• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,504 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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23. The Invitation - II (rw)

Vinyl telekinetically unseals the envelope, fishing out a folded letter and a flier of some sort. Throwing the envelope aside, her eyes skim over the flier.

“Oh this is really cool. This place is holding a music festival in Canterlot with a bunch of different artists.” Vinyl flips the flier over to show me. The art depicts Christmas—or I suppose Hearth’s Warming Eve—with a decorated tree taking up one half of the background and musical and fruity motifs the other half. Emblazoned top middle is the venue’s logo of an alicorn silhouette presiding over a cup of citrus. Various lines of Equestrian Scrawl fill in the rest. “Check it out, there’s my old roomie’s band: Tera Tremolo and the Blazing Medley,” she says, tapping one of the lines.

“Alright, that’s cool and all, but what do we care about any of this? You said before that Canterlot is really expensive to visit.”

Vinyl’s excitement visibly dims, her ears flattening. “I did, yeah. I guess I can’t really go to this without draining my savings.” She sets the flier on the table and unfolds the letter. “Now let’s see why this Erratic Tune dude is sending me this anyway.”

As Vinyl reads the letter over, her eyes slowly widen and her ears rise back up. “Whoa, no way. Is this for real?”

“You're just going to leave me in suspense over here?” I ask, tapping my foot.

“Dude, I think this is my big break!” Vinyl exults, her body trembling with excitement. “I’m invited to perform at the festival too! In Canterlot!” I lean back as Vinyl rears up and kicks her front hooves in the air with a loud whoop.

“Didn’t you say you’ve performed in Canterlot before?” I recall, raising a brow at her unusual excitement. “Why does this one have you so hyped up?”

Once, and I was barely an opening number. Seth, I’ve never been requested by name before!” Vinyl lowers her hooves, only to erratically bounce on them, her mane becoming messier and tousled. “I have to take part in this, it’ll be huge for my career!”

I frown, not particularly liking the idea of losing my secondary source of income. “So, you’re headed to Canterlot soon then?”

“You better believe I am!” I cover my ears as Vinyl closes her eyes and lets out a high-pitched squeal of pure unadulterated excitement. “Pack your things, dude. I need a day, then we’re off to the big city!”

“Yeah, that makes sense. I just need to figure out what to do about rent now that you’re—” I pause mid-sentence and jerk my head up. “Wait hold on a second, I’m going with you?”

Vinyl snickers at my double-take. “Did you think you weren’t? You’re my assistant, and this is a multi-day affair! Obviously you’re coming.”

“I’m going to…wow, okay.” My hand moves to my forehead. “How would that work? How am I even supposed to pay for it?”

“You’re not.” Vinyl shoots her hoof up to forestall the impending protest. “And don’t you dare give me that face; I already know what you’re going to say.”

“Oh do you now?”

“Here’s how it’s gonna work. I’m paying for the train tickets, hotel, and food. You’re going to schlep all my stuff wherever I tell you to, and then we’re both going to get paid. Get it?” Vinyl taps her hoof on the table with each sentence. “Ever traveled for work before? They’re called business expenses.”

“My job experience pre-Equestria was a summer retail job,” I admit with a sigh. “Come to think of it, my brother’s company used to pay for his trips whenever he had to work in the field. You’re still going to turn a profit?”

“Hay yeah I am! Like, a huge profit!” Vinyl exclaims before she pauses. “Hold up, you have a brother?”

“I…” I close my mouth with a snap. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Huh. No worries; I was just curious.” I avert my eyes from Vinyl’s gaze, scolding myself for letting the words get away from me. “Anyway, so you’re cool coming with now?”

I pinch the bridge of my nose; my attempts to stave off the coming stress headache proving unfruitful. “...Yeah, I guess there’s no reason not to.”

“Alright! I seriously can’t wait! I’ve got to get ready!” Vinyl zips into the living room, and the sound of crashing and shifting furniture ensues. “I need to pack up my tables, think about my setlist, put together something to wear...oh, and Tera’s going to want her guitar back. So much to plan, aaaaah!”

I shake my head and make for the stairs; I still have some homework I can do before bed. As I move upstairs, I sigh heavily. So in the end, I’m going to Canterlot anyway. At least this way it’s on my terms. I only hope that I’ll be able to avoid the Princesses.

The following morning, I wake at the usual time for work and get dressed warmly, only to walk downstairs and find Vinyl pacing impatiently in the living room with half a cup of steaming coffee hovering beside her. The living room is even more of a wreck than usual. There’s hardly any room for me to walk without stepping over stacks of discarded vinyl records, stray extension cords, and effect pedals.

“Don’t even bother, dude.” Vinyl thrusts a hoof over to the nearest window. I follow her hoof to see nothing but a flurry of pure white outside. “With that storm outside, we’re pretty much stuck here.”

“It can’t be that bad,” I say offhandedly. I move over to the front door.

Vinyl jerks her head to me in alarm. “Don’t open the—!”

The moment I turn the handle, the door slams open, blown inward by the sheer force of the winds. A cloud of freezing white snow bursts into the hallway, blinding me and causing my face to sting. The wind cuts right through my clothes and to the bone in an instant.

Vinyl forces the door shut with her magic, staring at me with a flat-browed expression. “What did I just say? That’s a regular winter storm out there. Unless you want to suffer, you’re stuck here.”

“Point taken,” I dust myself off, a smattering of snow scattering to the floor with each motion. “I’ve never seen a storm like that before. I barely even saw snow where I came from.”

“That’s what it’s like further south, or so I hear. My gigs never take me down that far,” Vinyl reveals. My eye twitches at that. I lived further south, but apparently, my further south is their further north. I’ll never understand what happened to America’s geography. “I’ve already packed as much as I can for now, so get comfy and find something to do until this blows over.”

Defeated, I collapse onto the couch. “Ugh, what a pain. I have things I need to do today.”

“You and me both, pal. I should be running errands in town, but go figure,” Vinyl continues to pace, her irritation growing with every step.

“This is Rainbow’s fault somehow,” I complain. “I still don’t understand why you even need to make storms and severe weather, if you control it all.”

“I’m not the pony to ask about that, though this could be from the Everfree Forest. We’ve got no control over what pops up from there,” Vinyl says with a shrug.

“Great. I don’t have many options on what to do with my time anyway. I mean I guess I still have homework I could do, but…” I trail off and lean my head back against the couch, the two of us cutting a rather sad figure.

“Homework? Oh yeah, for your reading. Sounds totally boring.” Vinyl kicks her hind legs mindlessly. Finally, after several moments of agonizing silence, she beats her head against the couch. “Aagh, I can’t take it anymore!”

She turns her head to me and lifts up a familiar black magical guitar. A hopeful expression crosses her face. “Wanna jam? I can’t just stand here and do nothing.”

“Wha…?” Several protests run through my mind at the sudden suggestion, but the sight of the magical guitar floating in her telekinetic grip proves too tantalizing to ignore. “Screw it, why not. It’s not like there’s anything else to do.”

“Now we’re talking!” Vinyl leaps to her hooves, energy returning to her lithe frame. She passes me the guitar and leads me to the music room in a streak of white and electric blue.

I follow her with the guitar, looping my arm through the strap. I never thought I’d agree to play with someone so willingly, but the first time was enjoyable enough, and this may be the last time I get to play a magical guitar for some time.

Vinyl shuts the door to the music room, locking out any and all unwelcome noise from the storm raging outside. She zips to her tables and taps several buttons and flips several switches, resulting in a record scratching sound that eventually gives way to a basic beat. “It’s time to rock, dude! Let’s get some practice in before the main event!”

“I won’t be in your main event, but I can’t argue with some good ol’ rock and roll,” I recall a particular song and regret not for the first time that I don’t also have a keyboard. Once again, my dreams outreach my current income. Though perhaps with this gig, things will change. “Any idea what I should play?”

“Not a single one! Just jam out to whatever you want, and I’ll add my own touches to it as we go!” Vinyl encourages me with a wide grin. With a shrug, I flip on the magical guitar and break out into the opening riff of a heavy metal song that was fairly popular back in my era. By no means am I able to play the solo well, but I can just switch to the rhythm when the time comes. “Okay, I have no idea what this is, but this is awesome! Let’s go!”

With that, the two of us embark upon a journey of rock remixing that if it weren’t for the soundproofing of this room, our neighbors would likely be able to hear despite the howling storm.

Applejack spots me trudging through hills of snow piled up along the road, dressed in three layers of clothing. “Howdy there Seth. You’re wrapped up mighty tight,” she says with a chuckle.

“Well sorry I don’t have warm insulating fur like the rest of you ponies,” I retort, shivering as a gust of wind passes through the field.

Apple Bloom giggles as well. “You look like a mummy!”

Now I’m questioning how you even know what a mummy is, but that’s beside the point. I’m guessing you’re here because school was canceled?”

Applejack stares over her coated fields. “Most Ponyville closed shop for the day... Wish there was some kind of warning. Felt like walking in the frozen north this mornin’,” she says in annoyance. “Look at this mess! It’s gonna take all evenin’ to git my fields clear!”

“I can help for a little while, but I actually have some—” Before I can finish my sentence, Rainbow Dash pops from underneath a snowdrift like an arctic mole. With a wild grin promising mischief, she winds her hoof and nails Applejack on the cheek with a snowball.

With a snuffle, Applejack clears the snow out of her eyes and glares at the cackling instigator. “Rainbow Dash, you pesky eyesore, I ain’t got time for your nonsense!”

“Then come and stop me, AJ! Unless you’re admitting defeat already!” Rainbow taunts, bouncing another snowball from one hoof to another.

“Not on your life! C’mere!” Rainbow’s eyes widen as Applejack tackles her into the snowdrift, concealing them in a white cloud of kicked-up snow.

I shake my head at the display. “For goodness’s sake. And here I was thinking my day would be nice and—” My world explodes with a cloud of white as a snowball bursts on the scarf covering my face. Slowly, my eyes fall down to Apple Bloom giggling before me.

“Sneak attack! Three points for the Apple team!” Apple Bloom declares with a raised hoof before withering at my menacing look. “Oh...did I make you mad? I’m sorry, I was just trying to have some fun an I know you were part of the last snowball fight we had an please don’t be mad at me...I didn’t mean to—”

During her string of apologies, I wordlessly kneel down and roll up a clump of snow. Then I roll it again. And again. The resulting snowball grows larger and larger, becoming as large as Apple Bloom herself. Apple Bloom trails off as I lift the snowball above my head, her little hooves scrabbling on the ground as she struggles to make a run for it. “Wait, no! Eep!”

My wrath mercilessly descends upon her in a ball of packed white destruction. The snowboulder smashes into her petite frame and bears her to the ground, crumbling into a hill of freshly-turned snow.

“Turnabout is fair play, you little sneak,” I say with a snicker while dusting off my hands. A hatless Applejack returns with Rainbow Dash in tow, the two of them out of breath and exchanging verbal jabs. “Welcome back. You two finished trying to paint each other white?”

“Yeah. I won, obviously. You can barely see orange under all that snow!” Rainbow boasts breathily, nudging Applejack.

“Well I don’t see none of those obnoxious colors of yours, Rainbow Dash!” Applejack shoots back. I decide not to mention that I can make out each of their coats quite well. “Hold on a mo, where’s little Apple Bloom?”

On cue, Apple Bloom pokes out of the snow with her bow undone and her mane falling in a mess down her face. She shudders and snuffles, spitting out snow. “That ain’t fair! I can’t make snowballs that big!”

“Try picking on someone your own size next time,” I caution her, earning laughs from Rainbow and Applejack. “Which reminds me. Care to explain that snowstorm? Why was it necessary to shut the whole town down?” I ask, turning to Rainbow.

“It wasn’t on purpose!” Rainbow protests. “It was supposed to be a flurry, but then some storm clouds came from the Everfree Forest and mixed with our clouds! After that, it was a total mess!”

“Why didn’t you just push them away?”

“You try messing with Everfree weather, genius. It’s like a totally different beast!” Rainbow defends.

“So you’re sayin' all this,” Applejack says, spreading out her hooves at the half-buried farm, “is your fault?”

“No! I mean um...maybe? I’d say it’s more of a team fault,” Rainbow says, tripping over her words.

“Good enough for me. You’re helping Seth, Big Mac, and me clear the fields.”

Rainbow’s ears droop, and she glances at the snow-laden fields in dismay. “Wait what? Really? Do I have to? There’s like fifty acres of snow out there!”

“Quit your exaggeratin’ and grab a snowplow. These drifts ain’t gonna clear themselves.” Applejack nudges her back with a smug expression. “Coming, Seth?”

“I said I would. Besides, seeing Rainbow actually help us for once is worth the extra effort,” I reply, earning a piteous moan from Rainbow and a satisfied smirk from Applejack. “We need to talk after we’re done, though.”

Applejack tips her hat to me. “Sure thing, sugarcube. Let’s get to it, then!”

“I wanna go home,” Rainbow whines.

The workday lasts only four hours but is just as exhausting as if I’d worked the full ten. A pony snow plow is little more than a metal wedge attached to a wooden frame on wheels moved only by blood, sweat, and tears. Despite the cold weather, before long sweat builds up under my clothes, forcing me to shed some layers.

Watching Rainbow is equally exhausting. First, she soars high into the sky, and then when she has enough altitude, she flips about and heads for the snowplow. Her front hooves collide with the bar at top speed, pushing it forward at almost quadruple my speed. She grunts and her muscles strain, but with her added speed, she whizzes up and down the field, scattering snow every which way in the process. She manages to clear most of the field by herself, but with every cycle, her pace steadily slows down till she’s pushing the bar at a snail’s pace by day’s end so it falls to me to handle most of the paths leading to and from the various farms.

“I think that’s about enough for today,” Applejack decides upon viewing her farm from atop a hill. I rest on my knees beside her, while Rainbow lies on her back on the snow, her fur slick with sweat and dusted with snow.“Y’all look tuckered out. Hope I didn’t push y’all too hard.”

“You’re a slave driver, Applejack,” Rainbow moans.

“Nopony asked you to plow that fast. Ain’t got nopony to blame but yourself,” Applejack teases, poking Rainbow on the chest. She swiftly withdraws her hoof with a snicker as Rainbow limply bats back. “Seth, you said you wanted to talk. What’s up?”

“Just give me a second to catch my breath. Whew.” I wipe the sweat from my forehead, wincing at the soreness in my limbs as I straighten up. “Vinyl Scratch’s been invited to Canterlot for a music festival, and I’ll be tagging along as her assistant.”

Rainbow lifts her head from her comatose position. “Wait seriously?”

Applejack’s mouth opens in mild surprise. “Canterlot? Sounds like she’s movin’ up in the world. How long will y’all be gone?”

“I don’t actually know. She just said it would be a multi-day affair. I could be there for a week for all I know,” I answer with a shrug.

“Fair ‘nuff. We’ll manage without you. Hearth’s Warming Eve is comin’ up anyhow, and then I’ll have Apple Bloom around during the break to help out.” Applejack pauses. “Seth, y’all ain’t from Equestria, right? You ever been outside Ponyville before?”

“Not unless you count the Everfree forest.”

Applejack nods and adopts a reassuring smile. “Alright, so this should be eye-openin’ for ya. I think it’d do you a world o’ good to see more of Equestria. Canterlot’s a real fancy place, what with the castle and the nobleponies.”

“You sound like you’ve been there before,” I observe, noting Applejack’s general look of distaste.

“Been there quite a few times. Ain’t for me, but y’all might like it.”

“It can be really stuffy,” Rainbow says, getting into a sitting position and shaking the snow off with a wiggle. “But Canterlot’s awesome! The Wonderbolts have a base there, and they sometimes put on airshows! I think there’s one coming up for Hearth’s Warming Eve, too! I’m really jealous you get to go.”

“Why don’t you go to Canterlot, then? Aren’t you captain of the Ponyville Weather Team? I bet you could afford it.” I ask.

“Hay yeah I could! But I’m not really gonna go by myself, you know?” Rainbow answers as though it should have been obvious.

“What, you’re telling me the Rainbow Dash is too scared to go to the big city on her own?”

Rainbow bristles. “Yeah right! Canterlot doesn’t scare me! What’s so scary about a bunch of snooty ponies and a couple of guards?”

“A couple hundred guards, more like,” Applejack helpfully supplies. “Also, I think you’d find them royal guards plenty scary.”

“Put a sock in it, AJ!” Rainbow swipes at her friend, who ducks beneath her hoof smugly. “I don’t see the point in going on my own is all!”

“Are you just tryin' to go with them? Is that what this is?” Applejack accuses.

Rainbow freezes as my gaze shoots to her pointedly. “What? No! Who’d want to do that?” She dithers beneath Applejack’s unconvinced stare. “I mean...unless he’s offering. Then I’d think about it. Heheh...”

I rub my forehead. “If I was offering, would you be down for it?”

“Hm, maybe…” Rainbow leans in a bit, crossing her front hooves coyly. “But only if you’re serious.”

“Land’s sake, it’s a yes or no question!” Applejack says with a shake of her head. “Rainbow, do y’all wanna go or not?” She then turns to me. “Seth, you cool with her tagging along or what?”

“Sure, I’d go.” “If she wants.”

Applejack stares at the two of us with flat brows, her impatience turning into exasperation. “There y’all go. Go have a fun time hangin’ out in the city. Though I gotta say, I feel bad for Vinyl Scratch for having to put up with you two.”

“Hey!” “Excuse you.”

Applejack blinks, then stifles her laughter. “Y’all are totally in sync.”

“Are not!” “In her dreams, maybe.”

Rainbow and I promptly glare at each other, and Rainbow fails to stifle a laugh. I roll my eyes but smirk nonetheless. The idea of a trip to Canterlot doesn’t seem as daunting anymore if Rainbow is coming along. “If you’re coming, we’re leaving tomorrow morning.”

“I’ll be there! This’ll be great! Now I can see the Hearth’s Warming Eve Air Show! Also, the Wonderbolts have a licensed gift shop that sells all sorts of merch. I go there every time I go to Canterlot. I totally need to show you all the cool things they sell! There’s this one action figure of Spitfire that when you crank her tail, she—”

“Right right, Wonderbolts are great and all that. Let’s just git back to the barn before Seth regrets invitin’ you.” Applejack bites down on Rainbow’s tail and drags her down the hill.

“Hey, let me go! Seth, help!” Rainbow struggles in Applejack’s grip, then pounces on her when it's clear I won’t do anything, her front hooves outstretched and a smile of pure malice plastered on her muzzle. Applejack lets go of Rainbow’s tail long enough to lift her front hooves and catch her head-on, the two colliding and roll down the hill in a mixture of rainbow and orange.

“I swear, these ponies have too much energy,” I say with rolling eyes and pick up Applejack’s fallen hat and follow them towards the barn.

I part ways from Rainbow and Applejack and make my way back into town, my moneybag a little heavier. Much to my dismay, I run into Pinkie Pie along the way, who pops her head out from one of the Pinkie-sized holes she had been leaving in snowdrifts throughout town. In between yammering about the best flavor of snow cone and what purple tastes like, she off-hand mentions where Cheerilee lives.

Deciding on a whim to make a quick detour, I surprise Cheerilee by knocking on her front door unannounced. Inside with a cup and biscuits in hand, I discuss my travel plans with her and promise to make up for the sudden change in schedule. She takes it well but gives me a thick folder filled with practice worksheets and sample sentences to do while I’m away. It’s more of the same, but Cheerilee insists that the more I do these simple tasks, the more I’ll commit to memory.

“There you are! Come on, we still need to get packed. We’re leaving first thing the next morning,” Vinyl says, yanking me through the half-open front door with barely a chance to hang my clothes on a nearby rack. Drawers, cabinets, and end tables hang open, littered with more musical equipment than I even knew she had. “Did you handle all your business in town?” she asks, waving in the general direction of some cables left on the coffee table.

“I did. Also, apparently Rainbow is coming with us. She kinda invited herself along when I told her about it,” I reply, coiling the mess of cables and passing them to Vinyl who stashes them in a tub.

“Sweet, having her along should be a blast! Gotta say, I’m happy you two get along now,” Vinyl expresses. “Next are the Sennhoofers. Let’s lift those together.”

“Yeah well...I don’t get it, personally. By all rights, I should hate her.” I grunt in exertion, supplementing Vinyl’s magic in lifting the large speaker.

“And then y’all fought it out and you’re cool. Wouldn’t be the first friendship started that way,” Vinyl finishes for me, the two of us working together to put the speaker onto Vinyl’s carts. As we move to lift the second speaker, Vinyl pokes her head above it with a grin. “Just don’t try dating her. She’s got unreasonable standards.”

I shudder at the thought. “Gross. As if there was any danger of that.”

“I’m totally gonna tell Rainbow you said she was gross,” Vinyl threatens as we carefully set the second speaker into the cart.

“If you do, I’ll fill your bed with snow for the next week.”

“Do that, and I’ll fill your bed with thistles and creepy crawlies!”

“Eugh!” Vinyl’s laughter fills the air as we continue packing for the long trip tomorrow. In total, Vinyl’s gear takes up two full carts as opposed to the one for her usual gigs. As for me, I manage to find a ratty used suitcase in the back of Vinyl’s bedroom closet next to some rolled-up university posters. In it, I pack as many clothes as I can fit, as well as the homework folder Cheerilee gave me. With everything packed, Vinyl and I share a quick dinner of vegetable stew and discuss general plans for what we’ll do in Canterlot before retiring upstairs. After a long warm shower, I lay on my bed and try to relax. Part of me is interested to see more of the world I now find myself in, but the thought of being anywhere near the princesses fills me with anxiety. Various thoughts, doubts, and concerns race through my mind, even as my consciousness fades and sleep takes over.

Sleep comes to an abrupt end the next morning from something blocking my nose and mouth. I jolt awake and lurch upright, inhaling sharply with a particularly colorful curse. I can’t see anything in the darkness, but the raucous laughter tells me everything I need to know.

“Rainbow, what the hell are you doing? And what in the world are you doing in my room!?” I demand, getting to my feet.

She flicks on the light switch, revealing her leaning against the door frame with a triumphant look. “You were sleeping so peacefully, so obviously I had to prank you. I just quietly, stealthily, pinched your nose.”

“Of all the juvenile—” I reach out with clawed hands flexing in choking motions. “What are you even doing here? What time is it?”

“We’re about to leave, dummy!” Rainbow remarks. “Hurry up and get dressed so we can go. I can’t wait!”

“Get dressed?” Heat rises in my face when I realize that I’m standing in front of Rainbow in my underwear. I pick up the nearest pillow and hurl it at her. “Who just barges into someone’s room while they’re undressed?! Get out and give me some privacy!”

“Ack! Hey! What’s the big deal? We don’t wear clothes anyway!” Rainbow protests, but retreats outside under the onslaught of pillows I send her way, closing the door. “Alright alright I’m going, sheesh! Why are you so touchy just because your legs are showing?”

“Because humans don’t walk around naked all the time like ponies do!” I snap back at her while pulling on some clothes. “I’m sorry for having some standard of decency!”

“Okay, Rarity,” Rainbow retorts with a teasing tone. “Don’t be such a prude. Feeling the wind running through your fur while you fly and run is the best.”

“I am not having this conversation.” Rainbow responds with a laugh. “Why are you so annoying?”

“Why are you so slow?”

“Maybe because I just woke up, you dingbat!”

“I don’t know what that is, but you’re a noodle-head!”

“Wha, I swear I am going to go out there and kick your little tail!”

“Ha! I wouldn’t talk so tough; we both know how that would go!”

“Would you two quit flirting? It’s early in the morning and you’re loud,” Vinyl complains, her footfalls thudding loudly on the stairs as she comes to investigate. Both of us immediately stop exchanging barbs.

I hear overdramatic retching from the outside. “Ew, Vinyl!”.

“That is 100% not what we’re doing,” I agree, utterly disgusted.

“Whatever you say. Either way, wrap it up and come eat. I made eggs and fried potatoes,” Vinyl informs us.

“Awesome! I’m so there!” I hear Rainbow galloping down the stairs at top speed. Not long after she leaves, I exit my room with my suitcase rolling behind me, dressed in the nicest clothes I own. I storm over to Vinyl, who is waiting by the stairs.

“Why did you let her in my room?”

“I didn’t. I just said you were upstairs. Not my fault you left your door unlocked,” Vinyl remarks smugly.

“I expected you ponies to have an idea of basic privacy. I’m so sorry for overestimating you.” If my words were any more laden with sarcasm, they’d be dripping onto the floor. “Are we all ready to go?”

“Pretty much. Let’s just go eat before Rainbow eats it all,” Vinyl returns, motioning to the stairs with her head. I nod and follow her to the kitchen, to the sight of Rainbow ravenously tearing into a plate of eggs.

“Yeesh, slow down there some, mare. You’re going to make yourself choke,” Vinyl taps Rainbow lightly on the back, chuckling at the latter’s enthusiasm. She heaps two more plates high with eggs and potatoes before passing one to me. “So, we’ll be traveling to Canterlot by train. I’ve already bought two tickets, so Rainbow I hope you bought your own.”

“Eh’re ih fuh afflefah.” Rainbow points towards a set of saddlebags lying on the living room floor with one wing.

“I’m just going to hope that’s a ‘yes, Vinyl, I did,’” Vinyl remarks dryly. “Once we get there, we’ll be checking in at the closest and cheapest hotel, then we’ll be visiting Erratic Tune’s bar to see what’s what.”

Rainbow swallows her mouthful. “Why don’t we just stay at the castle? I bet if I asked nicely, Princess Celestia would let us stay in a suite.”

“I bet, but considering you know who’s coming with us—” Vinyl points at me. “There’s no way that’s going to happen.”

“I’m sitting right here, Vinyl.”

“What? Why wouldn’t Seth want to stay at the castle? They have garden tubs three times your size, and beds so soft they’re almost better than clouds, and that’s saying something!”

“I don’t tr—”

“He doesn’t trust the princesses. Go figure,” Vinyl answers for me, to my annoyance.

Understanding dawns in Rainbow’s eyes, and she groans, running her hooves down her face. “Of course he doesn’t. I bet he wouldn’t trust his own meal if it came with a side of creamed corn!”

I toss a balled-up napkin at her. “Did I wake up just to be trash-talked all morning? Because I’ll just go back to sleep if I’m not wanted.” Rainbow blows a raspberry and bounces an ice cube off my nose. “Okay, you realize this means war.”

“No, it doesn’t,” Vinyl halts our prepared projectiles in place with magic. “Hurry up and eat your eggs so we can catch our train before it leaves.”

“Oh whoops.” Rainbow dives back into her meal, slurping down her food as fast as possible, bits of eggs clinging to her muzzle.

“I don’t know why you think Princess Celestia would give you a suite anyway. It’s not like you’re Twilight Sparkle, her personal student. You’re just some weather pony.” Vinyl and Rainbow both pause and look at me as though I’ve spouted a load of nonsense. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Vinyl facehoofs. “That’s right, you wouldn’t know. Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty. She and the other Elements saved all of Equestria from Discord almost a year ago, long before you arrived.”

“Yeah, I’m kind of a big deal,” Rainbow brags, preening shamelessly in front of me. “I think most everypony knows who I am.”

“Discord? As in...the Discord?” I ask, my eyes widening in recognition. Vinyl and Rainbow both nod in confirmation. “As in the Discord who apparently turned Equestria literally upside down and ruined all the laws of nature?”

“That’s him!” Rainbow answers proudly.

“That’s a load of garbage. Twilight told me he escaped a year ago, but there’s no way you were involved. Discord is a reality-bending god, and you couldn’t even handle the Scorpio. Discord is a princess-level threat if I’ve ever heard one.”

Vinyl shakes her head. “She’s serious, dude. I woke up one morning on the ceiling, in a bed literally made of water, with little fish swimming around in it. The streets outside were made of polka-dotted carpet, and it was raining chocolate milk from the sky.”

“That makes me believe you even less. Quit messing with me.”

“We’re not! It’s all true!” Rainbow insists. “We’re the Elements of Harmony. Saving Equestria is kinda what we do!”

“You see, you’re saying words, but none of them make sense,” I say, holding my head in one hand and rubbing my temples. “You expect me to believe you idiots are celebrities?”

“If you want, we can tell you everything on the way to Canterlot. It’s a long story that I’m surprised nopony has told you by now,” Vinyl offers. “We should be going. The train leaves in half an hour, and we’re still sitting here.”

“Uh, maybe not the whole story…” Rainbow interjects shiftily.

“Nah, he’s getting the whole story. Somepony’s gotta bring you back down to earth. You know, in case all that hot air you were just spewing takes you too high.”


“Yeah, I think I want to hear this.” I shoot Rainbow a suspicious stare. I can’t believe I haven’t heard about this before.

“Alright, then the sooner we get there, the sooner I’ll spill. You ready, Rainbow?” Vinyl asks.

“Fine, let’s go.” Rainbow sullenly says, looking up from her plate. Vinyl wrinkles her nose and shoves a set of napkins in front of her. “What are these for?”

“Your face.” Vinyl points out, much to Rainbow’s indignance. I can’t help but chuckle a little at the sight.

Once Rainbow has cleaned herself up, the three of us take to the streets of Ponyville, pushing Vinyl’s equipment along with us.

“Commander!” A well-built earth pony stallion clad in silver armor barges into the office, snapping off a smart salute to the imposing unicorn sitting behind the desk at the rear of the room. “The target has taken the bait. He’s on the move, accompanied by the DJ and the Element of Loyalty.”

Stalwart Iron lifts his head from the report he was writing. “Loyalty? Unexpected, but not an obstacle. I’ll be sure to let the Princess know of this development,” Stalwart Iron declares, standing from his desk. His helmet lifts itself from the desk into his hooves. “Good work, Chief Flowers. Make sure that the train doesn’t leave until I give the signal. Do not tip off the target. Dismissed.”

“Understood, sir!” Chief Flowers snaps off another salute and bounds out the door.

Stalwart Iron swiftly grabs his trident from where it hangs on the wall and straps his shield to his side. Just before leaving, he lifts a midnight blue cloak inscribed with runes from the coat rack by the door and drapes it around his neck and back.

Entering the streets of Ponyville, he whispers a single word charged with magic, and the runes on his cloak gently glow. As a result, none of the early morning townsponies pay him more than a cursory glance as he makes his way to the station. Not one of them recognizes him as Stalwart Iron, Commander of the Canterlot Royal Unicorn First Regiment.

The Ponyville Train Station is little more than a single rectangular building containing a couple of ticket booths and a waiting area out front. Stalwart Iron arrives just as the bright pink locomotive blares its horn. His sharp eyes quickly pick out Equestria’s only human working with the town’s DJ to push two carts on board the train, while the Element of Loyalty hovers above them, yawning and doing little else.

Stalwart Iron cuts the line to the ticket booth and presents his military ID to the official behind the screen. The stallion behind the screen gazes blankly at the ID, and then back up at the commander. With the added impetus, The stallion breaks through the magic of the cloak.

“Comm-” the stallion begins to exclaim, only to be hastily hushed by Stalwart Iron. “Right. Here’s your ticket. No charge. Have a nice trip to Canterlot!”

With the ticket in hoof, Stalwart Iron waits by the edge of the platform. As the human and his companions walk onto the train, Stalwart Iron produces a small crystal core from his cloak and taps it with his horn once, causing it to light up green briefly. A few moments later, the core blinks green twice.

The horn blares once more. With a hiss of steam and screeching of wheels, the train rumbles to life and trundles away from the station. Stalwart Iron breaks into a sprint and leaps clear off of the platform, skillfully landing on the caboose.

Once he was certain that nopony had seen him board, Stalwart Iron produces a scroll and quill from his cloak and scribbles down a quick message. Then, his horn lights up and the scroll disappears in a burst of light.

That same scroll reappears only moments later in the hooves of Princess Celestia, who sits upon her royal throne in the calm period preceding Day Court. Her lips are set into a firm line, her usual calm and serene demeanor nowhere to be found. Beside her is a fully awake Princess Luna, who becomes alert the moment the scroll appears.

“Is it time, dear sister?” Luna demands as Celestia unfurls the scroll and reads it over.

“It is. The commander has informed me that Seth has boarded the train. He will arrive in approximately three hours,” Celestia answers gravely.

“I shall speak with Captains Shining Armor and Spitfire, and ensure all the civilians are evacuated from the operational areas.” Luna recants. “Then I shall take my position and ensure you are not interrupted.”

“Very good. Leave the council and the dignitaries to me.” Celestia steps down from the throne with grim determination. “For better or worse, the threat of King Sombra ends today.”

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Don't think I haven't noticed everyone commenting on how terrible of a posting schedule I have! Because you're absolutely right. My brain consists of two mice on a hamster wheel, and it varies which one is in charge at any given time.

So, now the second part of this chapter is out! I've changed so much at this point that it's hard for me to list everything out. But I think you can all notice the biggest one: RIP the cmc scenes. Some sacrifices you have to make for better character growth and better flow.

Before I leave you with this, I will say that I'm making a VN for this story as well! I'm posting art for it in my discord channel, so come join here if you want to hear updates on it!

Thanks to Vayne Hellslinger as always for putting up with my bullshit, and thanks to all of you for reading! Please leave me a comment as well to let me know what you think! And so I don't feel terribly irrelevant.

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