• Published 19th Oct 2013
  • 11,849 Views, 444 Comments

A Blind Eye - Doctah WAAwee

A blind man is torn away from his world by the curiosity of Twilight. But he's not just some helpless blind man. ..he's something more

  • ...

Chapter 4


That was the only color that could describe Spike's eyes. Red from the tears shed when he found out Twilight was in critical condition, red from the tears he shed when he cried in the ambiance of a pitying Rarity.

Red when he ran towards the hospital as fast as his little legs could take him. Red when he barged into the hospital and managed to choke out the name 'Twilight' to the receptionist. Red...

When he saw Twilight strapped into a bed, unconscious, disheveled, ruined...


The emotion he felt, above all others, when he attacked himself for Twilight's state. He knew that she went off the deep end, and he was the only dragon that could bring her back from herself. But he was too weak to stay...

When Twilight would scream and sob at nothing, the same words over and over...

'Why...why can't I find anything!?'

When she threw her books at random, with the force to shatter bone...

Luckily, dragon scales are the toughest organic defense known to ponykind, only second to diamond in toughness.

When the book hit him, he cowered. He ran towards Rarity's, bloody and bruised, to plead to her...

He lied.

Making sure to hide his pain, he said that Twilight got an extremely important project from the Princess, and she is sending all her time on it. The mirror to other worlds was part of it, and Twilight got into 'that state' again. Rarity didn't even question his logic. Spike was a very trustworthy dragon in her mind, and she gladly accepted him into her home...


He should have fought through the pain, he should have stayed true to himself, his dragon code. But the moment the books started flying, he ran with his tail between his legs. He could have prevented this, he could have told Celestia the truth, he could have told Rarity the truth....

But he was afraid.

Afraid of what would happen to Twilight if he did, afraid that she would have to leave if this got out, afraid that they would have to be separated...


The seeds of deception he wove were fully grown, the seeds of fear and insecurity, the seeds of abandonment...


*Knock* *Knock*

The sound of hoof smacking oak was heard by the, slightly less than conscious, human. He groaned in his bed, the after effects of the 'Saradomin Brew' rescinded long ago in his sleep, and his wounds were under control...

He just liked to sleep in.

"Dear, are you awake?" the gentle voice of Love Tap was heard through the door. The human slowly sat up on the bed as he was ripped away from the blissful hold of sleep.

"I am now Miss Tap..." He groggily said as a yawn escaped his mouth, cringing at the horrible smell, to him, his breath and body released. Love Tap opened the door a walked in the room with a slightly sheepish expression...

Not that he could see it of course.

"I'm sorry I woke you dear, and please, call me Tap. I still have some years of youth in me... by the way, I never got your name."

The human cracked his back and yawned, mindful to cover his mouth so his offending oder would not go on Love Tap, "my name is...uhhh", he racked his brain for a second to try to remember his name.




Nope, not that either.

Sir Hammerlock?

That just sounded silly.

"Hmmm... sorry, drawing up a blank when it comes to my name... drawing up a blank when it comes to a lot of things actually."

"Oh no... you have amnesia." Love Tap wasn't surprised. This alien should have been dead three times over from all the damage his body has taken.

Any other unforeseen complications from this moment on could easily be seen as the best case scenario.

"That I do... but hey, the only things I remember are smells, tastes, sounds, and how things feel. Though I do want to know who I am and where I came from... I'm not going to have a vision anytime soon."

"Don't worry, it just takes time for these things to come back, don't lose hope now!" She exclaimed. Love Tap put a hoof on his hand to try to comfort the human...

"...Come on, you don't get it?"

Love Tap's face swapped from dire concern, to utter confusion.

"Uhhh...get what dear?"

"Come on, I'm not going to have a vision anytime soon?"

"Oh... Oh! A vision!" she giggled a little, "I get it now!"

"Ba dum pssh..." The human half-heartedly sounded out.

Pinkie Pie turn her head in the direction of Love Tap's house, stopping in the middle of mixing cake batter.

This caught Mrs. Cake's attention, who was getting a pre-chilled bottle of baby milk from the fridge.

"Pinkie, are you all right?" said Mrs. Cake in concern. Pinkie doesn't usually stop in the middle of mixing cake unless her Pinkie sense goes off. But this time... nothing.

Pinkie continued to stare at the wall, like she didn't even hear Mrs. Cake address her. After a couple of seconds, her perpetual smile once again shined brightly on her face. She continued to mix the cake, this time she started humming a sick rock tune to herself while doing it.

"Oh, nothing Mrs. Cake. Someone made a joke... that's all."

"...Don't you mean 'somepony'?" the blue mare asked.

"No, no I don't. What gave you that idea?" Pinkie asked in her usual peppy tone.

"Uh... I. I don't- I should go." Mrs. cake blurted out before walking out of the room.

"Kay, bye!"

Pinkie was all alone in the room, mixing todays order. She burst into giggles every now and then.

"Vision." another giggle snort, "genius."

"MOM!" A familiar nasal voice called out. Gaining the attention of both the human and Love Tap.

"Is that your son?" asked the human.

"Yes, he is." Love Tap answered, "Yes Button?" she addressed her son in a slightly louder volume.

"You made pancakes!?" he asked excitedly. The human could hear him bouncing on a chair in happiness.

"Yes Button, but wait until I'm there..." she turned to the human "do you want to sit on the table with us?"

"Umm, are you sure? Big scary alien sitting down to have pancakes with a family?"

"Oh hush now, your not scary, and I had a talk with Button before I came here, he's okay with it. In fact, he really wants to meet you." she chuckled, "Youth, want to talk with aliens at the drop of a hat, but practically have to be force fed broccoli."

The human sniffed the air for a second before sighing "pancakes smell good..."

Love Tap turned around to confirm something.

Yep, the doors were closed.

"Next your gonna be telling me what they're made of..." she said quietly to herself.

Quite to her, at least.

"Lets see...1 1/4 of a cup of flour, 1 1/4 of a cup of buttermilk, 1/4 of a cup of granulated sugar, a teaspoon of baking powder, a teaspoon of baking soda, 1/4 of a cup of cooking oil..." he sniffed the air again "...and a pinch of salt."

Love Tap... was completely baffled. Not only did he tell her what she used for her pancakes... he told her how much of each ingredient she used to make them.

"Ah-I... ah-. H-How did you..."

"Years of practice." He said, chuckling a little bit at Love Tap's reaction.

"MOM?" Button's overwhelmingly nasal voice called out.

"Oh. We should probably get you ready to go downstairs... are you alright with me bathing you dear?"

The human, caught off guard from her question, started blushing like a ripe tomato.

'Uh- ah I... think I can bath myself." He stuttered out.

"Are you sure dear? I really don't want you to slip and get hurt."

"Yes... I'm good."

"At least let me guide you to the bathroom."

"Okay... by the way, what am I wearing? It feels... loose."

"A standard hospital gown, I keep some in handy."

"For what?"

"Oh, you know. Just in case an alien needs to be nursed back to health."

The human snorted, "Oh ha ha. Someone's got a funny bone."

She giggled, "I still got some in me. Anyway, the reason I have spare hospital gowns is because of a... botched cupcake fiasco. Hospitalized so many ponies that they had to use houses when the hospital was filled. So, I've had those there for a long while."

"...Your saying that a bad batch of cupcakes hospitalized half a town of ponies?"

"A little bit more than half." Love Tap corrected.

"...Was the pony who made the cupcakes arrested or something?"

"No... why would she?"

"...Never mind."

Love Tap guided the human to the bathroom, he was really good at maneuvering by himself. After they reached the bathroom, Love Tap let him bathe himself. He had a little trouble with the actual height of the shower, but width wise, he was just fine...

"Love Tap, do you have a toothbrush I can use?" The human asked after he exited the shower. His breath was still abysmal.

"I already set one up dear. On the sink, left side. Put it in the cup to the right when your done."

He felt around the sink, homing in on the smell of toothpaste as he grabbed on to the brush and started brushing. Two minutes later, he was done with the brush, and put it in the cup. Were both Buttons and Love Tap's brush were also.

"Thank you Tap." He said in thanks. He sniffed the air to catch the scent of wood and metal, and it was very close to the scent of Love Tap.

"What is that your holding Tap?" He asked her.

"It's a cane that my husband won in a poker game with a minotaur." She answered. The cane had a handle that could easily fit a human hand. It had a sleek, oak body that metal engravings spiraling it. It was a very well crafted and beautiful cane...

Not that he could see it of course.


If any word could describe the week that Celestia has had, it would be paper. Mountains and mountains of documents that she needed to read over, sign, roll up, send away, die a little inside, and repeat. She considered stabbing herself in the hoof just to brake the monotony.

The doors of her private room was knocked on, braking the sun princess out of her paper induced trance.

"Your Highness... we have a letter for you. It's from your student, princess Twilight."

Above the sheer elation Celestia had from finally being freed from her stack of papers, momentarily or otherwise, there was a strong feeling of curiosity. Twilight would always send her letters via dragonfyre, and they would always just suddenly pop into her field of vision. But a message sent by guard...

Something was going down, her gut was almost always right (barring a certain wedding).

"Come in." She said.

The twin doors opened to reveal a vanilla guard. He bowed, gave Celestia the letter, and returned to his post.

The sun princess carefully unrolled the letter and began reading...



There was an unwritten rule in the palace, that stood strong throughout the millennia. If princess Celestia ever uses her Royal Canterlot Voice...

It gets real.

An entire platoon of guards amass at her door in a matter of seconds.

"Prepare a chariot to head towards ponyvillie, wake my sister, and tell her to get her battle armor on. At once!"

"Yes, ma'am!" the unified shout of the guards sounded throughout the castle.

"36, 37, 38, 39!" Button's excited voice was counting. What was he counting?

The number of pancakes that the human stuffed into his mouth and ate. Turns out being critically wounded and bedridden for a month makes people voraciously hungry.

"Button, don't you have to go to school?" Love Tap asked her son. He and the alien really hit if off.

"I know mom, but let me see him get to fifty! This only happens once in a lifetime!"

She rolled her eyes and smiled at her sons antics, she knew that the alien was hungry, but not this extent.

"48, 49, 50! You are the best pancake eating alien of all time!" He screamed out.

The alien was too busy chugging down three ponies worth of orange juice to acknowledge Button's praise.

"Pah!" the alien sounded as he was finished drinking the orange juice, "Thank you man, though, you should really get to school."

Button was already getting his saddle bags ready.

"Bye mom! Bye cool alien dude! When I get back, I'm going to teach you how to play video games, whether you can see them or not!"

Button ran out of the house and towards his school. Eagerly counting down the seconds until he could get to teach an alien, an alien how to play video games..

"Alright, see you around!" the human laughed, "I don't think you got it but, you have a fun time now!"

Author's Note:

In memory of T.K. Baha... the best damn background character in the Borderlands series.

Thank you for all the likes on this story, I ain't the best writer out there, but thanks for supporting and taking the time out of your day to read this story and critic it. God bless you all.