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Party and a kiss

The walk back to the library was a very quiet one. I tried to make a conversation with rarity but it seemed to fail. “So rarity..” she looked over to me “Yes?” well hell what do I say now. “Uh never mind. Aha were here!” we stood in front of the library for a moment. “Well are you going to go in are not cloud?” I snapped back to reality “yea sorry.” She looked up at me “No problem dear.” I walk up to the door and open it. Pitch black inside. I step in and the lights flashed on and all the ponies yelled “SURPRISE!” I jumped back a bit. Pinkie zoomed up to me “Cloud did I surprise ya did I did I!” I nod “Yea pinks you nearly gave me a heart attack!”

“Well that wouldn’t have been good.” Replied a familiar voice. I look up from pinkie and smile “Dresden!” I walk up to my old friend and greet him with a hug. “How have you been cloud I haven’t seen you in ages!” smile still on my face “Ive never been better I finally got a break as you can see!” we share a laugh “So how have things been back in Chicago?” I ask “Molly has been progressing in her magic more and more she might not be a grasshopper anymore.” I cough remembering the events of which none of you need to know about.

“And Michael?” he frowns a little “Still alive spending more time with the family.” I nod “that’s great. Now! Ready to get drunk?” his smiles widens “Hells bells I don't think ive drank since the last time you had a bottle of whiskey. Your one hell of a drinker!” applejack butted in “I know the first day I met him he passed out on the floor mumbling about marshmallows.” Dresden looked at me “You passing out marshmallows hells bells cloud!”

“Yea I know and let’s hold off on the drinking for now.” I say “You holding off? Wow that must take a lot!” I nod “A helluva a lot.” Jackie walked up to me “Cloud come with me I want ya to meet mah brother.” Her brother? Why didn’t I meet him at the farm. Eh whatever “Alright where’s he at?” she points a hoof at a giant red stallion “right thare.” I walk over to him “Hey you AJs brother?” he looks at me “Eeyup” I put out my hand

“Well im the guy that guy who passed out on the floor and fixed your barn roof. But you can call me cloud.” He took my hand and shook it with his hoof “Im big macintosh. But call me big mac.”
I nod “Well see ya later.” I begin walking away to see fluttershy enter the door “Hey shy” she looks at me and hides behind her hair “O-oh hi cloud.” Didn’t think she was going to be here “so what are you doing here?” a loud thud can be heard. I turn around to see a table that was smashed. “What the hell?” fluttershy looks scared. I could hear laughing but all the
ponies were quite.

I saw a shadow go up the steps. “I’ll be right back” I pull out my hand cannon ready to fight this shadow thing.
I walk up the steps all the ponies staring at my weapon. I round the corner to see a girl rolling on the floor laughing. She had green hair and pale skin and wore a yellow shirt and faded blue pants. “Uh who the hell are you?” she looks up at me “I’m lollytwist” I shake my head “Alright how did you get here?” she stands up “Well it was a couple of days ago I woke up in a meadow and met fluttershy.”

She glances at my gun “so your cloud?” I nod “the one and only!” she is now a few inches away “Fluttershy told me a lot about you.” I sigh “One more question Lolly how in the hell did you do that to the table without being seen?” she shrugs “I can turn into a shadow and destroy something by tampering with the shadow.”

“That’s friggin cool!” I say almost shouting “I know right!” well she’s pretty cool so I guess I won’t have to blow her brains out. “Alright well come meet everypony I guess.” She shakes her head “No they will be afraid of me.” I shake my head “Look at me there not scared of me. Well I hope there not but whatever come on!” she sighs “fine only cause your cute.” Wait what? “What?” she grabs my hand and take me down the steps.

Everypony gasped as they her “Alright everypony meet lollytwist!” fluttershy was heading for the day hanging her head. Oh no she doesn’t. I quickly flew over to her and picked her up. She yelped “fluttershy why didn’t you tell me about Lolly?” she looked on the verge of tears “I-I don't know” I sigh “it’s alright im not mad” she looked at me blinking away tears “y-you’re not?” I shake my head “never not ever!”

“t-thank you cloud” I set her down and looked at harry. “Mister Dresden I do believe that it’s time to drink and sing!” he glances at me “what order?” is shrug “sing then drink!” I walk over to pinkie “Hey pinks can you set up a mic and some speakers?” she stands up on her back legs “Okie dokie lokie!” I smile this should be amusing!

She reached into her mane and pulls out speakers and a microphone “There you go!” I smile “Thanks pinks! Now mister Dresden and ponies who’s ready for some hardcore singing!” they all cheer hell even fluttershy was yelling a faint ‘Yay’. “Good!” I step up to the speakers and plug in my phone for the instrumental of break by three days grace. “Alright let’s do this!” I took the microphone into my hand and began to sing.

Tonight, my head is spinning
I need something to pick me up
I've tried but nothing is working
I won't stop
I won't say I've had enough
Tonight, I start the fire
Tonight I break away,

Away from everybody
Away from everything
If you can't stand the way this place is
Take yourself to higher places

Oh oh

At night I feel like a vampire
It's not right
I just can't give it up
I'll try to get myself higher
Let's go
We're gonna light it up
Tonight we start the fire
Tonight we break away

Away from everybody
Away from everything
If you can't stand the way this place is
Take, yourself to higher places

Oh oh oh

If you can't stand,
The way this place is
Take, yourself, to higher places

Away from everybody
Away from everything
If you can't stand the way this place is
Take yourself to higher places

Oh oh

Higher places,
Oh oh
To higher places,
Oh oh
Higher places,
Take yourself to higher places

I backed away from the microphone. Everypony was cheering “Hell yea!” I raised my fist into the air “Now time for some drinks!” I shouted. I walked up to a table and made two bottles vodka appear. “Alright who wants to go versus me first?” applejack walked up to me “I do!” I smirked “alright now chug this and stop if you need to whoever throws up are can’t continue is out!” she nodded. I grabbed my bottle and so did she. How I do not know “Start!” pinkie shouted. I raised the bottle up and began chugging it like a monster.

I heard Jackie sputter about halfway through her bottle and say “im done.” I finished off my bottle. “Not bad Jackie” she smirked “whutever” she slurred. She began walking to only fall over and pass out. Light weights! “Alright who’s next?” pinkie walked up “ME ME ME PLEASE!” I grinned “alright let’s do this!” She took the bottle that I had and readied herself. She had a face of determination little did she know im the ultimate drunk!

“GO!” I put the bottle to my lips and chugged it as did pinkie. Pinkie gave up half way through same as Jackie. She stopped “I think im going to b-“she began to throw up me and the others couldn’t contain are laughter as the pink mare passed out in her own puke “Oh my god cloud you know how to have a good time!” Lolly stated “Hell yea I do when you got a lot of spare time this is what you do!” we shared a bellow of laughter “alright who next?” what happened I did not expect. “I would love to!” rarity stepped from the crowd “Rarity?” she nodded “We all have to cut lose sometimes don't we?” I smiled “yep now let’s do this!” I handed (hoofed? Aw hell idunnow) her the bottle “GO!” she began chugging the bottle like it was water. Damn. I slammed the bottle on the table as did she “another round milady?”

She blushed “yes” alright time to up this a bit. I pulled out two bottles of Jose harry leaned closer to my ear “cloud you sure remember what happened last time.” I grinned “I didn’t know that there was a hotel in my way!” he rolled his eyes “Cloud you took down the whole damn hotel!” my grin grew even wider

“I KNOW!” he backed away “Alright everypony watch out when cloud drinks this he will do some stupid shit so watch yourself!” harry shouted. I look over at rarity “ready to get wasted and regret everything?” she smiled “maybe not everything but yes.” I handed (HOOFED?!??!? GAH I GIVE!) her the bottle “GO!” the bottle touched my lips. Aw the sweet taste of regret!

I slammed the bottle down and soon after rarity followed “damn for a marshmallow you can drink like a Russian!” she looked at with eyes spacing off “what did you just call me?” she slurred “I don't even” I stood up and began to stumble “cloud are you alright?” harry asked “Im just fine just a little tipsy!” Lolly decided to jump in “More like fucked up!” everypony began to laugh “Don't provoke him Lolly when clouds drunk unspeakable things happen!”

I smirked “Unspeakable things go!” I tried to get to my feet but I couldn’t muster up the power “never mind” rarity stumbled her way over to me and sat on her haunches next to me. “WOAH WHEN DID YOU GET HERE!” I shouted “I have no idea!” I laughed “that’s cool” she nodded “very. Cloud do you think you can do something for me?” I look over “at this state I have no idea. What is it?”

“Can you uh well give me a kiss?” Everypony gasped hell even I gasped a little? “uh what?” she blushed and couldn’t hide it very well “Just give me a kiss right here that’s all” she put her hoof to her muzzle. “Uh I don't know…” she looked at me with big doey eyes “Please?” I sighed in defeat “alright fine I guess” I began inching closer and closer. My lips connected to her muzzle. Well I hate to say it but I enjoyed it. And the saddest part of it all this was my first kiss.

I could hear gasp from everypony as we stayed like this for a minute. She pulled back “thank you” she slurred. As soon as she finished she fell on her side asleep. “Eh misewell do the same” my head smashed on the hardwood floor not feeling any pain after all the drinking though. I drifted off into sleep going over how to take over the world.