• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 43: Storm Remembers, Silver's Personal Training, and Misty Fly fixes EVERYTHING

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind
Chapter 43:

“Everypony up! EVERYPONY UP! Drop your cocks and grab your socks… if you have one!” Silver’s voice shook Dash and the recruits awake as he began tapping something repeatedly against the floor.

Dash sat up in bed, but was surprised when Silver didn’t give the order to stand attention. He was tapping the butt end of a mop against the floor to generate the endless rapping noise.

“Come on! Get up! Today’s not a training day, but you’ve got a sleep schedule to keep! Waking up at the same time every day will keep you alert and ready for anything!” he instantly eyed a recruit starting to lie back down in his bed. It was the first bed on the left side and really close to the wall. Silver picked up the mop, twirled it around once in his hoof, locked on target, and fired it like a javelin towards the bed. Right as the stallion’s head hit the pillow, the mop passed over his nose by only an inch at best and the butt of the mop lodged into the wall.

“AH!” the stallion yelped as his eyes widened at the mop wobbled above him. Silver stomped over to the stallion and glared down at him.

SLEEP. SCHEDULE. SON,” he reached up and dislodged the mop from the wall. “Don’t make me get my clown wig out for you tonight,” he threatened before turning back to the rest of the recruits. They were all now wide awake and listening. “Today… is the third day in our regular recruit training cycle! Every third day of the cycle is classified as a ‘Free Day!’ Don’t you all go and start smiling at me like I’m looking to screw! Free days don’t mean you get to slack off!”

He held up the mop and swung it around in the air.

“First! Every free day morning, I will assign a few of you asswipes to clean our barracks! I will also come around and inspect your bunk spaces and footlockers! Don’t let certain elite Wonderbolt idiots, such as the member of the Streak family that was shot out of his mother like a cannon rather than born normally like his brother, make you think being disorganized is okay! Organization and cleanliness are important life factors as well as Wonderbolt factors… you WILL keep your shit together!” He tossed the mop at the stallion he had just scared half to death. “You’re the lucky first mopper! I assure you that you did nothing to make me choose you!” Silver said sarcastically. He turned back to all of them.

“You will also be expected to get in your own training sessions to work on any personal skills or anything else you need to work on! Wonderbolts become well known for their signature moves! This is the time to work on them! Just don’t get in the way of any elite squads while you’re at it or so help me Celestia I will make you scrub the toilets with your tongue!” he threatened, making the recruits shiver.

“Lastly,” he put up his hoof. “If you have any injuries or issues… today is the day you go to the training room to get it worked out! We don’t have any physical training tomorrow, but I don’t want your ass on a trainer’s table when we have meetings and demonstrations! Any questions?!” he paused for one second. “Good! At ease! Breakfast is at the usual time!” he ended as he began making rounds to inspect the bed spaces.

Dash turned and went for her footlocker. She opened it and began shifting things around. She had no idea to what extent the lockers were being inspected, but if it looked clean, maybe Silver would simply move on. All she had in her locker was her Daring Do book, her picture of Soarin, her toiletries, and six or seven Wonderbolt recruit flight suits. They were kind of in a ball and thrown in. She quickly moved to try and fix them… but folding clothes had never been her forte. She tried and failed to fold a few, but luckily, Little Star had hovered over.

“Oh dear, this won’t do!” Star shook her head. “Here, let me help,” she offered. Dash instantly handed Star the uniform she was holding. In seconds, Star had it in a perfect square, and placed it in Dash’s locker. Dash subtly shifted her small pile of uniforms to Star, seeing as how the little mare had pretty much taken over. Dash stepped back and turned to take a look around the rest of her bunk for anything that was out of place.

“What the…? It looks like a holy shit bomb went off in your locker!” Silver’s voice caught her ear as she looked up. Silver was staring at a locker that was a complete mess, belonging to a mare across the aisle. However, that was all he said before telling her to clean it and moving on.

With Star’s help, Dash felt safe, and it was a good thing too, because Silver had turned right around and cut across the aisle right as Star finished with Dash’s locker. Silver took one look at Dash’s locker and nodded.

“Acceptable,” he said simply before turning and moving away. Dash sighed in relief, but jumped when Silver placed a hoof on her shoulder. “By the way, Skittles… come to my room after breakfast,” he ordered.

“Y-yes sir!” Dash answered quickly as her body went stiff, intimidated by his touch.

He said no more and moved on. Dash kept her eyes on Silver for a moment before exhaling and shaking her head out. She stepped back to let the unfortunate mop pony wipe the floor near her bed before she glanced up at the clock. Breakfast was really soon. She looked back down and flinched.

Twister was standing before her, barely an inch between their faces. Dash blinked and glared at him. Twister’s creepy smile crept onto his face and he waved at Dash casually. Dash rolled her eyes.

“You’re kinda really messed up… you know that?” Dash commented as she shook her head in disgust. Twister hugged himself and shivered.

“Ooooooo hoo hoo! Please do say more!” he coerced. Dash flattened her ears.

“Uh… no?” she tried to figure out his game.

“Thank you kindly,” he bowed as he did during the night before and moved towards the door without actually walking. His hooves slid along the ground as if they had wheels on the bottom, but his wings were fluttering and Dash could see he was actually about half an inch off the ground.

Thunderlane trotted up beside Dash and watched Twister leave.

“Uh… what was that all about?” he asked. Dash quickly shook her head.

“Trust me… you don’t wanna know…”

So what exactly did Silver want her for?

Dash contemplated as she reached the doors at the end of the barracks hall and pushed them open into the lobby.

The first thing she saw as she walked was a familiar brown, yellow maned stallion leaning up against the mail counter. It was Storm Front, and he looked rather excited. Dash slowed down and kept her eyes on him. What had Storm so happy? Was it Derpy related? Was he sending her a letter?

“Ah, here it is!” the orange pegasus stallion stood up from beneath the counter with an envelope tucking behind his wing. “Sorry about that, you’re the new guy right? We haven’t gotten a box set up for you yet,” he unfolded his wing and handed the letter to Storm. Storm smiled and shook his head.

“It’s no problem, thanks!” he nodded to the mail pony as he took the letter and quickly turned it over to see his name written on it. His smile grew as he did.

Dash stopped in her tracks and watched as Storm stepped over to a chair in a lounge area to the left of the main entrance and quickly opened the letter. He pulled up the piece of paper inside and unfolded it to read. As he read, Storm looked happier and happier. Dash was convinced now, it was definitely Derpy related. Dash’s curiosity got the better of her and she found herself heading over to Storm.

“You look happy…” Dash chuckled as she approached. It actually took a moment for Storm to respond. He blinked and looked up.

“Huh? Oh! Hey Dash, what’s up?” he said very cheerfully. Dash smirked, and stifled a laugh. Storm looked SO HAPPY.

“Actually I was just passing through, looked over here, and saw you smiling so hard you were practically glowing,” Dash joked as she leaned closer to him. “Let me guess… is that from Derpy?”

“Heh… no actually…” Storm looked down at the letter. His smile remained, but it didn’t look giddy, it looked more warm and caring. “It’s… from my dad…” he said with a small sniffle. Dash halted her lean in and her eyes widened slightly.

Storm’s… father?

As Dash recalled… Storm really loved his father… but the family situation…

“This is the first letter I’ve gotten from him in a long time,” Storm began while keeping his eyes locked on the letter. “I heard that some mail got sent here from home… I only get letters from one pony at home, so you can imagine why I was so excited,” he explained as his eyes sanned the words again. Dash kept quiet. While she was curious, she didn’t want to pry into personal things, but he saved her the trouble. “He apologized for the sudden long gap in between his last visit… and how he hasn’t been able to send me any bits lately. He’s doing his best to get a little together right now, things have been rough for him… but he said not to worry about him, that he’ll do whatever he can to support me and my mom… and that he’s proud of me…” Storm suddenly turned his face away from Dash.

Dash blinked as she saw Storm reach up and wipe something from his face.

“Your father...” Dash chimed in, “I remember you talking about him back during the tryouts. I remember you speaking very highly of him… he sounds like a really great guy,” Dash smiled.

“Yeah… he is…” Storm sighed as he set the letter down.

“His son really took after him then,” Dash stepped forward and gave Storm and playful nudge. Storm chuckled. “Does he know you’re a Wonderbolt now?” Dash said as she patted Storm’s shoulder. Storm shook his head.

“No I haven’t told him. I can’t send letters to him… I have no idea where he lives. The only times I ever got to tell him how much I appreciated him were his few visits,” Storm’s ears drooped and he sighed again. “I just wish things were different… I hear it’s already hard enough to be a good father… he managed it while never being welcome in our house. Mom always pushed him away… but he still made the effort to help me… he made it work… kept me going…” he folded the letter up and placed it back in the envelope. He looked up at Dash and chuckled. “Sorry… I didn’t mean to vent so much personal stuff to you…”

“Oh!” Dash perked up, she was listening, but it was a lot to process at once. She felt bad for Storm. It sounded like he had an incredibly rough time through his life due to his family. It was a wonder to her that he had turned out to be such a nice guy, such things usually leave a pony bitter and inconsolable. It was probably due to his father. Storm himself had talked about how his conception was a drunken mistake… but it really said a lot about Storm’s father that he tried to help and support him regardless. Making ends meet, putting together whatever he could for his son… being a successful father in a hostile environment…

Storm's father sounded like an amazing guy indeed. Dash hoped she could meet him someday.

“It’s alright… I know a thing or two about listening to friends with stuff on their mind,” Dash gave Storm a wink. “How about we go get breakfast? We still really haven’t fully caught up, I wanna hear more about your squad and your training,” Dash suggested while making a head motion towards the hall to the cafeteria. Storm smiled and tucked the letter beneath his wing.

“Sure… and thanks Dash, for listening,” he nodded to her.

“So…” Dash smiled. “Write to Derpy lately?”

“Three times in the last week,” Storm answered while blushing and puffing his chest out pridefully.

Now this was how one was supposed to tell another about their lives… not by tying them to a chair in the bathroom opposite of their gender and speaking poetically…

Stupid Twister…

Breakfast with Storm was fun, and Dash got to hear a lot more about Storm’s new experiences, but she couldn’t stay too long. Back to the moment she left the barracks and all through breakfast, she had been both wary and curious of the fact that Silver wanted to see her. She knew he had some extra training planned for her, but already? She didn’t think he’d start right away.

Nevertheless, she didn’t want to lollygag. So as soon as she finished her breakfast, she excused herself from Storm and began the short walk back to the barracks.

The hallway was pretty clear. It seemed most of the compound was busy eating breakfa—


“AAHHH!!!!!” Dash shrieked and leapt to the ceiling, barely stopping herself before hitting her head against a light, and hovering slowly back to the floor. She blinked and turned her head, starting right into the overly beaming smile of Fleetfoot.

“F-f-Fleet?!” Dash frantically said as she forced her head and heart to calm down.

“Theeeeeeeeeee one and only! Gosh, I feel like I haven’t talked to you forever!” she smiled and bounced a couple times.

Dash was about to smile and say something back… but then she remembered something. Something that had been sort of lingering in the back of her thoughts for a long time and she wasn’t sure what to do about it. Suddenly being in the presence of one of the lead squad members caught her off guard.

“Dash? What’s up?” Fleetfoot’s smile disappeared. She tipped her head to the side, her face wrought with concern.

Dash didn’t even realize she was doing it. She had a look of hesitation on her face.

Soarin… and one other member of the lead squad had chosen against her for the lead spot. Was it Spitfire? Or Fleetfoot? Dash still felt a little ashamed for her actions that ultimately lead them to their choice… she wasn’t sure what to say.

Fleetfoot suddenly blinked.

“Oh… wait…” she put her hooves on Dash’s shoulder. “The tryouts, right?” Fleetfoot completely read Dash’s mind. Dash still didn’t say anything, but she nodded. Fleetfoot sighed and shook her head. “Look Dash… I voted for you. I tried, I really did.”

“Huh?” Dash’s eyes widened. Talk about an instant solution. Fleet voted for her? Meaning Spitfire voted against her? That was strange, she could have sworn Silver said something about Spitfire’s expectations of her… but maybe that was just it… Spitfire had expectations of her and wanted to see Dash overcome mistakes… or… maybe… okay, she was making her brain hurt. Fleetfoot let go of Dash and smiled.

“I didn’t like what you did to Bitchy Blast either, but to be honest, I probably would have done the same thing in your place. I gave you the benefit of the doubt,” Fleetfoot explained. While Dash was relieved to hear it… she still felt like it was just a sugarcoated way of saying she still did something wrong.

“Uh… thanks I guess…” Dash looked away from her and started walking. Fleet quickly followed.

“Hey! Wait!” she stepped in front of Dash. “We’re still friends though… right?” she asked while making a pouty face at Dash. Dash stopped and looked at her. After five seconds Fleetfoot lowered herself down a little and gave Dash enormous puppy dog eyes too. Dash couldn’t hold it in. A few snickers escaped her mouth.

“Okay, okay…” she chuckled. “Of course we’re still friends Fleet…”

“YAY!” Fleetfoot bounced up and gave Dash a hug.

This was… much different compared to Soarin and Spitfire. Both Soarin and Spitfire were very clear about remaining professional when around Dash and not showing anything that could lead to suspected favoritism… but Fleetfoot wasn’t even trying. Dash actually found it refreshing. They started walking again as Fleetfoot released her.

“Seriously… it has SUCKED seeing you all the time and having to keep distance! We can finally hang out! We gotta plan it some time!” Fleetfoot sounded very eager to spend time with Dash… and it made Dash feel all tingly, even though she had known Fleetfoot for a while, just hearing a lead squad Wonderbolt express interesting in hanging out with her… her life had changed a lot. “How’s old Grey Lining treating you guys by the way?” she giggled.

“Grey…? OH!” Dash chuckled. “He’s tough as hell…” Dash smiled. Casual conversation with the elite squad… not quite what she expected after all that had happened.

But then Dash suddenly felt the need to ask a very important question… now that she, in fact, had a lead squad member beside her.

“Say… Fleet…” Dash slowly spoke up.


“I’m just curious… is everything okay with Soarin?” the instant she asked Fleetfoot froze mid-step, as if surprised.

“How did you…?” Fleetfoot trailed off before shutting her mouth.

“How did I what?” Dash blinked and quickly turned to Fleetfoot. “How did I what?!” Dash asked a little more anxiously. Was she right about something being wrong with Soarin? Fleetfoot shook his head.

“Oh… nothing, to be honest I don’t know what’s up with him…” Fleetfoot shook her head. There was an honest tone in her voice, nothing frantic or forced. “All I know is he’s not been around for a day or two. Spitfire knows something, but she refuses to tell… freaking heat-thighs…” Fleetfoot grumbled upon mentioning Spitfire.

“Ah…” Dash’s ears flopped down, disappointed. She was hoping for some answers… but if even Fleetfoot was left in the dark, she doubted she’d get any info. She was about to ask more about Soarin but—

“Oh! Gotta run, nice to finally talk to you again! Keep kicking ass!” Fleetfoot suddenly crouched down and skittered along the floor. Dash watched in confusion as Fleetfoot nearly slithered along the ground towards… of course…

“Rivet!” Fleetfoot yelled as she leapt over a couch in the lobby, towards the unsuspecting little yellow stallion.

“YIPE!!!!!” Rivet yelled as Fleetfoot full out tackled him, sat up, held him up to her face and began nuzzling him while squealing delightfully.

Rivet began squeaking and flailing his hooves about.

Dash burst out laughing as she continued into the lobby and passed right beside them.

“Good luck dude!” Dash said to Rivet as Fleetfoot gave him a nice big squeeze. Fleetfoot began giving him ridiculously loud smooches on the cheek. Rivet blushed furiously as he pressed his hooves against her chest, trying and failing to push her away.

It was good to see Fleetfoot was still good old Fleetfoot. It was also nice to know that Fleet had chosen her. It made Dash feel more comfortable around her. She had to do this all right. She wanted so badly to be able to mingle and exist among all the Wonderbolts as one of them…

So for starters… she didn’t want to keep Silver waiting. Rivet was on his own… poor, lucky guy.

The whole exchange with Fleetfoot, while friendly and heartwarming, only made Dash worry more about Soarin. Soarin had not been around the past day and a half?

She could no longer ignore the possibility. Especially with all the random heart jumps and even more so with the nightmare… she had to go to him. She decided that after whatever Silver Lining wanted with her, she would go to Soarin’s room.

She… still wasn’t certain how it would go. They had yet to confront each other since she barged into his room and yelled at him for a justified decision he made. She didn’t like how he retorted… but she started it. She would have to face him and apologize. Would it be easy? No. But she wanted to make sure he was alright. She couldn’t shake the fears that something was incredibly wrong… nor could she shake the feeling that their disconnected status was partly to blame for it.

They had a disagreement… but… she’d never want to hurt him. Ever.

She still loved him.

So she would do whatever was necessary… but seriously… where the hell was Silver Lining taking her?

Dash glanced around the hall as she walked behind him. She had never been all the way down the east wing of the compound. She had seen everything in the west wing mostly from her previous visit months ago during her training day with squad three, plus the large auxiliary gym used throughout the tryouts was at the very end of it. In the east wing, she had been to the mess hall, the battle dome, and the medical facility and that was it. Those were the first three facilities in the east wing, she had never gone further.

They passed the trainers almost a minute ago. Dash observed her surroundings as she and Silver slowly made their way all the down the east hall. Lots of doors, most of which were either locker rooms or gym entrances… possibly a few meeting rooms? She didn’t know if the east wing was set up the same as the west, it looked a little different.

Silver did take her all the way to the end of the hall. They stopped at the very last door before the window looking out towards Canterlot Castle not too far away. He didn’t say a word. He just pushed open the last door and made a head motion for Dash to follow.

Dash moved without question, hearing voices inside. She stepped into a small gym. It had to be only forty yards long and twenty yards wide. It was much smaller than any of the gyms she had seen thus far.

“Come on! Give me another dammit!” Blaze’s voice was the first to stand out. Dash looked over to see Blaze setting her hooves firmly in the ground near the left wall with her eyes fixed towards High Winds standing ten yards away. Blaze had about ten feet between her and the wall behind her. There was a large, thick mat behind her on the floor, and another one propped up against the wall.

“If you say so…” High Winds shrugged with a yawn as she spread out her powerful wings. She cupped them forward as she raised them straight up above her body before thrusting them down hard. A powerful FWOOSH echoed from Winds as Blaze shut her eyes and tensed her muscles.


The blast of wind unleashed by High Winds struck Blaze.

“ARGH!” Blaze grunted as she was lifted off her hooves and thrown against the soft mat against the wall. She bounced off as the wind dispersed against the wall. Dash winced as a small gust of wind rushed against her. High Winds created gusts so powerful that they bounced off surfaces? That was unreal.

Blaze fell face first into the mat on the floor and quickly picked her head up once she had her hooves down.

“Damn!” she got up as the mat against the wall behind her slowly tipped over. “Again! You won’t knock me back this ti—” The mat fell against her back, forced her back down and smushed her between the mats. Winds was down on the ground doing one winged wing-ups effortlessly. It was crazy how strong her wings were.

“Face it, Blazey,” Winds began as the top mat began to lightly bounce and swears squeaked out in between them. “Only Silver can hold against my wing power…” she yawned and effortlessly switched to her other wing. Blaze’s head popped out from in between the mats. She glared and pouted and Winds.

“Ye of little faith in me Windy?” Blaze whined as she struggled to get free. Winds placed both wings down and began HOPPING UP AND DOWN on them.

“I prefer to eat my sandwiches… not have faith in them…” Winds slowly lowered herself to the floor, reclined on her side and her eyelids began to fall.

“Hey! Windy! A little help here?!” Blaze fumed as High Winds fell asleep.

Dash chuckled as Silver stepped in behind her. He just shook his head as he went to an equipment closet off to the side.

“What battle armor size did you measure out to?” he asked before opening the closet. Dash blinked and stared for a moment.

“Oh uh… Mare size, medium or large, sir,” Dash quickly answered, remembering she was told either of the two sizes would fit if adjusted correctly. Silver nodded and disappeared into the closet.

Battle armor, huh? Looks like Dash was getting her first personal training session. She was actually a little nervous… especially after Silver laid out the heavy expectations the Wonderbolts apparently had for her. She was curious though… was the rest of squad two going to be involved with her training as well?

“RGH!!!!” Blaze grunted. Dash looked back over to see Blaze still sandwiched between the mats. “Hey! Water colt! Help me out will ya?!” Blaze yelled over. Dash didn’t see past her before. Wave Chill was further back on the left hand wall. He was standing near it and… had a garden hose? Dash stepped out to get a better view.

Wave indeed had a hose. There was also a small crevice and a drain near where he was standing. Wave was dripping wet.

“A little busy here Blaze…” Wave chuckled. He held his wings out and held perfectly still. “HRG!” he suddenly grunted while giving his whole body one hard shake before hopping forward. Wave was suddenly completely dry, and there was an outline of his body made of water left behind where he first stood. It lingered for a couple of seconds before the outline collapsed and splashed to the ground.

“I know you LOVE getting WET dammit, but if you hadn’t noticed, Windy thinks she’s real funny again!” Blaze complained while pointing towards High Winds… who was doing wing-ups in her sleep.

“Fine, fine…” Wave chuckled as he approached. He hoisted the mat up, allowing Blaze to wiggle out from between them.

“BLAZE! WINDS!” Silver’s voice suddenly boomed as he emerged from the closet. High Winds awoke with a start, and turned herself around to look while still using her wings as legs. Blaze flinched and accidentally bumped into Wave, shoving him forward onto the mat. Wave lost his grip on the top mat and it fell on top of him, stuffing only his head and neck between them. He flailed and pushed against the mat until his head came loose and quickly turned around. “Idiots…” Silver mumbled before he handed Dash the pieces of combat training armor. “I need you ladies to help Dash put these on. Make it quick, I want to get started," he ordered.

“‘Kay…” Winds nodded as she walked towards Dash on her wings.

“Why can’t you do it? Blaze complained as she passed by Silver.

“I’d rather not feel up one of my recruits,” Silver said plainly as he headed for the right hand corner of the gym and grabbed a large, thin, folded up mat. He tugged at it until it was all unfolded and began spreading it around on the floor.

“Alright let’s get these on…” said Winds as she got back on her hooves and grabbed the chest and body piece.

“Lazy old fart box…” Blaze grumbled as she picked up on the arm guards.

“Arms up, come on…” Winds ordered. Dash quickly complied and held her arms out so Winds could get the straps around her body. This was a little weird for Dash. Members of Wonderbolt SQUAD TWO were giving her personal attention. She flinched as Winds reached beneath her chest to grab the strap around the other side. Winds stopped and blinked. Dash held perfectly still, unsure of the reason for the halt. Suddenly High Winds whistled.

“Damn, Colors… do you work out a lot?” she suddenly asked. Dash’s ear flopped down and she blushed a little. She hadn’t gotten any comments in a while. She was still used to it, but not from such a high-end source. “I sorta saw it when we did the strength testing, but yow…” from any other pony it would have sounded more awe inspired, but Winds made everything sound ho hum in her sleepy tone. “Blazey, check out the guns on this lady,” Winds dropped the strap, grabbed one of Dash’s arms and pulled it forward. Dash was already thoroughly embarrassed. Blaze already had Dash’s other arm, but wasn’t really looking at it.

“Huh, waddayaWHOA!” the arm guard dropped out of Blaze’s mouth as she stared at Dash’s arm. Dash scrunched her face. This was VERY embarrassing. She felt like Fluttershy, locked in place in a situation she couldn’t escape. “Holy shit, did you get into Pec Bounce’s protein stash? We gotta smaller version of Autumn Rain here, eh Windy?” Blaze commented as she poked Dash’s arm. High Winds reached under her again and continued fastening the body piece of the training armor.

“She put up 135 pounds on the bench press, more than once,” Winds pointed out. “And sheesh, no wonder…” she poked Dash in the chest as she finished tightening the strap.

“Pff, what a little show off,” Blaze sneered as she and High Winds fastened the arm guards. “I like you already! Er… what was your name again, was it Skittles?” Blaze suddenly asked.

“Seriously, Blazey? Her name is Rainbow Dash, kinda hard to forget,” Winds rolled her eyes and pointed at Dash's mane as they moved to help Dash with the leg guards. Dash just remained still, not wanting to get involved in the conversation.

“Hey! At least I don’t sleep through half of my damn orders…” Blaze stuck her tongue out at Winds as they fastened the leg guards. Blaze handed the headpiece to Dash, but Winds was still behind her.

“You gotta give me your workout routine…” Winds said as she suddenly place a hoof on Dash’s flank. Dash stiffened. Seriously, these two were balancing right on the line between compliments and harassment.

“HEY!” Silver’s voice shot across the gym and floored all of them. “YOU CAN OIL HER UP LATER IF YOU’RE THAT INTERESTED! I HAVE A SCHEDULE TO KEEP!” he barked, not really helping how embarrassed Dash already felt.

“PFFFT…” Blaze only rolled her eyes and moved on to reset her fallen mats. Dash sighed in relief, feeling released from her awkward position, but—

“EEP!” Dash yelped in surprise as High Winds spanked her plot.

“Go get him, Rainbod!” she chuckled to herself as she yawned and followed Blaze. Dash’s eyes darted about, before she relaxed and continued on towards Silver, adjusting to the awkward feeling of walking with all the body armor.

And she thought Lightning Streak was two hooves on with her… When she visited the Wonderbolts in the past, Lightning Streak more or less lightly harassed her, but Blaze and High Winds were terrible. Seriously, it was easy to give Lightning a jab or swift kick to the nuts, but Blaze and High Winds were more… prankish about it. They caught Dash in a moment where she really couldn’t do anything about it.

Dash lifted off and glided along the ground as she used her free hooves to attach the headpiece to her face. It wasn’t until she landed on the thin mat laid out by Silver that she realized she was given no hoof pads like she had the day before. She faced Silver, stood at attention, and awaited instruction.

“At ease,” Silver instantly said. Dash didn’t expect that, she stood casually and looked at him carefully as he cracked his neck and shook out his front hooves. He took a deep breath and looked towards Dash sternly. “Rainbow Dash, listen up and listen well. As I’ve told you before, I am taking it upon myself to make sure you reach your maximum potential. However, I can beat you senseless all I want, it’s not gonna make a damn difference if you don’t give it your all…” he paused briefly before shifting and twisting his body and limbs, multiple cracks and pops sounded out before he shook his head out. “I’m an old Wonderbolt… I’ve managed to keep up with the young’uns for longer than most… but it won’t be long before my edge dulls for good, I’m outshined by these kids, and I’m forced to retire… it’s just how it works. Like how old Steady Wing of Squad 3 was replaced by Surprise… some younger Wonderbolt with fresh skill and ability… will replace me.”

Dash listened carefully as he spoke. Silver was indeed old for a Wonderbolt. The Wonderbolts lived by a strict code that those with the most refined skills and ability were those selected to lead and be elite. It was rare when a Wonderbolt lasted past the age of thirty-five. Misty Fly was thirty-seven, but as Dash had seen, her skills still had plenty of sharpness to keep her in the ranks. Silver on the other hoof, was really pushing that statistic to the curb. Forty-two years old, been a Wonderbolt since before Dash was even born, considering how much wear and tear there was on his body over time it was incredible that he could still operate at such a high level. However, by the tone of his speech and what he was saying… he was aware he wouldn’t be at it much longer.

This was also strange. She had gotten so used to Silver yelling at her as a drill instructor. Hearing him speak to her normally was… different. She felt like he was stripping away the recruit and the veteran… replacing them with an even plane.

“Now hear me out… Forget our rank and designation… and forget the Wonderbolts. I’m going to level with you as one pegasus to another,” he continued. “You have more potential than any recruit I’ve seen in my twenty-four years of service… I feel it is my duty… to leave something behind before I’m forced from rank. Therefore…” he sharpened his eyes. “I’m going to teach you everything I know.”

Dash’s eyes widened. Silver Lining? Teach… her?

“Keep in mind… this is part of my evaluation of you,” he spoke up again. “I EXCPECT you to be capable… if it appears you are not what we hoped, then your ass is gone… got it?”

Dash gulped. Was she supposed to answer that?

“Well? Come on Skittles, are you a wuss or a warrior?!” he raised his voice. “DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND. ME?

Dash caught on. What was she standing around and staring for? This was… a REALLY BIG DEAL! She was so shocked that all this was being thrown her way, she didn’t realize the opportunity that was being laid at her hooves! Sure things were going to be harder for her, but… she was being offered personal training from a Wonderbolt that was good enough to outlast two generations beyond his time in the force. This was not only an opportunity… it was an offer… an honor… one HELL of an awesome chance! She gave one strong nod.

“I’ll give it my best shot sir!” she replied vigorously. Silver’s expression didn’t change.

“You better give me more if you want me to be impressed,” he quickly stated. Dash felt a sharp shiver run down her spine, but she refused to show it. “Dash, you have one goal… from now until I decide I’ve taught you all I can. You have to beat me in combat.”

“What?!” Dash blurted out.

“You heard me. You have to beat me. Plain and simple…”

“Um… but… you aren’t wearing any gear…” Dash pointed out. She was wearing the full training armor. Silver… was just in his uniform.

“Don’t need it… especially not against a rookie,” he said harshly. “All you have to worry about is defeating me… absolutely nothing else,” he walked towards Dash and stood right in front of her. He was larger than her, not quite as big as Soarin, but he came close. He lowered his face down into hers. “Or is that too hard for you to understand?”

“N—no sir!” Dash answered, barely holding her ground beneath his presence. She kept a strong expression despite how much he intimidated her. However, Silver saw right through it.

“Are you scared of me?” he narrowed his eyes, his pupils barely showing through the thin slits of his eyelids. The glare was harsh and fierce. Dash could feel herself sweating. She tried as hard as she could to remain composed.

“No! No sir! I’m n—”

Before she could finish Silver pulled back, shifting his body in the same motions and patterns as he did before nearly punching Squall’s head off. It was so fast up close too, Dash barely saw any of the movements before his hoof was careening right towards her face.

“EEE!” she squeaked and shut her eyes tight.

But nothing happened.

Dash slowly opened her eyes and jumped in surprise. Silver’s hoof was less than half an inch away from her eyes. She exhaled and took heavy breaths as her heartbeat quickened. She glanced over at the other squad two members, the three of whom stopped what they were doing, seen Silver throw the punch, and then all sighed in relief when he didn’t actually connect it. Dash quickly turned her head back, looking directly at Silver’s hoof once more.

“Rule number one,” Silver began as he lightly tapped his hoof against Dash’s forehead once. “Never be afraid of your opponent. It doesn’t matter how big, strong, or fast they are… if you fear them, you lose the battle before it even begins,” Silver put his hoof down, but kept his gaze on Dash.

Never be afraid… easier said than done. But was that why, in the past… Dash was never able to best Nightshade? The mere thought of the frightening mare from her past made Dash cringe. That was just it though. She was always terrified of Nightshade, even when she had Misty or Soarin fighting by her side. It always felt like Nightshade was invincible. Was it because Dash was afraid of her from the start?

Dash was broken from her thoughts as Silver pressed his face into hers again. Making sure not to slip up on a lesson Silver had JUST spoken… she did her best to remain poised beneath both his harsh glare, and the slight pressure of him butting heads lightly with her.

“Rule number two…” he spoke. “Intimidation will always win.” He bared his teeth and began snarling quietly. Dash’s eyes were stuck wide open. There was nothing she could do about it. Silver just said not to be afraid of your opponent… well too bad. She was scared shitless by him. “It doesn’t matter if the intimidation is in the form of threatening your opponent… or taking and returning the threat right back at them. Force your will onto your opponent and let them know you will fight… If you tell me you’re going to kill me, I’m going to tell you to just try it… get me?”

Dash nodded, forcing her face to remain stoic.

“Good,” Silver removed his face from Dash’s but barely moved away. There was only about an inch between him. He moved back purely with the intention to allow Dash a better view of the glare he was giving her… which somehow sharpened even further. “By the way… I’m going to break you in half.”

“Wh…” Dash’s demeanor dropped. Her ears drooped and she declined slightly. “What?”

“You deaf or something?” Silver stepped forward, not allowing her to pull away from him. “I’m going to break you in half.”

“Uh…” Dash shivered under his presence. Hold on… she was doing exactly what he said not to do. But… it was so hard. “No… y-you’re not…” she tried to say back, but it was heavily staggered and shaky.

“Was that supposed to convince me?” Silver growled. Dash swallowed and mustered a slight glare.

“No… no you’re not…” it was still weak, but no longer shaky.

“All you’re telling me right now is I could beat you into submission without getting a scratch…” Silver commented harshly. “Convince me, dammit! Tell me I’m not! AND MEAN IT!” he yelled. “So again… I’M. GOING. TO. BREAK. YOU. IN. HALF.

“No…” Dash gritted her teeth and held her ground. “You’re NOT.” she was scared… but she refused to back down.

“Oh really?” Silver stomped one of his back hooves. The vibration passed through the entire mat. Dash held firm.

REALLY!” Dash yelled right into his face, stomping her back hoof just as he did. Silver sneered for only an instant.

“Prove it.”

In the blink of an eye, Silver’s hoof was heading for her face again. Dash refused to cower again. Silver’s motion and direction was identical to his first punch. She twisted her body left, falling back-first to her left as Silver’s hoof passed right by her right cheek. Dash quickly pressed her wings to the ground catapulting her body back up. She forced her body to twist back right. This twist was much stronger than the first, spinning her all the way around so the back of her left hoof swung towards the side of Silver’s head. She was aiming for a blind spot… she was going to land a blow!

Silver reached up his right hoof without looking. The back of Dash’s left hoof colliding with the back of his right.

“Argh!” Dash yelped as her hoof bounced. Silver’s body was as hard as a rock! Dash pushed back and regained her hooves. She was up as Silver turned to her. She quickly continued her attack, taking the initiative. She was in the zone, so she aimed right for his face. Silver stepped forward as Dash readied a punch while readying a punch of his own. Dash threw her punch… and just as with Squall, Silver stepped into it, taking the punch to the face while throwing his. Dash’s hoof crashed against his face the same time his punch collided with the cheek guard of Dash’s headpiece.

Dash was sent flying away from him and tumbled to a halt on the mat. She quickly turned over to stand, but Silver had already pinned her to the ground. He lifted up his elbow, and dropped it towards Dash’s face.

Dash shut her eyes.

But again, nothing happened. She cracked her eyelids open to see Silver’s elbow barely an inch from her face. He lightly reached it forward and tapped it against Dash’s forehead.

“Boom,” he said calmly before he released the force he was applying to Dash, stood up from her, and offered her a hoof. “Rule number three…” he began as Dash accepted his hoof and he helped her stand up. “Never go to the ground if you can avoid it. A wall that’s knocked down no longer stands in the way of those it was halting… if you go to the ground, you are giving your opponent a perfect opportunity to knock you out, severely injure you, or worse.”

Dash caught her breath as she contemplated those words.

When she battled Nightshade with Soarin… she was knocked to the ground, and Nightshade drove her hooves into Dash’s back, dislocating her wings.

Everything, absolutely everything Silver was explaining to her was relevant in battles she had fought in the past. She was in awe at both his skill and experience. It was no wonder he was still an active Wonderbolt.

“Whoa!” a new voice suddenly came from the door.

Both Dash and Silver glanced over. Misty Fly was walking through the gym towards them, tugging Fire Streak along behind her.

“The hell…?” Blaze cocked an eyebrow at them as they passed, and Wave moved aside as Misty nearly ploughed right through him.

“Sorry 2nd commander…” Fire formally apologized to Wave as Misty dragged him along.

Dash glanced at Silver as Misty approached. Silver’s eyes narrowed slightly and he grunted as he fixed his eyes on Misty. Misty Fly let go of Fire when she drew near. She walked right up to Silver and stared directly into his glare.

Dash looked between them. Nothing was exchanged for at least half a minute. Not that Misty could talk or anything. Dash stepped back, realizing that something was going on here that she didn’t want to interfere with. The two oldest Wonderbolts were having a stare down… what was it all about?

Suddenly, Silver began making wing and hoof signs to Misty. He knew how to talk to her. Dash wasn’t surprised in the slightest, Silver was capable of many things. His symbols seemed a little shaking and slow compared to Fire and Storm Front, but he was able to speak with her nonetheless.

Dash watched as the two kept making signs between each other. It was calm at first. They did so without much expression. Then suddenly, Silver glared and his motions became harsher. Misty glared right back without hesitation and her signs became rougher as well. Dash backed away from the two and slowly made her way around towards Fire as Misty and Silver continued to ‘argue’ silently.

“Uh… hey Fire…” Dash nudged him. “What are they saying?” Dash asked. She only remembered a few basic symbols in the sign language. Fire sighed and shook his head.

“Misty wants to take you somewhere… Silver is not having it. Silver is angry she interrupted… Misty just told him to shove it up his—” Fire stopped and his eyes widened. “I’m not repeating that one…”

“Take me somewhere?” Dash glanced back at Misty as she made a few harsh motions with her hooves followed by she and Silver butting heads and glaring into each other’s faces. Fire and Dash both took a step back as the two glared and bared their teeth at one another at point blank. Fire and Dash stood perfectly still as Silver and Misty held their positions for at least a whole minute. Wave, Blaze, and Winds had all stopped what they were doing as well to view the stand-off.

Eventually, Silver’s glare retreated to a normal stern expression. He removed his face from Misty’s and sighed while shaking his head. He turned away from her and gave her an single, exasperated wave with his hoof.

Misty took a step back and gave him one solid nod as she puffed her chest out in victory.

Dash couldn’t believe it. Did Misty just… assert herself over SILVER LINING?! As amazing as Silver was… yet again, Misty Fly proved to Dash that there was no pony out there quite as amazing as her. Before Dash could realize what was going on. Misty was fiddling with the straps on Dash’s armor.

“Whoa!” Dash yelped in surprise as Misty began removing the armor from Dash. Misty looked up at Fire and made a stern hoof motion towards Dash. Fire reluctantly nodded.

“I apologize Miss Dash…” he said as he began helping, by removing the arm guards for her. “Apparently this all has something to do with Soarin, Misty is just dragging me along to—”

“SOARIN?!” Dash’s ears stood up. Misty was trying to take her to Soarin? Why didn’t she say so in the first place?!

Oh… right… but, Soarin?! Did they need her for something?!

Dash suddenly reached up and undid the headpiece as quickly as she could. She ended up ripping free from Misty’s and Fire’s grip as she frantically removed the rest of the armor. She looked at Misty and nodded. Misty smiled happily and made a head motion towards the exit. Misty grabbed Fire’s arm and yanked him along as Dash followed close behind.

Wave, Blaze, and Winds all looked back at Silver incredulously as the door closed behind Dash. They too, were in awe that Misty had coerced Silver.

“The HELL are you all staring at!?” Silver growled at them. They quickly went back to training as Silver continued grumbled to himself.

Dash suddenly felt very nervous as she followed Misty and Fire up the last steps to the third floor. She had been hoping for a chance to go to Soarin. She had so many bad feelings… the heart jumps, the nightmare… she felt like they were all connected to Soarin, especially after she found out the little bit of information. How her presence calmed the vigorous magic within him.

They stopped outside Soarin’s door. Misty pointed at Fire and made a motion that looked like knocking. Fire obeyed, stepping forward and knocking on Soarin’s door. He gave the door two knocks before a purple aura surrounded the doorknob and the door opened by itself.

“Yikes!” Dash yelped as Misty quickly pushed her from behind into Soarin’s room with Fire following right behind.

The first thing Dash saw upon entering was Discord standing beside Soarin’s bed. Why was he there? Whatever the reason, Dash’s focus was hit by an oncoming train… as Soarin came into view.

Dash gasped. She couldn’t speak… what she saw before her was… frightening.

Soarin was laying on his back in bed. He was panting, sweating, and clutching his sheets. His eyes were shut tight, he moaned and groaned constantly, and he looked like he was in so much pain. There were two small purple rings of chaos magic circling around his horn. Discord was holding one of his hands out towards it as if he was helping contain whatever was ailing Soarin.

“Well it’s about time little miss Dashie…” Discord huffed as he glanced at her. “Really, I thought you’d be here in an instant after the past couple nights…”

“Wait, what?!” Dash looked to him.

“You’ve had a bad feeling about Soarin for two days… and did nothing? For shame…” Discord shook his head back and forth in disapproval. Dash looked back at Soarin, then to Discord again. She glared hesitantly, not quite sure if lashing out was the right thing to do… but even after her little disagreement with Soarin, something challenging the way she felt about him, felt so… heartless.

“I had no idea! How was I supposed to know something was wrong?!” she spat at Discord, shaking slightly. “We’ve…!” she looked away and grimaced. “We’ve been…”

“Apart,” Discord finished for her. “In more ways than one, I might add…” he switched the magic to his left hand so he could turn and look directly at Dash. “You had a fight… one that I believe you started…” he glanced at Soarin. “He didn’t like it and lashed back… I don’t blame him. You were being quite irrational…”

“I…” Dash’s glare faded and was replaced with remorse.

“Oh, cut that out. I know you’ve already come around… but you still haven’t made the time? Like I said, for shame…” he shook his head again. That really put Dash off. Her glare returned and she was ready to give him a piece of her mind.

“What the hell?! What was I supposed to do?!” she snapped. Fire Streak backed away slightly, but Misty remained still, waiting for the two to finish. Dash was letting Discord have a piece of her mind, but Discord stood perfectly still and composed. “I couldn’t just… just…” Dash looked down. She had duties, she had responsibilities. “Soarin wouldn’t have liked it if I skipped out of training for his sake!”

“That’s because he’s a stubborn ass too,” Discord cut her off.

“But… But I… I couldn’t…”

“Dash…” Soarin suddenly spoke. Dash’s wings flared out and she gasped as Soarin’s voice made everything else in the room stop. “Rainbow… Dash…”

“S…Soarin?” Dash completely refocused all of her attention on Soarin. She came around to the right side of his bed opposite of Discord. She put her hooves up on the bed and stared at him with worry.

Discord looked over towards Misty, who was already looking back at him. Discord gave her a nod. She returned the nod, reached over and pulled Fire over to her.

“Stay back for a moment Dash,” Discord suddenly warned her as he reached both of his hands towards Soarin’s forehead and hovered them above the horn. He focused his eyes on his hands as a bright glow of chaos magic surrounded them. There was a weak flash of light that spread out from his hands before it slowly condensed inward. The light collapsed between his hands and completely surrounded the horn.

Discord slowly moved his hands away. The two circles were gone, but instead a faint purple aura surrounded the horn. Soarin ceased panting and groaning. His body relaxed and the pain left his face. Then he slowly opened his eyes. They were bloodshot with heavy eyelids… as if he hadn’t slept in days. Discord reached down and cupped the back of Soarin’s neck with one hand, while shuffling his other beneath Soarin’s back.

“Sit up,” Discord ordered as he applied gentle pressure to assist. Soarin blinked multiple times as he obeyed. He looked really out of it, or at least very fatigued. It was strange. Soarin had gone for so long never feeling tired… but was the magic putting so much strain on his body that it was draining him completely? “Slowly now,” Discord eventually got Soarin to sit upright in bed. “It’s not polite to snooze when you have company, you know,” Discord snickered.

Soarin shook his head out lightly and rubbed his eyes. He glanced up at Discord, and then down at Misty and Fire.

“Misty Fly…? Fire Streak…?” he kept staring at them. Misty suddenly rolled her eyes, stomped her left hoof on the floor and sharply pointed towards Soarin’s left. Soarin blinked and slowly turned his head.

He looked right into the concerned eyes of Rainbow Dash. The shock that ran through Soarin was almost visible. His eyes shot open and his weary wobbling ceased as his body stiffened up in surprise.

“Dash?” he said her name quietly.

“Soarin…” she said his back, barely audible.

The two remained still and stared into each other’s eyes for seconds that felt like hours. It was as if neither could muster any words… both of them were caught quite off guard. The moment ended very anti-climactically… with both of them averting their eyes from each other in a mix of shame and being unprepared.

What was to be said? They had both thought about it… but now there were other factors involved. Things had happened. Apologies were needed, but what about Soarin’s current state? What was to be addressed first?

“Oh kill me, I think my brain is going crawl out of my ear and beat me to death with its cortex...” Discord broke the silence and looked towards Misty. Discord snapped his fingers, causing a small pop of chaos energy to flare in front of her. Misty blinked, shook her head out and looked towards Discord. He rotated one of his hands, as if telling her to ‘go ahead’ before he backed up, reclined against the wall, and crossed his arms. As he leaned, he passed right through the wall, disappearing completely.

Misty grabbed Fire’s arm and pulled him along as she moved directly towards Dash. Soarin’s eyes moved to Misty as she approached. Misty reached out to Dash and turned her so she had Misty in plain sight. With both Soarin and Dash looking at her, Misty looked at Fire and nodded. Fire sighed.

“I shall translate for Misty Fly…” he said unenthusiastically before giving a signal to Misty he was ready.

Misty nodded in satisfaction before turning and glaring at both Soarin and Dash. They both stared at her, confused as to what Misty was planning. Misty proceeded to make multiple gestures with her hooves and wings while looking directly at Soarin and Dash. They kept their eyes locked on her as she made the swift motions with a clear purpose. Fire cleared his throat, and then began to translate.

“Pardon me, but this is what she is saying…” he clarified before getting into it. “I don’t know what the hell has gotten into you two…” Fire looked uncomfortable repeating some of the words Misty was trying to communicate, but he did it anyway per her request. “You are both being ridiculously stupid. I know the whole story… and seriously, what the hell? Take a good look at yourselves… a good, long look at yourselves. I want you to look deep inside and ask… are you being reasonable?” As Fire spoke, Soarin and Dash both glanced at each other at the exact same time. They both quickly looked away and looked down before returning their eyes to the mercy of Misty Fly. Fire continued to translate.

“Forget the magic and forget everything else. Look at your lives! Look back at what you two have had together!” Fire tried his best to add emphasis where Misty seemed to make more vigorous motions. “Is this any way to handle a simple disagreement? Are you suddenly never going to speak to each other again? I can’t stand watching you two be like this! I’ve rarely seen two ponies who care about each other as much as you two do… and you’re going to let stubbornness get in the way? I refuse to let you two do this to one another. I don’t care if it’s not my business…” Fire kept his eyes on Misty as she ‘talked.’ Misty had a strange look in her eyes. One that could only be described as: ‘worried.’ Fire kept up.

“Don’t let something so special end because neither of you can admit you’re wrong. Don’t make such a terrible mistake. I implore you…” Fire kept translating as he kept his eyes on Misty. This was… beautiful. Misty’s words were so sincere and honest. She was doing everything in her power to save what she thought was near perfect love. It was something only Fire could fully see. The amount of passion and effort she put into each motion. She was going all out for Soarin and Dash, it was unlike anything he had ever seen. “So please… please, please, please…” Fire continued as he kept his eyes on Misty. “Put aside your pride… there’s no need for it when you’re in love.”

Soarin and Dash glanced at each other again. This time their eyes lingered on each other before going back to Misty. As for Fire, he was seeing a side of Misty he had never seen before. Misty was… literally an expert on what it means to love somepony. Fire was caught off guard by it. In fact, he almost felt honored that Misty wanted him to translate something so powerful.

“Forget pride… you’re supposed to be vulnerable to the one you love. Don’t be stupid… I beg of you,” Fire looked to Misty as if she was supposed to continue, but that’s where she stopped. It almost looked like she was slightly shaking.

Misty looked at Dash, and then at Soarin. The look in her eyes was sincere.

She was right.

Misty was absolutely right.

Both Soarin and Dash thought over Misty’s message carefully. They were being stupid, plain and simple. Their dispute, from the beginning, was irrational. Dash lashed out at Soarin, and he lashed back. The two were stuck with their pride at the helm, assuming the other owed them an apology. After how much they had been through and how many moments they had shared… were they really doing this?

This wasn’t the time to be at odds. Especially with the current circumstances.

Soarin and Dash both turned and looked at each other. As they did Misty smiled and bounced subtly while moving closer to Fire. Soarin and Dash averted their eyes, but their bodies remained facing each other with Soarin sitting up in his bed, and Dash standing just off to his left.

Then, at the same time, they both looked up at the other confidently.

“I’m sorry Soarin—”

“Dash I should apologize—”

They both stopped, stared into each other’s eyes, and said nothing. They were both so worried about who was supposed to apologize first… and they just apologized to each other at the same time.



What the hell were they doing?

Dash looked down briefly, before looking into Soarin’s eyes while keeping her head tilted slightly down. She put her hooves up on the bed while reaching her left hoof towards him.

Soarin instinctively reached his left hoof towards her… and the two locked hooves while looking into each other’s eyes. They could almost see the regret between them. How? How could they have so easily been blown apart by a simple argument? Misty was 100% right. They were being completely stupid.

Soarin and Dash didn’t throw themselves at each other. They didn’t embrace, nor did they kiss. They simply held hooves and stared deeply into each other’s eyes, trying to figure out what the hell they were thinking.

Fire sighed as he watched the two lovers reunited. Great. It worked. Hooray.

He flinched as he felt a yank on his arm. He looked at Misty as she made a head motion to the door. Fire looked at her in confusion. Misty caught on and pouted, pointing at Soarin and Dash. Fire glanced at them before looking back to Misty. She pointed towards the door.

“Oh…” Fire said to himself as he realized Misty wanted to give Soarin and Dash privacy. He nodded to Misty and followed her as they left.

“I guess that’s that…” Fire mumbled to himself, knowing full well Misty couldn’t hear him. Soarin and Dash were given a good talking to… and now they could go right back to how they were. In love, and nothing between them. If anything Fire got to help Misty, so for that he was happy.

Fire turned to Misty with the intention of giving a smile and making a few quick gestures, but the moment he faced her he was nearly knocked over as she dove at him and gave him an incredibly tight hug. Fire’s white face turned the same color as his mane as Misty bounced up and down against him.

Apparently… she was ecstatic.

By the time Fire had enough nerves firing in his brain to move and hug her back, she had already put him at arm’s length. The bright smile never left her face as she put her right wing to her mouth and extended it towards him to say ‘thank you.’

Fire gave a weak smile in return while still lightly blushing. He made ready to reply, but Misty caught him off guard again.

She kissed him on the cheek… again. Fire became a wide eyed statue on the spot. His face disappeared in a shade of red as Misty pulled back, still smiling. She lifted both her eyebrows comically at his reaction before smiling and shaking slightly, which would be giggling if she had a voice. She tipped her head to the side, looking at him as he continued to remain still. She playfully stuck her tongue out at him and gave him a wink, before she turned to leave. As she turned she whisked her tail up and lightly bushed it gently against the bottom of his chin before making her way to the stairs. Before she disappeared from view, Fire swore he saw a faint shade of red on the side of her face.

Fire was frozen… as ironic as it sounded, he literally found no strength to move. Misty just literally flirted the SHIT out of him. He was so worried about how he felt about her… he didn’t even think to consider that maybe she…

“SNRK… pffff!”

“Shhh… quiet! He’ll hear you, silly!”

Two voices brought Fire back to reality. Two voices he knew very well. He flattened his ears and brow and rolled his eyes as he looked over his shoulder. A few doors down, peeking out from his room, were none other than Surprise and Lightning Streak. Lightning was low to the ground, and Surprise above him.

“You can come out now…” Fire said, annoyed. Lightning stepped out, as soon as he moved, Surprise yelped and fell to the floor. Lightning looked back at her before smirking at his brother again.

“Bro… you SURE she doesn’t want you?” his sneer grew larger as he spoke.

“I…” Fire cleared his throat. “Well… Misty Fly seems quite interested, but…”

“NO BUTS!” Surprised appeared in front of his face. “Except Misty’s butt! And your thinking about it riiiiiiiiight…” Surprise slowly moved her hoof to Fire’s forehead before lightly resting it upon him. “Now.”

“Dammit...” Fire scrunched his face and blushed.

“And now…” Lightning walked up behind him and placed both his hooves on the sides of Fire’s head. “You’re thinking about more than that!”

“GAH!” Fire flared his wings out and pushed them both away as they burst out laughing. He gave them both quizzical looks. “Just what were you two doing in there anyway?” he tried to fire back. Surprise instantly scoffed and gave him a very over exaggerated shrug that lifted her off the ground slightly.

“Oh please… yeah sure, we were TOTALLY banging in there…” she said sarcastically. Lightning blinked and looked at her.

“Wait… we were?” he asked. She flattened her eyes and stare at him incredulously.

“HA!” she guffawed. She took a very deep breath and puffed her cheeks out. As she did her face became angular like a stallion’s and her mane poofed up and became jagged. “You wish you could have some o’ this!” she said in a voice nearly identical to Lightning’s. Lightning just shook his head.

“That’s cold…”

Fire had stopped paying attention to them altogether as Surprise continued to mock Lightning. He had his eyes locked on the stairs where he last saw Misty. He reached up and gently placed a hoof over where she had kissed him.

He had a lot to think about again… but maybe… this time it wouldn’t be so complicated.

“Now don’t get comfortable you two…” Discord reappeared in Soarin’s room before either of them could say anything else. Soarin and Dash were about to share a soft… still rather unsure hug, but Discord had cut them off long before they could get near.

“Discord… really?” Soarin commented. He was still feeling a little out of it, but he was awake enough to realize and try to do something in their current situation.

“Don’t give me that,” Discord glared at him while putting his hands on his hips… or whatever constituted as his hips. “We still have a very important matter to solve and I’ve been doing you too many favors. Luna would have my head on a silver platter if she knew how much I was helping you… but Celestia demanded it… so I will follow through.”

“Celestia?!” Dash perked up at the name. “Wait… where is she? Twilight told me she hadn’t heard from her in almost a year!”

“That is none of your concern… in fact I demand that you don’t worry about it, because I need your help… yes, you little Dash,” he pointed directly at her. Dash blinked in surprise.

This was… weird. Discord had gone about three sentences without a pun or practical joke. He was moving and speaking with a purpose. Doing something the way it was meant to be, which was odd for a god of chaos to do.

“Me?” Dash pointed to herself as she glanced at Soarin.

“Yes, you.” Discord nodded sharply before looking at Soarin. He approached the bed and pointed directly at Soarin’s false horn. “In case you haven’t noticed… my magic is the only thing keeping Soarin from being overwhelmed. The chaos magic is holding the dark magic at bay. I’m not allowed to interfere in the lives of other ponies, but I refuse to let such a powerful magic run rampant. Under my rules as a god… I cannot fix it. That’s why I wanted you here, Dash,” he explained as he made his way around the bed to her. “Your imprint on the magic is strong… you have an immunity to it… as well as the ability to push it back. The magic fears you because you were the main catalyst of sealing it away. Captain Spitfire did her share… but it is a mere fraction compared to the impact you had.”

“So… are you going to tell me or keep beating around the bush?” Dash asked exasperatedly.

“Dash, he’s right…” Soarin suddenly spoke up. He had to tell her. She deserved to know… because he knew she could help him. Dash looked to Soarin as he continued. “Dash… it hurts… it’s been unbearable… the magic nearly took control of me a couple of days ago. I’ve never felt more pain in my life…” Soarin glanced up at the purple glow surrounding his horn. “If Discord hadn’t stepped in and stopped me, I don’t know what would have happened. Please… listen to him and do what he says…” Soarin reached over and clutched her hoof. “Please…”

Dash looked down at Soarin’s hoof as it held hers. She could feel his grip, the amount of pressure he was applying. He was silently begging her to comply. If what Soarin said was true… she owed Discord for even being able to see him right now… and feel his hoof linked with hers. She looked back at Discord.

“What do you need me to do?” she asked with a purpose.

“First I must ask you…” Discord slithered up and behind her while grabbing her chin and turning her head back towards Soarin. “Just how far… are you willing to go for him?”

Dash locked eyes with Soarin. Soarin was staring right back at her. Was this a trick question? They had an argument… but as Misty had just pointed out to them, was that any reason to lose the one who truly made you feel complete? Dash grabbed Discord’s arm and yanked his hand off her chin. She looked at him sharply and glared.

“I’d fly around Equestria twice while beating your face in,” she snarled at Discord. “NOW WHAT DO YOU NEED ME TO DO?!” she repeated louder. Discord smirked as he slinked his snake body up behind Soarin while making a hand motion towards the horn.

“The only thing keeping the magic from destroying him inside out… is my magic,” he said while poking the tip of the horn. “I’m already doing more than I’m typically allowed. Soarin MUST learn to control the relentless power of the magic on his own. When you first came in, I purposely had a weakened version of this spell encircling the horn… because I didn’t want him to become too used to my assistance. I CAN’T assist him at all times. Either he controls it… or he dies,” Discord said very bluntly.

Dash’s eyes widened as Discord finished. Her grip on Soarin’s hoof tightened instinctively. Discord chuckled as Dash glared at him.

“Oh Dashie, my dear… that’s precisely why I brought you here!” he chuckled as he slinked back over to Dash. “I’m confident your presence will give Soarin the ability to master the magic… to chain it down… to show it who is boss so to speak! You think I actually want to kill him? I’m hurt you would think so lowly of me…” Discord disappeared and reappeared on the other side of the bed. Soarin looked to him.

“So… you’re going to let it go…?” Soarin asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

“Yes… I am,” Discord nodded. Soarin gulped and took a deep breath before turning to Dash. He smiled at her before looking back at Discord.

“With Dashie at my side, I can do anything,” he stated confidently. Dash felt her heart pump with glee as those words left his mouth. In their time apart… she had almost forgotten what a single word from him could do for her.

“I hope you’re right about that…” Discord said with hint of concern. He reached his hand towards the horn, but looked at Dash before he did anything else. “Listen carefully… both of you,” he glanced between them. “I’m going to remove my barrier preventing the magic from flowing… once I do, there’s no telling what might happen,” he looked specifically at Soarin. “This will hurt… believe me. The magic is going to try and control you the instant I take my magic down. It is up to you to make it behave. Use everything you’ve been taught thus far. I know you only have the basics… but we have no other choice.”

“I understand…” Soarin nodded reluctantly. Discord looked towards Dash.

“Your presence is essential to this being successful,” he addressed her. “The magic is afraid of you… be ready to do whatever you must to remind it of your presence,” he explained. “Soarin is going to be exposed to a tremendous amount of pain… it is a pain he has already felt… but it is a pain you can help ease. Don’t forget that,” Discord finished and turned back to Soarin. “Ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be…” Soarin nodded. Dash clutched Soarin’s hoof tighter as Discord focused on the horn.

She would help him. She didn’t care about anything else. Not even her own well being. She just cared about him and she would do whatever it took to help him.

“May fortune favor the foolish…” Discord mumbled to himself as a purple aura surrounded his hands. The magic surrounded both his hands and the horn, joining the auras together. Discord took a deep breath and exhaled…

And then he ripped his hands away from Soarin… taking the aura around the horn with him.

Soarin’s eyes snapped open, nearly bulging out of his head as the comfort surrounding his head vanished in an instant… and was replaced, by pure… excruciating… agony.

“AHH!!!!” Soarin cried out. His head flying forward towards his lap as Dash held on tight to his hoof.

“Soarin?!” Dash yelled in concern as his grip on her hoof tightened considerably.

Soarin grunted and groaned as his body twitched and writhed. His eyes slammed shut, but faint trails of dark blue light escaped between them as his horn began to glow as well.

From off to the side Discord watched carefully. He already had chaos magic swirling around his hands, ready to act in case Soarin proved unable to control the magic. If he couldn’t do so even with Dash beside him… there would be consequences… MAJOR consequences.

“RGHHRR!!!!! AHHH!!!! AARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!” Soarin cried out as his neck arched backward. His eyes and mouth forced open and bright flashes of light shot out from them.

“SOARIN!!!!” Dash yelled, but soon grimaced as a sudden prickling feeling made its way along her nerves and through her body. It was coming from her arm… and from the hoof that was clutching Soarin’s. Before she could figure it out, a sudden force seemed to rush from Soarin’s body into her. It was only a small pricking sensation at first… but then like dam breaking, an enormous amount of pain rushed into Dash’s body. So much that she couldn’t hold on for more than three seconds. “AAAAAHHH!!!” She cried out as she let go of Soarin and forced herself backward.

Her back slammed against the wall behind her. She reached up her right hoof, clutching her left as the pain slowly subsided. Her eyes snapped open and she looked at Soarin. That was… an unbearable amount of pain that just rushed through her. She had only felt it for a total of three seconds before she ripped her body free.

Was Soarin…

Feeling that pain constantly?

Oh god…


“AHHHHH!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Soarin cried out as a dark blue aura surrounded him. “RRRRRRRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!” He lurched and flailed about, his body straining in directions beyond his control. “AAAAAAAH!!!! D…DAAAAAASSHHH!!!!!” he suddenly called out her name as the glow intensified around him and a bubble of dark blue light suddenly enveloped him.

“Hmph…” Discord huffed. That was it. Game over. Dash couldn’t hold on. Now there was no way Soarin was going to gain control. The magic had already flared out. Discord stepped forward, ready to do what he ultimately… didn’t want to do.

He had to kill Soarin.

As long as the magic was still bound to him, killing Soarin would destroy the magic completely. Discord didn’t know what Celestia was thinking when she decided to put such a burden on Soarin. Sure, it was to save his life and ensure he would be around to take part in his future… but that was wishful thinking. Discord had to kill him. Celestia was clearly mistaken in her choice.

Discord reached his hands forward as the bubble of dark magic expanded around Soarin. The chaos magic spurted and flared around Discord’s arms as he reached for the bubble.

However… as soon as Discord’s hands touched the dark magic… an invisible force lashed out at him.

“What!?” Discord exclaimed in surprise as he found himself being battered by waves of dark energy. He tried to push back against them, but no matter what he did, he was slowly forced backwards. “No… NO!!!!” Discord yelled out as he tried to force his way through the dark magic with all his might.

This wasn’t right… he was able to overpower the dark magic before. Why couldn’t he do the same now? Was the magic… was the entity… the form of the power within Soarin… did it adapt to Discord’s magic? While such a circumstance seemed unreal… it was happening right before their eyes. Discords magic appeared to be ineffective. In fact, it was being countered. It was as if the magic within Soarin had learned from a previous defeat… and now could not be affected by chaos magic.

This was bad.

This was REALLY bad.

Discord strained himself against the magic as it suddenly grew in size and power. It forced Discord all the way to the wall. He held his arms out and winced as he struggled to keep his arms outstretched. It wasn’t long before the force pounded against him, and held him firmly against the wall.

Dash watched the whole thing. She was still with her back to the wall, and still clutching her hoof.

So much pain.

The pain transferred to her through Soarin was unlike anything she had ever felt. Yet she was staring at Soarin as he wailed, screamed, and cursed. She watched as the magic swirled around him… as the magic forced Discord back… and as Soarin called out her name in despair… she couldn’t take it anymore. She had to do something.

He was truly feeling so much pain? He was being tortured with the pain that Dash could barely hold onto for three seconds? She couldn’t stand idly by any longer. She had to act.

And she had to act NOW.

“SOARIN!!!!” Dash yelled out his name as she pressed her wings to the wall and pushed herself towards him. She braced herself as her body collided with the bubble of magic that had repelled Discord… but to her surprise, she passed right through it. No resistance… not even a sting. It was as if the magic didn’t know how to push her away. Perhaps it was up to her after all.

Dash moved towards him as unseen forces flared and lashed out. The pure pressure of the power surrounding him was making her steps difficult as she shielded herself and reached for him.

Tear were pouring from his eyes. Dash felt her chest tighten upon seeing such an awful sight. Soarin’s eyes were englulfed in a dark blue light… but his neck was arched back, the tears ran like a river down his cheeks and dripped form his chin… and he yelled and screamed her name.

She refused to let up. She would never ever leave him again.

Dash reached out, forcing her body completely towards Soarin. She landed on the bed in front of him, and wrapped her arms around him completely.

For a moment she felt nothing… then she saw the glow surround her limbs as well…

Followed by pain…

Good sweet Celestia… pain… SO MUCH PAIN.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” Dash wailed as the agony crept into her body and filled every corner of it. It was unbelievable… and unbearable… was this the pain Soarin was feeling right now? Was this pain on his shoulders all this time? Was she… avoiding him while this amount of pain was upon him? “RRRRGHHH!!!!!” Dash tensed her body and sucked it up… HARD. If this was truly the pain Soarin was feeling… she refused to let him feel it alone.

Soarin could feel it. The pain had lessened. He could barely see because of the light pelting his eyes, but the pain was suddenly cut in half… which could only mean that somepony was sharing his burden. He forced his head down and slammed his eyes shut. The dark blue light squeaked from between them as he tried to regain his focus.

“AAAAAAHH! RGGH!!!! ARGGGGGGGGH!!!!! OOOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!” a voice beside him cried out. He knew the voice… and he could feel warmth against him. It was Rainbow Dash. Dash was there. The magic’s hold on him had weakened considerably… but that only meant it was attacking Dash.

Soarin opened his eyes slowly, the faint dark glow still emanating from them. it wasn’t too bright… he could actually make out a few things around him.

His eyes landed on Dash as he slowly turned his head. She was clutching her body to his. He could see the magic flowing from him to her. He could see tears squeaking from her eyes… but most of all… he could hear her wailing in pain.

And that…

He REFUSED to stand for.

“HRRRRGHHH!!!!!!!!” Soarin suddenly grunted as he slammed his eyes shut and forced his mind to focus. He hurt all over… but he didn’t care. Dash was in pain and sharing his burden… he had to make that end. “LISTEN… TO… ME!!!!!!” Soarin managed to say as the glow faded from his eyes to reveal his absurdly determined gaze. “GETAWAYFROM HER!!!!!!” Soarin belted as he eyed Rainbow Dash.

A sharp yellow glow appeared around Soarin’s horn.


A color than had yet to appear from it.

As the yellow glow intensified, it began to suck in all the dark blue light around him. The aura slowly retreated from around Dash… and slowly pulled the bubble of dark magic back towards Soarin.

“DON’T… THINK... YOU CAN… RUN FREE!!!!” Soarin yelled as if berating the very magic that poured from him. “I WILL… CONTROL YOU!!!!” he tightened his grip around Rainbow Dash as he strained his mind to the limit. The yellow light slowly forced the dark blue light back into the horn. “HHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Soarin grunted as the last bit of blue light got sucked into the horn… and was held down by the yellow light.

“AHH!!!!! HA… ha…” Soarin relaxed his body as the dark magic no longer lingered around him. Dash’s grip on him lightened as she leaned back and wobbled in her spot on the mattress.

Discord removed himself from the wall and held a hand to his head as he shook out his noggin.

“That…” Discord blinked as he tried to comprehend what happened. “What WAS that…?”

“Uhh…” Dash shuddered as she sat beside Soarin. Soarin was panting and wheezing, a hoof pressed over his heart as the beat slowly calmed down.

He felt… good?

Scratch that, he felt amazing!


Soarin looked towards Dash. She was shaking, hugging herself, and whimpering. She had felt a good amount of the pain he was experiencing… he didn’t blame her.

Dash shivered and clung her arms to herself as she slowly looked up to Soarin. She felt a light dripping on her arms… it was her own tears falling from her eyes. She had never felt anything more painful in her life… and if she was correct… she only absorbed SOME of the pain that was rushing through Soarin.

How…? How did he handle so much agony? She stared into his eyes, his face stained with his tears much like hers.

Soarin looked back at her, relieved that he was able to control the magic… somehow. He had no idea how he did it… but all he wanted to do was save Dash. Funny how the one you love can push you beyond your abilities.

Dash bit her bottom lip as the memory of the pain she had just experienced was very present in her head.

Soarin had been feeling this pain…

No… she had absorbed some of it… Soarin was feeling TWICE the pain she had just felt… apparently over a longer period of time than just the past couple of days…

And she…

She hadn’t gone to him? She avoided him because of their little dispute?

Tears began to well up in Dash’s eyes again as the truth of the matter struck home.

Soarin… the stallion she loved despite the snag they had recently run into… was in an incredible amount of pain… and she had avoided him…

She never felt like more of a bitch in her life.

“What…” Dash shook her head, whipping the tears from her face before staring directly into the concerned eyes of Soarin. “What is…” she sniffled sharply and the tears began to flow harder. “What is WRONG with me?!” she blurted out as she gritted her teeth, scrunched her face, and the tears flowed without anything in their way.

“Dash!” Soarin called out to her as he reached for her.

“Soarin!” Dash instantly clambered towards him over the mattress.

Dash reached her arms around him and dug her face into his chest. Soarin instantly felt the wetness of her face against his body and quickly wrapped his arms around her, cradling her body with his left hoof and pressing his right against the back of her head.

They were one… and together again… but oh, how tragic it was for them to find each other in such pain. Something truly dreadful… made them realize how much they truly meant to each other.

Tears from Soarin’s eyes dripped from his face and onto Dash’s head as he pressed his chin and nose into her prismatic mane that bunched up beneath the pressure of his hoof against her head.

He held her as tight as he could.

And she held him with just as much strength.

It was becoming clear just how important they were to each other. Misty’s message to them had struck home even harder now. They needed one another… not only in love… but literally in life. How could they have ever been apart… even if it was just a small quarrel? How could they do that to one another…? They needed one another.

Dash vowed to herself right there… especially after the horrifying image of Soarin screaming and writhing… that she would never leave his side again. The stallion that meant so much to her.

Soarin did the same. He loved Dash with all his heart… he’d never let anything get between them again if he couldn’t help it. It was clear she had an impact on his magic… he wouldn’t have been able to contain it with the newfound yellow magic if not for seeing her share his burden. Without her… he felt as though he couldn’t truly exist.

Neither said a single word.

They sat there… and cried as they held onto each other. Never wanting to let go ever again.

Off to the side, Discord was not so happy. His hands twitched and strained as he glared and gritted his teeth.

The magic within Soarin had literally overpowered Discord. That wasn’t right. Discord had not foreseen such an incident. Sure Dash had helped Soarin repress the magic… and whatever that yellow magic was… managed to absorb the dark magic… but it wasn’t enough. It didn’t satisfy Discord.

The dark magic had somehow become stronger… to the point where Discord’s chaos magic couldn’t fight it. He had to do something… nothing was allowed to be more powerful than a god… it was worse than heresy… it was against the very laws of reality.

The chaos magic sprung to life around Discords arms. He snarled at Soarin… ready to do what he felt he needed to do to keep the balance of reality in tact…

But then he stopped.

He took a good… long… look at Soarin and Rainbow Dash.

His glare faded. His anger subsided. His magic dissipated.


Discord felt the need to destroy the magic… but…

“TCH!” Discord scoffed as he turned his back to the embracing couple. He lingered for another second before he disappeared into thin air, leaving Soarin and Dash alone.

Neither Soarin, nor Dash had let up their grip on the other. Dash’s tears had thoroughly drenched his fur around his chest just as his tears had made her mane quite damp. But neither of them gave a damn.

For two weeks they had been apart and denied themselves the satisfaction of the true bond they shared. Having the other close after two weeks… felt like they had been apart for hundreds of years.

Soarin could feel the warmth of her body as she clung to him.

Dash could feel his calm heartbeat from within his chest.

Never again.

Never would they be so stupid ever again. Especially with the way things were. Soarin meant the world and more to Dash… the fact that she almost lost him after two weeks of a dumb quarrel… it was almost too much for her to bear. Losing Soarin would be no different than killing herself… and she was sure Soarin felt the same way about her.

And she would be right.

“Dash…” Soarin spoke. His eyes still shut, the tears still flowing, and the strength of his embrace on her unwavering. “I love you Rainbow Dash… I love you and I promise I’ll never be so damn stupid again…” he felt her shift, but she remained nestled in his arms.

“I love you too Soarin… dammit, I swear I love you with every inch of my being…” she sniffled and shook her head against his chest as her tears continued to fall. “I’ll never ever leave you again… I swear it on the element of loyalty… I will never… leave you…” she swallowed and squeezed him tighter. “If I ever do something dumb like this again… please punch me in the face… I don’t know what the hell I was thinking…” she said as her sniffles continued endlessly.

Neither said anything else.

The two merely sat and held onto each other.

The tears refused to stop falling from both of their eyes.

But they didn’t care.

All that mattered was that they truly understood what was at stake… and what they had to do to never lose the incredible bond, and the unbreakable love that they had come to cherish.

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

Oy my brain... it is mush...

so here it is... the three chapter long special. Sorry for the longer wait... i hope the length and content of the chapter makes up for it.

Also a special thanks to Scootafail for the AMAZING pic... and to Kestrel for forcing his way through this so we could release it tonight.

Next chapter? Yikes... i think im gonna take tomorrow off of writing xD

So i dunno, whenever my brain cools down, i'll pump out another chapter (meaning i dunno... knowing me it could be two days cause im weird like that.)

I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!

(i need to go to bed... >_<)

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