• Published 24th Jun 2014
  • 1,498 Views, 76 Comments

Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.4: The Final Showdown of Trahzo & Deezutra. - trahzo

The 4th and probably final volume of The Pimp Spike's Swag series.

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Ch.16: Spike's Vet.

"Here I go!"

"Let's do this!"

Then Black Kirin & Panzer used their techniques. 1st Panzer sent Veetrix flying with a Falcon Punch, then Black Kirin sent him flying with the Super Jump Punch! Then began shooting at him with Golden revolvers, that's when Veetrix used the Bowser Bomber!

"Hey, that's Bowser's move! How'd you know learn that?"

"I don't know, a pain in my head had me learn it! Now, take this!" Then he fired a net at Panzer, but Panzer dodged!

"Do you think something's wrong Black Kirin?"

"Yeah, there's something different about Veetrix, but we can't let that bother us right now!"

"Aaah! The pain in my head has come back!"

"Now's our chance, he's open!"


"Next is... Mane Goodall! Oh she's the vet from Secret of my Excess! Begin."

"Hello Mane Goodall!"

"Ah, hey there Princess Twilight, and Helllllloooo Spike! *Giggle!* "

"Yeah, Spike feels sick, and I'm not sure what's wrong, so seeing that you learned about dragons from your expedition with Zecora, makes me think that you may know something about what's wrong with Spike."

Then Spike shot a naughty grin at Mane Goodall, and she returned it.

"I'm afraid that you may have to go outside while I give Spike a check-up."

"Okay, be safe Spike." Then she left the room, then Mane Goodall locked it.

"Good, now Spike honey, get on the counter."

"Yes Doctor." Spike got on top of the counter, and both shot naughty grins at each other.

"Let's see if there's anything wrong with your mouth. Turn and cough!"

He turned his head and coughed, then Mane Goodall licked his cheek.

"Good, now let's see inside your mouth! Say ah."

"Ah!" Then they began frenching each other while feeling-up their backs. Spike's hands then decided to let him travel farther to her flank. Mane Goodall & Spike explored each other thoroughly and then fought for dominance until they both began losing breath and broke apart.

" *pan!* *pan!* Alright, next I'm gonna have to check your temperature, lift your chin." Spike did as she commanded, and then she gave him a hickey! Then Spike returned it with a tiger kiss.

"Now, let's listen to that heartbeat."

Yeah, this part is not kinky, so shut-up!

"Let's see your motor skills." Then she go on his knees, and began grinding Spike's knees against her...cat, if you know what I mean. "Mmmph, thick and scaley, your reaction movements are normal. Now, let's see how your reproductive organs work."

Hours later, the door opened with both Spike & Mane Goodall looking real sweaty.

'Oh Spike! What is it doc? Is something wrong with him?"

"Can't say for certain, you may want to have him come over tomorrow, don't worry, this will all be free of charge!"

"Oh thank you doc, let's go home Spike...hey why do you smell funny?'

"No reason."

"(I'll be seeing you tomorrow stud!)" Mane Goodall thought while heading back to her office.

"Wow, too intense, just look everyone here is breathing heavily."

"Trixie, think you can do this without your co-hosts?" Asked Igneous.



"Oh, I see! Go-on ahead."

"Thanks Trix, now let's go honey!"

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Then they rushed to their rooms!

"Oh my Celestia, I can here the clopping of the pie sisters, and the sounds of Igneous making passionate love to Cloudy! I'll just wait for the Meanwhile, then go give myself a hot shower."



"What's wrong with this guy?"


"Where's that maniacal laughter coming from?" Asked Fatboi.

"Look!" Black Kirin pointed out!

"Hello, I'm the Master Hand!"

"And I'm the Crazy Hand!"

"We have taken this man over because we love making people suffer, which is what we're going to do to you 5!" They said in unison.

"Master, you take that side, and I'll take this side!"

"Very well then Crazy!"

"Guys! If you free me! Then I'll back off!"

"Ooh, he has some free will left!"

"Crazy, let's crush that last bit of free will!"

"Splendid idea!" Then with 2 snaps!

"Are you all ready to do this?" Asked Panzer

"Yeah!" They all replied.

"Kill them our fighting Polygon team!"

"You 2 Metal Mario! Go get them!"