• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 10,459 Views, 659 Comments

Stars in the Making - Borsuq

Princess Starburst, who dreams of becoming the Captain of the Royal Guard, begins dating scarred by past Starfall, who cares for little other than having fun. How will this end?

  • ...

School Counseling

“Oh, wow,” Candy exclaimed sympathetically, while clearly trying to hold back laughter. “I can’t even imagine what an awkward morning you must have had after that. Did your Mom want to talk about, um, what she saw?”

Starburst snorted. “Don’t know, we snuck out before breakfast.” She paused to glare at Candy and Annie as they giggled, then continued, “I told Nighty to tell our parents I was in a hurry, so Star was teleporting with me to school.”

She knew that, if her mom hadn’t told her dad about what she saw - and given the fact that he hadn’t burst into her room demanding Starfall’s head, she most likely hadn’t - this had undoubtedly seemed strange to him. It was strange enough for Nighty; her younger brother looked at her as if she had sprung a second head when she told him that.

“What, without eating breakfast? You?!” he had asked.

Starfall had spared her from answering that by teleporting them away, but soon afterwards they said a quick goodbye and parted. He wanted to check on the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, see how it was after that storm (“You know, cause I might need to hole up in there for the rest of my life,” he had said. “Although maybe my island would be better…” he added before shrugging, kissing her on the cheek and leaving, and Starburst hadn’t been sure if he was kidding or not.), while she had to go to her class… and face her friends.

They could tell, of course, that something had been bothering her, so there wasn’t any point trying to hide it. And there was the agreement she had with Annie, too, which all but forced her to tell them. So, hoping that she could at least get some useful advice on just what the hay she was supposed to do, she asked the girls to talk with her during a break in private.

Which was why Annie and Candy were now hanging out with her in the fillies’ restroom, talking about the most mind-scarring thing that had ever happened to Starburst (and tried her best to ignore just how embarrassing this was), while Whirlwind stayed with the colts to make sure they (“they” meaning “Prism”) wouldn’t try to eavesdrop.

“So you left without even seeing your mom?” Candy asked for confirmation, eyebrow raised. “That can’t be good for-”

“Candy, I think you’re forgetting about the more important matter,” Annie spoke up, interrupting her. As both fillies looked at her blind friend, she turned to Starburst. “What happened after your mom sent you all those condoms?” she asked, smirking.

Trust her to focus on that… Starburst thought, annoyed.

“What do you think happened?” she asked sarcastically, snorting.

“A gangbang.”

Starburst choked on her breath out of sheer shock hearing Annie’s calm reply. Too late she had realized who she was talking to, and now all she could do was stare at her with bulged out eyes... while desperately trying to push away any possible mental images her words - coupled with memories of last night - could summon. The last thing Starburst needed right now was her wings growing stiff.

Candy was staring at Annie in shock, too, although she had covered her muzzle with her hoof, so Starburst couldn’t be sure if she wasn’t hiding a grin behind it. She blushed a little she looked from Annie to her, and between Candy’s shocked, probably amused and apparently curious gaze and Annie’s calm, straight one, Starburst finally recovered enough out of her daze to reply:

“N… n-no…”

Smooth, she thought, mentally facehoofing.

Before she could give them more eloquent reply, Annie spoke up: “Hm, maybe you’re right, this technically wasn’t a gangbang since it was still one pony…” she mused, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

Starburst shook her head and snapped out of it. “No! We didn’t do that… or anything!” she quickly added the moment she saw Annie opened her mouth.

“Aww…” the blind pony whined, looking disappointed. “Seriously? If I could get Starfall to teach me that spell… oh yeah…” she trailed off, her face taking on a dreamy expression as she turned her blind gaze to the ceiling, her mouth hanging open.

Starburst deadpanned at her, figuring what she was daydreaming about. “You need help,” she told her as Candy giggled.

T’s Ds is what I need,” she replied without changing her expression.

Despite her dismay with the direction their discussion had taken, Starburst found herself confused enough to ask, “T’s what? T’s…” she began, sharing a glance with Candy, who appeared as confused as her… for a whole second. The next one they both realized what the ‘D’ stood for, and why there was an ‘s’ with it. “Ugh, no, don’t wanna know!” Starburst quickly exclaimed, shaking in mild disgust.

Annie clearly didn’t take her words to hear, as she said, “I meant his di-”

“No no no, I’m not listening!” Starburst exclaimed, covering her ears.

Candy, though also taken aback by the realization of what the “D” stood for, and by Annie’s explanation, quickly became amused as she watched Starburst’s reaction. She covered her mouth with her hoof again and giggled into it, glancing at Annie. “You’re horrible,” Starburst heard her say as she took her hooves off her ears once Annie stopped talking.

Annie turned her blind gaze to Candy, pretending to frown. “Oh, I talk about my fantasies and I’m horrible, but Star tells us how she got gangbanged-”

“I wasn’t gangbanged!” Star practically yelled at her, then covered her mouth and looked at the door. To her relief, nopony came through it; considering her luck as of late, she wouldn’t have been surprised if Princess Celestia herself had entered at that moment. As both other fillies giggled, Starburst turned her attention back to them. “I wasn’t… gangbanged,” she hissed, reluctantly repeating the word. “Starfall cancelled the spell right after my mom left and we went to be- to sleep,” she corrected herself, mindful of whom she was speaking to.

But of course, the blind unicorn had still found something to comment on. “Together?” Annie asked, smirking. “Kinda bold thing to do, considering.”

Starburst snorted. “Well, maybe, but I figured this way we would both be sure he would wake up alive the next day, and it’s not like things could had gotten worse at that point.”

“She kinda has a point there,” Candy pointed out.

“True. Although…” Annie frowned thoughtfully before continuing: “I don’t think your mom would have told your dad about what she saw, so leaving today like that, without Starfall saying goodbye or thanking for their hospitality and stuff must have made things worse.”

“And it was kinda rude,” Candy added.

“More rude than gangbanging his daughter?” Annie asked Candy curiously, causing another shudder (and possibly brain damage) to go through Starburst.

“Annie!” she hissed at her. “We didn’t do anything! Ugh, why did I even bother-” she began, finally fed up, and began to walk away.

Candy quickly moved to block her way. “Star, wait! We’ll be serious now. Right Annie?” she turned to their unicorn friend.

“I’ve been serious this entire conversation-”

“Annie!” Candy exclaimed in annoyance, pouting.

“- but I suppose I can be a bit more civil,” Annie finished innocently. “Also, you know I can’t see you pout right?” she added, then waved her hoof before her blind eyes.

Frowning at Annie, Starburst relented and decided to stay; after all, she still could use an advice about her mother.

“Okay, so… what should I do?” she asked simply.

“Well, for starters,” Annie began; Starburst already deadpanned at her, expecting the worst, “you really should start locking the door to your room.”

Starburst facehoofed. Tell me something I don’t know...

As she must have heard her hoof slapping against her face, Annie ignored her reaction and continued, “But about your mom… hm, honestly, knowing Princess Twilight, you could have tried pretending like nothing had happened, but even so, she would probably want to talk to you about last night. Especially since you avoided her this morning,” she added. As Starburst groaned and buried her face in her hooves at the prospect of talking with her mom about… that, Annie added sympathetically. “Hey, come on, your mom is pretty cool to talk about stuff like that. Remember how she gave you and me the sex talk?”

Another shudder went through Starburst. “Ugh, how could I forget,” she said, still embarrassed at the mere recollection of that conversation.

“Your mom talked calmly and answered every question I had,” Annie said; Starburst was almost surprised that she hadn’t tried reminding her just how many questions she had. “So I think you could expect pretty much the same with your talk about… last night,” she finished, smirking. Starburst was sure she had wanted to say that word again. The blind unicorn shrugged and added, “And look at it this way; that sex talk won’t be the most embarrassing conversation you have with your mom.”

“How is that a plus?” Starburst asked her, deadpanning, but then sighed and hung her head in defeat. “Okay, but what exactly would we... talk about?” she asked uncomfortably, unsure how to put what she means into words.

It was Candy who replied, “Star, you might find this weird, but we don’t exactly have a ‘roadmap’ for a parent walking in on a g- um, I mean, an extremely compromising situation involving our significant other?” she corrected herself as Starburst glared at her, smiling sheepishly.

As Starburst continued to stare at her, Annie spoke up, “Well…” Immediately, both Starburst and Candy turned to stare at their unicorn friend, baffled. As if sensing their gazes, Annie explained: “Well, obviously, my mom hadn’t walked in on me and T doing something like that. Unfortunately…” she muttered under her breath, her expression once again becoming dreamy, but she quickly shook it off and continued, “A few months ago T had stayed at my house because there was a storm, too, and I got scared because of the thunder, so he cuddled with me before we fell asleep. And when Mom came to wake us up in the morning, he had rolled in his sleep so he was on top of me,” Annie said, smiling a bit sheepishly. “And since I tried to push him off, I was all sweaty and was breathing heavily. So yeah, that wasn’t a fun moment in my life…”

“... and yet you make fun of me,” Starburst couldn’t help but say after Annie had trailed off, her surprised stare turning into a deadpan.

“I’m not making fun of you; honestly, I’m more impressed with you than anything else,” Annie argued, rolling her blind eyes.

Starburst shook her head in exasperation. Knowing Annie, she could very well both be making fun of her and be impressed. It was nice to know though that even she could get embarrassed by a situation that was so very much alike to Starburst’s… only much less embarrassing.

“But back to the topic,” Annie continued, “afterwards we had a very embarrassing talk with my mom, explaining what and how this had happened. With you though I’d imagine it would be different,” she added, “because I somehow believe that you could convince your mom that there were two Starfalls at your sides on your bed and four more before you because of a series of odd events or something; and we know that’s not truth anyway.” Starburst had to clench her teeth to stop herself from snapping at her in annoyance; she had a point after all. “But seeing how the first thing she had done after leaving was to send you guys condoms, I’d say that she’d want to make sure you remember to have safe sex.”

Starburst facehoofed. “Great, sooo looking forward to that…” she groaned, feeling only slightly relieved that maybe it would at least spare her from discussing with her mom why there were six Starfalls in her room at that moment.

“Of course,” Annie added, a bare hint of a smirk on her muzzle. “she could also try to warn you about certain other problems you could experience, like soreness, and suggest you use some aids, like lubricants or enema.”

“An en-” Starburst began, then her eyes bulged in realization. “Ew, Annie, stop it!” she exclaimed, grabbing her head and trying to purge her mind of that word… and of the thought of having such discussion with her mom.

As she contemplated the dreaded prospect, Candy leaned to Annie with a mixture of curious and embarrassed expression on her face. “Wait, would Starfall’s water copies actually, you know…” she hesitated, looking for the right word, then said in hushed tone: “Need to use condoms?”

Despite… everything, Starburst found herself paying attention to Annie as she hummed thoughtfully. “Hm, that would depend on the exact nature of how the copies are created. I think he is using water as medium to reflect his magic and give it his form, then technically they would most definitely need to use condoms. But if he would cancel the spell before-”

“Wait,” Starburst interrupted her as a thought hit her. “Why exactly do you know stuff like this?”

Instead of replying, Annie merely turned her blind gaze at her and stared impassively.

“Nevermind, stupid question…” Starburst sighed in defeat, shaking her head.

She had no idea if Annie’s sudden interest in Starfall’s spell (or rather, how it could be used) was genuine or if she was only doing it to mess with her, but she could easily see her looking up the topic of magical duplicates over Sunday in one of the magic books she got from Starburst’s mom.

“So anyway,” Annie resumed, as if she hadn’t been interrupted, “in regards to Starfall’s water copies, I would say better safe than sorry, and make each one wear a condom. Which is probably what your mom-”

“Why are you talking to me when replying to Candy’s question?” Starburst interrupted her, frowning in annoyance; she already knew the answer.

“Because Candy wasn’t the one who almost had sex with a bunch of water copies,” Annie replied innocently.

Starburst groaned. “Annie, we weren’t going to-” she began, but the blind pony cut her off.

“Really? Are you seriously telling us that if your mom wouldn’t have come at that moment, nothing would have happened?” Annie asked, lifting one eyebrow as she leaned closer.

Slightly backing away, Starburst found herself struggling for a reply. Even though throughout her retelling of yesterday’s events she had been constantly blushing, she had somewhat grown used to this situation and couldn’t feel any heat on her cheeks anymore.

Now though it returned, even worse than before.

She hadn’t really had a chance to think about what could have happened if her mom hadn’t barged in at that moment. True, she had made out with two Starfalls, but there was a big leap from making out and… being more intimate. And it wasn’t like it had been the first time they’d been making out, just... the first time Starfall had created a water duplicate and “invited” it along. It did feel nice, but Starburst had went along with it primarily because he had taken her by surprise. She had stopped, though, needing a moment to think about this; what would had happened next?

Well, obviously, she hadn’t been given an option to learn, as aside from her mother coming in a few seconds later, she had realized that there were four more Starfall’s water duplicates. The sight had left her simply dazed, and she didn’t recover the ability to think before her mom came in. What would have she decided to do?

And more importantly, what was Starfall’s intention? Had it been like the idea of having the bath together, where he comes up with a proposition and waits for her reaction? Or was he merely pulling her tail after Amber’s and Annie’s jokes the other day?

Knowing him, both, Starburst summarised.

To make things worse, Annie wasn’t about to give her time to think through this by herself. “You were making out with two Starfalls before that happened, so…” she said, trailing of suggestively.

“T-that was just making out!” Starburst blurted, feeling heat all over her face. “A-and he took me by surprise, I did stop him… after a while.”

Annie smirked, triumphant. “So you were at least open to the idea of getting double teamed then?”

“I said I stopped making out,” Starburst hissed.

“But were you going to continue if your mom hadn’t entered? Or if Starfall hadn’t distracted you with four other water duplicates?” Annie asked, dropping the smirk and instead looking at her with almost polite curiousness.

Seeing her seemingly become actually serious caused Starburst to calm down somewhat, and instead of hissing again in reply she hesitated. “... I don’t know,” she finally admitted, groaning. “I didn’t exactly have the time to think about it, I was too worried about my mom.”

“Well, you have time to think about it now,” Annie said, her smile returning. “And if it helps, if I had the opportunity, I would totally do it with a herd of T.”

Yeah, I figured you would, Starburst remarked in her thoughts. However, she did feel slightly better to know that that if she would want to… do that, then at least it she wouldn’t be the most perverse one from their group of friends. Instead I would be just as perverse as Annie, hurray…

Annie in the meantime had cast Candy a meaningful look. The earth pony blinked at her, then shook her head and smiled sheepishly. “One Del is enough for me,” she said, chuckling somewhat nervously. “But I would totally not judge, would be a little bit curious, aaaaand would totally be not surprised.”

Starburst frowned, confused. “Wait, I get why you wouldn’t be surprised with Annie-”

“Hey!” Annie exclaimed, pretending to be offended.

“Oh hush,” Starburst told her, then turned back to Candy: “I get why you wouldn’t be surprised by her, but why not by me?”

“Well,” Candy began, “you do like to push yourself beyond your limit, sooo it sorta makes sense if you’d try a gangbang. Especially considering that you’re dating a colt that can make multiple copies of himself,” she added as Starburst stared at her, stunned.

“I… h-how does this make sense?!” she finally asked, irritated… and embarrassed; were they right? Ignoring the thought that crept on the edge of her mind, Starburst continued, “And besides, even if that would make sense, why would I… start, with that? It’s not like I started pushing myself beyond my limit while training right from the start.”

Annie and Candy exchanged a look. “Actually…” Candy began as they turned back to her, “you did.”

“Remember, the first time you went working out on Sweet Apple Acres, and you trained until you passed out?” Annie said as Starburst stared at them with gradually widening eyes. “Del found you and they took you to the hospital because nopony knew what happened?”

As she searched through her memories, Starburst realized that this was indeed how her first training session went (and a lot more after that). “Sweet Celestia…” she whispered, realizing that they were right.

“Yeah, let’s hope that this time you won’t end up in hospital,” Annie added, trying her best to keep straight face. “I mean, that would be a really awkward hospital visit.”

“I’m so glad you find this so amusing,” Starburst sighed, giving the blind unicorn a half-hearted glare. Shaking (most of) her embarrassment off, she said, “Okay, maybe I… could be sort of… into pushing myself like this.” She trying to not dwell on that thought too long; about the last thing she needed right now was popping a wingboner. “But I don’t even know if I want-” Starburst paused, hesitating; she was about to say ‘if I want to have sex with Starfall’, but her friends would be very quick to point out that considering everything that they’ve talked about, it was very clear what she wanted. So instead, she said, “if I’m ready to… you know,” she finished awkwardly.

Annie’s eyes narrowed, her smirk in full display. “Knooooow what?”

Starburst glared at her in annoyance. “Have sex,” she said in a controlled voice, knowing that her unicorn friend wouldn’t let her get away from saying that.

“Well,” Candy spoke up as Annie tried to hide her glee, “that is an important factor in all of this. One we cannot really help you. I mean,” she added sheepishly, a slight red hue appearing on her cheeks, “I have been thinking about maybe moving up my relationship with Del, buuut I’m also not sure if I’m ready, too. There’s just no sure way to know if you are or not, I think. Well, maybe besides just jumping in, staring into the deep end of the pool on this.”

“She means-”

“I know what she means Annie,” Starburst groaned, rolling her eyes as her blind friend giggled at her interruption.

As she stopped, Annie said: “I mean, you could… do a little bit more next time, and see if you both enjoy it. And to be clear,” she added, her face straight, “by ‘more’ I don’t mean to have more bodies involved, but to-”

“I can imagine what you meant, thanks,” Starburst interrupted her again, both due to her annoyance at the jibe, and because she really didn’t want to hear her suggestion.

Annie fell silent, then blinked at her. “Give him a BJ,” she said after a second.

A shudder went through Starburst; just as she thought Annie wouldn’t say it, the unicorn’s words hit her like a hammer. “Celestia dammit Annie…” she groaned, recovering.

“Sorta staying on the topic…” Candy spoke up as Annie giggled. Starburst quickly turned her glare on her, but the earth pony filly quickly continued, “I mean, you’ve said you and Starfall had talked about when you’d take things to the next level and agreed that you’d decide together, right?”

“Yeah, but then he goes and pulls stuff like that,” Starburst snorted. “Although knowing him, he had been merely ‘suggesting’ and would stop the moment I said so… or he was just trying to mess with me a bit,” she added, rolling her eyes.

Admittedly, though she knew only too well how Starfall liked to joke around, he didn’t enjoy any sex-related jokes, which made the latter option a bit unlikely.

“So you didn’t talk with him about it?” Candy asked.

“We kinda didn’t feel like talking after my mom came in,” she replied.

“Well, you definitely should talk with him again after that,” Annie said. “Besides, I’m guessing you hadn’t talked with him about that ‘thought process’ of his, hadn’t you?”

Now both annoyed be the memory of the ‘thought process’ they’ve overheard by the lake and embarrassed that Annie had guessed corrected, Starburst said, “Didn’t have the time.”

“Sure, you just spent an entire day and night with him,” Annie retorted, rolling her eyes.

“Yeah, and my family,” Starburst pointed out. “I sort of didn’t want to have a talk like that in front of them, even if it wouldn’t evolve into an argument.”

“Wait,” Candy, who had been looking from one to the other and back with confusion, interjected, “what ‘thought process’ are we talking about?”

“Starfall’s thought process about how ponies could make fun of Star about dating a magic performer, so instead of trying to earn living this way he’s staying unemployed and homeless,” Annie replied; Starburst let her, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to not call this ‘thought process’ idiotic every few words.

Candy’s expression suggest that she’d agree with her on that. “Oh wow,” she exclaimed. “That’s… some thought process alright.”

“Tell me about it,” Starburst sighed, shaking her head. “So, now I need to have two conversations with Star, one extremely annoying and the other extremely embarrassing.”

“Don’t forget your mom asked you about him maybe moving in, you should talk about that as well,” Annie pointed out, then frowned thoughtfully. “Although you might need to check with your mom if that’s still on the table.”

Starburst deadpanned at her. “Thanks Annie, I’ll be sure to mention you in my suicide note.”

Annie chuckled in amusement, but as she opened her mouth to reply, she suddenly fell silent, her ears twitching. A moment later the door to the bathroom opened, and Whirlwind walked in.

“Break’s almost over,” she informed them, closing the bathroom’s door behind her. “Hope you’re wrapping up.”

“Hm, are we?” Candy asked, giving Starburst a questioning stare.

At first, she didn’t reply; in fact, Starburst had barely heard what the two had said. Whirlwind had been holding an apple with her wing as she entered. Having not eaten anything the whole day, Starburst had found her eyes glued to the fruit as the other pegasus took a bite out of it, feeling unpleasant cramps in her stomach.

Shaking her head, she sighed, and thought about what they had talked about. Although she would never call this a pleasant experience, she realized that she wasn’t as nervous as before at the thought of facing her mother.

“I guess,” she said after a second. Rolling her eyes, she couldn’t help but add a complaint, “Although I suppose I had hoped for a better advice than just ‘talking’.”

“Talking ‘bout what? What’s happened?” Whirlwind quickly asked as she took another bite of the apple.

“Starburst’s mom walked into her room when Starfall was about to gangbang her,” Annie immediately replied, before Starburst as much as opened her mouth.

As Whirlwind’s eyes bulged and she began to choke on the bite she just took, Starburst hissed at Annie, “Stop saying ‘gangbang’!”

“Then stop having sex parties and not inviting T and me,” Annie bit back with amusement.

Groaning, Starburst looked up at the ceiling in exasperation, giving up on the argument. In the corner of her eye she saw Candy walking up to Whirlwind and patting her on her back to help her recover.

“Damn girl!” she finally said a few seconds later. “I knew you liked to push yourself to the point of passing out, but-”

“Oh for the love of- we didn’t do that!” Starburst exclaimed, annoyed that . “And we weren’t even going to do that… probably,” She amended with slight reluctance, blushing. “We were just making out.”

Very hard,” Annie added, smirking at her.

Starburst glared at her, but at that moment the school’s bell sounded.

“Aww, I wanted to hear the whole story,” Whirlwind exclaimed, pouting.

“I’ll fill you in later,” Candy told her as she headed for the door.

I would say ‘saved by the bell’, but I honestly don’t know which pony here needed more saving, Starburst remarked as they all began to make they way out of the bathroom.

“Amusing choice of words, considering what we’ve talked about,” Annie quipped, causing Starburst to sigh and Whirlwind to giggle.

“Next time Star comes to us with a problem, one of you is distracting the boys; I’m not missing this again,” she told Candy and Annie as they were about to split up; Whirlwind and Candy to a math class, while Starburst and Annie had biology with Miss Cheerilee.

“My life is not a soap opera,” Starburst growled quietly.

“Of course not,” Annie agreed, “but it is a bit more entertaining than our own at the moment.”

“Am I supposed to pity you?” Starburst asked, raising an eyebrow, then shook her head and waved goodbye at Candy and Whirlwind. “See you later.”

“So you’re going to talk with your mom after classes?” Annie asked her as after they parted with the other two fillies, stepping closer so that their coats were lightly touching, helping her navigate through the corridors full of other school ponies.

“Yeah, I guess it’s better to deal with this as soon as I can,” Starburst sighed. “Hopefully my mom will be at home and not in Canterlot dealing with something…”

“Considering what she saw last night I doubt it,” Annie replied with a little smirk. “What about Starfall?”

“Yes, I’ll talk with him too, the moment we’ll be far away from everypony else,” she replied, more reluctantly. “Especially you.”

Annie chuckled at that, but didn’t continue the topic as they reached their classroom. They both made some small talk with a few of their classmates as they reached their desks. Starburst’s mind, though, was far away, thinking about the conversations she would have, each seemingly worse that the other.

Well, I guess the one with Mom will be worse, she thought after a moment. Will she actually believe me when I say that nothing happened between me and Star? Ugh, shouldn’t have run away this morning, that just makes me look guilty! Then a worse thought came to her mind. Wait, what if Annie was right and Mom will want to talk about… this stuff? Annie said she could want to “warn me”...

In her mind, she could already see her mom showing her a book titled “Gangbanging for Beginners”.

Mentally facehoofing and erasing the image from her head, Starburst shook her head. I am so locking the door everytime now… alright, stop thinking about it. Just power through the classes, and do not think about anything sex related.

Miss Cheerilee entered the classroom at that moment. “Hello again everypony,” she greeted them as she closed the door; they’d had another lesson with her a few hours ago. As her students greeted her in return and all assumed their seats, she trotted over to the desk. “Alright, let’s start our lesson. As you know, we’re starting together a new topic today.”

Starburst briefly glanced at Annie who sat next to her as she opened up her braille coded textbook. She wasn’t really interested in the lesson topic and just wanted the day to end…

Miss Cheerilee gave them an odd smile before continuing: “I’m guessing some of you might find this topic more interesting than others. We’ll be talking about ‘reproduction’.”

Starburst eyes bulged, then she slammed her head against the desk, accompanied by Annie’s giggle.

Author's Note:

Late edit (cause I posted this while dead tired from work and forgot, sorry):

The short story Annie mentions was written by Kilala herself. It's called Right Here, give it a read why don't you :twilightsmile: It's cute and fun^^