Rainbow Blitz lay on his cloud above the market. He could hear the hustle and bustle of merchants, clients, the orator calling out advertisements and news; it was a really surprisingly calming sound to nap to. The clouds were busted, fluffed, moved around, and he would awaken just in time to start the afternoon shower the town had planned over the park.
“Rainbow Blitz! Yoo-hoo! Rainbow? It’s Ms. Cherilee!”
He turned over and realized just how relaxed he was as he sat on his belly and peeked over the clouds’ edge. “Oh, hey Cheers! How’s it hangin’?” Seeing her didn’t help the whole hangin’ or relaxed issue.
“I wanted to ask you a few things about being a pegasis.”
“The doctors finally approved the operation?”
She tittered and giggled at the question. Her laughs were so lovely. “No. It’s about Scootaloo. Can you come down here? I don’t want the whole town knowing.”
(okay, just relax. you’re both adults) Jumping the ten meters from his perch to the ground and landing softly with one wing stroke, Rainbow Blitz stood slightly taller than Cherilee with a more angled build. He trained for speed, duration and maneuverability and his body needed minimal wind resistance and weight. He was a lightweight for a pegasis, but no-one who knew him called him that. He preferred the term “beast.”
“What’s up with Squirt?”
She started walking towards a more secluded and quiet area of the marketplace. “You see, she’s growing up and I’m going to give her The Talk soon. What anything about being a pegasis that I should tell her? Preening her wings, um, maybe molting? Are her wings going to affect her hormones differently? Should I ask a mare about this?”
Blitz had never been in this situation before and felt slightly awkward. “Well, uh, you see…Preening waterproofs and insulates her wings. It would make flying a pain in the flank if your wings are cold. It removes parasites and lice that ruin feathers and carry disease. So she has to preen EVERY DAY. It’s like just like bathing.
“Birds have oil glands above their tails to help them preen. Ponies can’t reach that far so we don’t. Um, saliva used to make a good substitute for preen oil, but then they came out with shampoo that works much better. Combs work wonders too. It makes her wings looking healthier and that’s something stallions look at. Speaking of which, uh, when she does get a coltfriend, mutual preening makes a very good bonding event so don’t let her do it unless they are super serious. Touching a pegasi’s wings without they permission is one step above molesting them. I hope you’ve taught her that.”
“Yes. I’ve taught her about that. Should I be worried if she shows them off?”
“No. We like to show them off. It’s our way of getting the other sex interested in us. Look, but don’t touch. Ya know. But sometimes, and I’ve noticed this happens a lot with Scoots, her wings will flap outwards without her making it happen. This is when she’s very relaxed or…Okay, this isn’t something we discuss with non-winged ponies, griffons or whatever. When we get…sexually excited our wings flap out. And, don’t laugh!”
Ms. Cherilee covered her mouth and stifled her amusement. “Just like what happens to guys?”
Rainbow facehoofed. “Yes. Only it happens to both sexes.”
Cherilee fell to the ground and rolled to her side in a not-so-silent fit of giggles.
“This is why we don’t tell others.” He was upset but kept his cool. “Look, you can’t tell any-one except Scoots. ‘Kay?”
“Hehehe, okay. I promise. I’m-hehe-I’m good now.” Cherilee picked herself up but kept her adorkable grin on her muzzle.
“So moulting. It usually happens after eustress, sometime in May or June. Her old feathers will fall off and new ones will grow in their place. Preening at this time helps remove dead feathers and the ‘wax’ around new ones. Not much to that.
“And I can’t think of her wings would affect her hormones differently from other ponies, still ask her doctor. Yeah, I think that’s about it.”
“Thank you Rainbow Blitz. You’ve been very helpful. Is there anything else?”
“Not about Scoots. But I just happen to know you have a suitor. One of my friends actually…”
Cheerilee gasped and smiled again. “Really?” She asked and blushed. “And just who is it?”
(ye-up, she was interested) “I can’t tell you. But he’s gonna go for it soon if I have anything to say about it.”
She blinked and her smile dropped a little. “He?” Her smile perked up again, but it wasn't as real as the one she wore a minute ago. “Okay. Sounds good. I’ll keep my schedule open. Bye Blitz!”
She walked off and Rainbow Blitz breathed a sigh of relive. He did it, Scoots is growing up and he did a small part to raise her. Far from being parent material today but, it feels good he thought as he took off into the sky.
Being a father’s gonna be great, if only I can find the right mare.
I shall be...The first liker of this story. You're welcome.
Then I'll be the second.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Although.... First fave goes to me and I am enjoying this story immensely.
~Skeeter The Lurker
I'm a little bit confused. Is Cheerilee supposed to be Scootaloo's mother, or is Scoot's an orphan, and Cheerilee was just being a teacher.
Fav'd and liked.
Hm... interesting...
Please Blitz, tell us more about this... friend...
I think you mean pegasus.
I prefer it to be Y'know. But that's me.
Umm, is it suppose to be molting?
But still, I like this