• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,413 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

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Chapter 10: What is the ‘Elite Four’

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony
Pre-Reader: Dragaen

Chapter 10: What is the ‘Elite Four’

Today was looking up. Flubber found his way to me. I was no longer stuck in the hospital. I still didn’t know what I was going to do today, but that didn’t matter. Today was just too good to get me down. I even had a chip in my step, which was kind of odd for me. Normally I liked to keep myself calm and collected. Not happy go lucky and all that…

As we stepped out of the room, Lex stood there panting. He looked as if he ran a mile. “There… you… are… Snow…” He said. “I’ve been… looking everywhere… for you…” He took a deep breath. “Now where’s Flubber?”

Snow just smiled at him as we waited for it to click in. He looked up to me. Then at Snow. Then he blinked at looked at me again. It took a moment of staring at me before it clicked in his head. “Wait a sec... John? How the hell are you up?” Snow then started to roll around on the floor laughing.

“He put his nose to the grindstone, and after ten long hours of concentration he managed to force out the wounds that have haunted him so!” Volt stated. We all just stared at him for a moment.

“Yeah… so, what happened? How are you up and about?” Lex asked again.

“Flubber transformed into Chansey and used Healing Pulse.” I informed him.

“He can do that?”

“I liked my way better…” Volt silently whispered. I glanced over at Volt, and scratched his head.

“Anyways, want to come with us to breakfast? I’m going to grab Volt something small to eat, then it would be best to inform Princess Cadence about my sudden recovery.”

Lex just stared at me. “I just ran here from the cafeteria.” He deadpanned.

“Sorry about that.” Snow apologised.

“At least John’s alright, right?” Holly offered. Lex nodded to this.

“Oh, do you know where Eclipse is, by chance?” I asked.

“Probably with Shining Armor. Like you originally suggested to help his guards to train to fight Pokémon if the need ever arises, he’s probably in their training hall or something helping them fight,” Lex explained. “And before you ask, since I know you will, some of the more trustworthy guards are protecting the Gengar.”

“Oh, that reminds me,” I cut in. “There’s a Ghost-type Pokémon wandering around that knows the Gengar. She’s a Mismagius, and is accompanied by another Gengar. I’m hoping to find them sometime today so that Princess Cadence, and more importantly, Shining Armor and his Guards know that she’s out and about.”

“...is that who you were talking to the other day?” Holly asked.

“Yes, her name was Agatha.”

“Oh, good… So she’s around here somewhere?” I nodded. “And, she’s real?” I nodded, though I looked a bit confused. “Good… good. Um, at the time, I might have thought you had a concussion…”

“Nope, that Agatha lady came and talked to John last night. She was all floaty and what not,” Volt stated. I thought he was asleep! “She seemed pretty mad about something, and it looked like she was going to attack John, but I was there so he would have been fine. Lex has been telling me how to do super damage with my shock!”

I was staring at Volt. I would like to think that I was a sharp individual, and I thought he was asleep, but somehow he was awake through my little chat the day before. I then noticed that all eyes were on me.


“Is there something wrong with my face?” I placed my hand on my face for a moment. No… everything was still there. “Did Flubber change into a tutu?” I glanced down at myself. No… that was not it either.

“Okay John, first off, we’re not looking at you, and second, that is hilarious.” Snow informed me.

Turning around, I glanced up to see Agatha, or at least, her head. She was upside down, with only her head popping out of the ceiling. She was giving me a look of confusion, as if she herself got hit by Confusion. And I knew exactly why she looked this way.

“Oh, hello Agatha. We were just talking about you,” I started. “Everyone, this is Agatha, like I said before. Agatha this is; Holly Heart, Volt, Snow and Lex,” I pointed at each of them as I went down the list. “And as for yourself, I take it that you are surprised to see me running around?”

“Of course I am,” She started, floating herself down in eye level, still upside down though. “Last night you looked as if you were practically on your death bed, but it seems you’re a tough one. Now how did you heal so fast..?”

“Did I forget to mention Flubber?” I asked. On cue, Flubber started to mold himself back into a Ditto and plant himself firmly on my shoulder. The one that was not occupied by Volt that is.

“Oh a Ditto… Um, that doesn’t explain how you are healed, young man.”

“Flubber, would you mind showing Agatha how you healed me?”

Flubber nodded, then jumped off of me, only to change into a Chansey. Agatha’s eyes widened in surprise, having never seen a Ditto that could transform without its intended form in sight.

“My, that is certainly interesting. I didn’t know Ditto were able to transform from just memory,” Agatha blinked.

“Yeah, well Flubber isn’t exactly your normal Ditto. He always liked transforming just for the fun of it, and we just took it a step further,” John nodded.

“Agatha...Agatha...You know, the name sounds familiar…” Lex mused, wondering where he had heard her name before.

“I would hope so. After all, even if I’m retired, I was once one of the Kanto Elite Four,” Agatha smiled. While she wasn’t a particularly proud person, one thing she did take pride in was her reputation as a member of the Elite Four.

“Elite Four? What...who are the Elite Four?” Holly asked, as she didn’t understand the term at all...aside from its literal meaning, which sounded like a very prestigious position.

“About that. I want to introduce Agatha to the Princess and the other Ponies so she doesn’t have to keep disappearing. How about we find Eclipse, then find Princess Cadence, then I’ll explain about our old world a bit more when everyone is here.”

“To the cafeteria!” Volt excitedly said while holding up a stick… We all just stared at Volt again. Where is he keeping these things? First it was a camera, now a stick? He’s the size of my fist, so where does he hide these things?


We started to walk down the many halls of the Crystal Castle. As we did, we passed very few ponies. Most of them being guards, a maid, and even an odd looking mail mare who looked lost. Out of all of them only the guards seemed to react to my presence. Most of them knew that I was injured, and though I did not recognize them, they knew who I was. They were worried about me, and even asked me if I was doing well. I told them all that I was fine now, and that they shouldn’t worry too much.

Oh, and let’s not forget to mention that one of the guards freaked out when they saw Agatha. She screamed something about ghost’s then ran off. I have to say it was rather entertaining seeing that mare run for her life. I felt sorry for her, but still.

It was then that the cafeteria was in sight. It was still early enough in the day that some ponies still wonders it’s halls, but late enough so that it wasn’t packed. Out of all the guards, the only ones to see me were the two standing at the door. Their eyes widened as I approached. I lifted a finger to my lips to tell them to be quite. They nodded, and I slowly walked in.

Some eyes looked over to me. It was good to see that I made an impression on the guards, but seeing them go dumbstruck at me was kind of getting… well funny. Everyone that saw me was surprised. Clearing my throat, I took in a deep breath. “Good Morning, Everyone!” I called out.

I was given the reaction that I was hoping for. All eyes dashed to me when I called out, then the looks on their face’s brought a smile to my face. No one in the room spoke. Snow silently laughing on the floor, before taking a deep breath and said. “Oh Arceus, you all look like you’d just seen a ghost!”

“Um, considering that there's a ghost right next to us, it’s kind of given that they would look like that,” Lex pointed out.

“John,” I turned my head to the right and saw Shining Armor sitting at a table with some guards. He too was surprised. “Would you like to tell me how, and why, you are walking around?”

“Well Shining Armor,” I turned to show him my stimic. “As you can see, I am fully healed up and ready to go,”

His eyebrows raised as he saw my massive scar. “How…?”

“Flubber, that pink Pokémon blob, healed me,” I explained. “Now if you’ll excuse me, Volt is kind of hungry,” I then started my way over to the rather good looking piles of food.

“Um, John. Who’s that with you?” I glanced at Shining, then over to Agatha.

“Shining Armor this is Agatha, Agatha this is Shining Armor. Now can I please get food!” Volt yelled out.

“He can’t understand you, Volt,” I smiled as the little monster facepalmed.. “Anyways Shining Armor, this is Agatha. Agatha, this is Shining Armor,” I then grabbed Volt, and stepped over to Snow. “Snow, can you please help him get something to eat before he goes and jacks someone’s food?”

“Oh, do I have too?” She pouted.

“Yes, now do it.”

I watched as Snow took Volt to get something for him to eat. As they walked off, Shining Armor had stood up and strolled over to me. He still looked surprised, but had gathered himself so that he looked composed in front of his guards.

“It is nice to meet you, Agatha,” Shining Armor started. “Allow me to fully introduce myself. I am Shining Armor. Head of the Crystal Guard, and husband to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and co-ruler of the Crystal Empire.” With that Agatha’s eyes widened.

“Well then, if I knew I was going to meet with royalty today, then I would have done my hair,” Her joke flew over Shining Armor’s head, but I could not help but smile. “Now, allow me to introduce myself. I am Agatha. A former member of the Elite Four of the Kanto Region, and Ghost-type Pokémon Master!”

“Elite Four? What’s that?” Shining Armor asked.

Before they could get into a heated discussion however, I cut in so that we would only have to explain it once. “Let’s wait for Princess Cadence before we explain that,”

“No time to waste then,” Shining Armor said. “And John, seeing as you are up and about, I have some things I would like you to take a look at.”

“Alright, you can tell me that another time. For now, Lex, can you stay with Snow and let her know where we’re going?” I asked.

“Yeah… wait, where are you going again?” He asked.

“Court room,” Shining told us. “Princess Cadence spends most of her time there, seeing as how she has to keep an eye on the nobles.”

“Right… court room. Thanks,” Lex said, before strolling off to Snow.


I would have to say that this was the third time I had been standing before the courtroom. Unlike before, there were only a handful of nobles, and some new ponies in the crowd. As before, I waited for my cue to enter, as Shining Armor strolled in to inform Cadence about my recovery. Standing to my side was Holly. She had been quiet for the most part, and I noticed that when she and I were alone she would talk more.

Princess Cadence then took a quick glanced over in my direction, before turning to Shining. She then did a double take, and her mouth dropped open. Shining then laughed, telling her something I couldn't quite make out. I assumed it was something inappropriate because she smacked him lightly. I raised an eyebrow at the two, before they both strolled over to me.

“Good to see you are well, John,” Princess Cadence started. “Though… Shining didn’t really tell me how you were healed. Mind explaining?”

“Flubber, that pink Pokémon that drank your coffee, also known as a Ditto, transformed into a healing Pokémon and healed me,” I explained as simply as I could.

“...I take it I can’t be mad at him for drinking my coffee then?” Shining then laughed at Princess Cadence’s joke. “I’m just glad you’re up John,” Then then added. “Now… Shining mentioned you had someone with you…”

“That would be me, Princess,” Agatha spoke up. “My name is Agatha, I am a human turned Pokémon, as well as a former member of the Kanto Elite Four,” Agatha proudly stated.

“It is nice to meet you Agatha. My name is Princess Cadence, and if nopony has said if before me, allow me to welcome you to the Crystal Empire. Now, I just have one question. What is the Kanto Elite Four?”

“Alright then. I’ll explain,” I said, to which they came closer. “Back on Earth, each region had a...class system for Trainers in the Pokémon League. At the very top of the Pokémon League of each region is the Champion, the strongest Trainer of that region, and ultimately the goal of most, if not all, aspiring Trainers. Now, to reach the Champion, you need to first win the League Tournament to get a shot at the Champion. Once you’ve done that, you can move on to the Pokémon League itself and the Champion that awaits at the end. But before you can formally challenge the Champion, a trainer must prove himself or herself ‘worthy’, by challenging and defeating the Elite Four first. Only then can a trainer earn the right to formally challenge the Champion for their title,” I explained. However, my explanation seemed to only gain blank looks as it seemed to fly way over their heads. Sighing a bit, I decided to use a different approach.

“Alright then...let’s say each Region is a...kingdom of its own, with the Champion as the king or queen of that region,” I started. This time they seemed to nod in understanding. “Now any aspiring trainer can challenge the Champion for their ‘crown’ if they prove themselves worthy as an ‘heir’ by winning the League tournament of that region which is held once a year,” I continued, to which they nodded again, though they seemed a bit...apprehensive. “Now, once a trainer wins the League Tournament, and they desire to challenge the Champion, they need to first defeat the Elite Four of that region, the...errr...Personal guards if you will, of the Champion or ‘king’, before they can challenge the Champion. If they do that and defeat the Champion, the challenger automatically becomes the new Champion...unless they decide to decline the title for whatever reason,” I finished.

Cadence and Shining Armor seemed to think about it for a moment, before they came to a conclusion. “So...basically Agatha is, or rather was, an elite guard or Knight for the ruler of this...Kanto Region, with her job being that she’d challenge potential heirs as a trial of sorts to decide whether or not they are worthy of even attempting to take the crown?” Shining deduced, before frowning. “Sounds like a pretty shaky system to me. How can you possibly maintain a stable political system if you award leadership to anyone who has the most power?”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at him missing the point, and it seemed Agatha agreed as she was chuckling too. “Well, I DID say that this was just an example. While being Champion IS an influential title/position, the Champion doesn’t actually rule over anything. Rather, it’s a goal that a lot of beginning trainers strive for. In fact, back when I first became a Trainer, I wanted to be a Champion as well… at least that was the case before I decided to become a Police Officer.”

“Is that so?” Agatha mused. “Well its a shame that you gave that dream up. I would have liked to have had a battle against you. I get the feeling you might have been able to give us a run for our money, though whether or not you’d be able to beat Red is another story. After all, ever since he took the title, there hasn’t been a single person, not even other Champions, who has managed to defeat him. I know, I challenged him a few times myself for the title.”

“Red? Who’s that?” Princess Cadence asked curiously, before adding, “And what do you mean you challenged him for his title? I thought you were supposed to be protecting him.”

Once again, we couldn’t help but chuckle at their misconception. “Oh no. Just because we’re Elite Four members, doesn’t mean we’re happy just staying in our position,” Agatha explained with a chuckle. “While the Elite Four are supposed to test a challenger’s worth, we’re still Trainers as well, and like any Trainer, we’re also allowed to challenge the Champion. So say I challenged the Champion and won, then automatically the title is transferred to me and I become the new Champion.”

“As for your question of who is Red, Red is the current Champion of Kanto,” I explained. “He’s also regarded as the strongest Trainer in the world, as he’s battled against other Champions as well, and he’s never once lost a match. I even had the fortune of meeting him once when I was taking down a Team Rocket base, and well… by that I mean he defeated every single Pokémon they had...by himself, while I went around handcuffing everyone. There had to be at least one-hundred Pokémon throughout that whole place. I was just glad I brought enough handcuffs for all of the trainers.”

“Is that so?” Agatha asked.

“He sounds rather experienced,” Shining Armor spoke. “I would hate to have to fight one of his Pokémon.” Shining stated, remembering how his fight with the Feraligatr didn’t go too well, and from what John had said, she was a wild Pokémon. If she had been a trained Pokémon, then he would have gotten really hurt.

“As you should,” Agatha frowned. “When I faced him, he only used one or two Pokémon at the time, yet he managed to take out all six of mine with them. Now while its a fact that my Ghost Pokémon are rather powerful, his are on a whole different level.”

“Speaking of Pokémon, how’s your Gengar doing?” I asked her.

“Sadly, he’s still asleep…” She answered.

“Wait,” Shining spoke up. “That Gengar… is… is... yours?!”

“Yes,’ She then looked saddened. “And I know that his fate is not your ponies fault. John told me that he was taken over when he attacked… We just wish he would start feeling better soon.”

“We…?” Holly Heart asked. “What do you mean by we?”

“Oh, well, I have two Gengars. One of whom is with me. Go ahead and show yourself, dear.” The second Gengar then showed himself. He was standing just to the right of Holly Heart.

Then the sudden appearance of a Gengar standing so close to Holly Heart, made the mare jump and scream. She literally jumped into my arms, her hooves wrapping around me. Her face was very close to mine. Her eyes were held shut, and I let out a sigh as I watched her. “Don’t worry Holly, he’s not going to attack,” I tried to comfort her. “Now if you would kindly let go of me, I could put you down.”

Before she could even comply to this, there was a flash of light. It came from Cadence, but she was not holding a camera. I then looked down to the ground to see Volt. He was sitting there smiling. A camera almost twice his size balanced on his back. “And that makes two!” He stated.

Looking down, Cadence smiled at Volt. “Good work Volt, that makes two pictures of the two of them!”

“S-sorry, John…” Holly whispered, before releasing me from her grasp. I then slowly placed her on the ground. Doing my best not to drop her, though I didn’t think that was going to happen. She was rather light.

“Anyways,” I said, as Holly Heart stood up next to me. She was looking rather bashful by the way. “Agatha here, as well as her Gengar, will probably be here until her other Gengar heals up…” I then noticed something, as I looked down at Volt. “Wait, where are Snow and Lex? Aren't you suppose to be with them?”

“Yep!” He answered. “But after I finished eating, they were having another staring contest or something, so I decided to just come here.”

We then heard the sound of a stallion running, and we watched as a Guard came running down the hallway. “Princess Cadence! Shining Armor! There’s an emergency!” He yelled, sounding rather frantic.

Taking action, Shining Armor turned to the stallion. “What is the emergency?!”

“There is a massive monster flying around the city, just outside the shield! It looks like it’s trying to find a way in!” He yelled out.

“Is it a dragon?!” Cadence gasped.

“No, it looks more like a bird, Ma’am! A massive black and red one!”

“It might be a Pokémon,” I cut in. “Shining Armor, you and I should head out to see what it is! Princess Cadence, you should stay inside where it’s safe! Same goes for you Holly Heart. I don’t want you to get hurt!”

Without another word, Shining Armor and I took off running. I didn’t really know where to go, but I just followed behind Shining as we ran. Behind us, I heard Holly call out. “Don’t get killed, John!”


I need a drink. I don’t know if Equus even had alcohol, but I would find a way to get a drink. Why? Simple. Yes, there was a Pokemon flying outside of the Shield. A large one. Shining Armor stood next me, and he too was taken back at the sight of the Pokemon, but it was because of different reasons. I knew who this Pokemon was, and he did not.

Ponies around the city already knew about this monstrosity outside of the shield. Almost all of them were now hiding in their homes, while others just ran around like headless chickens. Not knowing what to do. I would have joined them if I was not who I was today….

“It’s massive! Do most Pokémon get that big?” He asked.

“No… This… this is a special case…”

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“Shining Armor, do NOT let any other pony interfere, or even come near this Pokémon…” I stammered. “We… we have to play this right, have to see what he wants and give it to him...or we are all dead.”

Shining’s eyes widened. “What?!” The look of fear that my words brought upon Shining Armor was understandable.

“This Pokémon is… This Pokémon is…” It was hard to get the words out, for I never once imagined I would have to deal with a situation like this in my life. “This is Yveltal… The Legendary Pokémon of Destruction, and the incarnation of Death…”

Author's Note:

And so the call for help has been answered. Also, thank Zeus and TDN for speeding me along with this chapter. They really wanted this chapter out, and so I did my best to make that happen.
Don't expect the next one to be out this week though....

Zeus- And so Arceus’ ‘help’ is revealed, can’t wait to see how the rest of this folds out, great work as always Bubba
TDN- ...whelp, Sombra is officially SCREWED.

Like Always, like my story if you liked it. It really helps me in the long run.