• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 12,118 Views, 1,810 Comments

A New Home III: The Quest for the Lost Locket - APoeticHeart

Toby is suddenly teleported to the Equestria Girls Universe in search of his missing locket.

  • ...

Chapter Nine: A Day at the Park

Canterlot High School....

After school....

"Ms. Tiara, Ms. Spoon, Mr. Featherweight....sit down, please," Principal Celestia sternly requires, as she takes a seat at her desk. Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Featherweight are all lined up in front of her desk, in her office.

This was Principal Celestia's dungeon. Celestia's playground, so to speak. Very rarely did she ever TRULY "play" with the students who walked in there.

Today, unfortunately for these 3, this would be one of those instances.

"Featherweight, I'm sure you know why you're here," Celestia began addressing the 3 freshmen. Featherweight nodded with a slight frown. "Ms. Tiara, Ms. Spoon, are YOU aware why I've kept you after school today?"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon shared a confused look with each other. Silver Spoon shook her head and shrugged.

"Why....no, Principal Celestia," Diamond Tiara innocently replied. "We haven't a clue." She suddenly gasped. "Oh! Oh! I'm sure you're here to accept my campaign for "Princess of the Spring Fling" this year, right? Oh, I can't WAIT to run! I'm sure whoever I'm up against will be a formidable opponent, and I look forward to the-"

"Not even close," Principal Celestia interrupted. "In fact, I will NEVER let you run for ANYTHING at this school, after the stunt you pulled."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon gasp.

"W-....what did she do, Principal Celestia?" Silver Spoon meekly asks.

"Not JUST her.....YOU as well, Silver Spoon," Celestia firmly points out.

Another gasp escapes the devious duo's mouths.

"Don't act all surprised," Celestia says, "you KNOW what you've done....I just almost can't believe it myself." Celestia gets up from her chair, and suddenly raises her voice. "Just WHAT did such a young, sweet, innocent child like Toby Mason do, to cause SOMETHING inside you girls' heads to make his first school week here at Canterlot High MISERABLE?"

"N-no Principal Celestia," Diamond Tiara nervously fought back, "th-....that wasn't us!"

Celestia SLAMS her hands onto her desk, causing her golden nameplate to jiggle, almost as it ITSELF was in fear of the irate woman. Celestia glares deeply into the already desperate eyes of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. "Do NOT play dumb with me, ladies! And do NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, lie to me! I know all about your petty attempts to CRUSH Toby Mason's spirit, and quite frankly, I find it SICKENING! I never would've even DREAMED, that in my 12 years of being THIS school's principal, that I'd have to deal with THIS severe of a case of bullying! I've dealt with minor scuffles, teasing, but it NEVER ONCE went so far as SABOTAGING, and downright INTIMIDATING a younger student!"

Diamond Tiara has now accepted the truth. She has her head hung angrily, with her fists balled up. She can only ask ONE thing.....

".....Who told?"

Celestia raises an eyebrow. "Like that's important!"

"I told," Featherweight bravely speaks out.

Diamond Tiara glares at him. "YOU?! I-....I TRUSTED you! How COULD you?!?!?"

"You have NO right to yell at him, Ms. Tiara," says Vice Principal Luna, who had just walked in after hearing the tenseness from outside. "Is everything alright, Principal Celestia?"

Celestia would not take her eyes off of Diamond Tiara. "I've got it under control, sister. She's right, though....you will NOT yell at Featherweight. He came forth earlier today and told me EVERYTHING, and I could not be MORE proud of him for doing so....it took a LOT of courage, and if you DARE take action upon him, I will make SURE the next headline of the Canterlot High Press is "Diamond Tiara EXPELLED. FOREVER."

Diamond Tiara seems appalled by this very statement. "Y-...you can't DO THAT! I-I'll tell my daddy! He'll make sure you're FIRED!"

"I DON'T think he will...." Celestia replies coldly. "This is MY school, NOT his.....even so...." Celestia picks up the telephone next to her. "I have a feeling that your father is going to want to know about this....."

"NOOOO!!!!!" Diamond Tiara screams bloody murder. "DON'T DO THAT! I'LL NEVER HEAR THE END OF IT! PLLLEEEAAASSSSEEEEEE!!!!!!"

Vice Principal Luna firmly grabs Diamond Tiara by here shoulders, as Silver Spoon drops to her knees in front of Celestia.

"Please, Principal Celestia," she pleads, "please don't call my parents! I've learned my lesson! WE'VE learned our lesson!"

"Do you HONESTLY expect me to let you off the hook?!" Celestia angrily replies to the near-crying gray teen. "Not even FEATHERWEIGHT is going to go away from this unscathed!"

Featherweight gulped, but he knew that was perfectly fair.

"All THREE of you are going to give back to the community of Canterlot, after you've TAKEN away so much from a prime member of Canterlot's youth.....you are EACH to go through 24 days of community service. Your FIRST DAY shall start tomorrow, when you clean up the park."

"WHAT?!" Diamond Tiara screeches. "You mean I have to clean up those sweaty people' TRASH!?!?"

"Quite fitting, I'd say," Celestia replies. "You're picking up EXACTLY what you are...."

"How DARE you call us that!!!" Diamond Tiara interjects with venom. "How can you treat KIDS like that!?!?!??"

"I could ask you the SAME question...." Celestia replies.

Diamond doesn't say another word.

"I think it's very fair," Featherweight says.

Celestia smiles for the first time during this meeting. "Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, you two also have 10 days of Out Of School suspension. I SINCERELY hope that in those 10 days, you think long....LONG and HARD about what you've done, and come back with a new mindset, and a new attitude, because IF I EVER hear of you bullying another student here at Canterlot High School, younger OR older than you.....depending on which one of you, or BOTH of you partake in it, you will be EXPELLED."

Diamond Tiara's eyes burn with rage, but she still, says nothing.

Celestia turns to Featherweight. "Now, Featherweight....for coming out with the MUCH APPRECIATED, and MUCH NEEDED truth, I am NOT going to give you time off from school...."

Featherweight sighed in relief.

"However, so that another incident doesn't happen with the Canterlot High Press....you are hereby STRIPPED of your duties as Head Editor, and will NOT be permitted to return to the newspaper staff...for the rest of your tenure here at Canterlot High School."

Featherweight's eyes bulge, as Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara grin in the background.

"I'm sorry, Featherweight," Celestia tries to soften his mood.

Featherweight puffs out his chest, trying to keep his emotions intact. "O-...okay, Principal Celestia. If it makes Toby safer around here....I'm all for it."

Luna pats Featherweight on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Featherweight. Now, you three are excused," Celestia dismisses. "But I am going to be monitoring your EVERY move....ALL of you..."

Luna leads the three out of Principal Celestia's office.

"I'm extremely proud of you, Featherweight," Luna compliments. "Unfortunately, though, you made a mistake by doing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's bidding. We have to do what we can at Canterlot High School to ensure the TOP safety of our students."

Featherweight bleakly smiles. "I understand completely, Vice Principal Luna....and I am forever sorry."

"I know you are," Luna replies. "Have a good night," she says to Featherweight. She gives Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon a dirty look before walking off.

Featherweight starts to walk away, at peace with everything that had happened.

When he is further enough away from the Principal's office, however, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon speed-walk his way.

As Diamond Tiara reaches him, she spins him around, and aggressively knees him in the gut.

Featherweight crumples to the ground, as Diamond Tiara squishes his skull with her high-heeled boot.

"You think you're such a big-shot, Featherweight?" Diamond taunts. "Such a BIIIGGG hero? Huh? Well, nobody ever said heroes weren't STUPID. See, if you had just went along with the plan, Toby's life would STILL be miserable, and you would STILL be Editor of the Canterlot High Press! But NOOOOO, you had to go against the script, didn't you? The guilt just ATE away at you...didn't it?"

Diamond Tiara presses down harder on Featherweight's cranium.

"That just proves, that you WEREN'T cut out for this...." she lets go, and lays at Featherweight's side, and sighs. "It's a shame, too.....we could've been the most DANGEROUS three-some in this school....we could've burned this place to the GROUND! But you let your EGO get in the way of GREATNESS....." she runs a hand through his cow-licked hair. "I really am disappointed in you, Feathy....." she lays a light kiss on his forehead, and stands up.

Her demeanor suddenly changes from saddened, to malicious. As Featherweight starts to stand up, Diamond Tiara makes sure he's laying down quickly with a well-placed punt to the abdomen.

"See you tomorrow, TRASH...." Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon synchronizedly spit on Featherweight, before walking off with a purpose.



The Crystal Castle.....

Forks and knives clank repeatedly, including the occasional wine sip from Rarity, as she, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Filthy Rich, Nikolai, Kevin, Riley, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Daring Do are gathered around the royal dining table for dinner.

Rainbow Dash, of course, nearly barreled through ALL of her friends to get the opportunity to sit next to Daring Do.

"Would you like me to feed you your stewed carrots, Ms. Do?" Rainbow Dash suggests with the "SO AWESOME" face.

Daring Do chuckles playfully. "You pulled my chair out for me, Rainbow Dash....I don't think I could ask you to do anything else for me. But thank you!"

"ARE YOU SURE?" Dash whines. "I mean, I can get you some wine? Ohhhh CRAP! D-do you like wine, Ms. Do?"

Daring Do shakes her head. "I'm FINE, Rainbow Dash, REALLY. Besides...can't save the day when my liver's failing, huh?"

Nobody laughs at Daring Do's joke, probably because they're too busy idly chatting with one another, so Rainbow Dash takes it upon herself to make it look like that was the best joke ever.

She may have laughed a little TOO over the top-ly, because now, everyone is looking at her.


Dash is interrupted as Pinkie Pie shoves a spoonful of hay-wheat soup into her unsuspecting mouth.

"Eat up, Dash!" Pinkie cheers. "A bowl of wheat a day keeps the doctor away!"

Daring Do seems to be enjoying this scene. Rainbow Dash quickly swallows her soup, so she can talk to her hero some more.

"You enjoying your time here in Equestria, Daring Do?" Princess Cadance asks politely.

"H-hey!" Dash says sourly. "I was gonna ask that!" Cadance rolls her eyes, as she takes another bite of her hay-tofu.

"So...." Dash turns back to Daring Do, with a giant gleam in her eyes. "Are you enjoying your time here in Equestria, Ms. Do?"

Daring Do nods. "While it's not as cut-throat and dangerous as any normal day in Tenochtitlan, it's still nice to just kick back and lay low.....you all seem like nice ponies, and....wolves....and....people?"

Riley walks up to lick Daring Do in the face, appreciative for the shout-out of his new species.

Daring Do laughs as she pets Riley's human head....though she can't believe she's doing it, she still does it. "I see all types of weird things back home, so the fact that I'm petting the head of a human, whom I thought was just an urban legend, doesn't surprise me."

"HOW DOES THE HEAD FEEL, MS. DO?" Rainbow Dash annoyingly asks.

"Kind of rough," Daring Do admits. "I also notice some dandruff...." she winks at Nikolai.

"Heeey!" Wolf Nikolai retorts. "That is not fair, comrade....you do not take showers while camping! It decreases the whole purpose!"

"Still, you MAY want to tell Riley to go take a bath," Daring Do suggests.

Nikolai shrugs. "He is his own man now....he must make his own decisions."

Riley walks up to Nikolai and whines.

Nikolai sighs deeply. "Fine, friend...we give you bath later."

Riley barks in happiness.

"YOU WANT ME TO GIVE YOU A BATH, MS. DO?" Rainbow Dash asks.

At this, Rarity spits out her wine, all over the side of Rainbow Dash's face, as Pinkie had instinctively ducked.

However, this does not phase Dash ONE BIT, as she is in the presence of her hero. She only continues to smile at Daring Do.

Daring Do boops Rainbow Dash on the muzzle. "Hey, you wash my back, I wash yours, Rainbow Dash...."

Rainbow Dash squees, before falling out of her chair. Daring Do snickers in response.

Celestia leans over to whisper into her sister's ear, "I think she may be having TOO much fun...."

"Nonsense!" Luna whispers back. "This is a side of her they NEVER portray in the books! It is QUITE welcome."

Rainbow Dash reemerges back into her chair, but she continues to stare at Daring Do.

Rarity feels awkward about this whole situation. She clears her throat. "Aha...so, uh, Ms. Do? How did you arrive here in Equestria, if I may ask?"

Daring Do stops teasing Rainbow Dash for a moment to address Rarity. Rainbow Dash frowns.

"OH! Well, I was trying to capture the Holy Grail from Ahuizotl, when suddenly.....POOF. I was gone."

"Just like that?" Twilight Sparkle asks.

Daring Do nods. "Yeah, it happened out of nowhere. I woke up right by the train....luckily, it was lunch-time, so not even the conductor was around. Otherwise, I'd have been spotted, and mugged by fans,"

"CAN I MUG YOU, MS. DO?" Rainbow Dash asks, once again stealing Daring Do's attention.

"Shush, Rainbow Dash," Twilight scolds. "Let her finish."

"Awww, it's okay," Daring Do replies, feeding a more than willing Rainbow Dash a spoonful of hay-wheat soup. Rainbow Dash nearly melts at the gesture. "I don't mind her at all....it's kind of cute how fanmare-ish she's acting."

"I'LL BE CUTE FOR YOU, DARING DO," Rainbow Dash proclaims.

Daring Do pats Dash on the head, and turns her attention back to the others. "As I was saying, though. After a while, Kevin, Riley, and Nikolai came down by the train-stop as I was scouring the area. They spotted me, and I panicked, but they weren't as insane or off-putting as I thought they'd be. They told me a bit about themselves, and, well....apparently I didn't have to. This confused me, so then the bomb-shell got dropped. That I'm nothing more than the main character of a widely-successful book."

"BEST CHARACTER EVER!" Rainbow Dash squeals happily.

Daring Do pets her under her chin, causing Dash to thump a back-hoof against her chair.

"I was pretty shocked when I found at that Nikolai was originally a human, Riley was originally a wolf, and that Kevin was originally a Satyr. Both Satyrs and humans are MYTHS where I come from. Of course, I learned that before they woke up yesterday morning, they weren't like that."

"Which brings us to WHY we're here," Kevin speaks up. "I mean, don't get us wrong....we're glad we get the opportunity to visit you all."

"Yes. Is always nice to see all of our pony friends," Nikolai adds with a smile.

Kevin nods. "But we really came here to find out WHY we look the way we do...."

"And also why I'M here," Daring Do says.

"ALSO.....where is little Toby Mason?" Nikolai asks with a grin. "I can't wait to see the little comrade!"

Half the ponies share concerned looks, mainly because Nikolai had been know to act a LITTLE.....insane, when it came to arising situations.

Non-the-less, Celestia cleared her throat. "Well, I will be happy to answer ALL of your questions.....the reason that, Nikolai, you are in Riley's body, Riley is in YOUR body, Kevin is now 100% pony, and that Daring Do is here because.....well, Toby is.....gone."

Kevin's fork drops. His jaw drops. Riley cowers in fear, and Nikolai's eyes are entranced with rage.

"WHAT?!" The wolf shouts, slamming his paws on the table, making all of the plates and glasses levitate off of it for a split second. "What HAPPENED?! Is it that evil bitch Chrysalis again? I will KILL her!" He snarls.

"Ummm..." Daring Do raises a hoof, along with an eyebrow. "Don't mean to disrupt this emotional scene, but....who's Toby?"

Now it was Fluttershy's turn to clear her throat. "Well, umm...Toby is actually my son, Daring Do, and-"

Daring Do gasps. "Your son's MISSING?" She leaps under the table, quickly coming back to surface with a grappling hook. "Let's go save him, then!"

Twilight shakes her head. "Apologies, Daring Do, but....it's not that simple."

Daring Do calmly sits down, and lets the grappling hook slide out of her hook. "Oh...." she lays her fore-hooves on the table, which is bad table etiquette, and crosses them. "Continue, please."

Fluttershy smiles. "He's actually a human, like Nikolai-err...was..."

Daring Do, once again, gasps. "Wait! You mean there are MORE humans here in Equestria?"

Fluttershy nods. "Only Toby and Nikolai."

"EUREKA!" Daring Do cheers, but goes back into her listening stance. "That's fascinating. Continue again, please."

"I found him behind my cottage a little over two years ago....I didn't know WHAT he was at the time, but I quickly learned he was from Earth, and was called a "human." He looked different from me and everything else here in Equestria, but that didn't matter to me. He touched my heart with his sad story...."

Daring Do nods excitedly. "Which would be? Oops....well, you don't have to tell me that....not if it's too personal."

"No, I will," Fluttershy continues. "Well, his REAL mother died in a terrible accident when he was 5....what's even worse, is that it was his own FATHER that killed her...."

Nikolai can barely contain himself over hearing this story for the second time, while Daring Do can't believe it herself. She would speak her mind over this later, though.

"After she had passed away, Toby's father made SURE that his son felt miserable everyday of his life. He called him names, he belittled him, he did everything he could to make his son wish he was IN that car with his mommy that day....one night, Toby wished to be brought to somewhere new. Somewhere where he would be loved, like he SHOULD'VE been. He wanted a new life....he wanted....a new home."

"And that is where I came in," Luna interjected. "I was the one who heard young Toby's wish. As the princess of the night, that is one of my most cherished talents. To hear the thoughts and prayers of even the subjects me and my sister do not rule over. The subjects that live in a different universe from ours altogether. So, I felt for Toby dearly, and I sought to make his wish come true. I summoned him to Equestria that very night." Luna smiles at Fluttershy to continue.

"I nurtured him, I cared for him, and I did my best to make sure that nobody ever treated him the way his father did again. Of course, his father was brought here to Equestria, and we all gave him a piece of our minds, before Discord took him to....Tartarus, I hope. He truly deserves it. Ever since then, he's lived here in Equestria, and has become my legal son. And has made friends with ALL of MY friends." Fluttershy gestures to the multitude of ponies, the wolf, and the human that sit around her at the table."

Daring Do wipes a lone tear out of her eye. "Jeez....I don't normally cry, but....just....I'm sorry that he's been through that. But, it's great that he has such a caring and loving mother."

Fluttershy blushes. "Thank you, Daring Do."

Daring Do nods with a sincere smile. "Don't mention it. But, where is he?"

"Well, he's....back on earth...." Celestia answers.

"W-...what?" Nikolai whispers. "Back on my homeland?"

"Not quite, Nikolai," Shining Armor replies. "He's in a DIFFERENT kind of earth....one inhabited by lookalikes of the many ponies that live in Equestria. At least, that's what Twilight told me..."

Twilight nods. "I had to go there to retrieve my crown, after one of Princess Celestia's former students, Sunset Shimmer, came back to steal it."

"How did she get on earth?" Kevin asks.

"She was mad with these cravings of power," Celestia explains. "She wanted to be a princess, just like me. To be by my side. She was a VERY good student, but she was FAR too young to take on the BRUTAL responsibility of being a princess. So, I banished her to earth, via a trans-dimensional mirror that is located in this very castle. It only opens every 30 days. She must have stayed there for at LEAST 6 years before returning to steal Twilight's crown."

"And then I had to go back and get it," Twilight adds. "I went through the portal, and, to my surprise, saw numerous human versions of the ponies I knew from Equestria. There was a Pinkie Pie, a Rainbow Dash, a Rarity, a Fluttershy, a Pinkie Pie, a Silver Spoon, a Diamond Tiara....there were even replicas of Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. I only had three days to get the crown, though, or I'd be stuck in there for another 30 days, so I didn't really have enough time to marvel at this. I got the crown back about an hour before the portal closed, and made it back home. I haven't been back since."

"So....Toby is in this new earth?" Daring Do asks.

Princess Luna nods. "We were giving him a tour of the castle. He wanted to see the room where the magic mirror was located. So, we showed it to him. He tripped while walking up to it, and fell."

"His most precious item came undone from the jacket I had made him, though," Rarity adds. "I guess I didn't sew it in good enough..." she sniffles. "It was his locket. The locket that had a picture of his original mother in it. Naturally, he wanted to go get it."

"The little guy's growing up so fast, though," Rainbow Dash began her own explanation. "So, he naturally wants to go through the portal to get it himself. Fluttershy, like any good mother WOULD, refused, at first."

Fluttershy nods. "I thought it was what was best....but then I realized that his locket was the ONLY thing he had to remember his mommy by....how could I let that just VANISH from his life? He's a very timid little boy, but he just wants to get braver, so he insisted none of us went with him. How could I say "no" to him? I let him go, and he hasn't been back since...."

"How long has it been?" Nikolai asked.

"Five days...." Pinkie Pie frowns. "Our little brave buddy has been gone for FIVE WHOLE DAYS!"

"This is where I get into your ORIGINAL question," the explanation is turned back over to Celestia. "You see, when Toby entered the portal, it RIPPED the fabric of magic in Equestria wide open. So, instead of having three days to get his locket, and come back home, the portal AUTOMATICALLY SHUT, thus, stranding Toby on this alternate universe. Strange occurrences started occurring here in Equestria on the same day....."

"Yeah. Ms. Doo, you think this is my ACTUAL mane-style?" Rainbow Dash asked. "It's NOT. The actual one is rainbow colored, yeah, but it doesn't look so....stringy. It's more...full."

"I KNEW it looked pretty odd," Daring Do pointed out. "I couldn't BELIEVE somepony would actually WANT a mane-style like THAT....."

"And the balloons on my cutie-mark are supposed to be more INFLATED!" Pinkie loudly complained, showing her flank to Daring Do, flicking her three balloons with one hoof.

"And my mane color and coat color should be SWITCHED!" Cried Rarity.

"I shouldn't be wearing Silver Spoon's glasses," Diamond Tiara added.

"And I shouldn't be wearing Diamond Tiara's tiara," Silver Spoon said.

Kevin was starting to put two-and-two together. "And....I should be half pony, half human..."

"And....I should be a human, and....Riley should be a wolf...." Nikolai said.

"And....I should be celebrating with the Holy Grail right now," Daring Do's eyes bulge in realization. "Wait, does that mean?"

Cadance nods. "All of this has been happening because of Toby's absence."

"Well, we can't blame the poor kid," Daring Do frowns. "Still, though....this place is calm and all, but I don't exactly want to stay here my ENTIRE life. I'm an ADVENTURER."

"I understand, Daring Do," Princess Celestia nods. "You are not the only one here who wants things to go back to how they were before....we must wait 25 more days, however. That is when Toby will HOPEFULLY return. Then, everything should go to normal, and we can send you back."

Daring Do lounges back in her chairs, crossing one back-hoof over the other, and resting her fore-hooves behind her neck. "25 days? Ah, I little vacation would be nice to my body. Ahuzitol is one tough hombre, but he's nobody I haven't beaten before. He better ENJOY his time with the Holy Grail!"

"Holy Grail?" Twilight curiously asks.

"Should be in the next book," Daring Do chuckles.

"CAN'T WAIT!" Rainbow Dash whoops.

"I'd like to stay long enough to meet Toby, though," Daring Do says.

"He's a big fan of you, as well," Fluttershy points out.

"Great! I'll be just as excited to meet him, then," Daring Do replies. "Also, the satyr side of Kevin...." she gives Kevin a wink, causing him to blush.

"You seem to be VERY interested in humans, darling," Rarity notices.

"Are you kidding?" Daring Do's hat falls, covering her eyes as she is extra excited over the topic. "I'm an archaeologist! I've never seen a human OR a satyr in the flesh before. I eat this stuff up like CANDY. Learning about new species or artifacts is my PASSION."

Rainbow Dash beams. "MINE, TOO!"

Applejack rolls her eyes at Rainbow Dash's over-excessive fanning.

Princess Celestia wipes her mouth with a napkin. "Well, we're glad you decided to stop by for a visit, you four. You're MORE than welcome to stay here in the castle, if you'd like. We've got MORE than enough room."

"OH! DARING DO!" Rainbow Dash hollers. "WANNA SLEEP IN MY ROOM?!"

Daring Do giggles with a slight roll of her eyes. "SURE, Rainbow Dash....WHY not?"

"YAY!" Dash clops her hooves repeatedly as she bounces up and down in her seat. "Come on! Let's go give you that bath you wanted!" Rainbow grabs a hold of one of Daring Do's hooves, but they are halted from leaving the perimeter as one of the Crystal Castle chefs rolls in a GIANT, three-layered cake.

Celestia glares at Rainbow Dash and Daring Do, and it almost seems that she moves them back to their seats with HER VERY EYES. As they sit down, Celestia squees.

She begins to bang her hooves on the dining table in a childishly manner. "CAKE! CAKE! CAKE! CAKE! CAKE! CAKE! CAKE!" She chants. Pinkie, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon, the last two being the only actual CHILDREN in the room, join in.

Filthy Rich proceeds to take one of his migraine pills.

A few hours later.....

A nearly dry Daring Do enters Rainbow Dash's room, with the aforementioned cyan Pegasus following behind with a loofah in her mouth.

Daring Do turns around and chuckles at Dash. "Why are still gliding around with that thing in your mouth?"

Rainbow Dash spits it our into one of her hooves. "Just in case you needed any more back-scrubbing, Ms. Do-"

Rainbow Dash is silenced by a hoof of Daring Do's in her muzzle.

"Call me DARING Do, Rainbow Dash," Daring prefers. "I'm not really a fan of formal ways."

Rainbow Dash nods violently. "Okay, Daring Do!" She hovers down to the floor, next to her idol. "So....when are you gonna wash MY back?" She waggles her eyebrows.

Daring Do shoves the loofah into Dash's mouth with a competitive grin. "In your next fanfiction....now, let's get to bed, you crazy mare!" She jumps into Dash's bed, making a loud CREAK. "Oh STEED! This is SOOOOOO soft!"

Dash spits the loofah out onto the floor. "Nothing but the best from the Crystal Castle!" She floats down in the bed, next to Daring Do. Luckily, the bed is big enough for at least THREE ponies.

"So....this was your master plan to get me in bed, huh?" Daring Do asks with a chuckle.

"What? You thought I had a bunk-bed or something?" Rainbow Dash snorts. "But yeah.....I guess it was....." she suddenly blushes intensely. "I MEAN! Not the way YOU'RE probably thinking-I just....figured you'd be okay with it...."

Aww, man! You just BLEW IT, Dash! You feather-brain! Dash thinks to herself with irritation.

Daring Do nods graciously. "Oh yeah, I'm fine with it! I don't have a problem with you trying to spend all this time with me, Rainbow Dash! I just appreciate you letting my sleep in this...." Daring Do groans in happiness. "ULTRA comfortable bed.....and sharing it with my number 1 fan? I couldn't THINK of a better night of sleep!"

"Oh I'm so glad!" Rainbow Dash sighs. "I was just scared that I was being a bit too....annoying...."

"Oh no!" Daring Do immediately retorts with a wave of her hoof. "I understand it COMPLETELY. I'd like to spend all the time in the world with MY hero, too! Plus, since I'm this LARGER-THAN-LIFE character, I guess I have to be nice to my fans, right?"

Dash nods. "Yup! That way your fans know how AWESOME and COOL you really are!"

Daring Do simply nods, and shuts her eyes, ready to fall asleep. She would chat with her number 1 fan more tomorrow. She now waited for Dash to turn out the light.

"Awww....come here, Daring Do! Let me snuggle with yew!" Daring Do's eyes dart open, and she looks to her right to see Rainbow Dash squirming.

"Uhhh....dinner and a movie first PLEASE, Dash...." she chuckles at her and her number 1 fans QUICKLY moving relationship....

Dash turns to her confusedly. "I was talking to my plushie..." she holds out an authentic Daring Do plushie towards...well, Daring Do.

"Oooohhh....HA!" Daring Do chortles at her naivety. "What, do they make coffee mugs of me, too?"

"Not sure," Rainbow Dash proclaims, as she takes a sip of hot chocolate out of her Daring Do mug, the one with Daring Do's mug (face) on it. She sets it on her bed-side table.

Daring Do can only grimace, as she realizes she had underestimated her fans as far as the merchandise went. She collapses onto her pillow, as Rainbow Dash giggles and turns out the light, snuggling up to her plushie.

"Good night, Daring...." Dash softly coos.

"Night, Dash," Daring replies tiredly.

As soon as Daring Do falls asleep, Dash quietly tip-toes out of bed, and simply stares at her hero in the dark.

The next day....

Canterlot Communal Park....

Suffice to say, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's day was NOT going the way they had planned so far....

Their first day out of 24 days of community service was EVERYTHING they thought it would be....cruel, nasty, and outright grody.

They had ran Featherweight, who was also participating in his first day with them, off. He just KEPT cleaning up around them, almost like he was watching to see if they were going to do anything harmful to those around them. Now he was off in the distance, probably cleaning up dog poop.

"I mean, I know we're like SUPER GORGEOUS, but he shouldn't be gawking at us like such a PERVERTTT!" Diamond Tiara complains, as she picks up a rotten ham sandwich. "ICK! Speaking of gorgeous, here's the OPPOSITE....." she quickly throws it down into one of the garbage bags the school equipped them with.

"Ugh! This is, like, SO uncouth!" Silver Spoon whines. "How many days has it been?"

Diamond Tiara annoyingly sighs. "Not even a HALF day, 'Spoon....don't ask again for another 23 and a half."

Silver Spoon frowns, as a Frisbee willingly conks her in the head.

A few hundred meters away, Lightning Dust bounces her authentic red, white, and blue Spalding ball against the concrete of the basketball court.

"Alright, Toby," she says. "The first rule of Basketball is to CONFUSE your opponent. If you can do that, you've already got them beat."

"Okay, but...what if they confuse me after I confuse them?" Toby asks, as he takes a swig of some Lime Gatorade.

"You just have to confuse them HARDER," Lightning Dust explains.

"Okay....I think I understand," Toby scratches his head, as he puts his hands to his knees. "I'm ready to play!" He announces confidently.

Lightning Dust balances the ball at her right hip, while she rests the palm of her hand on her left hip. "Fair enough, but you can't just start off against the BIG DOG," she points at herself. "You've gotta work your way UP! So....how about first you face....." Lightning Dust turns towards Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, who had been happily watching Lightning Dust teach Toby the basics of basketball for about an hour now.

Scootaloo has her hand raised high, with a bright grin on her face. "Oh! Oh!! Pick me, sis! Pick me! I can take him!"

Lightning Dust takes another moment to consider, before throwing the ball at her choice. "Think fast, Sweetie Belle!"

Sweetie Belle screeches, as she tries to block the ball with her hands. It hits the bleacher below her feet, and bounces directly into Lightning Dust's hands.

Apple Bloom can't help but chuckle. "You okay there, Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie Belle pouts. "It's NOT funny! You guys know I'm a SINGER, not an athlete!"

Lightning Dust places the ball on the ground, and holds it in place with her foot. "I understand, but I need someone for Toby to spar with. Apple Bloom's too strong, and Scootaloo's....well, too GOOD. Not as good as ME, but she's learning..."

"Hey!" Scootaloo clucks. "I BEAT you, sis!"

"Pffttt..." Lightning Dust blows the accusation off. "I had the flu that day....anyway, come on down, Sweetie! If Toby beats you, he moves on to Apple Bloom...we're playing to 20 points."

Sweetie Belle nervously ascends the bleachers. "O-okay....but only because it's all in good fun....."

Lightning Dust uses her foot to roll the ball to Toby. Toby picks it up, as he and Sweetie walk to the free throw line. They are parallel to each other.

Lightning Dust stands to the side of them, in the very center of the free-throws line. "I'm the ref.....I want a good, CLEAN game of pick-up, alright? NO funny business....he IS just a little guy, Sweetie...."

"I realize that!" Sweetie squeaks. "But I'll still try my best!"

"And that's all that matters..." Lightning Dust adds. She places her outstretched hand in between Toby and Sweetie, and when she pulls it back, she announces "PLAY!"

Toby bounces the ball to Sweetie, who, in turn, bounces the ball to Toby. Toby bounces it again to Sweetie, but it scuffs her shoe. Whether it was intentional or not, this still works to Toby's advantage, as the ball quickly rolls back to Toby's position. He picks it up, and, as Sweetie is still in shock over this, Toby jukes out of her way, running as fast as his little legs could to the basket.

Toby crouches down, and after a second, jumps into the air. With all of his might, he flings his arms upward, and releases the ball. It bounces off the left side of the basket, and very gingerly falls through the net.

"THAT'S ONE FOR TOBY!" Lightning Dust announces, as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom cheer from the sidelines.

"What?!" Sweetie stamps her feet. "But, it bounced off my shoe!"

"Yes, and that's LEGAL," Lightning Dust points out. "Toby recovered it, and scored while you were still in shock over it. You should've been paying attention, Sweetie...."

Sweetie's mouth drops in a flabbergasted way.

Toby giggles. "I knew it was legal, too! I planned it like that!"

"Really?" Lightning Dust says, impressed. "Nice cerebral skills, Toby!" She gives him a high five. "But remember, we're playing to 20....right now, that was nothing more than a FLUKE basket. Let's see if you can do it again...."

Off of the court, down a-way's, Toby's OTHER friends are busy watching him play, with smiles on their faces.

"What'd y'all wanna talk about, Fluttershy?" Applejack asks.

"It all hit me last night," Fluttershy continues. "Why was I watching Toby? I mean, I don't have ANY problem with it....he's SOOOO sweet, and a good listener," Fluttershy compliments with another smile. "But.....why did he have to come to MY house? Shouldn't his PARENTS be watching him?"

"......" is the exact reaction of Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Sunset Shimmer. Though, a million thoughts are racing through Sunset's head, also.

"I.....I NEVER once thought about that!" Rarity replies in shock. "Oh my WORD! His poor parents must be worried SICK!"

"......yeah....." Applejack agrees with a nod. "Ah mean, his parents were never there with him when he first signed up for school.....THAT seemed mighty suspicious....."

Rainbow Dash rubs the back of her neck, a few nervous chuckles escape her mouth. "It's kinda even worse on MY behalf, because.....he's living with me....."

"WHAT?!" Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy shout at the same time, as a few onlookers stare at them.

"A-heh.....Sunset, too...." Rainbow adds.

All the girls IMMEDIATELY look at Sunset, who gulps and shrinks in response.

"What are you and Toby doing living with Rainbow Dash, darling?" Rarity asks. "Also," she now addresses Rainbow. "What didn't you TELL us?!"

Rainbow and Sunset share desperate looks. They were BOTH looking to pull an excuse out from ANYWHERE....but everything had happened so fast....

Sunset finally sighs. "Let's not worry about ME, right now....I think it's finally time to let you girls know something about Toby....."

Rainbow nods. "Y-...yeah...."

Sunset breaths deeply, and turns around towards the basketball court. "TOBY!" She calls, interrupting the game. The score was now 4 Toby, 0 Sweetie Belle. Toby shoots, and misses because of Sunset's distracting voice. "COULD YOU PLEASE COME DOWN HERE?" Sweetie quickly grabs the ball, and shoots, missing the ENTIRE basket.

Toby nods. "Okay!" He yells back. "I'll be right back to finish our game, Sweetie.

Sweetie is already chasing after the ball, which is rolling down the hill at top speed. "Okaaaaayyyy!"

Toby slowly walks off the court, and down to the girls. They lead him to a set of benches in the shade. A very private part of the park, by the river where the geese and ducks would be swimming...if it weren't winter.

"What do you girls need?" Toby curiously asks with that sweet-as-honey smile.

Sunset and Rainbow can only IMAGINE how good, or BAD this could go....

Fluttershy, though, takes the first approach. She sits down next to him on one of the benches. "Well, Toby...last night was VERY fun....ESPECIALLY our intense game of Scrabble," Fluttershy giggles. "But I couldn't help but notice as SOON as I laid you down on my couch, when we first got home....that I shouldn't exactly be the one watching you....your PARENTS should be. Now, I need you to be VERY honest with us, sweetheart....where are your parents?"

Toby's entire day, that was so far going SPLENDIDLY, and almost TOO fast for his liking, had just been picked up by a tornado, and taken for a thousand rotation ride.

He looks down at his lap, which is all he could think to do at this moment.

What do I do? He thinks in panic. I don't want to tell them YET! Why now? This day was going SO great....they're my friends, but I'm getting TIRED of telling my story now....

I HAVE to, though....they're worried about me, like friends SHOULD be....I OWE IT to them for finally believing I didn't write all those nasty rumors about them....

Toby sighs deeply, and looks into the eyes of Fluttershy. "O-okay, Fluttershy, girls....I guess it's time to tell you my story...."

Rainbow Dash and Sunset BOTH felt like crying, even BEFORE Toby did. Not only because Toby's story is HIGHLY emotional and depressing, but because he had SUCH a hard time telling it the last two times...would he be able to HANDLE it once more?

I'm so sorry, Toby.... Rainbow internally apologizes. Damn me and my mouth! You're not READY for this yet, and I don't know if the girls are, either!

Be brave, Toby.... Sunset pleads. Be strong and brave.....I know you didn't expect this today, but you HAVE to get through this....everything will be SO much easier if you just get it out of the way!

Toby already has to wipe his eyes with his sleeve.

Pinkie Pie can't take it anymore. She picks Toby up, and sits him on her lap as she sits down on the bench herself. She rubs at his hair.

"I think I can help, Toby...." she gladly says with a sad, yet helpful smile. She takes a deep breath, and lets the words FLOW....

"You're not from this version of earth but another version of earth you were born there and had a great and wondrous life up until one day when your mommy Ashley came to pick you up from school however a terrible accident made her car swerve off of the road and into a ditch which is HORRIBLE but what REALLY makes me frown is that it was your DADDY James that caused your mommy to crash because he is evil and sadistic and has no soul plus he was jealous of all the attention his wife was giving you so he made you pay by taking her away from you your life then turned to nothing but shambles as everyday mean old James made you wish you could have mommy back after a long year of abuse and put-downs you realized mommy wasn't coming back so you wished to live somewhere else somewhere where you would be loved and appreciated for being you no ill-feelings would follow you it would just be your beautiful soul and whoever your new family would be well the night you made that wish the magical princess of the night Princess Luna heard your wish even though she lived in the version of Equestria that Twilight Sparkle is from where ponies dominate oh yeah Sunset Shimmer also used to live there too Luna felt your pain and decided to bring you to pony Equestria where you would eventually find a new loving family one that you deserved you were discovered the next day by pony Fluttershy who took you into her cottage and filled you with the love and kindness you had not experienced for a long time soon she introduced you to your aunts which consisted of pony Rainbow Dash pony Rarity pony Applejack pony well actually the only Twilight and even pony ME your new aunts loved you too then you met your new sisters which were pony Scootaloo pony Apple Bloom and pony Sweetie Belle everything went smooth until you were captured and held hostage by the evil bug-queen Queen Chrysalis who wanted nothing more than to feed off of your love which she did for a while until your new family and new friends Riley Nikolai and Kevin helped SAVE YOU oh yeah and let's not forget the year prior that jerky father of yours came to Equestria and got SCHOOLED by your new family and was sent to HELL excuse my language by Discord which SERVES HIM RIGHT two years after that you were taking a tour of the Crystal Castle which is located in the Crystal Empire which pony Cadance rules over which makes her a princess you entered the room that contained the mirror which Twilight used to come here and defeat Sunset and get her crown back and make LOTS of new friends like US but you tripped and the item you value the most a locket with a picture of your birth-mother Ashley got loose and came undone from the jacket pony Rarity had made you because she didn't quite stitch it good enough but that's okay accidents happen so yeah the locket went through the portal so of COURSE you HAD to go get it because you love your mommy and it meant SO MUCH to you so mama Fluttershy volunteered to go with you but you being the brave and courageous boy you are wanted to prove that you could do this yourself so you went by yourself and when you got to this world with humans the species you hadn't really come into contact with since two years earlier Sunset saved you from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and gave you your locket back and you soon learned a secret about Sunset which I'm not sure what that is yet I have to give my brain an hour to guess because this story is taking up all of its energy so then the same day you met us and we all became friends even through one tiny little error on our part which was not believing you about the newspaper article which we're sorry about but now we can move past that and expand our friendships oh yeah forgot to mention when you went through the portal it automatically closed it so you couldn't go back to pony Equestria because the magic lining of it and also pony Equestria as a whole got a boo-boo and now weird things are happening to your friends and other residents....." Pinkie could FINALLY breath, and she did...

multiple times, in fact, to get her lungs back into working condition. Her voice got PRETTY scratchy there at the end of the story.

Throughout the ENTIRE telling of the story, EVERYBODY's jaw seemingly dropped lower and LOWER as time went on.

Rarity was skeptical, but this WAS Pinkie, and she HAD done some CRAZY, but also truthful actions in the past. She had to be SURE, though. This was NO TIME to be making up fictitious claims. "Is....is that....TRUE, Toby?"

Toby launched his arms around Pinkie's waist, hugging her tightly. "YES!" He cried out. "All of it was!" He couldn't be happier, truthfully. "T-...THANK YOU, Pinkie.....I just COULDN'T tell my story again....I would've cried SO MUCH! You telling it made me cry a LOT less, since it went so fast!"

Pinkie nuzzles Toby's cranium with her cheeks. "Ohhh! I could tell, you little cupcake! Don't worry, though! I took care of it, thanks to me and my PSYCHIC powers!"

"I-.....I don't believe it...." Sunset Shimmer sat in the grass, with her arms draped over her knees. "Toby told me the SAME story, except you actually added MORE to it, Pinkie!"

Dash nods. "Y-...yeah.....HOW do you DO these things!?"

Pinkie shrugs. "Whatever it takes to help my little buddy relax more!" She kisses him on the top of his head.

"I feel SO relaxed..." Toby comfortably says.

"O-...oh mah GOD...." Applejack whispers. "T-toby....ah-...ah didn't know y'all have had such a difficult life, sugarcube....."

"Neither did I...." Rarity sniffles. "You are SUCH a BRAVE and RESILIENT little boy for going through all of this, and you should feel PROUD of yourself BECAUSE of it!"

All the girls gather around Toby, and embrace in a warm group hug, which comforts Toby even MORE.

"I....I'm sorry I even brought this up, Toby..." Fluttershy apologizes. "I.....I didn't know THAT would be the result....."

"It's fine, Fluttershy," Toby calmly replies. "It had to come out sooner or later. You girls are my friends....I couldn't keep the truth from you, but I just didn't have it in me to tell it, either...."

"I can't believe we're all your....your FAMILY back in Equestria...." Rarity ponders in amazement.

"Well, not my LEGAL family, but, its still fun to pretend!" Toby says with a giggle. "It's just felt GREAT to have a family that REALLY loves me. Fluttershy IS my legal mother, though...."

"That's so WONDERFUL," Fluttershy replies. "I may not be pony Fluttershy, but I PROMISE, Toby.....I am here to treat you like BOTH of your mother's WOULD....with love and care...." she kisses him on the forehead.

"Yeah! And WE'RE all here to be your big sisters, and protect you from all the bad stuff that tries to mess with you!" Pinkie declares, chopping away at the sky.

"I appreciate that VERY much, girls..." Toby says, as he gets up. He looks at Pinkie worriedly. "Is there REALLY odd things happening to my family back in Equestria?"

Pinkie frowns, and ceases the kung-fu on the sky. "That's what my head told me, Toby....unfortunately, it doesn't usually lies...."

Toby gasps. "Oh no!" He tugs on Sunset's skirt. "Sunset! How many more days till the portal opens up?"

Sunset does a quick session of math in her head. "24 more days, buddy....don't worry, I'm sure the ponies back home are handling themselves. Even though I'm not sure the severity of their issues, I bet what's making them get through everything is their love for you, and their hope that you will be back as SOON as possible...."

"I hope so, too...." Toby replies frightfully, he then suddenly cheers up, and looks at Sunset. "Well, Sunset....my big secret has been revealed, so now it's YOUR turn!"

Sunset Shimmer's eyes bulge. "Oh crap...." she whispers. "Y-....you got me...." she begins sweating.

"Ooooohhhh....." Pinkie dramatically sounds off. "Sunset Shimmah....you got some 'splanin to dooooo....."

"Grrr...FINE!" She erupts, sitting down on the bench. "I guess it's only fair...."

"Well, me and Tobs' already know the story," Rainbow Dash says. "So, how about we go challenge Lightning Dust and Scootaloo to a 2v2 game?"

"But....I'm still a beginner!" Toby points out.

Rainbow Dash chuckles, picking Toby up on his shoulders. "With me on your team, though, EVERYTHING will be evened out! Lightning Dust can't decline a challenge from her GREATEST RIVAL," she winks. "Besides....maybe it'll get your mind off of all of the stuff that could be happening back home....whadd'a ya say?"

Toby nods after a moment. "Sure, why not? Let's wipe the floor with them!"

Rainbow Dash whoops. "That's the spirit! Let's get 'em!" She runs off towards the court, giving Toby a piggy-back ride all the way.

"Welp, I think I'll let YOU actually tell your story, Sunny!" Pinkie announces with a cough. "First, though....I need a snow-cone...feels like I just shoveled a bunch of gravel down my throat....BE RIGHT BACK!" Pinkie skips off in the direction of the snow-cone stand.

Right behind the benches, there is a little barrage of trees. Behind those trees, with their heads peeking out the ENTIRE time....were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon....

They run off away from the benches. They are in just as much shock as Toby's other friends were.

"D-did you HEAR all of that, Diamond Tiara?!" Silver Spoon can barely choke out after so much running.

"It was a jumbled mess, but YES!" Diamond Tiara says in astonishment. "W-O-Double W! That little weasel Mason has had a hard life...."

"Like, I know! Poor kid...."

A light-bulb with devil-horns suddenly flickers on in Diamond Tiara's head, thus, inserting the aura of the devil into the pink teen.

"Uhhh....Diamond Tiara? What's that look on your face for?"

Diamond doesn't reply to Silver Spoon right away....she can only snicker.

"Diamond TiARRRAAA!" Spoon cries. "You're like REALLY freaking me out hereee!"

"Silver Spoon....I need a phone-book." Is all Diamond Tiara can say.

At that exact moment....thunder strikes in the distance.

To be continued.....

Author's Note:

:pinkiegasp: What could Diamond Tiara have up her evil sleeve this time? :twilightoops: