• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 9,854 Views, 550 Comments

Under the Starry Skies - Wintergreen Diaries

Silver Moonshine opens a tavern in Ponyville, hoping to escape the city and maybe find a nice mare.

  • ...

Fit for a Princess

Chapter 8: Fit for a Princess

It had only been a week since Silver first arrived in Ponyville. Seven days was simply not enough time to garner the kind of popularity needed to draw anypony of notable descent, much less the royal princesses. A single cup of cider could never affect him this much, but then again, it was an even bigger stretch to believe what his eyes were seeing. Dawn, who he knew to be real, compounded his confusion by teleporting onto Luna’s back and latching onto her horn.

“Good morning, Dawn. I trust thou art well?” Luna soon found the filly’s cup hovering in front of her mouth, and she gave the rainbow colored drink a look of fascination before tasting a sip. “Sister, you must try this. Never have I heard of such a concoction.” Celestia eagerly accepted the glass, curious as to what could possibly have her sister grinning like the foal atop her head.

“Who is responsible for this?” Silver made his way over and bowed low, not having any idea what to say to the Solar Princess’ inquiry. “Tis truly a marvelous creation you have made. You must be Silver Moonshine, the stallion Twilight mentioned in her letter.”

“That’s correct, swee... your Highness. So, for clarity’s sake, I’m not seeing things, right?”

“Come on, Silver, it’s just the rulers of Equestria, what’s the big deal?” Rainbow laughed, recalling Storm’s similar reaction about a year prior. Having regular contact with the princesses was something that Twilight and her friends seemed to take for granted, but Silver felt nothing but a wealth of gratitude that they had decided to come to his humble tavern.

“I’d order something for you both to eat, but unfortunately my cooking staff isn’t in yet.”

“Do not worry about that. Twilight mentioned becoming a tester for your creations, and when she mentioned that you employed alchemy, I decided it might be worth a look.”

“Indeed, I am most glad we came. This foal’s chalice is awfully small, would you perhaps be so kind as to pour me a more suitable portion?” Royalty or not, the sisters had drained her cup, and Dawn wasn’t about to be left high and dry. Silver had just grabbed two glasses and was about to fill the first when the foal’s cup cut in line, appearing under the nozzle and awaiting his immediate attention. As soon as Dawn was safely occupied with her third cup, he filled the princesses’ with the alcoholic iteration and motioned them to sit, serving them and awaiting their feedback.

“I must say, I am slightly disappointed,” Celestia murmured. She noticed Silver’s features fall and hastily clarified the statement. “Don’t look so down, I was not speaking of the taste, simply that it doesn’t pack quite as much of a punch as I would have liked. My sister and I have a tolerance one can only build after existing for well over a millennium, and as such the amount we would have to consume to feel its effects is roughly three barrels of a brew this strength.”

“I believe I may have a solution for that, if you’ll be so kind as to return again tonight,” Silver said with a wink.

“Silver, you’re not honestly going to serve them that, are you?” Berry asked with notable hesitation, the idea of the two alicorns getting wasted painting a rather disturbing mental image.

“No more veiled responses, I demand to know of that which you speak.”

“Now now, Luna, we can wait until this evening.”

“But what about the dinner party we were to attend this evening?”

“Can you honestly say you’d rather be there, Luna?”

“Well, no. Very well, then. I do not like waiting, though. Have you anything else with which to entertain us?”

“Well,” he began, walking back behind the counter and rifling around before returning with two bottles, “I was planning on giving this a few more tests before bringing it to the table, but who am I to resist the request of the Lunar Princess?” They watched with curiosity as the unscrewed the cork, causing a small shower of sparks as the contents were shaken. Grabbing three new glasses, he filled one for Storm, Luna, and Celestia. The substance was a deep violet, and crackled as if imbued with lightning.

“This is a most peculiar beverage. By what name is it called?”

“Shockberry Wine, your Highness.”

“While I do not think that my sister or I will come to any harm drinking such a creation, don’t you think that’s a little dangerous for anypony else? Except you, Storm.”

“That’s what my able bodied testers are for, and why I only served you three first.”

“Come on, Storm, chug that down so we can try some!” Infected by the enthusiasm in his mare’s exclamation, Storm raised the glass to his lips and took a massive drought. He paused as the static danced through the liquor and down his throat, before setting in the pit of his stomach, yielding a nearly unnoticeable fuzzy feeling.

“As far as I can tell, it’s safe. Tastes great, though I was expecting more of a punch.” As Celestia and Luna downed theirs with similar results, the rest of the ponies had a much different reaction. Pinkie Pie immediately devolved into a fit of giggles as the drink trickled down her throat and into her stomach, where the tiny forks of lightning relentlessly prodded her gut. One by one everypony else had similar, though more subdued, reactions to the wine which was instantly labeled a triumph.

“Tis a wonderfully novel idea, Silver Moonshine. Still, I would ask that thou wouldst make a more potent iteration for when my sister and I return this evening.”

“Already done, sweetheart.”

“I... what?”

“Sorry, your Highness, I didn’t mean anything by it. Here,” he said quickly, grabbing her glass and opening the second bottle. It was no mere shower of sparks that erupted, and everypony drew back as lightning shot forth from the bottle, taking several seconds to calm down to a point where Silver could serve the overcharged liquor. “Storm, I’ll let you try this, but I won’t ask anypony else to join in. This is some seriously powerful stuff.”

“Are you kidding? This is what I signed up for, let me try some!”

“Rainbow Dash, are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Why, what’s the worst that could happen?”

“I smell singed feathers on your immediate horizon.”

“Ruining my fun,” she pouted. “Alright, fine, will somepony else clear this for me so I can try some?”

“Come on, Cerulean, you know you want to. I tried the first two creations, the least you could do is try this one.”

“Sure, what’s the worst that could happen? Can’t be any worse than what I’ve already experienced, no offense Twi. Serve me up, Silver.” The stallion complied, pouring only a small amount into Cerulean’s cup as all eyes turned to him, causing him to hesitate.

“What’re you waiting for, just do it!” Pinkie squealed, knocking the glass and turning an intended sip into a glass draining swig. Cerulean went from seated to flat on his back in a matter of seconds, limbs spread every which way and twitching as the wine flooded his system. Twilight chuckled a little as she knelt beside him, cradling his head as control, and feeling, slowly returned to his limbs.

“Ohk, na ur thurn.” Dawn found his sudden lack of vocal control extremely amusing, as did everypony else as the table erupted into well meaning laughter. Cerulean would have laughed, but the numbness in his tongue had him slightly self conscious so he bottled his mirth within. Storm took a swig of the same caliber and held the cup at length, gasping for air as the tingling sensation flooded his chest and abdomen.

“Wow, that looks fun! Come on, Silver, hit me!” Pinkie demanded, slamming her cup down on the table. Seeing as it did no permanent damage, at least not visibly, to Cerulean, he acknowledged her request and watched as the alicorn sisters clinked their cups together and downed their portions. Luna’s calm and collected demeanor fled in the face of the torrent of charged wine that assailed it, being dethroned by the tyrannical beast known as “mirth.” Celestia hadn’t seen Luna laugh that hard since viewing a videotape of Twilight’s teenage years, and while Silver couldn’t have known, she was deeply grateful to him for allowing her to let go like that. Rainbow Dash decided it would be best to leave the stronger wine untouched, if only for the sake of what it might do to her wings.

“Pinkie Pie, either something really strange is going to happen or you’re really enjoying that wine,” Twilight laughed as the electrical current robbed Pinkie of her control over her limbs, causing her body wide shakes.

“T-t-this f-feels r-really f-funny!” she stammered amidst much laughter, barely managing to stay standing upright.

Where farm work had once been an escape, it now felt like a prison, the silence of the orchards acting like an amplifier for her thoughts. Applejack was trapped in a circular argument that wouldn’t reach a conclusion, though there were only two choices from which to pick, and the right choice was painfully obvious; she could return the clothes and apologize, or concoct a new plan with which to unveil Silver’s secret. The perpetual tug of war raged without end, and she barely noticed as the crows began circling overhead in shape of an apple.

“Yippee, it’s the third sign!” Applebloom’s excited proclamation temporarily broke Applejack from her mental maelstrom, drawing her eyes to the sky. The fourth sign, the meteor shower, would be early evening, same as every year. The lightning flashed all around, and soon blue flowers appeared amongst the copper leaves. Silver had taken quite an interest in the Zap Apples, even if it was only for the purpose of making more booze. But then, the other day when they were in the cellar...

“Ah can’t keep this up, ah need to make up mah mind.”

“Make up yer mind about what, sis?”

“Don’t you worry ‘bout it none, Applebloom. You get on back to Granny Smith an’ help her.”

“You got it, Applejack!” She watched the filly recede into the distance, recalling how simple life as a child really was. Her reminisce was cut short as a deep voice behind her again called her mind to the question she was evading with all the diligence she could muster.

“So, what’re you gonna do, AJ?”

“Ah don’t know, Big Mac. Ah need more time t’ think.”

“Nnnope. You need to do what’s right an’ own up to what you’ve done.”

“Ah!” she started, stopping as she suddenly found no argument. “Ah... ah know. Dangit, Big Macintosh, ah know.” How does anypony go about apologizin’ fer breakin’ into somepony’s house and stealin’ their stuff? “What am ah supposed t’ tell ‘im, huh? How can ah possibly explain what ah’ve done?”

“Why don’t you just tell ‘im the truth an’ say yer sorry?”

“Do you really think that’d work with somethin’ like this?”


“Do ya think he’ll be mad?”

“Eeeyup. Applejack, what you did was wrong, especially usin’ Gale to do it. But Silver seems like a reasonable stallion, ah don’t think he’ll hold a grudge if you come clean.” Applejack said nothing, staring at the ground as she searched for the courage to make amends. She couldn’t explain why, but the idea of having him be angry with her was absolutely terrifying. “How about this,” Big Mac started, waiting as Applejack slowly made eye contact, “you can invite him over t’ watch the fourth sign o’ the Zap Apple harvest. Ah bet he’d like to see that. If you’d like, ah’ll even give you two some distance so you can talk to ‘im in private.”

“Ah wish I wasn’t so muddled, that’s a great idea, Big Mac. Thanks.”

“Eeeyup. Now, get back t’ work, we ‘ave a lot to do, especially with a new customer wantin’ more.”

After passing an hour chatting with his newfound friends, Silver waved them off as they went about their separate ways and left him alone with the princesses, who had requested to speak with him alone. It was slightly nerve wracking, being in the presence of royalty in an empty tavern when they had been drinking, but his worries were soon laid to rest, their questions being of a much more serious nature than he had anticipated.

“Silver Moonshine, you said that yours was a family skilled in alchemy, correct?”

“Well, just on my mother’s side, but that is correct, yes.” He pulled back the edge of his coat so they could see his Cutie Mark, and they both instantly recognized the symbols. Alchemy had just started as a branch of magic a few years before Luna’s transformation into Nightmare Moon, and thus she regarded the stallion’s markings with fascination. Celestia, who had seen the rise and fall of the study, knew far better than her sister the risks involved with such practices.

"It is rare to see somepony as skilled in alchemy as yourself, but do be careful. It can be quite dangerous and yield unexpected results. I will not ask you for confirmation, but I doubt you where such clothing simply because you can." Luna gave her sister a curious look as Silver nodded slowly, grateful that he wasn’t required to show them the truth of her words.

“Your perception amazes me, your Highness. I am all too aware of the risks, but thank you for your concern.”

“Not at all, it would be a terrible loss to lose an inventor of such potent potables. We will see you later tonight, at six. Come, Luna. We have some schedules to disrupt.”

“Sister, methinks your friends are having an influence on your behavior. Your ways are growing more devious by the year,” Luna chuckled as she followed her sister out. Having passed much more time than he had planned, he bid Berry farewell and made for the Carousel Boutique. When he explained his position to her, she immediately took pity on the stallion, unable to bare the thought of being trapped to the confines of a single outfit.

“It’s simply awful that somepony would steal another’s clothes. The bits, I could understand nor would I hold a grudge towards somepony that’s hit rock bottom, but stealing one’s clothing? Simply unacceptable. Do not worry, Silver Moonshine, I shall make you several new outfits, seeing as how you’re the most acceptable stallion to come into Ponyville for quite some time.”

“Are Cerulean and Storm really that bad?”

“That bad? I assure you, that blue stallion is far beyond what a simple term like ‘bad’ could possibly ascribe. Sure, some of the things he’s done may have been with good reason, but some things I simply cannot overlook!” He knew that if he let her continue that she’d only work herself into more of a frenzy, but she was tormenting his curious side.

“If you don’t mind me asking, can you give me an example?” He drew back fearfully as an icy glare temporarily veiled her beauteous appearance.

“Ask him about the tea party.” After this, she promptly took his measurements and went about her work, letting him excuse himself with nary another word on the matter. He returned to Starfall Tavern and did an inventory, calculating the proper amount to charge for his new creations and posting the prices accordingly. As was his custom, he served the best stuff first, and as ponies consumed more he served his magically fermented beverages, not wanting to waste the higher quality alcohol on ponies who wouldn’t be able to taste, or care, about the difference. Satisfied that everything was ready, he trotted upstairs and lay down for a nap.

Somehow, Silver had managed to completely bury his head between the two pillows that he owned. This in turn muffled his cousin’s voice to a point that the groggy stallion did not immediately wake, but rather began to dream as his mind interpreted to a voice that he wouldn’t mind being disturbed by.

“Come on, Silver, there’s a certain somepony here to see you.”

“Hnnn, Applejack?”

“Yeah, that’s the one.”

“Taste... good.”

“Uh, come again?” Berry removed the pillow to reveal that he was still very much asleep. She gently shook him awake, suppressing a laugh as he came to, blinking a few times as his eyes focused. “You know, it’s no use dreaming about a mare who is waiting downstairs for you.”

“What? How did... really?”

“She showed up a few minutes ago, asking to speak with you,” she explained, fixing his mane and straightening out his clothes. “Now go on, see what she wants.” It was with great effort that Silver remained calm, resisting the urge to stampede down the stairs to greet Applejack, who was waiting patiently just inside the entrance.

“It’s good to see you, Applejack. How are you?” His characteristically cheery disposition only made the guilt worse, and she winced as a wave of nausea hit her. “Hey, are you feeling alright?”

“Ahm fine. Listen, ah was just... ah was wonderin’ if maybe...” Come on, AJ, spit it out! You’re makin’ a foal of yerself. “Ah was hopin’ you’d watch the fourth sign of the Zap Apple harvest with me.”

“Certainly, I’d love to. Where and when?”

“Uh, ah’ll meet you here at six-thirty, should start around seven tonight.” The consternation on his face was evident. Silver wanted nothing more than to go, but somepony had to keep the tavern running.

“Please tell me you’re not worrying about being here, Silver.” Berry heaved a sigh as she descended the steps. “Sorry, Applejack, wasn’t trying to eavesdrop. Silver, you’re going. Don’t worry about the tavern, I’m sure I can watch after it for an hour or two.”

“Will you be able to stay sober that long?”

“Ouch, come on, Shiny. Have a little more faith in me. I promised I’d catch your burglar, and if I can do that I can most certainly stay sober long enough to manage the bar. Well, sober enough,” she added with a sheepish grin.

“Thanks, Berry. All right, Applejack, I’ll be ready at six-thirty sharp.”

“Much obliged.” She tipped her hat and left, doing her best to ignore the fact that she could feel herself being followed out by his eyes.

“Easy, Silver, you’re shaking.” Berry was indeed correct, likely due to the excitement flowing through him as his mind was consumed by the thought of spending more time with Applejack. It wouldn’t matter if the fourth sign was a grand display or something simple, it was going to be special. Walking over to the bar, he poured himself a glass of cider and began to sip it slowly, pondering what the night would bring.

Luna must have aligned the stars perfectly, as Rarity’s delivery came not days later as he was expecting but a mere hour after Applejack’s invitation. They fit comfortably, while still covering what was necessary, though she left the back a little more open than he was anticipating. It allowed him to display his Cutie Mark though, though after repeated attempts he gave up trying to pay the mare. Satisfied that she had done the stallion justice with her fashions, she left for Fluttershy’s cottage to see the mare before the tavern opened. While she found the behavior of most of the ponies far too crass for her tastes, it was an enjoyable experience when shared with her friends, who had taken quite a liking to the tavern for its fine food and great drinks.

The princesses arrived early, so Silver threw the doors open early and welcomed everypony in. As the novelty of being in the presence of royalty wore off, Silver grabbed their attention and pulled out a barrel from the storeroom, bearing the image of a dragon. Twilight and her friends all exchanged worried looks as Silver presented the cask to the princesses.

“The day this fails to give somepony a good buzz is the day I quit serving drinks. Celestia, Luna, I believed I promised you something special earlier, and here it is. Dragon Liquor, guaranteed to get a fully grown dragon drunk.”

“Verily, I find such a lofty claim to be quite difficult to accept. I shall put thine words to the test, young stallion. I would taste this ‘Dragon Liquor.’” Celestia’s face revealed not skepticism but anticipation, and he served both sisters with a full glass each. Luna’s overconfidence soon robbed her of breath as she took a large swig of the admittedly overpowered drought, coughing like a first time drinker downing a shot of whisky. Celestia barely managed not to land in the same position, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks as the magic brew amplified the alcohol as she took it in. After two cups, the sisters were, indeed, enjoying a good buzz. Rainbow Dash, ever the epitome of confidence, demanded she be allowed to try a shot and was soon laying on her back, staring up at the spiraling room with wonder. Storm scooped up his mess of a mare and sat her lengthwise in his lap, while she grew increasingly entertained with the rollercoaster like effect of the Dragon Liquor.

“When you feel like having a sane fillyfriend again, have her take this,” Silver said with a hearty laugh, offering a vial to Storm. “This will forcibly dissolve the alcohol in her system after a matter of minutes, but she won’t be able to drink for another twenty four hours, at least.”

“I dunno, this is pretty entertaining, but thanks. I’ll hold onto it.” Storm grabbed the vial and tucked it under his wings, not expecting any sudden bursts of passion from his thoroughly inebriated fillyfriend.

Every step was a test of Applejack’s determination as she neared the tavern, already quite noisy and more ponies arriving by the second. Why this was so hard, she couldn’t quite nail down, only that she was incredibly nervous. Making her way through the dining area, she approached the counter and flagged Silver down, who immediately glanced at the clock before trotting over to her.

“I’m sure glad you stopped by, was having a bit too much fun hanging with your friends. Well, our friends, I suppose I should say.” Applejack’s nervousness turned to disgust as she beheld the rulers of Equestria singing loudly and terribly off key, their flushed cheeks a clear indicator of their intoxicated state. Rainbow Dash was still gleaning some fascination from the distortion that danced across her vision, and it took all of Applejack’s self control not to buck Silver good and hard right then and there.

“You got the princesses drunk?”

“At their request, I gave them something strong enough to tickle their fancy. I’m just glad they liked it so much.”

“Ah see. Come on, then. We’re gonna miss it if we don’t hurry.” Silver gave his thanks to Berry again as they headed out of the tavern and towards the farm. The stallion was having trouble trying to figure out something to talk about to break the uneasy silence, but even if he had, Applejack was in no mood to talk. She had been getting nervous over seeing somepony who had the audacity to get the princesses drunk in public? She had half a mind to give him a very solid thwack to the head.

“Dawn, what is it?” The foal suddenly grew incredibly squirmy, so much so that Twilight knew she wasn’t just having a fit. Dawn wasn’t crying, but babbling up a storm and pointing towards the exit with a hoof.

“Twilight, we’d better listen. This looks important.” The couple excused themselves quietly, and with Dawn perched safely on her head, Twilight followed Dawn’s outstretched hoof towards Sweet Apple Acres. The foal quieted down as they made their way into the Zap Apple trees, and Twilight allowed a soft chuckle as she realized her daughters intent. Cerulean was still lost, not having witnessed the signs, only hearing about them.

“Dawn, you really like the stars, don’t you? You just wanted to see the meteor shower.” Twilight closed her eyes as the foal gave her a well deserved pat on the head and returned her eyes to the skies. Cerulean shared the foal’s excitement until the faint sound of voices caused him to motion for silence, making his way through the trees with Twilight close behind. They shared a smile as they found Silver and Applejack laying side by side, looking up at the sky as Dawn was. “I know we should leave them be, but I’d really like to see what happens,” Twilight whispered, torn between allowing their privacy and sating her curiosity. Actually, it was more than that. Twilight desperately wanted to see Applejack let somepony else in, and Cerulean nodded his agreement. It was hard for him to see her suffer the way she had, especially since he knew it was on his account, even if it was beyond his control.

“If things get... interesting, we’ll leave them alone, all right? Otherwise, let’s just see what happens.”

The first stars of the night sky came into view as the sun’s rays slowly faded. Lavender faded to deep blue, and Silver let slip a small sigh as he beheld their beauty.

“This is something you can’t find in Manehatten.”

“What, apples?”

“No, the stars. The city lights are too bright, you have to walk for miles just to catch a glimpse of them. Whenever,” he stopped mid sentence, his eyes growing wide with wonder as the first shooting star of the scheduled meteor shower left its glittering trail in the sky. He was soon enraptured as the sky was filled with spectral trails, and he closed his eyes, bathing in the dancing lights that still remained on his vision.

Applejack’s mind had reached its limit, as her fears, anxieties, anger, and guilt drove her to take action while he was distracted. The nagging doubts in the back of her mind roared to life, and without a word she tore open the vest Rarity had made, ripping it cleanly down the center and revealing his secret. She stumbled back and fell to the ground as he leapt upright, his glassy eyes blazing as she stared at his form in horror, the image imprinting itself in her mind.