• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,491 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

  • ...

Adopting Colin

Colin woke up one hour later than Fluttershy did this very morning. He gave out a little yawn, and looked out the window. The sun was shining, and it was beautiful outside. He yawned, and got out of bed, and walked downstairs. He saw Fluttershy caring for some of her critter friends still. "Good morning, Fluttershy." said Colin with a yawn.

Fluttershy swiftly turned, a little startled, and saw Colin, and formed a smile on her face. "Good morning, Colin. I was just about to wake you up." she said. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Uh-huh." Colin replied


"Look, i... i'm sorry if i kept you up early last night." said Colin, very sheepish while moving his first fingers around in a circle nervously. Fluttershy softly placed her hoof on his shoulder

"Don't be sorry, Colin." she said very gently. "I was just trying to make you better." She bent down to the human boy's level. "Nothing could ever make not stop caring about you, sweetie."

Colin made a shy smirk on his face, and said "Thank you, Fluttershy."

"You're welcome, Colin." Fluttershy replied with a kind smile. "Colin,"


"The girls, Spike, the crusaders, Granny Smith, and Big Mac came here just an hour ago." said Fluttershy.

"Really?" said Colin. "What did they want?"

"My friends offered me an invitation to meet them at the cafe, and spend time together. Would you like to come, Colin?"

"Yeah. I'll go." the boy replied in an excited voice.

"Good." said Fluttershy.

"Wait. Can I... take a shower first?" said the boy, remembering good hygiene.

"Of course you can, sweetie." said Fluttershy.

Colin went upstairs and locked himself in the bathroom for his shower. After he was finished, fifteen minutes later, he put his clothes on, anlong with his jacket. "Okay, let's go." he said.

"Would you like to come on a ride?" asked Fluttershy kindly.


Fluttershy smiled, and bent down on her knees so Colin can climb up on her. As soon as he was on her back, Fluttershy went out the front door, to the cafe.


As Fluttershy was walking, many inhabitants of Ponyville politely waved at Fluttershy. They also smiled at Colin and waved to him as well. The boy waved back to the in return.

"Fluttershy?" Said Colin.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Are you sure you're not mad at me?" Colin said with a little guilt.

"Of course I'm not mad at you, sweetie." Said Fluttershy, very kindly. "Nothing would ever make me mad at you. Don't ever think otherwise."

Colin smiled. "Good." He said. "Soooo.... I was wondering. Are there any other animals or creatures that can talk in Equestria?"

"Of course." Fluttershy answered. "There's cows, buffalo, sheep, zebras, and other types. There's actually a zebra that lives not far from Pony vile named Zecora. If you would Iike, we can go visit her sometime."

"Sure." Said Colin. "When can I meet her?"

""Why don't you try and stay here in Pomyville a little longer. I want you to be more settled, them we can meet her."

"Okay. Are there other creatures?" Colin asked

"Well, there's also griffons in Equestria." Fluttershy

"Griffons? What are they?" Colin curiously

"They are creatures that are half eagle, and half lion." FLuttershy answered. "They live in a place called Griffondell as their homeland. But almost all of them are like everypony else in Equestria, well.... except for a female griffon named Gilda. She's a bully."

"That is so awesome." said Colin. "But, This... Gilda bird, doesn't live here, does she?"

"Of course not." said Fluttershy. "She won't bother you or anypony else around here."

Colin sighed in relief. "Wait, do griffons eat ponies?" he asked with thought

"Of course not. Why would you think that?" said Fluttershy

"Because I see eagles eating small birds." Colin answered. "I saw that on a tv show called the Crocodile hunter."

"Crocodile... hunter?" said Fluttershy. "He hunts Crocodiles.

"no he loves, animals. It's just a name." said Colin

"Here we are." Said Fluttershy. She reached her destination, the Ponyville cafe. She looked around, trying to find where her friends were sitting.

"Fluttershy! Over here!" Shouted Pinkie Pie from a distance, very loudly. Fluttershy smiled to hear Pinkie's voice, even if it can be a little irritating for someponies. Despite that, Fluttershy tolerated it, because she k ows she's just being Pinkie Pie.

There sat Fluttershy's friends, Big Mac, Spike, Granny Smith, and the Cutie Mark crusaders themselves, sitting in a circle around the table.

"Hello, Fluttershy." Said Twilight.

"Hello, everypony." Fluttershy said back.

"And hello to you, Colin." Said Rarity.

"Hey." Colin replied, weakly.

"Listen Colin" said Twilight. "Please don't get mad at Fluttershy, but she told us about you're nightmare, and.... I am so sorry about that."

"Yes, darling." Said Rarity. "It's alright if you have nightmares like that."

"So, are you feeling okay, Sugarcube?" Asked Applejack

"Yeah. I'm feeling a lot better," Colin replied. Everypony around him smiled at his answer.

"Good, we were so worried ago you." Said Sweetie Belle

"We figure that a nice get-together here would cheer you up, and brighten your mood." Said Big Mac.

"Would you like an apple, deary?" Asked Granny Smith, reaching her apple over to Colin for if he wanted to eat it.

"Thanks." Said Colin, taking the apple. Granny Smith smiled.

While Colin was eating, the unicorn waiter came up to the group with a lot of plates with food on them. "Here you are, Bon apetite." he said in a french accent.

"Merci beaucoup." said Fluttershy.

"Merci." said everypony else. Then Everypony, and Spike dug into their food. After they were finished eating, They looked at Colin

"Aren't you going to eat something, darling?" said Rarity

"No." Colin replied "I'm not hungry right now."

"Are you sure?" said Scootaloo.

"Yeah. I'm sure." Colin answered.

"Very well, big guy." said Big Mac, gently patting Colin's shoulder. "That's perfectly alright with me."

"Would you like me to make you anything when we get back?" Fluttershy suggested. "It's not good to not eat anything."

"I know. I'll have something to eat later." said Colin. He looked at Pinkie Pie, adn said to her "Thanks for the party for me last night, Pinkie. I really appreciate it."

"Oh, you're very welcome, Colin. I did it all for you, cutie. I really hoped you enjoyed the cake." said Pinkie excitingly.

"I did." Colin replied with a smile.

"Colin," said Fluttershy


"Can I talk to the girls in private for a moment?"

Colin's face turned from a smile to a small frown, thinking that Fluttershy is keeping something from him. "Oh. Okay." he said, in a sad voice.

"Oh no, no. Don't take it that way, sweetie." said Fluttershy, worried that she had hurt Colin's feelings or offended him. "It's just something I wanna surprise you with. That's all. Please don't take it so badly.

"Why don't you go talk with, Spike, Applebloom and her friends for the moment, sugarcube." Applejack suggested.

"Okay." the boy said.

The girls, and the baby dragon walked with Colin to another table, a little far from where the grownups were sitting at the moment.

"Don't take it so badly, buddy." said Scootaloo softly while gently patting Colin's back.

"It's not that they don't want to be around you. It's just a private conversation." Said Spike, gently patting him Colin's back as well.

"Yeah, sometimes, it's best not to know some things." Applebloom added.

"Yeah, you're probably right." said Colin.

"So Collin, are you feeling alright?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah. I'm fine." the boy replied.

"Good. You gave us quite a scare when we heard about your nightmare last night." said Applebloom.

"Yeah, we were so worried about you." said Scootaloo.

"I'm okay now." said Colin.

The crusaders, and Spike smiled at him

"That's good." said Sweetie Belle. "We care about you, Colin. And you know that, right?"

"I do."

"Hey, Colin, you wanna see a magic trick?" said Spike.

"Okay." the boy replied shyly. The baby dragon then pulled out a blank piece of paper, and placed it on the table. He took a deep breath and set it on fire with it's breath. The flames were more of purple-green than yellow. Colin gave a look of amazement. "That is so cool!" he said.

"Thanks. I knew you would like it." said the Baby dragon, looking proud at himself.

Meanwhile where the grownups, Fluttershy said "I was thinking about something."

"About what, darling?" said Rarity curiously.

"Well... you see.... Colin is a very nice boy, and a very sweet one." said Fluttershy

"And awesome! Don't forget awesome!" Rainbow Dash added. The ponies giggled at her comment, and made words in agreement.

"What about it, sugarcube?" said Applejack

"I feel like he.... I feel like he needs somepony to be there for him." Fluttershy continued. "It just breaks my heart that he lost his own parents in a fire."

The ponies bowed their heads in sympathy towards Colin.

"I know." said Twilight. "He feels so alone."

"Well, at least somepony didn't kill his parents, right?" said Rainbow Dash

"Rainbow Dash!" said Rarity angrilly. Everypony at the table gave the cyan pegasus an angry glare.

"What?" said Rainbow. "I was just trying to make a point. Sorry."

"Anyway, I don't want to see him suffer like this anymore." Fluttershy continued

"Neither do i." said Rarity.

"So... I always wanted a child of my own."

"That sounds like a great idea, Fluttershy." said Twilight. "adopting him would be a great idea!"

"I just feel like he needs somepony always by his side, and keep him happy." said Fluttershy. "He's such a sweet and innocent boy, and I want him to be happy."

"We all do." said Big Macintosh. They looked over at Colin, who was having a good conversation with Spike and the girls, and then they all smiled at him.

"So, I would like to take him in." said Fluttershy while everypony turned their heads back on the table. "As my own son."

"Marvelous, darling." said Rarity proudly.

"Do you think we can be his aunts?" Pinkie Pie suggested.

The elements thought about what Pinkie Pie suggested, and Rarity said "Of course I would be his aunt."

"So will I." said Applejack

"And I." Rainbow Added

"I would love to be his aunt." said Twilight happily.

"So will I!" said Pinkie Pie excitingly.

"So it's settled. He will be apart of our family." Fluttershy vowed. "Does that sound good?"

"That sounds plenty good, Fluttershy." said Applejack.

"agreed." said the other mane six.

"Oh, and the crusaders would be like his older sisters." Pinkie added.

"Another marvelous idea." said Rarity.

"And Spike can be his older brother." said Twilight. He looked at the kids, and saw Spike and Colin having a good laugh. She smiled at them, seeing them getting along so well.

"Looks like they are brothers already." Fluttershy joked. Everypony else laughed with Fluttershy's remarked.

"What will Big Mac be?" asked Rainbow

"Well, I think that Colin should have a paternal figure for him." Big Mac suggested.

"Ooh, that would wonderful." said Fluttershy. "Thank you Big Mac."

"Aw, shucks." said the red stallion.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! We should take a huge family photo with everypony in Ponyville with Colin as his new family!" said Pinkie Pie

"Even more wonderful ideas." said Rarity "Where should we shoot?"

"How about in front of town hall." Twilight suggested.

"It's settled. We all welcome Colin as a new member of our family, tomorrow at noon. But i want it to be a surprise for him." said Fluttershy.

"Right." said everypony else in agreement.

"I better go get the kid, and tell him he can come back to the table with us." said Rainbow Dash. She walked over to the kids, and said to them, particullarly, Colin "Okay, little buddy. You can come back to the table now."

Colin smiled, and said "Okay." The girls and Spike followed him back to the table, and he sat inbetween Fluttershy, and Twilight.

"So, sweetie. Would you like to go back to my cottage now?" asked Fluttershy sweetly.

"Yeah." said Colin. "Was this... talk about... getting rid of me?" he asked out of worriment.

Everypony gasped at what he just said. "Why would you even say that, darling?" said Rarity very shocked to hear that.

"We would never get rid of you, sweetie." said Twilight, touching his chin with her hoof. "Look at me." she said "We love you, Colin. Don't ever doubt that."

Colin didn't really reply, and gave out a sigh.

"We all love you, Colin." said Fluttershy. Colin was convinced when Fluttershy gave him a loving, motherly kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, I believe you." said Colin.

Everypony smiled at him.

"I'm ready to go." said the boy. Fluttershy got off the table, and knelt down, with Colin climbing on her for another ride on her back. "I'll see you all later." he said to the group

"Bye, Colin." said Everypony and Spike, excluding Fluttershy of course.

"Wait!" said Colin. "I want to see what other places there are in Ponyville."

"Oh, how wonderful." said Fluttershy. "I would be more than happy to show you around Ponyville." She walked in a different direction, where she took Colin on a little tour in Ponyville.

Author's Note:

Please forgive me if my writing isn't perfect in this chapter. If anypony would like to be my editor, do not hesitate to ask if you want to be my editor. So, Fluttershy wants to take Colin as her own son, Let's see what happens next on the next chapter.