• Published 28th Feb 2012
  • 9,118 Views, 410 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: The First Year - Cloudhammer

Ponies and Humans meet for the first time and come to terms with a new, shared existence.

  • ...

15 - Recommissioning

Week 33, Monday-Thursday

Week 38, Tuesday

Cloudhammer yawned as he flew onward through the light of the rising sun. He’d departed Canterlot almost three hours ago, and his destination couldn’t be much further ahead. Looking down, he could see the nearly endless expanse of trees, the Everfree Forest stretching to the horizon on his left and right. Finally, the edge of the forest came into view, a cluster of buildings situated close by. Circling overhead for a few minutes, Cloudhammer wondered again what had prompted the townsponies to name the town Snaffleton. He started spiraling downward, landing in front of the town hall and trotting inside.

The inside of the building was only a single room, a large desk sitting right in front of the window. Behind it, a tan pegasus mare was busy organizing her morning papers, not even looking up at the sound of armored hooves on the floor. “What can I help you with this time Aegis?”

“Sorry to disappoint you Miss, but I’m afraid I’m not Aegis.” Cloudhammer said as he took a few steps into the room.

Jerking her head up at the strange voice, she started at the sight of the gold-armored pegasus in front of her. “Oh my, I’m sorry. We don’t usually see the Royal Guard out here. My name’s Penny Charter, how can I help you?”

“I’m actually looking for Aegis. Might you be able to tell me where I can find him?”

“Hmm, let me think...” She put a hoof on her chin, thinking. “Well, now that the main harvest is over, he’s likely helping clean up down at Peach Pit’s orchard. It’s south and a little west of here, but the road goes right by. Why do you need him, though, if I might ask? Is it an emergency?”

“No, I just want to talk to him about something that needs his particular skills. Have a good day.” Cloudhammer turned and trotted toward the door.

“W-wait! I need to get your name and rank down in the register. For the records, y’know.” Penny called out.

Cloudhammer stopped and turned his head back. “My name is General Cloudhammer, Miss Charter.” He trotted out the door, spread his wings and leapt into the air, leaving Penny to stare gaping at the empty patch of road. Snapping her mouth shut, she quickly scrawled the name down in the ledger, mind already wondering what the girls would make of this. A General of the Royal Guard paying their little town a visit, imagine that!

Cloudhammer soared over the road until he could see the orchard ahead of him, a sizable patch of trees, though they were devoid of fruit for the time being. Circling overhead, he could see several stallions out working and, after checking them against the description he’d been given, he could see one working at hauling a stump from the ground, a small yellow filly cheering him on. Gliding to the ground, he trotted forward, stopping next to the filly.

The large burgundy stallion grunted, pulling at the chains affixed to his harness, the sound of roots popping and snapping as the stump slowly gave way. With a final surge of earth pony strength, the stump tore free from the ground, spraying loose clods of soil about. The red stallion exhaled in relief, then looked up, finally noticing Cloudhammer standing there.

“Woohoo! Go Aegis!” The yellow filly cheered excitedly, leaping onto the log in hopes of catching a ride. At least the red stallion’s identity had been confirmed.

“Careful back there, Leapfrog.” Aegis turned to the visitor. “How can I help you? Some foal wander off into the Everfree alone again, despite the warnings?” Aegis slowly began dragging the stump in the direction of the barn.

“No, nothing like that. My name is General Cloudhammer. I need to discuss something with you.” Cloudhammer followed alongside. “How much have you heard about Emergence and the humans?”

Aegis thought for a second, then looked to the filly on the log. “Leapfrog, why don’t you bounce on ahead and get us a couple drinks of water, huh?”

“Okie dokie!” The little filly nodded excitedly, hopping off the log and dashing towards the barn.

Aegis glanced over to Cloudhammer, never breaking his pace. “Yeah, hard to miss the sky lightin’ up. As for the humans... not much, a little scuttlebutt. Some kinda bald monkeys, right? Figured the name was ‘cause they were from some land called Hyoom.”

Cloudhammer felt his muzzle twitch upward despite himself. “You could describe them like that. As for the name of their lands, I’d refrain from calling them Hyoom. There’s more of them then there are of us, after all. Anyway, I’ll get right to it. For the past few months there’s been an effort between our brightest and theirs to find a way to protect them from exposure to our magic.”

“Magic hurts ‘em? That don’t seem right at all. Magic’s what keeps the Sun spinnin’ around us.” Aegis shook his head slowly, trying to figure out how something so inherently beneficial could ever hurt somepony.

”I understand your confusion, it took me some time to get used to it too. But their world doesn’t follow the same rules as Equestria, they get by without even a trace of magic.” Cloudhammer said, glancing up at the sky instinctively. “But, I suppose you’re wondering why I’m here. A few days ago, there was an attack on one of the research facilities working on a way to protect the humans from our magic. Things... went badly. One of the guardponies charged with protecting the facility was executed.”

“I’d heard about that. My condolences. There’s no braver pony out there than she was.”

“You’re right on that count. However, there’s something more troubling that this attack shows us. I suspect that there is more to the group behind this attack than the humans who carried it out. Somepony had to tell them where the facility was. However, without any idea of who told them or how, we need to be ready in case we’re attacked again. And what was developed at that facility is part of it.” Cloudhammer paused. “What I’m about to tell you needs to be kept between us for the time being.”

“Of course. My word’s my bond, General.” Aegis lowered his head slowly in a bow of sorts, acknowledging the promise. “Nothing will allow what you tell me to escape these lips.”

Cloudhammer took a deep breath. “The team working at that facility has created a ‘serum’, a potion, if you will, created using human technology and our blood. This serum, when injected into a human and combined with unicorn magic, will actually transform them into a pony.”

Aegis blinked. “It makes them us?” The thought settled into Aegis’s head, rattling around with the rest of the information he’d just been told. All and all, it coalesced together in one simple thought for the earth pony: “That’s kinda, well, weird.”

“Believe me, I felt the same way. But I’ve seen the results first hoof, and it works.”

“So, General, can I assume you’re here for more than sharing state secrets on this fine sunny day?” Aegis tossed his head, getting a forelock of sweaty brown mane out of his eyes.

Cloudhammer nodded. “We’re going to bolster the ranks of the Guard by asking for volunteers from the human nation of ‘America’s’ armed forces,” he said the strange word easily, “however, the nature of the serum means that each person using the serum has an equal chance of becoming a pegasus, earth pony or unicorn. To accommodate that, we’ve decided that the Royal Guard will officially create an Earth Pony branch. To do that, we’ll need somepony to be the trainer of the first class of ponies. I want to ask you to be that pony Aegis.”

Aegis stumbled, missing a step as Cloudhammer delivered the request. “What do you mean, ask me back? And as a trainer, at that?”

“Exactly what I said. We need an earth pony who knows how to react when things get bad. You have those skills, and they’re admittedly hard to find in Equestria.”

“Well, granted, I suppose. I was going to start suggesting others, but for the life of me, I can't think of any.” Aegis tugged the stump into place, waiting patiently as a teenaged earth pony the color of bark unlatched him. “And it’d be a branch of the guard, an actual service branch, not mere porters or engineers?”

Cloudhammer nodded. “An actual service branch, same frontline duties as the unicorns and pegasi.”

Aegis shrugged out of the harness "Let Pit know I'm taking a break, and that he owes me ten bits. Told him I could handle it alone" Aegis grinned at the boggle-eyed teen. Aegis turned to Cloudhammer "Let's find my little sister and that drink."

Cloudhammer nodded, following after Aegis. “We're constructing training facilities on one of the islands the humans had to abandon when Equestria finished emerging. You'd have complete, well mostly complete, control over the actual training program itself. Unfortunately, the lack of any other earth ponies suitable means you'll have to train your own intermediate officers.”

Aegis paused. "So, if you don't mind me asking, why the recruiting drive, exactly? Despite the outcome, that seemed an isolated incident. And sorry if I seem a bit standoffish; I really gotta know the why, not just the what. I left boot because, well, I was afraid. Not of serving. But of orders preventing me from doing what was right."

Cloudhammer sighed. "I'll be frank. This is not the first incident to raise my suspicions. Earlier this year, one of my Captains was badly injured by another human, who later cooperated with us and spoke of a human who gave him money to carry out the attack."

“Attacking? Killing? For bits?" Aegis spit, a hard edge glinting in his eye. "Are these humans worth saving?"

Cloudhammer nodded. "Just like ponies, there are good humans as well as bad. My son's made good friends with one. The majority of them just want to get by, it's the minority who are fearful of something they can't control who are doing this, I think."

Aegis halted in the mid-morning shade of the barn and turned toward Cloudhammer. "Would this be a contract gig?"

“For at the very least the first batch of recruits. Should you choose to not continue, your intermediate officers will take over from you. I promise you that you can leave whenever you choose to.”

Aegis stared into the distance, considering. "I'll need to make some arrangements to care for my little sister, Leapfrog, while I'm away..." Aegis backed up to the stump, forgetting he had meant to take a break, and with a single mighty kick bucked it into the feeder of the chipper. He then hopped onto the treadmill. "You may want to move."

Cloudhammer tilted his head and moved out of the way. "If you want, you can bring your family with you. There are some human cities on the island, and we are using their hotels to house the logistics staff and vacationing ponies. I'm sure it won't be a problem to arrange for them to come with you.”

Aegis leaned against the pushbar and grunted, starting the treadmill moving, the inner blades and grinders working away at the stump. Once he set a pace, he began speaking again. “But...wait...isn't it dangerous....in the human lands?”

Cloudhammer shook his head. "Not on the islands, the magic radiating from Equestria has saturated them, making it impossible for humans to exist on them. Furthermore, the human nation that owns the islands is helping protect them from any human weapons that could reach them."

"That's....good." Aegis huffed a little, more from the chipper's resistance than from any amount of exhaustion. "Sorry for this, but... I do have work."

Cloudhammer smiled a little. "No need to apologize, I understand a hard day's work too."

Aegis grinned as the stump finally ground down into a pile of mulch where Cloudhammer had been standing before. “Whew...ah, yeah, a drink....”

Aegis inhaled deeply, then let out a mighty bellow "Leapfrog! Where'd you get off to, varmint?” Then, in an aside to Cloudhammer: “Bet she got distracted by the pond...” Aegis turned his head back. “So, anything else I need to know? Special training? Requirements?”

Cloudhammer shook his head. “Really that's it. We'll be proposing this to the human leaders in a few days, and expect to be starting the initial conversions by the next week.” Cloudhammer grinned. "As for training, you'll of course have to demonstrate your physical ability to the rest of the Guard senior staff and to Celestia.”

Aegis gulped, a course of sweat unrelated to his recent exertions trickling down his face. “The...th'Princess?”

“Of course, she agreed with my recommendation that you be considered for the job, but there are still formalities to be observed, you see."

Aegis nodded weakly. “Y-yeah, formalities. Wait. Senior staff? Sounds an awful lot like a commissioning review.”

Cloudhammer nodded. "Myself, General Gold Arrow, General Amber Dusk, and probably some of the Captains and First Lieutenants depending on what day you are able to come to Canterlot. And don't worry, officially for the paperwork, you will be considered a commissioned officer, but you'd be free to leave if you feel it necessary."

"An officer? Pheh, I work for a living." Aegis grinned at the old joke. "So you're saying that this isn't like a security contract. I'd actually be in the Guard.”

"All the way in. You'd start out as a First Lieutenant, and provided your first class performs admirably, which I have confidence they would, you'd be promoted to Captain, and any ponies among your recruits will be promoted solely under your authority."

“I'm...not entirely sure how I feel about that.” Aegis looked at his cutie mark, a blue shield with a tri-pointed flame. “However, I concede the need. General, I accept. I can be in Canterlot in..." -Aegis performed some quick mental calculations- "four days."

Cloudhammer nodded, extending a hoof. "That's fine. I look forward to seeing you."

Aegis grasped the proffered limb in a like manner. "Pleasure doing business with you. Now, if you'll excuse me..." Aegis turned and bellowed again, "Leapfrog, consarn it, get out of that pond!" Aegis trotted off, leaving Cloudhammer alone.

With a snap of his wings he was airborne again, curving slowly around as he flew off toward Canterlot to relay the news.


With a sharp snap the world spun back into existence and Cloudhammer shook his head to orient himself, feeling the warmth of Hawaii disappear and the cooler air of Washington D.C. flow over his wings.

“I admit you have put a lot of thought into this plan of yours Cloudhammer.” Celestia said as she glided serenely next to him.

“Ever since Brazil, to be honest. After Miguel confessed to that human paying him, I’ve been worrying that there is either someone or some group behind the scenes. The attack in San Francisco only lends credence to the theory.”

“That does make sense, and is something I considered as well. However, the lack of information we received from the two humans captured in the San Francisco attack or Miguel does not lend itself to pursuit of this for the time being.”

“Yes, though that’s the point of this plan. If we can’t chase this threat down, we might as well be ready for when it strikes again. Not to mention we’re going to need to test the viability of the mass produced serum, and asking for volunteers from soldiers for something like this is likely to be easier than it is for civilians. On top of all that, I do not like the recent silence from Scythion. Iron Talons is a war hawk,” Cloudhammer allowed himself a wry grin at his own pun, “and I’m beginning to think he’s up to something.”

Celestia nodded her understanding. “So what would you have me do? If Iron Talons seeks to withdraw diplomatic relations, there is nothing that can be done to prevent him.”

“I understand that, but I don’t like it all the same.” Cloudhammer said darkly as they landed on the lawn of the Rose Garden. A Secret Service agent nodded to them, speaking into his wrist radio for a moment before opening the doors. They were led down the hallways to the Oval Office, where another agent opened the door for them.

President Foster rose from his desk and crossed the room to shake Celestia’s hoof. “Good morning Princess, I hope your trip wasn’t too strenuous?”

“Not at all. It’s still a little tiring to teleport so far, but I am getting used to it.” She said with a small smile.

“Well, what can I help you with? Your message from Ambassador Fancypants was a little vague.” He walked to one of the couches and sat down, gesturing to an ornate teapot set on the table. “And would either of you like something to drink?”

“Yes, thank you kindly.” Celestia calmly sat across from Foster, Cloudhammer taking a seat next to her. Foster poured her a cup, looking questioningly at Cloudhammer, who shook his head.

Celestia carefully lifted the cup in a hoof, sipping at it delicately. “Once again, a wonderful brew. The seeds you gave me have been doing wonderfully, by the way.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Foster replied, pouring himself his own cup.

Cloudhammer cleared his throat. “Mr. President, as much as I enjoy the pleasantries of small talk,” the sarcasm in his voice was plain, “the matter we’ve come to speak to you about is something that must be addressed now.”

“Very well then, let’s get down to it.” Foster set his cup down and turned his attention toward the pegasus.

“With this most recent attack, a suspicion I’ve had since the incident in Brazil has been given more evidence. That suspicion being that there is someone or some group behind the scenes pulling the strings.”

Foster nodded. “We’ve been investigating the weapons used in the attacks, but the records all point to legal purchases that were then converted illegally. As for locating the individual who paid the man calling himself One, whose real name is Henry Pritchard; we’re simply out of leads. Mr. Pritchard never knew his name, and he paid them in cash. As for the motivation, both Mr. Pritchard and the other man, whose name is Thomas Lowe, had relatives that were lost on the Stennis battlegroup. In addition, the three deceased men also had relatives who were killed due to thaumatic radiation poisoning before Equestria’s appearance.”

Celestia frowned. “So they’re selecting people who already have motivation to hate us…”

Cloudhammer’s eyes remained unblinking. “That aside, the purpose of this visit is to put forward a request. The unicorns in Canterlot working on the serum that Twilight Sparkle brought with her report that they are beginning to mass-produce the serum, with overwhelming success thus far. Therefore, given the timing of this and the threat of future incidents, I’m drawing up plans to increase the strength of the Equestrian Royal Guard.”

Foster’s eyes narrowed. “So why bring this to me? From what information I have, your population has more than enough numbers to support such an increase.”

“That is both true and false. We Equestrians are normally a very peaceful species, not given to military pursuits. There is perhaps fifty ponies born in a generation that are naturally aggressive, and of those, perhaps twenty are actually capable of passing the initial entrance test to the Guard. Thus, we simply cannot increase our numbers adequately from our own population. However, another option has now made itself available.”

“You intend to bolster your ranks from the initial conversions, don’t you?” Foster said, his anger rising.

“Both yes and no.” Cloudhammer replied calmly. “We would ask for volunteers from among those in your armed forces, with the specification that the reason why be explained to the volunteers, and that all needed accommodations be made to ensure that no unit be compromised by the volunteer’s departure. Approximately one thousand such volunteers will meet our requirements.”

Foster sat there for a moment, trying to process what he’d just heard. “Are you mad? The very idea is ludicrous; we cannot compromise the coherency of our armed forces just because you want to increase your own.”

“There is more to it than that. As I understand it, we will begin opening the centers where conversions will be carried out. It is in Equestria’s own interest that we have a presence there. But very well, if you will not ask among your active servicemen, what about your wounded, those whose injuries prevent them from returning to active service? As I understand it, the serum reforms the body completely, which could mean that even soldiers who have lost limbs could have another chance to serve.”

“Serve you, you mean. Since I assume that joining your Royal Guard would mean swearing allegiance to Equestria.” Foster said angrily.

Celestia coughed to interrupt the two before they could continue. “While swearing the Oath of the Guard does involve giving fealty to the crown, their role is solely to serve as the protectors of Equestria and its citizens. There is also another reason Cloudhammer is asking for volunteers. As you know, to our north is the griffon nation of Scythion. Their current King, Iron Talons, has been known for his outspoken attitude regarding Equestria and the border territories, which he disputes are theirs. However, as of the past month and a half, Scythion has fallen silent.”

Foster smoldered, but sat back. “And how come this hasn’t been brought up before?”

“Before there was the work on the serum, and to be honest Iron Talons has threatened to do this in the past. However, there has always been informal contact between our nations, only now those have stopped as well.”

Foster nodded, his anger still present, but now his curiosity was rising to the fore. “I see.” He thought hard for a few more minutes. “Something on the scale of which you’re suggesting will take some time to put together. I’ll agree to this on four conditions. First, that any volunteer who signs up for this plan of yours will become dual citizens of the United States and Equestria. Second, that the Equestrian Royal Guard will not be used in a combat capacity on American soil without prior approval from the US Government. Third, that if it’s found the Equestrian Royal Guard can assist with government work; we can request their aid at any time. Fourth, that only those converted as part of this program will be stationed at these centers.”

Cloudhammer’s eyes narrowed. “The last option is not feasible. Guard doctrine requires that an experienced officer of Second Lieutenant rank or higher lead each squad. Training the convertees to an adequate level will take at least a decade.”

Foster blinked. “A decade?”

Cloudhammer met his eyes levelly. “It took me nine years to make Second Lieutenant, then ten more to make First Lieutenant. After that was another sixteen years before I made Captain.”

Foster leaned back. “So you’ve been in the Guard for over thirty-five years?”

“No, I’ve served the Throne for fifty-three years. I was seventeen when I signed up.” Cloudhammer said, his voice filled with pride.

“So you’re seventy years old?” Foster said surprisedly.

Cloudhammer scowled. “And what of it? I’m not the oldest officer in the Guard, that distinction belongs to General Amber Dusk. He’s one hundred and twelve this winter.”

Foster sat there for a second, trying to come to grips with this tidbit of information. “That’s... impressive.”

Celestia smiled. “Cloudhammer’s original point is still valid. I’m afraid that we would need to have experienced officers leading the new recruits. After all, I’m sure that you’d not send inexperienced soldiers without having someone leading them and providing guidance.” She took a sip of her tea.

Foster smirked. “If it were up to me I’d train them so they wouldn’t need to be babysat in the first place. But very well, I suppose that we could do without that last stipulation.”

Celestia nodded. “Then I would see no problem with your conditions either. On a related note, the other logistics issue is providing adequate training facilities. We have examined the island of Kauai, to the north of Oahu, and determined that there is plenty of land that can be used. Since they are still technically under the ownership of your government, we would ask your permission to use the island for the training of the new guard recruits.”

“Even if I say no, it’s not like there’s much hope that we can use the island anyway. I’ll tell you what. We’ll rent you the land. We can work out the rate at a later time, but I assure you we’ll be reasonable.” Foster said with a smile.

Celestia sipped her tea, her eyes bright. “I think that could be easily arranged. I take it we have a deal?”

Foster smiled. “Well, I’ll need to speak to Hawaii’s Governor, but I believe that he’d be fine with being able to put his islands back to further use.” He rose to his feet and extended a hand.

Celestia and Cloudhammer rose to their hooves as well, Celestia lifting a hoof for the two to shake.

“Now, would you prefer to ask among your wounded veterans?” Celestia asked kindly.

“I’ll contact your embassy once we have a list of candidates assembled, along with the decided rate for renting the land.” Foster replied.

“Then I look forward to your message.” Celestia said with a slight nod as she and Cloudhammer took their leave. Foster waited until he could see them flying away before he strode to his desk. Pressing a button, he waited for a moment before Curtis opened the door. “Curtis, how soon can you assemble a list of nine hundred and ninety candidates from wounded vets?”

“I’d say if we started today, probably one or two weeks? But I thought that we were giving them one thousand candidates.”

“We will. I want the final ten to come from active service branches.” Foster said. “As close as we are with the Equestrians, there are things that we simply cannot learn about them without being able to observe them on their home turf. So, we’re going to get some feet, or hooves, on the ground.” He sighed, “I do wish that this wasn’t needed, but...”

“I understand, Mr. President. I’ll begin compiling the list right away.” Curtis turned and walked quickly out of the room, already pulling his cell phone from his pocket.


The train pulled into the Canterlot station with a shriek of steel on steel, clouds of steam billowing along the platform. The conductor cleared the passengers for disembarkation and they began filing out, each heading their own way, their own business in Canterlot at the forefront of their minds. One particular pony, a large burgundy stallion in pitted, but gleaming plate armor stood out among the crowd, a yellow filly riding asleep on his back, curly brown mane bobbing with each step.

Aegis had been glad he had brought Leapfrog, his littlest sister, along on the trip. He had calculated his travel time based on walking the roads from Snaffleton to Canterlot, but an off-hoof comment about the train station in Ponyville had reminded Aegis that trains existed. Celestia bless the rambling thoughts of the young. Her comment had shaved an entire day from his travel time.

He swung his head about; helmet strapped to his saddlebag for now, and started looking for a guard, intending to obtain directions to the training grounds.

“You must be Aegis?” A gold and white pegasus guard trotted up through the crowd, most of the ponies giving him a wide berth. “Good morning, I’m First Lieutenant Willow Spark. General Cloudhammer asked me to wait for you.”

“Ah, hello, Lieutenant. Yes, I’m Aegis. Wasn’t really expecting to have anyone waiting for me so soon.” Aegis stood there awkwardly for a moment, unsure if a hoofshake, a nod, or a salute would actually be in order yet. He settled on a nod.

Willow returned the nod. “If you’d follow me please, I’ll show you to the training grounds.” He turned, extending his right wing vertically before folding it. Above the station, another pegasus guard stopped circling and arrowed off over the city.

“Heh, VIP treatment, huh? If you could spare a couple pegs to keep an eye out for me, then you coulda sent a chariot,” Aegis grinned at Willow Spark, feeling just a bit irreverent at the strict formality. He walked in the direction motioned, pulling up beside Willow.

“The General considered the idea, but decided to allow you to arrive in your own time. Not to mention that using a chariot is a highly visible method of entry. Although, showing up in your full armor like that will turn enough heads as it is.” He said with a chuckle.

“Well, how else would you suggest I show up in it?” Aegis grinned. Willow Spark didn’t seem to be the typical grim-faced guardpony. “I wasn’t entirely certain what kind of situation I was showing up to, nor what might’ve been expected of me. I figured better safe than sorry. I practically live in this suit.”

Willow nodded. “I can respect that. It’s the same for us. As for what to expect, don’t worry, we worked hard to put something together just for you.” He tossed a wicked grin over his shoulder.

“Now why don’t I find that very comforting?”

Willow barked a short laugh. “Don’t get your mane in a twist. If you’re half as good as the General thinks you’ll handle it just fine.”

“Well, then let’s hope I’m twice as good as the General thinks, and half as.... erm... something witty.” Aegis snorted. He’d had a flash of brilliance, but it had faded to a mere ember too quickly.

Willow grinned, leading the larger stallion through the streets of Canterlot, the castle looming ever larger as they got nearer. Eventually, they came to the enormous archway of the main doors, and with a nod to the guards sitting outside, Willow led Aegis to a side door set into the wall. It opened onto a plain cobblestone path that led along the outer wall. As they followed the curve of the wall, the mountainside fell away to reveal a large open field, with what could only be an airborne obstacle course for pegasi, and several weight bags next to a sand pit that must be for unicorns. At the far end of the field, a massive rectangular building sat flush against the castle, a third obstacle course next to it. Armored guards trotted everywhere, some wearing padded training armor, others the standard gold.

Willow led Aegis to the front door of the building and turned. “If you’ll wait here please, I’ll go fetch the observers for today.” He trotted inside, the door swinging closed behind him.

Aegis glanced about, trying not to look the country rube as he soaked in surroundings. “Leapfrog, wake up, kiddo, we’re here.” Aegis had felt a little bad for letting her sleep as they’d traveled through the city, but she’d have her chance on the way out; no matter if that was in triumph or failure. He’d have to make sure to visit Aria while they were in town.

Leapfrog awakened with a yawn, then glanced confusedly about. “Where are we, Aegis? Where’d the train go?”

He chuckled, patting her on the head with a hoof after letting her slide off his back. “Well, I had planned on dropping you off with Aria, but I had an escort waiting for me. This is where I’m going to take a test, of sorts.”

“A test? But you’re all done with school, aren’t you?” Leapfrog gazed up at Aegis, confused.

“Ah, this is a different kind of test Leapfrog. I’m going to be in the Guard. Or at least, I’m going to try to be.”

“But you hate the Guard!” Aegis quickly put a hoof over her mouth, looking around and hoping nopony had been within earshot of that.

“Leapfrog, I don’t hate the Guard, I just didn’t think I needed the Guard. Now, if the General’s right as I think he is, the Guard needs me. It’s...hmm, a different story now.” Aegis ruffled her mane, earning him a brief, but hilarious, frustrated look. He grinned in response. “But now, since you’re here anyway, you can watch me, I bet. You always wanted to see me do non-farming stuff. Well, let’s just hope you can see your big brother shine today, eh?”

“Ok...” Leapfrog stretched. “Can I have my snack now?”

“You bet.” Aegis shrugged off his saddlebag, tossing it her way. “Not too much, now.” Leapfrog never responded, having crawled most of the way into the saddlebag seeking the pressed oat bars he’d packed.

“I’m glad to see you made it Aegis, and a day early no less. How was the train?” Cloudhammer asked as he exited the building, followed by an older pegasus wearing a similar armor set, though the breastplate only bore Celestia’s Sun to Cloudhammer’s Sun and Moon. A unicorn followed the two of them, his steps slow with age, but his eyes still bright, followed by a few other guards of both branches. Bringing up the rear was a single earth pony, his red coat crisscrossed with burn scars, his pink mane short and ragged.

“Ah, hello General. It was fine, sir, once I was reminded there was rail line between Ponyville and here.” Aegis nodded respectfully to the other officers present, assuming a salute was as of yet out-of-order since he’d not been officially inducted into the ranks.

Cloudhammer opened his mouth to reply, but his eyes flicked upwards and he instead fell into a deep bow, the other officers following suit. The reason why made itself apparent quickly, as Princess Celestia landed with a gentle flap of her wings.

“Ah, I’m glad I made it in time. So this is Aegis Exemplar, well met my little pony.” She said with a smile.

Aegis, jaw hanging open, finally found the wits to bow to exactly half the creatures in Equestria who were deserving of that respect. “Y-your Majesty” -such a pale word to describe the tall pony in front of him- “th-thank you for your consideration.” She even knew his name!

“It’s no trouble at all. Not only does General Cloudhammer speak well of you, but your exploits in Snaffleton have more than qualified you to be considered for this position.” She said, turning to the still bowing officers. “Please, rise.” The guards rose to their hooves in unison.

It was with timing that could only have been planned by Discord himself that Leapfrog chose that very moment to stand up, mouth full of half-eaten oats, and find a filly’s lifelong dream standing in front of her. Her eyes going wide and mouth turning upwards in a massive smile, she let loose a joyous sound: “Fwa Pwinfeff!” There was no force in Equestria, the Summerlands, or Tartarus itself that could keep the filly from charging the Princess, leaping around with energy greatly envied by all present. With a joyful bounce and a trail of oat crumbs, she began bounding happily in circles around Princess Celestia.

Aegis stared in disbelief.

General Amber Dusk scowled and started to take a step forward, only stop dead in his tracks as Celestia laughed lightly, lying down onto the grass so she was closer to the filly’s level. “And who do we have here?”

Leapfrog hastily swallowed her snack. “Ohmigosh Princess Celestia! I learned about you in school! You’ve ruled Equestria forever and ever and ever! Wow, how do you get your mane to DO that? How old are you? Everyone says you’re really really old, but you can’t be, you’re not all wrinkly like Granny Mint at the ice cream shop. Oh! I drew a picture of you, but I don’t have it with me. How come you have wings AND a horn? Oh, can I-”

“LEAPFROG! Shhhh, calm yourself, th-this is the Princess....” Aegis could hardly get the words out. All his future senior officers were glaring while his little sister did her best to single-hoofedly scuttle his contract by deafening the Princess.

Celestia smiled down at Leapfrog. “It’s good to see you have so many questions for one so young, and I would love to answer them, but we’re here for your brother, aren’t we? But I’ll tell you what. The next time I see you, I’ll answer any questions you have. How does that sound?”

“Oh. Okay,” Leapfrog smiled her largest smile up to the Princess, then skipped away, plopping herself down on the discarded saddlebag, keeping both eyes nearly unblinking on the princess, her smile unabated.

Cloudhammer coughed, taking a few steps forward. “Well, shall we get started then Aegis?” He tilted his head toward the obstacle course next to the guard offices.

“Eh, yeah, started.” Aegis felt like he’d ran them twice-over already with the rate his heart was pumping. He examined each of the obstacles as he trotted by. A large stone block, chained to a harness, a series of planks over a mudhole, and some logs driven in the ground beyond that. Aegis turned back toward the course at the indicated starting point, making a decision he hoped he’d not regret. The real first challenge in the course was right at the starting line. Could he even complete the course in his armor?

Many heads turned, looking to each other, wondering what the daft earthpony was doing.

Aegis reached back and unstrapped his helmet, then sliding it over his head. the slightly out of date design bore a red crest and had none of the gold sheen that standard issue bore, but that was nothing that Aegis cared about. He tightened the straps and looked down course. He took a single deep breath, then leapt from the starting line. Only after doing so did the thought cross his mind that he was probably supposed to wait for a starting signal.

The first stage of the course consisted of the series of large poles. Driven into the ground at different heights, each ended with a tip of different diameter, proving a tricky step every one. Aegis bound into the air, landing atop the lowest and widest first, then continuing the motion, as momentum wouldn’t allow him to stop if he had wished to do so. Each step proved trickier than the last, and one log proved fresher than the rest, causing Aegis to slide his right-rear hoof on a bit of freshly-extruded sap. Fortunately, Aegis managed to hook the tip of his hoof on the back side of the log, pushing off with enough force to actually allow him to skip the next log, even narrower at the tip. Two more logs after he had another challenge: A long leap to the series of planks, setup as a suspension rope bridge across a mudhole. Aegis wasn’t sure what they intended that test for. Fear of heights?

Aegis landed heavily, clearing the gap with one hoof dangling behind off the edge. An ominous crack echoed across the grounds as the board most of Aegis had rested his weight on broke away from the bridge, followed by another as his weight settled on the next board in series.

The bridge over muddy water had been designed for failure.

Aegis scrabbled to his hooves, then began sprinting across the bridge, each board failing faster as his weight was now focused on the four points of his hooves, falling nearly before he could step to the next. A series of splashes in the mud proved to be no distraction at all, Aegis made the unfortunate mistake of catching the tip of one hoof on the same board as the rear of the next. Half his weight on a single board, it gave. Aegis’s eye went wide, and acting on pure instinct fueled by a likely none-too-healthy dose of adrenaline, he reacted the only way he knew how: by grabbing the rope that had suspended the board in his teeth. With the amount of weight and the momentum propelling him forward, Aegis swung the last quarter of the course, the arc carrying him wide over the mudhole, and, at the height of his arc, he let go, tumbling onto the ramp leading down from the end of the bridge.

Cloudhammer almost snorted in humor; who said Earth ponies couldn’t fly?

Aegis shook his head, helmet tumbling free. No time to recover it now. He stood, wobbling just a moment, then charged for the block, a hefty stone whose weight he couldn’t guess at. He grabbed the harness in his teeth and slid it over his head, momentarily thankful he’d lost his helmet, and affixed it to points in his armor built just for such a purpose. He walked out the slack in the chains, then, digging his hooves into the ground, began to strain at his monumental burden.

The stone, ever a master at passive resistance, chose to remain where it was only a moment before sliding, inch by inch down the concourse. The distance he’d have to pull clearly marked downfield, Aegis concentrated only on his connection to the earth, buoying his strength with its own.

As Aegis continued to haul the massive block inexorably along, the chains leading from his harness to the ones wrapped around the weight began to groan. Several links close to the middle started warping before suddenly snapping with a series of sharp tings, and the remaining chain fell slack. Unseen by the other observers, General Gold Arrow allowed a small smirk to cross his muzzle.

Aegis fell forward, smacking his chin on the ground, his rump sticking up in the air. He stood slowly, looking back in horror at the snapped chain. He’d never be able to finish this stage, not to anyone’s satisfaction. Unless...

Aegis trotted back to the stone, gathering what remained of the chain as he went. he looped it double through the stone’s binding chains, then, using the very little length remaining, hooked it straight onto the catches on his peytral. He prayed to Celestia this would work, hoping she was watching; the fact escaped him at the moment that she was literally watching. It didn’t.

Aegis found himself in the same position. Whoever had set up this test had used chain not rated for the weight it had been designated to pull. Aegis stood again, any thought of a possible time limit now gone. He circled the stone, but found no other way to drag it. He gave it a solid buck, but not even his legs were strong enough for such a maneuver. Aegis rested his head against the stone, sighing. He’d have to use his head to figure this one out.

Use his head.

Around Snaffleton, Aegis had grown up being called “hard headed,” or more politely, “that stubborn Earth pony.” He’d taken pride in that. And now, he’d take it literally. If you can’t pull it, old Peach Pit had said once, push it.

Aegis braced the flattest part of his forehead against the stone, dug his hooves into the ground below, and slowly but surely, began pushing the stone.

It proved every bit as stubborn as before, but you can’t out-stubborn an earth pony. Aegis couldn’t see the line out in front of him, but he knew that eventually he would get there. That was when he realized he was slowing. Every breath was deeper, sucking desperately at the air, his muscles straining. Aegis was tiring. The massive block slowed ever more, confident in its victory over the little flesh-and-bone pony who dared tried to move it. Finally, the block halted, Aegis gasping for air. He hung his head low, afraid to glance over the block at the small crowd watching.

A single small voice shouted out loudly from the crowd. Somehow, Leapfrog had managed to slip up right beside Princess Celestia despite the multitude of guardponies.

“Come on Aegis! You can do it!” Leapfrog whooped and hollered, bouncing in place as Princess Celestia smiled in amusement.

That was right. He wasn’t just here for Equestria, not just here for some contract. Those contracts served one purpose alone: supporting his family. And now here she was, yelling and screaming her heart out for her big brother. Aegis couldn’t fail now.

Aegis would not fail.

He nearly growled, replacing his forehead in the position he’d had it in before, and dug deep, hooves gouging out tracts of the earth like a plow shearing sod, catching purchase where he could. The stone moved at a greater pace than before, nearly digging its own furrow across the training field as Aegis, blind to all but the cheering of the little yellow filly and the task set before him, drove the stone twenty hooves beyond the finish line before turning and sliding down, leaning against it. He sat in that undignified position, huffing and puffing, a stupid grin on his face, right up until Leapfrog plowed into him.

“Oh, WOW Aegis, that was awesome! You were all ‘grr, I’mma get you, rock!’ And then those chains went ‘pop pop pop’ and then again! But then you starting pushin’ it!”

Aegis laughed lightly, still winded. “I know, darlin’, I was there.” Aegis ruffled her mane, grinning.

Cloudhammer trotted up, a wry grin on his face. “Not exactly the method I had in mind when I designed the test, but impressive nonetheless.” He cast a look back at the chains, a slight scowl crossing his muzzle.

Celestia crossed the field to stand beside Cloudhammer. “A truly inspiring demonstration Aegis. I am impressed; there are not many ponies who could perform such a feat.” She turned her eyes to the chains as well, a small frown forming. “You were in charge of designing this test Cloudhammer, would you care to explain this?”

It was hard to see, but Cloudhammer shrunk in place slightly. “I double checked the chains myself last night, they were rated properly. I apologize and accept whatever punishment you deem appropriate.”

Celestia stared at the chains for another moment, then shook her head. “I suppose it’s not something to worry about too much. In the end, Aegis certainly proved that he is quick of thought as well as strong. However, I expect you to investigate this fully, in case there is other training equipment suffering similar faults.”

Cloudhammer bowed. “As you command.”

“Excellent. Now, I suppose that you would like the chance to rest after this Aegis?” Celestia asked, turning her warm smile back to the exhausted earth pony and Leapfrog.

Aegis rolled forward onto his hooves and bowed, every bit exhausted as he looked. “All I request, ma’am, is a glass of juice...and your strongest headache medicine.”

Celestia laughed lightly. “Of course, the palace kitchen staff can make some wonderful drinks. If you would follow me, I’ll send for some medicine from the hospital, they can meet us in the dining hall. Would either of you like something to eat?”

Leapfrog piped up, as food was now on the table, so to speak. ‘Somethin’ to eat? I'm starving! Can I have cake?”

Aegis just shrugged. “I guess you heard her, your majesty.”

“Then let’s go see what the chefs are making. We can discuss the specific terms of your service while we eat.” Celestia said as she turned towards the palace.

---Five weeks later---

Curtis’ prediction had been accurate; the list only took two weeks to reach capacity. Despite being informed of the conditions attached to the deal, there were still many veterans who felt that the chance to have their injuries healed completely was worth the price of their human bodies. The initial hesitation faded after the first volunteers not only regained lost limbs, but showed no loss or alteration of personality beyond some reduction in their aggressor response. This didn’t stop the detractors from taking their message to anyone who would listen, claiming that Equestria was planning anything from an invasion of the countries of the world, to that the newly converted were being brainwashed against the species of their birth.

News outlets were in heaven, regardless of how they personally felt about the initiative. They ran recordings of newly converted soldiers struggling to use their new limbs with smiles of joy, to documentaries on the exact science behind the ponification process. There were reports on the demonstrations against the Conversions, several of which turned violent, which in turn made for even more news.

The economy actually ticked upward despite the fluctuations in public opinion, the influx of Equestrian currency to rent previously unusable land helping to stabilize things. The public appearances by Celestia and Foster to constantly reiterate that the buildup would absolutely not be a threat to the United States or any other nation, that the two nations were united in this effort went a significant way to alleviating the concern.

The actual logistics of converting the volunteers was a comparatively simple task. Those that could be moved would be flown to San Francisco Medical Center, where they were again informed of why they were undergoing the Conversion and offered a chance to refuse it. All who accepted were then converted and given time to adjust to their new bodies. A rhythm soon established itself in ten conversions per day. One of the ancillary buildings was repurposed into a temporary housing building until the first batch of recruits could be fully converted and moved out to the Hawaiian Islands via the Beacon Stones.

Of Foster’s ten special candidates, three were successfully inserted into the first section, including one in particular who’d instantly received a new round of media attention once a bored intern noticed his name on the roster. After all, he’d been the first human to make physical contact with an Equestrian.


“Alright Major Jeffries, if you’ll just sign the paperwork here, we’ll get started.” The unicorn said with a smile.

“R-right...” Connor lifted the pen and held it over the dotted line, pausing for a moment as he thought about what he was doing. When he’d been approached for the mission of keeping an eye on the Equestrians, he’d initially been off-put. Not only did he honestly like the Equestrians, but on top of that like most servicemen he didn’t particularly like the notion of spying on friends and allies. However, he’d decided that in the end, since he’d been planning to sign up for Conversion anyway, getting in ahead of most other people would be pretty nice. And even if he was giving up his human body, he’d seen the results of others going in ahead of him. None of them seemed any different, just happier at the moment given that many of them had effectively gotten lost limbs or mental functionality back.

Making up his mind, he scratched his name onto the dotted line and pushed the paper back to the unicorn, who took it in his mouth and slid it into a tray atop other forms. “Now, if you’ll follow the nurse down the hall there, a doctor will be along shortly with the anesthetic and the serum.”

Connor turned, seeing a human nurse waiting for him with a smile on her face. She led him down the hallway, stopping in front of an empty room. “I’ll just need you to remove your clothes and put on a hospital gown before we continue. It’s right there on the bed.”

“Alright.” Connor shut the door behind him, quickly stripping and donning the gown. “Damnit, why are hospitals always freezing cold?” He sat down on the bed and waited.

After a few minutes, the door opened to reveal another unicorn, this one a mare, followed by the nurse. “Hello, my name is Doctor Deft Touch. I’m here to oversee your conversion today. Now have you read over all the paperwork? Signed in all the right places?” At Connor’s nod she smiled. “Alright then, nurse, if you’ll administer the anesthetic and the serum please.”

“Alright sir, just lie down. We don’t want you falling off the bed in the middle of your conversion.” She said with a smile as she lifted a needle and slid it gently into his arm. The sedative started to kick in soon after and he barely felt the second needle entering his arm before he blacked out.

He found himself floating in darkness, like many of the others had described. Gradually the darkness lifted and he found himself standing in a large open space, grass as tall as his knees blowing softly in the wind. He wandered through the grass for a few moments before the thunder of hooves made him turn and instinctively recoil despite himself as he saw the vast herd rushing directly toward him. Fighting the urge to throw his arms up, he stood his ground as the herd parted around him, drawing to a stop. He stared curiously as they tossed their heads encouragingly.

“Well, might as well, it’s my last time on two feet after all.” He suddenly broke into a sprint, startling the closest equines for a moment before they gave chase, soon overtaking him. Ahead, he could see the edge of the plain and grinned, ignoring the part of his brain screaming at him that it was a bad idea and leaping off, tossing a sloppy salute to the equines as they thundered into the stars above him.

Twisting, he could see a marble floor rushing up to meet him, palace walls coming into existence around him, only to slow down right before he hit it. Getting to his feet, he looked around, marveling at the architecture and scale of the palace walls.

“So, you’ve come here. This is interesting, Connor Jeffries.”

Connor turned, seeing that a massive plinth with two thrones literally growing out of it had somehow appeared when he wasn’t looking. One throne held what he could only describe as a presence of warmth and light; while the other held a being of coolness, glittering with stars.

“Well, I’ve been considering converting for some time-”

“There’s no need for deceptions here Connor, we know of what brought you to this.” The cool presence said, the wind picking up slightly as Connor winced.

“However, we understand your reasons; your loyalty to your nation is admirable. We hope that you bring that same loyalty to your new species as well, for the benefit of both.” The warmer light said as the wind began to howl, tugging at his body before lifting him off his feet and hurling him backwards into the light.

Connor yawned, his eyes blinking open carefully. He winced a little, the unexpected brightness of the lights giving him a small spike of a headache. “I guess it worked?” He suddenly realized he could see his own face, instinctively raising an arm and staring at the grey-coated leg that had moved instead.

“Yes, a complete success. Come on, let’s get you on your hooves, now that we’ve completed your conversion they’ll be looking to teleport your group to Kauai.” Deft Touch said as Connor awkwardly rolled toward the edge of the bed.

Feeling a sudden sharp pressure, he craned his head to see a feathered wing growing from his side. “Huh, well that’s a relief, was worried I’d have to give up flying. No offense of course.”

“None taken.” Deft Touch said with a smile.

Taking a deep breath, Connor rolled off the bed, feeling his four new legs hit the ground. Wobbling there for a second, he smiled at his success before he felt his knees buckle and he fell to the floor. “Damn, guess I lost that bet with Eric.”

Deft Touch shook her head, not understanding the point in taking bets on such things as standing up or what pony type they’d become. “Well, let’s get you walking, the conference room with the Beacon Stone is just down the hall.”

Deft Touch leading him haltingly down the hall, Connor saw the door in question, guarded by a pair of unicorn guards, their hard brown eyes moving slightly to follow him as they entered the large room. He could see a multitude of other newly converted ponies milling about, talking excitedly with each other and mostly trying their new limbs out. On the stage where the podium would stand, a twelve foot pillar of dark stone, carved with strange looking runes. Another gold armored unicorn stood next to it, and once Deft Touch left he took a step forward.

“Alright, listen up! My name is Second Lieutenant Flare; I’ll be in charge of transporting your group to Kauai. Once we arrive, there will be ponies waiting to help direct you to the areas you will be staying in for the duration of your training. You’ll be able to understand anypony who speaks Equestrian to you due to the spell that’s been blended into the serum, but not all of us yet know English. There will be translator ponies wearing red sashes, so you can’t miss them. Are there any questions?”

The new ponies all looked at each other, but none spoke up.

“Alright, then if you’d all stand still, we’ll be on our way.” Flare’s horn lit with an orange light, the runes on the stone beginning to shine with an azure glow. Connor felt the room and his vision twist into a hazy swirl, only to unravel a second later into a green field, the air hot and smelling faintly of salt. Connor and the others all looked around in shock, more than a few vomiting from sudden bouts of nausea. Connor felt the breeze flowing past and his wings instinctively spread, he noticed other pegasi’s wings doing the same.

“Alright, all pegasi follow me please! Unicorns will go with Second Lieutenant Flare, and earth ponies will follow First Lieutenant Aegis.” Shouted a gold-armored pegasus standing nearby. Next to him stood a large earth pony stallion clad in similar gold armor, his coat a medium shade of brown and mane a light tan. His hard emerald eyes stared intently at the group.

Shocked into motion, the new converts began to disperse towards their respective officers. Connor followed the other pegasi haltingly at first, but soon he'd begun to sort out the exact mechanics of walking with only a few stumbles. Eventually the group reached an area of flat land, where a large, one-level building had been built, along with an odd arrangement of hoops on poles of varying heights. In front of the doors to the building stood another armored pegasus, this one’s armor bearing a pair of wings instead of the normal breastplate. The armored pegasus who’d led them took a position beside him, as another one exited the building to stand on the other side. The one in the middle took a step forward, looking over the eighty-three pegasi assembled in front of him.

“My name is General Cloudhammer. I am in charge of all training facilities on this island. You are here to learn to serve the Throne of Equestria and our Princesses Celestia and Luna. I know that all of you were soldiers when you were human. I don’t know exactly what methods were used when you went through training, and that doesn’t really matter. During the next few months you will not only learn the ins and outs of being a pegasus, you will learn what it means to be a Royal Guard pegasus. The Royal Guard has served Equestria for over a thousand years, defending against any and all threats. The Pegasus Guard are almost always the first ponies on scene, and thus it is up to us to handle the situation until the Unicorn and Earth pony guards can arrive.

Many of the threats we face are stronger, faster or bigger than us; or some combination of the three. Therefore, once we get you all into shape, you will learn how to fight as a unit. You will be able to read your squadmates minds by the time I am through with you. As the first class to pass through this training ground, I expect each and every one of you to perform above and beyond what we expect. Successful recruits will have the chance to assume leadership positions for the next classes to come. The recruits who slack off will be sent home, and never again be able to become an officer.

Your instructors will be First Lieutenants Willow Spark and Dawn Breeze,” Cloudhammer indicated the two pegasi standing on either side of him, “and their orders are to be obeyed without question. They have significantly more experience than you do, so do not think that you know something they don’t. Trying to show off during this training only leads to a crater in the ground and a letter to any family you have at home. Do I make myself clear?”

“Sir yes sir!” The assembled recruits shouted out of reflex. Connor had to hand it to him, the pegasus may be small, but he carried as much intensity as any instructor in Basic.

Cloudhammer nodded sharply. “Alright, then file in. We’ve got dinner waiting. The real fun starts tomorrow.”

The recruits didn’t wait to be told twice, many of them having not had food since they’d been converted.

Down the road, another training area had been set up, this one filled with running tracks, large weights and a similar building. The herd of earth ponies, sixty-seven strong, followed after the heavily armored earth pony, forming into a loose group as he stopped in front of the stairs. Turning to face them, he gave them all a hard look.

“Colts -and fillies- Am I a wall? No. I move. Am I armor, to stand there and take a hit for someone else? No. Mares and gentlecolts, my name is Aegis Exemplar. You see this mark on my armor’s flank? That isn’t a wall. It isn’t armor; It’s a shield. Shields don’t sit idly by and let things hammer on them. Shields don’t let a thing walk around them to attack from another angle. No. A shield moves. A Shield intercepts. A shield deflects. A shield does NOT stand idly by and allow the waves to erode its foundation, no.

I’m not here to forge you into a blade. We are not aggressors, no matter your roots. You want aggression? Ask a pegasus. We are earth ponies. The very essence of the ground pervades our very being. That essence allows us to stand firm when we need. Our strength is our strength; our power is unity, of friends, of family. The herd is stronger the more of us there are. And the larger the herd, the stronger we need to be, the thicker the shield.

Colts and fillies, you will be that shield. We’re of the earth, but not bound to it. Let the ground beneath guide you, but don’t let it hold you. A shield is always moving, always watching. The threats you will face - and you WILL see things your little pony hearts will startle at- Those things are gonna want to get past you. Do not allow it. Stand firm, but do not break.

You humans have a saying, one which we native Equestrians share, in form: That which does not bend will break. Last I checked, I’m not in the scrap business.

Look around you. You probably don’t know a single face. That’s gonna change. During your time here, I want you to get to know each and every face you come across. It’s easy to just obey an order to ‘protect this spot.' But you’ll never have to be ordered to protect a friend. Friendship is literally magic, my little ponies. Cherish it, and friendship will get you through anything that can be thrown at you.

...but I better not hear of anything getting thrown at you making it past.”

He held the stern glare for a minute longer, then grinned. “But all that starts tomorrow. Tonight you’re gonna need to get a bite ta eat and a good night’s sleep. So get your flanks in gear and get inside.” He turned and opened the doors, leading the new earth ponies inside.

Further down the road was a third training area, this one full of large interlocking metal rings, weighted bags and, surprisingly, several large sandboxes. As Flare led the fifty-five new unicorns to their building, a unicorn in purple armor stood there waiting for them with another gold unicorn beside him.

“Hello. I’m Captain Shining Armor and I’ll be your chief instructor. You’ve already met Second Lieutenant Flare, and this is Second Lieutenant Ruby Glow. During your time here we will not only be teaching you how to use your bodies, but your minds as well. Being in the Unicorn Guard is not like being in the Pegasus or Earth Pony Guard. For us, the power we wield can be incredibly dangerous, and very easy to lose control over. Misusing your magic can not only hurt yourself, but your fellow guards or even more unforgivably, civilians.

As you can see, we have a variety of challenges to push you both physically and magically to your limits.” He indicated the obstacles nearby. “These obstacles may look easy, but let me assure you, I have had years to come up with... inventive ways to apply them. So you better not underestimate them.

Finally, I’ll say this again, your magic is not a toy, nor is it something to make your life easier. That may be true for unicorns everywhere else, but for us, that’s not the way it is. We are called on to handle magical emergencies, and so you must be able to work through a situation that may require you to NOT use magic.”

He nodded to Ruby, who pushed open the doors. “However, tonight will be your first meal together as ponies and as a unit. Then we will have lights out an hour later. We will wake you an hour before dawn for breakfast, and then your training will begin.”

With a clatter of hooves on floor, the unicorns all trotted inside.


As the moon crept into the sky over the island, two hundred and five new ponies slept quietly. Seven officers discussed their plans for the next day. And one spy wondered if he’d made the right choice.