• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,518 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

  • ...

Colin meets Griffons for the First Time

Over four days have passed and back in Montana, Johnny, Severin, christian, And Bobby were searching high and low for Colin in the wilderness not far from the suburbs that Colin used to live in before he came to Equestria. They were split up, but after one hour they reunited as a group together. "Okay, any luck?" Johnny asked his friends

"Non, Johnny zéro chance." Severin sadly replied

"Nada." Christian replied in the same tone as Severin."

"So sorry, dude. I didn't find him." Said Bobby

Johnny gave a sad sigh and said to all of them "it's alright. I didn't fine him either."

"Well, we might as well head back to Jonah and tell him that we have made zero progress." Christian suggested.

"Yeah, we did all we could and searched everywhere." Said Severin.

"It's alright. You're all right, we might as well be heading back to Jonah now."

"We'll find him, Johnny." Bobby reassured him while putting his hand on his shoulder. "We promise."

Johnny waved his really long dark brown hair and sighed while it was being bowed by the gentle breeze. "I know we will." He said. They all went back to the suburban area to find Jonah about any progress. "Oh Colin. I just wish I can just see you just this once." He thought, shedding a tear in his eye.

later, Colin was just done taking a shower and dried himself for another day at school. He went downstairs and saw his breakfast already on the table. What would Colin be without Fluttershy being the adopted mother in his life. It was like a heaven for him. "Thanks, mommy." Colin said

"You're welcome, sweetie." Fluttershy replied

"Ummm, mommy, can I ask you something?" Colin asked. "I hope it's not a stupid question.

"Oh don't be silly. What is it?"

"We'll always be together, right?"

Why if course we will, sweetie. Me, Twilight, and our family will always be there for you. Always." Fluttershy replied sweetly. She gave him a motherly magic kiss on his cheek to show how much she loves him. "I love you, Colin."

The boy smiled. "I love you too, mommy." He said, giving her a hug. After they broke, they both heard a knock on the door.

Fluttershy went to get the door, and their was Rainbow Dash. "Oh hello, Rainbow Dash." She politely greeted her.

"Hey Fluttershy, is Colin here?" Rainbow asked

"Of course. Come on in." She moved out of the way for her childhood friend to enter and saw Colin as soon as she went inside.

"Hi Rainbow Dash." Colin said, eating his breakfast.

"Hey little buddy. How are you doin' today?" Rainbow asked softly.

"Doing good." Colin replied.

"Awesome. Well, i was coming here to see if you wanted to play with me and Scootaloo for a little while. So, would you?"

Colin looked at Fluttershy and she nodded a yes. "Yeah I would love to." He replied

"Good. Let's go" Rainbow said excitedly.

"Now before you go Rainbow, umm- please be careful with Colin, okay?" Fluttershy said nervously.

"Oh don't worry, Fluttershy, he's in safe hooves." She gave him a few gentle elbow bumps on his arm. "Roght, Colin?"


Fluttershy giggled and said "okay. Just trying to check on you, sweetie."

"I know, thank you for that, mommy." Colin said with a smile. "Don't worry, i'll be okay."

"I know you will, sweetie."

"Well come on, buddy. Let's go." Colin followed Rainbow Dash outside and followed her to Scootaloo's house.


They were in the outskirts of town in the green fields. Colin really enjoyed the view and saw the who town of Ponyville from a distance.

"Okay squirts, what do you want to play?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, we can play hide and seek." Colin suggested. "Can we play that please?"

"Yeah, I'm with Colin." Scootaloo said in excitement. She pulled him really close to her, squishing himself to her body like a hug.

"Uh, Scootaloo, too tight." Colin pointed

"Oh!" Then Scootaloo let him go. "Sorry, Colin. I'm just excited."

"It's okay, Scootaloo."

Rainbow laughed and said "alright alroght, hide and seek it is. Oh, and because you can't really fly, I decide I won't fly either." Scootaloo smiled at Rainbow's idea and being thoughtful to her like a big sister would be. "I'll count to one hundred." The cyan pegasus ducked on the soft grass and counted "1, 2, 3-"

then Colin and Scootaloo split up in different directions. Meanwhile for Colin, he was running while laughing quietly as he was looking for a perfect hiding spot to be in. He didn't see anything to hid in the first place he looked and moved onto the next area of where to hid in. Of course he didn't go to far because he still wanted to be close to the town and the cottage.

When he was still looking for a hiding place, he hears a few faint voices. He thought that he should just mind his own business, but his curiosity got the best of him anyway. He quietly hid in a few bushes, and saw something that intrigued him. It was two Griffons who were talking and ruff housing with eachother like they were sisters. One of them had white feathers with black feet in the front, and has some black on her eyes with two tufts on each side of her head like an owl, and her wings were also black. The other griffon was more grey and black in color, and had only one crest on her head.

Colin thought of what Fluttershy said about Griffons when he first came to Ponyville, and told him about how bad she thought Griffons were because of Gilda. Then he wondered the same thing and believed she was right. "Oh no." He thought. Now he felt like he was in real trouble. "Oh no no no."

Meanwhile, the Two Griffons were having a conversation after they were done playfully wrestling eachother. "So, Naytala, did you see how awesome the Wonderbolts were in the Cloudsdale race?" Said the darker griffon.

"I know. It is so awesome, Giselle." The white griffon replied to her. "I'm glad we both got to see it."

"Of course. That's what friends are for." The dark griffon said in agreement.

Then they both heard a small twig break. "What was that?" Said the white griffon.

Colin accidentally stepped on a small branch and broke it. It was loud enough to get those griffons' s attention, and I meant they would be surely looking for him now. He quietly slipped away out of the bush, and tip-toed away from the two creatures. However, without looking, he stumbled and tripped on the grass. He gave a small "ow" after he fell

The two Griffons looked on the other side of the bush and curiously walked up to Colin, seeing who it was. "Oh well hello." Said the white griffon in a gentle voice

"Where did you come from?" Said the gray and black griffon also in a gentle voice.

Colin looked at the two with complete fear. "Uhhh- please don't hurt me." He said in terror in a shaky voice. "I promise you I don't taste very good. Please don't eat me."

The two Griffons gasped and looked at eachother with confusion. Sure they don't know what exactly he is, but they seem like an interesting creature to them that they have seen for the first time, that's for sure.

"Eat you?" Said the white griffon

"Why in Equestria would we want to eat you?" The one crested griffon added.

"Yeah, we would never eat you." Said the white one.

Colin vulped, and became less scared, but didn't keep his hands off the grass. "Do you promise not to eat me Griffons? " he asked in his shaky voice.

The two Griffons nodded a yes to him in return.

"Okay." Was all he replied.

"So tell us, what's your name, little guy?" Asked the darker griffon

"C-Colin. Colin Fraser." He replied trying to be calm as possible.

"Well nice to meet you Colin." Said the white and black griffon.

"I'm Giselle, and this is my sister Natayla." The dark one added.

They both sound like friendly griffons to Colin, and we're the exact opposite of what Fluttershy described to him on the day Colin was introduced to Ponyville, and both seem like very nice and very nice griffons, at least in his experience. "Nice to meet you too." Colin replied flatly

"So come here, Colin." Said the Giselle. The boy slowly and nervously followed the griffon sisters to where thy were before they found him and met him, talking about the Wonderbolt event.

"Come on, little guy." Natayla gently said to him as both of them looked back to see the kid going a little slow.

"We promise we will not hurt you, or eat you." Giselle added.

Colin started to slowly move a little more faster than his previous pace, and stopped in front of the griffons on the spot in the fields.

"We don't we sit on the grass." Giselle suggested

"Yeah, good idea sis." Natayla replied. The two sat down on the grass like a blanket like how a lion would sit, and Colin just sat like any other human would. "So tell us: what are you and where are you from?" Natayla asked

"Yeah, and what are you doing out here?" Giselle added

"Well, I- I am a human and- and I came from another world." Colin answered

"Another world?" The sisters both said in unison.

"Uh huh. I came from a country called the United States and lived in Montana. Well, I vs,e here because-" he really didn't want to talk about what happened to his parents, he never did like it when he talks about it.

"Yeah? what's the matter?" Asked Giselle.

"Nothing." Colin replied. He decided to just tell them why he is here on Equestria anyway. "You see, it was my birthday when I first came here to Equestria. My mommy and daddy they-" he bowed his head on sadness. "They both died when my house caught on fire."

The two griffons gasped with shock.

"Oh you poor thing." Said Giselle. She stood up from the grass and gently picked up Colin from the ground. "I feel so bad for you." Colin found himself in a griffons arms in a hugging position, and he never thought it would come to this.

"Come here, kid." Natalya was next to gently hug him and pat him on the back. Then they both hugged him close to eachother as a pair. "We are really sorry that happened to you." Said Natayla with great sympathy as she and her sister continued hugging him for comfort.

"So how did you come here?" Asked Giselle

"Well I wished upon a star to be with a family that will always be there for me, and then I got teleported to this awesome place. Fluttershy found me and adopted me as her new son."

"Fluttershy?" They both said

"The element of kindness?" Said Giselle

"We heard a lot about her and her friends, and you sound really lucky to have her as a mother." Natayla added

Colin smiled. "I am. And don't worry, mommy and daddy will always be there for me when I'm scared or alone."

The two griffons smiled at him. I was surely heartbreaking for them to hear that he had lost his previous family, but was really happy for him to be adopted "that's awesome." Giselle commented.

"Yeah. I hope I wasn't being rude snooping on you guys. I was just curious and wanted to see who was talking."

"No problems, kid." Said Natayla with a smiled

""Yeah. We were just talking about he awesome the Wonderbolts were at the Cloudsdale annual aerial marathon. As usual, they won the game!"

"Cool." Said Colin. "I think you are awesome looking griffons, and beautiful too."

"Aww, that's sweet." Said Natayla. She and Giselle. One at a time, gave him a small kiss on his cheeks. Colin blushed and rubbed his head. "You know I have never seem a real griffon before."

"Really? Why not?" Asked Giselle. Curiously.

"Well they are ummmmmm..... Not real in my world." Colin replied.

"What?" Said Natayla. "No griffons in your world? That is really lame."

"I know. What kid of sick and twisted world did you live in?" Giselle added.

"It's a pretty cool place once you look at it on the map," Colin pointed. "Umm, thanks for not eating me, I appreciate it."

"We told you we wouldn't eat you." Said Giselle giving him a gentle head rub, making laugh a little.

"Yeah, we would never eat something like you." Natayla added

"No I hope I a, not being so rude if I ask, but what made you think we would eat you, anyway,?"

"Well, I read about griffons and they are half eagle and half lion. ,y brother told ,e that they do eat meat."

"Well we do eat meat, but we will never try to eat children." Said Natayla. "We like you already."

"Yeah really like you." Giselle added, then she patted his head gently. "Of course we don't just eat meat, we can eat cake and some fruit if we wanted to."

"Sorry if I was afraid." Colin said feeling guilty

"It's okay, Colin. There's no need to apologize little dude." Said Natayla. Colin smiled in return.

"Now, not that we are not happy to meet you, but we are just curious. What are you doing out here?" Giselle asked curiously

"Oh, I'm just playing a game with-"

"Found ya!" Said a voice from behind. I was Rainbow and Scootaloo. Then they noticed the two griffons that were hugging him. "Hey, I know you." She said. "You were at the Equestria Games, were you?"

"Yep. Nice to see you again too." Said Natayla.

"Yeah, very nice match back in the Crustal Empire." Giselle said.

"Eh well, no biggie. I am the fastest flyer on Equestria after all." Rainbow said with great pride. Scootaloo looked at her number one idol as if she was her hero or goddess.

The two griffons laughed at her statement. "Right, well, if you ask, no, we have not eaten this little guy." Giselle pointed.

"Yeah, he is a really sweet boy." Natayla added.

"So what were you doing with him exactly?" Rainbow asked

"We were just meeting him and he thought we were going to eat him." Said Giselle.

"And you didn't?" asked Scootaloo

"Of course not." Said Natayla. "If we would heat him, he would not be here right now"

"Good point said Rainbow."

"So Colin, you know Rainbow Dash too?" Asked Giselle.


"Next time, kiddo, you might want to pick a better hiding place out here." Said Rainbow teasingly.

"I was about to hide until I got a little sidetracked and met them." Colin pointed.

"I understand." Said Rainbow. "Don't worry about it. So, I guess Scootaloo can count this time."

"Okay." Colin was about to leave but then he wondered about how cool these two griffons were and kind and friendly they were. "Um, Natayla, Giselle, do you want to come play with me and spend time with me for a little while?" He asked "well. You don't have to if you don't want to."

The sisters smiled. "Of course we can spend time with you." Said Natayla

"Yeah. Let's have some fun." Said Giselle with excitement.

"Rainbow, can they spend time with us, pleeeeaaaasssse?" Colin asked very nicely

Rainbow chuckled and replied "okay okay, they can come play with us. But flying is off limits okay?"

Then they both went with Colin and followed Rainbow and Scootaloo int he spot they met before. While walking, Colin asked the two sisters "so, tell me, what are griffons like in Equestria?"

"Well, some griffons are a little...... Greedy." Giselle flatly stated. "But of course we are not like some of those griffons."

"Yeah, we are not like that one little bit." Natayla said. "We are generous griffons. Let us tell you something about what happened recently."

They both told him of the time in the town of Griffonstone, their capital about the Idol of Boreas. They did tell Colin that they didn't really live on Griffonstone, but they did admit that it was a key city for griffons everywhere.

"Even before Griffonstone was restored to it's former glory."

"Thanks to me and Pinkie Pie." Said Rainbow

"Right, we were not the greedy type of griffons you think we would be." Giselle continued.

"That's awesome." Said Colin. "How do you think Griffonstone is doing now?"

"Well, we haven't been there in a while." Said Natayla. "But I think they are doing better thanks to Rainow and Pinkie." She winked at him. They both continued walking to the spot so that they can both play hide and seek with Colin, Scootaloo, and Rainbow.

"Umm, guys, I hope this isn't too much for me to ask, but, do toy think that maybe you can come with me to my mummy's cottage and show her that griffons are not what she thinks they are?"

"Oh of course. We both heard what Gilda did to her, and we got to admit it was pretty lowdown, it it was Gilda after all." Said Giselle.

"Yeah. I know.

Fluttershy was done feeding the animal friends some lunch this afternoon and heard a knock on the door. "Coming." She sang

She opened the door and she gave a small help she she saw Giselle and Natayla with Colin with him.

"Griffons?" She exclaimed softly. "Get back sweetie, I'll save you."

"It's okay, mommy." Said Colin. "These are really nice griffons."

"They are?" Asked Fluttershy

"Yeah, what Gilda did to you before, that was Gilda, no other griffon." Said Natayla."

"Besides, you recognize us from the Equestria games, do you?" Asked Giselle

"Fluttershy did see their faces in the events and the training at Rainbow Falls "oh yeah. Right. Sorry."

"It's alright Fluttershy. Hey, congratulations on winning the games by he way." Said Natayla.

"Oh thank you." She blushed. "Come on in, I think we will have much to discuss about." She stopped aside and let Colin and the two griffons on her cottage for some tea. Maybe Fluttershy was wrong about all griffons being mean and greedy anyway.