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Call me Dante

Me and rarity stepped onto the chariot led by to Pegasus canterlot guards. One asked “Are you the one that took the beast out the window?” I smiled “Yea sorry about the window and mess. But at least the princesses are okay” I replied “Yea you left one heck of a mess for us. Now are you two ready to go?” I ponder for a moment “Yep!” I say in my happy tone. The chariot took off slowly “This is going to be a really long ride.” I sigh “Yes it usually takes an hour.” WHAT?!?! “Well what do you want to do?” I ask

“How about you tell me a story of one of your adventures!” I shrug why not “Alright I’ll tell you about the time me and harry fought are way out of a building that was on fire. And that time it wasn’t are faults.”

1 hour later

“Wow cloud you have done some pretty crazy things.” Oh she doesn’t know the half of it “Yea ive done a lot mostly good. She looked at me “You’ve done bad?” I winced “yea sort of but that was in the past and I was forced to if I didn’t I wouldn’t be here today.” She looked at me “Can you tell me about it?” I shook my head “No its personal nopony needs to know about it.”
“Please cloud im sure it would help.” She’s pushing it a bit “No rarity im sorry maybe later when I know you better but please no.” she looks at me I think I had a tear in my eye. “Okay cloud I understand.”

“Dante look what I made!” I glance over at my sister. “It’s a macaroni picture of you!” she has a toothy smile glaring at me. “Thank you Andrea I will put it right here on the wall!” I take the picture and put it on my wall “Thanks big brother!” I smile as she sits down to play with her toys.

“Cloud!” rarity shouts as I snap back to reality “Cloud were here.” I glance down at rarity “Sorry I was lost in thought.” She shakes her head “it’s fine but please we can’t keep the princesses waiting.” I step off the chariot and walk into the castle. “The dining hall is this way “a butler pony motioned his hoof down the hall way “Thank you sir”

I walk down the hallway rarity at my side “This place is massive.” She smiles “Im sure there is bigger.” She has a sly smile on her face….megusta. I open the door to the dining hall to see princess celestia sitting with her sister.

“Hey” they look over at me and rarity “Hello rarity, cloud” rarity bows down “Your majesty” she hit me in the leg to bow “I will not bow” I whisper to rarity. “We should be bowing to you cloud.” I look to see celestia smiling “You heard that?” she laughs and nods.

“wow I need to work on my whispering” they all nod. I walk up to the seat next to celestia rarity takes the one next to me and Luna sit across from us. “So what’s for dinner” I ask stomach grumbling “Cloud! Table manners!” rarity said as she pushed a hoof into my side. “I have no such things!” I say laughing. I tilt back in my chair.

“I feel a disturbance in the force” I say aloud. Everypony looked at me “What?” celestia asked. Just then my chair broke and I fell straight on my ass. I could hear the royal ponies and rarity laughing and snickering from elsewhere. “Frikkin wooden chairs.” I mumble under my breath as I stand up. As soon as the laughing stopped are food was brought in. Potatoes! Bananas! Im going to eat like a king…are at least like a hobo but whatever. The food is layed out on the table and the butlers leave the room. “Potatoes!” I shout out. A potato was flung at me and hit me in the face “The hell!” I could hear them laughing again “Food does not like you does it cloud?”

“My snack packs love me though! Well I love them.” Rarity reaches for a grape for it only to be moved out of her reach. We all laugh as the white mare struggles to get the grape “here let me get it for you” she goes back and crosses her front legs and pouts. I reach for the grapes and succefully grab them and take one. “Ha first food that doesn’t try to murder me!”
I hand (hoofed….why does this always happen!) to rarity. She takes them happily and begins to eat them. “So princess.” She looked at me “Yes?” I rub the back of my neck “Sorry about the window….” She smiles “it’s quite fine cloud you had to get rid of the monster after all” rarity looks at me “monster?”

“Uhhh yea a monster was here guards couldn’t take care of it so I did. And I took it out the window.” I felt a hoof strike my face “Cloud you know how dangerous that is?!” rarity asked nearly shouting. “Im fine though so don't worry about it.”
“I will worry about it!” I sighed “Princess is there anything that I can do to make you forgive me” she shook her head “cloud I have already forgiven you but may I ask a question?” I nod “Go ahead” she clears her throat. “What was your name before you became the guardian?” I choked on the grape I was eating. “It was Dante celestia…” she looked at me “Why do you seem so sad about telling me your name?”

Because before I was the guardian…That name I just don't like my name I forgot about it never used it again.” She looked at me “May I call you Dante?” I sighed and thought for a moment “I think it’s time I forgotten the past and start using my real name so yes I suppose you can.”

“Thank you Dante” I look over at rarity “That’s a beautiful name Dante” I smiled “and so is rarity” she blushed I looked over at Princess Luna “Luna is there a reason you’re so quite?” she shook her head fighting back a grin. She is planning something. Just then a banana smacked into celestia

I began uncontrollably laughing “You think this is funny?” celestia asked in a serious tone “Yep!” just then she picked up a pie and smashed it into my face. I fell silent “I don't like this pie…..” I could hear laughing and I knew who was behind throwing things. “Lolly show yourself!” I shouted laughing.

Lolly appeared rolling on the floor laughing. “Lolly how did you get here?” she looked up clutching her ribs “I was in your shadow!” I fall silent. This girl never stops amazing me “Well Lolly why don't you meet the princesses?” she looked at celestia and at Luna “I already met Luna.” She stood up and walked towards celestia. “Hi im Lolly.”

“I am princess celestia as you know.” I heard a whooshing sound and I saw Lolly on the floor with a banana splattered on her. “Wow” is all I could say “This dinner was very uh formal?” I smile a bit. “Yes very formal” Luna stated I could see a grin on her face. I look down at rarity she’s still eating the grapes.

“So Dante what did you think of the chair breaking?” Lolly asked “Oh you know….I thought it was very chairy.” Everybody fell silent “Dante no puns for you” I frowned “Fine!” Luna stood up. “I must go raise the moon now good bye Dante Lolly Rarity. I waved to her as she left.

“well look at the mess you have all made…” wait…I quickly point my finger at Lolly “She can clean it up!” celestia laughs. “Dante you are much fun to have dinner with but I fear it must end now I will have a chariot take you all back to ponyville.”
“Thank you celestia” she waves to us with her front leg as we all leave the room. “Dante how can you make these things so much fun?” rarity asked. I look over at Lolly “Well I did have help.” Lolly smiles “Also Lolly im going to get you back real good.” She smiles and says “bring it” I smiled. “Dante can I talk to you for a sec?” I nod “Dante I will see you at the chariot” I nod as rarity continues down the hall.

“so what is it what you wanted talk about?” she scratches her neck “Dante who was that little girl who made you that picture?” I stop dead cold “Y-you saw that?” she nods “when I was in your shadow I saw your memory play. “That was my little sister Andrea...”I could feel the warm tears rolling down my face.

“Im sorry for asking..” she says “Its…fine..” I wipe my face off. “Common they won’t wait forever for us.” She smiles and follows me down the hallway.

Back at ponyville

I enter the carousel boutique and stretch. Rarity trots in front of me. “Where am I going to sleep?” she smiles “You can come sleep in my bed with me.” Wait…oh lord…”uh rarity do you thing that is a good idea?” she smiles and trots up the stairs “Of course it is dear!” she yells down. I sigh and trudge up the steps.

I look into her room to see her changing out of her dress. She notices me and smiles “Dante be a dear and go check on sweetie belle?” I nod and head down the hallway. I open the door that I presume is sweetie belles and look inside. Sweetie belle is sitting on her bed and has her hooves on her head “Belle something wrong?” she looks up surprised to see me.
“Nothing’s wrong cloud.” I sigh “Call me Dante and yes there is something wrong.” She shakes her head “it’s about scootaloo.” I enter the room “what happened?” a single tear hit the floor. “She’s at the orphanage and nopony will adopt her because she is too loud.” Right in my childhood.

I kneel down “Listen sweetie belle…I’ll take care of it tomorrow.” Her eyes lit up “What are you going to do?” I smile as im about to leave the room “isn’t it obvious im going to get her out of there!” she began jumping up and down “really really really!” she said in her high squeaky voice. “yea but I need you to keep it a secret okay?” she nods her head. Now go to sleep you got school tomorrow.” She hopped into her bed “thank you Dante” I smiled “Always remember im the good guy.” I close her door and walk down the hall to see rarity laying in the bed smiling. “What is it?”

“I heard the whole conversation.” Oh crap.. “Are you really going to adopt her?” I nod “I had a crappy child hood somepony else should not have one.” She frowns “buts that’s life.” I shake my head “No that’s the experience.” I lay my head on the pillow and look at rarity “You’re too good of a person Dante” I smile “I know now goodnight my little marshmallow.” She rolls over. I scoot a little closer and put my arm over her and drift off into sleep.