Chapter 8
For the next three months, I spent as much of my time with Caramel as possible. We learned and did a great deal from and for each other. I helped him around the house, and he helped me keep my immobile wings clean. When I was with him, I felt more able to smile, and he seemed to like being around me more and more. At night, my nightmares seemed to have decreased. Whenever I did have one, he would be there when I woke up.
When I wasn’t with Caramel, I was spending time with either the Crusaders, Applejack, or her brother. The girls were ecstatic about the success of their ‘Romantic’ dinner, and they told me they were planning to do it again for other couples. I was fairly certain that would end badly, but I didn’t bother trying to stop them since I knew I couldn’t. Applejack and I grew very close, closer than I’d ever expected. I occasionally felt the urge to ask her out, but I didn’t. I reminded myself that I was currently engaged in a relationship, and that would be… a very bad idea. Big Macintosh was always kind and reassuring, telling me to keep going even though it seemed impossible.
Once in a while, I’d drop in on Rarity or Twilight, both of whom seemed to enjoy my company. Twilight seemed to be obsessed with my past, but I made sure to never let anything slip. Spike continued to act with increasing venom around me. One time, when Twilight asked for a quill, he ‘accidentally’ pulled one of my feathers out. He seemed to take vindictive pleasure from it, and she sent him to his room for the rest of the day.
By the end of those weeks, I felt much better than I had when I’d first arrived. Though I still missed the Doctor, Luna, and all of my old friends, I took comfort in the new friends I’d made. I noticed, however, that Caramel seemed to grow more and more distracted…
Luna - At Canterlot Castle
Luna was alone on top of the tallest tower. She was looking out across Equestria, thinking. How long did she have to wait? She turned her head, looking northward, towards that one star. She closed her eyes, feeling the breeze in her coat and mane. He’d always taken such a pleasure in the feeling, but she’d never understood why.
She missed him so much, her thousand year exile making it that much more painful. She remembered with all too much detail the look on his face when she’d done it. Pain, fear, and so much love in his eyes. She pressed her chin against her neck, her grief building. In spite of what she’d done to him, he’d still loved her. She remembered his smile, how much he’d cared when she’d asked for his help. She’d never revealed any of his secrets, valuing his trust too much.
From behind her, she heard someone approaching She opened her eyes and looked up, returning her gaze to the lands below. She took care to make her expression completely neutral, and waited for the pony to speak.
“Luna?” they said, walking up next to her. “You wanted to see me?”
“Yes.” she said, keeping her eyes fixed outward.
“You and Cadence are going to visit Twilight in Ponyville, correct?”
“Yeah. I’m looking forward to seeing her again. We live so far away, I have to take every opportunity.”
“I see.”
“Um… why does that matter though?”
“There’s something I would ask of you… as a friend.”
“What do you need me to do?”
“While you’re there… if you meet a stallion named North Star, could you talk to him?”
“Sure, but why?”
She sighed. “Just… try to make friends with him?”
“Luna.” She turned her head. He was giving her a deadpan stare. “I can’t help you, not if you don’t explain why this is so important.”
“It’s… painful to talk about.” He just raised an eyebrow, and she sighed. “Fine.”
She told him everything. As she spoke, his eyes grew steadily wider, but that was his only response. When she’d finished, it hurt to much to even cry.
“I’ll do what I can.” he said, laying a hoof on her shoulder.
“Thank you.” He stood to leave, and approached the door. “Oh, and Shining Armor?”
“He may not look the same anymore.”
He left, and she returned her focus to watching over the night. She appreciated Shining Armor, both as a Captain of the Royal guard, and even more as a friend. He’d made sure to get the necessary information, but he hadn’t pushed her further than was absolutely necessary. Since she couldn’t go herself, he could at least let her know how he was. Discord’s version of information was useless for the sort of things she wanted to find out.
“North.” she whispered, turning her gaze towards Ponyville. “An interesting choice.”
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Interesting development here. I'm hoping Shining finds North and tells him that Luna is asking about him. A reunion between the two would be lovely!
hummmm i see a twist coming from this chapter