• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,488 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

  • ...

Brothers Reunite

Back up in Cloudsdale, Colin, along with Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo, were still walking around the the place. he was enjoying the kindness and hospitality that the pegasus ponies who inhabiting the city are giving to him.

"So, kiddo, you having fun?" Rainbow asked him

"Yeah I love this place!" Colin replied. "It's so.... Cool and magical. Even the places made of clouds really awesome. Everyone is really nice to me, too."

"What did you think of Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot?" Rainbow added

"They were also really nice to me. And those guys are cool, too. Do you think maybe you can take me to Winderbolt show someday? Please?"

The cyan pegasus made a hoarse laugh. "Sure thing. If there are any Wonderbolts shows for you to enjoy, I'll try to get you tickets so you can watch them."

"And you should get the more comfortable seats." Scootaloo remarked.

"Good idea, Scoot." Rainbow and the orange filly bumped eachother's hooves in agreement. Scootaloo was still thinking of the thing she really wants to say to Colin, but worried that seeing might interrupt that again, like a couple times before. "You okay, squirt?"

"Oh yeah. I'm cool." Scootaloo replied with a nervous laugh. "I'm just fine."

"You just look kind of nervous, that's all."

"Nervous? Pfft, nah, I am just excited to be in Cloudsdale with you guys, that's all." She lied.

"Alright. Just checkin up on you." Said Rainbow Dash. "So, anyway, is there anything we didn't get to see around here?"

"Hmmmm, nope. I think I have seen everything." The boy replied in honesty.

"Good. Okay. So, you guys wanna go home?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling pooped after all that walking." Scootaloo said.

"I guess I should take a rest on the ground too."

"Alright. Come on, guys. I'll carry both of you." Then she gently grabbed Scootaloo while the human child climbed on her back. Then, she was off as she left Cloudsdale in a distance.

When she landed on the ground, not far from Ponyville, she let go of Scootaloo while Colin dismounted her.

"So, was that fun? I know I asked you many times before, but still, wasn't that awesome?"

"Yeah! Really awesome." Colin replied.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo was a little more nervous and realized that nothing might interrupt her chance to tell Colin how she feels about him. "Hey, Colin?" She said quietly


"I have something to tell you."

"What's that? Are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm just fine. Colin, I-I- I love you." She admitted.

Colin's eyes went wide and felt rather touched.

"Aww, isn't that sweet. Now you got a boyfriend, Scootaloo." Rainbow playfully teased her.

"Oh shut up." Said Scootaloo.

"You... You really love me?"

"Yeah, of course. You are the kindest, sweetest, and cutest guy I have ever met." Said Scootaloo. "You're so... Special."

"T- Thank you." He said. "Scootaloo, I... I always.... Felt that way about you." Now Scootaloo was the one who was rather surprised, and her cheeks blushed a crimson red.


"Yeah. You're beautiful, cute, nice, sweet, and kind."

"Aww, that's so sweet." Then Scootaloo gave him a tender kiss on his cheek, making him blush a crimson red on his face. He didn't really know what to say now, and kind of stammered whenever he attempted to speak.

"Scootaloo, I... I love you too." Colin admitted back to her.

"Aww, isn't this nice." said Rainbow.

The two newly confirmed lovers giggled nervously. "Listen, I should probably get back to my mommy now. Do you think you can take me home, Rainbow?" Colin asked.

"Sure thing, kiddo."

"And... can you please keep this a secret between you, me and Scootaloo?"

"Yeah, I agree." Scootaloo

The cyan pegasus gave a look of slight confusion. She doesn't understand why these two newly found lovers would want their love to be kept a secret between them and her. "Why is that?" She asked

"Well.... i think our friends and family might laugh at us for that." Colin replied modestly.

"Yeah, I don't want my friends to think I am sappy or anything like that." Scootaloo added

"Oh come on, Colin." Said Rainbow in the softest voice as possible with her cracky tone. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders. "We love you, Colin. You are apart of our family. We would never laugh at you for anything. So come on, guys. Don't be so ashamed about it. Besides, you look so cute together." She winked at them both.

Colin and Scootaloo looked at eachother, and both blushed as they smiled in slight timidity. "So, Rainbow Dash, you still think I am as tough as you, a-and we are still sisters, right?"

"Of course we are, squirt." Said Rainbow, giving her godsister a gentle nookie. The orange pegasus filly smiled.


"Well, i guess you're right. You all love me. So, if you want to tell anypony that we are boyfriend and girlfriend, i'm fine with that."

"So am i." Scootaloo said.

"Okay. Well, it's getting a little late. Probably should get you home now Colin. Wouldn't want your mommy to worry about you too much." Rainbow chuckled.

Colin giggled and replied "yeah you're right."

"Come on, let's go home." Then the three all walked back down the main road to Fluttershy's cottage. Colin and Scootaloo now feel more closer than ever.

When they arrived, Colin came inside without knocking since this is his new house after all. "I'love see you guys later."

"Okay Colin. See you soon." Said Rainbow

"Colin!" Fluttershy called out, hearing the door open. She trotted to the front door to greet her son. "Hello, sweetie. Oh, and hello to you too, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash."

"Hey Flutters." Rainbow replied

"Hi, Fluttershy." Scootaloo greeted.

"So how was Cloudsdale?"

"It was amazing, mommy." Colin said.

"Did you have fun."

"Yeah. I did."

"That's good. Was he alright, Rainbow Dash?"

"Of course he was. I told you I can be careful with him." she said in a rather egotistical tone. "He was just fine. Isn't that right, buddy?"


"Well, see you later Colin." said Scootaloo. But before she left, her god sister stopped her

"Wait a minute, Scoot." said Rainbow. "Is there something you would like to say to Colin before we leave?"

"Alright." Scootaloo said. "Colin. I love you."

"I love you too, Scootaloo."

Fluttershy gasped and gave out an "aww."

Then the orange filly went up to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "See you soon. Okay, Rainbow, let's go."

"Okay. Bye Fluttershy, bye Colin." said Rainbow.

"Bye, friends." Flutterhsy called.

"Mommy." Colin said. "You might have noticed, but me and Scootaloo are together as more than friends. So, what do you think?"

"I think I am so proud of you." then she hugged Colin with a tear of joy streaming down one cheek on her face. "You are already growing up so fast."

"So, you are not mad at me?"

"Of course not, sweetie." said Fluttershy. "What gave you such a silly idea like that?"

"I don't know, I just thought it. That's all."

"I think you and Scootaloo look so cute and sweet together."


"Yes. You really look like you are made for one another."

Colin flushed again. "Yeah, well,"

"So, would you like some dinner?"

"Yes please."

Fluttershy giggled and said "Good. I'll prepare it for you." then she went to her kitchen to fetch him what he desires to eat on this very evening.

In Bilings, Johnny was in the house of another former neighbor from Prague named Mrs. Girda. She was kind enough to let him and his best friends stay at her house since the day they came here to search for Colin.

"Would you like anything, boys?" She asked kindly.

"No thanks, Clair." Johnny replied sadly. "Well, I don't need anything at least."

"Not me, but Merci Beaucoup." Said Severin

"No thanks." Said Christian

"I already ate some cookies." Bobby added

"Very well. Listen, Johnny, I understand you want to know where he is. I wish I knew where he is, but I don't."

"It's fine, Clair. It's not your fault." Johnny replied. He looked out the window and saw his old house, still charred from the flames that killed his parents. He felt like shedding a tear or two after he was getting a good long look at it. "Listen, I need to step outside for a while, okay?"

"What for?" Asked Mrs. Girda.

"Just to get some fresh air."

"Suit yourself, dude." Said Bobby.

Then the older brother went outside in the night, and sat on the grass of his neighbors house. He sighed and looked at the bright stars in the galaxy and the universe. Then he noticed a shooting star flying by his view.

Normally, he doesn't believe in magic, but he decided to make a wish just for his own sake. "Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." He sighed before he finished by concluding "I wish that I can see my little brother Colin again, and know that he is okay." Then he shed a tear from his eye.

He got back on his feet and went back inside.

"Listen, guys, I'm gonna go to bed early."

"Of course, my friend." Said Severin.

Then the rockers decided to hit the hay early themselves with Bobby sleeping on the couch, Severin sleeping in an inflatable sleeping bag next to Johnny's bed in the guestroom, and Christian sleeping on a chair.

The Next Morning

Johnny and his friends were walking out in a field they didn't check earlier before when they arrived. Johnny thought about last night and that wish he made.

"Let's see what we can find here,"

His friends nodded a yes, them they all split in different directions. Meanwhile for the ringleader, he was just walking when he heard a soothing voice."

"Johnny." It said.

He looked back to see who it was, but no one was there.

"It is good to see you again, son." Said a male voice. He looked at the front of him, and when he finally looked at the rear a second time, there were his parents."

"Mom? Dad?" Johnny said in disbelief. "Is that you?"

"Yes, sweetie." Said Evelyn.

"We are so happy to see you again." Said Benjamin.

"What... What are you guys doing here? I thought you were..... You know, gone."

"Oh son, don't be silly. We live in you." The father said

"Mom, dad, since you are here, please tell me. Where's Colin?" Johnny begged. "Is he safe? Is he okay?"

"Don't worry, Johnny." Said Evelyn. "He is just fine"

"Are you sure? Is he still alive?"

"Yes. He is perfectly okay and well." Benjamin replied.

"Oh." He felt so relieved to hear that, but wasn't so sure if this is really happening, or just a figment of his imagination.

"We love you, Johnny." Said Evelyn."

"I love you too mom. Same thing with you dad." He turned away from them with a little comfusion and asked "So, where is he?" Then he realized that they weren't there anymore "mom? Dad? Hello?" He called out. He cursed under his breath and realized that it was just a hallucination.

He rejoined the after that for anyone.

"Sorry, Johnny. I looked everywhere in the bushes." Said Christian

"Oui, and I have searched for him in the trees, but no luck."

"Me neither." Said Bobby.

Johnny growled quietly and turned away in shame. "Let's just go back to Denver. We'll never find him." He said

"Woah woah woah." Said a voice out of nowhere. They all got spooked by it.

"Who said that?" Johnny asked

Then out of magic dust, it was Discord from Equestria. They all were weirded out by this creature. "Woah, what the hell are you?" Asked Bobby

"I am Discord. Johnny Frasier. I notice you and your friends are looking for your brother, Colin." The master of chaos said

Johnny's eyes went wide. "You- you know my brother?" He asked. His heart was about to be filled wi joy, but had some suspicion in this guy. "Can you.... Take me to him? Please. I want to see him."

"Of course. Now, do not freak out, because I am going to snap my finger and teleport you to Equestria, Colin's new home" after he did what he said he would do, Johnny, and his friends were in Equestria in a field.

"Where are we, creature?" Asked Severin.

"Equestria. Now if you look over there, there is a town called Ponyville. Can't miss it."

"You sure he's there?" Johnny asked

"Of course. He lives here now." Discord replied. "Just trust in me. I am not lying."


"So come with me, I will show you where he is. Come with me." Then the four followed the Drancequus to the town. They all walked down a road, and many Ponyville inhabitants who are growing quite curious around them. They found Colin on Fluttershy's back and he become very relieved and happy to see that his younger sibling was OK. He didn't feel this happy since Colin was born.

"Oh look, Johnny. It's him!" Severus pointed.

"I know. Say, let's follow him and surprise him."

"Good idea." said Christian.

Meanwhile, after walking quite a distance down the dirt road, Fluttershy, and her friends were sitting on a small field of grass in the park. The boy was feeling a little depressed this morning and he gave a sad sigh of slight depression

"What's the matter, darling?" asked Rarity.

"Oh nothing." he replied. "I... I'm still thinking about my brother, Johnny."

"You miss him, don't you?" asked Applejack.

"Yeah." he felt like shedding a few tears. "I just wish I can see him and let him know that I am okay." and he turned away. The seven friends looked back and saw Johnny and his friends, all smiling at the boy. They all slowly started to realize who it was, and they began to form smiles of their own.

"Did someone mention me?" Johnny said playfully

Colin gasped, and turned around in the speed of light. "Johnny!" he screamed with joy.

"Colin! you're okay!" the child ran up to his older brother and hugged him in the tightest squeeze he can do.

Rights for this song go to Square Enix

Both brother's shed tears from their eyes, reunited as a family. "I... i missed you." Colin said while weeping with joy.

"It's okay, buddy. I'm here." Johnny said soothingly.

Fluttershy and her friends she's a few tears, so happy to see then together as brothers again, even though this is the first time they meet the rocker of course, and the same thing with johnny's cohorts.

"Listen Colin. I hears about what happened to mom and dad, and in so sorry about what happened to them."

Colin frowned in shamed. "I am so sorry. It wasn't my fault that my house caught on fire. Really, I didn't!" He pleaded.

"Ssh, it's okay, colin." He said. "Of course it wasn't your fault. No one could have known it would happen to them. Besides, you never let me down."

Colin smiled. "I missed you, Johnny."

"I missed you too, Colin." He replied. "I will always love you, little brother. I know mom and dad are.... not here, but at least I still have you around." And the boy buried his face in his leather jacket.

"Awwww." Said a crowd. They both looked and saw almost the entire town in front of them. Many of them had tears of joy in their eyes, and of course, some didn't.

"What about us?" Said Severin. "Come here, kiddo." He opened his arms for Colin to hug him, then Christian and Bobby followed.

"Severin, Bobby, Christian. It's good to see yo guys again"

"It' good to see you too, little dude." Christian replied. "We were so worried about you. We all were."

"Yes. We are very sorry fo what happened, but awast yoy still have your brother and us. It is good to see that you are alrifht, mon petite ami." Severin added

"Thanks guys." Colin said. "How did you all get here?"

Then speaking of the devil himself, Discord appeared out of nowhere with a large proud smile on his face. "I brought them here, my boy."

"You did? How?"

"Well, you know how I like to go to different world's right?" Colin nodded a yes in return. "Right, so I heard about your brother and your friends, and looked at how heartbroken he was, so I brought the here to Equestria to show him you were alright with my magic." The the master of chaos felt a tight squeeze on his chest.

Colin hugged him really tightly "thank you sooooo much, Discord." He exclaimed as he was hugging him with tears of joy.

Discord gave him a warm smile "you're welcome Colin." Then he hugged the child back. "I'm always happy to see you happy." Then they both let go of each other.

"So, who and what are you guys?" Johnny asked Twilight, Fluttershy, and their friends. "We never seen kinds of creatures like you."

"Oui, you look very peculiar."

"And rather adorable." Christian added.

They all blushed at the word adorable. "Oh well, thank you." said Rarity.

"I'm Fluttershy. Colin's new mother."

"Mother?" Johnny asked, a little confused.

"That's so weird." Bobby blurted. Then Severin hit him on the back of the head hard "Ow! what was that for?"

"Bobby, please. Don't be rude like that, s'il vous plait."


"Big brother, please don't be mad at me, but she decided to take me in as her son, and she loves me very much."

"Oh no no. It's quite alright, little man." Johnny reassured. "It just.... not what I expected. So, who are the rest of you?"

"I'm Twilight Sparkle."


"My name is Rarity."

"I'm Applejack."

"And I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in all of Equestria." the cyan pegasus gloated. The four young men kind of smirked at her pride, and thought it was kind of cute.

"Well, it is a pleasure to meet all of you." said Severin. "Now I guess it is time to for to introduce ourselves. Je m'appelle Severin, Johnny's closest friend, and rhythm guitarist."

"I am Christian, the bassist."

"and I'm Bobby, the drummer."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet all of you."

"And you might have heard, but My name is Johnny, Colin's brother, lead singer, and lead guitarist of my friends." the ringleader said lastly.

"You know, Colin told us about you." said Twilight


"Yep. He told us how awesome you guys are, and one of the nicest humans he has ever met."

"Oh well, you know." said Johnny.

"What he said is true. Colin is like a brother to us, to." Severin clarified.

"Oh, that's good." said Applejack.

"You forgot about me, Fluttershy." said a really deep manly voice. It was Big Macintosh who stepped next to his sister. "So sorry, but I am Big Macintosh, but you can call me Big Mac. I am Applejack's big brother, and Colin's new father."

"Really?" said Johnny. "Are you all apart of his new family?"

"Yes." they all said.

"Oh, that's good. It is good to see Colin being with ponies that care about him so much."

"I agree." said Severin.

"We do." said Fluttershy, then Colin got himself in a group hug with Fluttershy, her friends, Big Macintosh, and had alot of the residences grouping next to them.

It was a little.... unusual for Johnny and his boys to see a new family for him that are ponies, but he was happy that Colin was happy and of course, still alive.

"So, I think we should go and see what just happened." Johnny clarified

"Good idea. Come with me to my cottage, and talk. I'm pretty sure you and Colin have so much to talk about."

the two brothers smiled at eachother. "We do." they said in unison.

"Wait!" said two female voices. It was Lyra and her best friend Bon Bon.

"Don't forget about us." Lyra said.

"I'm Bon Bon."

"And I'm Lyra."

"Best friends." they both said

Lyra added "Oh, and good friends of Colin too.

"Nice to meet you too." said Johnny politely. "So, you wanna come with us?"


"Alright alright. You can come. Say, Colin, would you like me to carry you on my shoulders like old times?"

"Oh yes. Please."

Johnny chuckled at his response. "Okay, come here, you." then he gently picked him up and placed him on his shoulders. "Ready to go?"


"Perfect. So, let's go." then the older sibling and his friends followed Colin's family to the cottage while the other inhabitants looked on at them as they were heading down the main road


The band really liked having these animals around with them, and thought it was cool.

"Wow, look at this, man. A badger." said Christian.

"And is that a ferret?" said Johnny.

"Alright, alright. Remember that Colin wants to explain what is going on." said Twilight

"You're right. Sorry. It's just so awesome to be around these wild animals, and domestic ones too."

"Indeed, back in Gabon I was always one with nature with the bongo antelopes, duikers, snakes, leopards, lions, and other wildlife. I was like I was born with a special connection with all creatures." said Severin. "But, right now, she is right. Let us here what our old little friend here has to say."

Colin smiled. "So, after the fire, I was so sad and Jonah found me and took me in. He was going to send me to a foster home, but I didn't want that, so I ran away. I wished for a new family that will always love me and be there for me. I slept in a cave on a rainy night, and while I was asleep, I was suddenly transported here by Discord.

the drancequus blushed with a smirk and a hand movement that said "Oh stop."

"A squirrel found me under the bridge, and mommy found me." the yellow pegasus gave him a warm smile. "I met her friends, and everyone else in Ponyville and I loved it here. So, please, you're still my brother, right Johnny?"

"Of course, kiddo. Nothing will ever change that."

"And, Severin, Bobby, Christian, we're still friends right?"

"Heck yeah!" Bobby exclaimed

"Always Colin, always good friends." Christian added

"We will always be with you when we need you Colin. Always. The ancient gods of my ancestors tribe will guide you in every way." Severin said

Colin smiled. "Thanks guys."

"Oh come here, you." Johnny said playfully. He and his friends crowded around him and gave him a hug. "Birds of a feather, now and forever!" they both exclaimed. This made Colin smile even more bigger than before.

"So, bro, this land Equestria is a place with ponies as a dominant species?"

"uh-huh." all the ponies and Spike replied.

"Well, I'm a baby dragon." he corrected

"Really?" said Christian. "That is so cool. I love dragons. I never thought to see it that we would see one before our very eyes."

"We have read tales about dragons but they were just folklore and mythology." the African bandmate said

"They are not real in your world?" Spike asked, getting a little offended

"Nope." Bobby replied

The baby dragon didn't know what to think. How could a world like Colin's not have any dragons like him. Nevertheless, he said "Oh well, I guess this world has me."

"Oh that it does." said Rarity playing with his cheeks.

"So, after that, We went to see princess Celestia, and Princess Luna to introduce me to them. I told them what happened and they felt sad for me. They heard that it was my birthday when that happened, and then Pinkie Pie and everyone decided to make a me a late sixth birthday party."

"That's good. Really awesome. Thank you all for doing that for him." Johnny said

"You're welcome, always able to help throw a good party!" Pinkie said.

"I met another princess named Cadence, and her husband Shining Armor. I had a good time. "Oh! and I think you should meet Celestia and Luna."

"Well, alright. we are a little curious after all." said the older brother

"Yeah, I wanna see." Bobby added.

"Don't worry, i'll make them come to us. And I think I should tell Shining and Cadence too." said Twilight.


"On it." Spike said, taking a note to prepare.

"So, Johnny, I was wondering." said Rainbow Dash.


"I was hoping you can do a song for us and everypony else in Equestria."

"Really? well, we don't know." said Bobby

"And we don't really have any instruments to play." said Christian.

"We'll find you your instruments, Johnny, right guys?"

"Right." they all replied as Spike finished the letter.

"Well... alright." Johnny said. They all cheered and smiled. "But not here. We want to be on stage."

"Of course." said Twilight. "Not right now, but maybe later."

"We're alright with that." said Severin. "Colin, Johnny, why don't you both have outside for a little bonding like old times, hmm?"

"Good idea. Come on, Colin. Let's go outside."

"Okay, big brother." then he held his siblings big hand and went out the back door to get some fresh air.

Author's Note:

So Colin and Johnny are reunited as brothers at last. What will happen between these two siblings? find out on the next chapter.