• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 27,845 Views, 882 Comments

64 vs. Equestria - Jman9877

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

64 POV

Holy crap, I did it. I’m out of the labs, heading up to the Palace. That is the last obstacle in my way before I can finally get the hell out of here. Maybe Twilight is up there, and I can save her before it’s too late. Just gotta make this one last push.

I ran up the very long winding stairwell, Peacemaker gripped tightly in my hand. I still wondered how the hell the psycho doctors were able to make a sentient being within a self-constructing weapon, but now was not the time to cloud my mind with thought, I had to focus.

At last, the final door at the top of the stairwell appeared, and I formed the same long sword that I used to scare the shit out of Knight and his goons. I put a hand on the doorknob, and I slowly opened it. The door opened into the Palace dungeon, devoid of any sign of life within it. I walked into the room, still wary of anyone sneaking up on me. The end of the dungeon was locked by a wooden door which needed a key.

Of course.

I reared back and was about to smash through using the little weight I had on my body, but I was suddenly stopped by Vi yelling in my head.

“Wait! Don’t use brute force. It will cause more alarms to sound.” Vi said. “Simply make a small spike with the Peacemaker.”

I looked down at the Long Sword in my hand, and focused. The blade shortened immensely, maybe the length of my hand, and the width of my pinky finger.

“Now, simply ease the spike within the lock, and feel for a small bump near the bottom, apply pressure to that bump, and with your hand, twist the lock in a counter-clockwise fashion.”

I did, and I heard a strangely familiar noise.

A few clicks, then the door swung open.

Only it wasn’t a guard opening the door.

It was me. As soon as the door opened, I was hit by a flurry of color. The white walls were absolutely blinding compared to the grey and bleak walls that were hidden below. The stain-glass windows that adorned the walls were stunning, leaving my mouth open in a daze. The carpets that lined the floors felt like the warmest, softest things ever. The concrete which had given me bruises, calluses, and sores all over my feet, felt as if they had never existed, and I would have just stood there forever if I could.

But Vi knew I couldn’t.

“64! You need to keep moving! You cannot escape by wasting time up here; Knight may have silently alerted the Royal Guard! I will map a route to a safe area we can use escape.” Vi said, getting me out of my stupor.

“No.” I said quietly, “I need to find somepony”.

“64, I understand why you want to save this Unicorn filly, but it is simply out of our hands. We cannot help her if we are captured and taken back to the Underground Labs. I’m afraid that we must continue.”

I tried to find anyway to convince Vi to assist me in finding Twilight, but I couldn’t. And she was right, there was no use in me being captured as well.

“I’m sorry Twilight.” I whispered.

I then saw a red line appear out of nowhere, leading me out of the Palace.

“Vi, I keep seeing the color red lately, any idea why?” I asked.

“With my assistance, I can give you a sort of ‘Heads-Up-Display’ to use. It can assist with anything from a Location System or Critical Hit Locator.” Vi answered with a gleeful laugh.

“So basically I follow this line out of the Palace?”


“I’m guessing that you can’t exactly guess the opposition that I might face while following this path?”



So I snuck along the path, trying my best to avoid detection. So far, the lack of guards patrolling the halls was disturbing. Only 3 guards had nearly caught me, and that was only because I wasn't that proficient in sneaking around, and made soft, sudden noises. The red line continued through the castle, into kitchens, upstairs, downstairs, and through a few occupied bedrooms.

Then another problem had started. Apparently a silent alarm was tripped somewhere within the Palace, and Guard groups of four were starting to Patrol every corner round the clock.

“Fuck, I’m cornered” I muttered, hiding within an empty crate inside of a deserted kitchen. “Vi, any ideas?”

“You might need to create a diversion. Let me see if I can think of somethi- OK I GOT IT” Vi suddenly yelled, startling the hell out of me.

“Damn Vi! No need to yell! What did you have in mind?”

“Ok, I’m going to map out a route towards a weaponry cache.”

“What? Vi, I don’t need a weapon, I need a way out.”

“It’s not what you will take from the cache, but what you will do with it.”

“Ok, I’m heading there now.”

I hopped out of the crate undetected, then quietly followed the red line mapped out by Vi. The route took bit of more sneaking than I was accustomed to, but it was a short, quick route to the cache door. I peeked around the corner, and sighed at what I saw.

Two guards were stationed in front of the cache, both Pegasi. I could incapacitate one, but the other would be a problem.

“That is where I come in.” Vi said. “Knock on the wall behind you, hopefully one will come to investigate.”

“Hope huh? Seems pretty fool-proof” I replied sarcastically. I didn’t have any other plan, so I knocked twice on the wall and backed up a bit. I made a small dagger with the Peacemaker, and waited.

“Hey, you hear that?”

“No shit, I’m gonna go check it out.”

I heard hoof steps coming towards the corner I hid behind, and once again felt time slow. I saw his head round the corner, and the small red dot which brightened his temple on the side of his head. I quickly plunged the dagger into his temple, slightly gagging at the amount of blood which rushed out of his head and onto my body. I quickly pulled him to the side, and waited for the second guard to come.

I was only gonna knock this one out; I don’t think I could take another kill like that.

“Yo! Storm Drain! What happened? Hello?”

I heard him walk towards the corner, and instead of a dagger, I made a small club, and waited for the guard to turn the corner.

Once he did, I saw his eyes flash in fear for a second, and then I tackled him to the ground and took one swing at the side of his head, knocking him out.

“Ok Vi, the cache is clear. Now what?”

“Simple, go inside and locate a barrel labeled Gunpowder.”

I looked inside, turning over a few empty cardboard boxes, until I found a clearly marked barrel.

“Ok, found it.”

“Get a small cloth and lay it on the floor, then using the handle of the Peacemaker, create a spark on the cloth, lighting it on fire. Then throw it onto the barrel, and get the heck out of there.”

Now that is a diversion.

I struck the Peacemaker against the concrete floor of the weapon cache, and saw a few sparks fly. Awesome. I found a small rag inside a box, and lit the end on fire using a spark. Then I walked outside the door, and tossed the burning rag onto the barrel.

“Good! Now run this way and hop into this supply closet!”

I quickly followed the red lines which led me to an abandoned closet, and as soon as I closed the door, I heard a loud noise.


"Damn that was loud!" I yelled as the closet I was in violently shook.

If that doesn't get some attention I don’t know what will. It worked perfectly. A flurry of guards rushed to the area in question, giving me a wide open passage to escape with ease. I opened the closet as soon as the coast was clear, and followed the red line as always. The lines led me on a much straighter path, not having to avoid guards every corner helped with that.

The line followed into a much larger hallway than usual, and once I turned the corner, I understood why. The route Vi was giving me was leading straight into the throne room of Princess Celestia.

“64, you must go into the throne room. There is a route through the room, which will lead to an escape out of the Palace and to the Canterlot Cliffs.”

“What if Celestia is in there? She can easily kill me!” I retorted, scared out of my mind.

“There is no victory without risk 64; you must get us out of here.”

I gulped, not wanting to do this. But I had to, to not only get me out of here, but to also get Vi out of here, and reveal
Princess Celestia’s plan to the rest of Equestria.

So I slammed through the doors.

And it was empty. Nopony was inside. I let out a relieved sigh, and saw Vi’s red line leading to a door to the side of the Throne Celestia would be sitting on. I ran to the door, and put my hand to the doorknob, but was immediately shocked and thrown back into the middle of the Throne Room. I got up to my feet, then felt something strange.

I the heard the flap of wings behind me, and four hooves hitting them ground. I didn’t need to turn around; I knew who it was already.

“Celestia” I muttered, loud enough for her to hear.

“Project 64….” She replied, obvious scorn in her voice. “You have been creating a bit of trouble for me today. Escaping from The Labs, creating a panic amongst my staff, stealing an experimental weapon. I think we might have another failed experiment after the events of today.”

I turned to face her majesty herself. Her eyes were squinted in determination, and stance was prepared to strike with a magic blast. I gave a sigh, and looked right at her.

“I wonder what will happen to Twilight.” I started, “Weaponizing a little fillies magic, how low are you?!” I yelled.

“I am doing what is best for Equestria and my subjects! What I must do to get there is none of my concern!” Celestia retorted.

“You bitch! You heartless bitch!” I spat in her face.

“Enough!” Celestia yelled, and charged a bolt of magic, aimed straight towards me.

This was exactly what I wanted.

As soon as the bolt was fired, I rolled to the right, and followed the bolt which was flying straight towards the blocked door. The bolt blew off the door completely in a ball of flames, and I quickly wondered how that would feel on my bare flesh.
I heard Celestia yell for reinforcements, as she herself chased me down the pantry like rooms which the red line followed. The line finally ended at a door, and I smashed through it shoulder first, and finally felt the warmth of sunlight on my bare chest and back.

I was located at the back of Canterlot Palace, and the line continued towards the cliffs about 100 yards away. I followed, and heard a loud explosion behind me, no doubt Celestia blowing up a larger opening for the rest of the guards which were now chasing me.

“64 you are so close! Now you have to trust me! You need to jump off of the cliffs, but don’t worry! I can give you a safe falling route, into soft landing zone!” Vi yelled in my head, but I barely heard her over the blasts of magic flying past me and my own heartbeat.

“HALT YOU CUR!” Celestia yelled, as she shot a magic bolt straight at my back.

“64! Turn around and swing with a sword!” Vi yelled.

Time seemed to slow, and I quickly did as Vi told. I jumped, spun in mid-air, and saw a fire bolt about 2 yards away from my spine. I swung at the bolt, and it exploded, and as I went to hit the ground, I felt that there was no ground.

I had jumped off the cliff.

HOLY SHIT!” I yelled as I went into free fall.

I heard Vi trying to tell me something but I couldn’t hear her at all. But I could still see what she was trying to do. Red squares flew within the air, giving the right fall path to me, but I was about 10 yards off to the right, but I quickly tried to correct that mistake. As I flew to the left, I found myself overshooting the path by about 5 yards to the left. I once again corrected my course, this time staying within the boxes.

“Good! Stay like that; now go into a diving position!” Vi yelled, finally getting through to my ears. I straightened out into a dive position, and felt myself speed up immensely. As I was falling, I began to see we were coming into a thick forest. I repeated in my head that I trusted Vi, and went into the dense forest.

Only getting swiped by a few trees, I finally dove into an incredibly deep lake. I felt dizzy underneath the water, and quickly tried to surface. Once I did, I took in a large gasp of breath, looking up towards the Cliffs which I just fell from. I nervously wondered if Celestia would have flied down here herself to capture and kill me, but saw that she was nowhere to be seen.
I poorly swam to the edge of the lake, and dragged myself to shore. Once I did, I laid on my back, arms spread wide, taking deep breaths.

Then I felt a chuckle come up my throat. Then a laugh, then absolute hysteric cackling.

“Vi! Hahaha! We did it!” I laughed, gasping for breath.

“I knew you could do it 64. You saved us both.” Vi replied, chuckling a bit herself.

“So, what now Vi?”

“That is your choice alone 64. I will simply guide you to it.”