• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,488 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

  • ...

Cutie Mark Party for the Crusaders

In School, all the children were talking about the crusaders new Cutie Marks and what they look like, and how they even got them. Colin and the other students could hardly believe that it was all thanks to Diamond Tiara, who the crusaders changed from a mean, spoiled bully to a really nice and kind filly. Nevertheless, everyone was happy. In the room, there was a large table with soft drinks and tea with small red cups for it to be filled by either one a student wants to drink. Also, thanks to Pinkie Pie, there was a boom box for the party music to play, and a large banner that spelled out "Congratulations, Cutie Mark Crusaders!" on it.

"Alright, class. Today you might have noticed, but I might as well say it anyway." Cheerilee announced. "Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom got their cutie marks!"

The school children cheered them on, including Colin, who clapped his hands while he was cheering. "Oh shucks. Thank you for your support everypony." Said Applebloom.

"Thank you for changing me from a monster to somepony I want to be." Diamond Tiara said

"Yeah, me too." Silver Spoon added

"Ah, you're not monsters." Said Scootaloo.

"Yeah, you just needed some reassurance." Sweetie Belle added.

"Yeah, you just didn't understand, and we didn't understand you." Said Applebloom softly.

"Right. Now, we decided that we will all be having a class party to celebrate." Cheerilee continued. The school children cheered again.

"Now, let's get this celebration started class! If any of you need anything, please let me know I will help you with the drinks or the food."

They all scattered and the music started playing. Many children mingled with one another, and sometimes crowded around the girls to see what their marks look like again. The crusaders were highly proud of themselves and kind of gloated about it, but not so much like Rainbow Dash would boast about her speed of flying.

Colin got himself a little root beer for himself. He wished he had some ice to put in there, but he didn't care. Root beer was root beer after all. "Hey Colin." said Scootaloo behind him. He looked at there she was with her best friends, along with Pipsqueak, Rumble, and the two bullies-turned friends.

"Hi Scootaloo." Colin said after he was finished with the root beer. "I would like to say, congratulations on getting your Cutie Marks. They look so awesome."

"Thanks." said the girls in unison.

"Yeah. That's really cool." Said Pip. He did not sound happy however, as a matter of fact, he sounded somewhat depressed in a matter.

The children noticed this, and Scootaloo asked "what' wrong, Pip?"

"Oh, nothing." Pip lied

"Aren't you happy we finally got our cutie marks?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, of course I am." Pip replied in a weak smile. His face turned into a frown in a brief moment. Hen added "it's just that..... Now I feel left out, and feel like an outsider. Now me and Rumble are the only foals without a cutie mark in class."

"Yeah. That's true." Said Rumble sadly.

"Oh come on, Rumble." Said Applebloom. It's not the end of the world. You'll both get your marks someday." Applebloom put her arm around him for comfort and gave him a sad smile, and Scootaloo vice versa for Rumble.

"Yeah, it just takes time." Said Sweetie Belle. "We can help you find your talents if you like?"

"Yeah, we are always there to help you." Scootaloo added. Giving Runble a gentle elbow jab.

Pip and Rumble started to feel much better. They realized that they were right. The crusaders had to take some time for the utie marks to appear on their flanks. Perhaps this will happen just the same. Not to mention that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are no longer mean and nasty to blank flanks, so that makes it even better.

"Yeah, you'll get your marks. I promise you will." Said Colin stepping in.

"Thanks guys." Said Pip

"Yeah, thanks." Rumble added.

"No problem, guys." Said Scootaloo with a wink.

After that little problem was taken care of, they all continued to be free in the party. "Hey, didn't you guys say that there is going to be a party after school?" Colin asked curiously

"Yep! Pinkie Pie, and the others are all probably setting up the decorations for us already." Said Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, it's going to be so fun." Scootaloo added.

Collin smiled. "Awesome." He said excitedly.

"You're going to come too, aren't you, Colin?" Asked Applebloom

"Yeah, of course I'll go. You guys are my friends, and I wouldn't miss it for the entire world."

"Oh come here, guys." Said Rumble. They all formed a group hug of friendship and care for support of one another, a friendship that would never die.

After they hugged, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stood up and said "Colin, I am so sorry if we were so mean to you, and that you ran away."

"Yeah. So am I. I am soooooo sorry." Silver Spoon added.

Colin smiled. "It's okay. I forgive you guys." Colin replied to them.

The two former bullies turned to the two male blank flanks, and Diamond said to both of them "Pip, Rumble, I am so sorry If we were really mean to you too."

"Don't worry about it. It was in the past." Rumble said

"Yeah, we both forgive you." Pip added. The four them hugged one another with Pip hugging Diamond, and Rumble hugging Silver.

"Pip." Cheerilee called. "Would you like to announce what game we should all play?"

"Sure. I'll be right over miss Cheerilee."

"Announcement?" Colin asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, didn't I?" Said Pip. "I'm the class president of the school."

"Really? That's cool." Said Colin in amazement.

The small colt went up to the pedestal and Cheerilee said "quiet class. Quiet. Pip has something to announce for all of us."

"Thank you ms Cheerilee. Everypony, I would like to say that it is time for us to play a game. A game of pin the tail on the pony."

The students cheered and lined up in front of the pony picture with Colin the last one in the very back while Cheerilee was in charge of spinning the students and planting the blindfold in their eyes so that they couldn't see.

Pip was the first one to go first and Cheerilee spun him around, making him a little dizzy. Despite his dizziness, Pip managed to put the pin on the picture, almost in the spot it should be.

"Oh, so close, Pip." Applebloom commented.

"Oh i don't care." Said Pip. "It's do much fun." Then he went to get himself some apple cider to drink at the snack table. The second one to go was Dinky, who pinned the tail farther than Pip's tail was, but like him, she didn't care of winning, she was in it for the fun of it. It carried on so on and so forth, and there wasn't any complaining from any of the children, even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were having fun pinning the tail. The last one to play was Twist, the curly-maned/tail earth filly with glasses and two candy canes for a Cutie Mark.

"Alright, everypony. Thank you so much for playing this fun activity." Cheerilee announced. "We'll play duck duck goose in half an hour, but till then, have fun with the party. If anypony needs some cake, please let me know."

They all continued to mingle at the party, and Cheerilee was in charge of cutting the cake for the school children as she had stated before.


When the final bell rang, all the children walked out of the school house, and Cheerilee watched them.

Before Colin went to Ponyville however, he walked up to Cheerilee and asked her "Are you coming to the party in town?"

"Of course sweetie." Cheerilee replied to him "I just need to lock the schoolhouse before I come to the party, i'll just meet you there and catch up, alright?"

"Okay. I understand." then Colin walked back with the crusaders, the two fillies that were no longer bullies, and his colt best friends to town. "So do you think this will be a neat party?" Colin asked his friends curiously

"Yeah totally!" Scootaloo answered. "Our sisters said that they would build the biggest party for us."

"I bet they are already done with it right now." said Sweetie Belle

"Not to mention Pinkie Pie is helping too. you know how much Pinkie can prepare parties." Sweetie added.

Colin laughed "True."

It wasn't an extremely long walk for Ponyville was just a little below the horizon. When they arrived in town, they noticed it was completely empty, or so it looks that way.

"Wait for it." said Sweetie Belle, knowing what is exactly going to happen

"SURPRISE!!" said a ton of voices.

All the children's faces smiled to see what this party was. There was a large banner that dropped down that said the same thing as the one in the schoolhouse said in the classroom.

All of the townsfolk were present on this very afternoon to celebrate the Crusaders getting their own marks.

"Hello, children." said Rarity, walking to the children with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, and some of their other friends with them. "We would like to say that we are so proud of you once again girls."

"Yeah. If mom and dad were here, Applebloom, they would be mighty proud of ya." Applejack added

"Pretty awesome cutie mark, squirt." Rainbow refereed to Scootaloo while giving her a gentle elbow bump on her arm.

"Thanks, guys." said Applebloom

"And hello Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, boys." Rarity said to the other kids.

"Hello." they all replied to her in return

"How was school, Colin?" asked Fluttershy

"It was great." the boy replied.

"Alright, y'all, let's get this party started." Applejack said

"You read my mind, AJ!" said Pinkie with excitement. She pulled out her party cannon and shot out stringers in a fun and cute explosion, then the party commenced. Everypony mingled, and then the sound of party music blared.

During fifteen minutes in the party, Colin looked around at who he should talk to first, and saw Spike mingling with the two best colt friends, so he decided to go talk with him first.

"Hey Spike." Colin said to him

The baby dragon looked back and replied "oh hey, Colin. How are you?"

"I'm fine. How's the party?"

"Amazing. Pinkie Pie never disappoints us when it comes to throwing parties."

"I know, right?" Then they both had a little laugh about that statement. "You know, Spike, I really love living in Equestria. It's so nice, and I have a new family. So many fun things to do in this world."

"That's good. I'm glad you came to Equestria too." Said Spike. "Everypony loves you, and think you are great, so do i."

Colin was touched. "Thanks Spike."

"No problem"

"So, how was being Twilight's assistant going lately?"

"Eh you know, always there to help her, clean the castle if needed, and some other chores." Spike replied, kind of being a little boastful

"I see. You take breaks and have fun too, do you?"

"Of course I do. I always have fun while working and when I am not working." Spike replied "I'm just happy to live with somepony like Twilight."

"Right. Well, I do miss Montana. I just hope that my family and friends back home know I am alright." He started to sound a little sad and sentimental again."

"Aw, don't worry, Colin. They will be alright." Spike said in a comforting voice while placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. He smiled at Colin in reassurance and the boy smiled back at the baby dragon.

"Yeah you're right." Colin said. "Well, have you been trying to get Rarity to be your girlfriend?"

"Eh, I wish." Spike replied. "I really wish we can just be one together and spend the rest of eternity in a married life together, and live in a small house in a pasture. Just the two of us."

"That sounds nice." Said Colin.

"Yeah. But.... I don't think it will work out between us anyway. We are different species and it would defy many laws of nature."

"Don't be sad." Colin placed his own comforting hand on Spike's shoulder this time. "You'll find someone special someday. It just takes time."

"He's right." Said Rumble. "You just need to keep looking for that special somepony in your life, well some dragon I mean."

"Thanks guys." Spike said.

"You're welcome." Said Colin. He and Spike hugged eachother like brothers, and patted each other's backs like a pair of brothers would do.

"Well, I might as well go talk with some other ponies at the party." Colin said after he and the baby dragon broke their hug.

"Okay. Enjoy the party." Said Spike

Colin looked around of what he should do next in this afternoon party. He saw that some of his closest friends were already busy and having a good laugh with many random townsfolk and felt he he shouldn't bother them. However, he heard a stallion's voice call his name "hey, Colin!" It called

The human child look to his left side, and saw Thunderlane, Rumble's older brother. On both his sides were Cloudchaser and Flitter, the two babysitters for both Colin and Rumble. They all had smiles on their faces.

"Hey little buddy." said Thunderlane in a gentle voice. "Haven't seem you in a little while. How have you been?"

"Very good, Thunderlane." Colin replied politely with a smile. "What about you?"

"Doing awesome, thank you."

"What can I help you with?" Colin asked curiously

"Well, I just thought that I haven't talked to you in a while, and I thought we should see eachother again." Thunderlane replied

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Cloudchaser said to him jokingly

"Oh, right. Cloudchaser and Flitter asked me if I wanted to hang out with you, I would be more than happy to do some fun activities, and maybe my little bro can come too. Fitter told me about you guys in the zoo, and I would be delighted if you guys would take me there, and Rumble too. Maybe even the arcade, or get some ice cream, or go swimming in the lake."

"Really? Would you like to hang out with me if I wanted to do something with you?" Colin asked with a big smile

"Of course." Thunderlane gave him a gentle noogie on his head, making him laugh playfully. "I wouldn't want to miss hanging out with you for anything if you wanted me to be with you for anything fun."

"Wait, don't you work at the cloud factory?" Colin asked, remembering what Thunderlane did for his job.

"Oh yeah. I do. Don't worry, though. We can still have great fun on the weekends if you want to." Thunderlane said. If Cloudchaser and Flitter are foal sitting you again, and if you want me to come over when I am not working, I would love to come over to the cottage."

"Thank you, Thunderlane." Said Colin.

"Anytime, Colin. Anytime." Said Thunderlane. "Oh, and Cloudchaser and Flitter told me you have an older brother that likes rock and metal. Is it true?"

"Yep, hides name is Johnny and he is really awesome. He can play a guitar and play really cool solos." Colin replied. "He got me hooked up on Rock, metal, and other music like that. I really like it a lot."

"That's so cool." Said Thubderlane in amazement. "I love rock and metal too."


"Well, I should probably go to Rumble and see if he needs anything from me."

"Same here with us." Flitter added

"Enjoy the party." Said Colin

"You too." Thunderlane replied to him with a wink before he walked on. Colin was happy that Thunderlane would play with him or hang with him in fun activities to do when there are right days to do them all.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo, was looking at Colin. Staring at him was more like it. She couldn't help but notice a feeling about Colin. She couldn't really describe it, but it was a rather.... Fuzzy feeling to put it lightly

"Hey Scoot, you alright?" Said Applebloom

"What what? Oh, yeah, it's all cool." Scootaloo replied

"You were looking at Colin about something," said Sweetie Belle. "Is there something you want to talk to him about? And- ohhhhh." Now Sweetie thinks she knows what is going on. "I see what's going on in here."

"Yeah. So do I" Applebloom added, realizing what was happening also. They all had peculiar smiles on their faces.

"What?" Scootaloo blushed "I don't know what you mean."

"You like Colin, don't you, Scootaloo?" Said Sweetie Belle in a slurry voice.

"Well yeah. I do like him. H is a really good friend to me." Scootaloo said

"Oh I think you like him more than that," said Applebloom.

"Oh shut up." Said Scootaloo a little embarrassed.

"We're just teasing you, Scootaloo." Said Applebloom

"Yeah, don't be mad." Said Sweetie Belle

"Just go talk to him."

"Well, I don't know. I want him to enjoy the party. Besides there is plenty of cake to eat for us." She went over to the table and got herself some cake with a little help from Fluttershy.

"Here you go, Scootaloo." Fluttershy said "enjoy the cake."

"Thanks." Fluttershy." Scootaloo went over to a small table and are her small cake. She could not fight the feeling that she had within her, but decided that it was just a temporary setback and maybe it will go away. For now, she just needed to enjoy the party, and be happy that she and her two friends got their cutie marks.