• Published 30th May 2014
  • 4,112 Views, 186 Comments

Soarin and Rainbow Dash - Ugly-Duckling123

A Wonder/Shadowbolt fic on Shakespere's Romeo and Juilet

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Chap 7

Soarin and Spitfire had just come in for a landing when Fleet Foot, one of their friends, came running up and saw something was wrong with Spitfire.

"What happened?" she asked looking from one to the other searching for an answer.

"A new trick I was working on went wrong," Spitfire said rubbing her neck and looking away as they all set off for the medical hut.

"Do Lightning Strike and Fire Blitz know yet?" Fleet Foot asked. She was the one who got worried the most in these types of things.

"Fleet, we only just got back home." they both said.

"Oh, right." Fleet Foot said blushing a bit.

As they were about to go into the medical hut.

"There you are, Soarin, Spitfire." Lightning Strike called out coming over then seeing her niece's wing was broken asked "What happened?"

"I messed up on a new trick Auntie Lightning," Spitfire said.

"No. No. Why did you have to do this now?" she asked pacing around "When we are weeks away from our show in Canterlot!"

"Can't we modify it Mother?" Soarin asked trying not to upset his mother even more.

"No, that performance needs four ponies for it to work." Lightning Strike said looking up "Soarin you are hence forth going to spend every minute of your free time, teaching Fleet Foot the performance. And you Fleet Foot," she said turning to the other Wonderbolt there "Will, if Spitfire has not recovered in time, be doing it with us."

With that Lightning Strike left three confused 'what-just-happened' looks on their faces ponies.

Spitfire was the first to recover and leaned into Soarin's ear and whispered.

"Sorry cuz. Because of me you'll now be too busy to go see Rainbow Dash."

"It's not your fault, 'Fire." he replied "Lets just get you fixed up and then you can come help me teach Fleet Foot."

After all her tears were let out and another tub of ice-cream, Rainbow Dash got into her Shadowbolt uniform and went out to the court yard just in time to see Skye Storm, being helped by two other Shadow's coming in.

"STORM!" she cried running up to her cousin. "Wha... what happened?"

"I challenged that whelp Soarin Skies to a skills duel, got his cousin to do it instead and crashed into her because she wasn't looking where she was going. The foal."

"Why..." Rainbow asked eyes shut tight and teeth grinding. "Why do we have to hate each other?" she said and then before anyone could stop her she took off and headed for Whitetail Wood, not noticing or caring her father was following.

When she arrived in the clearing she and Scootaloo met him in the other day, she immediately ripped off her uniform and took off her goggles.

If this place was to be somewhere where they could be just the two of them, just being Rainbow and Soarin, she didn't want to poison it by wearing her uniform.

"Why?" she asked herself again fresh tears in her eyes "Why did he have to be a Wonderbolt? Why do our familys have to have this stupid bucking feud separating us?" she swore kicking her back legs in anger, before getting tired and got down onto the ground curling up into a ball. "Why can't I love Soaring in a free world that doesn't exist?"

Hearing hoofsteps Rainbow Dash gaped getting up and saw her father not looking very happy at her.

"What, is the meaning of this show of rebelion to our great Luna's name, of you loving a Wonderbolt, Rainbow Merrium Dashery?" he said standing tall.

"The meaning is father," Rainbow said getting up "I LOVE SOARIN SKIES OF THE WONDERBOLTS!" she screamed resulting in getting a slap to the face by an enraged Spectrum Dash.

"I forbid you from ever saying that again." he said "Luna would be ashamed if she could see where the Shadowbolts has gone."

"I don't care!" Rainbow cried "I want him as my speical-somepony Daddy I love him!"

Knowing he would get no where with his daughter with this, Spectrum Dash said standing tall and with no feeling on his face "Until you change you mind Rainbow Dash, you are no longer a Shadowbolt, and will be grounded and confined to your room. Now come along."

"No!" Rainbow said stomping her hoof.


"I said No." Rainbow repeated "If I can't love him because I'm a Shadowbolt, then I am from now on no longer a Shadow. I shun them, I was never given the choice if I wanted to be one or not." Rainbow let out "If I as a Shadow, can't love somepony who's a Wonder, then I'd rather be a normal pony."

"Where will you go?" Spectrum asked "That castle is the only home you ever had, you don't know anyone who lives outside it's walls."

"I don't know where I'll go. But I know I'll make new friends." she said turning her back on her father. "Please tell Mum and Scoots I'm sorry." And with that Rainbow took off not knowing or caring where she'll end up, but knew anywhere was better than where she had just left.

Unknown to either of them, a pair of teared up purple eyes surrounded by orange fur had been watching the whole fight and heard everything.

Scootaloo waited until her father turned and headed back to the castle before she came out and ran over to Rainbow's uniform wondering if her sister meant what she said about leaving. Looking into the sky to the path Rainbow took, Scootaloo started to buzz her wings and followed her sister the best she could.