• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,488 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

  • ...

New School Year

It was the next morning when Colin was still asleep. He felt something gently rocking him.

"Colin, sweetie. Wake up, it's time for school." said a voice. It was Fluttershy, in her usual sweet and soft voice.

Colin sighed a few times and he slowly woke up. He looked at Fluttershy with a smile on her face. He smiled to see the face of his new mother. "Good morning, mom." he said with a yawn.

"Good morning, sweetie." Fluttershy replied cheerfully.

"I'm I late?" said Colin, a little worried.

Fluttershy giggled and said "Of course not, Collin. I woke you up just in time."

Colin smiled with relief. "Is there still time for me to take a shower?" he asked in his innocent voice.

"Of course there is sweetie." Fluttershy replied. "I'll prepare you breakfast."

Colin got out of bed, and went into Fluttershy's bathroom, undid his clothes, and turned the water on so that he would clean himself with it along with the soap and shampoo. He was a little excited, but he still had some butterflies in his small stomach. While he was washing himself he thought "What will the other kids think of me? Will everyone like me?"

When he got out, he was looking for one of his clothes, a d found him in the nightstand next to his new bed. He put them on, and went downstairs. All the animal friends were watching him with smiles as he was walking down.

"Good morning, everyone." Colin said happily to them while waving at them.

All the animals made sounds that sounded like they were saying hello to him back. Colin stopped his waving and made it all of the way down. He saw a regular omelette on the table, that was nice and warm.

"Here you go, sweetie." Said Fluttershy, sliding Colin's plate for him to eat. Colin slowly ate the omelette, and wiped his face with the napkin next to the plate. "How was your breakfast?" Fluttershy asked him.

"It was delicious." Colin replied.

Fluttershy smiled at him. "Good."

"Umm, mom?" Said Colin in a timid voice.

"Yes? What's wrong, Colin?" Said Fluttershy, a little concerned about how he was with that tone of voice,

"Do you... Do you think I... I will get along with the other kids at school? And... What will the teacher think of me?" Said Colin with a little butterflies in his stomach.

"Oh, sweetie. Everypony will love you. Their teacher, miss Cheerilee is a very nice. kind, and sweet school teacher."

Colin started to become a little more relaxed, for he noticed that Fluttershy wasn't lying to him.

"And besides, you will have Scootaloo, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Pipsqueak to look after you, remember?" Fluttershy added.

"Oh yeah. I forgot." Said Colin, remembering that his new closest friends around his age will be there too. Hopefully, Fluttershy will be right about this... Cheerilee. He still had some uncertainty in him, and looked a little doubtful.

"Would you like me to take you there?" Fluttershy offered.

The boy thought of it, and replied "yeah. Please."

"No problem, sweetie." Fluttershy kindly. "I will be more than happy to take you there."

Colin was so lucky to have a new mother to take care of him. Of course, no one could ever replace his real mother, but Fluttershy was just as kind as she was. "Thanks Mom." Colin replied.

"You're welcome, Colin." she replied.

The boy then turned to his new animals friends, and he said to them "I'll see you after school, okay guys?"

All the animals said their "goodbyes", and "See you after school" to Colin, and he got on Fluttershy's back, then she went out the front door, and walked to the schoolhouse.


The path to the school was very peaceful. Many orange leaves were falling from the trees. This must mean the Fall is also in Equestria and not just in Colin's homeland. He wondered if there was such things as holidays like Christmas or Halloween in Equeastria too, or any special events that are kind of like the ones in his homeworld. "You have fall too?" said Colin

"Oh yes, we also have spring, summer, and Winter in Equestria." Fluttershy answered. "When Spring comes, there is an event called 'Winter Wrap Up' day."

"What's... Winter Wrap Up?" Colin asked curiously. That event was not one of those common holidays back home in Montana.

"Well, it's when in the last day of Winter, we clean up all the snow off the ground, wake up all the animals hibernating through the winter, and help bring the birds that flew south, fly back here." Fluttershy answered.

"That sounds cool." Colin said, intrigued to here about this "Winter Wrap Up." day. After a small walk, They both heard a ringing of two school bells. That must have meant that Colin was there at last.

"Well, here we are." said Fluttershy, walking in front of the school entrance. "Okay, sweetie. You can go now."

Colin gulped a little, and he slowly dismounted off of Fluttershy. "I'll... I'll see you later, mom." he said a little nervous. He felt Fluttershy gently hugging him.

"Don't worry, sweetie." she said. "It'll be great. I promise, and if you have a problem, you can always talk to miss Cheerilee, me, or any other of my friends."

Colin felt a little more comfortable, and said "Okay."

"Oh, hello, Fluttershy." said a voice. It was a purple earth mare with a pink mane, and three smiling faces as her cutie mark. "Is this the new student?"

Colin timidly hid behind Fluttershy as the mare looked at him.

"Oh yes, Cheerilee." Fluttershy replied to her. "Colin, this is Cheerilee." she said to the boy. "The school teacher here.

"Hello there." Cheerilee politely said to the boy. "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." she stretched her hood so that she can hold his hand.

"I'll see you after school, sweetie." Fluttershy said.

"Okay... bye mom." said Colin as he slowly walked to Cheerilee as he saw her sweet smiling face.

"Have a good first day, sweetie." said Fluttershy before heading back to her cottage. With that, Colin was on his own at the first day at school, or at least, the crusaders and Pipsqueak will be there hopefully.

"So, your name is Colin, correct?" said Cheerilee with a smile.

"Y...yeah. That's me." the boy replied timidly.

"Well nice to meet you, sweetie, My name is Miss Cheerilee, your new teacher, and I promise you that you have nothing to worry about, and everything will be just fine." Cheerilee gave him a soft rub behind his back to make him more relaxed.

The boy smiled and said "It's nice to meet you too... miss Cheerilee."

The teacher smiled warmly at him. "Come along, sweetie." she said as Colin held her hoof. Cheerilee sounded like a very nice and gentle teacher, for Fluttershy was right about her after all. Hopefully, all the students in her classroom will be nice to him too. The two walked to the main building. Cheerilee opened the door, and showed him the classroom. "Sorry I took a little long, class." she announced.

Many kids looked at him like he was a different type of species of animal that they had ever seen before. Many would recognize him, and a few didn't know what to think. their was Scootaloo, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Pipsqueak sitting at their desks, like Fluttershy predicted. The four waved to him happily.

"We have a new student here." the teacher continued. She walked to her desk, and sat. "Can you introduce us to yourself, sweetie?" she asked him softly.

Colin slowly walked in front of the classroom, and said "Hello. My name is..." He gulped before he finished "Colin Fraser."

"He's not really a pony, but he is a real sweetheart once you get to know him." Cheerilee said.

"Hi Colin." said almost all the children.

It turns out they all had a very good view of Colin, well, all except for two little fillies. "Okay, Colin." said Cheerilee. "Please take your seat." The boy then saw a sea that was right behind Scootaloo, and in front of Sweetie Belle, left of Applebloom, and right of Pipsqueak. With these four, he felt really more comfortable about this.

However, there were two little fillies that seem to have already have the evil eye on the poor child.

When recess came, All the kids went out to play in the schoolyard's playground. Everypony was playing in the jungle gym, the swings, or their other games like hopscotch, kickball, monkey in the middle, etc... As for Colin, he was just sitting on a swing for a little while. He then felt two soft hooves gently pressing against his back. He looked back and he saw Scootaloo with a smile.

"Would you like me to push you, buddy?" she asked.

"Yeah. I don't mind." Colin replied. "But... not to hard, okay?"

"Aw, don't worry." said Scootaloo. "I will be gentle as possible."

Just like that, she gave Colin a gentle push, and he swung into the air. Colin began to laugh and be a little more comfortable. "Higher!" Colin said a little more excited.

Scootaloo laughed with him and did what he asked, pushing him just a little bit harder, and they were both having a good time.

Meanwhile, Two fillies named Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon, the two fillies that already hated Colin with a passion, were just talking to themselves as they were watching the boy swing.

"Can you like, believe that little twerp just stole my spotlight?" said Diamond snobbishly. "First the white gorilla comes to Equestria from another world, then he has a gigantic party that got a lot more attention from me, and even though he's not a pony, everypony likes him?" Luckily for them, their was nopony around to hear their little "Hate Conversation"

"Like, I hear you, Diamond." said Silver Spoon. "What should we do with him?"

Diamond thought of a plan, and a very evil Grinch-like smile came on her face. "I've been thinking, but for now, let him has his little fun with the blank flanks out here." She whispered into Silver Spoon's ear, and a Grinch-like smile appeared on her face now.

"Oh, That is a good idea." said Silver Spoon, then she and her best friend laughed evilly.

Meanwhile, Colin decided to have enough, and told Scootaloo to stop. "I think I'm done." said Collin.

Scootaloo stopped her pushing and Colin got off the swing. "Was that fun?" she asked him

"Yep." Colin replied. "Thanks."

"Ah, don't mention it." said Scootaloo giving Colin a gentle punch with a wink. "So what would you like to do now, Colin?"

Colin thought of it for a moment, and then he saw the girls, and Pip passing a ball back and forth like a square or a circle. "Let's see what Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Pip are doing."

"Okay, let's go." said Scootaloo.

"Wait!" Called a voice. A pegasus colt ran up to to the two as they were going to play with the others. The colt had a gray coat, along with a black mane and tail. Like the crusaders and Pipsqurak, he also didn't have a cutie mark on his flanks.

"Oh, hello Rumble." Said Scootaloo. That name just hit Rumble as he remembered Cloudchaser and Flitter mentioning his name just two days ago. "What's up?"

"Well, I noticed that Collin wasn't a pony and miss Cheerilee said that he is a nice guy, I might as well get to know him." Rumble answered. He turned back to Collin, and said "Sorry if I kinda startle you. I just wanted to meet you and get to know you."

"It's okay." Said Colin. "So, your name's Rumble?"

"Yep. And you're Colin?" The pegasus colt asked.

"That's my name." Colin answered. He, Rumble, and Scootaloo laughed together, and the boy then said "would you... Like to come play with me, the crusaders and Pip?"

"Yeah, I would love too." Rumble replied with a smile. Now he joined with the two, and they all played catch with Pip and the other crusaders.

after they were finished, they all took a break, and Colin said "I need to drink from the water fountain, I'll be right back." He went to the water fountain, and when he was going back to the game, felt felt something trip him, and he slipped onto the grass with a small thud. Pip, the girls, and Rumble saw this an they all went to his aid.

"Colin, are you alright?" Pip exclaimed

"Are you injured?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"No." Colin replied, wagging his head to relieve the dizziness "I'm fine."

"Well, well, well." Said a voice. "If it isn't like the new school celebrity." It was Diamond Tiara, and her friend Silver Spoon.

Colin's friends glared at her with anger, and Colin himself was a little terrified, and even to scared like someone like her mighty do.

"What do you snobs want?" Sweetie said begrudgingly.

"Oh nothing really." Silver Spoon said sarcastically.

"Except we wanted to show Colin here how things work around here." Diamond added.

"What... What do you mean?" Colin said a little worried that something terrible is going to happen to him anytime.

Diamond Tiara then pressed her face to Colin's face, and said "Listen, runt. You think you can just come here and steal MY spotlight? Do ya?"

Colin was. Little speechless and he said "well, um... No... I didn't mean to-"

"And do you think that you can just come into this world from another dimension and be adopted as part of this... Family that I heard about?" Diamond rudely continued.

"Hey I... I didn't chose to come here." Said Colin, trying to stand up for himself.

"Right, so how can you even think that everypony loves you because you're not a pony?" Diamond cruelly said

Those words really hit Colin.

"You leave him alone!" Said Pip. "Colin is cool."

"Yeah, so get lost you bullies!" Said Applebloom.

"Very well. Diamond said, and she and Silver Spoon then said "blank flanks" in unison they both laughed evilly, and walked away. Colin's friends continued to give them dirty looks. After that was over, they all turned their attention back to the boy.

"You alright, Colin?" Sweetie Belle asked him

"Yeah I'm... I'm fine." The boy replied. "Who were they?"

"That was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon." Sweetie Belle answered.

"They are just rotten mean girls that are so full of themselves that they think they are above everypony else." Scootaloo added.

"Don't worry about them thought." Said Pip. "They pick on everyone here."

"Yeah, they bother us all the time, and they call us blank flanks because we don't have our cutie ,arks yet." Rumble added.

Those words really hit Colin, for he questioned if those words were true, like does she really mean that about his new family?

"Let"s continue our game" Scootaloo suggested. "Let's just forget about them. The other children agreed with her and resumed their game.

That afternoon, the last bell of the day rang. Everypony went back home. Colin was about to exit the door when Cheerilee stopped him. "Colin, can I talk to you?" She said.

"Am I in trouble?" Colin asked a little worried.

"Oh no, no, you're not in trouble sweetie." Cheerilee replied. "I just want to talk." Colin looked at the crusaders, for they were going to take him home back to Fluttershy.

"We'll wait for you Colin." Said Scootaloo.

Colin smiled and turned his attention back to Cheerilee. He said on a chair next to her and waited for a response from her.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" Cheerilee asked.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Colin asked.

"Well, I kind of noticed you... Daydreaming about something. Is there something you want to talk to me about?" Cheerilee asked.

Colin didn't want to bring up What Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon brought up, for he worried that they might do something really terrible to him if he ratted them out to Cheerilee. So, his response was "No... No, nothing is wrong."

"Are you sure?" Cheerilee asked.

"I promise."

"You know that you can talk to me about anything is something is troubling you, right?" Cheerilee said

"I know."

"Okay. You can go now." Said Cheerilee. The boy happily walked out and went not the wagon with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. Scootaloo was going to drive it with her scooter, and take Colin back home.

Author's Note:

Sounds like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon need to be punished.