• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,344 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Five

Chapter Five

The sun was only just peeking over the horizon when Seth awoke. His conversation with Korrina last night had led to a disturbed sleep and his mood wasn’t the best right now. He brushed some hay out of his fur and stretched, examining the sharp claws in his paws for the first time.

“Whoa, they’re actually pretty sharp… but I don’t think Luxray can learn Slash.” Thinking about that made him wonder what moves he could actually do. He figured that the attack he had accidently used the other day was Thunder, so what else was there?

Wait, if he remembered correctly, Luxray didn’t learn Thunder naturally. They could only learn it via a Technical Machine. He did have the Thunder TM before he was brought to Equestria, so was that the reason?

“I suppose Selena will explain how this stuff works when we start training.” His stomach gave a loud roar, and Seth agreed with it. It was time for grub!

Fortunately for the ever-hungry Pokémon, the Apple Family were early risers, having already been up for at least an hour or so before him. He was greeted with a chorus of ‘good mornings’ as he walked into the kitchen, jumping slightly as he hadn’t expected anyone to be awake.

He sat down at the table, it was low enough that the top of the table was at around his chest height. It reminded him of a kotatsu from back home… oh, he missed his kotatsu.

“The early bird gets th’ worm eh?” Granny said as she served apple pancakes and Fritter had whipped up some banana smoothies. Breakfast smelled delicious and Seth tummy rumbled again.

“Heh, good to see yer appetite is as healthy as always!” Fritter laughed. Seth merely grunted as he leaned towards his food, only to be smacked on the snout by Granny’s ladle.

“Oh no, we say thanks in this here house befer we eat sonny!” Thanks? To whom?

“Sapling?” Granny turned to Apple Fritter. “You want the honours?”

Fritter nodded and closed her eyes. “We thank Celestia, for the sun that nourishes us. We thank Luna, for the night that lets us rest. We thank the ponies that eat our food… cause they know Apple cooking is the best!”

Seth chuckled at the ‘prayer’ and wasted no time in digging in.

Oh. Sweet. Celebi! These pancakes were the greatest thing he had ever eaten. If heaven was a food then it would still be no comparison to these pancakes. He stopped just long enough to write a quick note and pass it to Fritter before resuming his noms.

Fritter read the note and giggled. “It seems that you have to teach me how to make these pancakes Granny.” The elder nodded, smiling.

“Well, alright then. Applejack should be back today sometime… ah think?” Granny sighed, getting old wasn’t fun. “By tonight, you’ll make these better than ah do!”

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Big Macintosh rumbled. This was rare, Big Mac adding in to a conversation. “Cousin Fritter is the best cook in the family, an these here smoothies are really good!” Seth eagerly nodded in agreement, the smoothies were awesome too. It seriously sucked to be anyone sleeping in right now.

Apple Fritter blushed and fidgeted at the praise. Her cooking was good, she’d admit that much. But best in the family?

“That’s enough y’all,” Granny grinned. “She might jus’ turn into an apple at this point!” Fritter st blushed even harder and waved her hooves.

“Aw c’mon,” She really needed to change the subject. “Oh, right. Hey Granny? Did y’all happen to have a map of the Everfree?”

“A map?” Granny paused as she thought about it. “Well, yer great, great, great grandpa Fuji Apple once made a map o’ that place… but it’s old an’ ah doubt it’d be much use now.”

“There are paths in the forest,” Big Mac said. “If'n’ y’all want to go see that Arceus feller, then ya just gotta follow ‘em.”

Seth nodded and finished off his breakfast. Truth be told, he was feeling a bit nervous about meeting Arceus. Those nerves were being squashed down by anger, curiosity and determination… but the knowledge that he could simply be blinked out of existence if he pissed off the god Pokémon…

“I seriously hope I know what I’m doing.”


The sun hadn’t gotten much higher when Seth stood at the entrance to the forest. Rika and Selena had joined him, but Elesa had chosen to stay behind, she had just been too nervous to meet Arceus. Seth understood and the little sheep had promised to make it up to him. Apple
Fritter had joined him as well, she wanted to make sure her new friends would stay safe, and she was curious to meet the being that could bring millions of beings to another world.

Seth looked at Fritter, who gave a reassuring nod. “Ah ain't goin’ anywhere!” She said. “So like it or not, Ah’m tagging along!”

Seth just let out a resigned sigh and without further delay the group headed into the woods, utterly unaware of what would await them.

“So uh,” Rika looked around at the serene forest that surrounded them. “I thought this place was supposed to be scary? I think it’s actually quite nice here.”

It was true, Seth expected the Everfree Forest to be the stuff of nightmares, at least that’s how everypony made it out to be. Instead, the sun shone brightly through the treetops, birds sung happily and even the odd Pokémon passed by.

“Ah don’t understand,” Apple Fritter glanced around, a confused expression on her face. “This forest is supposed to be dark and full of monsters, so why is it so darned pretty?”

Selena stopped to smell some flowers and then her body went rigid as her instincts told her something was wrong about this place, something very wrong. She closed her eyes as the wind whispered to her, the trees talked and the sounds of the fauna filled her mind.

“It’s not supposed to be like this,” she whispered. “This forest is… free, unhindered by a world filled with order and control.” She placed a paw against a tree and the branches shook.

“Someone, something, is trying to reign in this freedom, the bring order to chaos and tame what should be untameable.”

“Someone’s changing the forest?” Seth had once learned to trust in Selena’s instincts. She had saved them from a few situations that should have caused grievous injury or worse. “So what is it?”

“I don’t know, the trees are confused and the wind is silent. Something powerful though, even Rika should be able to feel the forces at work here.”

“Some of the ponies mentioned an explosion here not long after we Pokémon arrived… do you think that might have something to do with it?” Rika extended her feelers and the emotions of all living creatures nearby filled her heart. They were confused, some were happy with the changes, others were outraged with their home being defiled.

“Is Arceus behind this as well?” Seth wondered. “This forest was here first, so why change it?”

Apple Fritter hadn’t understood what the Pokémon were talking about, but she’d gotten the general gist of it. Her family had explained that Discord had fought a powerful creature here in the forest, but they weren’t aware of all the details. But if Discord was involved, then it couldn’t be good.

“Ah jus’ hope that whatever is changing the Everfree doesn’t end up driving all the critters that live here into populated areas.” The forest was home to Hydras, Timberwolves, Cragodiles and Celestial creatures like the Ursa Major.

“Yet another thing I’ll have to ask Arceus,” Seth muttered. “Let’s go everyone.”


Every now and then, the group would pass a gnarled tree or a patch of blue flowers that Apple Fritter warned them to stay away from, but it was a fairly pleasant walk. It took almost two hours, but at long last, Seth and his friends came across a massive clearing, an enormous temple at its centre.

What really caused Seth to take a sharp breath was the amount of legendary Pokémon present here. He could see Shaymin lazing in a beautiful patch of flowers, while Heatran was perched on the temple wall, soaking up the warm sunlight. There must have been others around, the aura of their presence could be felt even by the single pony present.

“Well,” Seth approached the entrance, guarded by the powerful Regi trio. “Here goes nothing I suppose.” He walked closer to the door, wary of an unexpected attack from the golems. Once he stood at the entrance, he cleared his throat and spoke.

“I request an audience with Lord Arceus. Will he see me?”

There was silence as Regirock and Regice remained motionless. The marks on Registeel’s face flashed and after a moment, its brothers also flashed in sequence. The huge stone door opened and they motion for Seth and his friends to enter.

“Seth, darling?” Rika pressed close to him as they walked inside. “Are you sure that this is a good idea?”

“Too late to turn back now,” Selena said as the door behind them closed. The hallway was lit with a gentle light, enough to see clearly but not blinding. The stonework was interesting, it looked ancient in its construction, yet also brand new. Seth couldn’t help but let a little squee at the architecture, and ran his paw along the stone. Various artworks could also be seen, and the group paused to look at them.

“I could spend all day in this place~” Seth murmured. He shook his head and put on his game face. “Okay, no more distractions. I came here for a reason!” He marched ahead and the hallway opened up into a great hall, a massive table in its centre and a group of Pokémon that almost stopped the poor trainers heart.

Dialga, Palkia, Deoxys, Mew, Reshiram and Zekrom sat there, enjoying a meal by the looks of it. And seated in the centre of them was the target of Seth travels. The Alpha Pokémon, Arceus.

He had sensed their arrival, it was he that let them enter this hall in the first place. Arceus had invited visitors of course and it would be poor form if he went back on that invitation. What he was curious about was the reason this former trainer and his Pokémon were here to do.

“Welcome young trainer, and to his Pokémon and pony friends as well. Welcome to the Hall of Legends!”

Seth’s eye narrowed as he looked at the massive Pokémon that greeted them so casually. Hall of Legends? Really? Well after hearing names like Ponyville and Canterlot, cheesy names didn’t exactly surprise him much. Refusing to admit that his legs were shaking like a Dratini in a blizzard, he swallowed the breath he had been holding and began to speak.

“Thank you for inviting us, Lord Arceus.”

Well, that wasn’t so hard.

Arceus smiled and looked to his other legends. “Could you give us some privacy my children? It would seem that our guests are somewhat nervous-“

“Speak for yourself!” Selena huffed. “I don’t do ‘nervous’.”

Zekrom laughed and looked at the little Dark Pokémon. “Hah! I like this one!”

“You would,” Reshiram sighed. She looked at the food she had barely touched and shrugged.

“Fine, but you owe us cake after this one father.”

“But of course,” Arceus laughed. “Now if you will all please give us some space?”

There was some grumbling about visitors at lunchtime, but they left regardless until all that remained in the hall was Arceus and Seth’s group. Arceus looked at them and his ring gave a gentle golden glow. “Let’s allow your pony friend to join in on this conversation shall we?”

“What do you mean?” Seth asked and Fritter gasped.

“Holy Horseapples! Ah can hear you!”

Seth tilted his head. “What?”

“I can understand what y’all are saying!”

“I have made it so this lovely mare can understand us... So?” Arceus smirked. “What seems to be troubling you my son?”

Seth closed his eyes, trying to get his hectic thoughts under some sort of control. It wasn’t until he received a gentle embrace from his three friends, that his heart slowed and his breathing became more controlled.

“Why?” Seth finally said. “Why did you bring us all here? What possible end could you get by doing so?”

Arceus listened and nodded, “I expected such a question. Well, to put it simply, it is because I am unhappy of the relationship humans and Pokémon possessed. They were supposed to be equals, two sapient races co-existing together. But after countless years of being sealed away, what do I awake to find?” Arceus’s expression darkened as he scowled. “Bigotry, violence, slavery, alienation, persecution! Pokémon battles are a part of how they grow and what do humans do? Ensnare them and force them to fight for amusement and accolades!”

Selena snorted, for a god he was pretty short-sighted. “I fought beside Seth’s side because I wanted to. It’s a pretty common misconception that Pokéballs bind the will of the captured Pokémon. I could have left anytime I wanted, but I chose of my own will to stay with him!”

Arceus nodded, “I know that, but humans still used Pokémon for war, violence and greed. A single human was responsible for the death of tens of thousands of Pokémon. Another human used the same weapon to wipe out all living things, aside from the humans that paid him enough money!”

Seth hadn’t heard about that. He knew of Team Rocket, Team Plasma and Team Galactic, so what could Arceus be referring to?

“Be that as it may, you pulled who knows how many humans and Pokémon into an unknown world, already home to sapient lifeforms. And you did so with permission of anyone involved. Not only that, you turned humans into Pokémon? Why?”

“I did not want to risk history repeating here in Equestria. It is true that only the humans deemed worthy were brought here, but it was still a risk I wasn’t willing to take-”

“Then why bring us humans at all!” Seth’s anger he felt the other day returned in full swing now. “Why not just separate humans and Pokémon and be done with it!!”

“As I said, not all humans were bad, and the ones I deemed worthy were brought here along with their Pokémon partners and lovers.”

And then there was that, errant bolts of lightning began to spark form Seth’s body and his friends all took a step back.

“What’s he doin’?” Fritter asked. “Ah didn’t know he could do this.”

“You might want to step back,” Selena warned. “Seth is a bit upset right now and it would be best to let this fire burn out.”

“Lovers huh? There’s a little something you should know about that,” Seth growled. “Do you know how a human/Pokémon relationship was treated back in our world?”

“Yes!” Arceus lifted off of the ground. His eyes held the same dangerous glint as Seth’s. “You human’s persecuted those involved, labelling the Pokémon as dumb animals that were being abused and the humans as monsters!”

“Correct,” Seth replied. “But I was working to change that. Years, Seven goddamn YEARS! I spent fighting for the rights of those involved in such a relationship, and I was close, so fucking close to making a significant step forward in the right direction. But then you know what happened? YOU! You came along and now IT’S ALL FOR FUCKING NOTHING!”

The god-Pokémon remained silent. Was this the true reason the human had sought him out?

“And now, our world remains unchanged, and this world, well it doesn’t matter does it? Even if that law existed, all the humans are Pokémon now so it doesn’t really matter. Everything I achieved has been a complete waste of time and IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!” That last remark was punctuated by a powerful Thunder attack that shot towards Arceus.

The god made no attempt to avoid it as the attack struck. He didn’t even bother activating his Lightning Plate and his body tingled as the Thunder hit him. The difference in level and experience meant the attack did little damage, but he knew that he had wronged the human and perhaps the god deserved it somewhat. But now it was time to diffuse the situation and move forward.

Seth panted as the attack took its toll on his stamina. He had just attacked Arceus, oh gods, he was so dead!

“I am aware of what you were trying to accomplish, and I was impressed. Though you hadn’t changed the world at large, you left many positive impressions on most of the people and Pokémon you met.” Arceus knelt down next to Seth, using a gentle Heal Pulse on him. “I am sorry that I did not wait to see what the outcome of your future endeavours would take, I was a bit impatient in solving the problems I suppose.”

Seth calmed down and his friends approached him again. Just having them near was a relief and he mentally scolded himself for getting so worked up. It was true that his meeting with Cynthia was of great importance, but there was no guarantee it would have yielded results. It wasn’t Arceus’s fault and he shouldn’t have lashed out like that.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have attacked you. Are you alright?”

Arceus smiled and let out a hearty laugh. “I’ll admit that I didn’t expect an attack of that level from a human. But yes, I am fine; an attack of that magnitude had no chance of causing me serious injury.”

“A simple yes would have been fine,” Seth grumbled, Arceus dealing a critical hit to his pride. He looked at the god and he had to ask. “You mention humans and Pokémon, and their… relations. Tell me, are there any here in Equestria?”

Arceus picked himself up, “But of course, quite a significant number actually.”

“And… are they happy here?” Seth hoped for a positive answer. “If they suffered here too, then I- I…” The Luxray’s features fell, Rika and Fritter hugging him again.

A devious grin crossed the giant Pokémon’s face. “Why don’t you ask them?” Before Seth could even respond, the Alpha Pokémon’s ring flashed brightly and a second later, a rather dazed Gallade and Gardevoir stood before them.

“W-what the? Arceus!?” The Gallade looked around. “Why are we here?”

“And you could have at least knocked first!” The Gardevoir added, a small blush on her face. If they had been teleported a few moments later…

“Well, ask away,” Arceus prodded Seth. The Gallade noticed the Pokémon and tilted his head.

“Who are you?”

Seth nodded, “My name is Seth Crescent, and I’m a former human.”

Gallade nodded and smiled. “Well, as unconventional as this meeting is. My name is Gene, and this is my beloved, Belle.”

Belle nodded politely, but remained silent. She was more concerned as to why they were suddenly teleported here.

“Gene?” That name sounded familiar somehow… wait a minute! “You, were you the one that tried to marry his Gardevoir a while back?”

Gene’s eyes narrowed and he glared at Seth. “Yes, what of it?” he said coldly. Was this another human like Korrina?

Seth picked up on his tone and waved a paw. “No, wait, sorry. That didn’t come out right.” He took a breath and tried again. “We’ve never met prior to this, but I know of you… or rather your reputation. It caused a pretty big stir in Unova and though it took a while, I managed to dig up what actually happened at your would-be-wedding.” Gene didn’t budge, having been reminded of that day wasn’t a pleasant experience.

“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t destroy your mind!” Belle threatened. She wasn’t going to stand being called here, only to have her beloved insulted like this.

“Because you wouldn’t live long enough to do so!” Selena growled back, but Seth jumped in between them.

“Whoawhoawhoa!” He flailed a bit and pushed Selena back. “I meant no disrespect, quite the opposite in fact. It was because of you that my efforts to have Pokémon/human relationships accepted doubled.” Gene’s expression changed to one of surprise. What did he mean- wait! Seth Crescent?

“Cynthia, she mentioned you once. And you’ve been on the news before as well!”

“Good to know that my efforts didn’t go unnoticed by those it concerned the most.” Seth smiled and sighed. “I just wish I could have done more. I tried really hard to get the Ranger Union and the police to back off, but in the end I couldn’t accomplish much, so… sorry.”

What he didn’t expect was the Gallade to hug him all of a sudden. The Luxray went wide-eyed and just gaped like a Magikarp while he was embraced.

“You tried, and that’s what matters.” Gene pulled back and even Belle offered a short hug.

“Thank you for caring enough to even try.”

“But why have we been summoned here?” Belle asked. “Was this the reason?”

“Sort of,” Seth replied. “It’s because Arceus seems to want the two of you to answer my question, rather than do it himself.”

“And what question is that?” Gene asked. “Ask away.”

Seth nodded and after a reassuring nod from his friends, he continued. “What I want to know is… are the two of you happy here, in Equestria? Have you been allowed to continue your relationship, free of persecution?”

Gene looked at Belle and they smiled widely, sharing a small kiss. “We could not be any happier!” He replied. “In fact, our new pony friends are even planning our wedding!”

Seth’s smile threatened to split his face. “That’s just… wow, I’m really happy for the two of you!”

Gene nodded. “Thank you, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing that.”

Arceus nodded. “Thank you for this, Gene, Belle. Allow me to return the two of you.”

“Wait, are you coming to the party in Ponyville tonight?” Gene asked. Seth didn’t know about any party, but there was no real reason why he wouldn’t. He nodded and Gene smiled. “Awesome, we’ll talk more then, you can meet the rest of my Pokémon too!”

Seth nodded and with another flash of light, Gene and Belle returned to Ponyville, leaving the god alone with Seth once more.

“Ah heard Applebloom mention somethin’ bout a party,” Fritter said. “Maybe that’s what those two were talkin’ about.”

“So does that answer all your questions?” Arceus asked. “Or perhaps you have some more?”

Seth shook his head, meeting Gene and Belle had lifted a huge weight on his heart and he had high hopes for the future. He wondered if his friend Jayce was here in Equestria.

“No, I’m good for now… another time perhaps?” Arceus nodded and Mew floated into the room.

“Is everyone alright? I heard a Thunder attack before!”

“It’s alright dear, just a few concerns that needed ironing out.” Arceus offed his little girl a nuzzle and Rika cooed at the adorable display. “W-ell yes, I believe that we have a party to prepare for. Perhaps we could speak at the party?”

“I’d like that…” Seth paused and then looked up at the omnipotent Pokémon. “Friends?”

“Friends?” Arceus was a bit taken aback by this. Ponies had offered friendship unconditionally since they had arrived, but the former humans… they were a tougher nut to crack. “May I ask why?”

“Well, I know that everything isn’t perfect, so should you ever need a friend to call on, maybe to help you out. Maybe just to talk… sound good?”

Arceus didn’t quite know how to respond, so Mew did it for him. “Daddy accepts. Friends Forever kay?”

Seth nodded as Arceus let out an exasperated sigh and smiled. “It seems that we’re friends now. Best of luck my son.”

Seth nodded and turned to leave. Rika, Selena and Fritter falling into step next to him,

“So that’s it huh?” Rika asked, the translation spell Arceus was still in effect and Fritter was thoroughly enjoying being able to talk with her friends. “Are you really happy with that Seth?”

“More or less,” Seth replied. “There’s not a whole lot I can really do about it and I suppose in a way… what I was trying to accomplish has been achieved. It’s the end result that’s important and as long as humans and Pokémon like Gene and Belle are happy, then I’m happy.”

“Good answer!” Selena said. She was quite proud of the way Seth had handled that. It could have gone a lot worse and she quite enjoyed it when he hit Arceus with Thunder.

“So now what?” Fritter asked. “What are y’all gonna do with yerselves?”

“I-I don’t really know.” Seth’s mission was complete, he no longer had to worry about Leagues or Contests, so what would he do? Where were they even supposed to live? He didn’t want to impose on Apple Fritter forever.

“Cause y’all can stay with me for as long as you like.” That caused the Pokémon to stop and stare at their friend. “To be perfectly honest, I’ve really liked having y’all around. My house doesn’t seem so empty anymore and though it’s only been a few days…” Small tears formed in the mare’s eyes. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I don’t really know what I’d do without ya!”

Rika pounced on the mare, eliciting a surprised squeak from her. “You’re so awesome Fritter~”

They winced as the doors opened and sunlight streamed in. But that sunlight was suddenly blocked by a shadow, a large one. Seth squinted and then jumped back a bit, surprised at what he saw.

Standing in the doorway was Ignis, his Charizard!


Ignis, his oldest partner and easily his most powerful. And here he was standing before Seth like he’d never left.

“So, it seems that my trainer has changed somewhat in my absence huh?” He towered over the electric type, staring right into his eyes. “But I can tell it’s you.”

“IGGY!!” Rika jumped off of Fritter and rocketed towards Ignis, but the Fire type had expected the pounce and sidestepped it, letting Rika latch onto his tail instead. He glanced toward Selena, who simply gave a nod and left it at that.

“Good to see the two of you haven’t changed,” Ignis chuckled. “And you have a new friend as well?” he looked at Fritter, who didn’t shy away, much to his surprise. Instead she walked right up to the dragon and offered her hoof. When Ignis took it in one of his massive claws, she shook it with enough force to tear the poor lizards arm clean off.

“Nice to meetcha! Apple Fritter’s my name. And I take it yer a friend of Seth’s huh?”

She finally released him and the dragon rubbed his shoulder. That mare was stronger than she looked. “Indeed Miss Fritter, I am one of Seth’s companion Pokémon. My name is Ignis and I am what you call a Charizard.”

Selena noticed something was missing and pointed at Ignis. “So you lost yours as well huh?”
She pointed at his bare neck, where the Mega Stone he used to wear normally sat. “Mine’s missing and Seth doesn’t have his Keystone anymore either.”

“I know, it’s a bit disappointing really…” He liked Mega-evolving and raining fiery death from the sky. “Ah well, no matter.” He looked back to Seth, “So… you spoke with Arceus I take it?”

Seth nodded and relayed what he had learned from him, from his reasons from bringing them all here, to the meeting with Gene and Belle. Ignis listened intently and nodded once Seth was finished.

“Okay, I understand now. And what do you plan to do from here?”

“Well that’s what I’m trying to figure out,” Seth replied. “I still need to find Heath, and help Elesa find her Pokémon…”

“Well I can help with that last part.” Ignis motioned and from the safety of the forest, A Zebstrika and an Emolga emerged. They seemed a little timid, but they looked unharmed. “I have no idea where Heath might be, but perhaps our Gym Leader friend might be a bit happier now?”

Seth beamed at this, Ignis was just too awesome for words… but something about this didn’t sit right with him. “Something’s wrong isn’t it?”

Ignis sighed and nodded, “Nothing gets by you huh? I suppose something might be wrong, depending on how you look at it.”

Seth really didn’t like where this was headed.

“I won’t be coming with you.”

Seth promptly fell down as Selena and Rika glared death at the Charizard. Seth and Ignis had been together for longer than all of them, being his starter Pokémon and all. No matter what Seth had gone through, Ignis was always there to pull them through. The powerful Mega Pokémon was also the main reason most trainers didn’t start fights about Seth’s crusade. Well aside from the uninformed or just plain stupid.

“What the hell Ignis!?” Selena raged. “WHY!?”

“Because,” Ignis replied calmly. “Our situation has changed and Seth no longer requires my protection. He is now a Pokémon himself and could become quite powerful if trained properly.”

“He’s your friend!” Rika’s eyes narrowed and her ribbons whipped around dangerously. “And yet you’re just going to wash your claws of him, all because he isn’t human anymore!?”

Seth got up and looked at his friend. “No, we’ll always be friends… but this is something you want to do isn’t it? Something that I couldn’t give you back in our world.”

“Seth, what?” Selena and Rika were confused now. He wasn’t mad or upset?

“To be the strongest, before my ‘crusade’ to right a great wrong, our goal was pretty different huh?”

Ignis nodded and remember the day they left the professors lab to start their journey. They were going to become the strongest pair in the world, stronger than the Gym Leaders, stronger that the Champions, stronger than anyone. But it never happened, they never even got as far as the League, let alone a Champion.

“So, you have a plan then?” Seth asked and Ignis nodded. The dragon looked the temple behind them and pointed.

“All of them, I’m going to beat every last Legendary Pokémon here, even Arceus himself!”

Rika stifled a laugh while Selena simply refused to meet his gaze, a deep frown on her face.

Seth nodded and gave his friend a wide smile.

“I know you can do it too! But still…” his voice dropped and he hugged the fire type. “You’ll always be my best friend, no matter what.”

Ignis nodded and after they bumped fists/paws, he took off into the skies, searching for a suitable training partner. Neither human nor Pokémon were one for long goodbyes but it didn’t stop the tears from falling, the ones that spattered the ground near Seth’s paws, or the ones that glittered in the sunlight as they fell from the sky.

“C’mon, let’s get back to Ponyville,” Seth said, his head hanging low as he walked down the path towards the town. Rika was going to say something but Fritter stopped her.

“He’ll be alright, it’s hard sayin’ goodbye to friends… but it’s not forever. Just have some faith in them, okay?”

Rika looked at the mare and then to Seth. “Alright, I just hope you’re right.”

“So do I hun, so do I.”

Author's Note:

So this chapter happened. I'd like to thank ZeusDemigod for allowing me to use Gene and Belle, and I hope I did okay with this one.

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