Twilight had remembered the days following her confession very well, some parts were more vivid than others, such as what had happened the very next day.
"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, how are the kids? Doing well in school, I hope?" she had asked passing them on the street. It hadn't been the first time she had begun some idle chatting with them. They had always been quite happy to share with her, but not that day. They had just looked at her, uncomfortable to be around her.
"I'm guessing this is about what I told everyone yesterday?"
"Well," Mrs. Cake had started, uncertain, "It might have some to do with our lack of enthu-"
"How could you have done this to us, Twilight? We were more than just your subjects, we were your friends! Now our kids might never get to live somewhere safe ever again, doing nothing but the same old thing to survive! It's like you've stolen their future away from them!" Mr. Cake was hardly as forgiving.
"Mr. Cake, I never meant for this to happen."
"I don't care! I have to watch my son and daughter grow up in a place where nothing makes sense and everything is dangerous!"
"I will find a way back home, and-"
"And what? Shock them with a world that's not made of cubes? This is their home now, but not ours. Either they will never feel right or we won't. Twilight, you don't have anything to say to us, good day," he said, and then turned away from them.
"Dear, wait, don't be so harsh," said Mrs. Cake, running up to him.
That had been just one of many similar scenes. Parents were unforgiving for the pain and fear she had caused to those once separated. Those who had worked all of their lives to build something up for themselves in Equestria had lost it all, and finally had someone to blame. The younger ponies, those growing up in a world where aggression could save your life, were a bit too eager to be swept up, vandalizing her library at almost every opportunity.
Twilight, while upset, did not blame any one of them. These would be the consequences, and instead of focusing on those who hated her, she instead turned to those who still cared for their princess. There were the obvious ones, such as her close friends and her brother back in Promise Peak, but also several of those that were grateful for what she had done for them, to make their lives just a bit easier and better.
A few months after the truth was out, it had become clear to Twilight and her friends how the different parties were split. In Haven about 60 percent still, basically, approved of her. In Promise Peak the number was actually higher because of her effort to liberate them, so around 80 percent there.
The other 40 and 20 percent had all the right in the world to dislike her, but she could have coped with not being approved by everyone, since becoming a princess not everyone had. But, there was this small number of ponies from both Promise Peak and Haven who didn't just dislike her. This anonymous minority of the minority outright hated her. Around 30 ponies initially, or so was the rumor, that were all banded together in hopes of making her regret her terrible mistake of tampering with the cube. They called themselves Punishment, and their sole purpose was to make her pay, in whatever way they could.
Twilight tried to not be intimidated by them, probably a group of too young ponies having a lot of anger in their hearts, but as they had apparently tried to burn down her library one night, with her and Spike still inside, it was hard to be completely untouched.
Especially once another mistake of hers had made their numbers grow.
It had begun in her library one day about a year after the secret had been out, and there had been a knock on the door. Letting the two guests in, she had greeted them.
"Hello, Timey, Cara," she had said to the two changelings.
"Greetings, Princess."
"You wanted to speak to me about something?"
Those words had begun an exchange between them, eventually leading to Timey and Cara getting 'permission from their queen' to become a father and mother to exactly one hundred changelings, hadn't that been an awkward series of conversations. While most ponies were okay with this, it had been the final straw for others who still remembered the attack on Canterlot with a fresh memory, being unwilling to listen to Twilight telling them Timey and Cara were not from that hive. Those ponies, decidedly not approving of Twilight in the least anymore, had joined Punishment, boosting their numbers to at least 80.
Still, the changelings turned out to be helpful and kind allies, always willing to protect and help Haven and Promise Peak.
A lot had changed in a short time, and while general unpopularity of Twilight was initially strong, eventually, as the years passed, there were only the mystery group of Punishment who still held a grudge large enough to cause outright harm. Whoever they were was still a mystery. They had been very cautious about everything they did, so nopony could get anything substantial on them. They acted very slowly, taking great care to be utmost secretive, which meant that when they finally did do something against Twilight, it had been a long time since the last attempt to harm her, making it difficult to always be ready. Guards and changeling protectors had something more pressing to focus on as well: zombies increasing in numbers and hostility. It was not unusual for monsters to start attacking walls and try to sneak into the city. It was like they had finally realized how meaty Haven was as a target.
It had been exactly seven years since the liberation of Promise Peak, fittingly called Liberation of Promise Peak, as those ponies tended to not be very creative with names, it probably had something to do with the cold up there.
It was during summer, and Twilight was waiting at the station with Spike, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Big Macintosh, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom.
The three fillies weren't quite fillies anymore, basically having grown to become young adults. Applebloom in particular had been going through a growth spurt, being taller than Twilight but shorter than her brother.
If Spike had been a baby dragon when they had entered the world, then he must have been a teenager dragon by now. He was taller than Big Macintosh, and even his muscles had started to really grow, as well as a couple of horns. There were two tiny lumps on his back, and Twilight suspected them to be the first signs of wings developing. He was still good old Spike, just as hard working, just as happy, and just as infatuated with Rarity as ever. Of course, in recent years, the feelings had begun to become more mature, and in some respects returned. Rarity had, thanks to some tomes, managed to really get into making complicated sets of clothes, highly sought after. Spike had taken a job with the guards, and had risen to the rank of captain.
Plenty had happened, but for now Twilight turned to Applebloom, focused on the moment. "Aren't you so excited?"
"Like you wouldn't believe, Twilight. I'm finally going to see Applejack again! And meet my niece for the first time!" she said, almost giddy with joy. Applejack hadn't felt secure risking taking the trip before the train had been completed, as she couldn't dare think about dying and leaving her child alone in the world to fend for herself. Applebloom had wanted to take the journey to Promise Peak several times, but she had still been to young and inexperienced. Young ponies were not allowed to leave the walls until they were proper adults, and by the time that had happened the train to Promise Peak had been completed, uniting the two towns, or rather five. There were Haven, Promise Peak, Seaside, Constant and Lock.
Haven and Promise Peak hadn't changed much except for expanding, especially in Promise Peak as there were plenty of guards that had moved in after the liberation.
Seaside was the outpost, harbor and resort built by the ocean, being connected directly to Promise Peak, having about a hundred ponies there at one time and sixty permanent residents. Twilight had only been there once to perform experiments with tomes, allowing the creation of movable proper ships and vessels, but that was it. They only had one ship so far however.
Constant was the newest addition: the changeling town. It had started with a hundred changelings, and it had been decided the maximum number was one sixth of the current amount of ponies, to allow there to be enough love, a sort of energy for them, per changeling. There were about three hundred changelings making that their birthplace, but not necessarily permanent home. It was not unusual to see changelings walk the streets of Haven, brightening up their day as well as that of most others. Timey had been keeping his word, as always, to raise them to be respectable and kind. They grew and learned extremely quickly, reaching adulthood in just about four years. Love was not necessary to keep them alive in their changeling form, as food did the job just fine, but it was a very potent supplement in any case.
Lock was barely a town, it just looked like one. Built underground under a gigantic window allowing the sun to shine, the city of criminals existed in isolation. It was basically a very large open cage of obsidian, having taken a year to build and perfect. Guards still controlled the small city, making sure nopony broke the rules. The criminals weren't free, but at least comfortable. It had been very carefully designed. It was made so that the criminals would, in theory, be able to live there in relative comfort for the rest of their lives, even if that was not the outright intention. The most they could make were some tools of stone, allowing the farms there to never run out of food for them. Needless to say, Lock was unavailable to the general public. Twilight and the council made several visits to make sure nopony there was suffering or being treated unkindly.
The train could take ponies to many places, but today was the first time it would carry passengers safely between the towns, and its first trip made Twilight very excited. For the last half hour her eyes had been focused on the horizon, and sure enough...
"Look! There's the train!" said Twilight. They were not the only ones directing their eyes to the train appearing in the distance, since at least two hundred had gathered to watch the train roll up to the station with guests from Promise Peak for the very first time. It was seven blocks wide and nine blocks high, traveling along an iron track on large diamond wheels. It was quite colorful, having plenty of details courtesy of Promise Peak's most creative. The tracks were mostly not inside a tunnel, as such a thing would have expanded the work to take at least six more years.
"She's almost here, almost here!" said Applebloom, jumping up and down in the crowd.
The large train rolled slowed down as it neared a large open gate in the wall right next to the large building making up the station, a large building with glass roofs and large stone pillars towering over the crowded wooden floor. The sun was shining brightly down upon them. With its many cars the train came to a complete stop, signaled by a pleasant little melody from note blocks.
As the doors to the train opened, the crowd started to cheer and welcome their guests. Out through the train came family members, old friends and just regular curious tourists. Twilight and her friends were standing in the front, and it wasn't long until Applejack walked out of the train, a young filly following by her side, keeping very close, pressing her face into her mother's legs to avoid all the looks from the crowd. Twilight noticed two bodyguards behind her, and knew both of the warriors.
Applejack just froze as her eyes focused on the yellow pony with the red mane. The pure shock of seeing her once tiny little sister so tall and strong was so unbelievably overpowering. Eventually, she rushed up to Applebloom and hugged her tightly, "You have no idea how much I've missed you, Applebloom."
"I've missed you too, sis. I knew I'd see you again, I just knew," said Applebloom. They had hugged for quite a while, until Applebloom finally saw the little filly looking up at her. "And you must be Rosy, I'm Applebloom, your aunt!" The filly went right back at pushing her face into Applejack's leg.
"Little Rosy's a bit shy, reminds me of Fluttershy sometimes," said Applejack, laughing as she gave her daughter a little hug. "Say hello, Rosy."
"H- hello," said Rosy, not brave enough to look at Applebloom.
Twilight had barely heard their meeting, as she was busy hugging Applejack's first bodyguard.
"Shining Armor, it's great to see you again," said Twilight.
"It's great to be here, Twily. This train was a great idea," he said, watching several other groups hug and laugh as they were finally reunited.
"I'm glad you think so, and that you're so much better, just look at you, you're back into great form!" said Twilight.
"Yeah, but..."
"The colts and fillies here... they are sort of staring at me like I'm an Enderpony. They've never seen someone as scarred as me," said Shining Armor with a lowered voice. A quick look confirmed it, Rosy was not the only child staying close to their parents around them.
"They don't know you, Shining. Those that do just love him," said Applejack to Twilight.
"Yeah, he's great with kids, my daughters loves it when he babysits," said the other warrior.
"To be honest, I never thought I'd see you as Applejack's bodyguard, Harry," said Twilight. The gray-maned stallion just smiled at her.
"You'd be amazed how far a good word from a princess will get you. I was sentenced to community service instead of jail, and it turned out I was really good at it," said Harry, then chuckled.
"Harry, you have the directions to the inn, right? Could you please go and put my items in my room?" asked Applejack.
"Right away, chief," said Harry.
"The rest of us have some catching up to do. My, you three has grown so much! Last time I saw you, you were about the size of Rosy," said Applejack. "And Spike, you're looking downright fierce!"
Spike just sort of started to blush as he sheepishly smiled at her remark.
"It's great to see you, A.J," said Rainbow Dash. They bumped each other's hoof.
"I've missed you too, Rainbow. Hm, by the way, where is your husband?" asked Applejack.
"Late, as always, but he'll catch up. Soarin is good at that," said Rainbow Dash.
While Twilight would have expected Haven to be much less impressive to Applejack than anything in Promise Peak, she was still properly wowed.
"Everything is so large and roomy, and this heat is just incredible!" said Applejack as they walked through the town, viewing everything they could.
"It's a little hot, mommy," said Rosy, having been a bit more willing to speak since getting away from the crowds.
"Well we better go fix that then, how about we take a dip somewhere? Do you have a pool?" asked Applejack. Rosy seemed interested in the idea.
"Hm, not a public one, but we do have one over at Haven Twilight Academy, and there is no school today," said Spike. "I'm sure we can get in."
"Did you say 'Haven Twilight Academy'?" asked Applejack, giving Twilight an amused look.
"I didn't pick the name," said Twilight.
"Your school has a pool?" asked Shining Armor.
"Yeah, during an expansion project a few years ago we needed the school to get bigger, you weren't the only ones having more kids, and we also made a gymnasium and swimming pool, along with a school library and more," said Spike. "I actually was a teacher there part time last year, I had gym as well as classes on swordplay."
"Did you like it?"
"Wasn't anything wrong with it," said Spike.
"Rosy will actually be in the Haven/Promise Peak educational program," said Twilight.
"You will? That's great! You can come live with me and Big Macintosh!" said Applebloom to Rosy.
"Okay," she said, not sounding very enthusiastic. Twilight sympathized with her, new place, ponies she didn't know, maybe even a natural shut-in, not so different from herself on her first day in Ponyville.
Applebloom seemed to have picked up on this. "Hey, want to go for a ride?" she asked.
Rosy hesitated a bit before nodding with a little smile. Applebloom picked up her niece, allowing her to ride on her back, this made the little filly a lot happier, she even laughed.
"Rosy, I will come visit at least twice a month when you stay here, don't forget that" said Applejack.
"I will, mommy."
Rainbow Dash waved over to someone hurrying towards them. "Hey there, slowpoke!" Soarin ran up to them, gasping for air and shaking his head.
"Sorry I'm late, sweetie," he said, walking over to Rainbow Dash, giving her a kiss.
"We need to get you back in shape, Soarin, not enough flying, too many pies," said Rainbow Dash.
"Stop teasing me, Rainbow Dash," he said, giving her a smile with a content sigh. Rainbow Dash affectionately rubbed his muzzle with hers, and then turned her attention to a little pegasus flying right above Soarin before landing on his head.
"There's my little champ! Did you get a good look at the train?" asked Rainbow Dash.
"It was awesome, mom!" said the little colt. Rainbow Dash's and Soarin's son. He was the nearest age possible to the amount of time passed since the Liberation of Promise Peak. He had a the same mane as his mother, if shorter and with a slightly brighter hue, with the blue coat of his father.
"That's right! It's not as quick as me, but it's still pretty sweet," said Rainbow Dash.
"Oh, right, that reminds me, how long was the trip, dear?" asked Rarity.
"It was about three days and two nights, of course we didn't take the detour to Constant this first time," said Applejack. "But enough about that, it's nice to finally meet your son, Rainbow Dash. Hello, I'm Applejack, and this is Rosy."
"Hi! I'm Lively! Mom's been talking about you a lot!"
"Has she now?"
"She says you used to be a harmer!"
"Farmer," whispered Rainbow Dash immediately.
"Farmer!" Lively said without missing a beat.
"Uh huh... So, you guys, how was the ceremony? I'm so sorry I couldn't have been there for the wedding, Rainbow Dash," said Applejack.
"It's alright, I understand," said Rainbow Dash, shrugging.
"It was lovely, just lovely," said Rarity. "There were flowers everywhere! The fragrance was wonderful, and then, they said their vows at sunset on top of the mountain. Oh, it was just perfect."
"Yeah... it was... perfect..." said Spike.
"Oh, look, there's Pound and Pumpkin. Why don't we go and talk to them, introduce Rosy?" said Rarity.
"Okay! Come on!" said Lively, dragging Applebloom with Rosy, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo over to the young Pound and Pumpkin Cake. Twilight had known them since they had been born, in Equestria. Both siblings had the distinction of being the youngest ponies from Equestria, anyone younger than them had been born in this mad realm. None of the young ones had their cutie marks, in fact nopony had gotten a cutie mark since leaving Ponyville. Like Mr. Cake had said, it had been like their future had been stolen. They had to work hard to get any skill of value, whether it was guarding, farming or anything else. Seeing Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Pound and Pumpkin without their mark felt like a tragedy to Twilight. Something was just so wrong without it.
"So... um, oh, Twilight, how are your studies on the books going?" asked Shining Armor.
"Poorly. Whoever made these books made sure to keep their content a secret. I need more to work with, not just books, but clues. I won't stop, but... it's a bit too much."
"What do you mean?" asked Spike.
"It's... I just... it feels like everypony except me has given up. I've started to feel like I'm doing all of this alone."
"You're not-"
"I know! Spike, I know, but... things have changed so much. I just need to vent about this... I still remember how it used to be. Everyone of us, younger, Spike a baby, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie still here. When we were faced with a challenge we always tried to see it through to the very end, but... take a group picture of us and nothing is the same. Everyone a bit older, some having made families, had kids, settling down, working on careers. There are a few more additions to the portrait that frankly shouldn't have happened under these circumstances. Now, since Spike moved in with Rarity I have to rely on one of Timey's kids to assist me, and she's doesn't take even the slightest bit of initiative compared to you. If I have to go check something out you're all either away, busy or taking care of your families. I'm happy for you, but this is so important to me and you don't have the time to help. I know it's unfair of me to want this of you, and it feels so selfish to complain about it, but I just feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders, and nopony to share the burden with," said Twilight, finally taking a sigh of relief.
"Twilight, I'm here," said Shining Armor.
"We're all here," said Spike. "All you have to do when you need us is to ask for our help. I think you might have forgotten that because you've been a princess for a while, and you feel like you have to do everything alone because it's your job or something, but we are always here for you."
"That's very true, Twilight, and don't you forget it," said Applejack, giving an enthusiastic nod. She then glanced over and looked at her daughter. "Oh, look,Rosy is starting to open up a little, easier to do with those closer to her own age," said Applejack.
All of the younger ponies had begun to talk to each other. Twilight noted that since Rosy didn't like attention, and being the chief's daughter, it was good that the other ones didn't focus on her during their conversation. She wasn't the focus, she was just a participant, which seemed to have suited her just fine.
"Anyway... let's continue and we'll show you the academy. Rosy, and the other Promise Peak kids are going to love it," said Twilight.
"Probably, but Twilight, I should mention that since Punishment is rumored to have their base near Haven, some are starting to considering not allowing their children to travel here, just about twenty or so," said Applejack.
"But Punishment want to hurt me, not innocent kids," said Twilight.
"If there were ponies like that in Promise Peak, would you send your kid over there?" asked Applejack.
"I don't have kids, but I do see your point," said Twilight.
"Not to mention that Promise Peak did have ponies like that. That's the first thing coming to mind when Haven ponies talk about it," said Rainbow Dash.
"Not something we like being famous for," said Applejack, rolling her eyes and lowering her head slightly.
After a long but overall pleasant day, Twilight and her friends ended up spending the evening in Rarity's home. Twilight would spend the night over at the inn together with Applejack, Rosy, Harry and her brother. Eventually Rainbow Dash and her family went home, and Big Macintosh and Applebloom did too with promises of seeing their sister the next day.
"Thanks for the coco, Rare, this was a great day. I'll make sure to see you all tomorrow," said Rainbow Dash as she, Soarin and Lively were about to go home.
"Bye, Rosy, let's meet again tomorrow," said Lively.
"Okay, that sounds fun."
Rainbow Dash took note. "Hey, A.J, I was thinking, Rosy and Lively seems to be getting along pretty well, so how about he spends the night over at the inn? Like a sleepover?"
"That's a great idea!" said Applejack. "Would you like that, Rosy?"
"That sounds fun," said Rosy.
"I've never been in that inn before, cool," said Lively.
"Hm, better get going now. It's almost bedtime. Twilight, are you coming too?" asked Applejack.
"Sure, just let me finish this coco."
At the inn, inside a safely lit and small room, Twilight was lying in her bed, trying to fall asleep. In the room next to her she could hear the happy whispering of Rosy and Lively.
Falling asleep, and managing to sleep soundly for a few hours, Twilight was awoken by something nudging her back. She had almost woken up ahead of time, it was routine. Another night, another visit.
"Twi... light..."
"Would you please just leave me alone? Every night for seven years... you're not even scaring me anymore. Now you are just annoying me," said Twilight, not turning around to look at the Enderpony. "You never want anything... never doing anything but look at me then leave, nopony seeing you but me... You do the same thing over and over, you never have anything to say... Just let me sleep, for the love of Celestia please let me sleep."
"Is Ender bothering you? Auntie?" asked a tiny voice in the room. Twilight turned around, and in the open door, Rosy and Lively walked inside. They looked very tired, such tiny ponies should have been sleeping at that hour.
"What did you say?" asked Twilight.
"Is he not letting you sleep?" asked Lively, pointing directly at the Enderpony.
"C-can you see it?" asked Twilight.
"Sometimes when I get sad or is scared of the dark, he comes to make me feel better," said Lively.
Rosy nodded. "And sometimes when my mommy is sad when we go to sleep, he secretly gives me an apple to give her. Everypony says he isn't real, but he is."
"I... I was starting to think I was crazy," said Twilight, looking at the completely still Enderpony, it just stared at her, like always.
"Ender is a little weird, but he's nice," said Lively. "Sometimes, when I'm having nightmares, he's there and saves me from the monster."
While this was all very strange, Twilight did feel surprisingly content knowing. She wasn't crazy, the Enderpony was benevolent. At least there was some closure on the Enderpony front. She hadn't actually learned anything about it, this Ender, but at least she could ignore it for now.
Ignoring someone poking her back again was currently much more of a challenge. Ender had visited Twilight more than once on a few nights.
"Listen, Ender, please just leave me alone. Please?" asked Twilight, just wishing to sleep. Turned away from him, she opened her eyes, and then she noticed that all the lights in the room had been removed. Moonlight was the only light source.
"Believe me, Princess, that Ender is the least of your problems," whispered a chillingly cold voice very close to her head, his breath stroking the tip of her ear. Twilight instantly turned around to find herself looking into the cold, horrifying, glowing white dead eyes of a pony.
"It's finally shown itself, and I'm getting there first," said the monster. He raised his hoof, a diamond sword appearing in it. He sliced straight down, Twilight rolled out of the bed. It was sliced in half, something that should have been impossible. Blocks were never divided, just destroyed. Otherworldly, dangerous, impossible. She screamed.
Twilight rushed out of the way of another two swings, the room was too small to run around it, but it was tall. She flapped her wings once to jump above the creature. Having only her mind as a weapon, she focused on ways to beat him. The door had been blocked by obsidian, so it wasn't possible to just flee. The room was dark, lights having been removed. She had torches.
Falling down against the wall, seeing the monster approach her, raising its weapon again, she placed a torch between them.
It shrieked in ways making Twilight's ears hurt, and then it sliced its way out of the room, making a large hole to the street outside. It leaped, disappearing out into the night. Twilight rushed to the opening, but when she looked out the monster was already gone.
"Twilight! What's going on?!" yelled Applejack, chopping her way straight through the wall between their rooms.
"Applejack! I was attacked by something!" said Twilight.
"Mommy, what is that?" asked Rosy behind her mother, pointing at the hole.
"That's a hole, sweetie," said Applejack, quickly approaching it, looking outside.
"I know, but, what is it made of?" she asked.
"Yeah, what?" asked Lively, flying over to it.
"What are you talking about?" asked Applejack. Twilight managed to understand what they were referring to, what they had never seen before.
"It looks weird," said Lively, flying through it, hovering outside. Rosy stayed with her mother on the ground.
"It's made from lines, kids. Those are straight diagonal lines. I haven't seen them in almost 12 years," said Twilight, still panting after all the excitement. She placed down some extra torches, just to feel a slight bit safer.
"Who attacked you?" asked Applejack.
"Some... thing. It said something about... 'It's finally shown itself, and I'm getting there first'. What has shown itself?" asked Twilight. It couldn't have been Ender, that Enderpony had shown itself a long time ago. It must have been something else, something important.
"Auntie, what's that?" asked Lively, pointing to somewhere to the left, out of Twilight's view. She flew outside, looking where the colt pointed.
Plenty of other ponies had been awoken by the commotion, but plenty more had noticed something else through their windows. Many ponies stood out on the streets, looking towards the horizon. There, in the direction of the ocean, was something very large, something impossible to miss. It was a brightness, a pillar of comforting pure light, reaching the sky and beyond. It was like a beacon, and it reminded Twilight very much of the note she had read from Minny Miner.
It seems I have somewhere to be, Twilight thought.
Dun dun DUNNNN!!!!
Okay I just need to criticize one big thing - when you're talking about pony numbers and throwing around hard numbers and fractions? Don't do that. Seriously - it looks and reads terribly as well as could potentially cause problems later on if you decide that those factions are larger or smaller than you've claimed here.
Be more vague, talk about majorities, minorities and splinter groups instead of hard figures. You might get away with percentages if you use actual words and not numbers though - 'around thirty percent' rather than 'around 30 percent'. I, personally, am of the view that one should never use actual digits unless the written form is more than two words long (ie: 'one hundred and two' is too long, but 'twenty three' is not) though i'll admit this is a contentious issue in use of numbers in writing.
I will say: Why doesn't this have more reviews or likes? This story is damn AWESOME and well fleshed out and the everything.
Even though I've been reading with a annoying headache I still read through the entire story because it was and is just that damn awesome!
And I'm not sure if you are going to do anything with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy but I hope they have at least SOMETHING to do with the story at some point!
Anywho, if they really are gone then I must have missed that part of the story while reading.
Is the pillar of light multiple beacons?