it changes nothing.”

I slammed down another drink before rubbing my forehead with my right hand. I pushed my memories at bay for the moment and returned to my drink.

“What happened?” Fizzy asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Changeling attack. Seemed disorganized though because the casualties were too low.”

“It was you who took down all those changelings? You’re a legend around these parts.” He said as he refilled my drink.

This stuff was weaker than Listerine but it was better than nothing. It didn’t help that it tasted like one of those fruity drinks that my ex-girlfriends used to order.

“I shot every last one and burned their nest to the ground.” I said as I took another drink.

“Ah’m not sure whether to be impressed or horrified.” Applejack said before finishing her drink.

“Applejack,” I said as I turned to her “I only did what I had to. I did what I was hired to.”

“Just call me AJ please and ah know. It’s just that I didn’t think you wer’ capable of that.” She said as Fizzy got her another drink.

“I am a man of war. It’s a shame that I can do these things but it’s better to just forget about it.”

“How do you forget?” Fizzy asked me.

“Denial and alcohol. Works wonders.” I said before downing another drink.

“I’ll say, I’ve never seen anypony else down drinks as fast as you.”

I brought both hands to my face and rubbed my eyes furiously.

“My god, I swear if I hear another fuckin’ pony pun, I’ll fuckin’ flip.” I groaned.

“What’cha mean?” AJ asked before working on her drink.

“Anypony, everypony, Ponyville, so on, so forth. It is really. fucking. annoying.

“What does your species say if it is that much better?” Fizzy asked in a condescending tone.

“Everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody. I know that it’s gonna be long shot to hear these words from anyone but myself but a man can dream can’t he?”

“I suppose he could.” Fizzy said as he turned around and walked towards a door behind the bar “I’ll be back in a moment.”

Fizzy walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. I finished my drink and set the glass on the bar.

“Ah hear you and RD are an item.” She said as she took another swig of her drink.

It was obvious that she was starting to get a buzz since she was swaying in her chair. Lightweight.

“I suppose you could say that.” I replied.

“Funny, I always figured she was one for mares.”

I burst out laughing for a moment. That caught me off guard.

“Are you jealous?” I asked as she shook her head “I think you’re starting to gettin’ drunk missy.” I pointed out as she finished her glass.

“Ah ain’t drunk.” She said as her words came off a little bit slurred.

She turned to me and knocked her empty glass over.

“Yeah, totally not drunk.” I said as I turned around in my chair.

As much as I had hoped that I could get a buzz off of pony alcohol, it seemed like I’d need to get rid of my liver before that would ever happen. I climbed out of my chair and retrieved two of the gold coins from my pocket and left them on the counter. It was worth a shot I suppose.

“Are you ready to hit it?” I asked AJ.

“Ah guess.” She said as she stumbled forward.

AJ clambered towards the door. I jogged over to the door for her and opened it. She gave me a nod and I stepped out after her. She seemed to regain a bit of control as I walked up to my truck. I opened the passenger door for her and lifted her in. She curled up in the seat as I closed the door. I walked around to the driver’s seat and climbed in.

I sat in my seat for a few moments and tried to gather my thoughts. I now knew that the alcohol in this universe is weaker than mouthwash and that Applejack might be a lesbian. Good time eh? I leaned back in my seat and ran my hands through my hair. It was nice to talk to Fizzy again and I figured he’d appreciate the extra cash. I exhaled and placed my hands on the steering wheel once again.

It was time to head home.


I drove for roughly 45 minutes before AJ’s farm came into sight. The storm looked like it knocked out a few trees and branches but other than that, it seemed like minor damage to the town. I pulled in through the gate and up to the farmhouse. The H2 rumbled as I reached over and grabbed a groggy Applejack. She seemed to be either to drunk or tired to talk. I lifted her up onto my shoulders and carried her up to the door of her home. I placed a few kicks on the door and waited a moment. The door opened to reveal the old green pony that was in Twilight’s house at the time of the changeling attack.

“I am here to drop her off.” I said as I motioned to the pony on my shoulders.

“Oh, ok then.” The elderly green pony said.

It was a little odd that she was so… accepting of the situation. I was a strange creature to them and I showed up with Applejack, who was out cold and supposed to be home hours ago. I walked over to a couch and set her down. I shook my head in absurdity and turned to walk out the door. I wasn’t one for making new friends and this was definitely not the time. I walked out the door and climbed back into the waiting H2. I shifted into drive and pulled back onto the road.


I flipped on my fog lights as night rolled around. I continued down the road until I saw tired tracks on the side of the road. I veered off in their direction and drove towards where I remembered Dash’s place was. After a minute, the home came into view. I continued along for a moment until I was less than 25ft from the doorstep. I pulled up and shifted into park. The engine rumbled for a moment, ready to continue on. I let go of the wheel and the engine cut off.

I didn’t even have the slightest hint of a buzz as I climbed out of the truck and landed feet first on the soft, mushy grass. I closed the door behind me and walked up to the cloud home. I felt tired but functional as I placed a foot on the cloud and hoisted myself up. The cloud let my foot sink in about an inch and a half before it finally held my weight. I walked over to the door and pushed it open. My note was gone so I assumed either Dash or the wind got to it. I walked in and took a seat on the couch once again. I was still a guest in the house and didn’t want to intrude too much. Lord knows how much I hated it when people used to walk into my apartment.

I sat on the couch for a moment before I reached into my pockets and grabbed my few belongings. I hadn’t had too much time to myself since I came to this world but no I finally had some time. In my hand sat my mother’s locket and a single .45. I knew what I could do.

The necklace was a small silver chain with small links. It wasn’t anything special but it was sturdy at least. I grabbed the .45 and went to work. I pulled the bullet out of the casing and dumped the powder onto the floor. I then snapped the primer out of the bottom. With the empty case in my hand, I ran the chain through the primer hole so that the metal heart would hold the bullet on it since it was too big to pass through the hole. With the chain in place, I returned the bullet to the casing and tamped it down on a nearby table.

I now had a little something for Dash. God only knows I can’t bring myself to open the locket anymore. I took my little creation and tucked it into my pocket. I could only wait now.

I hated waiting.


I waited for what seemed like an hour before I grabbed my pistol and started to play with it. I flicked all the switches on it, pulled the slide back and forth, and played with the hammer. It was good to be easily amused. I sat back in the couch and waited for something to happen. Sure enough, something did.

The door flew open and Dash stepped in. It looked like she had been run through the ringer. She was soaked from head to hoof (Fucking puns!) and looked exhausted. I climbed out of the couch and walked over to her. She seemed to notice my existence. She perked up the best she could and stepped over to me. I knelt down and gave her a comforting hug. She shivered and was as cold as the dead.

“You alright?” I asked her without breaking the hug.

“J-just f-f-fine.” She said as she shivered to try and raise her body temperature.

“Bullshit.” I claimed as I lifted her up.

She smiled a bit as I cradled her like one would a baby. The moisture soaked through my shirt as she sucked the warmth right from me. I walked back over to the couch and sat down. Her shivering died down a bit as time went on. I had my eyes locked out the window and Dash had hers locked on me.

“What did you do today?” She asked, trying to strike up small talk.

“Helped Applejack get shit-faced.” I said flatly.

“Sounds fun.” She said as she buried her head in my chest.

“I got something for you.” I said as I fished around in my pocket.

“What did you get me?!” She asked in a burst of energy and excitement.

“Well, it isn’t much,” I said as I held the cord and let the bullet dangle down “But I made it myself.”

She stared at it from a moment before looking up at me.


“Don’t mention it.” I said as I opened the necklace latch and placed it on her neck.

I retracted my hands and watched her stare at it for a moment. It looked like she was dumbfounded. Still wet, she climbed up kissed me.

“You ever tell my friends I’m this mushy and I’ll take you out.” She said in a joking manner.

“Don’t give me any ideas.”

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