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Going to school

I open my eyes groggily. I look around adjusting to my surroundings trying to remember what I did the night before. Yea now I remember. I pull myself out of the bed and fall straight on my face. “Ow...” I murmur as I get to my feet. I stretch and readjust my glasses. I exit the room and look down the hallway. I crack my neck before I head down the steps and readjust my gun so it doesn’t jab at my leg. “Good morning Dante”

“Morning to you marshmallow.” I replied “Good morning Dante” came sweetie belles high pitched voice. I smiled a bit “Good morning sweetie” I sat down at the table. “Now what’s for breakfast?” rarity sat down a plate full of burnt food “Sweetie belle made it just for you.” Oh god…..”Thank you sweetie belle”

“You’re welcome!” I stare at the plate. Well guess I don't have a choice. I stick my fork into the glob and take a bite “Oh dear” rarity murmured. I was on the verge of tears on how disgusting it was but I swallowed it anyway “Do you like it” I gave a smile trying to hide my disgust “It’s awesome but I think I will save the rest for later.” I leaned next to rarity “Burn it” I whispered into her ear.

“Well I have to go to school bye rarity bye Dante!” I got up and followed “Where you going Dante?” I sighed “Going to school!” I gave my best shit eating grin there was and I followed sweetie belle out the door. Sweetie belle looked over at me “Dante where you going?” I smiled “To school now show me the way oh wise mini marshmallow.”

After a good 5 minutes of walking we arrived at the school “This way Dante” sweetie belle said as we entered the school. I could feel ponies staring at me from everywhere “Just like high school” I murmur to myself. I may be old but that doesn’t mean I don't have a good memory. The bell rang as soon as we entered one of the classrooms “Miss Cherilee I brought someone!” the teacher turned around and looked at me “So you’re the new one in town?”

“Yep just call me Dante” I felt the stares of all the little fillies and colts on me “Well why don't you come up here with me.” I begin up the isle “So tell me exactly why you’re here and interrupting my class?” she asked. I shrugged “I thought maybe I could teach them about something they will never hear of.” She looks at me questionably “Like what?” I smile “The Guardian! Not too many people err ponies I mean get to meet me personally.”
Before she could answer I turned around and looked at them all “Now who wants to see something cool?” they all stayed silent except a small little unicorn filly with a light purple coat and a blonde mane raising her hoof “Me I do!” I smiled and pointed at her. I mustered up some will and used my wind bracelet and picked her up with the wind. All of them gasped and she was having the time of her life weeing and wooing as she flipped upside down.

I smiled and brought her up to me and sat her on my shoulders “Wow! This is so cool!” she had the brightest smile ever “Yea it is isn’t it? Now what’s your name?” she looked at me with yellow eyes that were off a bit. They reminded me of ditzys. “My names dinky hooves!” I smiled “Okay class now have any of you ever heard of the TARDIS?” they all shook their heads except dinky “Ive heard of it mommy tells me her adventures every day!”

Wait….This is ditzys kid. She never told me she had one “Well did she ever tell you how I used to go with the doctor on all these crazy adventures?” she nodded “She told me one last night!” I smiled. “Well I have some stories to be told. Are any of you interested?” they all nodded their head eagerly as did miss Cherilee. “Well we crashed into a space ship boat…”

After the story

“You had to fight robots?!” a blue colt asked voice full of excitement “Yea got them in one hit with my gun.” They all looked at my huge weapon “That’s so cool” scootaloo exclaimed. The bell rang for lunch I presumed. All the kids left the room except me and Cherilee “Wow Dante you are quite the story teller.” I smile a little

“Yea I have tons of stories to tell you can do a lot when you can’t die.” We shared a laugh “So Dante why are you really here today?” I chuckled a bit “Well sweetie belle was upset over nopony taking care of scootaloo. And well I was coming here for the day to you know….” She raised an eyebrow “You’re going to adopt scootaloo?” I shook my head “Take care of her not adopt.”

“that’s a lot to take care of you know?” I didn’t know “Well my childhood wasn’t the best I don't think you ponies deserve a bad one.” She frowned “Yea but life goes on” yea no kidding “Im going to go eat.” She waved me off “Goodbye Dante”
I wandered down the hall way following the noise of eating ponies. I opened the door to see everypony sitting down mowing down. I looked around for somewhere to sit. There were plenty of open spots. But then I noticed dinky. She sat there alone eating. I made my way over to her and sat down “Hey dinky” she looked at me in surprise “Dante what are you doing here?” I shrugged “I can’t sit by a friend?”

“I never had a friend before” right in my child hood. “What do you mean?” she stopped eating “Nopony likes me and they always make fun of my mom.” Oh hell no I don't care who you are this would bring you to tears. “Do they ever do anything else?” she nodded “Sometimes they try to hit me” I sighed “Listen dinky im your friend and I always will be okay?”

She nodded “Thank you Dante nopony has ever been nice to me.” I frown “Hang on I will be right back” I stand up and walk over to scootaloo, sweetie belle and applebloom “Care to come sit with me and dinky?” they all looked at each other “Who’s dinky?” they asked in unison. “She’s the small unicorn filly over there im friends with her mom so you want to?”

The three gathered there things and made their way towards the table. “Hi!” dinky nearly shouted as they all sat down. A collection of helloes and hi s were tossed around. “So!” I said I sat down really fast causing the chair to break. I could hear laughter from everywhere as I lay on the ground. Don't rage don't rage….. I pick myself up. After dusting myself off the bell rang.
“Common we got to get you girls back to class” dinky popped down on the floor and hobbled next to me as did the others. As we reentered the classroom all of the students sat down once more. “Now let me teach you about myself.” I pulled out my side arm and my sword “These two are my closest friends.” I held the blade a little higher for everypony to see “This is the guardian’s blade the only weapon that can kill me successfully.”

“So what you’re saying is that you can never die?” miss Cherilee asked “Well I can die if I commit suicide which won’t be happening anytime soon at all.”

Applebloom raised her hoof. I pointed at her “Dante why do you do what you do?” I froze up. I was never asked this question before “Well bloom…..I do what I do because I can pass the burden of being the guardian to somepony and body else. And well I can’t do that I make a sacrifice to protect people so they don't have to go through what ive been through.”
Everypony was silent. I clapped my hands together “Who wants to hear a story about the time I fought a alien shark while my friend stood on the surface laughing it up?” I was surrounded by the eager children.

“Okay it started with me and him walking into a flooded room to see a giant….”

After another story

“So he just shoved you in there?” I nod my head “I got him back later though when we had to fight are way out of a zombie infested town.” They all gasped “Zombies?” I nod my head smiling “I guess I will tell this one to. Well we were walking through to the mines”

Another long story later

“So you just forced a barrel to explode and send him flying across the room?” I nod my head laughing “Man you should have been there…Wait never mind there were head crabs everywhere.” The bell rang and all of them began to moan “Well Dante it was nice of you to interrupt my class today” I smiled “Anytime Cherilee.”

I exited the class to see the cutie mark crusaders going down hall with dinky. I smile to myself “I helped her in the best way I could…making a friend” Insert feels man I need to call Louis and get some peels this stuff is just dawwwwing me out! I follow them down the hall way in the most creeper less way ever. “Hey scoots!” she turns around to see me jogging towards her “Yea Dante?”
“So what are you going to do?” she shrugged “go to club house and do my homework.” I thought she was staying at the orphanage “May I come with?” she nods her tiny little head “Just follow me” after a bit of walking we stood in front of a good looking club house. “So this is where you stay?” she nods her head and motions for me to follow her.

“wow….Wheres you mom and dad?” a small plop could be heard from a tear “They died in a fire.” Oh god I should not have asked “Hey don't worry my parents died to.” She nodded “Yea from old age probably” I froze up. They didn’t die from old age my dad killed my mother and 8 years later I killed him. “No…My father killed my mother when I was 10. They didn’t have enough evidence so he was let go.” I felt tears go down my face

“What happened next?” I shook my head “Two years later he had a daughter with some girl and she left her on the doorstep. He left her in my room to name and take care of. I took so many beating trying to protect her. 6 years later I told her to go play outside as I gripped my knife.”


I look down at my sister “Hey Andrea?” she looks at me with her usual toothy smile “Yea big brother?” I crack my knuckles “Go outside I need to talk to dad” her eyes get wide “Okay big brother but don't get hurt” I wave my little sister off “I will be fine just go outside okay?” she nods and takes herself out the door. I sigh and pull out a knife. It’s a good sized blade and sharp enough to puncture skin with ease. “You’re going to die you monster.” I mutter under my breath as I exit my room. I round the corner to see my dad looming over my sister’s lifeless body. “Your next punk” he said pointing at me. Something in my snapped. Everything went black. When I awoke my father’s body was laying on the ground full of blood and eyeballs gouged out.


Tears were rolling down my face and I had scootaloo in my arms “Dante im sorry I shouldn’t have said that.” She said sniffling. “Its fine scoots” now to tell the others. “Dante don't leave me I don't like being out here by myself.” She cries even harder and sticks her head on my chest “Don't worry im not leaving…” I hold the orange ball of emotion in my arms as we both drifted off to sleep.