• Published 13th Oct 2011
  • 12,005 Views, 330 Comments

To Be a Better Stallion - Autumn Wind

Blueblood works hard to improve in order to regain Rarity's affections.

  • ...

Chapter the Seventh - Dinner and a Show

Hah. Canterlot to Ponyville in half an hour. New record for me there. The fillies at the gym will be pulling their manes out in envy! That’ll do wonders for my figure, that’s for sure.... How do I look?

Amethyst’s hooves touched down on the cumulus cloud’s surface, allowing the mare to catch a quick breather from the short flight she had just completed. She set down her saddlebags and searched through them for a moment, pulling out her pocket mirror. She looked herself over inch by inch, ensuring that she still looked the best she could. After all, she had an image to preserve.

She flicked her braid over her shoulder. To her great relief, its complex patterns were intact. Only her unicorn hairdresser could manage such a braid, and that made it all the more desirable. It was worth every bit, for sure. He had been the one to recommend it, explaining that it would work wonders with her flaming red mane.

Okay... mane... check. How’s my bleach job?

To her great disappointment, the dull violet of her fur had always clashed terribly with her mane, and the resulting color conflict had left her ashamed of her appearance. Fortunately, she had learned of a most magical procedure some years ago: coat bleaching. Invented by one of Canterlot’s most renowned estheticians, a coat bleaching gradually made a pony’s fur lighter, allowing for a brighter disposition and correcting natural coat and mane mismatches. In Amethyst’s case, her simple violet had bleached into a much more attractive light thistle, nearly white, which complemented her mane far better. Thankfully, the bleaching didn’t affect cutie marks. Her polished amethyst gemstone could still shine for all to see, showcasing her talent as a jewelry model.

Great, holding fine, no dark regrowths... Marescara?

Amethyst looked into her mirror over the rim of her sunglasses, carefully checking her eyelashes. Happy with what she saw, she winked at her own reflection.


Amethyst carefully unfolded the elegant garment she had been carrying with her. It was a casual Sunday dress that perfectly matched her mane. She slipped into it with practiced expertise, careful not to ruffle any part of it.

Check. Tail? Check. Feather extensions? Check, check, check, check, check and... check. Faaan-tastic. Lookin’ good, Amethyst, lookin’ good. Now... where do I find that colt?

Amethyst gracefully dived off the cloud, flaring her wings out into a slow glide. Her eyes scanned the streets of the small village below her. Thanks to the Prince’s large size and enviable white color, there was no way she could miss hm.

As she was halfway through her descent, a second pegasus joined her in the sky, speeding to catch up with her before slowing to her pace.

“Hey, aren’t you... Oh my gosh! You are! You’re Cloud Nine’s wife! You’re Lady Amethyst!”

“Yep, that’s me alright. Nice to know my reputation reaches all the way here.”

Amethyst chuckled as she turned to face the pony whom she assumed would be just another admirer of her Wonderbolt husband. She was surprised see just who it was that had joined her in the sky. The cyan color, the rainbow mane, that cutie mark. Indeed, it could only be...

“Oh! I know that pretty face. Rainbow Dash, is it?”

Rainbow Dash missed a wingbeat and nearly lost her balance, stuttering in amazement.

“You... you know me?”

Amethyst smiled, resting her sunglasses on top of her head. She gesticulated as she spoke, punctuating her speech with grandiose gestures.

“Are you kidding me? Anypony who’s anypony’s heard of you! You won the Young Fliers’ Competition, saved three Wonderbolts, and helped protect Equestria from the forces of evil twice! How could anypony not have heard of you?”

Rainbow Dash puffed her chest out more and more as Amethyst listed her accomplishments.

“I guess I am pretty awesome, yeah. Flew straight up to a dragon and kicked it in the snout, too. But enough about me. What brings you to town?”

Dash gasped in amazement at a sudden thought, causing her to puff out even further. Too full of air, Rainbow Dash could only deflate in a stream of words.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait. If you’re here... that means... the Wonderbolts are coming too! Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Are they coming for a show? Wait... since you know me... that must mean... are they coming for me?”

Amethyst chuckled.

“Just as eager as I’d heard you were, I see. Sorry to disappoint, but it’s just me here, on personal, non-Wonderbolt business.”

Rainbow Dash paused in her tracks, showing a clear frown of disappointment.

“Oh. Sorry, got a bit ahead of myself there.”

The thistle mare gave an encouraging smile.

“Don’t worry about it, I know how it feels to wait on something like that. Say, if it’s not too much of a bother, have you seen a prince wandering around town? You know the type: tall, white, blond mane, probably looking full of himself.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, snickering at the description.

“Oh, you mean Prince Blueblood? I’m pretty sure he’s helping out on the farm right now, says he wants to better himself.”

She nodded towards the large orchard in the distance, bright green foliage shining under the Sun’s rays.

“Hah, I’d never have thought to look there. Thanks!”

Amethyst folded her wings and dived down, gaining speed towards the farm until a thought passed through her mind. She quickly flew back up to Rainbow Dash, who had simply remained hovering in place, disappointed by the news and distraught at being abandoned so suddenly.

“By the way, Rainbow Dash, sorry, but there's a non-disclosure agreement forbidding me from telling you that you're being considered for a Wonderbolts tryout. So I'm not going to tell you. Because that would be wrong.”

In an instant, Amethyst was gone. The cyan mare stared in confusion, failing to process just what she had been told. A bright smile crept onto her face as she grasped the not-so-hidden meaning of Amethyst’s declaration. Finally, she burst into laughter.

“Well I guess I can’t thank you, then!”

The shout echoed some distance away to Amethyst who giggled to herself.

Keep it up, filly. You’re going places.


Amethyst’s jaw dropped as the great orchard came into view.

Blueblood’s supposed to be... there? Either Blueblood wasn’t kidding about wanting to change or someone is playing a trick on me.

She glided above the flowering trees, delighted by their sweet smell and enjoying the feel of the wind as it filled her wings. The sun was warm on her back, and the crisp morning air caressed her face. She spaced out for a moment, focusing on nothing but spotting anypony she could and enjoying her tranquil flight.

A figure caught her eye not too far below. A tall stallion stood in the shadow of a tree, focused on his task. The wide-brimmed straw hat and oversized poncho he was wearing made it difficult to discern his traits, but the soft teal glow that lit the ground around him and the pruning shears hovering around the tree as they snipped away troublesome branches were a dead giveaway to his breed.

Wait... unicorn? Teal magic? Could it be... Naaaah. There’s no way. Maybe he’ll be able to tell me where to find Blueblood, though. He’s probably doing some meaningless busywork inside the barn just to look good.

Amethyst dropped her altitude, approaching the stallion from the skies.

“Excuse me, sir, might you know where I could find- Whoa!”

The edge of Amethyst’s dress snagged against a stray branch. The sudden resistance threw her off-balance and sent her into a steep nosedive, sending her tumbling as she crashed.

“Oh dear! Are you okay, miss?”

Amethyst shook off her daze and dusted herself off, readjusting her sunglasses. Fortunately, her favorite accessory had survived the accident without a scratch. The same could not be said of her dress, which bore a very visible tear.

Oh, that’s just great! Hopefully, this’ll be easy to fix for a seamstress who knows what she’s doing.

She cracked the stallion a friendly smile, inspecting him from his hooves to his head as she stood back up.

“Don’t worry, I’m alright, thank you very much. I should have been more careful, I-”

The mare blinked a few times, gawking at the stallion that stood in front of her. She knew that face and that horn, but everything else was leaving her completely baffled.

“B-B-Blueblood? But... you... farm... What!?”

Blueblood seemed just as confused as she was, until her cutie mark caught his eye.

“Amethyst? You received my letter! I certainly wasn’t expecting you to drop by so suddenly! My, you certainly have changed. I like the bleach job; it looks great on you.”

Amethyst pushed her sunglasses to rest on her forehead. Shaking her head, she rubbed her temple with her hoof.

“Okay, Blueblood. You’re gonna have to explain to me just what in Equestria has happened to you, because I’m pretty sure I’m probably in a bar somewhere in Canterlot and I’ve started hallucinating after a few salt licks too many. I swear if you don’t tell me right now, I’m gonna wake up and leave you here.”

The Prince chuckled.

“What do you say I take a break and we go out for a cup of coffee? I know a nice little place not too far from here. I’ll explain everything on the way.”

Amethyst shrugged, happily going with the flow. She smirked mischievously.

“Sure, why not? Worse come to worst, I’ll find out you haven’t changed at all and ditch you.”

The stallion smirked right back at her.

“You’re saying that like I didn’t deserve it.”


“... Of course, at first, I was just going through the motions because I’d bound myself like an idiot, but after a while, I began to realise that the whole thing really was having a positive effect on me. Big Macintosh has been very helpful.”

Amethyst could barely contain her laughter at the antics she was hearing about.

“My, my, my! Somepony certainly has changed. Blueblood pulling a plow, I’d sure have liked to see that.”

Blueblood sighed, ashamed.

“Honestly, I’d rather it stay a secret between you and me.”

The mare derisively rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses.

“You’re no fun, you know that?”

The two exhanged friendly smiles, and Blueblood nodded towards a colorful building some distance ahead. Amethyst nearly fell over muzzle-first as she saw the garish mass of pastry-like architecture. She lifted her eyewear, taking in the bakery’s décor.

“That’s the place you had in mind? Far shot from the fancy cafés in Canterlot, I swear. I’d be surprised if this place can make any decent coffee, let alone my usual.”

Blueblood smirked.

“Ah, the elusive chestnut mocha, is it?”

Amethyst’s wings fluttered for a moment as she giggled and prodded the stallion’s side.

“Hah, you sneaky little stallion, you. You remembered!”

Blueblood stopped for a moment and bowed.

“But of course. Just because I became a jerk doesn’t mean I forgot about you and Apricot.... Now that I think about it, any news of him? Do you know if he got my letter?”

There was an awkward silence. Amethyst couldn’t help but recall what the colt had said the previous day when she’d gone to meet him. Her expression turned somber, dismayed.

“Who does this stallion think he is? After everything, he thinks he can just say ‘I’m sorry’ and it’ll be fine again? I don’t know about you, Amethyst, but I’m not ready to give him a second chance. Not after how he humiliated me. You’re welcome to go check on him, but I’m not being a part of it. No way.”

“Yeah, he got it. I’m afraid he wasn’t exactly... receptive to your apologies.”

Blueblood’s tone matched hers.

“I had expected as much. I’m afraid we did not part ways on the friendliest of terms.”

She shot him an inquisitive glare, raising an eyebrow.

“Just what did you do to the poor colt, anyway?”

The prince’s head hung low.

“Do you remember that scandal from the newspapers some years ago, when I made a fool of myself by proclaiming the superiority of the nobility over the common folk and generally stuffed my hoof knee-deep in my mouth.”

Amethyst recoiled, surprised.

“As a matter of fact, no, I don’t remember.”

Blueblood gave a sigh of defeat.

“He most likely does.”

Amethyst gave Blueblood a pat on the back.

“Isn’t much we can do about it, really. He’ll probably need some time to warm up to you again, but I’m pretty sure he’s not a lost cause. Here’s an idea: If I think you’re good by the time I leave tonight, I’ll tell him you’ve improved and how you were making nice-nice with farmers. That oughta help.”

Blueblood perked up, smiling faintly.

“Thank you, Amethyst. I’ll make sure not to disappoint.”

Amethyst grinned.

“I had my doubts about you for a while, but I’m glad to see the good old Bluey resurfacing.”

She playfully shoved Blueblood to the side as they walked together, causing the stallion to nearly lose his balance.

“There’s hope for you yet.”

Blueblood chuckled, turning onto the walkway leading to Sugarcube Corner. Amethyst followed closely and took a step back as they reached the door, expecting him to open the door and let her in as any good stallion would do.

As expected, the door swung open, glowing with the aura of Blueblood’s magic. However, in a gesture that left her disheartened, he simply waltzed on in, just barely holding the door open long enough for her to slip in behind him. She nearly had to rear up to avoid bumping into him, flapping her wings a few times to keep her balance.

Blueblood stepped towards the counter, completely oblivious to her issues.

What was that? One moment he’s acting all polite, and the next he’s rushing in right ahead of me. What’s that all about?

Amethyst rolled her eyes and flicked her head, letting her sunglasses fall back in front of her eyes. Looking around, she took in the strange appearance of the establishment, baffled by the prince’s passive reaction to the area. The Blueblood she remembered would most likely have been offended by the colors of the walls or by the scent of processed sugar in the air.

Oh my gosh, I’d better watch myself. This place is infested with rogue calories just waiting to ambush me. I think just being in here is making me fatter.

Mrs. Cake cheerfully greeted the duo, as bright and chipper as ever.

"Oh! Hello again, Prince Blueblood, and hello to you as well, Miss. Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! How may I help you today?”

Prince Blueblood nodded politely.

“Nice to see you again, Mrs. Cake. If you’ll give me a moment, I have yet to decide.”

Amethyst smiled to the baker, giving a bow as she introduced herself.

“Lady Amethyst, nice to meet you.”

The two nobleponies quietly perused the menu, taking a moment to consider their orders. Amethyst was pleasantly surprised with the large variety of products the bakery had to offer.

The voice of a young filly distracted them for a moment, alerting them to the presence of a pair of customers. The first was a stallion with a slick black mane and a suave smile, the businessman known as Filthy Rich. Alongside him, almost bouncing in place with excitement, was the young filly Blueblood had come to know as Diamond Tiara.

“So it’s still okay if Silver Spoon and I head to the park tomorrow, right Daddy? Oh look! Hi Prince Blueblood! Hi Lady Amethyst!”

Filthy Rich was quick to follow his daughter’s example, nodding in a polite salute to Bluebood and Amethyst. The two of them responded with equally polite greetings as the father and daughter left the store with a heaping box of fresh pastries. Blueblood curiously eyed his companion.

“You know her?”

Amethyst nodded with a smile.

“Sure do. I got to work with her a few times. That little filly is one of my boss’ favorite models for his foals’ jewelry line. That cutie mark of hers doesn’t stand for nothing, you know.”

Blueblood nodded in understanding as the two of them turned back to the menu on display.

Hm... well I’ll be. Chestnut mocha, right there on the sign. I could do with a little treat. Surely they’ll have something in here that’s not too- oh gosh that chocolate mousse looks delicious.

Before she could stop herself, she’d ordered it along with her coffee.

“I’m clearly committing some kind of crime against my diet here. This one’s going straight to my flanks, I swear.”

Blueblood chuckled, already sneaking a few nibbles of the éclair he’d purchased.

“In hindsight, perhaps I should have warned you when I invited you here. Oh well, one must live one’s life. I know I would go crazy if I had to stay away from the most decadent of foods at all times.”

Mrs. Cake joined the two ponies in their merriment.

“It’s a good thing, too. I’d be out of business otherwise.”

The duo shared a good-natured chuckle at the baker’s remark as they stepped towards one of the small coffee tables. Amethyst couldn’t help but notice that Blueblood had gone straight to his seat, leaving her to pull her own chair out.

Polite? Yes. Gallant? No. He’s not going to be impressing any mare worth impressing if he keeps that up.

Oblivious to her concerns, Blueblood took a sip of his own coffee.

“So, what about you, Amethyst? What’s become of my dear friend these last few years?”

A goofy grin crept onto Amethyst’s face as she reflected on her own life, and more specifically, her husband.

“Oh, you know, nothing much. Modeling jewelry for Be Deers, being married to a marvelous Wonderbolt and really just living it up in Canterlot. I think you probably know a lot about that.”

Blueblood grinned before melting down into theatrics.

“Woe is us, rich ponies of Canterlot! What ever shall I do with so much free time? How will I ever find enough space to store my bits! Oh, the horror! Shall I go to this gala or that ball? Such a horrible life we lead, is it not?”

Amethyst burst into laughter, pounding her right hoof against the table. Blueblood maintained his falsely distraught image for a few more seconds before he faltered and joined his friend in laughing.

“So, anyway, Bluey...”

A cheeky smirk spread across on Amethyst’s face. Through the dark lenses of her glasses, Blueblood could see a glint of mischief. A chill went down his spine as the mare asked a question he was not ready for.

“That Rarity filly must be quite something if she’s caught your eye like that over all those mares who’d give a hoof to kiss your flank in Canterlot. Why her of all ponies?”

Blueblood stopped for a moment to think. His heart had been aflutter for days now, and parasprites flew through his stomach whenever he saw Rarity walking through town. However, until now, he had never truly stopped to think of what exactly about her had charmed him.

“There’s something about her: Her strength of character, her passion. She’s not just looking for some rich idiot. I think she first caught my eye when I realised that she wasn’t just another noble mare. She was a challenge. Her independence might have played a good part in it, too. Most of my suitors back in Canterlot have all the ambition of a saddlebag poodle. In comparison, she currently runs her own successful business here in Ponyville, and she had the gall to try to seduce a prince of Equestria and the charm to pull it off. Yes, clearly, I think that would be it. It’s that strength of character.”

Amethyst smirked, watching in amusement as Blueblood gushed. Under his white fur, she could see him blush quite clearly.

“Her strong personality and ambition, really? Nothing else? Let me guess... Nice round flanks? Cute little butt? Big pretty eyes with the fluttery eyelashes? Hah! I see blushing! It’s the fluttery little eyelashes. It’s always the fluttery little eyelashes.”

Taken aback, Prince Blueblood stammered.

“Lady Amethyst! This is hardly proper conversation!”

The mare sighed, rolling her eyes behind her sunglasses.

“Fiiine. Sorry. So, when are you putting the moves on her?”

Blueblood, surprised in the middle of a sip of his coffee, sprayed a mouthful of it onto the table and spilled his mug. Shocked at the sudden splash, he shot back with a squeal and nearly fell off his chair. His horn flashed and a napkin surged out of its holder, unfolding as it leapt through the air. The brave fabric threw itself onto the table, shielding the Prince from any wayward coffee drips.

“Oh dear! I’m so sorry! You took me off guard, and I’m afraid I’ve made a sizable mess. Please, allow me to clean this up.”

From her side, Amethyst gawked back, dumbfounded at the extreme reaction. A single drop of coffee slid down the tip of her muzzle and fell onto the table, at which point she lost her composure and burst into roaring laughter. She had to force her words out through her hilarity.

“It’s okay, Bluey, I’m not mad at you. Oh, dear, I can’t stop laughing. If you’d only seen the face you made!”

Blueblood’s distraught expression called her back to Equestria, and her laughter quickly ceased, noticing his embarassment.

“Here, I’ll help you clean this up. Don’t worry about it. I mean, we’ve all had that kind of accident, no?”

Still frantically gathering as much of the wayward drink as possible, the Prince sighed, relieved that she wouldn’t hold it against him.

“We have? I don’t recall you ever doing something like this...”

Amethyst picked up a napkin of her own between her hooves, carefully wiping the table in front of her.

“Are you kidding? You’re talking to the mare who accidentally spilled wine on Princess Celestia herself. Good thing she was forgiving, because for a moment there I was sure I’d wind up saying ‘Hi!’ to the Mare in the Moon.”

This time, it was Blueblood who burst into laughter.

“Oh dear! That was you? You made the headlines for that! ‘Wonderbolt Wife’s Wine Wreck’; I’ll remember that forever. If it’s any comfort, she was laughing about it when I spoke to her that night.”

Amethyst joined in the laughter.

“Well then, that’s a relief.”

“To get back to your question, however, I have yet to ask her out, as I do not feel my presence would be quite welcome yet. While she has proven rather supportive of my efforts, she has made it clear that I am not to seek her out and that she would come to me when she feels the time is right. Why? Do you feel I have sufficiently improved?”

Amethyst pondered for a moment.

“Well, you’re acting a lot humbler than when we last saw each other, so that’s a good start, but if we’re talking about taking that mare on a date, I think you’re missing just one little detail....”


“A double what to teach him what now?”

Big Macintosh gave Amethyst a dumbfounded look over the barn’s dinner table. Amethyst chuckled.

“A double date to teach him chivalry, of course. You’ve done some amazing work making Bluey humbler, but I get the feeling you’re forgetting what this is all about.”

The stallion raised an eyebrow.

“Now then, just before we came here, Blueblood and I were out grabbing a cup of coffee, and I couldn’t help but notice the poor stallion knows nothing of the finer courtesies one should adopt when dealing with a lady. I don’t mean to call you uncouth, you seem like a very nice stallion yourself, Mister Macintosh...”

… And a pretty attractive one at that... Mmm... those fetlocks...

“... But I think what comes naturally to most stallions doesn’t come to him. That’s where my plan comes in. However, I’ll need your help. I need someone who can model good behavior...”


The plan had been so simple at first. She’d drop by Ponyville and see if Blueblood had changed... but somehow she now found herself teaming up with a farmer pony and organising a pretend double date to teach the stallion the base notions of chivalry and romantic gallantry.

Hah, always another adventure waiting for Lady Amethyst... I love it!

The first steps of the plan had gone off without a hitch: securing the farmer’s help and getting Blueblood to agree to the idea. Now, she had a few hours of free time before the date. It was time to get her dress fixed and do some shopping.

Amethyst looked up at the boutique in front of which she now stood. Whoever had designed the place definitely had talent. It was tall and visible, and yet did not overshadow its neighbors. Instead, it seemed to complement the area perfectly. All of light pastel colors and well-dressed pony figures, the building looked beautiful in the early afternoon sun.

Carousel Boutique, is it? That name sounds familiar, I know I’ve seen it in a magazine somewhere, but where...

Amethyst carefully pushed the door open with a hoof and stepped in, a melodious set of chimes heralding her entry. Waiting for the seamstress to show up, the pegasus looked around, taking in the boutique’s exquisite décor.

The store was elegant and full of purple velvet curtains, culminating in a warm, cozy atmosphere. A crowd of wooden modeling forms stood at attention, clad in dresses and suits in various states of completion. Curled up on a particularly warm-looking coat, an elaborately groomed cat was snoozing comfortably. Fabrics of all colors were neatly organised on shelves and workstations, and the light smell of new fabric permeated the air. The carpet felt warm and comfortable under her hooves. The soulful voice and music of Sapphire Shores’ latest production softly emanated from a gramophone sitting in a corner of the shop, completing the atmosphere.

A distinguished, feminine voice rang from upstairs, seizing Amethyst’s attention.

“Just a minute, I’ll be right there!”

Not a second later, a white mare came trotting down the stairs.

“Please pardon me for the delay, I’m afraid I was rather... entangled in my work. Oh! Just where are my manners? Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic,”

Here we go. Three...



“and magnifique!”


“So how may I help you today, Ms....”

Rarity gasped and stumbled when she realised who she was speaking to.

“You’re... you’re... the famous jewelry model, Lady Amethyst!”

Amethyst grinned, instinctively standing tall and flaring her wings out.

Every time. It’s always the same with the small town seamstresses.

“Yep, that’s me. I’ve heard a lot about your boutique recently, and since I was in town, I figured I’d drop by and have a look.”

Rarity was hesitant for a moment, surely intimidated by the presence of a high lady of fashion.

“It’s an honor to have a fashion star like you visit us, Lady Amethyst. I am, of course, Rarity, proprietor and seamstress. How may I help you today?”

Amethyst paused for a moment, reeling in confusion.

Wait. Waiiiiiit. Did she just say what I thought she said? Of all the places I could have stopped, I’ve stumbled upon the one mare Blueblood’s head over hooves for. If I play my cards well, I might just be able to do some good here.

“Well, actually, I’ve got a special little occasion tonight in town, and I was thinking I could really use a new dress. Your brand’s certainly climbing quickly, and I’d love to snag myself a piece before they become all the rage and everyone else is wearing them too!”

The mares shared a chuckle.

“The issue is, I only have until four hours from now. Think that’d be enough time? I have nothing but time to burn until then, so if you’d like to model it right off the pony, that’s no problem.”

“Oh! Certainly! It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve completed a piece so quickly. Just a little while ago, I remember making no less than 10 dresses over the course of a single day!”

Rarity cringed, betraying the fact that the incident had been a lot more complex than she was willing to talk about.

“Do you have anything particular in mind?”

“Let’s see... I’m looking for something light and short for the warm season that’s coming. Something elegant but not too bulky, because I’m likely to fly in it a few times. Also, it’s imperative that...”


As Rarity measured and pinned the fabric in place, the mares had taken to gossiping about recent events. Soon, the conversation had turned to Rarity’s misadventures with her friends.

“...and then, would you believe it, they let us go! Just like that, with carts full of gems! It’s amazing what a little persuasion can do.”

Amethyst couldn’t help but chuckle at the mental image of the ugly creatures pleading for the wellbeing of their ears.

“Oh, Miss Rarity, those are certainly some interesting escapades you’ve been having... and here I thought my life was full of excitement and adventure!”

No longer distracted by Rarity’s story, Amethyst glanced down at the dress that was slowly forming around her body. Her wings fluttered for a moment, feeling the fabric gently tickling their undersides.

“Please, no need for such formalities, just call me Rarity.”

Amethyst gave a kind smile.

“Oh, of course. I must say, Rarity, this dress is coming together exquisitely, and this silk is amazing. How did you ever find something so light, yet so comfortable? I simply love it!”

Rarity beamed, prancing in excitement as she moved over to her workstation to gather a few more pins. Realising her excess, she forced herself to keep up a professional appearance.

“Oh, this old fabric? It’s just a little something I ordered specially from Bovindia a few weeks ago. I had been saving it for a special occasion, and a visit from a fashion leader such as you seemed like the right time. How has our little village been treating you?”

Amethyst’s wings flared out as the praise struck home, betraying the mare’s stoic reaction.

“I’m simply honored, Rarity. Also, Ponyville certainly seems like a charming little community. I’d heard some pretty... strange things about it, but it does seems like they came from misguided assumptions. It’s definitely livelier than I expected.”

Rarity laughed daintily, blushing.

“There’s never a dull moment around here, and especially not as of late, what with that noblecolt... what’s his name... ah yes, Prince Blueblood coming into town.”

So she does know he’s in town... Gotcha! I see blushing!

Amethyst folded her wings back, watching closely as Rarity took to pinning the hem of the dress’ collar in place.

“Ah, yes, Prince Blueblood. He’s certainly a very unique character, is he not?”

Rarity froze in place, betraying a recent warming up to the prince. She could only blurt out a few awkward words amidst uncomfortable laughter.

“Yes... ‘unique’ is certainly the word I’d use to describe him. Do you know him as well?”

Amethyst nodded, careful not to move too much while Rarity double-checked the left side of the dress’ skirt.

“As a matter of fact, we go way back, he and I. We were dating, a couple of years ago.”

Shocked, Rarity nearly tore the fabric held by her magic as her face sunk into a frown. She gulped, failing to keep a neutral expression.

“Oh, you don’t say? I dare not imagine what caused you to leave him.”

The thistle mare raised an eyebrow, reflexively reaching for the sunglasses on her forehead only to realise she had set them aside before the fitting.

“Actually, our separation happened on amiable terms. We weren’t looking for the same things out of romance.”

The seamstress lowered her head in shame.

“Oh... I am very sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed.”

Amethyst looked back at Rarity, offering a warm smile.

“Heh, I can’t blame you. A few months later, he’d changed. A lot. Honestly, I blame his mother’s weird teachings about what’s considered proper. He and I have been estranged for a few years. I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw of him earlier today. I think that his visit to Ponyville has been an eye-opening experience for him. It was like meeting the old Bluey again, at least for the most part.”

Rarity visibly perked up, until a spark of worry shot through her eyes.

“So... I figure that means... You and he...”

Amethyst didn’t need to hear what Rarity had to say in order to guess her intentions. She winked at the unicorn.

“He’s all yours if you want to chase after him. I’m happily married now.”

Rarity’s blush deepened, her white cheeks flaring taking on a deep red color that could almost rival that of her client’s mane.

“What? You thought I... He... No, no, no! I wasn’t implying...”

The pegasus mare grinned, answering Rarity’s objections with a tone midway between good-hearted mockery and reassurance.

“Of course you weren’t. Please forgive me for assuming.”

“It’s... quite alright. Now then, I believe that’s all the fitting we need for the dress. I should have it done in about two hours.”

Rarity helped Amethyst out of the dress, steadying the unsewn pieces of fabric as the pegasus slipped out of the unfinished vestment.

“May I offer you a cup of tea while you wait? I have some Earl Grey I've been saving for my most distinguished guests. Of course, you’re free to go enjoy our town some more if you’d rather, but I have to admit I am rather enjoying our little chat.”

Amethyst grinned, fluttering over to the boutique’s small salon.

“Oh, a cup of tea would be wonderful.”

With a simple flash of Rarity’s horn, a teapot adorned with floral motifs set itself upon a heating plate.

“If you don’t mind me asking, Amethyst, I should admit I am rather curious. When you say ‘The old Bluey’...”


Blueblood paced about the sidewalk in front of La Rose Dorée. Hesitation weighed on him, with only the clopping of his hooves against the pavement and the murmur of discussions within the restaurant to break the monotony. Amethyst had instructed him to meet her there fifteen minutes before their planned dinner time with Big Macintosh and his guest. Ten minutes after the agreed time, she had yet to show up, to his great consternation. Finally, the sound of wings flapping caught his attention.

“I’m here, I’m here! Sorry for the wait!”

Prince Blueblood whipped his head around to face Lady Amethyst as she landed. He frowned, tapping his hoof against the ground impatiently.

“You know, I learned, not too long ago, that when one makes plans, one should take care to follow them. I’ve been waiting for quite a while now. If I had known you’d make me wait so long in this chilly spring evening, I would have brought a warmer coat.”

Amethyst shrugged dismissively. She knew full well that the fault was hers, but she had far too much pride to accept the scolding.

“Heh, sorry. If it’s any comfort, I got some pretty good information while chatting with that Rarity of yours. It’s just too bad we got lost in our gossiping for so long.”

Prince Blueblood blushed and his eyes shot wide open. Amethyst snickered at his reaction.

“Oh? Did anything interesting come up?”

Amethyst grinned mischievously as she seized his elegant vest by the collar and gave it a tug, pulling him towards the restaurant until he relented and followed by himself.

“Now, now, it wouldn’t be any fun if I just sold the punchline right now, would it? I’m afraid, my dear Bluey, you’ll have to find out for yourself.”

This time, Amethyst knew what to expect when they reached the door, and she slipped ahead of Blueblood. He appeared surprised but not particularly bothered.

She glanced around the restaurant, pleasantly surprised by what she saw. The restaurant’s décor was elaborate, its colors, appetizing. Delightful smells floated through the dining room.

Whoa, this place could rival Canterlot’s fanciest.

One particular detail caught her eye: near the middle of the restaurant, a grand piano stood on an upraised stand. Sitting at the keyboard, a small purple dragon bearing a large black mustache played the instrument with great skill, offering delightful music for all to hear. She turned her attention back to Blueblood, who had noticed the strange pianist as well. He was the first to speak.

“That’s odd, I remember their pianist being taller... and less draconic, at that. Must be a new person. I’m surprised this town has two dragons, let alone one, or one with a mustache.”

Amethyst’s eyes went wide.

“Wait, did just you say two dragons?”

Blueblood nodded.

“Yes. Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s number one student lives here with her draconic assistant. Didn’t you know?”

“Oh! Right.”

This town is fascinating. I’ll have to make a point of taking Cloud Nine to see this place sometime, for sure.

They were greeted by the same waitress Blueblood had met over the last few days. Crystal Château smiled as the saw the prince’s tall and bright figure, surprised when she noticed the mare accompanying him wasn’t the one he had been going on about these last few days.

“Blueblood, party of four, reservation for the private booth, I take it? Will the other two be joining you later?”

Prince Blueblood nodded. Amethyst could tell he was familiar with the place, and so she politely followed and allowed him to handle the situation. As she led them towards the back of the restaurant, Crystal whispered a few words to Blueblood, who chuckled quietly.

None of them noticed the pianist keeping a close watch on them as they walked through the establishment.

“Don’t get any wrong ideas, Miss Château. Lady Amethyst is merely a friend of mine, and I would never make advances on a married mare.”

The light blonde waitress’ cheeks turned bright crimson in shame, and she remained silent as she showed the pair to their booth.

Obviously, he didn’t show me to my seat like a gentlecolt. Doubts confirmed, one chivalry lesson to be served.

Once Crystal had left the two with the drink menu and was out of earshot, Amethyst couldn’t help but crack up.

“That look on her face was priceless! Really, though, picking this private booth was a great idea. I’d hate for anypony to get the wrong idea about either of us.”

Blueblood nodded, glancing over the various choices offered by the restaurant.

“Definitely. Also, I believe you wanted the two of us to meet so you could explain something to me before Macintosh and his date arrived?”

Amethyst grinned, looking up at him as she poured herself a drink from the provided pitched of ice water. She figured she’d make him squirm a little before she told him what she’d heard.

“Oh, sure. I could tell you, but are you sure you want to know?”

Blueblood shot her a confused look, one eyebrow raised.

“Of course I want to know.”

Amethyst leaned over the table, smirking.

“Are you really sure? It’s not too late to back down. I’d hate to trouble you with this.”

Blueblood leaned back as she approached, completely baffled by her sudden game.

“No, no, I am quite sure.”

“Are you certain?”


“Completely, one hundred percent certain?”

“Yes, yes, I am certain.”

“Absolutely, fully, entirely cert-”

Blueblood slammed a hoof against the table, causing the utensils to tinkle and the glasses to wobble.

“Yes, yes, yes! I am certain! Now tell me! I want to know! I need to know! Tell me! For the love of the Princesses and Equestria all around us, sing it if you must, but tell me!”

Sing it? Hm... That’s an idea.

Lady Amethyst chuckled. This would be interesting.

“Well then... if you insist, who am I to deny a request? Ready, Blueblood? One-and Two-and Three-and-let's-go!”

Blueblood’s eyes went wide. In his irritation, he had given her the most terrible of ideas. Amethyst leaned back in her seat and took a sip of water. As they shared a moment of silence, hers in anticipation, his in apprehension, the dragon pianist seemed to pick up on the moment. The calm song he had been playing segued into a rhythmic piece not unlike a passionate showtune. Amethyst grinned. This would be fun...

“You've been polite,

That's great and all.

You've got the look,

You're standin' tall.”

Blueblood sighed, dejected.

“Oh, Amethyst, you really haven’t changed a bit, have you?”

Amethyst laughed.

“Nope. You, however, haven’t changed nearly enough yet.”

“Keep that smile bright,

Let’s have a ball,

You need a hook,

So here's my call....”

Sighing, Amethyst buried her face into her hoof.

“Blueblood, you have no concept of chivalry.”

The Prince’s jaw dropped. Stammering, he tried to stand for himself.

“What? How dare you! Such rudeness!”

“Oh, are you serious? Hate to be like this, Bluey, but someone’s gotta tell you.”

“Okay, maybe you’re right, but still, there had to be a less... shocking way to tell me.”

Amethyst gave him a mischievous wink and a smirk.

“Tough love, baby.”

Amethyst rose from her seat, thankful that the private booth would spare the other customers from the madness she was preparing to unleash. The piano’s tempo picked up as the pegasus’ passion flared up.

“Full pampering and nothing less,

You've got to show her much finesse,

And if you want to see success,

You'll make her feel like a princess.”

“But mother always said it was the mare’s task to-”

Amethyst rolled her eyes.

“Bluey, please. Respect to your mother, but did you ever see her hold the door to a stallion?”

Blueblood pondered for a moment.

“I... guess not.”

Amethyst grinned back. She knew she had hit the nail right on the head.

“Did she ever offer to pay for her date?”

The Prince blinked a few times in incomprehension.

“Not that I know of.”

“Did she ever let anyone pass ahead of her?”

“... No.”

“Did she ever-”

Blueblood pounded on the table with a hoof.

“Okay! Okay! I see your point! I guess my mother wasn’t exactly the best pony to trust, when it came to chivalry. Nor in any other matters, for what it’s worth.”

Amethyst offered a warm smile.

“Aw, c’mon, don’t get all sad on me, you’re still a good pony, no matter what. Now listen here.”

“Listen and take this little clue,

If you just care, oh yes it’s true,

Some sweet gestures, only a few,

Her heart will beat only for you.”

“But how am I supposed to know what she wants? I may be able to cast spells, but I can’t read minds!”

Amethyst sighed.

“Oh, Blueblood, you’re so adorably clueless. Oh! Look who’s coming! Right on time!”

Big Macintosh arrived as if on cue, clad in an elegant collar not unlike Blueblood’s. At his side was a small-statured mare whom Amethyst immediately recognized as Fluttershy, the one-week wonder of haute-couture.

Blueblood was the first to speak.

“How nice of you to join us, Big Macintosh, and you as well, Miss...”

Fluttershy hesitated for a moment, but Macintosh’s presence was enough to bolster her.

“Fluttershy, nice to meet you.”

Amethyst noticed Big Macintosh whisper a few words to Blueblood, but could only make out the last few; “...friend of Rarity.”

Important information, for sure. Blueblood certainly wouldn’t want to make a bad impression of a friend of his precious lady.

“Now Bluey, watch closely.”

Amethyst hovered towards the couple as Big Macintosh helped Fluttershy out of her jacket. She followed the two from above, pointing out various details.

“Watch as he helps her with her vest,

You’ll see that she thinks he’s the best.

Watch as he shows her to her seat,

You’ll see that she thinks he’s quite neat.”

The new arrivals shared a chuckle as Amethyst launched back into her number.

“There I was thinkin’ only you and Miss Pie ever did that.”

Fluttershy answered with nothing but a dainty giggle, perusing the menu.

Blueblood was silent for a moment, pondering the example that he had just been offered. He looked utterly baffled.

“So, if I understand clearly, one is expected to act like a servant to his date?”

Big Macintosh repressed a burst of laughter, but Amethyst did not offer the prince that same reprieve.

“Oh, Blueblood, it’s nothing like that. It’s just about being nice and helpful sometimes.”

Fluttershy cut in hesitantly.

“Well... since it’s Rarity we’re talking about, I guess servant might be... um... nevermind.”

Amethyst could barely keep herself from a second burst of laughter.

Blueblood sure knows how to pick ‘em.

“It’s not about being a slave,

She’ll never count how much you gave,

Just stop and think, ‘How can I show...

‘That my heart does care for her so?’”

The Prince shot up from his seat with a gasp, eyes wide open.

“Of course! How... could I be so obtuse? It all seems so obvious now.”

Amethyst rolled her eyes, smiling at his reaction.

Looks like the wires have finally touched. ‘Bout time too, I was running out of words and I can see the pianist getting tired.

“Really? Then sing it with me!”

Blueblood looked at her with utmost confusion painted on his face.

“Wait, what?”

Amethyst lunged at him, draping her foreleg around his shoulder and forcing him to stand tall with her. She grinned to the other two, who were besides themselves with amusement.

“Now follow along, Bluey! Follow along!”

“Full pampering and...”

“Nothing less...?”

“You've got to show her...”

“Much finesse.”

“And if you want to see suuuuuucceeeeeess...”

“I’ll make her feel like a priiiiiiinceeeeeess!”

The two built up their crescendo to a stunning finale, the pianist punctuating it with a closing cadence and a quick flourish.

At the table, Big Macintosh and Fluttershy applauded, chuckling in amusement.

As the duo’s voices faded away, Amethyst turned to the waitress, who was now dumbfoundedly gawking at them.

“I’ll have the fresh garden salad. What about you three?”


The rest of dinner went off without a hitch, and all four ponies had a good time. The subject of Fluttershy’s short-lived fashion career came up. Amethyst tried to encourage the shy mare to give fashion a second chance, explaining that her manager, Showtime, would be more accommodating to her shy nature than Photo Finish ever could have hoped to be. Nevertheless, Fluttershy would have none of it.

Blueblood was rather surprised to find out how much of a tycoon the farmer was. Big Macintosh’s desire to spread the business of Sweet Apple Acres outside of Equestria had definitely made him curious. The Prince was no stranger to business himself. For all of her quirks, his mother had taught him well in the use of the family fortune. Despite what some would call his ridiculous spending habits, Blueblood still made a clean profit from his investments.

The dinner had also been a great learning experience for Blueblood, who got to see the broad lines of gallantry firsthoof and take many mental notes for his eventual chance with Rarity, if he were ever to have one.

The dinner soon came to an end, and the two pairs bid farewell to each other. Blueblood and Amethyst watched as Big Macintosh and Fluttershy walked off towards the mare’s cottage, the farmer having explained that he would see her home since it was getting late. Amethyst chuckled, nudging Blueblood.

“Look at how close they’re walking. I’d say their date was a lot less pretend than ours.”


The two Canterlot ponies soon found themselves at the outskirts of Ponyville. They had sought out a quiet spot to talk before the mare took off for home. The Prince’s instinct led them to the same river where Applejack had found him crying just four days ago.

Amethyst glanced up at the setting Sun before turning back to Blueblood.

“I’ve had a good time, but I’d better head home. I’m feeling pretty tired and I’ve got a husband waiting for me.”

Blueblood nodded in understanding, a worried frown plainly visible on his face.

“Have a good trip home, Lady Amethyst.”

Amethyst spread her wings wide for a moment, but slowly closed them. She had business to finish. She took a few steps towards the Prince and threw her forelegs around his shoulders, drawing him into a hug which he was more than happy to reciprocate. After a few seconds, she pulled back gently and sat on her haunches.

“You’ve changed so much since the last time we saw each other, Bluey. I’ll be honest, when I first came to Ponyville, I kind of expected you to not have amounted to much, and that I’d just see the same stallion I saw when I walked away from you. I’m really glad you proved me wrong.”

Blueblood thought for a moment and smiled back.

“It was a very difficult experience, I can’t deny it, but I’m very glad I went through with it. I feel like a new stallion now. A better stallion.”

The two fell silent for a moment, looking at each other. Amethyst was surprised to see tears well up in the Prince’s eyes. Soon, he found the courage to ask.

“Say, Amethyst... You met Rarity earlier, yes? Do... do you think I stand a chance with her?”

Amethyst placed a hoof on his shoulder, winking amicably.

“If you keep up the good work like you’ve been? Absolutely.”

Blueblood lit up like a Hearth’s Warming tree, recovering his noble posture.

“It’s been wonderful seeing you again, and I’m hoping we’ll have more chances to catch up when I return to Canterlot.”

The pegasus smiled back, her wings flaring out.

“For sure, Bluey! For sure!”

With a strong burst, she lifted off, only to remember a crucial detail. Her ascent stopped and she glided back down, hovering near her friend.

“Oh! I almost forgot. I’ll make sure to have a talk with Apricot. I don’t think you’re a lost cause to him just yet, but he’ll definitely need some pushing. As for you, I think you’ve learned your lesson by now. You’ve been in good hooves with Big Macintosh.”

Good hooves with even better fetlocks.... Mmm.... Maybe I ought to get Cloud Nine to grow his out.

“I’ll see you soon, Blueblood. It’s a promise.”

Blueblood bowed solemnly.

“So it is. Farewell, have a nice trip home!”

With a final salute, Amethyst vanished into the distance, flying off towards the mountain summit. Canterlot was resplendent in the setting Sun, and its majesty was without equal.

As he looked upon the mare becoming naught but a speck in the distance, Blueblood could only feel hope welling up into him.

“Thank you, Amethyst.”


To Be Continued


Coming up next in To Be a Better Stallion

“Rarity! You gotta stop leadin' him on!”


“You will remove your grubby paws from that filly immediately!”

~Prince Blueblood

“Such courage! Such bravery! Such heroism!”
