• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 4,216 Views, 63 Comments

Chaotic Love Part II: The Children of Chaos & Kindness - Mr101

[Sequel to Chaotic Love] Ten years on and Discord and Fluttershy are living in peace with their three children. But Discord's past threatens to destroy everything he now cherishes above all else.

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Chapter I - Explosive Invitations

Chaotic Love Part II: The Children of Chaos and Kindness.

Chapter I - Explosive Invitations

Discord softly hummed to himself as his old eyes gazed lazily over the page of Ponyville’s local newspaper, “Hm…”

“What is it, dear?” Fluttershy asked as she peeked up from the book she was reading.

Discord lowered the paper slightly, keeping his eyes on the paper as he propped his glasses up his face, “Says here that the griffon negotiations are going sour between them and the changelings…”

“Oh… that’s sad to hear,” Fluttershy frowned, “I hope Chrysalis can secure the peace she is looking for.”

“Discord nodded, “Aye, would be a shame if they went to war over something so trivial as ancient land rights.”

He lifted up the newspaper as Fluttershy idly gazed over at the clock and gasped loudly, “Oh, sugar! I’m going to be late picking up the kids!”

“No fret, sweetheart,” Discord chuckled as he folded his paper up, “I’ll go get them.”

“Oh, okay. I’ll make a start on getting dinner ready,” Fluttershy smiled.

Discord smiled back and planted a soft kiss on his wife’s cheek before he headed towards the door and grabbed his coat. He opened the door to the cottage and left, smiling to himself as he donned his coat and made his way towards town.

It didn’t take him to long to reach the edge of town and briskly made his way towards the school, taking a shortcut through the marketplace.

“Afternoon, buddy!”

Discord looked to his right and saw Caramel walking over to him, a large grin on his face as he waved.

“Hello, Caramel,”

“Where ya headin’?” Caramel asked.

“Caramel. What time is it?” Discord said flatly.

Caramel blinked and looked at his watch, “It’s ten past three— oh, right…”

Discord rolled his eyes as Caramel chuckled embarrassingly and started to walk to the school again being followed by Caramel.

“Hey, Discord. You mind if I tag along?”

Please tell me you’re not going to try and hit on Cheerilee again…” Discord sighed.

“Why? She’s single, she’s attractive. And did I ever mention her—”

“Her arse that is so out of this world you could play the bongos till the cows come home,” Discord interrupted, “about fifty times or so, yes.”

“Ah… okay.”

“Look, Caramel. You’re my friend so I’m going to say this in the nicest way possible. Give up.”

“W-what?! Why?”

“Well for one thing, Cheerilee’s not single anymore,” Discord smirked.

“... What?” Caramel deadpanned.

“Yeah, she hooked up with Berry Punch last week.”

Discord held back his laughter as Caramel’s jaw threatened to fall from his face, given how much it had dropped.

However, he was surprised when Caramel’s stunned expression quickly changed and he spouted one of the largest grins Discord had ever seen.

“Awesome! That means there’s a slim chance for a threesome! Thanks for the info, mate!”

And with that, Caramel took off down the road towards Berry Punches home. Discord stared after them na and sighed, shaking his head as he continued his journey to the school.

“Okay class, enjoy the weekend!” Miss Cheerilee smiled.

The front door of the school burst open as a swarm of excited children ran out of the building, laughing and cheering as they rushed to their respective parents. Discord chuckled as he leant on the gateway leading to the school. He raised his brow when only Entropy and Pandemonium emerged from the building, each one sporting an expression of anger before being followed by Miss Cheerilee.

He made his way quickly over to their teacher, a look of concern on his face, “Boys? What’s—”

Before Discord could ask them what the matter was, Miss Cheerilee coughed gently and beckoned him inside, “Boys, wait here.”

“What’s the matter with the twins? And where’s Songflower?” Discord asked as they entered the building

“I’m sorry, Discord. But there was an incident today on the playground,” Cheerilee sighed as she led him into the main classroom.

“Incident? What—”

He froze and his eyes went wide as he stepped into the classroom. Sitting at a desk sniffling softly to herself with a black eye was Songflower. She looked up upon hearing Discord’s voice and looked away.

“Songflower?!” Discord said as he ran over to his daughter and knelt beside her.

“H-hey, daddy…” she sniffled.

“What happened?” Discord asked Cheerilee, his voice sounded darker than normal.

“I’m afraid it was Golden Crown…” Cheerilee sighed, “again apparently.”

“What do you mean, again apparently?” Discord growled as he stood up, “has this happened before?”

“Not like this, this is the first time Golden has attacked someone,” Cheerilee explained, “I've only realised today but she appears to be, well… bullying Songflower.”

Discord stormed over to the trach with a face like thunder and growled dangerously low at her, “Then why haven’t you done something?! You should’ve told me or Fluttershy!”

“Discord!” Cheerilee snapped, “please refrain from raising your voice, need I remind you we have a child present? Like I said, I have only become aware of this issue today as did your sons!”

“Daddy…” Songflower whimpered, “I’m s-sorry I didn’t tell you, mummy, Miss Cheerilee or Entropy and Pandy… I was s-scared…”

Discord’s rage subsided as he looked over to his daughter and frowned and walked over, “Why were you scared, sweetie? You know you can tell your mother and I anything.”

“B-but Golden,“ Songflower sniffled, “said t-that if I t-told on her, y-you and mummy wouldn’t l-love me anymore because I was a f-fraidy cat…”

Songflower then burst into tears as Discord picked her up and tightly held her to his chest, “Shh, shh shh… we will never stop loving you, Songflower. You’re my little chaotic princess.”

Songflower sniffled and giggled softly as Discord kissed her head, “T-thank you, Daddy…”

“Why don’t we go and get some ice cream, hmm?” Discord asked.

“But what about dinner? Wouldn’t mummy be starting it by now?” Songflower asked.

“Well… your mother doesn't have to know,” Discord winked as she giggled softly.

He started to leave the classroom and turned his head to Cheerilee, “I’ll come back tomorrow with Fluttershy and we can talk about this more, I presume Golden has been punished.”

“Yes. She’ll receive detention for a month and I’ll be speaking to her parents about her behaviour first thing on Monday.”

Discord nodded as he carried his daughter out of the building.

“I knew I should’ve decked the brat when I had the chance…” Entropy muttered.

“Golden would’ve totally deserved it. No one does that to our sis and gets away with it!” Pandemonium growled.

“Boys,” Discord said, “I know you’re angry, but you do not under any circumstances beat up a young girl. If you want to help your sister, you can help by being there for her and keeping an eye out on the playground. Okay?”

“Yes, dad…” the grumbled.

“Okay. Now… lets go and get some ice cream before we go home,” Discord smirked.

“Score!” The twins grinned as they raced into town towards sugarcube corner.

Songflower cuddled tighter into her father’s chest as he followed after his two sons, a small frown forming on his face.

This is going to upset Fluttershy… he thought to himself.

Fluttershy hummed to herself as she stirred the wooden spoon in the saucepan, inhaling the smell of the sauce deeply.

“Almost ready… I do wonder what’s taking them so long though,” she muttered.

As she opened the fridge to take out some vegetables she heard the front door open and quickly placed the vegetables on the counter before going into the hallway to greet them.

“Hello, everyone. How was—”

She stopped mid-sentence as she gasped. Fluttershy quickly rushed over to Songflower, who was holding Discord’s hand and an ice cream in the other, and scooped her up.

“Oh my goodness, what happened, sweetheart?” she asked.

“I-It’s nothing, mummy,” Songflower mumbled.

“She’s been bullied by Golden Crown, Fluttershy,” Discord answered, “Cheerilee’s only been made aware of it today.”

Fluttershy frowned as she examined her daughters eye, “Well, I’m going over there right now and giving Filthy Rich a piece of my mind!”


“No one hurts my children and gets away with it! Golden Crown needs to be punished!”

“Yeah! Go mum!” Entropy and Pandemonium cheered.

“Fluttershy!” Discord snapped, holding her arms, “listen to yourself… this isn’t like you.”


“Cheerilee has already given her detention for a month and she is going to talk with Filthy and Golden on Monday. I’m going to see her tomorrow to talk about this, if you want to come.”

Fluttershy let out a deep breath as she calmed down, “Alright… but someones going to need to look after the children,”

“Oh, oh!” Entropy grinned, “can it be Pinkie?”

“Yeah! She’s awesome!” Pandemonium added.

“No,” Discord groaned, “not after last time…”

The boys let out a disappointed groan as Fluttershy giggled. Discord shook his head as the memory came flooding back. It had been a Sunday afternoon and he and Fluttershy had gone on a picnic leaving the kids in the care of Pinkie who was the only one available at the time, needless to say, it got out of control. Discord was lucky Pinkie had managed to talk Mr and Mrs Cake out charging him with the property damage.

“What about Rarity, mummy?” Songflower asked.

“What? No!” Pandemonium protested.

“Why? Is it cos Sweetie Belle might be there?” Entropy teased.

Pandemoniums cheeks went a light shade of red as he grumbled softly, “N-no! I just think it would be too girly thats all…”

“Your cheeks say otherwise, son,” Discord smirked.

Daaad!” Pandemonium whined, “you’re not helping!”

“Does my little man have a crush on someone?” Fluttershy cooed.

“Pandy likes Sweetie~” Songflower giggled.

Pandemonium cross his arms in a huff as the rest of his family chuckled at his embarrassment.

“Come on you lot, “Fluttershy smiled, “lets get the table ready.”

Discord smiled and headed for the living room, “I’ll be there in a second, I’ll just give Rarity a heads up and make sure she’s okay about it.”

“Okay, love.”

Discord walked over to the telephone as he listened to the sounds of his family preparing their dinner and dialed a few numbers, holding the receiver by his ear and listening to the dial tones.

This is the Carousel Boutique, how may I be of assistance?” came a female voice.

“Good afternoon, Rarity.”

“Oh, good afternoon to you too, Discord. How are you?” Rarity replied.

“So-so, there was an incident involving Songflower and Golden at the school today,” Discord sighed.

“Oh my, is the little dear alright? What happened?”

“Well, apparently Golden’s been bullying Songflower for quite some time now it seems,” Discord explained.

Rarity sighed over the phone, “I had hopes for that child not to turn out like her sister did at that age…”

“Yeah, anyway. The reason why I’m calling you is that me and Fluttershy are going to talk to Cheerilee in private about this and I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind looking after the children for a couple of hours.”

“Hmm… well I suppose—”

“You can use the twins as models for your boy clothesline,” Discord offered with a mischievous grin.

“Well then, I’ll be delighted to—” there was a pause as Discord heard a bell ring in the background, “hello, Colgate. I won’t be a moment. Sorry, Discord, I have to go.”

“No worries, Rarity, I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Goodbye, give my love to Fluttershy and the children!”

Discord chuckled as Rarity hung up the phone and he returned to join his family in the kitchen.

“So? What’s the word, dad?” Pandemonium asked.

“You’re going to spend some time over at Rarity’s tomorrow, and try to behave boys,” Discord replied as he sat down at the table, “also, you’re going to be modelling some boy clothes for her.

Both twins spat out the contents of their mouths and coughed as they looked at their father in disbelief before Discord burst into laughter.

“Gotcha!” he smirked.

As the twins grumbled and went back to eating their food Discord looked over to Fluttershy and Songflower, giving them a wink as they giggled as they realised what the wink was for.

In Canterlot castle, Princess Celestia sighed to herself as she leant on the balcony overlooking the town, her mind lost in its own thoughts. She failed to noticed the hand of her sister gently touch her back.

“Tia?” Luna asked.

No response.

“Tia?” Luna asked again, shaking her slightly.

“Hmmm? No, I don’t want one Chives…” Celestia half mumbled.

Luna giggled as she jabbed her sister in the ribs, causing the solar princess to yelp, “Luna! What was that for?”

“You were daydreaming again, Tia,” Luna giggled, “I was wondering if you wanted to join me for some dinner?”

“I guess so…” Celestia muttered as she stared off into the distant.

“Tia… are you okay?” Luna asked, tilting her head slightly, “you seem… a little distant today, more so than you normally are when you daydream.”

Celestia sighed as she turned to face her little sister and leant her back against the balcony, “I don’t know, Lulu… I’ve just got this really strange feeling… like something is out there that shouldn’t belong, or at least not any more.”

“You’re probably just tired, Tia. You did overdo it with that cake eating contest we had earlier, probably a sugar crash,” Luna smirked.

Celestia snorted before she giggled, “You’re just jealous I beat you. Again.”

The two sisters shared a laugh as they entered back into the palace, Luna wrapping an arm around her sisters in reassurance, “It probably is nothing, Tia. There’s nothing going on with the politics as far as I can see, the changelings are now our allies, Cadence is ruling the Empire with Shining fine and best of all!”

Celestia watched as Luna produced an envelop with her magic and grinned, handing it to her curious older sister, “We were given this!”

Celestia opened the letter and cleared her throat as she read it softly.

“Dear Sunbutt and Luna…”

She paused to look up at her giggling sister, “This is from Discord. Isn’t it?”

“Keep reading!” Luna giggled.

“Fluttershy and I would like to invite you to the tenth birthday party to be held at Sugarcube corner for our beautiful daughter Songflower on the 22nd of this month.

P.S. Bring presents!

Sorry, that was Songflower writing. But yeah, make good on the gifts, Sunbutt!”

Love, Discord x”

The letter suddenly exploded and covered the solar princess in a thick layer of soot. Luna blinked before she burst out laughing as Celestia glared at her, clearly unamused.

“Oh how I love that man sometimes. You should see your face, Tia!”

“Is that so?” Celestia smirked as she wiped her hand over her face and grinned at Luna.

Luna’s eyes widened as she realised what Celestia was going to do and bolted off down the corridor, cackling to herself.

“Oh no you don’t!” Celestia giggled as she ran after her sister.

Far into the vast expanse of the Everfree in the ruins of the castle were Discord had battled the Queen of Changelings ten years ago, there were two individuals each dress in black cloaks walking through them with a single lantern swinging in one of their hands.

“Are you sure this will work?” The one behind the one carrying the lantern asked

“Yes, yes. I’m quite sure.” He replied.

“But can you really do it? Control the raw power he wielded?” The follower asked nervously.

The leader groaned clearly irritated, “Why must you question my abilities?”

“My apologies, but you heard what the rumors spoke during that battle.”

“Exactly, and just think of what we will accomplish with that power on our side! Not even the Elements will stop us!” The leader replied with a clench of his fist.

“But, will he allow it. Or rather, he and his other self?”

The leader chuckled softly, turning to his comrade as a wicked smirk formed on his face in the flickering light, “They won’t have a choice…”

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.] Any errors feel free to let me know!