• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 16,602 Views, 1,249 Comments

Courage - scion

Evil has come to the Everfree and Ponyville. The Elements must stand against it... but they will not be alone. The mysterious blue-eyed wolf will aid-or hamper- their efforts to bring harmony back to Equestria.

  • ...


Hooves pounded in the Everfree.

She galloped, past the whipping branches and the vines of the forest. Fear drove her faster down the dirt path. Fear of her pursuers.

Behind the mare, red-eyed wooden wolves gave chase. While the Shadow was gone from the land, some of the inhabitants of the forest had been indelibly changed. The normal, green-eyed timberwolves of the forest stayed well away from their new, aggressive, red-eyed brethren, and for good reason. While they no longer were influenced, or even had any shadow taint in their bodies, their minds had been changed for the violent, and they would lash out at any living creature they could find.

And so she galloped, as fast as she could, primal fear in her mind.

A growl came from up ahead. A red-eyed timberwolf jumped onto the path, then leapt at the mare.

She reared her head and whinnied in fear, but had not the time to do anything more. Ironically, it saved her life. The leaping wolf had just enough time to register that its target, the jugular of the mare, had moved out of its reach, before it impacted her barrel chest. The mare was at a panic driven full gallop, the wolf jumping towards her at a full run. The wolf broke into kindling against the mare's body, leaving her with nothing more than twigs at her hooves.

The mare stumbled, then continued forward at a frantic pace, fear lending strength to her legs and speed to her flight as the thundered down the path.


Applejack swung the hammer, pounding the final nail into place. Satisfied, she took a few steps back and admired her hoofwork.

Fixing the family fence along the Everfree Forest had proved to be a more involved task than she had originally thought. Especially once she decided she was going to replace some of the older and weaker looking sections with some new wood. What with all the hubub the last few days, 'specially with the dogs invading Ponyville, the whole family agreed that anything that could be done to fortify them against the Everfree was a good thing.

So it was that, a few days after the town-wide shindig Pinkie had thrown, Applejack found herself repairing the fence, replacing the old and repairing the damages. The work was not particularly demanding, not for someone used to it, and AJ found her mind wandering as she worked.

Applejack had manned the cart for a little while at the town party, selling some of the preserved fruits and beverages that the Apple Family offered out of season. 'Course, once Twilight finally appeared, tired but smiling, the mare had managed to get Mac to take over while she hung out for a little while. Pinkie had insisted, something about them being 'important ponies' 'cuz they'd saved the town. They'd all just rolled their eyes at that- except for Rainbow, that pony stuck her chest out and strutted around town like she was the best thing since sliced bread. They'd all rolled their eyes at that too, but not even AJ took the pegasus speedster down a peg- after all, she deserved the praise, at least for today. They all did.

Most importantly, they'd all had some good 'ol fashioned fun. Pinkie really knew how to throw a party. There was a little something that everypony could enjoy- music for the dancers among the crowd, food for snacks, and plenty of fun and games for ponies of all ages. It was practically like Nightmare Night again, except this time nopony was wearing costumes and all the fun and games weren't Nightmare themed.

Applejack's ears twitched as she heard the faint sound of hooffalls. She listened intently for a few moments, before putting her hammer down and getting to her hooves.

Big Mac usually made that kind of racket when he was chargin' something down at full speed. His big, heavy hooves had a different sound than the lighter hoofsteps of a mare, or even that of the average sized stallion. Problem was, Mac was workin' on the fence somewhere else.

So why was he comin' in from the Everfree?

"Mac?" she yelled out as the hoofbeats got closer. "Mac, what's wrong?"

The thunder of hooves cleared the trees, and Applejack's pupils got as wide as dinner plates.

That wasn't Macintosh! It was big, though, and headed right for her, not slowin' down.

"SWEET CELESTIA!" Applejack cried out as she dived out of the way.

She expected to hear the splintering of wood, or the hurt whining of a creature that had failed to get through the newly repaired fence. At the very least the thundering of hooves.

'Nothing' was not on that list of expected things.

Applejack turned back to look just as the gigantic pony-creature cleared the head-high fence with room to spare. A pair of hooves, as large as Mac's, pounded into the soft grass, then another pair- and then the heavy hooffalls returned with a vengeance as the gigantic mare galloped away at a speed that even Applejack couldn't have matched.

A growl startled her, and she turned back to the fence just in time to see a red-eyed timberwolf try to jump the fence- only to collide heavily with the top wooden crossbeam, sending it yelping back to the ground.

Applejack scrambled back as more red-eyed timberwolves emerged from the forest. Growling, they began to test the fence for weaknesses as they eyed the apple mare. AJ was suddenly very glad she hadn't taken down the next section of fence yet.

Eyeing the timberwolves one last time, and satisfied that they weren't able to make it over the fence, Applejack turned and galloped off after the gigantic mare.


The mare ran through fields now. Even if they were unfamiliar, she was more at home here than she was in that jungle she had come from. Out here, with nothing but widely spaced trees, she could run.

Fear had clouded her mind even through the fields until she finally realized that she could no longer hear the growls and crackling of the wooden wolves. She risked slowing her pace- and when nothing jumped out at her, slowed to a trot. Primal fear receded from her mind, and with the fight or flight instinct gone, the mare began to examine her surroundings in earnest.

There were trees, lots of trees, all spaced evenly around her, with the most delicious smelling flowers. She stretched her neck up, lips quivering as she tried to reach one of the delicious smelling flowers, and stripped one off of a branch. She chewed contentedly, enjoying the flavor, before catching sight of the building.

It was big and red and made of trees, like the one she sometimes helped him herd the goats into. Maybe he was there?

The mare began ambling her way there, easily distracted by a clump of tasty-looking grass that she would promptly eat, or, once, by a bucket of water. The water was cool and refreshing, but she had accidentally spilled it before she had drunk her full fill. But she was always making her way towards the big red wood.

She was nearly there when her ears flicked behind her, hearing the clop of hooves on the ground.

"Uhh... ma'am?"


It took quite a few minutes before AJ managed to catch up. It wasn't hard though- the gigantic mare had left hoofprints the size of Big Mac's, maybe even larger. Once she finally caught sight of the mare, though, it took more than a few moments for her to believe what she was seeing.

She was quite clearly a pony of some kind. Hooved, brown furred with unshorn fetlocks of white and a mane and tail of the same color, though there was no cutie mark that AJ could see. Thing was, Applejack had never in her life seen a pony so huge. Why, this mare would stand head and shoulders over even Celestia, includin' her horn! Heck, she’d be even a bit taller than the cows, maybe even a buffalo! The only chance Applejack had of reaching her withers would be to rear up and stand on two legs!

For all that, though, she was clearly a pony, and a mare. Though… something seemed off about her from a distance. Something about her just seemed…. off, not quite right. Beyond her size.

AJ found herself apprehensive about approaching the mare.

She berated herself. She’d learned her lesson from the Zecora incident! What was she doin', sittin' around starin'? 'Taint polite! She needed to introduce herself!

"Uh... ma'am?" she called out.

The mare looked back at AJ. The muzzle was too long and narrow for a pony, the eyes too small. She remembered some old photos of Saddle Arabians she had seen in school- this mare was more like that, like a horse rather than a pony. Ah ha! That’s why she looked so different to Applejack’s eyes- she was more horse than pony!

"Hello," she replied, turning to face Applejack. She stared down at the apple mare even as AJ craned her neck upwards to look at her.

"Howdy, ma'am," AJ replied automatically, tipping her hat. "Ah was jus' wonderin' what you were doin' out in the Everfree. It ain't the safest of places, what with the timberwolves an such!"

"Timberwolves?" the mare asked. Her pronunciation was slow, as though it was the first time she had ever said that word.

"Yea, timberwolves. Y' know, those red-eyed wolf things you were- whoa, whoa! Settle down there, they ain't anywhere near here! Just calm down, yer safe here..."

The moment AJ had mentioned 'red-eyed wolf things', the mare had panicked. Her ears pinned back, her eyes got wide, her hooves shuffled and she let out a slight whinny of fear. She hadn't panicked badly, and Applejack was able to calm her down quickly with assurances that the timberwolves weren't anywhere near them and wasn't going to hurt her.

Landsakes, mare's as panicky as Betsy an' the cows, she thought to herself. Gotta be doubly sure not t' spook her.

"So anyways, what were ya'll doin' in the Everfree?"

"What is the Everfree?"

"The Everfree?" Applejack repeated, confused. How could this mare not know about the forest she just came from? "Well, uh, it's that great big forest ya'll just ran through, 'afore ya jumped that fence and made it onto Apple land."

"Oh." Pause. "Are these apple trees?"

"Yes ma'am," AJ said with pride. "Mah family an' I have been tendin' these apple trees since the day Ponyville was founded! You'll find no better apples in all of Equestria!"

Smile. Silence.

"Well, uh, so what brings you out here, Miss...?"

"I am looking for someone," the huge mare replied, either oblivious to or ignoring AJ's attempt to get a name.

"Well, maybe I can help, Miss....?"

"Oh, thank you!"

Once again, the attempt to get her name went completely over her head. Applejack decided to try the direct approach.

"Anyways," AJ continued. "Names Applejack, pleased ta meet ya! What's you're name?"

The mare sniffed at the proffered hoof curiously.

"My name is Epona."

Author's Note:

That's right, Epona has entered the story.

And no, this is not in response to the comments about her. She has been planned since the beginning.

For the running record, 177 favorites and 144 upvotes. The graph keeps going up and up.

So. Short chapter. Don't know when the next will be out, i need to get my rear in gear about my other fic I've been neglecting. Give it a week or two.