• Published 8th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors of Light and Dark - Wildcard25

After a failed mishap by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, two boys from another universe are teleported to Equestria with no way back to their world. Can they adapt to living in Ponyville while at the same time deal with a new threat in the land?

  • ...

A New Threat

The next morning after the boys welcome party, in the kingdom of Canterlot. Inside the palace was Celestia going through paperwork and thought, 'Please let something else come up to get me out of this.' She thought in desperation until a guard charged in.

"Your highness! News from Western Equestria!" he explained frantically.

"Yes?" she asked seeing it had to be important based off the guards worry.

"I've just been informed… He's free." he explained in dread.

A look of shock grew on Celestia's face and she turned to one of her guards, "Summon Princess Cadence and Shining Armor!"

"Yes your highness!" he galloped off.

She used her magic to levitate a scroll and quill and began writing as she thought, 'I wished this day would never come.'

Meanwhile in Ponyville, Dustin and Alistair were at Ponyville's library looking through a few books, while wearing special translating glasses Zyphon supplied them with, "I never would've guessed this land would have so much history." Dustin gasped, as he turned a page.

"That's Equestria for you," Twilight explained as she used her magic to levitate more history books for them to check, "Although I'm surprised you both are reading through those so fast even with translating glasses."

"I know. I can barely get past one without dozing off." Spike added.

"I happen to like reading through history. Besides if we're going to be here for awhile, the least we should do is learn about this lands history." Alistair replied.

"Reason why I'm reading so fast is because this is like child's play to me." Dustin admitted.

"How can it be child's play to you?" Spike asked.

"Well I happen to be a teacher." He answered bluntly.

Twilight nearly tripped over her hooves from hearing that, "Wait. You're a teacher?"

"That's right." He confirmed.

"But you're just a kid." She replied.

"True, but beneath this child's exterior lies the mind of a genius many years ahead of my time." Dustin explained.

"You don't really look like a genius." Spike noted based off Dustin's appearance.

"You presume too much based off appearances, Spike," Dustin replied, "I mean since when was it law that geniuses have to look like stereotypical nerds?"

"Blame media," Alistair answered, "Unless you count Tony Stark, he's no way a nerd."

"So Dustin, if you're a teacher what classes do you teach?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Well as of now I'm more of a substitute. After all I may be a teacher but I'm still a kid."

"Good point. So what's your field?"

"I specialize in foreign languages. I got English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese. Here you should check out my Q*bert-ese." Suddenly Dustin started speaking in some bizarre language that just sounded like random noises.

Twilight and Spike watched him with odd expressions as the alicorn looked to Alistair, "What's he saying?"

"I have no idea." Alistair answered.

Suddenly the door slammed open revealing Rainbow Dash, "Hey guys!"

Dustin cried as he flew up to the ceiling clutching it like a cat. Dustin looked down seeing Rainbow and the rest of the girls enter the library, "Don't do that!" he cried before floating back down.

"Morning yall." Applejack greeted the group.

"Morning girls." Twilight greeted them back.

"Whatcha guys up to?" Rainbow asked.

"Just catching up on Equestria history." Alistair answered.

"You're reading history?" Rainbow Dash aske,d as she flew up to the boys, "Bo-ring! If you want something to read, you should read this!" she held up the copy of her favorite book.

Alistair read the title, "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue?"

"Yeah! It's the coolest series out there." Rainbow assured them.

Alistair and Dustin looked at the book as the spike head thought, 'Wow. This world has its own version of Indy J?'

Suddenly Spike belched up a scroll. Dustin's eyes widened, "How does he do that?"

"Magical fire." Spike answered.

"It's a letter from the princess." Twilight said as she levitated the parchment up to her and read it to herself. As she read a look of concern started growing on her face which went noticed by her friends.

"Twi, what's up?" Applejack asked.

"Twilight?" Rarity was confused as to her friend's reaction.

She turned to her friends, "Girls, we have to get to Canterlot right away."

"Is something wrong?" Alistair asked.

"The princess has summoned us for an important matter." Twilight explained.

"Well then let's get going." Rainbow said as they left the library and were about to head for the train station, until Dustin whistled for them to stop.

"Hold up girls. If we're going all the way to Canterlot again, then we're going my way." The human boy explained.

"And just what is your way?" Rarity asked curiously.

"By air of course." He answered.

"You mean fly there?" Fluttershy asked a bit nervously.


"Works for me." Rainbow answered.

"Maybe for you, Twi, and Fluttershy. But what about the rest of us?" Applejack asked.

"Applejack's right, we cannot fly." Rarity reminded them.

"No problem. Zyphon!" Dustin ordered his robot that approached them and picked Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity up with his arms.

"Be careful!" Rarity cried at how he was holding her.

"My apologies, Miss Rarity." Zyphon apologized.

Alistair took Spike in his hands, "Everypony ready?"

"Ready!" Rainbow answered as she and Twilight spread their wings while Zyphon activated his rocket boosters.

"Then let's ride!" Dustin called, as he and Alistair concentrated their energies to their feet and flew off. Twilight followed them with Rainbow holding onto Fluttershy, and Zyphon took off following them while the three remaining ponies held onto him.

As Twilight flew up to Dustin's speed the boy spoke, "What do you think Princess Celestia wants us for?"

"All she said was that it was a matter of great importance." Twilight explained.

"Your mentor sounds like she loves being cryptic about stuff." Dustin noted.

"Tell me about it." Twilight nodded, as they continued flying.

Rarity looked down and gasped, "Oh my! We're up awfully high!"

"Just don't look down!" Applejack warned her.

"And try not to move so much." Zyphon added as he kept flying.

"This is sweet! I feel just like a bird in the sky!" Pinkie cheered.

"Don't we all?" Alistair asked, as he flew besides them carrying Spike.

Soon enough they managed to land in Canterlot, "That was some flight." Pinkie said.

"Is it over?" Rarity asked clutching on Zyphon's back.

"Yes Miss Rarity, it's over. You can remove yourself from me." Zyphon answered, as the unicorn saw they were on solid ground again.

"Oh thank Celestia." She sighed in relief.

"We better hurry." Twilight said as they headed for the castle on hoof or the boys cases 'foot'.

Upon entering the castle, they arrived inside the Princess' throne room seeing Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, Cadence, and some kind of amalgam creature waiting, "Princess Celestia, we're here." Twilight greeted her mentor.

"And just in time." Celestia sighed in relief.

"What's Discord doing here?" Rainbow Dash noting the amalgam creature.

"What, are you not happy to see me, Rainbow? I'm hurt." The creature named Discord answered, while pretending to cry before blowing his nose into a handkerchief and showed his nose had become plastered onto it.

"Who is this guy?" Alistair asked feeling creeped out.

Discord appeared before the boys, "So these are the new creatures in Equestria, Dustin Bowers and Alistair Savage I presume?"

"That's us." Dustin confirmed him.

"And you are?" Alistair asked.

"Why I am Discord; former bringer of chaos." he held out his lion paw.

"Nice to meet you." Dustin shook it and when he looked at his hand he saw he was shaking Discords paw that wasn't even attached to his arm. He shrieked as he dropped the severed paw.

Discord laughed, while putting his paw back onto his lion arm, "Oh I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist!"

"This guy has a weird sense of humor." Alistair whispered to Dustin who nodded.

"Discord, enough of your levity!" Luna scolded him.

"Luna is right. This is serious business." Celestia reminded him.

"I know. Proceed." Discord said getting his act together.

So the ponies, Spike, and the boys gathered around as the Princess spoke, "Now then, I've called you all here because an old enemy from the past has returned."

"Another old enemy?" Rainbow asked, "How many do you all have?" all she got in response was shushing from Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight.

"What's the threat this time?" Twilight asked her mentor who sighed before answering.


The ponies looked confused, "Serpentine?" they asked.

"What's a serpentine?" Dustin asked.

"Serpentine is a tribe of snake creatures that once terrorized Equestria." Luna began, as Celestia used her magic to project an image of the Crystal Empire before them.

"As you all know a thousand years ago King Sombra ruled the Crystal Kingdom with an iron hoof enslaving all the crystal ponies." Celestia explained.

"Yikes." Dustin whispered to Alistair.

"What many were not aware of was that during Sombra's tyranny he was accompanied by a band of minions he created himself." she continued

"Self created minions?" Alistair asked as Celestia nodded and continued, while showing an image of Sombra standing before five types of snakes on the floor. One was an anaconda, a boa constrictor, a spitting cobra, a pit viper, and an Indian cobra.

"Using his dark magic, King Sombra bestowed upon five types of snakes powers unlike any pony's ever seen giving them bigger and stronger forms." Luna explained.

They watched the flashback play, as King Sombra's horn glowed and dark magic surrounded the five snakes as they went through a metamorphosis phase. When the transformation ended the five snakes were about the size of King Sombra and had gained a physical form like the boys. Each of the five snakes grew arms and claws like a dragon's while their bottom halves were still tails but they no longer had to slither or crawl on their bellies, "It was then King Sombra granted each of the five snakes the title of generals of their own tribe of smaller less powerful serpentine." Celestia continued, as the flashback showed Sombra using his magic to levitate a single golden snake like staff into each of the five snakes claws.

"The serpentine from then on served under Sombra's rule making sure any crystal pony did not go against his orders." Luna explained. The girls watched the flashback play as the snake creatures were ordering the captured crystal ponies around and abusing them which made them cringe.

"However as the years past, the serpentine started growing weary of serving under Sombra," Celestia continued, "Eventually the tribes rose up and the five generals attempted to overthrow King Sombra, but even they're strengths combined were not enough to defeat him. So Sombra banished them from the kingdom and their armies with them. Eventually they found their way to our side of Equestria and attempted to take over Canterlot. It was only by using the power of the elements of harmony Luna and I were able to stop the five tribes and imprison them in five separate tombs to keep them apart."

"All right!" Rainbow cheered, until she was shushed again.

"But now one of the tombs has been opened and one of the tribes has been unleashed." Celestia explained.

"And which tribe is this?" Dustin asked curiously.

"It is the tomb of Pythor, general to the Anacondrai tribe." Discord answered.

"Anacondrai?" Alistair asked.

"One of the most feared and powerful of all the serpentine tribes," Celestia explained, "It was Pythor who inspired his fellow generals to revolt against King Sombra. Now that he has been released his plan will be to unleash the rest of his fellow serpentine brethren."

"The five serpentine tombs were scattered all throughout Equestria, and knowing Pythor he's sure to find them and reunite the tribes once again." Luna feared.

"So what can we do?" Fluttershy asked.

"I call upon your help in keeping Pythor and his serpentine from ever conquering Canterlot if not all of Equestria. I understand how much of a burden this seems on you, but I could not ask the help of any other pony." Celestia explained.

"We understand the importance of this matter, Princess." Twilight nodded.

Suddenly the doors of the throne room burst open startling everypony, while Dustin, Alistair, and Shining Armor got on defense. Pinkie bounced to the entrance and didn't see anybody, "Nopony's at the door."

"Maybe it was just the wind." Fluttershy answered.

"Just the wind? Just the wind? IT'S NEVER JUST THE WIND!" Domino cawed.

Celestia and Luna wearily gazed around the room, until a laugh echoed all around making the ponies gasp, "Well, well, well. It seems we've got us a full castle of celebrities," a voice spoke, "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, you two are looking radiant as always."

"Pythor." The two sisters frowned as their eyes darted around.

"Ah you remember me. I was beginning to think everypony forgot about me." The voice continued.

"I hear him, but I don't see him." Applejack said, as she and the other ponies looked around.

"Where are you, Pythor?!" Luna demanded.

"Using the Canterlot voice, Luna? I heard that tone went out centuries ago." the voice mocked her.

"That's what I keep telling her." Discord added, as Luna shot him a look for agreeing with the enemy.

"Discord, my old chum. What brings you here with these ponies?"

"I'm not the same Discord you knew, Pythor. I've changed." The spirit of chaos answered.

"Changed? More like you've gotten soft!" he mocked the bringer of chaos.

"Where are you, Pythor? Answer us!" Celestia ordered.

"You really want to know, Princess? Well I'm over here," He said as the group looked at one corner of the chamber, "Or maybe I'm here!" they looked at another corner, "I could be anywhere." He snickered.

Spike was backing away into a corner in fright, unaware of a pair of glowing eyes and fangs appearing behind him. Suddenly appearing out of nowhere was the source of the voice. The creature was in fact one of the Serpentine mentioned by Celestia. It had glowing light violet eyes, four large fangs, a very long curvy neck, and was about the same height as Luna if not a bit taller. He had purple skin, with black markings along his chest and forehead, light blue gems on his head and chest, purple dragon claws, and had a long tail instead of legs. Spike seeing the giant snake appear behind him like that made him scream and jump back over to Twilight in fright. The snake started slinking closer before speaking, "My sincerest of apologies, young dragon. Due to my unfortunate appearance I have an unsettling affect on ponies." He chuckled.

"Pythor." Celestia frowned.

"That is one big snake!" Twilight shivered.

Pythor looked at the smaller ponies and smirked, "Greetings ponies! I am Pythor; general of the Anacondrai tribe of Serpentine!" he showed them his staff signaling his rank, "You may bow now."

"We ain't bowing to no snake." Applejack answered, while the others stood tough.

Pythor sighed, "So much disrespect. Who raised you anyway?"

Before Applejack could answer, Luna spoke, "You have not changed at all, Pythor. You're still picking on ponies smaller than yourself."

"Oh spare me, Luna. Day and a half out of the tomb and already I'm listening to a boring lecture," he replied, before speaking in an angry tone to the two princesses, "You two sisters locked me and my kind in your stuffy little den and tossed my tribe away into the depths like yesterday's garbage. Do you have any idea what it's like to be locked in a tomb for a thousand years?! It's boring. Not to mention repulsive with the odors we give off." he said in disgust.

"Whatever you have planned it won't succeed, Pythor." Celestia warned him.

"You robbed me of my pride!" Pythor bellowed, "Because of you locking us away in that insidious tomb for so long without even a bite to eat I had to survive by feasting on my own flock!"

"Your own flock?" Pinkie asked.

"Then you?" Cadence asked, while fearing where this was headed.

"Yes. I went cannibal on my own tribe." He snickered, while making everypony sick to their stomachs.

"Good heavens." Zyphon gasped.

"I'm gonna puke." Dustin muttered while looking green.

"I heard from all around the latest in what's been happening, specifically the final destruction of King Sombra. Now that you've taken care of him for me I have one less obstacle in my way. Now that we got the pleasantries out of the way, I really must be going. It was lovely to see you all again." Pythor said about to turn tail and leave, only to come face to face with Alistair.

"You're not going anywhere." He warned the snake.

"Alistair!" Dustin called.

"And who might you be my little appetizer?" Pythor asked pleasantly.

"The name is Alistair Savage, and you my reptilian friend are my scaly new punching bag." The dark warrior smirked as he charged the snake and started throwing punches at Pythor who shielded himself with his arms before throwing a punch of his own at Alistair who took the blow.

"I think you deserve a trip!" Pythor joked, before using his tail to trip Alistair off his feet making him land on his back. He grabbed Alistair by the gruff of his jacket, "You are a fool to challenge me, little boy."

"And you're a fool to underestimate me," Alistair replied revealing he had his right index finger aimed at Pythor's stomach with his finger charged with dark energy, "Shadow gun!" he blast it at Pythor who took the blow and dropped Alistair.

"Holy moly!" Pinkie gasped.

"So that's the attack and self defense part of what your different energies can do?" Applejack asked Dustin.

"Correct." He answered.

Pythor groaned and got up, "You have made a serious mistake, child."

"Says you." Alistair replied.

"I'll be sure to feast on you, meat and all." He licked his lips, before Dustin slid to Alistair's side.

"You want my pal? You gotta go through me too."

"With pleasure." Pythor acknowledged as the two boys started fighting the snake hand to hand.

"Shouldn't we help them?" Luna asked her sister while Celestia shook her head.

"I want to see more of what they can do."

Pythor swung his tail for Alistair like before only instead of tripping he caught the tail in mid-swing, "Gotcha!" Alistair called.

"And here's one from me!" Dustin punched Pythor in the face with a spirit powered up fist. Pythor rolled across the ground before getting back up.

"Good form boys, but let's see how well you deal with this!" he extended his claws at them as multiple snakes extended from his palms that wrapped around the boys wrists and ankles.

"Hey let me go!" Alistair struggled.

"Get these snakes off me!" Dustin demanded while struggling.

"Hang on master!" Zyphon charged in throwing a punch to Pythor, only for the snake to dodge.

"I don't know what you boys are, but I will take pleasure in feasting on your skins." Pythor hissed at them.

"Oh no ya don't!" Applejack charged and bucked Pythor in the back causing the snakes he was using to bind the boys to release them.

Pythor frowned at Applejack, "So you want to play too, huh?"

"Yeah and I got a game for you! Snake tackle!" Rainbow tackled Pythor into a wall before he used his strength to knock the pegasus off him.

"I'd love to stay and play some more, but I have what I need." he held out a scroll taking the two Alicorn sisters by surprise.

"He's got the map of dens! Stop him!" Luna ordered, as Shining Armor and Cadence charged for the Serpentine.

"Sorry foals, but it's time for me to go." Pythor suddenly vanished. Upon seeing him camouflage himself to make his escape, Shining Armor and Cadence ceased their charge knowing they wouldn't be able to find him now.

"He got away." Shining Armor sighed.

"Now you see why that old snake is so dreadful, even for my taste." Discord said to the others.

"Princess Celestia, what was that map Pythor had?" Twilight asked.

"The map of dens," she began, "It's the only existing map that tells the exact locations of the five Serpentine tombs."

"And now that Pythor has it, he'll be able to unleash the other four tribes." Luna feared.

"And all of Equestria will be in danger." Discord concluded.

"So then we'll fight!" Dustin spoke up, grabbing their attention, "If Pythor's gonna try and take over this land, we'll be here to stop them."

"Dustin." Celestia gasped.

"I agree," Alistair joined in, "If that snake thinks he and any of his kind can just come out of their holes and take over this land. Well they got another thing coming."

"I commend for your bravery warriors, but this isn't really your fight." Luna replied.

"How wrong you are," Dustin retorted, "As of yesterday Equestria's become our home away from home. And if this place is overrun by Serpentine then we'll really have no way of returning home. So consider this spirit warrior and dark warrior at your command your excellencies." He and Alistair bowed their heads. The princesses looked surprised as Twilight spoke.

"We'll also take responsibility in bringing Pythor to justice."

"Ya darn tootin'." Applejack added.

"We won't stop until he's back in his tomb." Rainbow put in.

"And we're all in this together." Rarity said.

"Till the very end." Pinkie said.

"Because we represent the elements of harmony and must make sure that harmony is strong." Fluttershy finished.

The princesses, Discord, Cadence, and Shining Armor smiled at their dedication, "Thank you all for your support. We'll all do our part and make sure to inform you if we see or hear any hint of Pythor's whereabouts or other Serpentine sightings." Celestia explained.

The ponies bowed their heads in respect, as Dustin looked at Alistair, "Well my friend, looks like we got us a responsibility here in this world."

"And it's a big one." Alistair nodded.

"Think we can pull it off?" the spike head asked.

"We'll do it or go down trying." Alistair answered, as the two locked fists signaling they were ready for anything.

Author's Note:

The villains known as Serpentine along with Pythor are owned by the people who make Lego Ninjago. I find those creatures would make fitting villains in the world of Equestria.