• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 7,730 Views, 147 Comments

A Blind Delight - MajorFrostwing

Say hello to Trevor your run of the mill blind man. Transported into Equestria via an accident. How will he survive let alone fit in?

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Part 6: Black Sleep And Lunar Light

A Blind Delight
Part 6: Black Sleep And Lunar Light

By: Major Frostwing

Trevor awoke with a start a nightmare was attacking his mind the memory of the crash attacking him at his core. He placed his hand against face taking a deep breath but then he noticed something there was a strange echo around him. He moved his head around listening.

Nothing not even the sounds of the world around him no birds chirping or people walking by. Even the home was silent around him. "Where the hell am I?" He asked himself he felt the bandages on his eyes. They felt constrictive on his face slowly he removed them opening his eyes.

A light invaded his eyes forcing him to raise his arm to shield his eyes. "Wait a second." Trevor said to himself thinking. "I am blind yet I can see the light before me... I must still be asleep I'm not blind in my sleep." He said to himself lowering his hand to see the light.

"I see I was able to bring you out of such a deep sleep." The female before him said. Trevor looked at her closely noticing she had a horn and wings. She was wearing a long flowing black dress almost like something a Greek goddess would wear. Not to mention her hair was long and flowing almost like the living night sky. She had a layer of navy blue fur not to mention she had the face of a horse only softer not to mention her eyes were huge in proportion to her face.

"Well then you seem like one of the people that saved me a few days ago from what they tell what they look like." Trevor held onto his cane standing up.

"What do you mean from what they told you? You can see me just fine right now." Trevor asked smiling.

"Well I am a blind man I can only see when I sleep but as you can see." Trevor motioned around him. "I have a very poor understanding of what my surroundings look like even my face." That's when The woman noticed what most of his body looked like. Almost like static with a rough outline only his clothes look well defined a flat black T shirt and a pair of dark grey jeans. "Is unknown to me now." Trevor put his hands on his cane tapping it on the ground in front of him. "But I can show you what it "Looks" like to me." He snapped his fingers objects began to form around him a lamp, a couch, a set of stairs going nowhere, a set of walls , and finally a door. All of the objects looked hazy and dark grey but stood out against the black background.

"I see." Trevor let out a short laugh at her choice of words. "I must ask though what is your name?" She crossed her arms waiting.

"I am Trevor." He bowed to the woman smiling. "May I know your name madam?"

"My name is Princess Luna one of the rulers of Equestria." She said proudly. Trevor extended his hand to her Luna only looked at the hand wearily.

"It might be made of static but I assure you it is my real hand." Luna took his hand hesitantly to her it felt like her hand fell asleep at the touch. "I must also ask why you are here you are not something created by my mind since I can't imagine anything such as yourself?"

"Yes I watch over everyponies dreams when I saw yours it was strange that it had two levels of sleep in it. I could not enter your second level but was able to pull you out to this level." Luna explained letting go of his hand.

"It was a memory I relive every now and again." He shrugged holding his cane. "Any way I would rather have this conversation in person not like this maybe then you can tell me what all is going on with me being here." Luna nodded watching the male carefully. "I will ask Cloudkicker to take me to Canterlot tomorrow so we can speak can you arrange this?" Trevor asked with a smirk.

"I can have it arranged so I expect you tomorrow now time to wake up." She was about to snap her fingers when Trevor stopped her.

"I might get stopped by your guards so I will have them relay a message to you so you know it is me." She nodded listening. "The Blind Are Not So Blind." He smiled. "That will be my message."

Luna nodded snapping her fingers the room was engulfed in light. Trevor awoke back into his world of darkness.


Trevor was being led by Cloudkicker to the train station. "So tell me again Trevor why do you need to go to Canterlot today?" Trevor had removed his bandages when he awoke. He kept his eyes closed and according to Cloudkicker the bruising was gone now. He would have to thank Fluttershy when he returned.

"I told you before I have a meeting at the castle today." He said smiling. A train's whistle sounded and Cloudkicker picked up the pace through the ticket booth. They boarded the train just before it left finding a set of seats.

"Who called you to speak with them only two ponies would want to speak with you but you had no contact with either of them." Cloudkicker held onto Trevor's hand judging his reaction.

"Princess Luna came to me last night in my dreams and I asked for a few words with her." Trevor leaned his head back sighing. "I'm going to get a quick nap before we arrive please awake me when we get there." Cloudkicker sighed as Trevor drifted off to sleep.


Cloudkicker awoke Trevor gently seeing that he leaned forward rubbing his eyes she smiled. "We are here Trevor we have a bit of a walk ahead of us." Nodding he stood when he was about to grab Cloudkicker's hand he turned suddenly listening. It sounded as if someone whispered into his ear.

"I'm coming." Trevor repeated to himself. "That didn't like someone near me said that it was directly in my ear." He continued to think about it until Cloudkicker grabbed his hand.

"Trevor you alright you seem as if you just saw a ghost." Trevor shook his head thinking.

"Just thought I heard something let's hurry." Cloudkicker squeezed his hand unsure of his answer but led him off of the train car.

They walked towards the castle with Cloudkicker helping Trevor avoid other people. Even though Cloudkicker was being careful Trevor accidently smacked a man in the shin with his cane. Trevor stopped moving turning towards the man. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to strike you with my cane." He bowed to the man in apology.

"Do you have any idea who I am what you just did could be classified as assault." The man spoke with a posh accent that made Trevor's stomach turn in revoltion. "Guards this man just attacked me." The man called out.

"Seriously it was an accident I did not mean to hit you." Trevor said standing up straight.

"Then you should have been walking with your eyes open instead of keeping them closed. Maybe a night in the dungeon will teach you to look at what your doing." The man smiled smugly looking down on Trevor.

"I think the one who is blind is you sir." Cloudkicker said stepping forward as the guards arrived. The guards halted upon seeing Cloudkicker. "This man eyes open or closed would not be able to see you and thus what happened was an accident."

"I fail to see how he could not see a noble such as myself." Trevor snickered catching the man's attention. "Is something amusing to you peasant?" He yelled in anger.

"Yes something is indeed amusing to me." Trevor regained his composure. "That someone with so little intelligence could become a noble. You can even see that I am indeed blind." Trevor opened his eyes to show the man. "The weird thing is I am happy I am blind right now. For seeing what you are would make me gouge out my own eyes." Trevor closed his eyes once again smiling. "Now then Cloudkicker can we continue towards the castle I am afraid this man's ignorance may be contagious." Cloudkicker nodded leading Trevor back towards the castle.

"I see your sword isn't the only sharp thing you have." Trevor laughed walking with her.

"My step-father would always say the same thing." He shrugged smiling. "I never knew why I just happen to be very witty and smart." Cloukicker joined him laughing.

It didn't take them long for them to get to the castle the problem was getting into the castle. "What do you mean we can't get into the castle?" Cloudkicker asked.

"I'm sorry ma'am we are just following the captain's orders. For some reason we are to be on our guard for anything suspicious and the stallion next to you is definitely suspicious." One of the guards said pointing towards Trevor.

Cloudkicker was about to say something when Trevor stopped her. "Can you relay a message to Princess Luna for me?" The guard looked at him confused. "Just a simple little message would only take a few seconds to complete." The guard nodded unknowing of Trevor's condition. "Seriously getting sick of people not noticing I am blind you have to speak." Trevor let out an annoyed sigh.

"I can relay the message just tell me what it is." Trevor smiled.

"The Blind Are Not So Blind." Trevor said tapping his cane on the ground. "That is my message to her." Cloudkicker looked at Trevor confused at his message.

"I will be back in a moment." One of the guards said rushing off into the castle another guard took his place. Trevor tapped his cane whistling a tune.

Cloudkicker whispered to Trevor softly. "20 bits says we get turned away." Trevor smirked.

"Sure you don't need that money anyway." Cloudkicker tapped him in the shoulder with her fist.

"WHY ARE THEY STILL AT THE GATE SHOW OUR GUESTS IN!" Trevor smiled holding his hand out to Cloudkicker.

"I'll take that 20 bits now." Cloudkicker slugged him the arm again before putting a 20 bit note in his hand. "Pleasure doing business with you." Trevor said with a snicker as they walked into the castle.

"You cheated Trevor I swear you did." He only shrugged.


Trevor entered the throne room with Cloudkicker it was huge with a very high ceiling. "Welcome Trevor it is good to see how you really look." Trevor turned his head towards the voice.

"And it is good to hear from you once again Princess Luna." Cloudkicker was to a degree blown away that Trevor knew Luna.

"Cloudkicker can you leave the room for a minute Trevor and myself need to speak with each other?" Luna asked walking towards Trevor. Cloudkicker was about to let go of his hand when Trevor tightened his grip.

"I would rather keep Cloudkicker at my side she helps me get around with better ease." Trevor smiled feeling Cloudkicker tighten her own grip on his hand.

"Very well we just need to run a few tests on you residual magic and such." Trevor nodded letting go of Cloudkicker's hand he sat down on the ground Indian style his cane laid across his lap. Luna surrounded him in her magic. "What the-" Luna severed her magic watching it as it continued to hover around Trevor before being absorbed into him. "Strange he was absorbing my magic the second I started analyzing him." She put her hand under her muzzle thinking.

"What is it Princess did you find out anything?" Trevor asked calmly.

"A strange magic brought you here indeed almost as if it tore you from your world tossing you into ours." She continued to ponder this new data. "I will have to speak with my sister about this." Trevor stood brushing himself off.

"Princess one last thing." Luna looked up from her thoughts. "Can you show me what I look like?" He asked walking towards her he stopped in front of her.

Luna raised her hand placing it on his forehead an image flashed in his mind. The image was of a man who looked to be 22 he was tall just over 6 foot tall lean build with what looks like very little muscle. He had short sandy blonde hair and was wearing a black T shirt with dark grey jeans. "I always thought my hair was longer." He joked smiling a single tear rolled down his cheek. "Thank you Princess you have no idea what this means to me." Luna patted him on the head smiling. Cloudkicker grabbed a hold of Trevor's hand which was welcomed by Trevor.

"It might take a few days for my sister and myself to find out what brought you here both of you are welcome to stay in the castle until then." Luna said walking out of one of the large double doors.

Cloudkicker looked to Trevor who was still smiling. "How about I take you out to dinner like I promised?" Trevor looked to her.

"That sounds pleasant Cloudkicker." She began to lead him out of the castle towards a restaurant she knew very well.