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I woke up with a throbbing head ache and something crushing my chest. “Argh what the hell” I put my hands to my head holding it. What the hell happened! Wait…Rebooting…..Processing…..Welcome to Guardian windows 7……OH MAH GOD I KISSED RARITY AND HARRY LET ME DRINK JOSE! I will get that bastard back.

I manage my head up a bit to see rarity sprawled out over my chest. I guess you can say. I kissed a pony. And liked it. YEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. Okay that’s not my best work but whatever. I poked her side a bit and she mumbled some inaudible words. I begin to look at my surroundings. Okay ditzy on the chandelier. Pinkie still in the same spot as she was when she passed out. Jackie’s gone big mac must have dragged her home.

Lolly is in a hole in the wall. Where’s sparkle at . She must be upstairs in her bed are something maybe the bathroom. Fluttershy not here. Harry is sprawled out on a table clenching down on a bottle of beer. And rainbow dash….Is in the book case god make a mental note doesn’t drink with ponies. Okay I can’t lie on this floor any longer. I stuck my hands under rarity’s stomach and hefted her up.

She mumbled a little but then snuggled against my chest. Don't do it cloud don't you dawwwwww right here. I held back my dawwwwww incredibly hard. I staggered over to the couch and layed her down on it. Okay now to wake everypony up. I smiled mischievously. I spread my hands a good foot from each other.

I clap as loud as possible which sends a shockwave through the whole library which makes them all jump awake. “Good morning everyone!” they all mumble something about me being a pain in the ass and flank. I smile “I could have done worse!” this made them all jump up and harry knows what I mean by I can do worse.

Lolly walked up to me “So cloud how was your kiss?” I blushed a little “To put it in words. Imagine to listening techno while on LSD.” Her eyes went wide “Damn so it was good?” I nod smiling “Oh yeah it was. “You really thought it was good?” rarity asked. Shit I forgot she was there. I turn around smiling “it was perfect.” We were both blushing. Harry walked up “Look at that cloud you’re in love! With a pony to.” I looked over at him “Least I didn’t get raped by mab.” He shrunk down a little “She did so many things to me.”

I smiled “don't you remember harry im not even human anymore so I don't think it matters.” He shrugged “guess not” pinkie groggily walked over to us. “Wow pinks never seen you so un hyper before.” Dash joked. “Cloud *hic* what was that stuff?” I smiled “medicine makes you feel better but makes you sick to your stomach!”

“Is there something better?” pinks asked “Yep sleep all day and don't dare look at the sun and if you lose a friend check the most obvious places.” She looked at me weirdly but I could hear Lolly laughing and so was harry. I look down at rarity.
She is leaning against my leg as if she is waiting for something. Rainbow flew into my face “Well aren’t you going to ask her? “She asked

. “Ask what?” she facehoofed “For her to be your marefriend!” all was silent. I look down at rarity “Wanna be my marefriend?” she had eyes full of glee “Id loved to be!” she replied with. “This calls for a party” pinkie said with a hint of grogginess. I looked at pinks “Please no im done drinking…for now anyway.” They all gasped “No party?” pinkie had tears in her eyes and her hair deflated. SHIT CLOUD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! “No pinks not right now anyway but later maybe next week.” Her hair puffed back up “YAY!”

Lolly looked over at me “so where did you learn to sing like that?” I smiled “Oh you know I learn stuff every day.” She frowned “doesn’t answer my question” I smiled even more “To bad” she sighed and looked at the clock “I got to go and help fluttershy” I nodded as did the rest. “Cloud ive got to get back to Chicago who knows what grasshopper did by now.” I nod “alright tell everyone I said hi” he nodded “alright I will” he left with pinks his only way home.

“Ive got weather duty today” rainbow stated “Alright see you later!” she began heading straight for the hole in the wall. “Cloud I have work to do and I simply can’t fall behind” I frowned a little “alright by marshmallow” she looked at me in the eyes “What did you call me?” I smiled “Nothing marshmallow now get out of here” she grinned “Goodbye guardy.” I cringed a little. Before she left she gave me a peck on the cheek and was gone. “Well hell now what do I do!” I thought aloud.

I felt like someone are something was staring daggers at me. I looked up at the steps to see a small pissed off dragon. “Stay away from rarity” spike said. The hell he just say? “What?” he came down the steps and stood in front of me “Stay away from her! You only been here a day and you stole her from me!” oh fuck me “Whoa spike calm down”

“No!” just then twilight appeared at the top of the steps “Spike leave cloud alone!” she shouted. Spike glared at me “Your lucky punk.” The hell is happening! “Twilight approached me after coming down the steps “sorry about spike he just has feeling for rarity…”I sigh “well hell I didn’t know and I can’t just break it off.”

“I know cloud I know….just be careful of what you say and do around spike from now on okay?” I nod my head “Alright i get it.” She glared at me “so what are you going to to today?” I shrugged “maybe go see the princesses.” She looked at me “Do you even know where to go” I smiled “Nope but that never stopped me before!” she grinned “wow you don't stop do you?” I shook my head “Never if I did I wouldn’t be here right now!” we shared a laugh “Later sparky” she waved me off as I stepped outside.

Okay look for big castle thing there always in the big castle thing. I looked off into the distance. “Ha knew I find it!” I took off at high speeds towards the castle.

20 minutes later

I approached the castle still flying. “Shit im going to fast!” I shouted aloud. Oh god oh god I don't want to smash into a wall. I glance and notice a giant window. Hopefully the princesses won’t be to mad. I smashed into the window as hard as the speed I was going at made me. Damn me and me not slowing down!