• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 3,397 Views, 43 Comments

The Misadventures of Scotch, Blitz and Jack - articunos bitch

Three of our Main characters are stallions. What sort of shenanigans do they get themselves into?

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Lots of Shipping! And reading

It was late Tuesday afternoon and Butterscotch held his head down as he made his way through the market, vendors called out to him trying to sell their last wares of the day but his mind was far away. He was going to ask out Cheerilee tonight. (just talk to her, you’ve done it before. and she’ll like the new museum wing in Pegasis) And Rainbow said he would look out for him as always, that includes being a renegade and threats to embarrass him. Getting him to come to this wasn’t anything new, and Daring Do was fun to read, he wasn’t as into it as Blitz was though. Maybe it had something to do with a kickplot pegasis gal?

(why do she have to be so pretty? i wouldn’t freeze up like that whenever i’m about to go beyond friendship. i never wanted to hurt my friendship with her, but is it too much to ask for more? a special pony for me? a swee- there she is!)

Cheerilee was trotting with Scootaloo in the direction of the Ponyville Library; she seemed very excited about something. Scootaloo had no trouble keeping up and buzzed her wings wildly. They were both avid Doers as their fandoms called themselves; Scoots had gotten interested when Blitz told her, and Cheerilee told Scotch she used to long for a life of adventure. Fortunately this mad town had enough adventure for her. ‘Still, it’s nice to dream,’ were her exact words. Maybe he could show her even more adventure someday?

** ** **

Spike was setting out snacks and drinks while Twilight was reminding several patrons that they would be closing soon but were free to stick around for the club meeting. Big Macintosh and Applebloom came into the entrance room.

“Good evening Big Mac. I had no idea you were a Daring Do fan.”

“Eeyup. Read the first one the month it came out. Got myself lost in the woods fer an hour lookin’ for an ancient ruin. Hehe. Granny started teaching me ‘bout local history that evenin’. I laughed so hard when Ah heard you found the Princesses old castle in the Everfree. Exactly what Ah was lookin’ fer but wrong side of town. Hehehe.”

“What do you know? We still have about fifteen minutes before we start so…make yourself at home.” There was a crash behind her suggesting his sister had done just that.

“Sorry Twilight. I am getting better at that turn.” Blitz said as he pulled himself to his hooves, flicked his wings and started putting books back at random.

She ran over to help him. “Oh let me. Don’t worry, these are for RIF at the school house next week. They’re old, worn, some are out of date text books…”

“Thanks. Hey, I was just up at Cloudsdale Library and saw something you would get a kick out of.” Reaching into his saddle pack he withdrew a small booklet and lay it in her hoof. “It about the Dewey Decimal System. It’s how they organize their library.”

She didn’t notice his smirk as she leafed through the pages. “I think I see, instead of assigning a category to a book, they have categories already made and every book fits into one. Actually, this could work out. Thanks Blitz!” Throwing her forehooves around him and patting his back.

“I meant it as a joke but okay!” He chuckled.

Cheerilee took this moment to walk in and saw the two of them hugging, causing her smile to drop to a scowl. Realizing it would be rude she smiled again and strut up to Twilight clearing her throat. Applebloom and Scootaloo both saw this and ran to each other to discuss this new development.

“Twilight, hi!”

“Hi Cheerilee. Is your sister joining us?”

“She figured staring at the wall would be better when I told her it would be a dry event.”

This caused all four adults to laugh while the two filly’s conspired.

“Ya see that?” Applebloom asked.

“Yeah. She doesn’t like Twilight’s hooves on her stallion.”

“Now, what do we do ‘bout it?”

Looking around Scootaloo sparked an idea. “Watch this, I’m gonna get Blitz and Cheerilee together agreeing on something.” She dashed up to the second floor landing and called out, “Rainbow Blitz! Watch me stick this landing!”

Scoots leaped the three meters to the first floor buzzing her wings all the while. She trained hard for flight and made leaps like this all the time on her own, there was no real danger. But nopony else knew that. She hardly lost her upwards momentum before Blitz zoomed over and caught her before her chance to land safely. Those few seconds of soaring were always the best of her life. The wind, the freedom, the slight tingle as her body’s magic made her nearly weightless; then it ends. Normally face down in the dirt or in someponies hooves, like now.

Blitz set her down and sighed. It was nothing he never did when he was young, and if she did hit the ground she would be fine, but Cheerilee had some words for her.

Twilight turned away as Scootaloo was being chewed out with Blitz and Cheerilee looking sternly at her, but her tail kept swishing back and forth like she was happy. Applebloom looked happy about something too. She turned to Big Mac.

“Anything new on the farm?”

“Granny sat my brother an’ Ah down this morning and told us she’s getting’ old and wants to meet her great-grand children.”

“Oh no! Is she sick!?”

“Hehehe Nnope. She might not be young as you but she’s strong as an ox. Her doctor says that new hip gave her her life back and she expects her t’ live long, good and active now. She’ll see her great-grand children. An’ she knows Applejack an’ Ah’ve been seeing our own gals. Just her way of sayin’ ‘let me meet ‘em already!’ Ah ain’t worried too much ‘bout the two them meetin’. Granny might embarrass her, me, herself, but she’ll approve of my girl. Applejack’s too, but she’ll be much harder on Rarity.”

“And just who IS this mystery mare I’ve heard of?” Twilight battered her eyes.

“You wish you knew. Soon ‘nugh Twilight.”

Shrugging she thought about ushering the remaining visitors out the door when Butterscotch peeked his head in.

“Butterscotch! Hi, are you here for the reading club too?”

“Umm, yes. Did I come at a bad time?” He saw Scootaloo still be lectured.

“No. Kids being kids is all.” Rainbow trotted over to greet him with a hoofbump. “Hey bro. I thought I told you to come early.”

“I still have five minutes,” he stated.

“Get over there and do it!” Blitz snarled and pointed a wing at Cheerilee.

“So, is this working out as you planned,” she teased.

“About as well as I should expect. My whole plan depends on Butters taking charge. Have I learned nothing!?”

“What did you say earlier?” She tried to calm him down. “This is what he wants and you’re doing this for him. There’s nothing more you can do unless you try this again another way. Kay big guy?”

Blitz sighed. “I know, but…I know.”

Cheerilee finished her tirade towards Scootaloo and turned to Twilight. “So, when do we start reading the book?”
Twilight motioned for Spike to herd the last patrons out. “Actually now. We have cushions set out so everypony can take a seat. Does everyone have a copy of Daring Do and the Endless Wastes?”

“Um, I don’t. Cheerilee? May I borrow your copy when it’s my turn?”

“Of course Butterscotch. Sit next to me.”

Setting themselves gently on their seats forming a circle Twilight sat down first and Cheerilee next to her with Butterscotch next to her. Applebloom was flanked by her brother and Scootaloo who had Blitz on her other side.

“Is everypony here? Well let’s dec-“

She was cut off by the front door slamming open. The pegasis mare gently shut it behind her and took a seat with a cushion separating her from Butterscotch and Big Mac looking flustered as she spat her book out of her mouth. “I know I said I would be here on time, I’m sorry. Did I miss anything?” She asked Butterscotch.

“Cloudkicker, how would you like to open to the Prolouge and be our first reader?”

“I would love to Twilight!”

** ** **

Like all Daring Do books, Endless Wastes started off with Daring making a heroic find, rescue or escape. This one featured a find involving a temple worshipping bananas, an ancient Alicorn statue and a hidden hole at its back. Nearly traumatized by the experience she was bitten by a snake and had to race to the hospital with its lifeless body in her mouth, it’s what she got for not brining a bite kit along.

The next chapter jumped months ahead to a dig site in the cold deserts of the farthest East. This had always been a dangerous part of the world and Daring was not pleased with the mercenaries Professor Ash hired to protect the archeology team.

Big Mac never said too much in public but he had a wide range of Voices to separate each characters’ lines. “I get it. Lots and lots of bugs, but a flamethrower is too far!”

“It can get burn out their tunnels entirely Professor Do. I’m not letting someone get hurt because we’re afraid of fire. He’s a professional, he knows what he’s doing.”

“He never takes off his suit, even his mask. I never see him eat, I’m not even sure it IS a him. And that explosives ‘expert’ is always drinking!

“He’s gets nervous when he’s bored. He’ll be fine under pressure.”

“Ash; drink, explosives, and preservation of antique items don’t mix. You need to lose one! This is a-“

“Do. Relax. They can handle things.”

“Thank you Big Mac. Applebloom, I believe it’s your turn. Applebloom?”

“Wha! Whad’ja say Miss Twilight?” She stuttered blinking herself awake.

Scootaloo had been slouching for the past thirty minutes and drooling for five. “I think you and Scootaloo have had enough. Don’t you think so?” she asked her brother and Cheerilee.

“Yes, indeed. Thank you Twilight for a wonderful evening. Come along, Scootaloo.” She hefted the sleepy filly onto her back and slowly made her way for the door. Cloudkicker opened it for her and Cheerilee turned and gave a sultry look to her host before turning around and putting more sway into her hips than normal.

Big Mac bit onto his sisters neck and tossed her onto his back as she let out a yawn. Grabbing his and her own copy of Daring Do he also thanked Twilight and left.

Twilight turned around and spoke. “Okay boys and girls. I was going to suggest we keep reading but does anyone want to stop?”

“I should be going Twi. Sorry again for being late, but I had a good time.” Cloudkicker said.

“Wait Kicker.” She dropped her voice to show her concern. “I know what Scotch has been telling us but, how are you doing?”

Cloudkicker dropped her head in shame. “I’m surviving. I wish I could say it’s over but…”

“I understand.” She nuzzled her. “I’m so glad.”

“See you tomorrow Twilight,” she said while turning around.

“Hey, Scotch. You’re still holding Cheerilee’s book aren’t you?” Blitz asked as Cloudkicker trotted out the door.

“Oh yeah. I should probably go retu-“

“Yes you should. Tomorrow!”

Scotch stuttered out “B-But she just left-“

“After a day of work and a sleepy filly on her back. Look, I’ll walk you through what to say.” Blitz tried to explain as he guided Scotch to the door.

“Wait wait wait!” Twilight blocked their path. “Rainbow, I need you to help me reorganize the library!”

His shock showed clearly on his face. “Whaaat!? Now? Why?”

“I want to give Dewey a chance! And you know it better than me. And Spike went to bed already. C’mon Blitz, I don’t wanna do this myself. Please?”

<sigh> “Oh alright. Butters, I’ll get to you before school gets out tomorrow. You’re gonna give her book back tomorrow afternoon and she’s gonna give you a date. Now get hustle home and get a good night sleep solider!”
“Yes Rainbow Blitz.” Scotch trotted outside into the night with Twilight closing the door behind him.

“Okay Twilight. Where do we start?”

“First, we should take each book off the shelf and find its category. Let’s start on this shelf.” She magically dropped every book off the shelf into a pile.

It was slow, tedious, boring work in Blitz’s opinion. He kept the guide booklet next to him since every title brought out new questions.

“Twilight, why do we have a book about libraries in a library?”

“Because Blitz,” he turned to look her in the eye. “Where else are you going to keep a book about libraries?”

“Of course,” he muttered as he went back to work. “Hey, you dumped a whole encyclopedia set on the ground! It’s a set; they’re supposed to go together.” He looked at her again and saw her pile of sorted books, or lack of a pile.

“How many have you gone through?”

“Umm, none. Hehe…” She was blushing furiously.

“I don’t care how adorkable you are; I’m not doing this whole library. You wanted me to help you, so help me.”

“I’m sorry, I just…You were so sweet doing this for me and I want to thank you but I can’t think of how.” She pawed the floor in indecision, still flustered.

“Twi, I didn’t take it seriously and I didn’t expect you to either. But you said the words.” He stepped over to her and lifted her head to look him in the eye. “And that’s good enough for me.” He started to turn away but she turned his head back to face her again. He could feel her breath on his muzzle a second before her lips collided with his.

(holy Lord! her kiss is sweet) He savored the tough of her lips with his eyes gracefully closed, before they shot open as the shock registered. Pulling back his wings fluttered to attention and he gasped for breath and stepped back. Twilight meanwhile gasped as well throwing her hooves over her mouth, blushing more than ever. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” she stammered with her eyes full of tears.

“Hey, hey..” he leaped to her side and enveloped her in his wing and cradling her head. “Shhhhh. It’s okay.” His head was spinning too; her kisses were indeed sweet to taste.

“No it’s not.” Twilight squeaked out. “That was my first kiss and-“

“It wasn’t bad,” he whispered kissing her on the head.

She looked up to face him again questionably.

“You mean, lips are sensitive and any contact you’re okay with is going to be good?”

“I mean I liked it. It was a good kiss.” He stared at her as she enveloped his face with her hooves and pulled him in for round two.

Rainbow Blitz pushed her onto her back and drove his tongue into her mouth causing her to squeal in surprise and approval. Wings flared every direction, hooves ran across bellies and flanks, both ponies unlocked carnal parts of their minds kept shut and forgotten.

** ** **

Spike was awoken by a BANG that shook the whole home. His legs and tail shot out to make himself more intimidating to a predator but there was none. Looking around for the canon he instead saw a blue blur crash into Twilight’s bed. Picking up his blanket her recognized both shapes and what they were preparing for, and that was his cue.

“GoingtospendthenightatPinkie’sbye!” Dashing out to the main library and taking the steps three by three he turned off the light before running out his special made door. Slamming it shut he breathed in the warm night air, grateful to be away from Blitz and Twilight doing…causing trouble.


Twilight asked Spike to leave her alone for the night before, she might have been working on something and didn’t want him distracting her. On such nights he was welcome to Pinkie’s apartment above SugarCube Corner, climbing the fire escape of course. Rarity was the only other one who lived close enough and he did not want to risk waking her up explaining the situation, and Pinkie was always excited and only asked one question.

He poked her shoulder whispering. “Pinkie Pie? Can I sleep with you tonight?”

She didn’t move but answered without hesitation very clearly, “Sounds great! But shouldn’t you buy me dinner first?”

<sigh> He climbed into her bed and felt her hooves wrap around him. “Push over. Little more. Thanks Pinkie.”

“What’s Twilight doing?”

“Pfft, Rainbow Blitz.”

Pinkie let out her copy written gasp and squeezed Spike tighter. “Aww, that’s sweet.”

“Yeah, you weren’t woken up by them.”

“I know who I’m throwing a party for in the morning! Good night Spike.”

“Night Pinkie.”