• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,488 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

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The Late Birthday Party

Colin was just resting on Fluttershy's bed, not really sleeping, just relaxing from all the work that he helped Fluttershy by feeding her animal friends, in and out of her cottage. One hour has passed, and he found the Cutie Mark crusaders rather friendly to him, and he thought that they would think of him as a monster, but however, they treated him with great kindness and care. A smile began to form on his face after thinking of Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle; However, a frown slowly formed as he began to think about his parents and the tragic incident again. He slowly rose up, and looked at his locket. "I miss you, mommy. I miss you, daddy." he thought out loud. He felt a few tears escaping his eyes, letting them dropping on the floor. All of a sudden, Fluttershy came in, with Colin's clothes on her back, nice and clean.

"Colin, I washed your-" Her toned changed dramatically from cheerful to concern. She saw the crying face of Colin, and she said very softy; "Colin, What's wrong, sweetie?" and then she walked up to him, and folded her wing on his small body.

Colin noticed her and wiped the remaining tears from his eyes and he said "Nothing. I'm fine."

Fluttershy however, was not convinced. "Please Colin." she said "Tell me, what's the matter?" However, she saw the locket, opened, and she said very gently "It's mommy and daddy, is it?"

Colin couldn't hide his real feelings from Fluttershy any longer. He hated lying to others, but he worries that Fluttershy would be mad at him for thinking about his parents again, missing them. He finally said "yes. But... But... I was worried that you would be mad at me, and..." Colin couldn't hold his sadness back any longer. And began to sob quietly. "I didn't want you to be mad at me, and... I'm sorry." He felt Fluttershy hugging him, very affectionately.

"Shh... It's okay, Colin." Said Fluttershy warmly. "I'm here. I'm here." She gently picked him up and sat him on her bed, looking at his face to make eye contact with him. "I'm not mad at you, Colin. It's okay if you miss them."

"But I still think my parents died because if me." Colin sniveled.

The yellow pegasus hugged the human boy once again. "Shh. It was not your fault." Fluttershy whispered. "It just happened by accident." She began to stroke his back with her hoof. She kept on shushing him, very soothingly, and very gently.

"Do... Do you still like me, Fluttershy?" Asked Colin as he and the yellow pegasus broke their hug.

Fluttershy gave him a war, smile and said "Of course I still like you. How can I hate somepony as sweet as you?" She flew over and gave him a few tissue papers to wipe off his tears and blow his nose. "Here's some tissues, Colin." She said

"Thanks." Said Colin. He wiped his tears with one tissue, and blew his nose with another. "I'm sorry if I made your fur dirty, Fluttershy."

"It's okay, Colin." Said Fluttershy. "You didn't make my fur dirty." She picked up a small trash can and Colin dumped the used tissues inside.

A few minutes later, Colin eased his sobbing and began to feel better.

"Do you feel better now, Colin." Asked Fluttershy

Colin gave a small smile and said "Yeah. I guess so."

"Good." Said Fluttershy with a sly smile. All of a sudden, she began to crawl over to him, like she was about to play with him. "Prepare to meet a 'real' monster." She said

Colin was confused and asked "what kind of monster?"

"The Tickle Monster!" Fluttershy exclaimed playfully. She mercilessly tickled Colin with her hooves and her tail, making some playful mock snarls, even if it was too adorable to be snarling. Colin began to laugh uncontrollably, and tried to contain himself from the tickling sensation. But it was no good.

"Stop it! hahahahaha!" Exclaimed Colin with laughter. "Please! Hahaha!" B alas, Fluttershy continued to tickle him. She sometimes blew small raspberries on his stomach, making him laugh even harder.

"Please!" Colin laughed. "I beg you! Hahahahahaha!" He struggled to get free with all his might, but the tickling sensation was too much to bear for poor Colin.

Finally, Fluttershy stopped to let Colin catch his breath. "Do you feel better, Colin?" She asked him warmly.

"Yeah!" Colin said with a little more happy voice.

"Wonderful." Said Fluttershy.

"So... Fluttershy?" said Colin. "Do you think that everyone else will like me?"

"Of course they will Colin. They will love you." Fluttershy answered. She thought of the surprise late birthday party that she and Colin will attend tonight. "I'm pretty sure they will." she thought. "Would you like me to make you something now?" She asked the human boy.

Colin thought about it for a secondly and he said "Yes."

"What would you like?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Can I have a lettuce and tomato sandwich? "

The yellow pegasus smiled at him and said "of course, sweetie. Coming right up." She got up from her bed and before she continued, she looked back at Colin. "I'll be back, sweetie." and then she went back downstairs to fix Colin his sandwich. A few minutes later, she came back with his sandwich on a plate "Here you go, Colin." she said sweetly.

"Thanks." said Colin before he ate. After he was finished he gave out a small burp and covered his mouth with a little bit of embarrasement. "excuse me." he said.

"It's alright, Colin." said Fluttershy very kindly. She then pulled him close to her with one of her wings, and hugged him and then he hugged her back, very affectionately.



"Is it okay if I... wash your pajamas?" asked the Pegasus a little nervous.

"I don't mind, but please don't laugh at me." said Colin a little embarrassed.

"I would never laugh at you for being naked, Colin." said Fluttershy. "Almost every-pony in equestria is naked."

"Thanks." said Colin. He slowly took off his pajamas, and gave them to Fluttershy, and put his regular clothes on.


It was 7:00pm and there was already an hour left before Colins late birthday party will comense. Colin himself was just enjoying the beautiful evening sky with Fluttershy right outside of her cottage, looking at the concelations in the starry sky.

"Do you see anything?" asked Colin

"Well.... I see Orion up there." said Fluttershy


"How about you, Colin?" said Fluttershy

"I see... the big dipper." the boy answered

"What's the big dipper?" asked the yellow pegasus.

"It's a concelattion the has four stars for the bowl and three for the handle." said Collin. He pointed his finger to the sky. "Do you see it?"

It took a little while for Fluttershy to see it, but she found it and she said "Oh, I see it now. It's so beautiful."

"Very neat, huh?"

"It's wonderful."

They continued to look at the stars for quite some time. They only saw a few like Pyses, Capricorn, and Leo.

Fifteen minutes later, they gave up looking for any more constellations and Fluttershy decided it was time to take young Colin to Sweet Apple Acres for his late birthday party.

"Colin?" Said Fluttershy.


"Would you like to go to Applejack's home with me?"

Colin had a small frown on his face and said "Why?"

"Applejack has a very special present for you." Fluttershy answered

"What present?" Said Colin

"It's a surprise." Fluttershy answered. "Please come with me."

"I... I don't know. What if the ponies around here don't like me when they see me walking in Ponyville?" Asked Colin, very nervous.

"Nonsense, they won't mind you at all. They will like you." Said Fluttershy." Please come with me, please. For me."

Colin was uncertain, and thought it was a bad idea, but he said reluctantly. "Okay, I'll go with you"

Fluttershy smiled and said "wonderful. Hop on my back." She knelt down so that Colin could climb on her. Colin hoped on and she told Angel "please keep an eye on everything while we're gone, okay?" And the. Angel winked at Fluttershy and gave her a thumbs up, telling her that he will make sure he does that.

Fluttershy waved Angel "bye" and went to Sweet Apple Acres.


One Mile away from Sweet Apple Acres

Fluttershy and Colin were almost there. The pegasus looked back at Colin and she said "Colin, can you please put this blindfold on for me?"

"What for?" asked the boy

"Applejack's present is very big that it doesn't fit in one box." said Fluttershy with a small giggle.

"Alright." Colin lifted the blindfold and covered his eyes with it as soon as he put it on, very eager and nervous at the same time just thinking about what the surprise is.

After one mile, Fluttershy stopped for a moment, and looked back at the boy again. "Okay Colin, you can open your eyes now." she said to him in his motherly voice.

"Can you please let me off now?" asked Collin

"Of course." said Fluttershy. She knelt down so the he can get off. Collin's hands were now shaking for a little, because he felt butterflies in his stomach from his timidness. He grabbed hold of the two ends of the blindfold, and slowly took it off from his face. His eyes were still closed, but as soon as he opened them,

"SURPRISE!!!" shouted many voices. Colin made a small yelp and took aback, falling on the ground. It was Twilight and the rest of Fluttershy's friends, along with the Ponyville residents, Spike, and the two princess' with another allicorn that was smaller than the two, and the crusaders. Party music began to play right after they said, along with Fluttershy "Happy birthday, Colin!" It wasn't techno, but upbeat jazz with saxophones playing, and some trumpets as well.

"Wha... what is all this?" asked Colin with awe.

Pinkie rushed up to him in the speed of light and said "Well we decided to throw you a happy birthday party! Literally and figuratively!"

"Yeah!" said Rainbow Dash, who flew up to the group and landed. She knelt down and said with sympathy "Listen kid, we're sorry if your birthday didn't go so well, so we decided to give you a much better after Birthday party."

"Really?" said Colin with joy

"Of course, darling." said Rarity. "We want you to be happy, and give you a very delightful time."

"And help you get to know some other residents in Ponyville too." added Applejack.

A handsome looking stallion, and the second smallest allicorn walked up to him with smiles on their faces.

"Colin, I would you to meet my older brother, Shining Armor." said Twilight

"Hey." said the stallion kindly

"Hello." said Colin timidly.

"This is Princess Cadence."

"Hi there." said the pink allicorn, also in a kind voice

"Twili told us about what happened, and... We're so sorry about what happened." said Shining, as he gently placed his gigantic hoof on Colin's back. "What happened to them was not your fault. You know that, do you?"

"Yeah, I do" said Colin

"And Twilight also told us that you were worried about how every pony would treat you, because you are the only human here." Said Cadence.

"You shouldn't think that every pony would hate you because you're not a pony. They will like you. I promise." Said Shining Armor. "And if anypony gives you a hard time," In a playfully tough voice he said "I will teach them a lesson for you."

Colin laughed at his response and said "you're right. Who am I kidding?"

"At a boy, Colin." Said Shining, giving Colin a gentle pat on his back.

"I really hope you have a wonderful time here." Said Cadence.

"If you need anything from me or my wife, come find me, okay little buddy?" Said the unicorn stallion.

"I will." Replied Colin.

"Happy birthday." said the married couple in unison, and they went off to enjoy the party, and Celestia and Luna came to him.

"Hello, Colin." said Celestia and Luna in unison with their usual motherly voices. "Happy birthday." they added.

"Are you feeling better, sweetie?" asked Celestia.

"Yeah. I am." said Colin with a small smile.

"I'm glad." said Luna. "Me and my sister were very worried about you, you know?"

"You were?" asked the boy

"Of course, sweetie." said Celestia. "We care about you Colin."

"Thanks." said Colin.

"You're welcome, dear." said Celestia.

"If you need anything, or if something's troubling you, come find me and my sister, and we'll help you." said Luna

"I will." said Colin, and then Celestia and Luna went to mingle with some of the other ponies at the party.

"Come on, Colin. I want to show you around." said Applejack. Colin followed her with Fluttershy and her friends behind them. Colin still had some butterflies in his stomach, but when some of the other ponies saw him, they smiled at him and waved at him, some of them saying "Hello" to him, and Collin would wave back to them.

"Hey, Colin!" shouted three familiar voices in unison. It was Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle.

"Oh, hey guys." said Colin

"So glad you're here." said Scootaloo. "Happy birthday

"Are you enjoying the party?" asked Sweetie Belle

"Yes." was all Colin could say.

"Good." said Applebloom. "Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine." Colin said.

"Say, would you like me to show you some awesome moves with my scooter later?" said the orange pegasus filly.

"Yeah, I would love to." said Colin with a little bit of excitement in his voice.

Rainbow Dash just remembered something and she said "Oh! that reminds me, would you like to see me with my awesome flying moves, kid?"

"Yeah!" Colin replied with even more excitement.

"See at my performance" said Scootaloo, giving Colin another hug.

"I hope you enjoy the party, Colin." said Sweetie Belle. and then the crusaders went to enjoy the party.

"Say, Colin. I want you to introduce you to the rest of my family." said Applejack, and he followed her to a large red stallion with a big half-open granny smith apple as a cutie mark, and a elderly green-furred mare with a pie for a cutie mark. The elderly mare was just making some apple pies, and the red stallion was helping her.

"Big Mac? Granny Smith?" called Applejack

The two ponies looked at the group of Ponies looked at the group and had smiles on their faces.

"Hello, AJ." said the stallion.

"So this is the young feller you told us about." said the old mare.

"Yep. Collin, I would like you to meet my older brother, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith." Applejack said. "Big Mac, Granny, I would like you to meet, Colin Fraser."

"Hi." said Colin

"Howdy there, little feller." said Granny Smith.

"Hello." said the Stallion. His voice was so deep, that it made Colin jump back a little. "Don't worry, big guy." said Big Mac. "I won't hurt you." he gave him a gentle pat on his back and made him less intimidated

"Here, Colin. Have a slice of my apple pie." said Granny Smith, giving Colin a plate with a delicious slice of apple pie.

Colin tried it and thought it was delicious. "Hmm. This tastes delicious." he said

"Glad you like it." said Big Mac. "Applejack told us what happened with your... parents... and... I'm so sorry about what happened, but it was not your fault that they are.... not here." Big Macintosh had a change of tone like in a voice of guilt

"It's okay, Big Mac. I know they are in a better place." said Colin.

"Good." said Big Mac. "I'm glad your feeling better."

"I am." the boy replied. He finished the rest of the pie and gave out a little burp. "Excuse me." he said, and the other ponies laughed at his reaction.

"You're excused." said Granny Smith with a laugh.

"Come on, Colin. The show is about to start." said Rainbow Dash. The group, Colin, and Spike followed Rainbow Dash to the show.

They arrived just outside the farm in an open field. A crowd of ponies, including Colin, Fluttershy, and her friends crowded together to watch the performance by Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash themselves. For Scootaloo's performance, there was a large ramp, and three rings for her to jump through on her scooter. Rainbow Dash's course had some rings two, but they were higher than the ones that Scootaloo had, and the last ring was on fire. Fluttershy went to the front of the crowd with Colin on her back so that she and him can watch the performance more closely.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts." Celestia announced. "We bring you all a performance by Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash."

"First off, we bring you Scootaloo's amazing skills on her scooter for Colin." said Luna. Every-pony cheered and applaud for the announcement.

Scootaloo put on her helmet, and went down her ramp, and flew right passed the rings on her scooter, and did a few poses to show of for the audience, mostly for Colin. When she landed, the crowd went wild, even Colin cheered.

"Wow! Incredible!" Shining Armor announced. "Now we have Rainbow Dash, and her amazing flying techniques."

The crowd went even more wild, and then went silent when the drum roll played for Rainbow Dash. She flew really fast through the rings, and also did a few tricks, like a cape fur seal performing some tricks for a human crowd at a zoo. She was just as fast as a peregrine falcon was, or maybe even faster. She turned herself around many times through the rings, and did a backwards somersault.

"Wow!" said Colin. "That's cool!"

Her final stunt was diving down through the inflamed last ring, and landed on the ground with style. After that, the crowd went even more wild, cheering for her

"Wonderful display!" said Celestia.

Scootaloo came up to the group on her scooter and asked Colin "Did you like my performance, buddy?"

"I loved it!" Colin said

"Awesome. I knew you would like it." said Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash flew up to them now, and asked Colin "Was I awesome?"

"Very awesome." Colin answered.

"Thanks, kiddo." said Rainbow Dash, and then patted his head.

Colin smiled and then he gave out a tired yawn.

"Aww. is somepony getting sleepy?" said Fluttershy teasingly

"No." said Colin. "I want to enjoy the party."

"I know." said Fluttershy.

"Come on, Sugarcube." said Applejack. "Let me show you else around my farm." the group that included Spike, Twilight, and the rest of their friends followed Fluttershy and Applejack, and all the ponies disbanded to enjoy the rest of the party.

Author's Note:

I hope I did alright on this chapter, and I hoped you all liked it. There's still plenty more to come, so please be patient. I also hope that this chapter is well thought out, and I really hope you all like it.