• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,456 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

  • ...

Zebra Stripes

As they were all siting, Giselle and Genevieve were explaining what griffons really are to Fluttershy so she will feel way more comfortable with them. Rainbow also was trying to explain to her how Gilda changed as well since she was a childhood friend back in flight camp.

"Gilda is nice now, Fluttershy." Said Rainbow.

"I know. I know. You already told me how you and Pinkie Pie were helping Griffonstone be a better place, and restored your friendship with her. I just don't think she will still be friendly to me." Fluttershy stated

"Look. I know she made you cry when she first came here to Ponyville, but she was just misunderstood. That's all." Rainbow replied

Fluttershy sighed and said "you're right. Maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions."

"And we are nothing like really greedy griffons." Said Genevieve. "What you would here is probably just a stereotype about our race."

"Yeah, not all griffons are what you think they are. You met us right now and we haven't hurted you, or Colin." Giselle added

"Yeah, mommy. They are really nice griffons." Colin stepped in to help her understand now. "They really like me."

Fluttershy smiled. "Yeah, they do."

"Of course we do." Said Genevieve. "He is so adorable and cool."

"Yeah, he is so cute I could just eat him." Giselle added. The others looked at her with fright, worried that she was literal about what she just said "not really. I won't eat him. Sheesh, calm down."

"And remember when you saw us in the Equestria Games on the Crystal Empire?" Genevieve asked her

"I do."

Indeed, Fluttershy did remember them along with that male griffon whose name she forgot. They did not do any harm to her whatsoever or anypony else in the Crystal Empire.

"I understand. It was not you, it was Gilda." she said.

"Right. Well, feel free to come spend time with us if you got the time." Said Giselle

"Don't worry. We will. Maybe I can bring a Gilda with us too." Rainbow said proudly.

"And Colin, you are really more than welcome to spend time with us if you want, buddy," said Genevieve while playfully rubbing the human child's hair.

"Totally. We can do really fun stuff together and maybe show you Griffonstine one of the days when you feel like it." Giselle added.

Colin smiled. "I'll let you know." He said to them

"Oh and thank you for not eating some of my animal friends." Fluttershy added.

"Of course. We kind of eat other animals, but we wouldn't repeat any pony's pets." Said Genevieve. "Of course." She began to think of a few thoughts and looked at the other small animals. "They do look.... Juicy and full of meat."

"And.... Helpless." Giselle added with herself and her twin sister licking their lips.

"Guys." Rainbow scolded

"Sorry." The two griffons said. They both went off the couch, just about ready to go. "Well, it is really nice meeting you all." Said Genevieve

"Yeah. See you all soon." Giselle added. "Me and my sis got to go back home now."

"And Colin, you are awesome." Said Genevieve

"Thanks." Colin blushed. "See you soon."

"Later Colin." Said Giselle, then the two griffon sisters went out the door and flew away back to Griffonstone.

"Do you like griffons now, i mommy?" Colin asked Fluttershy

"Oh yes. I really like griffons now." She replied to her son.

The three smiled at her. "That's good to hear." Said Rainbow. "Because maybe I can bring Gilda back to Ponyville and apologize to you for making you cry."


"So Colin, want to play another game of hide and seek with us? We'll do it in the playground this time." Rainbow offered.

Once again, Colin looked at Fluttershy for approval. She nodded a yes, and said "I would love to." Then he felt himself being picked up from below and was on her back

"Then let me give you a piggy back ride, buddy." Rainbow said. She, with Colin on her, left the college with Scootaloo following her outside to the playground

The Next Morning

It was a beautiful morning as usual and Colin was still sound asleep on another day off from school. Equestria was as peaceful as ever

In the kitchen, Fluttershy was fixing herself and Colin some herbal tea before he wakes up for some usual breakfast, which she also was making on the side. However, she noticed that she was all out of the tea. She frowned, and then thought of Zecora, who had some of her favorite tea, the zebra shaman the lived in the Everfree Forest in Ponyville, who always talks in rhyming. She was just about to wake him up personally when he heard coming down the stairs. She was a little sad she didn't get to wake him up personally, but was proud of him too for waking himself up more.

"Good morning, sweetie." said Fluttershy.

"Good morning, mommy." Colin yanwed as he got down from the stairs.

"I should tell you that I am out of tea." said Fluttershy.

"That's okay. I'll just use some apple juice." Colin replied

"That's good, but I was thinking. I was thinking about going to Zecora's hut to get my favorite tea from her."

"Who is Zecora?" Colin asked

"She's a zebra that lives in the Everfree Forest not far from Ponyville." Fluttershy answered. "Would you like to meet her?"

"A Zebra?" said Colin. "I love zebras. Of course I'll go with you mommy."

Fluttershy smiled. "Good. But first, we might as well bring Twilight and Spike with us." Fluttershy noted.


"Because Twilight and Spike need to pick up their tea from her too."

"Oh. Okay."

"Climb on my back." She bent down for her son to climb on as usual so he wouldn't have to walk a long distance. Then she said bye to her animal friends with Colin following after, and they went to Twilight's castle.


Twilight was happily carrying Spike on her back like Fluttershy was carrying Colin on their way to the Everfree forest. "Thank's for coming with me, Twilight." said Fluttershy.

"Hey, what about me?" Spike joked.

Flutterrshy giggled "And you too Spike." she said to him.

"Of course. The Everfree forest is dangerous after all." Twilight said to her in return. "By the way, it's good to hear that you are more comfortable around Griffons again, Fluttershy."

"Oh yes. Genevieve and Giselle were very kind and nice griffons" Fluttershy replied. "I'm a lite worried about meeting Gilda again still."

"Don't worry, Fluttershy. She's not a bully anynore, remember?" Spike pointed out.

"So, what is Zecora like, mommy?" asked Colin

"She's a really nice pony like everypony else in Equestria. She comes from a place called 'Zebrica' a little far away from here." Fluttershy answered. "She always knows how to cure a sick pony or animal in need."

"She creates many potions and brews." said Twilight. "She always speaks in rhymes and a strong Zebrican accent."

"Wow. That reminds me of a place in my world called Africa in my homeworld." Colin said. It was reminding him of Severin, one of his brother's closest friends along with his other bandmates, because he was born in Gabon after all.

"Really? what is it like?" asked Fluttershy

"Well, I never been there, but I would love to go there someday." Colin replied. "Does Zebrica have lions, elephants, rhinos, hippos, giraffes, camels, and wild dogs?"

"Oh yes. They have pretty beautiful wildlife." said Fluttershy. "Oh how I always loved to Zebrica someday, and get a look at those amazing animals."

"How did you know that, Colin?" asked Spike

Colin replied "Well, that's what Africa has too."

"Really?" said Twilight, very fascinated by the fact that some parts of Colin's world are like in Equestria.

"Uh-huh. It's the second largest continent in my world, that there are more animals than anywhere on Earth."

"That's really fascinating." said Fluttershy.

"Zecora is going to like you." said Spike.

"You think so, Spike?" Colin asked with a smile

"I know so."

"So do we." said Twilight.

"Oh, here we are." said Fluttershy. The hut really fascinated him, and the architecture was really admirable. If only Severin was here with him to witness this beautiful place.

"That is awesome."

"Let me knock on the door." said Twilight. She knocked three times and called "Zecora, it's us, Fluttershy, Spike, and Twilight." Then the door came open. It revealed an adorable zebra about the same size as a regular pony in Equestria, minus Celestia and Luna of course.

"Ah, hello Spike, Fluttershy, and Twilight. What brings you in my morning light." She said in an African-esque accent. She had gold rings on one of her feet, her neck, and large gild earrings. Her mane was kind of like a Mohawk shape. Her tail was a little different fr why a horse would have. Her cutie mark was a large African tribal marking of the sun.

"Hello, Zecora" said Fluttershy. "We're here for some more of your tea if you don't mind."

"And we want to introduce you to someone new in Ponyville." Twilight added.

Fluttershy showed Colin to the zebra and she was quite surprised by him "oh my, hello there little guy."

"Hello." Colin replied to her with a wave.

"Of course I do not mind." Said Zecora to the others. "Please do come inside." Then they did what she til them.

Colin and Spike got off of Fluttershy and Twilight. Colin was intrigued by the interior of the exotic hut too. Many zebra masks on the walls and a large cauldron in the center of the tree. "Wow. It's so beautiful." Colin said in awe

"Colin, would you like to introduce yourself?" Twilight asked

"Right." He cleared his throat and looked at the smiling zebra. "My name is Colin. Colin Fraser, bu you can just call my Colin because it is my first name." He introduced a little timidly

"It is a pleasure, and I must say you have handsome hair. My name is Zecora, amd I come from a continent called Zebrica. Tell me my dear: how did an adorable creature like you wind up here?" Zecora asked curiously

"Well, i came here from another world." Colin said. "Fluttershy and the others took me in as one of their own as a family."

Zecora smiled at that fact. "Remarkable, and if you really came to Equestria from another universal, that is amazingly unbelievable."

"Well, he came here because he wished on a star." Spike.

"Oh i already heard briefly about you, for I have heard about what happened and it was very tragic too." Zecora said sadly.

"You... you know about what happened to my mommy and daddy?" Colin asked in a less happy voice

"I have little one, but I can reassure you that the possibility of you causing their...... lives taken to be absolutely none." She gently put a hoof on his shoulder. "It was not your fault and you did nothing wrong at all."

"I know. They are in a better place now" Colin remarked

"So, Colin wanted to meet you and get to know you a little better." Said Twilight.

"Yeah, can I ask about you a little?" Colin asked politely, trying not to be rude

"Of course, you are very sweet. Come, please take a seat." Zecora replied. "Why don't you try and rest your head, for you are welcome to sit on my bed."

"Really? Thanks."

"You are very welcome, Colin." Said Zecora. That was the first time that she didn't say anything that didn't rhyme.

"Um, mommy, Twilight, Spike, will you be okay if we stay here a little while?" Colin asked them before sitting on the bed

"Not at all, sweetie." Said Fluttershy.

"Yeah, that's why we came here. For you to meet Zecora, silly." Twilight added with a blink.

Colin sat on the bed thought that the leopard skinned covers were soft. Zecora was just standing right beside him off of her bed. "So, what is it like in Zebrica?" He asked her as his first question.

"Well, it has many landscapes: savannahs, deserts, highlands, mountains, rainforests, and glacial peaks. In Zebrica, there are many things to see."

"Wow. Well, there is a place in my world where it is like Zebrica but it's called Africa."

"Africa you say? Well, i really do not know what to say." Zecora said in an intrigued voice. "So tellbme, what are you and what do you like to do?"

"Well, i am a human, and I.... I am in the primate family." Colin answered. "Humans are the dominant species of my Earth, and there are many kinds of humans. I.... don't think I would tell you all of ot, because.... it would be a long story." He shrugged

"I understand. And indeed." She gently picked up the boys hand and observed them. "You do got a primates hand." Then she gently sat it down on his lap again. "In Zebrica, we Zebras are the main species, for we take great care Zebrica at great ease."

"Are there any other animals or ponies besides zebras that can talk and be like a dominant species?" Colin asked curiously

"Oh yes. Zebrica has Zebrican Buffalo, Rhinos, hippos, and and antelope such as kudus and elands. They are all considered dominant in my homeland."

"Woah. Do you think we can go there sometime?" Colin asked. "Me and my mommy and my friends could come with you."

"Well Colin, we will see, for now is not a good time for us to be." Zecora replied

"I know, but someday maybe?"

"Of course. I do not know when, but we can certainly make a trip then."

"Great!" Colin exclaimed with joy. "Bu the way, how did you know about me?"

"In the town of Ponyville, their are many tasks and groceries for my hut to fill. I.... so been to your late birthday party that day, but I did not want to get in your way." She looked a little guilty not meeting him then.

"It's okay, Zecora. I forgive you." Colin said with a smile

"I thank you, boy. Your forgiving personality brings my heart joy."

Then they continued talking one another with some interesting conversations about their worlds, and Spike, Twilight, and Fluttershy happily looked on at them. Fluttershy was really proud of Colin for making new friends with Zecora. It was good to see that she really likes him.