• Published 13th Sep 2013
  • 7,940 Views, 167 Comments

A Princess Does Not Fall in Love - The6thMaster

Princess Celestia can anticipate, and prepare, for almost anything. However, after overlooking an important detail, will she discover that not everything in life needs a plan?

  • ...

Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better, Part Two.

"No," the guard posted at the front of the doors to the Royal Canterlot Library might as well have been chiseled out of stone for all the give he had in him.

"Aw, come on. We promised we ain't gonna mess any of the books up!" Applebloom tried to put on her best and most convincing look of adorable pleading. She'd even put her lip out!

But that didn't seem to be working for the stallion on duty, nor did the similiar looks that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were giving seem to have any effect.

Sweetie Belle tried again, they'd been at this for at least five minutes and the Cutiemark Crusaders were committed to getting inside. "Can't you please just let us in for a litt-"

She didn't get a chance to finish. Annoyed, the guard cut her off. "The library is not a place to play in, it's restricted to those without a valid reason or permission. After what happened in the armory I think it's best if you find somewhere else to spend your afternoon."

Now it was Scootaloo who looked ready to argue, even though she'd been the least interested in this particular adventure. "Hey! We said we were sorry. We even cleaned it all up."

Yelling at the guard wasn't going to get them into the library any sooner, but it did sound more satisfying.

"Without supervision of a pony that has regular access to the library you cannot enter." That was that, Applebloom could hear the tone of finality in the pronouncement.

Defeated, the three friends turned around with their heads downcast.

"What are we going to do now? We really almost got Princess Luna last night." Sweetie Belle gave spoken word to what they were all thinking.

Scootaloo kicked a pebble that was in her way. "Maybe there's a few prank shops in Canterlot we can get ideas from. Like the place we got the dummy head and fake blood."

That sounded like a decent idea, at least; but Applebloom knew that their efforts to win the game were going to take something even more convincing and terrifying. "I 'spose, but Princess Luna is gonna be onto us the next time we use some sort of regular scary stuff."

The Cutiemark Crusaders were interrupted by the sound of padding feet. Looking up, Applebloom saw a very much annoyed purple dragon glaring at them.

"Okay, I give up." Spike said, folding his claws over his chest. "It's been days, where's Twilight?"

Confused, Applebloom glanced to her friends. "Twilight went off on some sorta adventure, Spike. She didn't send ya a letter?"

"No, she didn't. So she went off to fight bad guys huh, and nobody thought to tell me?" Where he'd looked annoyed before, Spike now looked outright on the verge of exploding.

Sweetie Belle was the first to step forward, putting a forehoof against his shoulder. "Aw, don't be upset, Spike. It sounded like it was a real serious emergency, Twilight and the others were probably all just thinking about stopping the Ragnawhatever."

Spike didn't shy away from the touch, but he didn't look all that much happier. "I guess, so the rest of you have all been in Canterlot this whole time?"

Nodding, Scootaloo gestured up at the palace right behind them. "Mhm, we've been trying to scare Princess Luna!"

Squinting, the 'baby' dragon scratched his head. "Scare Princess Luna? Oh! You mean like that game where you freaked out half of Ponyville? I'm still amazed you guys managed to get the fog machines to cover the town before anyone noticed."

Applebloom was happy that they had at least someone praising their past work. Even if that particular prank had put them in a whole heap of trouble for convincing the town that terrifying monsters were going to eat them. She grinned wide, "It wasn't easy! But it was kinda interesting how everypony ran into the grocery store all at once."

Before they could continue talking about their past antics they all were interrupted by the sound of trumpets ringing out. Out of one of the main entrances of the palace a few dozen feet away appeared Princess Celestia, heading down the walkway and towards a carriage. Curiously enough, she wasn't alone.

"Big Macintosh?" Applebloom couldn't help saying her brother's name, absolutely confused that he was walking side by side with Celestia. Not only walking, but speaking with her.

Spike looked confused too, his focus on Celestia. "Huh..."

Sweetie Belle looked over at the dragon, who Applebloom had always suspected Sweetie had a crush on. "Something the matter, Spike?"

The purple dragon didn't speak right away, pursing his lips in thought for a moment. "Just that Princess Celestia looks...different."

"Different how?" Interested, Scootaloo had joined the others to watch Celestia, Macintosh and a guard file into a waiting carriage and then set out towards the city.

Shrugging, Spike turned to look at the CMC. "Happy, I guess. I'm not sure, she just doesn't look quite how she usually does when I've seen her go out to do princess stuff."

"Princess Celestia isn't happy?" Applebloom couldn't help but ask, momentarily distracted from wondering what business the Princess had with her brother.

Waving his hands, Spike also shook his head quickly by way of answer. "No no. Well, not unhappy. Well, how do I explain it? Princess Celestia kinda raised me when I was just hatched."

"So Princess Celestia is your mom then?" Sweetie interrupted him, Applebloom had even had the same thought herself when she'd heard that.

"Well..." Spike seemed to think about it for a second. "Not really, I kind of grew up with everypony in the whole Palace taking care of me, and Twilight's parents too. But I guess she kinda is? Anyway, I don't think I've ever seen Princess Celestia look so relaxed."

Now that Applebloom thought about it, she'd seen Big Macintosh look more lively than she'd usually seen him. They'd been talking, hadn't even seemed to notice Spike and the three of them. "Big Mac looked pretty relaxed too. They was hanging out yesterday, something about planting an apple field."

"Maybe they like each other." Scootaloo commented.

Both Spike and Applebloom immediately turned to stare at the orange filly, mirrored expressions of disbelief. "What? No way!" They even had said that in unison.

Scootaloo looked more confused than anything at that reaction. "Not like that! Maybe they're just like...friends or something,"

Even that sounded weird. Her brother might have a personal friendship with Princess Celestia? But it wasn't quite the same as what Applebloom had first jumped to, at least. "Maybe," she allowed at length.

"Yeah, no way," Sweetie Belle agreed, nodding. "Besides, Miss Cheerilee and Big Macintosh are together."

Wincing, Applebloom gave a strained smile. "Actually, Sweetie, Big Macintosh told me they're just friends. They went out onna date and all, Granny Smith was even talkin about great grandkids, but I don't think anything came of it."

"Oh..." Sweetie's ears drooped, she looked as if she'd just heard the worst news in the world. Applebloom had known Sweetie Belle took after her older sister as something of a romantic, but it was a bit surprising to see it so openly displayed.

Scootaloo was scratching her mane a bit, glancing between the two of them. "I thought Fluttershy and Big Mac were a couple. Wasn't that why she came over to your house for dinner?"

"Well..." Applebloom hadn't expected to be holding such an in depth conversation about her older brother's love life today. "I think that was more about Applejack than anything, she was the one who asked Fluttershy to come over."

She'd paused, just a moment to think about how the dinner had gone over and her observations when Spike chimed in looking confused. "Wait, Applejack likes Fluttershy?"

"No, Spike." Applebloom sighed, rubbing at her face with a hoof. "I think my sister was just trying to set Fluttershy up with Big Macintosh, onna account that just about everypony thinks they'd be perfect for each other and all."

"Ohhh, right." Spike nodding, drawing himself in on the conversation. For a moment it'd looked like he'd been about to wander off on his own.

"So what happened?" Sweetie Belle prodded, evidently now 'over' the revelation that their efforts to find a coltfriend for their teacher hadn't worked out.

"Hold yer horses, I was just gettin to that." Applebloom could remember the dinner they'd had. For her part, she'd thought it was altogether entertaining. But for all the adults in the room it had probably seemed pretty awkward. "Big Mac and Fluttershy hardly spoke to each other the whole time. Not that they didn't get along but, er, my brother ain't the most talkative of ponies. So nothin happened."

"Oh," Sweetie and Scootaloo shrugged, not having much else to add.

"What were we talking about again?" Spike asked aloud, glancing between the three of them.

There was a pause, Applebloom knew they'd started talking about her brother first and that was because of..."Oh yeah, Princess Celestia and my brother.." Just saying it like that sounded weird. Not that Applebloom thought her brother wasn't good enough, but Princess Celestia was the closest thing to a deity in her mind. Imagining the tall, regal alicorn, for whom history books often set their ages by in a relationship with anyone seemed hard to believe.

Spike seemed to share her sentiment, rolling his eyes. "Right, anyway. I guess I should head back to Ponyville." With a small slump to his shoulders the purple dragon turned away.

"Wait, hold on a second Spike." Sweetie moved around to stand in front of him. "Maybe you could stay here and help us?"

Hearing that gave Applebloom an idea. "Hey yeah! Spike, you could get in the library can't ya?"

Out of the corner of her eye she could swear that the guard they'd been harassing suddenly stiffened. Spike only looked confused, slowly nodding. "Yeah, I can. Twilight and I spent a lot of time in there whenever she needed to study. How are you going to scare Princess Luna with books?"

Sweetie beamed at the chance to explain what had been her idea. "I thought there would be lots of neat spells inside the magic section of the library! If Princess Luna isn't expecting it we could really get her good."

"You want to go to the Starswirl the Bearded Wing?" Applebloom could see that faint alarm on Spike's face, but he hadn't quite said he wouldn't help them get in. "I mean, a lot of those spells are hard for even Twilight to cast. No offense Sweetie, but most of those spells are also kinda dangerous if you don't know what you're doing."

"That's what I said." Scootaloo muttered, not one for books in any particular context.

Pouting again, and this one was sure to work, Applebloom watched Sweetie Belle go in for the kill. "Aw, but you'll help tell us what would work and what wouldn't right? I know you wouldn't let me get hurt." Committed to the sell, Sweetie even batted her eyelashes.

Applebloom thought that last bit was overkill. Sweetie must have been watching how Rarity got what she wanted a little too closely. Though if it had been Rarity asking Spike in that way he probably would have even fallen over himself to open the door.

It didn't quite have the intended effect, but Spike shrugged. "I guess I could, I don't really have much else to do anyway," He'd spoken slowly, glancing between the three of them.

Getting their way, which was their favorite thing to do, all three of the Cutiemark Crusaders jumped into the air and shouted in unison. "Cutiemark Crusader Spell Researchers, yay!"

Their audience of two, if the guard was included, gave them a deadpan stare. "How do you three even know what to shout at the same time?" Spike said, rubbing a claw on the inside of his ear.

"You know, I always figured gambling was illegal," Big Mac was looking around the expansive hall they'd both just entered.

There were hundreds of ponies, all of them bowing low. The ground floor of the Canterlot Convention Center was packed with slot machines, card tables, roulette wheels and other games that Celestia was less familiar with. "It usually is. Except in certain locations," she answered. "At least when money is involved."

Everything had stopped, as it usually did when she arrived. Macintosh looked uncomfortable, almost as much the center of attention next to her as she was. More than a few bowing ponies were sneaking a peak, and their eyes were almost certainly not on their princess. Breaks from the norm didn't happen very often, Celestia wasn't surprised. "Its quite alright, my little ponies, I hope you all enjoy the evening."

That was the cue to stand, and the assembly obeyed. Passing through, Macintosh following just behind her, Celestia surveyed the crowd. There were a number of familiar faces, all of them smiling brightly. Some of these ponies were significantly older than the last time Celestia recalled meeting them. There was Biscuit, the last time she'd seen the just off-white earth pony mare she had been starting up a business. Now her vases were decorating the palace.

Then there was Glitter, they'd spoken three years ago. Patches looked like he'd already retired from racing. Had it been that long? Before Celestia could think about other familiar ponies, she saw a very young unicorn foal looking with wide, eager eyes at the constant spinning symbols of a slot machine. The thing was loud, bells chiming along with the sound of bits falling in a pile. The filly in question was a few feet away from it, not even touching the slot machine but simply looking at it in wonder.

Silver blue coat, darker blue mane and no cutiemark. Celestia had a hunch. Even though the official charity event hadn't started she diverted from her course to walk over and then stand next to the filly. "They have a lot more of these in Las Pegasus, you know."

The young filly just about jumped out of her skin, turning and looking with wide eyes at Celestia. In a few moments she registered just who had spoken to her and bowed. "P-princess Celestia."

"Its okay, my little pony," Smiling, she always smiled when dealing with children, Celestia raised a hoof and gently patted the filly on her head. "What is your name?"

"I'm Rain Drop," Rain Drop said, rising onto her hooves, nearly as wide eyed as when she'd been admiring the slots. But besides her name, Rain Drop didn't seem much interested in speaking up.

A little push seemed to be in order. "Maybe you should try putting a bit in and pulling the handle."

She might as well have accused the little filly of murder, by how startled she had suddenly become. "W-what? Oh no, uhm, Princess. Those things are for grown ups."

"It'll be okay, you have my permission. " The more eyes that drifted over to see what had stopped their Princess would end up making Rain Drop more and more nervous. For the moment she wasn't quite aware of the attention.

Fortunately her encouragement did the trick, and the young filly produced a bit. One that had fallen to the floor when Celestia had startled her. Posting on her back hooves, the bit dropped in and then she tugged down onto the lever. A symphony of loud electronic sounds rang out, with the three spinning wheels inside of the slot machine moving in a blur. They settled on three symbols, all the same horseshoe. Out poured bits, Rain Drop was showered in them.

But the filly only stared in awe, her mouth turning into a smile. Instantly she scooped up a bit and inserted it back into the machine. Down went the lever and the machine spun. Rain Drop did not win that time, but that didn't stop her. By now the whole building was looking her way, along with what appeared to be her parents approaching. While Rain Drop didn't see it, there had been a small flash of light along her sides. A pair of dice, right on her flank. She'd earned her cutiemark.

Her work quite finished, Celestia quietly excused herself away from the excited filly. Her parents would be able to tell her the good news, assuming they were quite happy their daughter had a special talent for gambling. Most likely not, but ponies rarely had much of a say in what they were good at.

She went back to where Big Macintosh was standing, he'd stopped and stood still as soon as she'd diverted off to see about Rain Drop. Her friend was looking at her curiously, and appeared to be about to say something. She had a hunch what his first comment would be, a little game she often played with anyone she spoke with regularly. She was entertained by being right when he did choose to speak. "You like doin that, don't you?"

Celestia had started to walk towards the table set aside for her, at the far end of the hall and close by an upraised podium. Macintosh only paused a second before he picked up his own walk, one step behind and off to her right. Turning to look at him, and to answer his question, she smiled brightly. "Why whatever do you mean, Big Mac?"

"You set that filly up to get her mark, clear as day." He retorted almost immediately. It wasn't even an accusation, she could hear the simple fact in his voice.

She hadn't been trying very hard to play dumb, but the idea of admitting to her methods didn't come naturally. It almost felt like a magician revealing her tricks. "I simply made a educated guess. When you have been a princess as long as I have, you tend to notice things quickly."

He considered that for a moment, glancing off for a few seconds and mulling it over. "Hard to argue with results, I reckon. Not sure how the whole special talent thing works. Whether it's destiny or just what we want it to be. You think she'd have gotten the same mark if you hadn't encouraged her?"

A very philosophical question, and one that didn't even surprise Celestia at this point. Anyone who assumed that Big Macintosh was dumb by his few words, occupation and accent were sorely mistaken. "I've found it to be a bit of both, actually. We can always make choices. I don't think there is any absolute destiny in anything we do, but some things are set just by who we are. My destiny is to always protect Equestria, and that is because of my choice in the matter. You are a farmer because that is your calling, though if you truly wished to be otherwise you could."

Big Macintosh hummed in consideration, though they had arrived at their destination before he had a chance to reply. Seated were two very familiar stallions, and two less familiar mares. Clockwise around the table were Fancy Pants, his longtime girlfriend Fleur De Lis, Prince Blueblood and an orange unicorn mare that Celestia did not know.

They'd all risen collectively, and nodded politely. Proper etiquette for rising from a table, though neither Prince Blueblood or his date were particularly looking her way. Their eyes were on Big Macintosh, and they were not pleased. Though Blueblood only looked to be sneering, his date looked outright unhappy.

Fancy Pants broke from the table and bowed. "Princess Celestia, I hope you approve of the tone of the charity event today. On behalf of my charity I am very grateful that you would grace us with your presence." he was certainly playing up the charm, Celestia knew the importance of having her favor in the high class social circles of Canterlot.

She nodded, making a point of looking about the hall. "I am very grateful that you planned and hosted this event. The Royal Crown is generally unable to be seen hosting charities." Fancy Pants grinned wide, high class ponies were seated all around them. Eavesdropping on the Princess was not strictly polite, but good words from her were like currency. Though it necessitated she doll out praise here and there, it was valuable because gave it scarcely.

If that meant that the upper classes would occasionally perform important acts of philanthropy, in order to curry favor with her, it was a small price to pay. She did continue speaking, before anyone else could comment. "I can see the logic of basing it around gambling, that ponies of all social circles will be interested in games of chance. Though I cannot say I approve of manipulating them out of bits they might not have given out of the goodness of their heart."

Praise tempered with warning. Anyone with an ounce of perception could hear 'don't make it a habit'. Charity was important, but inadvertently putting hardship on a single pony would defeat the point. Blueblood was looking rather smug, he'd probably taken the high road to get underneath Fancy Pant's skin before she and Big Mac had arrived.

No amount of trickery or manipulation could solve their feud. Nor did Celestia particularly want to descend into the realm of petty aristocratic rivalry. Hopefully things wouldn't get too unbearable, she was set to sit here for much of the charity event.

While she took her seat, Big Macintosh doing likewise on her right, Big Mac cleared his throat. "Quite the fancy set up you got here." He'd deliberately glanced towards the open floor casino, then back to Fancy Pants.

Celestia was caught off guard that her stoic friend had been the first to start conversion, with small talk no less. Fancy Pants adjusted his monocle and answered. "It is quite the arrangement, yes. I had many of the games shipped here from Las Pegsus. My good..." He paused, prompting for a name.

"I'm Macintosh Apple." Big Macintosh replied.

There was a snort of derision from the other side of the table. She turned to look at her nephew, Blueblood still looking none to pleased at the moment.

Fancy Pants endeavored to ignore the interruption, smiling graciously instead. "Ah, well I am very pleased to meet you Mister Apple. It is always nice to meet a good friend of the princess. Are you enjoying your stay in Canterlot?"

"Eeyup." Macintosh answered simply, nodding as he did.

Celestia had nearly started to giggle at how he'd answered. Already she'd picked up 'eeyup' as something of a trademark of his and it entirely fit with everything of who Big Macintosh was. Only nearly giggled, though, as she cut herself off when more than a few eyes from the table glanced her way.

Of like mind with Blueblood, his date looked equally sour. With a chance to discreetly inspect her now that she was closer, Celestia recalled seeing her before. But where?

"Blueblood? I do not believe you have introduced us to your date," she asked after coming up with nothing. There was no harm in asking, and she already knew how he'd respond.

Prince Blueblood did not disappoint. Looking quite pleased, he drew himself up and motioned towards his date. Said date was also quite happy to have her attention. "I apologize, auntie." Celestia breathed out automatically. On days that her adopted nephew behaved, 'auntie' wasn't so bad. He'd been on something of a bad streak of late, and so it grated. "This is my date, Orange Tart." She smiled brightly, though directed specifically towards Celestia. Big Macintosh, even Fancy and Fleur, might as well have not existed.

"Very pleased to meet you, your highness. I've heard so very much about how you and Blue run Equestria." Orange Tart dipped her head, and Blueblood looked all the happier for her comment.

Run Equestria, was it? Celestia had a guess that the budget meeting this morning had even been described by him as a conquest. Maybe a little humbling was in order, though her nephew was less of a worry than the question of where she'd seen Orange Tart befo-

Oh, Celestia remembered where. This was one of the 'high class' mares who had harassed Big Macintosh on the street yesterday. What a coincidence.

She knew just the thing that would take the air out of both of their sails. "I suppose then it was a good thing that I also brought a date, then. Big Macintosh is my guest of honor." Celestia smiled over to Big Macintosh, glances turned to complete attention as they usually did whenever she spoke. "He is the brother of the Element of Honesty, the owner of Sweet Apple Acres and a personal friend of mine."

Now the focus went to Big Macintosh, the two pairs of Canterlot high society giving him different looks after her introduction. Blueblood and Orange Tart looked like they'd bitten into lemons, while Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis were more impressed.

"I absolutely adore your farm's cider, Big Mac," Fleur spoke up, the roll of her accent clearly identifying her as a native of Prance. "My only complaint is that there is never enough of it when the season comes."

Macintosh was stoic enough not to blush at any of the praise, though Celestia had caught him looking her way with more than an open look of curiosity. That same measured look, which for the particularly observant princess had become something of a nagging question in the back of her mind. "That's mighty kind of you to say, ma'am," was his reply.

Fleur waved him off with a hoof. "Oh please, my mother is called madam. You may call me Fleur."

At Big Mac's left, Fancy Pants extended a hoof for a shake which Macintosh took readily enough. "While Fleur may be fond of the cider, I confess a weakness for that absolutely unique jam of yours. Just how do you get it to have that coloration?"

What followed was a rather enjoyable explanation on the complex and seemingly nonsensical method to produce Zap Apple Jam. Even Celestia was a bit mystified about what talking to bees had to do with the process, but was sure that Big Macintosh knew what he was talking about. Both Fancy Pants and Fleur appeared genuinely interested, with none of the usual snobbery one would expect when high class ponies entreated with those 'lower' than themselves.

Of course, not everyone at the table was quite so polite. Blueblood spoiled the moment by clearing his throat. "I believe the audience has seated. When exactly will your event properly begin, Fancy? I do hope this isn't one of those dawdling affairs you host every month, we don't all have the time to share lowbrow gossip."

The two stallions traded looks of disdain, with Fancy Pants turning to face him. Well, it was bound to happen eventually. But now Macintosh had been introduced well enough, and even had new acquaintances.

"I believe that I am to give the speech, correct?" she said, rising up from her seat which resulted in the entire hall of ponies rising as well. She'd never do anything to one of her subjects if they showed her casual disrespect, like not rising from a seat when she did; but it was always nice to see such basic politeness. Those little things made her long centuries of ruling all worthwhile, made her feel appreciated.

Fancy Pants nodded, not speaking lest he interrupt the silence that had descended over the audience. Where there had been chatter before, a pin drop could be heard, save for the occasional cough or shuffle of hooves. The podium awaited, hundreds of ponies eager to listen to their princess speak to them.

Public speaking might as well have become her cutiemark instead of the sun while running Equestria. It'd become so routine by now that Celestia didn't need anything for something as basic as starting off a charity drive. She'd composed it in her head on the carriage ride over. Though more than a fair amount of her time had been spent chatting with Big Mac. Fortunately nobody was expecting her to knock it out of the park, because she wasn't going to.

A sea of faces was in front of her, most of them familiar. The hushed silence continued, with eager looks coming from both old and young. Celestia took a deep breath, focusing on what she wanted to say and putting all other thoughts out of her mind. "I am always so very proud of all of you, my little ponies. Whenever there's an important cause in need of help I have never been disappointed by the kind of generosity on display right here."

There was a fair share of polite applause at that, the crowd beaming with pride at her effusive praise. She'd meant it as well, and waited for the crowd to settle. "While I'm sure you're all excited for the chance to play the various games that have been assembled here, do not forget that we are here to help others. The Canterlot Research Center tirelessly works to treat illnesses, every bit donated is a step towards a healthier future."

Again, applause. Celestia could spare a glance back towards her table, meeting the gaze of Big Macintosh. He'd been looking at her while she spoke. But eye contact led to the farm pony suddenly coughing, looking away and reaching for a glass of water.

She could only guess what he was thinking, and not for very long. It was quiet, her cue to continue. "As I understand the event, you may purchase tokens to be used for the various games. These tokens are not redeemable or it would be a real casino, not a charity." Laughter now, Celestia guessed that the draw of gambling, even if none could win money, had brought a number of ponies who were experienced in games of chance. "I encourage you all to play in any way you like, but let us not spoil the evening if you happen to find yourself losing a number of your tokens. Thank you and I hope that tonight is as enjoyable for you as it is beneficial for the Canterlot Research Center."

There, done neat as a bow. Ponies were here to donate money and have fun, not here to listen to their princess ramble on endlessly. With the final round of applause washing over the large room she returned to her seat. More direct praise was waiting for her.

"An excellent speech, your highness." Fancy Pants looked rather pleased, turning himself to survey the audience of ponies who were disseminating about now; talking amongst themselves or otherwise starting up their game of choice.

Blueblood gave a huff, still looking his usual disproving self. "Are we expected to move amongst the rabble and gamble with them? I might as well just leave a sizable donation and be done with it."

Celestia had had just about enough of her nephew's attitude. But before she could speak Big Macintosh suddenly spoke up, quieting them all.

"Ain't nothing stopping you, but I figured we could have a card game here." Macintosh didn't look any more impressed with Blueblood than the rest of the table, and there was a hint of challenge in his voice. " 'course I understand if someponies ain't got any skill at it."

It was quite amusing to see the twitch of Blueblood's right eye. Where he'd just been getting up from the table, as had his date, her nephew sat down instantly. "A game of cards? And I suppose you have some backwoods version of poker that we'd never be expected to know of."

With a shrug, Big Mac ignored the insults. "Well the 'back woods' game I like best ain't exactly complicated. Personally I never understood that nonsense game, the one with the piece of wood you flip the cards with? Hold em' takes a bit more skill."

Before Blueblood could reply, most likely with some more snide comments, Filthy Rich leaned forward. "I confess to having never heard of this 'Hold em' game myself, how exactly does it work?"

While Celestia had never thought of herself as a gambler, the way Macintosh explained the rules of his favored type of poker game did sound interesting enough. Usually her role in any sort of social occasion was to sit idly and be seen, her presence doing the work for her. She could also go about and find the latest things that concerned her subjects. The only thing she particularly wanted to do was spend time chatting with her friend. So long as she could do that she was sure her evening would go very well.

But the game did sound rather fun. It involved community cards for the whole table to rely on while giving two to each individual. Bets went in rounds, a new card being revealed each time until there were five. Once all were out, the players who did not fold revealed their cards and the highest value won the entire pot.

Even Blueblood was paying attention, and Big Macintosh made a surprisingly good teacher. He'd waved over a worker for a deck of cards, shuffled them while he spoke and dealt them out for everyone. He'd even given her a pair, Celestia inspecting her new two cards: the image of herself with a heart background and a seven of diamonds.

The rest of the table was also inspecting their cards, even as Mac ran through flipping over what he referred to as the 'river'. Then, asking them to lay their cards out for the purpose of demonstration he ran through the list of winning combinations and their relative value. Fleur was the one who won, with something that Big Macintosh said was a straight. Fleur brightened immediately, and looked around the table."Ah, shall we be playing with chips then? I do enjoy a challenge."

That was something they could all agree on without incident and it took only a short conversation with one of the supervisors to secure a rather plentiful amount of tokens. Blueblood raised a hoof, giving a wicked smirk. "I suppose it would be discourteous of us to not purchase our own amounts." His glance had been specifically towards Fancy Pants, but he didn't miss the chance to dismiss Big Mac as well.

Fancy frowned, nodding slowly. "Of course, and just how many bits are you willing to donate?"

"I am not quite sure, truthfully I have not donated anything to your little charity. I do have so many of my own to choose from. But I could spare twenty thousand bits easily enough."

The charity worker who had rolled out a tray of multicolored gaming chips choked when he'd overheard that amount. Fleur, Big Macintosh and even Orange Tart were staring at Blueblood.

Fancy Pants snorted, shrugging. "Is that all, old bean? I haven't put much of my own wealth directly into the charity, thinking my time enough, but if we are to have a game I would not mind one hundred thousand bits worth of tokens."

Now stares were going towards Fancy Pants, though Celestia was more surprised that Blueblood had managed to goad him into a donation of that size. It was actually a little unfair, since now Blueblood was going to be at a disadvantage in betti-

"Hmpf, did I say twenty thousand?" Blueblood stared evenly at Fancy Pants. "I will pledge two hundred thousand."

"Then you will not mind if I offer up three hundred and fifty thousand bits." Fancy Pants did not even wait for the table to look his way to give his retort.

Blueblood narrowed his eyes. "I suppose, out of my boundless generosity for such important causes, that I can instead raise my charity to five hundred thousand bits." He didn't sound very happy saying it, as far as Celestia could tell. Knowing his finances there could not be much more room for him to show off with. Not if he wanted to live in his usual affluent lifestyle.

Fancy Pants adjusted his monocle, looking no more pleased. "Half a million sounds like quite enough. By all means bring out the tokens."

The rest of the table sat, stunned at the rapid escalation of donations. Ultimately it was both Fancy and Blueblood's dates that broke the silence. "Er, Fancy?" Fleur tugged at his suit sleeve. "I do not have even a fraction of that many bits, would you be willing to split with me?"

Orange Tart fluffed her mane for a moment and sighed. "Darling, I don't suppose you're willing to share some, are you? So that I can play?"

Macintosh coughed, turning to look over at Celestia. She didn't even need the two previous requests to know that it was quite a bit more than the farmer was liable to have. She leaned towards him and smiled, keeping her voice low. "I'd be happy to provide some of my bits with you Macintosh, you don't even need to ask."

He nodded, whispering as well. "I wasn't about to beg, or nothing. Wasn't sure if you were even gonna play, but I got something of a soft spot for gambling. Every once and awhile my family and I spend an evening playing, but about the only challenge I get is with Granny Smith. Applebloom is still right small, and Applejack can't hide a bad hoof to save her life."

That was a surprisingly touching bit of personal confidence on his part. "I can't say I've had a lot of experience with card games," she replied, still close next to him. "I'm sure the rest of the table will be quite a challenge for you, but I'm likely to be beaten rather soundly."

Macintosh snorted, a rare grin now showing. "Ain't nothing to it. All you have to do is fold when you got a lousy draw. Bet low when you have somethin' good so you don't spook the table. Pretty soon you'll get a feel for how the rest of the table plays, iff'n you pay attention."

That did sound like a lot of fun. It wasn't even so much about luck, but perception. Poker might just end up becoming something she was rather fond of, which would likely be the absolute death of any chance of gambling becoming illegal in Equestria. Maybe Luna would enjoy learning how to play, and surely she could ask Big Mac to come visit later for potential 'poker nights'. Maybe she should ask if Cada-.

"Ahem." That was Blueblood, but the rest of the three at the table were also all looking their way.

Suddenly it dawned on Celestia just how...close the two of them had been. Whispering quietly to one another, giggling and obviously enjoying each others company. The solution was not to straighten up immediately. 'Don't blush, you're not a schoofilly' was her mantra. Fancy Pants and Blueblood were perceptive enough to make assumptions on what they'd seen, they didn't need confirmation.

"I would be happy to receive half a million bits worth, in addition to the crown's already sizable donation to the charity." Prim and proper, she even adjusted her wings and sat perfectly upright. It wasn't as if the moment had been improper so there was no reason to go denying what hadn't happened. Soon the chips were arranged in front of herself, Fancy Pants and Blueblood. Then they all split with their dates.

Celestia blinked, accidentally knocking a stack of tokens over with a burst of telekinesis. Fancy Pants and Prince Blueblood had dates, she'd just brought her friend. Actually, she had referred to Big Macintosh as her date before when introducing him. She hadn't even realized that until now. Oh dear, hopefully they thought of that in the more platonic sense. Of course they would, she was just being paranoid.

She really had to stop doing that to herself. Stumbles in her head weren't something to worry about. She did enjoy Big Macintosh's company a great deal, he wouldn't be here about to play a card game with them if she didn't. If Luna were here, and privy to her thoughts, she would be probably laughing and insisting that she had been right.

Fortunately Celestia was saved from the theoretical teasing of her younger sister by two cards being rapidly placed in front of her. She could dwell on her relationships later. The first round of the game had started, and she had to pay due attention. Otherwise she'd miss the last few nuances that Big Macintosh would have had to spend more minutes explaining. The 'river' was laid out, blinds placed and the poker game was on.

Her first 'hoof' was a little underwhelming. A three of clubs and a seven of hearts. Though looking at the river she had some hope. Three of spades, a Luna of diamonds and six of clubs. She had a pair already! This was actually rather thrilling, and Celestia had to work at not grinning.

The rest of the table was a mixed bag of skill in keeping what they were thinking in check. Blueblood was fairly neutral, and he had laid his cards face down onto the table. Orange Tart was still holding hers, and glancing back and forth between them and the community cards. Fleur let out a noticeable sigh, before lowering her cards. Fancy Pants was glancing about the table, much as Celestia had.

Big Macintosh had dealt the cards. As he'd explained, the first thing to do was for the pony clockwise of the dealer to put in a 'blind'. Celestia placed two of the lowest chips into the center and waited for Fancy Pants to do likewise. Fleur put in the two required, as did Blueblood seconds later. Orange Tart was still looking at her cards when Blueblood nudged her. Surprised, she flushed a bit and placed the necessary chips.

Eyes fell on Big Mac when he placed a hoof on a sizable stack of chips and pushed them into the center. "Raise," he said. Eyebrows rose, and Blueblood snorted.

"Trust a commoner to be loose with money that is not his. Very well, I can see that the number of players will be quickly one shorter at this rate." Her nephew reached for a drink. Celestia knew she was frowning, and couldn't help it.

Big Macintosh shrugged, not even looking put out by the rather rude comment. "Ain't a poker game without bettin'," he replied simply.

As long as Big Mac continued to take Blueblood's jabs at him in stride she was without much ground for reprimand. At least here in public, Blueblood would be getting an earful shortly. She made a mental note to be sure of it.

But even still, the banter seemed to be a natural part of the game. Right, the game. Celestia realized in a few moments that it was her turn. Before Big Mac's bet the next card would have been revealed. But now she had to choose whether to fold or not. Macintosh had said that it was a poor idea to bet when you did not have much anything. She did have a pair of threes, but that was rather low. Was Big Mac merely bluffing or did he actually have something?

While she considered her options, Blueblood placed his drink down. "There is a fine difference between a bet and a sure loss. You cannot possibly know what everypony else here has. How many did you even place down?"

"Ten thousand, most money I ever bet in my life. Though I spose' it's all the charities money now. Might be nice to win one and a half million, if'n I could keep it. Prolly give my granny a heart attack though. "

Eventually Celestia settled on matching the bet to stay in, and in went nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety eight chips.

Fancy Pants folded immediately and with no comment besides announcing his move. Fleur matched the bet, and smiled at Big Macintosh. "This game is already quite exciting, I think."

The turn fell on Blueblood, who tapped a hoof against his pile. Looking at Big Macintosh, he scowled. "I do not believe you have anything in your hoof." He slid the requisite number of chips into the center.

Orange Tart matched as well, leaving a sizable pile on the table. A fourth card was added on the table, a eight of hearts. Useless to her but possibly an aid somewhere for the remaining players.

As the next round fell to her Celestia elected to tap her hoof on the table. She'd seen that motion done by Blueblood when he hadn't bet.

As Fancy had folded, the next turn was for Fleur. She followed the same motion of tapping her hoof.

Next was Blueblood, and again his hoof tapped his stash. Intrigued, Celestia made a mental note to watch that. Perhaps it was a tell of his when he was thinking of betting.

"As you said, farmer. It is not a game without betting." In went twenty thousand bits.

The proverbial gauntlet had been thrown. Though the next turn fell on Orange Tart. She looked from her cards to the river and then back again. Another possible tell, since it meant she likely had something but was not confident about it.

Orange matched the bet, and then put her two cards face down on the table.

Then it was on Big Macintosh. "You're sure right about that, Blue. though, shucks, I suddenly ain't feeling so confident 'bout my chances." In went his chips, but Celestia was now alarmed.

When had his accent become so pronounced? Or his words so imprecise? Cautiously she added to the pot in order to stay in while looking at Big Mac out of the corner of her eye.

Her nephew had not liked being referred to as 'Blue', but she could read the self satisfied confirmation of dismissing Big Macintosh on his face. The assumption that he was simply a ignorant farmer, and it made her want to stand up defend him. But that would be rather improper, and she would just have to have faith that the qualities she liked best about her friend would shine through and put Blueblood in his place.

Fleur was visibly cautious as well, her eyes going towards Big Macintosh and then leaning in to whisper something inaudible to Fancy. He listened and then nodded, neither sharing the comment. More chips were added, and Prince Blueblood was smirking while allowing the round to proceed.

Another card was drawn and presented, a four of clubs. Hm, that seemed an otherwise useless draw. But as the table took in the new card, Celestia caught the slightest of frowns from Blueblood. Good, that meant whatever he'd been hoping for hadn't' come up. Perhaps it was time to go on the offensive? She hadn't had a chance to raise, and the pot was only at about one hundred and fifty thousand.

Since it was her turn to bet, she lit the appropriate bits up in an aura of magic and slid them forward. Twenty five thousand, as she'd put them each in neat five thousand stacks.

So far Fancy Pants had been quiet, merely watching the game progress. But once she'd bet, he turned to look at his marefriend. "Darling, I do hope you have something. It seems like there are quite a few here that think they do."

Concentrating, her eyes flicking around the table, Fleur spared Fancy a deadpan look. "If I were to show you I think it would defeat the purpose of trying to win, no? Shh." She matched the current bet, even as Fancy Pants grinned at her. Which provoked a sharp nudge in the side, and then they were both smiling.

Blueblood was less cheerful, and as far as Celestia could tell hadn't even looked at his date. Much more cautiously than before, he matched the bet. She'd even caught hesitation, but then his eyes had went towards Macintosh and became all the more determined.

Orange Tart sighed, reaching for her drink while pushing her cards forward rather than any chips. "I have no interest in losing my bits to you, Princess."

Before she could reply, Blueblood turned to face his date and frowned. "How can you be so certain that she'll be the winner?"

"Beyond simply being Princess Celestia? Just a hunch."

Which was about as much genuine praise as Celestia expected to get from Orange Tart, all things considered. Even the arrogant aristocratic elite knew better than to challenge her on anything meaningful. Untold generations of rule did have a few advantages.

Big Macintosh was the final one to choose between folding or not, and he called her bet with only a placid grin on his features. Then he turned to look her way, and shrugged. "Time to show what we got."

And out came the cards. Celestia revealed her three of clubs and seven of hearts. Fleur was next and revealed an eight of clubs and a four of clubs. Two pair was certainly better than one, and Blueblood only huffed when he spread out a Luna of Hearts and a five of clubs. He'd come very near to a straight, which would have won him the round rather decisively.

Eyes fell on Big Macintosh, who had already revealed what he'd been holding. A jack of Clubs and a ten of hearts. Nothing. Celestia openly stared at the pair of cards, and then up to Big Macintosh for some kind of explanation for how he'd come to bet so much and so quickly on nothing.

She hadn't been the only one, though Blueblood was the first to comment. "I don't know what I was expecting. I suppose I'm hardly surprised. And what exactly were you hoping for?"

Big Macintosh rubbed along his forehead for a moment while looking at the river. "Shoot, that ain't a nine on the river. Guess I shoulda been payin better attention."

That provoked a less than friendly chuckle from both Blueblood and his date, very clearly drawing only more of their initial assumptions. Celestia sighed, still trying to make sense of this new information. Had she been wrong? How could Big Macintosh make such a rapid turn around in his actions?

She barely even paid attention to Fleur taking in the sizable first pot, though Big Mac did turn her way while the rest of the table took a moment to order their food. Macintosh had started to gather up the cards and shuffle them, glancing up at her for a moment. "Ya need me to help you with the dealing at all?" For one, very brief moment, she thought she caught him grinning.

"I...believe I have the hang of it. Though I am rather curious about why you bet how you did." She tried her best to be discreet while asking, collecting the deck of cards and speaking quietly.

Big Macintosh arched an eyebrow at her, his whole body language shifting rapidly back to what Celestia had grown far more used to. Gone was the slouch, the dull open mouth. It startled her enough to make her pause in a quick reshuffle, having tried to imitate his quick work with his hooves. "Game's only just started, but I guess I could tell ya." He murmured, also keeping his voice down.

Rather than reply, Celestia merely stared. He didn't have to even speak at this point for her to guess what he'd been doing. But his words did confirm her immediate suspicion.

"Ponies like these ones over here have a way of making assumptions about us more 'common types'," he begin. Big Mac paused long enough to take a drink, sparing a glance towards Blueblood and Orange Tart. Both of whom were looking at their menus with earnestness while keeping the waiter standing by at the ready. "If I go and let them think they was right, then they won't be payin enough attention later when I tan their hide. They'll read what they wanna read offa my 'tells'. If you catch my meaning."

"I...do." Celestia was more than impressed now. Astounded, even. Big Macintosh had quite skillfully fooled the whole table into thinking he was a stereotypical dim farmer. For one fleeting moment even she had started to wonder.

Big Macintosh shrugged while taking a look at his undersized pile of chips. "In a game with real money I wouldn't have taken the risk. Wouldn't have been right, or even worth it. But I'll do well once I get something good."

Listening to him speak, Celestia was lost in very quick thoughts of her own. Any doubt she had about her estimation of her new friend's worth was quickly blown away. Not just common sense, but a bright sparkling of intelligence. More than enough intelligence to be deceptive, and make her want to learn more. Though there was one thing she had become curious about.

She didn't have much time to ask, either. Fancy and Fleur had settled down for the next round, and Blueblood and Orange would soon be ready.

"Our game is hardly over, Big Mac." Celestia paused for a moment and chose her words carefully. "You've let me in on your trick. Which was very well done. But am I not also playing? "

She'd been expecting it, and so wasn't surprised when Big Mac appeared guarded. The tightened jaw, the tiny frown and ever searching eyes meeting hers. That was a true tell of his, nothing feigned at all. But she hadn't figured out quite what it meant.

As far as Celestia could guess he was thinking over his words as carefully as she did hers. Not only that but he was looking at her, and with an intensity that made Celestia feel exposed. Her pleasant demeanor in public was sincere but she almost never showed her other thoughts. Each time Big Mac looked at her in that quiet way before speaking Celestia wondered if he was looking past and into her soul.

It had driven much of her growing interest in him. Her inability to get an entire 'read'. There was a seemingly a great deal of things about Big Macintosh, things that he did not show much about himself to others. That it mirrored herself made her sure that was the case.

The pause from him had been only brief, but he'd leaned in closer and dropped his voice. Eyes were upon them but it did not seem to concern Big Mac. "I figured I wasn't going to fool you none. And it hardly would matter, I ain't really able to...know what you're thinking much, to be honest. Guess being a princess makes you a natural poker player."

And then he pulled back. Celestia felt her cheeks burning now. Most ponies wouldn't think he'd paid her a compliment but she wasn't most ponies. He did see there was an underneath for her, had figured her out!. And now that her chest felt tight again, she had a better idea what to call that feeling.

On auto pilot, Celestia dealt out the next round of cards. She simply had other things to think on. Big Mac might be the only pony besides her sister to get so near to her. It was almost frightening, but also thrilling. And Celestia banished her prior concerns about the value of more personal friend...relationships. She wanted more.

The second round in poker was a win for Big Macintosh. Though the pot wasn't enough to recoup his initial losses. He'd slipped into a more quiet version of his affected demeanor. Blueblood had concentrated his banter on Fancy Pants.

The poker game continued on while she thought. The future for her had never been more difficult to anticipate. There were too many things out of her experience and out of her control. Was it even possible for her and another to...

"Princess Celestia, I do believe it is your turn to call, raise or fold." Fancy Pants was quite excited this round. He'd folded twice before. As he probably had something, since he had remained in this round Celestia knew her next move.

"I'm afraid I'll be folding, it appears this game is more difficult than I had anticipated." She motioned to a nearby waiter and he quickly joined the table long enough to provide a refill of her drink.

She could dwell on more personal matters later. She had a poker game she wanted to win.

Princess Luna was spending her night upside down. The hallway outside of her bedroom looked very different from this vantage point. She was well hidden, the shadows falling over her had kept her out of sight. Three patrols of guards had came and passed, without even giving the slightest hint that they were aware their princess was acting like a bat.

She had a very good reason for this, naturally. Luna had had quite enough with being terrified out of her wits. Even locking her door could not have been a sure bet, as she'd found her office wide open. She distinctly remembered locking it behind her, even still possessed the key. The Cutiemark Crusaders were far too dangerous and crafty to allow herself to be a victim any longer.

"We shall catch you." Talking to yourself was not the best evidence of sanity, but Luna was sure she would not be able to rest without knowing she'd be secure.

Technically one could argue that using her natural talents to hang on a ceiling was against the spirit, if not the letter of the rules set for the game. Luna could have always hung herself upside down, if she had been so inclined. Provided she was not using magic specifically to locate or foil her three archenemies she wasn't cheating.

The side effect was that her head had started to hurt after the first hour. Blood had pooled and settled, her body quite confused as to why she was oriented in entirely the wrong direction. Not even an alicorn was immune to gravity.

It'd be worth it though. She continued to tell herself that much for fifteen more minutes, another guard passing through. Detailed instructions had been left for night court, her assistant, Night Owl, would do fine.

Her wait was rewarded with the soft pit-pat sound of walking. Closer and closer towards her, echoing from the walls. Her moment of victory had come at last, and Luna spread her wings, focusing on the ground right below her.

A small, shadowy figure came up to her door. She didn't have time to inspect it, she jumped. The only issue was the rapid head rush that came with righting herself in mid fall. Otherwise she'd have been much more graceful when she landed on the Cutiemark Crusaders.

"Oof!" A very much male voice sounded out underneath her.

Luna rather quickly came to the conclusion that she had not ambushed any of the CMC. In fact it was not a pony underneath her at all. She jumped up and registered the sight of-

"Spike? For what purpose has thou...I mean. What are you doing here?"

He got up slowly, though it didn't look like she'd harmed him. The little dragon shot her a disgruntled look and dusted his scales off. "I was about to knock on your door. But then you jumped on me. I should be asking you the questions, Princess."

Feeling rather sheepish, Luna gave a pained smile. "It is a most complicated tale. Perhaps you have heard of this rather strange game played by small children called-"

"Night Fright? Yeah, the CMC told me all about it earlier today. I can't believe you agreed to play with them. They take it really seriously."

While it was fortunate she did not have to explain her predicament, Luna was unhappy at yet another reminder that she had possibly erred in playing this game.

"We have begun to learn of their...dedication. And while there is always work to be done, it was our decision to engage in their game. Before tonight is over I intend to win!"

Her voice had grown to an impressive booming quality, as it usually did whenever she was excited. The Royal Voice was a habit for which Luna had difficulty breaking. When your past had been spent trying to get attention, talking as loudly as possible had seemed only natural.

Spike didn't comment, and the only hint that she might have been a little loud was that he was rubbing an ear with his right claw. "Oh. Well good luck then? I actually kind of wanted to talk to you about that." Shrugging, her pseudo-nephew shifted his posture to stand with arms folded across his chest. It was an alien gesture to her sensibilities, but Luna had even seen ponies use it when sitting.

That her hunt for the CMC was why he was here had caught her interest more than anything. "And what did you wish to tell us?"

"Well...they kind of sort of talked me into taking them to the restricted section of the Starswirl Library."

Even if she hadn't known what that entailed his guilty look would have betrayed the warning. "The restricted section? That is a most dangerous place! Even for those experienced in the depths of magic. What would possess you to take them there?"

Spike winced, and took a step back. "Well I mean, they were really persuasive. They were talking about summoning a monster to scare you. Or maybe a few monsters. I think it was a taraxippus? I'm not sure, but I didn't think it was a big deal as Sweetie Belle isn't exactly the best with magic anyway."

"They're attempting to summon taraxippoi?!" Luna was staring, aghast at the little purple dragon. Suddenly her concerns about catching the Cutiemark Crusaders was replaced by fear for their very lives. She gathered Spike up in telekinetic magic and bolted towards the library.

"Wait, where are we going? Is it really that dangerous?" She could only hear Spike out of one ear, and barely registered his words. Everything else was far too focused on arriving before it was too late.

When hooves and flapping wings proved too slow, with a wall in the way, she teleported the both of them to its opposite side. Spike was still trying to escape her hold on him, or more accurately flailing about. "Princess- wait! They were just reading...hold on!"

There would be no holding on, another teleport brought them into the restricted section. Luna felt disjointed now, as she'd blinked them through several floors down and past stairs. It wasn't just distance, but the amount of material you might be blinking through that made the spell difficult to use. Only her immense magical reserve had allowed her to get here so quickly.

Spike dropped, her hold released and gave an 'oof' next to her when he landed. Luna caught her breath, looking around for the CMC.

Up at her side, Spike patted himself off and looked rather annoyed. "They really aren't in any danger, Princess. I'm not that careless. They probably left anyway, since there's simply no way that-"

She didn't cut his words off, they fell away naturally. They had both felt the sudden pulse of enormous dark magic followed by a trio of young female screams. It'd come from behind a door, a side study room on the other side of some bookshelves. Luna bolted forward, heart hammering now in a mixture of dread and panic.

Instead of a teleport, she threw open the door and charged inside. The sight in front of her was everything she'd feared.

There was a chalked outline of a runic circle, a weighty tome opened up in the center. A visibly dark magic was spilling out from the pages, and there was little evidence left of the Cutiemark Crusaders. Only a single red bow discarded and half torn on the opposite side of the wall. There was something else tinted red near the bow, but Luna refused to look any longer to confirm her first guess.

The terrible, awe inspiring amount of magic was far too much for her to ignore either. This went beyond taraxippoi now, and the outline of a distinct shape began to appear from out of the book. A shadowed face, indistinct but with a malevolent presence. It chuckled, its voice dark and sinister. "Ahhh, I did not expect royalty to pay me a visit so soon after my entrance into this world. To who do I owe the honor?"

Luna knew better than to give her name to a summoned demon, especially one she didn't recognize. Her horn was lit, pushing away all grief at her assumption of what must have happened. "Thy are in our presence, fiend! Not the other way around! Name thyself before we cast you back into the abyss." Her magic doubled, and then redoubled as she prepared for the likely battle.

It would take maybe four minutes before Celestia was here to help her. And likely half of their guard, and those unicorns skilled in battle magic ten minutes after that. Until then she was all that stood in the way of this monster and Equestria.

The monster itself hadn't attacked yet, nor had its shape grown any more distinct. Its dark presence more than made up for that, and Luna could already tell that the creature's magical power surpassed her own. "My name? I suppose it is best to teach you of who will bring about your demise. For I am Mormo, the devourer!"

Any hope that the Cutiemark Crusaders were alive vanished. Though she'd never met this being before, she knew of it by reputation. "Begone!" And then, in the vain hope that she might slow Mormo down, she released her attack first. The most powerful banishment spell for evil that she knew.

Instantly the summoning book closed, shut tight and then burst into flames. The evil magic dissipated as quickly as it had appeared and the shadowed quality of the otherwise well lit room disappeared. It was like Mormo had never existed, and that fact more than anything gave Luna pause.

"What is..." She murmured, straightening up and frowning deeply.

Spike burst in the room seconds after that, looking around quickly. "What happened?"

Luna was still on guard, still anticipating an attack. She didn't say a word, wouldn't spare even a second of concentration. Her mind raced for what might have happened, and the first conclusion was that she had been very lucky. The summoning might have been only partially complete, enough that her spell had prevented it wholesale. And yet Mormo had seemed very confident in himself. He had even been laughing as the banishment spell raced towards the book.

"It was a terrible monster, one oft spoken of as the worst natural denizen of Tartarus. I am...afraid that the Cutiemark Crusaders are no more." Once she had concluded that the danger was gone she succumbed to grief. This was certainly her fault, she had been placed in authority of the three children. And how could she possibly face her sister, or the parents and sisters of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo with the news?

"Oh, that sucks...that monster was really scary, don't you think?" Spike made a half choked sound, one very strained.

Luna considered the words for a few seconds. More than anything she was annoyed, and turned to snap at Spike that there were far more pressing concerns and that he should show a great deal more remorse. But on turning she saw the barely concealed grin on his face. The strained sound had been more akin to a...laugh?

Then Spike did laugh, a claw covering his face. It was followed by another, and then he glanced towards the half opened door to the rest of the library. "Oh man, your face. It's just...oh, I'm sorry you three. But if you were in here you would...haha."

"Just ask her if she was scared, Spike! You're going to ruin it!" That was almost certainly Scootaloo's voice, answering through the door. And she could hear the other two snickering.

Her eyes went wide as she turned to look at the summoning ritual. She recognized the runes, they were expertly done. There was no way that the Cutiemark Crusaders could have done this with such skill. Only someone possessing years of advanced magical training would know to form the proper protective barriers. They were all here, and not a one was out of place. Not only that, but they were not exactly meant for physically summoning dark forces from other planes. It was actually meant to just summon their form in a projection, to talk.

"Twilight was really into speaking with magical creatures a few years ago, before you came back. I sort of picked a few things up while helping her. I bet you were scared, huh?"

Princess Luna could only stare at Spike while the little purple dragon slowly broke down into howling laughter. He wasn't the only one, out through the door and into the library the CMC were laughing with him. She wasn't sure whether to be furious, or confess fear right there and admit absolute defeat. "I...we..."

Author's Note:

The next chapter should almost certainly not take as long as this one did. The poker game gave me some serious writers block, and a busy schedule didn't help. I'm almost actually done with the next chapter. And I expect there to be only three more to go, though I'm hoping they'll certainly be exciting!