"What do you mean, 'nothing about gunpowder'?" asked Rainbow Dash to the guard.
"Sorry, Rainbow Dash, but according to our records, nopony has gotten gunpowder since new years. I mean, everything seems to be fine according to this," said the guard, Spitfire. She was quite polite and helpful on the job, but what she said didn't make Applejack very happy. So much for that idea. Apparently Punishment was a lot more clever than she thought, planning ahead for quite some time, assuming whatever caused that... that horrible explosion indeed needed gunpowder. Take it while everyone else would take some too. Clever.
Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Harry O'Hooligan, were standing inside the lobby of the town storage. The wooden room was quite small, as most ponies that visited there often did their business quickly and then left. The guard was on the other side of a stone wall, with some iron bars between them. Past the booth Applejack could just barely see the stairs leading down to hundreds, if not thousands of chests containing many items. If one looked hard enough one could find every single item Applejack could imagine existed in their world, if you actually had the access. The town storage was for everyone, gladly shared if you could just give a good enough reason why you needed it. Everything had been organized by Twilight several years ago, and recent additions had made it very safe from anyone mischievous enough to take that which didn't belong to them.
Come on, Applejack, you've got to think like Twilight here. Details, think about details. Notice them. It must have gunpowder, right? Where did they get it? Did they make a dark basement somewhere? No, there had to be safer ways, like getting it from whatever entered Haven, thought Applejack.
"Miss, is it possible for these records to be falsified?" asked Applejack.
"That doesn't seem likely. We keep this under tight lock, and while somepony could in theory brake in, we would have noticed. We've made sure this place is secure ever since Punishment and the Promise Peak criminals," said Spitfire.
"Gee, thanks for bringing that up again," said Harry.
"Couldn't someone have asked a guard for a favor and sort of slipped it in?" asked Rainbow Dash.
"One of our guards? That's crazy, Rainbow Dash," said Spitfire.
"Well... maybe, but the gunpowder must have come from somewhere, right?"
She took a deep breath, and drank a bit of water in a bottle. "Listen, you three, I'm sorry, but if we, the guards, can't find Punishment, I sort of doubt you can."
Dang it, she's right. Come on, Applejack. Think, details. What could work? There has to be something... Why the heck wasn't there anything in the register then? Notice the details...
"We have to stop them. Because of them, I almost lost a wing. It's clear Twilight is in constant danger too," said Rainbow Dash.
"Yeah... listen, Rainbow Dash, I'm so, so sorry about your wing. Isn't there anything you can do? Doesn't golden apples heal a lot? I'm so sorry."
"Only wounds that would have healed on their own. It can't grow things back," said Rainbow Dash, glancing at the ground.
"It's... it's..." but she didn't finish her sentence.
"Listen, we won't stop until we find them. I mean, that bomb could have killed both of you," said Spitfire. "I'm just relieved you didn't."
"Yeah, it was a real... a real fright, alright. My brother Big Mac told you, did he?" asked Applejack.
Spitfire nodded. "Oh, yeah, he was really broken up about it. I mean, we all were, but him especially."
"Okay. Listen, Spitfire, you've been real helpful, but me and Rainbow Dash needs to skedaddle back to her place and check on the kids. Twilight told me that there was a slight chance she would come back tomorrow morning, after testing Eternal Crimson out proper. We need to get to sleep, it's getting late," said Applejack.
"She didn't tell me anything," said Rainbow Dash.
"Yeah, when did you have time for that, Chief?"
"Rainbow, you might have lived in the same town as her for some time, but I am a fellow pony of authority. Sometimes the two of us have discussions you just don't have. And Harry, you've been plenty busy here in Haven. I have a life even when you're not around to guard it," said Applejack. At that moment Applejack thought she even sounded a bit like Rarity.
"Alright, that's fine. I hope everything sorts itself out. If I hear anything, I'll make sure to get in touch," said Spitfire. She waved as they walked out of the building.
Outside it was dark and quiet, the moon was high in the sky, and it was almost bedtime for little colts and fillies. Applejack didn't intend to sleep, or get to Rainbow Dash's house. They still had a mission.
"Well... that was a total dud. I think we've checked with every entrance register, every pony who could have gunpowder... it will be nice to get home. I can't wait until Soarin hears that Spitfire had to do paperwork. He is going to flip. Thanks for lending a hoof, Harry," said Rainbow Dash.
"Rainbow Dash... I'm not sure just yet, but there is a slight possibility I'm about to blow your mind," said Applejack, leading Rainbow Dash and Harry into an alley a bit away from the storage.
"What? What's up?"
"You see... I noticed something when we were in there. Spitfire mentioned us both having been hurt," said Applejack.
"How did she know?" said Applejack.
Harry answered. "Because she heard it from your-"
"No! That's the thing! I happen to know for a fact that Big Macintosh hasn't talked to Spitfire since the explosion, and he has left. There is no way Spitfire could have heard anything about it. And more importantly, did you notice that she knew we were after Punishment, despite none of us mentioning it at all? Rainbow Dash, I think Spitfire might be a member of Punishment."
"What? Applejack, she's a Wonderbolt, she's a guard! That's absurd!"
"Is it? When I asked if the records could have been falsified, she didn't even seem to consider that it could have happened as an inside job. Was it that she was innocent and it didn't cross her mind, or did she try to get us off the scent? Also, she seemed awfully apologetic for the Spitfire I remember. She never said sorry like that back in Equestria. What if she wasn't just a part of Punishment, but actually planted the bomb?"
"What? A.J, I admire Spitfire more than you can imagine, how could she even join Punishment? Isn't it supposedly invitation only? I mean, that's a rumor, but still."
"Guards are often working out late, sometimes go to a tavern together when their shift is over. Isn't it possible she happened to vent her frustration at Twilight and somepony close by just happened to hear?" asked Harry. "I mean, that happened plenty when I was working under Sharp."
"But... why? Why would she join them? Answer that," said Rainbow Dash, more towards Applejack than him.
"Why, I don't know. It's not like she had been part of the most prestigious team of fliers in the whole of Equestria, to then one day lose everything at once. Are you really saying Spitfire might just not have a teeny tiny grudge against Twilight?" asked Applejack.
"I- but..."
"Listen, maybe I'm wrong. I added the little false tidbit that Twilight could return tomorrow specifically to see how Spitfire would react. Her shift ought to be over pretty soon. When she leaves, we will follow her and see what she does. If she's not in Punishment, she will just go home. This would be important information to Punishment, right? She would have to contact them as quickly as possible. It's a long shot, but she lied to us about my brother and I want to know why," said Applejack.
"I can't imagine that she would try to harm anyone."
"Just trust me, Rainbow Dash. We have to try every possibility. I know it's a long shot, but please? For Twilight's sake?"
Rainbow Dash was basically squirming, leaning her head from side to side, until she finally said yes. "I'll help you follow Spitfire, but if she goes home, then I'll do the same."
"Great. You two can rest on that old chest there, I'll keep my eyes on the storage," said Applejack, approaching the corner, peeking out of it.
Rainbow Dash sat down, yawning. Harry O'Hooligan instead leaned towards a brick wall, taking out an apple to start eating it. After a short moment, Rainbow Dash turned to Applejack. "You lied awfully well in there, I thought you were a terrible liar."
"For better or for worse, I think I picked up a few things from Sharp," said Applejack.
"I know that feeling," said Harry, shuddering.
"Take cover!" yelled Shining Armor, dodging out of the way. Within seconds a small part of the Eternal Crimson was blasted into oblivion, right where the stallion had been standing. The assault had been going on for just fifteen seconds, and the crew was scrambling to get it together. Everyone around Twilight was either yelling or being yelled at, all under the recurring blasts from the enemy ship.
Twilight noticed the situation was dire, not just because their opponent had somehow discovered an explosive projectile, but also how poorly organized the crew was. The ponies didn't know what to do because Shining Armor wasn't able to think clearly, both being tired and unused to the sea, and the changelings didn't get good commands in a loud stressful situation, making them confused and often mistaking what assignment they were given. Members of the crew tried to put out fires when they needed to repair, steering the ship properly was a nightmare.
The princess knew one thing: they couldn't allow it to continue as it was. She had noticed the enemy ship seemed to have three "cannons", and they fired in quite rapid succession with just seven seconds for each cannon, on blast at a time. The enemy didn't have a very good aim.
"Keep going, no, not you, over there! Twilight, help me!" yelled Shining Armor. "They aren't listening to me!"
"You're about as clear as a winter storm!" said Scootaloo.
"I regrettably agree, Captain," said Trickery.
"Well... you do it. You'll do better than me right now," said Shining Armor.
"But I have never experienced a real fight before!" said Trickery.
"Hey, guys," said Scootaloo. They turned to her. "Can I be captain now?" she asked with a serious look, her eyes in particular seemed very alert and clear.
Shining Armor stomped his hooves once, groaning. "Fine! Be the captain, then!"
"New captain!" yelled Trickery, but not before Scootaloo had turned around to face the crew. Immediately she started to give orders.
"You seven are group A, you six are group B, you seven are group C. Groups A, B, C, start pushing on the front, middle and back sail respectively at a constant wingpower of 6 evenly over the sail. The twelve nearest Twilight are group D. Group D, start repairing the ship. Trickery, start taking care of the wounded. Everyone else: get a bow, some arrows, and fly over there to immediately attack. Let's move!"
She had spoken so quickly and clearly that even Twilight had difficulties following her. She had pointed, nodded, huffed, and it had been incredibly effective. Without missing a beat, every changeling suddenly became like a well-oiled machine, running all over the ship. They ran past Twilight with the same fluidity as water, even as Twilight herself walked among them. Changelings ran straight towards one another, to miss with barely a hair's width, yet seeming completely natural.
It had been like walking through a mist of shiny black clear blue. Their hesitation had vanished in the blink of an eye, and they shared Scootaloo's confidence.
With a slight yank, the ship started to sail, and Twilight just saw a projectile miss the their stern.
"Wow," said Shining Armor, visibly taken aback by Scootaloo's competence.
"Changelings are just like ponies, they just have a different way to communicate. Their way is faster, outright better. If you can understand that, then they are the easiest and nicest ponies in the world to work with," said Scootaloo with a lowered voice, looking at Shining Armor. She spread her wings, pulled out a bow, and then took off, along with every other changeling carrying their own weapon. "Attackers: with me!"
"Try to disable their sails and destroy their weapons! We want to survive and escape, not stay and kill! Disable, don't kill!" yelled Twilight.
"Roger, Princess!" yelled Scootaloo back to her. For a moment Twilight had considered the order of catching one of them to interrogate, but that would have been risky. Where would they keep him or her? Beneath the deck where one could sink the ship? There wasn't any reasonable way to imprison them, and Twilight refused to make them talk to then strand them in the middle of the ocean. She wouldn't risk it.
The new captain and the flying fighters flied away towards the enemy, and Twilight spread her wings, intending to follow.
"Princess! Don't!" yelled Trickery.
"What? Why?"
"My siblings haven't yet learned how to deal with a queen being in danger! If you go out and fight they will be distracted with worry!"
"But I can't just abandon them! They are young and inexperienced! I have to help them!"
"If you want to help, Twilight, then you better pick up a bow and start aiming! We've got some unkind company!" said Applebloom, pointing her hoof towards the water. Twilight immediately saw it: small boats were on their way towards them, at least twenty ponies were ready for battle with swords and bows.
"Twilight!" yelled a familiar voice from the captain's quarters. Twilight turned, and in the open door stood Spike, barely able to stand while clutching a sharp blade made out of diamond. "I'm here, I'll help!"
"Trickery, get Spike below deck, protect him," said Twilight.
"I can-"
"No, you can't! Not right now! We'll deal with this, Spike!" said Twilight. She brought out a sword, one made of wood.
"You're using wood!?" asked Spike, then falling to his knees, clutching his sides.
"It's safer to swing at ponies," said Twilight. Besides, it has been imbued with that special magic you've discovered, Spike. This knocks ponies away from me! That's all I'll need! she thought.
"They'll kill you!" shouted Spike.
"They will try, but I won't try to kill them," she said, giving him a very clear impression with her eyes alone. Plenty of ponies had suffered enough already; the least Twilight could do was to avoid severely hurting more. It was almost amusing that the reason Twilight had to run away from her problems now was due to the consequences of deciding not to run away from her problems in the past. If nothing else, both times she had attempted to accomplish what was right.
But to run away they still had to first endure, by fighting, to allow a safe escape. She heard the first boats collide with the hull. In the distance she could see her fliers reach the enemy ship, bows ready. She was ready.
"See? I told you that you were crazy. Sharp's made you paranoid," said Rainbow Dash as they, from around the corner, watched Spitfire walk into her house and close the door. Applejack, however, thought it had been odd. Spitfire had been walking home, not flying. Why?
Rainbow Dash turned around. "Whatever, I'm going home."
"Hang on," said Applejack, pointing towards the door. Spitfire had just walked outside again and then hurried down the street.
"Come along, you two," said Applejack.
"This doesn't make you right, you know," said Rainbow as she followed Applejack.
"Maybe not, but it's worth looking into. One way or another we're going to find out more about Punishment."
They followed Spitfire, always making sure they kept a great distance. Spitfire was fairly sharp, and if they weren't taking the greatest care, then she would notice them. They kept up with her throughout at least half of Haven, leading them closer and closer to the town's landmark: the mountain.
While Spitfire's behavior wasn't anything directly suspicious, after all, she met at least a few dozen ponies on the way, it did become quite odd when she took something out of her inventory. It was a gray cloak, and she quickly equipped it a few blocks away from the mountain cave, and at that point Applejack noticed the odd streets and alleys she chose to walk down to get to her destination.
"Is she going into the mines?" asked Rainbow Dash as they saw her walk into the large cavern.
"Well, it's one of the spots where a lot of ponies aren't there during the night," said Applejack. "And hiding underground is plenty effective."
"Oh yeah, that's true," said Harry O'Hooligan.
"Yeah, except the guards have already checked in the mines," said Rainbow Dash.
"They are pretty large, right?" asked Applejack.
"They go on for miles and miles," said Rainbow Dash.
"Then there's bound to be plenty of space to hide in," said Applejack.
"But as I said, everything has been checked," said Rainbow Dash.
"If Spitfire is in Punishment, then wouldn't she know where the guards would be looking next? Maybe they just move whenever the guards investigate something?"
"Well, maybe, but Spitfire wouldn't know every place they searched."
"Whatever, come on, we can't lose her," said Applejack, hurrying after Spitfire. They walked into the gigantic cavern, losing sight of the moon and stars. In the very back of the cavern was an entrance to what Applejack assumed were the mines, and she barely glanced Spitfire sneak in. They hurried up to the entrance, a small but properly lit downward path into the ground. At the very bottom of the long path down, Applejack saw Spitfire turn around a corner.
Hurrying down as silently as was possible, they finally stepped off the stairs and onto a solid stone floor. They must have been at least forty blocks beneath the surface. When they turned, Applejack realized they had lost track of Spitfire. The mine branched out in several directions, both vertically and horizontally.
"Cold tunnels, hiding at all costs, not knowing if your enemy could be right around the corner. This takes me back," said Applejack.
"I'd rather forget about it," said Rainbow Dash. Harry quietly nodded.
"Me too, to be honest," said Applejack. Since Spitfire was nowhere to be found, they simply had to take a wild guess.
Twilight swung her dull wooden blade towards the masked pony attacking her, and the resulting force was many times that one would expect. The pony was knocked back and tumbled over the railing. Twilight didn't have time to see if the attacked was alright, because two others went forward, swords held high in their mouths, and they cut towards her.
Shining Armor jumped ahead, as did Rarity, blocking the blades with their own swords of iron.
"Stay away from her!" yelled Rarity, kicking one of the assailants away. Shining Armor cut the other in the front leg, forcing the pony to his knees. Twilight rushed past Rarity and slammed her wooden sword against the pony, making him fall backwards into the wall under the quarterdeck.
All around them the crew and the attackers were fighting for their lives. It was impossible to know if the cannons on the enemy ship had been destroyed or not, for the sounds of clashing blades and yells drowned out everything else. Their enemy were all covered in clothing, concealing every aspect of them. Not even the eyes were visible.
Four other ponies, all charging at once, approached them, but suddenly two fell. The very deck beneath them had given way, and just below Twilight saw Spike and Trickery, having helped them in any way they could have.
Twilight and Shining Armor took the chance to strike the remaining two. Shining Armor stabbed his in the leg. Twilight, however, had been fooled by a feint by her opponent, making way for him to strike her. A burning sensation grazed her on her neck. In sudden panic she lashed out with her swords, hitting her opponent in the very center of his forehead. He was tossed back with such force Twilight feared she had killed him, but when he collided with the mast and fell down, he did try to get up before losing consciousness.
Fearing for her life, Twilight touched her neck, but at most it was a scratch, perhaps a bit deep, but not something that would kill her.
"Keep fighting, we're winning!" yelled Shining Armor.
"What about the ship?" asked Twilight, allowing herself a single moment to look towards the enemy's vessel. Everything seemed under control there, changelings were fighting with a few pegasi, and the cannons had indeed stopped. Then something else happened. A firework shot up from the enemy ship, and with large bright lights it exploded.
Suddenly the sounds of swords striking each other stopped. Twilight turned to her crew, seeing everyone keep their distance from their enemy who had simply stopped fighting. The crew was ready to fight, but the enemy simply didn't seem interested anymore.
"What's going on?" asked Sweetie Belle.
Suddenly, there was an explosion so large it lit up the Eternal Crimson like it was day, and in the distance Twilight saw the enemy ship being blown to smithereens. Blast after blast happened, and when it was over there was not even a trace of there being a ship left.
"SCOOTALOO!" yelled Applebloom, rushing to the railing.
"We failed, but you will not succeed," said one of the attackers. Twilight, still filled with worry about those in the crew that could have been caught in the blast, turned to the pony who spoke. She wasn't even able to say anything, but even if she would have spoken it wouldn't have mattered. The pony in question raised his blade, put it up against his neck, and slit his throat without even a hint of pain. So did everyone else of them.
"No! Don't!" yelled Twilight as the bodies turned red then to vanish completely.
Big Macintosh jumped one of the ponies, holding the blade firmly in a steel grip. Shining Armor did something similar with another enemy. Sweetie Belle and two changelings held down the pony Twilight had knocked into the mast.
"This world will never be complete," said the very last pony to slit her throat, and then most of them were gone. If not for the wounded, the damage, and the horrible sight burned into Twilight's memory, then one could have assumed they had never been there at all.
"Complete? What was that maniac talking about?" asked Rarity, shaken.
"Explain. Your ponies hurt my sister. Tell me everything and I won't kill you painfully," said Big Macintosh with an ice cold voice, holding his captive in an iron grip. The pony refused to speak, or struggle, or do anything. He wasn't even breathing.
"Take off their masks!" said Twilight. "Every changeling in a good condition, go and find as many of the crew as you can before they drown!" She was going to go look herself, but first she wanted to know the face of those who had attacked her.
Big Macintosh, Shining Armor and Sweetie Belle all pulled off the masks at once, and Twilight didn't understand what she was seeing.
"I... I think Punishment is... is something a lot more complex than we previously thought."
"There? Do you hear? She's close," whispered Applejack to Rainbow Dash and Harry. Just around the corner, of the very deepest cave in the darkest abandoned part of the mine, one could hear Spitfire talk.
"They told me Twilight Sparkle could return tomorrow," said Spitfire.
Harry looked at Applejack. Does this mean the chief was right? It could still be a huge misunderstanding. Maybe this Spitfire gal is part of the Twilight Sparkle fan club and wants to organize a welcome back party?
"It's good that you are willing to serve me, Spitfire. I'm grateful," said another voice. It was impossible to place it, the only impression Harry got was how horribly cold and uncaring the owner seemed, despite the otherwise seemingly kind words. They outright made Harry long for the days Sharp Edge would yell at him, as those times had been less intimidating.
"I live to serve the cause," said Spitfire. It seemed that Applejack had been right. Harry sympathized with Rainbow Dash, who probably felt betrayed.
"You've been tricked, Spitfire. I know that Twilight Sparkle would not be able to return tomorrow morning even if she wanted to," said another voice.
"Tricked? Why?" asked Spitfire.
"Because, well, because I made a simple mistake. My mind was elsewhere and things just took its course. Not even I am perfect. Still, while this wasn't intended, I certainly don't mind. I know you are there, Harry O'Hooligan," said the voice.
Harry O'Hooligan suddenly froze in place, sweating cold drops. It felt like death itself was around the corner, no, not death, death was natural if scary. This was far more terrifying, and an abomination. Harry didn't even know how he knew that, his gut just told him this was a force a pony like him shouldn't mess with.
He was about to turn around and flee when Applejack pushed him to walk forward. He did as she commanded. Sure, he was scared of this thing, to his very core, but if he could keep the chief and Rainbow Dash safe, then maybe they could get what they needed from this thing. Applejack had done a lot for him, and he was more than ready to pay her back. It was clear she knew that.
He, very slowly, walked out to find himself at the bottom of a large open ravine. Sitting on top of some gravel, with Spitfire on the stone beneath him, was a pony... form, with shining bright white eyes.
"Who... who are you?" asked Harry, shuddering. There was something in the way the pony thing looked at him that just made Harry want to scream and run away.
"I don't really have a name, though my first enemy decided to call me Herobrine," it said. No matter how much Harry looked, there were no features his mind could really grasp.
"You- you're the thing that attacked Twilight," said Harry.
"What do you want?" asked Harry.
"To win."
Harry wished he could have looked at Applejack and Rainbow Dash for some support, but he couldn't give away the fact they were there. The fact that it creature had known where Harry was worried him, but he, they, had to assume he had happened to see just Harry in a hole or tunnel somewhere. The important thing was that Applejack and Rainbow Dash were willing to fight, and run if need be.
"To win?" asked Harry, trying to stand up tall and brave.
"Poor little creature, he doesn't know what's going on," said the monster, this Herobrine, looking down at Spitfire. She just looked uncomfortable where she stood. She gave Harry a look that couldn't possibly hide a slight amount of worry, no matter how much she wanted to.
"Still, if nothing else you lead that one straight to me, Spitfire, so I thank you for the entertainment," said Herobrine.
"So does this mean I'm in Punishment now?" asked Spitfire, hesitantly. Herobrine looked at Spitfire with curious eyes, and then he opened his mouth like he was laughing. Harry's ears hurt. That sound could not have been called a laugh.
"Punishment? Ha! You ponies are more gullible than I thought!"
"Spitfire, there is no 'Punishment' anymore! That group disbanded over five years ago! When the teens got bored they stopped meeting up for it."
"But- but what about all the ponies that have been here during the meetings?" asked Spitfire, looking just as confused as Harry felt. The monster 'laughed' again.
"Spitfire, Spitfire. The Punishment you know today is merely a facade. Numbers: made up by me. Colors: made up by me. Meetings: made up by me. Rumors: started and spread by me."
"W-what? Why? What do you mean? I've seen ponies here! They've all said they were in Punishment to my face! It can't be fake! Twilight Sparkle must pay!"
"Those? I just put them there to fool the new arrivals, like yourself. Quite entertaining. Seeing so many faces, coming here wanting to get revenge on Twilight, to then see their looks when they realize what I have in store for them. Just wonderful," said Herobrine, giving a grin just a little too wide to be natural.
"B-but, if Punishment is just a- a front, then what is it for?" asked Spitfire.
"I suppose there really is only one use. One might think it is for me to get more ponies under my thrall, but no, I don't need Punishment for that." He took a breath. "The only real thing I use Punishment for is to get under Twilight Sparkle's skin." He gave those hideous shrieks again, making Harry wince. "It's so amusing, hearing her be worried, seeing her scared, knowing she feels she can't sleep in the same place twice, even though that's not even remotely true."
"But Punishment has tried to kill her many times!" said Spitfire.
"The amusing thing is that isn't really true. So far I've only tried to wound her three times. Once in her room, another with the dynamite, and just a few moments ago out to sea. Every other time has just been a bunch of idiots, drunk on their own ambitions, trying to get payback for what she claimed she did to Ponyville. I spread the word it had been Punishment who did it, and took care of the fools that tried to harm Twilight Sparkle. She's my prey, not theirs."
"But... but... what about all the resources? What about the ponies who I've seen? So many ponies, and it's still been kept a secret?" asked Spitfire.
"Oh, yes, well, you see, we've gotten most of the material from Filthy Rich. That fool and his family lost everything when he entered this world, and he wanted to join Punishment more than anyone. I told him he was a member, if he could give us plenty of materials. I didn't even have to kill him to make him do what I want. He's like my pet, in a way," said Herobrine.
"What do you mean 'kill him to make him do what I want'?" asked Harry.
"Oh, right, you don't know about that. Let me show you," said Herobrine. With a swift movement, he jumped down. In the middle of the fall he pulled out a diamond sword, and struck Spitfire, piercing her stomach with the shimmering blade.
Twilight couldn't believe what she was seeing, yet it was there in front of her, no mistake possible. The three ponies all had one thing in common: eyes like the blackest night. There was nothing inside except darkness. This strange feature was not what made it difficult to stand upright, it was not what made it difficult for Twilight to breathe. In all her years, she couldn't have expected those ponies to appear in front of her.
It was Rarity's father, Mr. Cake, and the mayor of Ponyville.
"Why...?" asked Spitfire, the monster holding her very close.
"Because this would have been your fate anyway, as it will be for everyone else," said Herobrine.
"I, I don't want to die."
"Don't worry, you won't. Ponies in this world literally can't die. They merely go to the Void: my domain. In there, I make the rules, in there I am a god. I decide who stays and who comes back. Don't be afraid, once you enter, you belong to me, and will do my will," said Herobrine as he clutched Spitfire very closely, chuckling as he lurched over her, twisting the blade, making her scream in pain and fear. "And nopony will suspect a thing. They will act, think, feel, and otherwise be like they always have been, but all according to my design."
"But... I just... Twilight... she have to pay... for what she's done... to me, with that damn cube."
"Here's a little secret, Spitfire." The monster leaned in closer, hissing into her ear. "She didn't have anything to do with that time bomb. I sent that to your world."
Harry didn't pay attention to that, instead, he thought about what he had said about the Void. That would have meant- He spun around, and saw Rainbow Dash and Applejack stand very close to him, their eyes darker than the blackest night. They weren't the only ones. Out of nowhere, dozens of ponies, even changelings, had appeared, everyone with the same black empty dead eyes.
Without hesitation, he finally gave into his most strongest urge: to flee from this horror. He quickly turned away and ran. Applejack and Rainbow Dash, along with every other thrall, started to run after him.
Harry went inside a tunnel to the side, with everything else following him closely. He needed to get out, he needed to warn everyone. Rosy wasn't safe, neither Lively, or Soarin, or anyone in Haven, or Promise Peak. His wife was in danger, as was his children. How many had died already and was under that beast's control? How many could it bring back as it wished? Harry cursed to himself as he realized he had lost his way deep inside the mines. He didn't know where to go, and everywhere around him he heard the horrifying screech that was Herobrine's laughter. Trapped. Scared. Harry kept running for all he was worth.
Turning to enter a very long tunnel, he ran as fast as he possibly could, maybe even a bit faster. At the very end of the stretch was another turn. He looked back, seeing at least two hundred blocks back. Nothing was following him except that terrible laughter. He went around the corner, to just see a dead end. He turned around and turned again, to stand face to face with the monster. Impossibly quick.
"I am everywhere and nowhere. I exist where ponies observe, with few exceptions." And then he slashed Harry through the throat. "Welcome to my herd."
Harry could feel his life seep out of him, blood starting to drip on the stone below. Suddenly the surroundings changed and the pain vanished. Everything was either dark or shrouded in obscurity, filled with strange shapes and impossible architecture his mind couldn't handle. He realized, he was in the Void. And the thing right in front of him was already reaching deep into his mind.
"Please... stop him, Twilight," said Harry, the last free thought he had in that realm.
Plot. Twist! Punishment fake, all this time...
Still, when I first saw Herobrine a few chapters back I knew he had something to do with all of this. Looks like everybody's going to owe Twilight one HUGE apology.
Oh my...I don't know who to say, so I'll say both of them. Oh my Notch and Celestia! This...This is perfect...In every possible way, it's perfect. It makes sense, it's shocking, it's unexpected, it's dark...And I love every word of it!
I don't have any other words than these: When's the next chapter?
Oh Notch. Oh Jeb. Oh Dinnerbone. Oh Celestia! This is... Not what I expected at all. Is there any way to free the ponies from Herobrine's control? Would killing him do it? I know for a fact that Herobrine is mortal. Powerful, but still mortal. He's never portrayed as invincible (that'd be too cliche, so no one does that), so there has to be a way to kill him. The question is: how? If every pony who has respawned is actually a zombie puppet under his thrall, would killing him save them? Or would it kill them off as well? This has gotten really spooky. I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep tonight.
ok you lost me on this chapter it went from good to bad you disappointed me in this chapter
There's only one thing to describe this chapter, THE DRAMA BUTTON!!
i just want to know when the chapter to be done this story is amazing
Mind.exe has crashed.
I bet that he'll die if introduced to sunlight: the torch hurt him horribly, and he is a void creature, so yeah. Also, after he dies, I bet that Everyone that is trapped will respawn.
This... Its... Eh............. SO MUCH EPICNESS!!!!!
This story is so much better than so many other stories I've read it... it just.... HOW HAS THIS NOT BEEN FEATURED!?
This ofocialy needs a dark tag
I'll admit, I was always treading along the fence on whether this story was good enough to keep reading.
This twist was a pretty fucking good one though.
This have given me loads of inspiration for my story. Incredible plot twist by the way. Although you confused me greatly with that paragraph where it said Spitfire walked into her home before completely ignoring that fact after a little dialogue. Did you perhaps forget to erase that when you were writing?
6342179 I think I see what you mean, and I edited it to make that part clearer. Thank you for your constructive criticism. It's always appreciated.